#Amand Rauth
aenslem · 5 months
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Sir Amand Rauth SNW: "The Elysian Kingdom"
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chaos-monkeyy · 8 months
I wrote a Star Trek thing! And had an inordinate amount of fun with it! 😂
Strange New Worlds - The Kingdom of Elysian: The Taste of My Blade on AO3
It's Sir Adya/Sir Rauth, so kinda Ortegas/Pike except not actually. It's also very silly, and (I think, anyway) pretty funny, and I'm quite proud of this one 😁
Rated M, everything is innuendo and implied. Awkward 'real world' aftermath included. Full work and tags on AO3!
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“Move not a muscle lest you feel the kiss of my blade, thief,” spoke the bold Sir Adya. “Oracle: Lights!” 
At the firmly voiced command, hidden lanterns around the room sprang to life. Their steady, magical light, brought forth by the unseen hands of the Oracle, illuminated a tense scene: a hunched and hooded figure knelt by Adya’s bed, cloaked in shimmering darkness and caught red-handed in the dastardly act of rummaging through the brave knight’s belongings. 
Sir Adya’s bright and unfailing sword, Starfall, wavered not in the slightest at the back of the intruder’s neck; the knight’s dark eyes narrowed with suspicion. “Who are you, thief? Stand, and face me!” 
“Um, well… You did say to ‘move not a muscle’, so…?” 
The kneeling, hooded figure shrugged helplessly, and Adya relaxed slightly, eyes rolling heavenward. 
“Oh for… Get up, Rauth,” said Sir Adya, re-sheathing Starfall with a sigh. “And what the hell are you doing in my chambers? Seems a surprisingly bold move for one so craven as you, chamberlain.” 
Identity so adroitly revealed, Sir Amand Rauth rose to his feet and turned, features arranged into what was— he hoped— a dauntingly petulant sulk. “Do your worst, Sir Adya,” spoke the chamberlain, lifting his chin in defiance. “I’ll never talk.” 
A flurry of motion from Adya, a yelp of pained alarm from Rauth, and the cowardly chamberlain found himself inescapably pinned to the wall with the knight’s dagger glinting dangerously sharp at his throat. 
“I was looking for evidence, please don’t hurt me!” exclaimed Sir Rauth, trembling at the prospect of such violent bodily harm being visited upon his person. 
“Evidence of what?” snapped Sir Adya. “Speak plainly, for I grow tired of your schemes and plots and- and flowery words, chamberlain! And… what the devil are you wearing, anyway?” 
“Oh,” said Rauth, brightening. “Do you like it? I thought it suitably sneaky for…” He waggled his fingers in the air. “You know. This sort of thing.”
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Round One
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ansonmountdaily · 2 years
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Captain Christopher Pike Sir Amand Rauth, the King's chamberlain
STAR TREK: STRANGE NEW WORLDS 1x08 "The Elysian Kingdom"
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tsuntsunfangirl · 2 years
He’s got the range when--
he makes you believe that compassion and chivalry are not dead
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he shows you what grief and heartbreak is all about
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he makes you believe in superheroes again
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and he makes you laugh so hard you need a new set of lungs
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lovelyactors · 2 years
Sir Amand Rauth 💅✨
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defconprime · 29 days
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Anson Mount as Sir Amand Rauth
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ta-divchyna · 2 years
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Anson Mount as Sir Amand Rauth in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds s01e08
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sadnessruns · 2 years
starfall is a legendary magical sword, adya found it during a quest to prove herself as a knight. 
adya has a horse, one she loves very much and takes care of. her name is empresa, she won’t listen to anyone but adya.
extremely protective of king ridley, he reminds her of her father. he’s kind, wise, and fair to all.
behind closed doors adya is a softie, very caring and sweet. that being said, in front of other knights and the guard, adya can be cold and tough. she only wants the best for her kingdom. 
sir adya cannot fucking stand sir amand rauth. he’s a little piss baby in her opinion. wants him to go jump off a cliff tbh.
adya’s father was a member of the guard and she followed in his footsteps, quickly surpassing him with hard work. that’s not to say she’s not a prodigy, but she’s always dedicated herself to her craft
her relationship with the huntress is complicated to say the least. she wants to engage with her more, but z’myira makes it hard for her. their personalities clash a bit as well
magic is not adya’s strong point, she’s willing to brute force anything she doesn’t understand but is still fascinated by magic. the wizard Caster is impressive to her, she wants to learn how his trade works but she knows she has no talent there. 
adya finds princess thalia a bit annoying, but maybe that’s because she’s never seen herself as the type to be a princess or anything of the sort, let along so willing to fall to the side and stay out of danger when you can fight.
adya is extremely rough and tumble. she’s definitely come home bleeding, bruised, and battered many times. not to mention drunk once or twice. 
she considers herself extremely lucky to be part of the king’s close council and will do most anything to stay close to that, she’s earned it and will continue to earn it as much as she can. 
loyalty has been the most important thing to her, it always will be. 
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giasesshoumaru · 2 years
“All Hail the King!”
“What the hell?” - Captain Christopher Pike (as Sir Amand Rauth) to Doctor Joseph M’Benga (as King Ridley) (Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, Episode 1.8)
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cptnpike-a · 2 years
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THE ELYSIAN KINGDOM - VERSES ( don’t reblog this or i’ll bite you )
Sir Amand Rauth. the lord chamberlain is not all he seems, or if you look closely enough, he is exactly the person he appears to be. he is all grace, a servant to his majesty, none are more loyal and dedicated to him. or so he says. a coward, with a mask that slips the second he is outside the protected walls of court, he is power-hungry and willing to do whatever it takes to amass power, from breaking his back with all the unnecessary bowing, to stabbing his king in the back.
Sheriff Pike. a neutral party in the fights among royalty, he is well respected by all, enforcing the law, but also more than willing to look the other way when the law oversteps moral bounds. he is an affable person, a bit withdrawn some claim, though it only adds to the mystery around him. for there was no sheriff before him, he seemed to step into the role out of nowhere, when the woods became a little out of control. he was once part of the courts which now fight, but he grew weary of the fighting and bickering; some whisper he is a duke in hiding.
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ansonmountdaily · 2 years
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It's just... You're all dressed up like characters from the book I've been reading to my [daughter].
STAR TREK: STRANGE NEW WORLDS 1x08 "The Elysian Kingdom"
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tsuntsunfangirl · 2 years
The Boyscout, Mr. Starfleet, the most dashing Captain you will ever meet
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The biggest slimeball in your kid's fairytale story
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tsuntsunfangirl · 2 years
Every single scene of Captain Pike/Sir Amand Rauth from Star Trek: Strange New Worlds - Episode 8: The Elysian Kingdom. You’re welcome.
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tsuntsunfangirl · 2 years
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Dr. M’Benga is SO DONE
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tsuntsunfangirl · 2 years
The Duality of a Starfleet Captain
Episode 6:
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Episode 8:
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