#Ana Pastor
ifreakingloveroyals · 2 years
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28 June 2017 | President of the Senate Pio Garcias Escudero, Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, Spanish King Felipe VI, Spain's Queen Letizia and President of the Congress Ana Pastor pose outside the Congress, "Las Cortes", during the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the first democratic elections of June 15, 1977, in Madrid. (c) Pierre-Philippe Marcou/AFP via Getty Images
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hispaniamagna · 2 years
Jaume Roures, Antonio Ferreras y Ana Pastor, el triángulo obsesivo de Pablo Iglesias
Jaume Roures, Antonio Ferreras y Ana Pastor, el triángulo obsesivo de Pablo Iglesias
El exlíder de Podemos arremete contra la periodista de La Sexta por no haber criticado nunca la presencia de Eduardo Inda en su cadena: “Puedes meterte tu hipocresía donde te quepa” La obsesión mediática de Pablo Iglesias persiste. El exlíder de Podemos, que no superó los requisitos de la Universidad Complutense para ser profesor asociado de Periodismo, arremetió este viernes contra la periodista…
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elcorreografico · 2 years
Colegios privados presentarán propuestas para modificar el funcionamiento de la escuela secundaria
#PBA #Educación #BuenosAires | #Colegiosprivados presentarán propuestas para modificar el funcionamiento de la #escuelasecundaria
Los colegios privados de la Provincia de Buenos Aires presentarán una propuesta para modificar el funcionamiento de la escuela secundaria. Como parte de una convocatoria del gobierno bonaerense para elaborar un nuevo Régimen Académico del Nivel Secundario, la Asociación de Institutos de Enseñanza Privada de Buenos Aires (AIEPBA) trabaja en proyectos para la transformación de este nivel de la…
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cncowitcher · 14 days
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ᡣ𐭩 ─ namorado! enzo vogrincic × leitora.
ᡣ𐭩 ─ gênero: divertido. 🪁
ᡣ𐭩 ─ número de palavras: 747.
ᡣ𐭩 ─ notas da autora: oioi meus aneizinhos de saturno, como vão? espero que gostem viu? se cuidem e bebam água, um beijo. 😽💌
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Dona de Mim, da cantora Ana Castela tocava em uma JBL grande em cima da mesa no imenso jardim em uma das fazendas do pai de S/n enquanto o mesmo estava ajudando seu irmão a colocar uns pedaços de carne da grelha da churrasqueira, dando risadas e fofocando.
─ Eu criei filha minha pra ser boiadeira… ─ A família da brasileira cantava felizes e dançando.
Sua irmã brincava com o filhote de pastor alemão belga, suas primas sorriam para Enzo, tentando chamar a atenção dele mas falhando miseravelmente pois o mais velho só tem olhos para sua mulher, sua avó junto ao seu avô gritavam um com o outro durante uma partida de dominó, arrancando risadas de S/n.
Enzo, namorado da moça, tinha o gatinho malhado dela no colo, metade de uma tangerina nas mãos e estava sentado ao lado da mãe dela ─ sua sogra ─ conversando em um portunhol… compreensível.
A senhora queria saber de absolutamente tudo! Como se conheceram, os planos dele com a filha, se pretendiam casar ou ter filhos e por aí vai…
Como o mais velho é vegano, a mãe da garota decidiu preparar uma maionese caseira e fazer uns pães de alho, com receitas obviamente veganas.
A garota sorria cantando com dois copos de suco de melancia nas mãos, caminhando até onde sua mãe e seu homem estavam. A senhora se levanta e fala que vai na cozinha preparar algo para Vogrincic comer.
─ E aí, tá gostando? ─ Ela pergunta para Enzo, se inclinando para dar um selinho nele, logo em seguida entregando o suco e se sentando no lugar que estava sua mãe.
─ Estou amando. ─ Vogrincic responde olhando para sua mulher, dando um gole no suco de melancia, deixando a metade da tangerina em cima da mesinha de madeira. ─ Sua família é linda, chiquita. 
A moça sorri, animada.
─ Bora uruguaio, vamos bailar! ─ A avó da garota gritou, saindo de perto do marido que estava nervoso por não ter ganhado uma partida de dominó da sua mulher.
Observando seu namorado ir de encontro com sua avó, a mulher desviou seu olhar para a mesa de madeira no qual suas primas estavam perto. As três murmuravam algo entre si e logo depois olhavam para Vogrincic, mordendo os lábios com força e com os olhares cheios de segundas intenções.
Rindo sabendo que são só adolescentes com os hormônios à flor da pele, S/n pega a metade da tangerina que Enzo havia deixado ali e começa a comer devagar, sem tirar os olhos das três, dando risada das caras e bocas que faziam.
Enzo se divertia com a avó de sua namorada, na tentativa de dançar a música que tocava agora, Jeito Carinhoso de Jads e Jadson.
─ Bora meu filho, é dois pra lá e dois pra cá. ─ A senhora fala em português, olhando para o chão, vendo a pequena dificuldade que Enzo estava tendo para dançar a música.
Se levantando, a mulher caminha até a mesa que suas primas estavam e coloca os copos em cima da mesma. Depois, vai até sua avó, colocando as mãos nos ombros dela, a fazendo parar de “dançar” com o uruguaio.
─ Deixa que eu ensino ele, vovó. ─ A garota fala com um sorriso no rosto ao ver o sorriso largo de Enzo no rosto e o olhar apaixonado da mais velha para o mais novo casal da família. ─ Vamos, meu amor. Desse jeito. ─ A brasileira dá dois passos para o lado e Enzo a acompanha tentando não pisar nos pés dela.
Vogrincic quando pegou o jeito da dança, trouxe o corpo de sua mulher mais para perto de si e ficaram ali, rindo e dançando coladinhos.
─ Deixei a maionese um pouco na geladeira e os pães de alho já estão prontos, Enzo. Só falta colocar na grelha para assar. ─ A mãe de S/n grita mais em português do que em espanhol, porém o uruguaio entendeu um pouco, concordando com a cabeça e mandando uma piscadela para a sogra.
No final daquela tarde, Enzo Vogrincic já tinha aprendido várias gírias, passos de danças, se aproximando cada vez mais da família de um namorada e tentando evitar os olhares das primas dela.
A família de S/n não conseguia negar nem se quisessem que amou Enzo e que achava o uruguaio uma boa pessoa para a brasileira, que de fato, além de ser uma boa pessoa, é um verdadeiro gentleman!
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amarantoo · 3 months
˚₊‧꒰ა girlblogger questions ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
Thanks for the tag @billiebuchanan
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favourite song right now
obsession at the moment
The Demon Slayer anime
celebrity crush
Ana de Armas
favourite drink
Horchata or Lemonade
favourite food
Tacos al pastor 🤤
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places i would like to live
A luxury life on Italy (a girl can dream)
A cute style
Reading, photography(lately), Netflix and chill
favourite girlbloggers
@miisd @misspecas @lachicadelalavanderia @gusilux @orionsfannypack @duckland @reginafalan-g @mzmilano @dustsculptures @mncqvq1 @la-cocotte-de-paris
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dulcisimafruta · 2 months
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jartita-me-teneis · 27 days
Que a nadie se le olvide que Ana Rosa Quintana además de plagiadora fue condenada por difundir bulos sobre Bildu y obligada judicialmente a rectificar dichas mentiras. - Isabel Díaz Ayuso, Feijóo y Abascal, Victoria Prego, Ana Pastor, Villareja.
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lesliesknopes · 11 months
madney fic recs 🔮
decided to make a post of my favourite madney fics because there are so many underrated gems and they can be impossible to find.
as you wish by lilythesilly (1K)
“As you wish.” 
“Ah!” Jee-Yun holds her sippy cup up to the television, like she’s toasting Westley on screen. 
“That’s right, Jee-Jee,” Chim says and reaches down to grab her when she toddles back over to him. “It means ‘I love you’.” 
Or, Chim watches The Princess Bride.
touch me with slow hands by maddieandchimney (2K)
Maddie and Chimney celebrate their engagement when it's just the two of them.
midnight under moonlight by lullatone (2K)
“So, what you’re saying is, is that your father is a-”
“A werewolf, yes.”
“Which means you and Albert are also-”
“-also werewolves, yes yes."
How am I supposed to tell you? by IGotOutOfTheOceanForYou (3K)
Summer camp counselors Maddie, Josh and Linda meet their new team member, but for one of them he ends up being more than just a new colleague.
i like you a latte by lilythesilly (3K)
“How long are you and Maddie going to pine over each other from a distance before you actually do something about it?” 
Chim sticks his finger in his mouth and holds it up in the air. “Wind says I have about another six months, but the Santa Ana’s say eight.” 
“Chim,” Hen says quietly, which stops him in his tracks. Oh god, she’s about to say something sincere. “You deserve to be happy.” 
It leaves a sour taste in his mouth and he tries to swallow it down. “C’mon, look around me! There is an espresso machine shaped like a volcano right there.” But she continues to hold his gaze, and in Chim’s experience not taking Hen’s advice is always a mistake so he relents, “I am happy. But I could be…happier I guess.” 
Hen smiles gently and squeezes his shoulder, picking up the now empty pastry tray. “So then do something about it.”
Or, a Madney Coffee Shop AU.
mountain sounds by lullatone (4K)
Anyway, the point is Maddie’s supposed to be on vacation right now.
Instead she’s stuck on some dirt road with a flat tire, no cell service, and a sneaking suspicion that she made a wrong turn a few miles back. 
AKA: Maddie gets stranded and meets a very handsome bearded man in the woods.
& part two!
 we just got the start wrong by theyarnmaidstale (4K)
After weeks of being at odds, Chimney knows exactly how he and Maddie got off on the wrong foot, but now, as he's kissing her under the mistletoe at Bobby's Christmas party, he'd kind of like to get on the right one.
Those who hate Los Angeles, have never been in love by olimakes (6K)
He pulls out his phone again.
It takes him a minute to answer, a minute to pull his eyes away from the screen and meet Maddie’s concerned gaze.
“What is it,” she asks.
He licks his lip. “It’s, uh, it’s my father. His assistant at least.” Maddie frowns and he continues. “He’s coming to LA. Apparently, that means sending a four-page email via his executive assistant. Not a phone call.”
Or, learning that his father is visiting, Chimney struggles.
Alone together by jupiterfics (13K)
There aren't a lot of places Buck can sit comfortably with his thoughts, but here—out on the water, body weightless as long as he lies still, no sound but the lap of the waves and the breath thrumming in his chest—here there's nothing in the world to drag him down, no anger no worry and, most of all, no regrets to fill his lungs and suffocate him. Here on the water it's fine that he's alone.
He wonders if Maddie felt alone when she died.
Five years after his sister is legally declared dead, Buck finds his way to Los Angeles and joins the 118, hoping he can make Maddie's memory proud.
And the universe smiles down on him.
This World May Lose Its Motion, Love, If I Prove False to Thee by louderthanwords (18K)
Maddie arrived in L.A. eight months ago after fleeing the cult she was raised in and her abusive pastor husband. Now as she moves into her own apartment and continues to build her new life, Maddie’s friendship with Chimney begins to blossom.
& part one (although not madney centred)
in another life, i would be your girl by madneyfiles (25K)
Maddie and Chimney are in a secret relationship, knowing their love won't be approved by their parents, who are fierce business rivals. Their plans to run away when they turn 18 are shattered when Maddie's marriage to Doug is fixed by her parents after she turns 18. The only reason Maddie feels compelled to agree? Her brother, Evan.
She Made Herself Stronger (by Fighting with the Wind) by princessfbi (35K)
“Books are my love language,” Maddie said as she handed Chimney the book. “Movies are yours. This is a movie, right?”
Chimney jerked his head up in alarm as he looked at her and Maddie couldn’t help but laugh as she dropped the ruse.
“I’m kidding. I know Fight Club is a movie.”
The Madney Bookstore AU we all deserve and the Buddie Teen Romance to add a spice of chaos.
(Don't) let this be the end by yourestrongerthanyouthinkyouare (43K -INCOMPLETE)
Evan Buckley has a sister. He never talks about her, not because he hates her but to keep their memories safe in his heart, because from the moment she stopped talking to him, memories are all he has left. Maddie Buckley gave up everything to save her brother and she never regrets doing it, but she would do anything to hug him one last time.
sometimes a shadow wins by maddieandchimney (52K)
It's been Chimney and Doug against the world for fifteen years, so when Maddie unwittingly gets caught between the two best friends, everything changes.
You Are So Much More Than Your Father’s Son by louderthanwords (82K)
She knew it was a risk to leave. After ten years of being married to Sergeant Doug Kendall, Maddie knew exactly what it might cost her to flee Hershey with her son and daughter. She just hopes her brother can forgive her for the danger she’s brought to his doorstep when she arrives in LA with her kids after five years of silence.
& part two & part three
Stronger than Fear by diaz_evan (90K)
“No, wait! Chimney!” Buck rushes out but is stopped immediately by three armored Peacekeepers. “No!” He pushes against their arms, fighting against their killer grasp. He gathers all his strength and breaks through, so he can be seen from the stage. “I volunteer!”
Maddie and Buck are District 12's Tributes. The fight to keep each other alive begins now
[my buddie fic rec list]
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tecontos · 1 year
Mamei meu novo cunhado
By; Ana Carla
Ola, eu me chamo Ana Carla, já escrevi a um tempinho atrás relatando minhas transas com o meu sobrinho, foram 3 relatos, agora quero falar sobre quando mamei o meu cunhado, ainda quero transar com ele.
Minha irmã Evelyne, de 46 anos de idade, muito bonita, mãe do meu delicioso sobrinho Estevão, que já escrevi aqui um conto no qual relatei como ele havia me comido muito gostosamente. Ela havia me chamado para ir até sua casa na cidade onde mora, para conhecer meu novo cunhado, claro que eu fui, afinal, eu sabia que o meu lindo sobrinho Estevão, me comeria novamente porque ele falava direto no WhatsAAp comigo, dizendo que queria me comer novamente.
Lá chegando, ela me apresentou o Luiz, um homem muito bonito, negro, alto, forte e com um olhar de homem tarado. Nas conversas que tínhamos tido pelo WhatsAAp, ela havia me dito entre outras coisas, a respeito dele, de que ele tinha a idade dela, 46 anos, e que era um homem insaciável quando trepava e que era dotado de um pau bem gostoso, com 20 centímetros e muito grosso. Claro que fiquei louca para conhecer o meu novo cunhado que passou a morar com ela e o meu sobrinho Estevão.
Dessa forma, tomei o ônibus executivo e fui para casa dela e onde cheguei no início da noite e após o apresentar para mim, percebi o seu olhar de homem negro tarado, sob meu corpo, confesso que fiquei mexida com a gula dos seus olhos sobre mim. Conversamos bastante, em seguida fui para o banho, jantamos e fomos ver TV na sala onde ele permaneceu me devorando com o seu tesudo olhar. Meu sobrinho Estevão estava na faculdade e durante todo o dia ele trabalha e o meu cunhado, por ser obreiro de uma igreja evangélica permanecia na casa durante o dia e a noite ia para a igreja auxiliar o pastor no seu ministério. Apesar de ser evangélico, ele não tirava o seu faminto olhar de cima de mim e aquilo me despertou uma vontade louca de dar pra ele.
Na manhã seguinte, após me levantar, tomar o meu banho, e o meu café da manhã, com o Estevão tendo saído bem cedo para o seu trabalho e a minha irmã para a UPA, fui para o quarto onde estava acomodada, liguei a TV e fiquei no WhatsAAp teclando com amigas e amigos que vivem me pedindo fotos e videos.
Como costumo ficar de vestidinhos em casa sem usar calcinha, na casa da minha irmã, fiquei da mesma forma, sem colocar calcinha, com o vestido erguido, de pernas abertas, me tocando na minha bocetinha com um pouco de pelos no seu entorno. Eu estava tão envolvida no WhatsAAp que nem tinha visto o Luiz, meu cunhado, em pé, na porta entreaberta, só vestido de toalha, me olhando e se punhetando, que tesão me deu. Fingi que não o tinha visto, ali, se punhetando e me olhando, que com os meus dedos abri a boceta, o olhei e sorri, não deu outra. Ele entrou no quarto, abriu a toalha, ficou do meu lado em pé e me perguntou:
- “Quer experimentar o cajado do cunhado e obreiro da sua irmã?”
Olhei para aquele enorme cacetão preto, o peguei, o apertei com força e respondi:
-“Quero e agora esse cajadão!”
Ele se aproximou mais e segurando o cacetão, o esfreguei no rosto, senti o cheiro da boceta da Evelyn, minha irmã na cabeça daquele salame enorme, passei a língua e senti o odor da boceta dela impregnada no pau preto do Luiz. Coloquei na boca e chupei a cabeça que cheirava forte, ele não tinha tomado banho ainda.
Mamei muito no pau do meu cunhado que me falava:
- “Chupa igual a sua irmã que ama chupar, chupa sua safada, vagabunda gostosa, cunhada safadinha e tesuda”.
Claro que eu chupei, mamei e abocanhei muito o pau do Luiz e ao mesmo tempo o punhetava. Ele me falou que antes da Evelyn sair para a UPA, ele tinha metido na boceta e no cu dela, gozando gostoso e que eu chupava por tabela o gosto do cu da minha irmã, fiquei louca de tesão e o chupava inteiro, fazendo pressão, abocanhava suas enormes bolas do saco bem pretas e pentelhudas, que delicia.
O chupei por uns quinze minutos e já não aguentado mais, ele vergou o corpo para trás e urrou que iria gozar na minha boca e gozou abundantemente, me inundando a boca e garganta, me obrigando a engolir toda a sua porra. Eu engoli toda a sua porra viscosa, grossa e densa, para em seguida, limpar a cabeça do seu pau com a minha língua.
Quando terminou de gozar ele me falou que tinha um compromisso e que na manhã seguinte comeria gostoso a minha boceta e o meu cu. Saiu do quarto para tomar o seu banho, fechou a porta, e eu, voltei a dormir com a boca toda grudando a sua porra. Porra de cunhado negro é muito deliciosa.
Não tivemos tempo de transar, minha irmã acabou não saindo nos dias seguintes, nem meu sobrinho conseguiu um tempinho. Mas em julho nas férias eu vou lé e não sei ainda mais darei um jeitinho para dar pros dois.
Enviado ao Te Contos por Ana Carla
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sydsaint · 7 months
Repost! From my AO3 but its spooky season so enjoy 🖤
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Summary: The reader goes to a Halloween party dressed up as an angel. While there she meets Malakai Black, conveniently dressed up as a pastor.
"I don't know, I still say that this is a little cliche, Allie." You frown in the mirror while she fixes the fake angel wings on your back.
Allie giggles with a mischievous smile and sets her chin on your shoulder. "Come on, Y/N. You look...well.." She tries to find the right descriptor.
"Like an angel?" You let out a small laugh.
"Exactly." Allie grins and hands you a halo headband, the last piece of your Halloween costume. "Now come on! We're going to be late for the party." She grabs your hand and pulls you along.
You and Allie arrive at the annual AEW Halloween party thrown by Tony Khan dressed as an angel and devil, respectively. The place is already ablaze with lights and music so you both head in and jump into the mix of things.
You make a B-line for the bar to grab a drink while Allie gets caught up talking to Ana Jay.
"Hi, can I get a pina colada, please?" You bat your eyelashes at the bartender.
The bartender nods, flashing you a flirty grin. He mixes up your drink and hands it to you across the bar. You smile at him as you take your drink and turn around to face the crowd. You search the crowd for anyone interesting to chat with for a bit. That is until someone leans against the bar next to you.
"An angel, huh?" Malakai Black observes you with a curious glint in his eyes.
"Hmm?" You turn to your side and lock eyes with Black. He's dressed in a pastor costume, rosery wrapped around the hand he's got resting on the bar. "Malakai!? A pastor, huh?" You let out a small laugh. "That's kind of ironic, don't you suppose?"
Your joke earns a small chuckle from Black. One that sends a small shiver down your spine. "Yes, I suppose that one could see the irony in a man such as myself dressed as a holy man." He tilts his head to the side and eyes the glitter rolled onto your skin. "It appears that both of us are liars tonight. Wouldn't you agree?"  He asks you.
You furrow your brows at his question not noticing Malakai's hand inching towards you. You don't notice his movements until the back of his knuckles gently slides down your arm and rub off some of the glitter.
"Can I get you another drink?" Malakai asks you suddenly, examining the glitter on his hand.
Your heart skips a beat at the dark look in his eye. "Yeah, sure. Thank you." You thank him with a hard swallow.
Malakai nods and motions for the bartender to top both of your drinks up. The bartender refills both glasses and walks off again in silence.
"Malakai, may I ask you something?" You sip your drink quietly. Black nods and you contemplate if you should ask your question. "Why a pastor? If you don't mind me asking?" You ask him.
A playful smile appears on Black's face and he turns to face you. "An interesting question, Miss L/N." He admits. "I suppose that I was ultimately interested in playing the righteous man for a night. Halloween is all about taking a chance to hide behind a mask and conceal who you truly are, right?"
"I find that if you give people a chance to hide behind a mask, they only end up showing you who they truly are inside." You reply, staring deeply at the half-empty drink in your hand. "Of course, that might just be the alcohol talking." You giggle.
Malakai turns fully to you again, he smiles at the rose of your cheeks from your drinks. "Well if that's true, then maybe my subconscious is trying to tell me something, I suppose." He shrugs. "What's a pastor's true purpose in life? To help others? Listen to their problems and pile their sins on so that they may live in peace?"
You turn fully to Black and meet his gaze. "It sounds to me like the pastors you've met were all in need of a guardian angel." You joke with a small giggle.
"Yes, perhaps they were." Malakai agrees. "For what is a man but a martyr to the promised pureness and beauty of an angel?" He stares down at you.
You fumble with your glass, now hyper-aware of Malakai's intense gaze. Part of you wants to flee to the safety of the crowd just feet from you. But the other part is frozen in awe and intrigue at the man in front of you. On his holiday no less.
"Well, what's an angel without the men that worship her?" You counter Black's earlier statement after a moment's thought.
A sly smile plays on Malakai's lips as he reaches out and grabs your hand. You watch as he lifts it up and places a ghost of a kiss on the back of your hand. "Please, allow me to be the lowly martyr of a man that worships your beauty tonight, Miss L/N." He asks you.
"Oh!" You take your hand back with a look of surprise. "And what if I'm not up to the task of saving a man that's been so damned?" You ask him, a surge of confidence running through you.
Malakai chuckles and finishes off the last of his drink. "Never underestimate the lengths of a damned man will go through to drag his peers down with him, my dear." He smiles at you. "I find that it is always the purest of angels that are the easiest to fall."
Black offers you his hand as he nods to the door on the other side of the room. You hesitate for a moment but take his hand. curious about who will prevail in this little tussle of the angel vs the damned soul seeking redemption in dragging everyone down with him.
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ximo220550 · 11 months
La periodista de RTVE, Silvia Intxaurrondo, ha protagonizado un contundente y profesional ejercicio de periodismo valiente con Núñez Feijóo durante la emisión de 'La Hora de La 1'. Intxaurrondo ha destacado por su firmeza al desmontar, sin titubeos, las falsedades que Feijóo arrojó en su debate con Pedro Sánchez en Atresmedia, cuyos moderadores, Vicente Vallés y Ana Pastor, ya sea por interés o por lo que sea, dejaron pasar.
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mothershewrote · 9 months
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Ana is a complex character! And so is Ana's voice actor, Sarah Rhea Werner, creator of @girlinspacepodcast! They have a lot in common with MOTHER / EarthBound Beginning's heroine.
In our debut interview episode, we discuss the pressures of being the child of a pastor, growing up fast, and what it means to be brave.
Listen to the episode and read the full transcript here:
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mothprincess · 1 year
i want to write but can’t think of what to write, this is so sad ;~; instead, i spent the past hour looking at and trying stardew valley aesthetic mods. ever since i started using mods (esp visual mods to: tone down the colors, give you cute architecture like rose-covered farm buildings, change farm animal visuals, etc) i can’t go back to the vanilla interface i don’t do anything significant that would affect co-op gameplay ♡ will list some of my favorite mods. i keep my mods as simple as possible and they only require content patcher: ◇ vibrant pastoral recolor ◇ elle’s new barn animals (as well as elle’s new coop animals, elle’s dog replacements, etc) ◇ foliage redone ◇ overgrown fairy buildings ◇ ana’s toned down sprites  ◇ leyalluna’s portraits
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cristo-salva · 10 months
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Los músicos; JESUS ADRIAN ROMERO, MARCOS WITT entre otros. Los escritores C. PETER WAGNER, , ANA MENDEZ FARREL, BERNARDO STAMATEAS entre otros. Fueron los primeros en caer en manos de los jesuitas para ser instruidos a fin de que perviertan la fe de los evangélicos tibios. Luego seguirán pastores de menor renombre, ellos serán imitadores de grandes apóstatas como BENNY HINN, CASH LUNA, GUILLERMO MALDONADO, DANTE GEBEL entre otros. Serán muchisimos los que dejarán sus humildes iglesias locales caer bajos los pies del Papa, viéndose rodeado por todos lados de apostasia, no sabrán a donde recurrir y terminarán mezclados con la cizaña. Una ínfima minoria sera preservada como un pequeño rebaño hasta que el dia del Arrebatamiento, pero asfixiados sin poder crecer y manteniéndose en pie con la fuerza del Espiritu Santo, pero sin ninguna ayuda del "evangelismo oficial", caido masivamente en apostasia, de ellos solo obtendrán rechazo por no "adaptarse" a las nuevas "tendencias" (Evangelio de la Prosperidad, Confesión positiva, G12, Movimiento Apostólico y profético, que en si son todos lo mismo, cortados por la mima tijera)
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jartita-me-teneis · 3 months
@Famelica_legion Para echar del gobierno de la @generalitat a Mónica Oltra fue necesaria la colaboración de periodistas corruptos.
Aquí Ferreras @DebatAlRojoVivo y Ana Pastor @anapastor mintiendo impunemente sobre @monicaoltra .
No olvidemos.
Vídeo: @compromis
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Joaquín Rodrigo (1901-1999) - Coplas Del Pastor Enamorado ·
Ana María Martínez & Albert Guinovart ·
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