#Kaia Ardentheart
the-blazing-light · 1 year
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Somebody from the guild gifted me the new vest and it's perfect for Kaia's more casual look ;w;
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wilsons-journey · 4 months
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Part 2 / 2
And now some fullbody chibis for EUs ArtParty (February)
Kaia Ardentheart - @the-blazing-light
Scintylla Sparkshot - @magnificentunigoat
Revale Fireflower - @oprez
Part 1:
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brightwingedbat · 4 months
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February's Art Party brings you four charr as usual from me ahaha I am noticeably getting better each art party I go to.
Valefor Wynther - @wilsons-journey Ahrikima - @ahrikima Kaia Ardentheart - @the-blazing-light Scintylla Sparkshot - @magnificentunigoat
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the-blazing-light · 1 year
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My new(ish) cat, Kaia Ardentheart, who commits and supports women's wrongs
A headstrong and charismatic Iron Legion warrior with an affinity for tinkering, she loves to customize and work on her weapons, every single one of which she's given a name. She loves a good party, a good fight, revels in the attention of other people and treats a lot of the situations she gets into like a fun game... Until she gets a hard smack of a realisation that people rely on her and trust her as a leader, that she's responsible for their lives and the fate of Tyria as a whole
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the-blazing-light · 10 months
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Kaia enjoying having some off time in Labyrinthine Cliffs with her griffon, Khan
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the-blazing-light · 1 year
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the girl is out for violence
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the-blazing-light · 10 months
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the-blazing-light · 10 months
How about, rank characters from dexterity to strength as in what they use for combat maybe note a specific trait of dexterity/strength for some characters
I ain't gonna do all characters cuz that's dfhjgjh a lot of 'em to get down to but I'll throw in some that I think deserve a shoutout in that sense but dfjghjh that's gonna be a long one anyway
To no one's surprise, Arengar is extremely physically strong, and being Blood Legion born and raised, yeah he prefers to approach fights with brute force of muscle and magic rather than in any dexterous or stealthy way, and being a heavy-armored, 8 feet tall charr makes trying to be agile or sneaky hard to begin with, him preferring to block hits with aegis and other guardian spells or just straight-up take 'em as opposed to dodging them. All that to say, not that he can't fight with strategy and intelligence put into it, but he certainly prefers just a plain, head-on approach 90% of the time, as for a charr of his particular skillset the alternatives are usually a waste of time
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Kaia is yet another meat wall of a charr. She's extremely strong and durable, as expected of a warrior, and is even more hard-headed and straightforward than Arengar is. Being a warrior, she can't really protect her friends with any sorta spells, instead using her own body as a shield, able to take the punishment and give it back to the enemy twice as hard. Additionally, she's a spellbreaker, with her approach to it involving literally throwing whatever magic her enemies tossed at her right back in their face, so a lot of the time getting hit is her battle tactic. Get hit, shrug it off, toss it back and pummel your opponent with a hammer until it's done.
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Alistair on the other hand really isn't physically strong nor durable. He's an agile, quick mesmer, who can't really take hits but if he plays his cards right, he doesn't in the first place. Confusing his enemies, teleporting around constantly, staying away from the opponent and cloaking himself with mesmer magic is core of his fighting style, with the way he fights it's almost a dance: graceful, fast and quite deadly.
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Now Arren's a perfect combination of the two. He's very short, but stocky, quick and unexpectedly strong. His hits pack a punch but also being a thief he's extremely hard to catch and pin down, which he uses to his advantage.
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Now Aela is on the other side where she's surprisingly agile. She's a heavy-armored soldier, and yet she's extremely lean and fast, dashing and teleporting around, delivering quick, deadly strikes, cutting down the enemy before they can even strike back. Her and Arren actually share a very similar fighting style, being trained together in Ash Legion, but both adapted it to suit better their professions, thief and guardian respectively.
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Lani's just another massive, bulky brick wall that swings around a hammer that's twice as big as some humans. Not much to say here, he's not known for being good at strategy or... Some would say thinking in general, but he sure can handle himself in a fight, be it an all-out war effort or just another bar brawl.
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Zemzus is interesting, because he's your typical run of the mill scholar with athleticism of a wet noodle, but he's also an extremely powerful reaper necromancer. While he's not powerful physically per say, he more than makes up for it with his magic, which allows him to just rely on sheer brute force of it.
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the-blazing-light · 1 year
If Tyria had Doom you know Kaia would've absolutely loved it
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