#penelope creighton ward
forest-falcon · 6 months
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matt0044 · 9 months
Recommendation to mutuals: I really loved Thunderbirds Are Go!
The rescues have the right balance between being based on future technologies and grounded in the real world where it could theoretically be possible. It carries the spirit of the original of how the rescues would be so nail biting because of what could likely go wrong.
There's also certain improvement to the original when it comes to characters. The Tracy Brothers and Kayo have more identifiable personalities with the brothers feeling like, well, brothers who'll roast each other playfully but be there for each other come what may.
You even have Parker being unscrupulous at times with episode revolving around his "misspent youth" and how he values the second chance he got.
Perhaps the real star of the show is that of the model environments that the CGI characters and vehicles interact with. It sort of carries on the spirit of Supermarionation by why of puppeting the CG models across real life construsts. Sometimes I can't always tell which setting is real or animated.
The first two seasons are on Amazon Prime with clips of it on YouTube. Look up the launches for the vehicles and tell me that they aren't epic as all hell.
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tanushakyrano · 2 months
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another kapril drawing!!! poorly digitally edited sketch of kayo and penny as hecate and pippa from the worst witch (@room-on-broom thought u might enjoy this heehee)
(og characters under the cut)
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the fact that there are more fics under the pippa pentangle tag than there are under the main character of the whole show when pippa is in literally 2 episodes is so funny to me
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gumnut-logic · 8 months
WiP Wednesday
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Ooh, look, it’s still Wednesday and I actually remembered.
As for WiPs, they seem to be all I can post lately anyway, so I actually have plenty to post.
“I really wish you boys wouldn’t do that.”
Her voice had lost her usual calm, and it hurt.
He opened his mouth to protest but was startled when her finger pressed down across his lips in a command for silence.
“You do so much, there was no need to…”
Something caught in his throat and he coughed. Everything screamed. The sky shuddered and all he could hear was the blood in his ears.
“Virgil! Virgil, honey…” Her soft palm cupped his cheek as to reach into the abyss and catch him. “Stay with me.” And in those words was some of the more familiar steel in her voice. No one denied Lady Penelope anything.
He fought for focus, but breathing hurt, everything hurt, living hurt. Blue eyes hovered above him with that steely demand and he had no choice but to obey.
“Your brothers are coming.”
His brothers. He blinked.
Scott was going to be upset.
He had to be there to stop them from going too far. He was the rock, the stability, he owed them his presence.
His heart caught in his throat again and tried to strangle him. It was so damned hard to breathe and it wasn’t fair.
It was supposed to be a fun day. They had been shopping…for farm equipment of all things. Lady P wanted a new tractor and rather than ordering online, Virgil had offered to take her to a couple of dealers in person.
Of course, being female, no matter her presence, had its downsides in all mechanical purchases in the area of respect of knowledge. Lady P was a farmer…just not your everyday kind of farmer.
Parker had been known to get…upset…when his charge was treated like a moron and then charged twice the price.
Penelope had been known to bite herself.
So Virgil had volunteered to lend a little support, knowledge, and respect when he asked if the tractor could be painted pink. Of course, he could easily paint it himself, but there was a certain self satisfaction to watch the occasional misogynist squirm. Did them good and gave him a little amusement.
He was all for education, after all.
So he had taken both Lady P and Parker out for a spin in Tracy 2 and dropped in on some of the best dealers in tractors on a couple of continents.
He hadn’t expected to get himself shot.
He really hadn’t considered that misogyny got that extreme. Apparently pink wasn’t the colour for a tractor after all. And hicks carried shotguns.
Someone waved a gun in Lady P’s direction and let’s face it, Virgil hadn’t had a choice.
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tracybirds · 8 months
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oh yes and some thunderbirds related things too :D
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scribbles97 · 7 months
Left Behind - Where We Left Off
Oh look... after two years I've fixed that big old cliff hanger that I left lying around!
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Thank you to those that have missed me and welcomed me back into the fandom after being absent for so long, the biggest of hugs to all of you... I hope I don't end up leaving you all on another cliff hanger!
For those that I haven't met yet, Hi!
I was here in the TAG fandom right at the very beginning and somewhere around the time the series finished I thought it'd be fun to imagine an AU in which Lucy was alive and well... this monstrosity of a fic is the outcome of that.
Looks like I was pretty rubbish at posting the last few chapters on here so check Ao3 for the fic in its entirety.
For those that don't want to re-read the entirety of what's already there... have a little recap under the cut.
Beware, there be spoilers ahead!
So... where were we?
Part One of this fic was basically about losing Jeff. That's right folks we hit off from the day the Zero-X blows up and Jeff vanishes.
This leaves Lucy, her brother Lee, and Val Casey as the main leads of International Rescue as we know it.
In this universe Lucy demanded that IR could not be run by their family alone and spearheaded what we call the IR academny, from where Scott is about to graduate. Kayo and Penelope are also about to graduate, but in a much quieter private ceremony for our two espoinage specialists. Both of these ladies have their fathers present and playing a big part in both International Rescue and Tracy Industries.
As for the rest of the family, John is working for NASA and about to shoot off into space. Virgil and Gordon are about to join the IR academy (which momma bear Lucy is absolutely having mixed feelings about). And Alan is being the kid that he should rightfully be at such a young age.
Part Two sees us skip forward four years.
We start to see a little more of IR as we know it here, though Virgil and Gordon are very much still learning, and Alan is barely getting away with being allowed to play on the simulators.
Lucy is afraid because of whisperings of Gaat (The Hood) returning and what this might mean for the safety of her family and IR as a world-wide organisation.
What nobody expects is that new camera angle from the Zero-X, leading to the suggestion that Jeff could still be alive.
Gaat tricks Lucy into thinking he has a new ship capable of the same flight, it's aboard this ship where she meets an engineer known as Michael and promises to free him from Gaat's grip. They then discover that Gaat has found his way onto the Island and is threatening the whole family (think Legacy).
Then the ship goes boom.
Part 3 starts out with the aftermath of Lucy being on a ship that exploded. She's in a coma and all of her boys are a little bit lost as to what to do now.
Scott takes over the business and the running of their IR team with John leaving Nasa to take his rightful place aboard TB5. Lee does an excellent vanishing act when it's decided to return Lucy to the island, and we haven't heard from him since.
We also discover that Lucy and Hugh Creighton-Ward might have been more than just friends at some point in the last four years.
Part 4 Lucy wakes up! Then promptly wonders what her place is in the family now that Scott and Hugh have taken so much of her role on for her. Their main concern is seeing her get stronger before they consider letting her take over some of the reins again.
Scott is quite happy to go on regular business meetings as it gives him an excuse to meet up with Tia, his off-island security that may also be turning into something more.
Speaking of which, Virgil and Kayo are also up to something and have a hilariously cute moment in telling Lucy as much.
Alan is also up to something, being the baby of the family and far too young to actually join the academy yet, he's trying hard to find a way to be involved in IR.
More importantly though, thanks to Eos, we find that Jeff is alive!
Part 5 is the most recent part posted... honestly? If you're not going to re-read the whole thing I'd at least read from here as a refresher.
Scott finally talks to people about his hopes and fears, but then his entire world comes crashing down around him is the most summary I can really say without spoiling what happens next. Val starts to question Lucy if they've done the right thing bringing the boys into IR, and Lucy starts to question her own relationships.
But Jeff is alive and there's a whole lot of figuring out how to get him home.
So... that's the fic in summary so far. Honestly, if you have the time and energy please please re-read the whole thing to refresh your memory. I did just that the other week and it opened my eyes as to how much there is that I left myself open to fix so you might find some interesting threads if you look hard enough!
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tippystreasurebox · 10 months
For better or worse
One-shot cause I really needed to write something XD
Gordon can't catch a break, but at least he has someone ready to pull him out of the fire.
Grit dug into his cheek as he lay across the asphalt, the burn of it raking across his skin not nearly as painful as the searing heat on his back. Head pounding, Gordon tried to push himself up from the torturous road, the need to reorient himself overshadowing the ringing of his ears and blurring of watery vision.
"Pen-" came out choked from smoke hanging in the air. She'd been right in front of him, but now he couldn't find her and that sent new waves of terror through his chest.
Gordon made it to his knees when hands grabbed his shoulders from behind, fingers wrapping into the fabric of his ruined shirt to guide him to his feet. He didn't have a chance to turn before he was led farther from the fiery wreckage. The heat difference was almost immediate as he was moved to the safety of another vehicle and he collapsed onto his rear to sit against the cool metal.
"Gordon?" Penelope's voice sent bright amber eyes wide as Gordon found her crouching in front of him.
"Pen!" Instinctively, his hand reached out to cradle her face, the image of red trickling past her ear catching his breath. "You okay?"
"Just fine, darling," she smiled, leaning into his touch. "You took most of the blast, I'm afraid."
The blast had been their rental car, one Gordon had greatly enjoyed driving up until getting in after the gala and hearing an ominous click. With his head clearing, he leaned over, peering around their cover to see the vehicle in flames. Wincing, the aquanaut turned back to the woman who'd pulled him far enough away before the bomb had detonated. "That was pretty close, huh?"
"Too close." Penelope took his improving state as a sign to join him against the car, leaning into his side as he wrapped an arm around her. "I'm sorry. I should've checked."
"No reason to check, you're not on assignment, remember?" Gordon placed a kiss on top of her disheveled curls. "Honeymoons don't usually come with assassination attempt warnings."
The cry of sirens in the distance was a welcome comfort as they both recognized the danger of a potential assassin still lurking, waiting to ensure the job was done. If someone was out there, though, Gordon doubted they would try again with the authorities on the way. The sound of a ship stealthily landing on a cleared area of the parking lot solidified that idea. Kayo emerged moments later, a med kit bumping against the aquanaut's leg as she assessed the situation.
"That was quick," Gordon teased as a wad of gauze pressed into his cheek. "Ow."
"Happened to be in the area," Kayo offered with a telling smile. She was there extra security - secret extra security apparently, but he wasn't about to complain. "Wish I could've been here sooner."
As he was encouraged to lean forward so she could examine his back, Gordon found himself wishing the same. Penelope's fingers interlacing with his own drew his attention away from those thoughts and he returned a gentle squeeze. Being a little singed was okay as long as they made it through the ordeal alive.
"Hey, it's our honeymoon," Gordon grinned. "Things are supposed to get hot."
And the subtle laughter from the woman in his arms was worth the body aches.
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lenle-g · 1 year
Could i request kayo, penelope and john :)
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Don't always assume you're the tallest in the room John!
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astranite · 11 months
Blue, Pink, White, Pink, Blue.
Trans Penelope! A little late for @thunder-pride, but here none the less!
Happy Rest of Year Pride for the end of Pride Month!
Minor warning for mentioned transphobia and homophobia. ----
From a young age, Penelope had been very insistent about who she was and what she wanted. The petal pink for the decorations in her room, not the lilac. Real tea should be served in her toy tea set, complete with matching cups and saucers. She couldn't possibly go to sleep without at least one more story.
She was a girl and her name was Penelope Creighton-Ward.
Penelope grew up into a woman who still has strong opinions about decor and tea— English breakfast with one sugar and a dash of milk of course, and a number of other things powerful people would rather she didn't.
Neither wealth nor fame nor status made you more valuable than anybody else. Human beings always mattered more than money, or possessions or any form of material goods. There were some in the circles she dealt with who could stand to learn this.
People should be able to love who they pleased openly, without fear or shame or condemnation. Everyone should have the freedom to be their truest self without having to hide.
The world had come a long way by 2060, but there were still a few dinosaurs clinging to their bigotry.
Penelope was vocally defensive of LGBTQIA+ rights. The British nobility wasn't historically known for its progressiveness, but it was her duty to use her status and wealth, which she’d had the good fortune of being born into, to take action and show support. When she had a platform where her voice was heard, it was her duty to amplify other’s voices.
Penelope stood by her word and morals, because standing up what she believed in was more than worth any attacks that came her way. Suggestions her actions were for appearances rather than a genuine desire to help. Comments from opponents about the validity of her womanhood, taunting remarks about the fact she also loved women, using any ammunition to attempt to bring her down when they felt threatened. Those individuals were torn apart as that sort of speech wasn't tolerated in these times.
She never flinched in public, because all the world is a stage and everyone is always watching. Any private hurt was hers alone.
Back in their university days, Penelope remembered snide whispers calling John, her John who loved so quietly and fiercely, heartless because he didn't desire a romantic relationship with anyone. Certain individuals found themselves in some, shall we say, difficulties after that.
She’d learnt so many things over the years. As a spy, sometimes secret meant safe and there was no less honor in that. As a diplomat, how honeyed words held daggers and the worst, most hateful ideas were always presented as reasonable, justifiable and a ‘nice’ option.
There were people in the world who wanted to make you small, who didn't like how you had opinions, how your existence was inconvenient to them. The school yard bullies who had the status to become boardroom corporate billionaires exploiting their workers. She learnt to deal with them, to show others how to stand up, be loud, to take up space because its yours, you deserve it just as much as anyone else.
Penelope remembered a quote from an old movie, which captured her so completely as a young girl. “Compromise where you can. Where you can't, don't. Even if everyone is telling you that something wrong is something right. Even if the whole world is telling you to move, it is your duty to plant yourself like a tree, look them in the eye, and say 'No, you move'.” She did her best to live up to Peggy Carter’s example to this day.
Being queer, being trans, the past was a story of pain and triumph, blood and tears. Their victories in the fight to have rights, and the sorrowful fact they had to fight for them in the first place. Atrocities and hate left marks, but so do love and hope, survival and joy. Their shared history was a rebellion, the first Pride a riot, but they lived on because of community who built each other up, love that chose to endure and so many people who, even quietly, even alone, refused to give up.
She was out and proud for both herself and everyone who was watching. This was who she is, she wasn’t ashamed, she celebrated it.
Penelope wondered what her younger self would say if she could see her now. To see who she had become, through all her uncertainty which had lurked below the surface, not as to who she was but as to who she could be.
Now, she held her head high: she could be that person for other little girls like her. For any people who needed her, a role model and an example to stand before the world for who you could be, especially for those who were lost and unsure, not knowing that this was a way you could be and it wasn't wrong.
There were so many ways to be a woman and this was hers.
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seathesilverlinings · 2 years
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Not my best since it was just supposed to be a sketch that turned into 1.5 hours work 🥹😅
But have a Lady Penelope in a sparkly dress while I try to figure out how in the world I managed to do the fashion sketches that I did of her a while ago without crying 😅
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tanushakyrano · 3 months
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guys who are fine about kayo and penelope in yesterday's promise
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gumnut-logic · 1 year
Still a work in progress as I have supplies on order, but happy with it so far 😁 #beade
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tracybirds · 1 year
Posting for Kayo / Tin-Tin Day for @thunder-pride! I was originally going to post this for another day later in the week, but I have something else I'd like to do for that day and it's after my exam so I'll have some more brain space <3 And besides - Kayo day!!
some Kayo/Penny and I hope you enjoyyyy :D
“Right, listen up,” said Kayo, hands on hips and eyes firm. “This is the first time we’ve gotten to study the Hood’s chameleon cloaking tech up close and Brains is already working on a way to disrupt its signal. But in the meantime, we can make use of this; we’ve never had a chance to spot the tell-tale signs of someone using the device.”
“What do you want us to do?” asked Scott, leaning forward in his seat.
“I’ve programmed a s-simulation for you all,” said Brains, swiping upwards so that a frozen snapshot of a coffee shop hung suspended above the coffee table. Deftly, he spun the model around, demonstrating its size and scope. “All you n-need to do is order a cup of coffee and identify which avatar is in fact K-Kayo.”
“Any chance that’ll be real coffee?” asked Virgil.
“N-no, I’m afraid not.”
“Ah well,” he said, shrugging off the amused looks around the room. “A guy can dream, can’t he?”
“Does it have to be coffee?” asked Penelope, pouting in mild distaste.
Brains sighed.
“Any standard hot b-beverage will be fine.”
“Do we get any hints?” asked Alan. “What does it look like when we know it’s you?”
Without saying anything, Kayo twisted the dial and a shimmer spread over her skin. A perfect replica of Alan stood before them and when she grinned, it was the same cheeky smile they all knew – eyes slightly squinting and nose scrunching upwards – and Alan himself leapt backwards.
“Well, that’s weird,” he said, leaning left and right and laughing as Kayo mimicked him.
“Uncanny,” said Scott with distaste.
“But not altogether impossible to spot,” said Gordon, whose sharp eyes had narrowed as he looked the replica over. “It’s a good projection, but the scale is off.”
“You’re right,” said Virgil. “Jump up next to her, Alan, let’s compare.”
Alan did as he was asked, pouting as he too noted the changes.
“We’re the same height, why’d it make you taller?”
“As f-far as I can tell, the projection works b-best when scaled up a small degree to avoid the p-person inside clipping through the image. That helps us spot imposters if we’re f-familiar with the originals.”
“Better make sure we know each other really well then,” said Gordon, widening his eyelids with his fingers as he stared across the room at John.
“Could you not?”
“Sorry, Johnny, Brains’ orders. You don’t want me to ignore Brains do you?”
“Mm..m-more problematic are strangers,” said Brains, speaking over him. “You won’t be able to compare.”
“Then what do you suggest?” asked Scott, frowning at ‘Alan’.
Kayo showed them the faint flaws in the projection, how it shimmered when in contact with a solid object, how the true eyes gleamed and shone through when the light was just right.
“Alright, clear on what we’re doing?”
Murmurs of assent swept around the room and Kayo flipped the device off with a grin.
“You understand I’ll be throwing you if you don’t spot me in time, right?”
John and Alan both groaned.
“Yes, that’s fine, Kayo,” said Scott. “Don’t look at me like that, John, you shouldn’t have skipped your last three slots with Kayo.”
“Because there was an earthquake,” huffed John.
“Right and before that?”
“Who’s up first?” asked Kayo loudly, barring any further argument. She ignored John's scowl across the room.
To no-one’s surprise, Gordon leapt up and followed Brains and Kayo down to the elevator.
“We’ll send Gordon to tell you when the next person should come down,” called Kayo as the doors pinged shut.
Privately, she was looking forward to the activity; the usual course of exercises had been growing dull and there was something exciting about being able to shed her old self and become someone new.
After she’d crept up on Gordon and slammed him into the padded floor the first time, glancing up to see her unknown reflection, the ripples of holo-light a protective shield around her, she knew it was better described as intoxicating
Gordon laughed, taking the loss in good humour and they tried again and again, Kayo slipping into a new body every time until Gordon began to catch sight of the chameleon gleam over her skin.
“That’s enough,” she said, after he’d run the sim through for half an hour. “Go get me Scott.”
And so it went, over and over, with every iR member as they worked together learnt to recognise the signs. Virgil didn't stop smirking about spotting her on the first try within 5 minutes, well ahead of his brothers, and only Parker had come close to matching his speed. Although on reflection, that had more been due to his tendency to body slam every avatar that came within half a metre of his chair.
They’d all enjoyed viewing the footage in the lunch break.
Finally, it was just Penelope to go.
Almost everyone else had wandered off, no longer bound to wait and a hundred other things to get done. Even Brains was signing off, setting the simulation to reset every ten minutes until Kayo shut down the program.
“Best for last, is it?” Kayo asked, her green eyes dancing as she offered a hand to Penelope. “Sorry for making you wait so long.”
“Oh, I don’t mind,” said Penelope lightly, accepting the hand as she stood. “I’ve quite enjoyed this afternoon; it’s always so diverting to see you at work. Such a nice change from the usual pressures of society, you know.”
Kayo didn’t, but that mattered little. They walked down the staircase together, hand in hand as they chattered and came to the small antechamber.
Kayo nodded at the door.
“I’ll see you inside,” she said. “When you’re ready to begin, say ‘run’ and the room will go dark to allow me to mingle.”
Penelope nodded and, squeezing her hand gently before dropping it, made her way into the simulation area, giving Kayo a moment alone to choose her avatar and steady herself.
The afternoon had certainly been a diversion. More and more she was realising how much she enjoyed being undercover, slipping on new skin like clothes, but the idea of being able to present herself in any form to Penelope was one that sent a delightful shiver up her spine.
Her heart beat a little faster as she turned the dial, smiling as the shimmer spread over her skin, shifting the olive undertones into a cool blue, lightening her hair and darkening her eyes. Her closefitting suit was swapped effortlessly for a lilac hoodie and black leggings, both stained with old paints.
The name came to her in an instant – Leanne – and she slouched experimentally, trying to find her new body’s stance.
The room went dark, but Kayo had stalked this villa time and time again by moonless night, knew her way blindfolded.
She slipped in through the door, silent as a cat and took her place.
A holographic coffee, smelling strong and sweet lay by her right hand, and she watched Penelope furtively as she blinked in the bright mid-morning light. The hustle and bustle of the chattering café filled the air, and Kayo ducked her head as a waitress passed in front of her towards Penelope. She needed something to do, something that would allow her to keep observing her surroundings before her partner’s suspicious eyes fell on her.
A lock of loose hair fell in front of her eyes as she bent towards the tablet in front of her, examining the programs available, and she brushed it back impatiently to find an artist’s pen behind her ear.
In a flash, she knew what to do, opening a digital art program and leaning back and drawing the tablet onto her lap as she sketched the scene in front of her. Penelope hardly seemed to have moved, smiling blithely at the waitress as she ordered her tea, but Kayo knew she remained ever watchful and was content to remain where she was. Too often, she’d seen novices caught by moving too early, too impatient to let the dust settle around them.
Still, Penelope drew her eye, as she always did, and Kayo found herself absorbed in her study. It had been too long since she had last allowed herself to get lost in a drawing like this. She followed the curve of Penelope’s cheek, the soft hair that flowed with careful carelessness over her shoulders, the startled blue as she caught her eye and the upwards curl of her lips as she smiled.
Penelope moved.
“Good morning,” she said, dipping her head with a smile. “How are you?”
Not waiting for a reply, she leant in, taking over the small space with her presence and Kayo knew she’d been caught.
“I’m sorry,” said Penelope, “but would you mind terribly if I sat here? Only the sun’s shining right in the wrong place at my table.”
This was a lie, and not even a particularly good one, but still Kayo couldn’t help the squeak that answered in the affirmative.
Penelope’s smile widened.
“Tell me about yourself,” she said as she sat back in her chair with her usual perfect posture, hands folded demurely in her lap. “What brings you to London?”
The simulation shimmered in response, the projected outside shifting to the described scene.
“I’m a student,” said Kayo, letting the story flow smoothly from her lips. “I won a scholarship to art school, so I’ve been living here for a while now.”
“Where were you from originally? That’s not an English accent I hear.”
“My father travelled a lot and I moved with him. He went on without me so now I’m here. Seeing the sights, finding myself and all that.”
“And instead you found me.”
Kayo flushed.
“We had an assignment.”
“May I?”
She was impossible to refuse.
Penelope passed a hand across the screen, following the familiar lines of her own face.
“There’s something missing,” she said at last.
“My girlfriend,” said Penelope, shaking her head in mock sorrow before she glanced up, eyes bright with mischief. “I don’t suppose you could help me find her?”
“Is she nearby?”
Grinning, Penelope leaned in, her breath soft against Kayo’s ear.
Before Kayo could respond, she gently booped her on the nose with her finger.
“You’re it,” she said with a playful laugh that shattered the tension that had built up between them, and Kayo laughed too.
“How’d you know it was me?” asked Kayo, switching the device off. “It was a bold choice walking over like that. If I’d been anyone else, you’d have lost.
“Ah, but you weren’t, were you? Besides, you’re assuming I didn’t see a pretty girl, start flirting and realise partway through,” said Penelope, a smile playing on her lips. “Now who’s being bold?”
Kayo flushed.
Penelope laughed, high and clear.
“I’m teasing, love,” she said, pressing a friendly kiss to her cheek. “I’d know those eyes any day, green under golden light.”
“They were meant to be brown,” said Kayo thoughtfully. “We’ll have to run some trials with different light temperatures. It’s a distinctive colour and could be a good way to check for the Hood.”
“Indeed,” murmured Penelope. “May I have a closer look?”
“Sure,” said Kayo, surrendering the device.
Penelope ran a hand over the cool metal casing, looking it over interestedly.
“It really is a marvel,” she said. “I suppose this is another example of the Hood’s stolen technology?”
Kayo nodded.
Penelope’s eyes gleamed.
“Well then, I believe I have my own task at hand – to find the original inventor of this device as fast as possible. What a shame, I should have liked to stay a while longer.”
“I suppose I can give you reason enough to come back,” said Kayo lightly.
“I dare say you shall.”
“What’s suddenly so urgent?”
Penelope twisted the dial and the shimmering holo covered her skin.
For a second, Kayo thought the mechanism was broken but as she looked more carefully, she was startled to notice the subtle variations that danced on Penelope’s skin.
She looked taller and broader, her hips narrow and her jaw sharp, and her hair had been restyled, a shorter cut that looked similar to John’s. It was unquestionably Penelope; she still had her soft, blue eyes and the dusting of freckles on her arms and legs. Kayo knew her, even as she became unfamiliar.
Tentatively, she reached out a hand and touched Penelope’s waist, drawing her fingers downwards to her hips and marvelling at how real the projection felt.
Penelope gasped as she grazed a ticklish spot and both eyes snapped to each other at the low sound. Kayo swallowed and stepped back, cheeks flushing as she realised how close they had been standing.
“It changed your voice too?”
Penelope nodded.
“Only because I programmed it to,” she said, tasting the strange tone on her tongue. She quietly removed the bracelet that signified gendered pronouns and placed it in their pocket.
“Just think Kayo,” said Penelope with a wistful smile. “Don’t you see how perfect a device like this could be for people? For anyone who wants a non-invasive form of body modification, or who flow between different forms of gender expression? A device like this could change the world.”
Kayo frowned.
“A device like this could wreak havoc,” she said. “Look how much damage it’s already done, and that’s just in the hands of one man.”
“I’m sure we could regulate it. One must believe the best in people after all, and once Brains has developed a way to see through it, it’ll hardly be more than a novelty.”
Their smile grew wry and they gestured to themself.
“Except for people like me.”
“You’re an eternal optimist,” said Kayo bluntly.
Penelope laughed and with a flourish of their fingers, the holo collapsed into itself and vanished, leaving their more usual form behind.
“And you’re the most pessimistic woman I know,” they said fondly. “Can’t I ever convince you to see the best in anyone?”
Kayo raised an eyebrow.
“I see the best in you. Isn’t that enough?”
“Not in the slightest,” said Penelope, their eyes dancing. “But it’s a good beginning.”
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tippystreasurebox · 1 year
Giftie for @space-baegel in appreciation for their untamed love of these two!
This is from my Thunderbirds Cafe AU inspired by the song Someone You Like by The Girl and The Dreamcatcher
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edorazzi · 4 months
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More Thunderbirds Are Go comics! 🚀✨
It's been a while but I've had the first two lying around for months waiting to post a full set! In which neurodivergent John sets off people's AI detectors, gets bullied for his fashion choices, and Penelope battles with her conflicting standards when it comes to Gordon...
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scifipinups · 2 months
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Sophia Myles Thunderbirds (2004)
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