#Aloysius Parker
edorazzi · 4 months
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More Thunderbirds Are Go comics! 🚀✨
It's been a while but I've had the first two lying around for months waiting to post a full set! In which neurodivergent John sets off people's AI detectors, gets bullied for his fashion choices, and Penelope battles with her conflicting standards when it comes to Gordon...
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atomic-chronoscaph · 1 year
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Lady Penelope and Parker - Thunderbirds (1965)
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lenfantdeverone · 4 months
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People on Facebook were sharing this everywhere with the Hazbin Hotel characters, I took it upon myself to make it Thunderbirds themed (i tried my best to associate everyone sorry if some feel off)
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alexthefly · 23 days
Spilling Tea
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This was supposed to be an entry for this week's @flashfictionfridayofficial, but life got in the way and I went really over time (😅), so it's just a silly little something now, bringing a well-loved TOS character to the TAG universe. Enjoy!
Fandom: Thunderbirds/Thunderbirds are Go
Content: mention of Pen & Ink (canon events only)
Spoiler warning for TAG episode 1:10, Tunnels of Time
Or read it on AO3
Lillian and her trusty scouring pad had just reached a particularly stubborn bit of baked-on sauce at the back of the oven when she heard the kitchen door go, followed by a great clattering of boot and chair.
“Cor Lil, do us a cuppa would ya? H’I’m gasping, I am!”
Of course, she thought. There's only one person in the world who could make that much noise just entering a room. 
Master thief my backside…
“You’ve got legs, haven’t ya? Get it yourself,” she called, not looking up. “Can't you see I’m busy?”
“Aww, but I’ve ‘ad an ‘ard day. H’I’m dead on my feet!”
“You’ll be dead under my feet if you keep carrying on,” she grumbled. “Though on second thought,” - she extricated her head from the oven and took off her marigolds - “I'd better do it for you. Who knows what you might set fire to if I left you to it.”
She clambered slowly to her half-asleep feet and finally looked over to see Nosy Parker seated at the kitchen table, covered in dust, trying and failing to stifle a chuckle.
“Looks to me like you’ve been burning a few things yourself, girl. Get a look at your face!”
She limped over to the hob and checked her reflection in the shining silver kettle there, only to see a grime-smeared ragamuffin staring back at her.
“You could be an extra in H'Oliver!” Parker chortled, clearly delighted with his joke.
She just barely resisted the urge to fling the kettle at him - she had only just polished it, after all - and instead wiped her face with a nearby tea towel before flinging that at him instead. He spluttered some sort of outrage at the assault, but she noted that he never actually stopped smirking at her.
“Whatcha so ‘appy about anyway?” she asked, filling the kettle and setting the hob on. “I thought you was bone-tired.”
Parker yawned and stretched, kicking his boots off under the table, which earned him a royal scowl.
“I am. Been traipsing round a bleedin’ temple all day, ‘aven’t I? I’ve been shut in, shot at, gassed, nearly buried h’alive…”
“Well that's bad luck. Still, perhaps they’ll get you next time.”
He glowered at her, but carried on.
“Frankly I’m just glad we made it out in one piece. No thanks to Gordon Tracy of course - ‘e was no ‘elp at all. All that equipment ‘e brought, and what good did it do us? ‘Er Ladyship said the same thing. Well, not in so many words…”
“Is she alright?” Lillian asked, leaning casually on the countertop. Her Ladyship was a tough lady indeed, but for all his catastrophising it sounded like they'd had quite a time of it.
“Oh yes, right as rain,” replied Parker. “Save perhaps for a smooshed nose, courtesy of that great fishy lummox.’
“Gordon did that?”
Lillian quickly scrolled through her various kitchen utensils in her head, considering how they might best be inflicted on a young Tracy’s sensitive bits. A jaded old bird she may be, but she didn't mess about when it came to Lady Penelope’s wellbeing.
That was one thing she and Parker had in common.
Perhaps sensing impending bloodshed, Parker held up his hands in an attempt to placate his companion.
“He never meant any ‘arm, Lil. It was my fault really, setting off that booby trap like that - he was jus’ trying to save ‘er from a fatal stabbin’. And ‘Er Ladyship gave ‘im a right ol’ earful over it, so I reckon the poor lad’s suffered enough.”
The kettle whistle blew and Lillian straightened to go and make the tea, still quietly plotting.
“The truth is,” he continued, “I think ‘e might be a bit sweet on her."
She was so surprised she almost dropped the kettle on her foot.
"Really? Gordon?"
He nodded. "Like a puppy, ‘e is, following ‘er around, trying to h’impress ‘er, like; he’s like a little blond labrador.”
“A dogfish,” she suggested, grabbing a packet of biscuits from the overhead cupboard.
“Ha! H’exactly!” he chuckled. “Wet nose and wet behind the ears, that one!”
Carefully, she balanced the full cups on a tray and took it over to the table.
“But ‘e’s not that young though, is he? Twenty-four?”
“About that,” replied Parker, shovelling a hobnob in his mouth. “Seems younger though, somehow. Too young for ‘er, anyway.”
“You would say that though, wouldn’t ya? Nobody's ever gonna be good enough for her s’far as you’re concerned.”
He grinned sheepishly and reached for another biscuit.
Lillian stared into her teacup, thinking.
“You don’t think she might like ‘im too, then?”
Parker’s biscuit fell in his cup.
“You wot?”
“Well I was just thinkin’,” she said, handing him a teaspoon to fish his biscuit out, “all this talk about how annoying he is and ‘ow he’s always getting into scrapes ‘n’ all that…” She took a sip. “It just seems that if she didn't like ‘im, she might not care quite so much what ‘e does.”
“Don't talk soft, woman!” exclaimed Parker, forgetting all about his slowly-disintegrating hobnob. “She’s fond of all those Tracy boys, Gordon included. It's part of her nature to worry after ‘em. Nothing more than that, I'm sure.”
“Hmmm. If you say so…”
They sat in silence for a minute, pondering.
“Though…” Parker started. “...Nah.”
She picked up another teaspoon. “I’m going to stick this somewhere painful if you don't come out with it.”
"You wouldn't dare," he scoffed.
A gulp.
“A moment?” She leaned forwards.
“Alright, alright, keep your ‘air on! It's only that I was just thinkin’, back there, there was a… a moment.”
“Between the two of ‘em, when we were up on that stairway, starin’ death in the face…”
He paused, waiting for sympathy.
She brandished her spoon at him. “And?”
He rolled his eyes.
“Well, we all thought that might be it - ‘The H’End’, as it were…”
“An’ he was saying something about us not having much time, and it being now or never…”
“And the way they was looking at each other, it was like…”
She was right on the edge of her seat, tea and spoon both entirely forgotten.
He shrugged. “Well anyway, then next thing I knew, we was grappling into the air and out the roof to safety.”
She blinked.
“...What? That's it?!”
She picked up the tea towel off the table and threw it at him again.
“You almost ‘ad me then, you bleedin’ tease! Gettin’ me all invested like that…”
“What? That's what ‘appened!”
She was fuming. “I thought you’d at least say he kissed her hand or something. ‘A look’, he says!”
He flushed. “It was more than that-”
“Load of nonsense. You’ve been watching too many of those serials on telly!”
She got to her feet and stormed over to the oven.
“I can't be sittin’ here listenin’ to this rubbish all day. Got things to do,” she grumbled, pulling her rubber gloves back on.
He folded his arms, glowering. “Well that's just fine then! Last time I tell you anything.”
And so they retreated to their respective corners to sulk; her scrubbing the oven, him harrumphing in his chair, stormclouds hovering between.
A minute passed. Then two.
“...You can finish up your tea before ‘elping me with the dinner, if you like?”
“...Yeah, alright then.”
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matt0044 · 9 months
Recommendation to mutuals: I really loved Thunderbirds Are Go!
The rescues have the right balance between being based on future technologies and grounded in the real world where it could theoretically be possible. It carries the spirit of the original of how the rescues would be so nail biting because of what could likely go wrong.
There's also certain improvement to the original when it comes to characters. The Tracy Brothers and Kayo have more identifiable personalities with the brothers feeling like, well, brothers who'll roast each other playfully but be there for each other come what may.
You even have Parker being unscrupulous at times with episode revolving around his "misspent youth" and how he values the second chance he got.
Perhaps the real star of the show is that of the model environments that the CGI characters and vehicles interact with. It sort of carries on the spirit of Supermarionation by why of puppeting the CG models across real life construsts. Sometimes I can't always tell which setting is real or animated.
The first two seasons are on Amazon Prime with clips of it on YouTube. Look up the launches for the vehicles and tell me that they aren't epic as all hell.
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squiddokiddo · 5 months
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.⊹*𖦹Thunderbirds Birthdays 2024 𖦹*⊹.
So there's already been a lot of you saying yes to birthday weeks and I just can't wait until the poll ends so I'm posting this all for you now to give you plenty of time to prepare for our first week which will be in a months time. (We missed Jeff's but he's still listed.) Ok on with the list:
☄️Jeff - 2nd January☄️
Jeff Tracy Week: Monday 1st January - Sunday 7th January (Already passed at the time of this post)
🫧Gordon - 14th February🫧
Gordon Tracy Week: Monday 12th February - Sunday 18th February
🚀Alan - 12th of March🚀
Alan Tracy Week: Monday 11th March - Sunday 17th March
🌩️Scott - 4th April🌩️
Scott Tracy Week: Monday 1st April - Sunday 7th April
🔓Parker - 30th May🔓
Parker Week: Monday 27th May - Sunday 2nd June
⚔️Kayo/Tin-Tin - 20th June⚔️
Kayo/Tin-Tin Kyrano Week: Monday 17th June - Sunday 23rd June
🎨Virgil - 15th August🎨
Virgil Tracy Week: Monday 12th August - Sunday 18th August
🪐John - 8th October🪐
John Tracy Week: Monday 7th October - Sunday 13th October
⚙️Brains - 14th November⚙️
Brains Week: Monday 11th November - Sunday 17th November
🌸Lady Penelope - 24th December🌸
Lady P Week: Monday 23rd December - Sunday 29th December
I've only listed characters with canon birthdays, for John I chose the birthdate that was referenced the most in Thunderbirds media. (like books and annuals and such)
I'll post a reminder at the start of these weeks for y'all so you don't forget, pls don't feel obligated to join in if you don't want to, I'm just setting this up for fun.
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skymaiden32 · 8 months
His Guardian Angels
Read on AO3 here
Fandom: Thunderbirds
Tagging: @dragonoffantasyandreality @thundergeek59 @janetm74 @katblu42 @liseylou @amistrio @uniwolfcorn (Please ask if you would like to get alerts when I update or post new stories.)
Thundertober Day 2: Espionage
Kayo goes on a mission with Lady P to retrieve something that was stolen from International Rescue...
Continuity: TAG
The hallway crawled with guards as Kayo dodged expertly around boxes and complex machinery, keeping to the shadows as she always did. She hoped she could get there before the sale was made to the highest bidder. Penelope was buying her as much time as she could up there, she just hoped it was enough.
While she ran, she thought vaguely about how they had ended up in the first place. Long story short, it had been a long week, with non-stop and difficult rescues back to back. And a long week meant that even John, who was usually quite quick with security leaks and was sharper than a knife, didn’t see the virus slowly but surely attacking their networks until it was too late. Soon enough, EOS was almost taken out and their communications and trackers went offline. 
Brains and John had never resolved a security hazard faster in their lives, even giving EOS more resources to protect herself and IR’s information so that such a savage malware attack could never happen again. When they finally got their systems back online, after several long and agonising hours, Alan wasn’t answering anyone’s calls. 
Scott had been beside himself, Virgil and Gordon both wanted to bash in the heads of the responsible parties, and John still couldn’t let go of his guilt, despite the other’s best efforts. That was where Kayo came in. With her brothers still reeling from Alan’s disappearance, she’d taken the initiative and called in Lady Penelope for help. She was probably going to get an earful from Scott later for adding to the worry, but right now, she didn’t care. All she cared about was getting her little brother back…
Soon, she came to the end of the corridor, eyeing the two burly men with guns guarding a large metallic door. Bingo. The guards didn’t even know what hit them before she knocked them flat on their faces. Once she was sure they both out cold for hours to come, she swung the door open, furious expression turning to relief when her suspicions turned out to be correct.
Kayo saw Alan squint against the light that filtered through the doorway, in all likelihood framing her as his saviour. “K-Kayo…?” He croaked out shakily, as if not believing what he was seeing was real. 
She raced towards him, scooping him up into her arms and carrying him out the dark, dingy room without a word. Her heart broke into a million pieces when he clung onto her for dear life. “It’s me, Alan… And I’m not letting go for a long time…”
“And so, Mr Grafton, that is why I believe-” Her long tirade finally ended when her opponent interrupted her, sighing.
“Beg your pardon, Your Ladyship, but I do have another meeting waiting after you.” The crook sighed. “Perhaps we could finish this another time…”
Penelope frowned. “But Mr Grafton, I am simply explaining my concerns about this new monorail project of yours. If I can perhaps get a dear friend of mine to assist with the designs-”
“No! Absolutely not!” Grafton froze like a deer in headlights. Penelope hid her delight behind a well-trained pokerface. Got him. “I mean…” He quickly backtracked. “I have some of the best engineers in the country working on this thing. I assure you, it’s perfectly safe.”
The noblewoman glanced down at her compact, carefully watching as the light on the top flashed twice. Kayo had Alan, and had already left for home in Thunderbird Shadow. It was high time she did the same. She sighed in mock defeat. “Very well then.” She stood up, saving Grafton’s feet from an increasingly irritable Sherbert. “I suppose I had better get going.” She smiled at Grafton, deceptively sweet and cordial. “I do hope you can get the money you require for this project, Mr Grafton.”
“I have several…” he paused, “...assets I can offer my investors, Lady Penelope.”
Penelope smiled. “Oh I’m sure you do, Mr Grafton. I’m sure you do…” She left the room as quickly as she could without raising suspicion, glancing at Parker as she did. That one look between them confirmed all that Parker wanted to know. He didn’t have his so-called ‘assets’ anymore.
“Where the hell have you been, Kayo?!” The familiar voice practically screamed into her comms the second she came back online, as predicted. What she incorrectly guessed, however, was just who was doing the screaming. “Do you have any idea how worried we’ve all been? First Alan goes missing, and then you leave without telling anyone where you’re going?! You are in so much trouble when you get back.”
Kayo waited patiently for her brother to end his rant, and quickly cut in before he could say anything else. “Sorry Gordon, I had to maintain radio silence for this mission. This guy had already taken out our security. I just couldn’t risk him having some kind of backdoor and hearing all about it…”
Gordon, for perhaps the first time in his life, appeared to be speechless. “You mean…?”
“Yep.” Kayo confirmed. “I’ve got him, all thanks to Penelope. He’s asleep right now in the back seat of Shadow. Better get Virgil to set up an IV. Looks like those monsters didn’t give him any sort of nourishment.”
“I’m on it!” Gordon nodded on the hologram, and went to turn off the comm. Right before he did however, he said something that made her feel so much better. “I’m glad you did what you did. Both of you.” He grinned. “You guys are like his guardian angels.”
Kayo chuckled. “Thanks, Gordon. I’ll see you guys soon.”
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ami-ven · 5 days
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Happy 11th Birthday, Aloysius Parker!
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drmopp1966 · 8 months
someone i’m in a discord server with found a vintage thunderbirds sheet music book and sent me a PDF scan of it!!
one of the songs in it was “Parker”, which according to the book was composed specially for it.
so here’s my arrangement of “Parker”!
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atomic-chronoscaph · 2 years
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Sylvia Anderson on the set of Thunderbirds (1965)
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mrmustachious · 1 year
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Day 7 of @thunder-pride ~ Achillean Parker
This is an old gay man who is the original be gay do crime and we love him for that <3
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a-rare-jewell · 1 year
Live action Thunderbirds are go! Cast !!
part 1 (part 2 in reblogs)
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taffydragonart · 1 year
Alright here's the fourth and final set of Anderverse Inktober '20:
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My favorite caption given for the 30th one: "Dad, the Doctor Who stuff is over there."
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squiddokiddo · 1 year
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Happy pride!!
Now time for some personal headcanons:
🪽 Scott - He/Him - Straight Ally
The only straight Tracy brother, he supports his siblings 100%. Scott eats queerphobes for breakfast.
🎨 Virgil - He/they - Demiromantic Asexual
Virgil's true love is his art and thunderbird 2, he has however fallen for a couple of close friends in the past but as of present he isn't looking for a relationship
🚀 Alan - He/Him - Bisexual
Alan always knew he liked girls but he only figured out that he also liked boys after getting a crush on one of his classmates at school. He later wrote his crush a valentine's.
🫧 Gordon - He/They - Panromantic Asexual
Gords is a hopeless romantic, he catches feelings for people quite easily and expresses his love quite openly. He first discovered his panromanticism and later found out he was ace.
🪐 John - He/Him - Questioning and Unlabeled
John doesn't like to label his sexuality but is also unsure of his attraction. He's also not particularly interested in relationships but believes that maybe someone will capture his heart one day.
⚔️ Kayo - She/Her - Lesbian
Kayo always knew she wasn't interested in men, she felt self conscious because "girls were supposed to like boys". She later started crushing on a girl she met in secondary school and had a sudden gay realisation.
☀️ EOS - She/They - Demigirl
After befriending john, Eos didn't have to think solely about survival anymore and now had time to explore humanity and all it's concepts.
After a long journey of self discovery she found out that they were a demigirl.
⚙️ Brains - He/Him - Gay
Brains had been in the closet a long time and had tried to hide his sexuality from the world, he forced himself to date women but it always made him miserable. After meeting the Tracy family, it took him several years of watching the others come out one by one and all supporting eachother, that he found the courage to come out himself.
🍪 Grandma - She/Her - Polyamorous Bisexual
As a young woman Grandma used to hang around a lot of gay bars and had several relationships before meeting her husband. Right now grandma isn't focused on finding any relationships as she's more occupied by her role in IR.
🌸 Lady Penelope - She/Her - Questioning
Penny isn't sure of her orientation, she's quite private about personal things like dating so she's working it out by herself.
🔓 Parker - He/Him - Straight Ally
Parker has never had any doubt about his sexuality, he has however worked with a lot of queer individuals during his "misspent youth" where he learnt all sorts of things about different identities.
I also just want to say that even though these are my headcanons I'm also open to everyone else's too.❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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hebuiltfive · 7 months
::makes you a cuppa::
manner minded: [character] remembers their good manners while sick. Parker
It may have taken me a couple of months to get back to answering these prompts, but as promised, I did not forget! Hope you enjoy this one, @janetm74, and, once again, thank you for the asks! These are really fun to write up!
Manner Minded (feat. Parker)
Penelope always had a cup of Fortnum and Mason’s Green Earl Grey tea when she woke, and Parker was always the one who made and served it. Seven thirty sharp (unless a prior arrangement for an earlier wake-up time had been made) in the breakfast room of the Creighton-Ward Manor. In all his years as Penelope’s faithful shadow, combining the roles of chauffeur and bodyguard with those more traditionally domestic titles such as butler and housekeeper, Parker had never once missed a morning tea round.
So, he certainly wasn’t going to allow this stinking cold to get in the way today.
The wake-up had been brutal. His nose was stuffy and his head… ‘Cor blimey, his head felt like multiple high-speed trains were constantly running through it. When he stretched, bones cracked in unusual places and muscles screamed at him to just stay still and don’t move. He knew he was getting old, but did his body really have to make such a big deal over it all?
Parker ignored the wave of dizziness as he finally rolled out of his bed. He knew Her Ladyship wouldn’t mind him taking the morning off but his strong sense of duty had him pressing on. There were things on the agenda that he really should see to. His body, and by extension this cold, would just have to shut up and put up.
Getting dressed proved a marathon. It took him twice as long to get changed out of his pyjamas and into his usual go-to uniform of comfortable black casual wear. His feet were caught up in the legs of his trousers and, despite checking thoroughly after the third attempt, he had managed to put his shirt on the wrong way a total of five times.
By the time he was fit enough to leave his room (though the true meaning of that word ‘fit’ varied heavily today, it seemed), Parker was already exhausted. He cast a glance at his bed, all readily made up and tidied just as he prepared it every morning. Later, he promised himself.
The breakfast room’s doorframe collided with his shoulder, causing a shooting pain to go straight down his arm. The tray, upon which the tea he had so lovingly crafted not ten minutes earlier, fell to the floor in an almighty crash that had Penelope running out into the hallway.
“Parker? What’s going on?” She asked as she opened the door to the carnage. Her eyes were filled with concern, glancing from her ever-faithful companion to the mess on the floor, and then back again.
“H’it’s fine, m’lady.”
Penelope was at his side in an instant, taking his elbow to guide him into the room. Cautiously, she deposited him on one of the chairs at the table. Sherbet yapped at his feet. Parker tried to tune out the noise.
“Are you going to tell me what happened or am I going to be forced to guess?”
The support the chair offered was a great comfort to Parker, who was currently trying to battle nausea. He felt sweat drip from his brow and catch on his eyelash. With a simple, shaky swipe, he wiped it away. “Just a cold, m’lady.”
“This doesn’t seem like just a cold to me, Parker.”
His blocked nose seemed to tickle and Parker managed to get his handkerchief to his face in time to catch the sneeze. “Sorry, m’lady.”
Sherbet continued his incessant barking, his paws padding at Parker’s legs.
Penelope tutted quietly, bending down to retrieve the pup before it could be of anymore annoyance. “Now, now, there’s no need for apologies.”
“But the rug…” Parker tried to gesture with a pointing finger but found the effort to keep his arm extended for more than a few seconds too tiresome.
“The rug is unimportant. Your health, however… Take the day off, Parker.”
“But, m’lady!”
“There is nothing on the agenda today that can’t be rescheduled.” Penelope crouched so she was eye-level with him. “Go back to bed, Parker. I can clean this all up.”
Once again, he tried to protest, but Penelope simply held up a hand to stop him. 
“No. Bed. Now. There is nothing more important than you resting and recovering. I’ll be up later with some medicine and breakfast.”
Parker knew that tone and he knew better than to try and argue his case. He stood from the seat, and paid no attention to the sway in his step as he slowly left the room. “Yes, m’lady.”
The stained rug he carefully tiptoed over had his cheeks burning up in shame. Never in all his years of service had he made such a mess by accident. He knew what Her Ladyship had said, he knew that she was right in what she said, and yet he still felt a pit in his stomach that wasn’t down to his illness.
He wasn’t aware of the shadow following him as he made his way back to his room, only noticing Sherbet had trailed after him once he’d got himself back under the warmth of the covers. In normal circumstances, the dog was barred from Parker’s quarters, but whether it was because he had no energy left to chastise him or because he actually appreciated company of any sort, Parker made no complaints when the comforting weight of Sherbet settled on his chest and lulled him back to sleep.
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tracybirds · 1 year
For the Thunderpride Palette Challenge:
Parker + 2!
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You know what, I reckon Gordon's existence really reaffirms Parker's decision to remain child free his whole life :D Gordon was 100% painting TB2 when he kicked the paint bucket off the scaffold right onto Parker's favourite jacket and trust me the boy is RUNNING
Maybe Parker can grumble so much to the kindly older gentleman who runs the local dry cleaners that he'll actually be endearing and snag a date :D
thank you for sending in a number anon and helping us celebrate @thunder-pride !! if you'd like to join in, see the palettes here!!
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