#And that it's silly to eat bread every day but forget to feed things beyond your body
lalaland-e · 3 months
*reading Bible* nom nom spirit foods nom nom
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missingartist · 4 years
The Witcher’s Mate Chapter 21
It had taken a little over ten days to reach the Witcher stronghold. At day five, Geralt had felt ready to crawl out of his skin and demanded that one of the mages conjure up a portal to take them to Kaer Morhen. The itch under his skin had grown into a raw pain gnawing at him, his dislikes for portal didn’t matter he would just cover his eyes and plunge deep into the gateway. Triss with a piteous frown as she refused to state that ‘both of you need space’ and Yennefer simply smirked and turned away. It meant Geralt spent the next five days barely sleeping or eating; he had gone through a gallon of the smelly gloop to keep the fever at bay. As soon as silver tower peaked over tops of the trees, Geralt charged Roach off in a mad dash to the castle.  Bracken and brambles tugged at his leathers, but he barely noticed them in his focus of her scent. It was everywhere, that blend of apples and the ocean, soothing and heady. But there was something different, something else mixed in with it, tangy and fresh. Zesty and fury like ginger and lime. It has a seductive edge to her usually nubile smell.
His heavy footfalls echoed through the valley as he stomped up the stone staircase and threw open the heavy oak doors as it, they were weightless. The scent of her was enough to send him into a frenzy; it was everywhere. Beads of sweat began to slide down the side of his neck; he had been able to smell her for the last two day, the slight scent on the wind. He had smelt the slight change in her scent, but he couldn’t imagine it would affect him in this way. In his half-fried brain, he half expected her to throw herself into his arms; if she had suffered the way he had, she would be a mess of need. But there was no one to welcome him, just stretch after stretch of empty halls. No Jaskier or Ciri or Vesemir. No Adva. He had caught a glimpse of his old master’s mare wandering around the field, grazing on the wild grass and weeds. Tearing from room to room he searched in vain, ever room he dismissed the scent grew stronger till, at last,  he found them on what had once been loosely called a veranda, that had been repurposed into some sort of outdoors study. Books stacked chest high. Piles of manuscript tucked neatly at the side and stacks of paper protectively held down from the wind by a furious wolves head paperweight roaring at him.
‘Where is she?’ A gruff voice barked out, breaking the three from their study.
Ciri and Jaskier eyes immediately snapped up to the tired-looking Witcher before sharing a dark look. His mentor, on the other hand, didn’t show much as look in his direction, merely turned the page and continued reading. Vesemir didn’t need to see his student to know what sort of state he was in. His voice was like gravel, and there was no energy behind it. Jaskier frowned at his friend and a twinge of guilt; he had been somewhat hard on the Witcher last time he saw him. Geralt looked exhausted, dirty and dusty, hair an unkept mess and harrowed eyes lost their glow but still held that ferrous intensity.
Ciri also saw it, but Witcher eyes also gave her the keen sight to see past beyond the surface, he was barely clinging on to his sanity, his eyes were mad and crazy. It scared her; his eyes had always been impassive seeing them so full with emotion was disturbing.
‘Cooking dinner. Apparently, they don’t like my cooking.’ Vesemir growled out at the young bard; his narrow eyes swept over them before resting on the younger Witcher. The harsh eyes soften slightly as he took in Geralt frame before hardening again, letting them full down on the page with a scowl.
‘Well someone had to tell you at some point, it pretty diabolical. Hello, sweetie, I see you have done lots of research already’ Triss smiled as she slides into the room silently trailed by the violet-eyed mage.
Triss lent in and peaked the younger girl on the cheek before dropping down exhausted into one of the seats.
‘Good. Adva and I were pressed ganged into slating the roof yesterday, I have tar in places I didn’t know it could be stuck, and Jaskier has actually been helpful for once getting all texts from the archive.’ Ciri playful smiled across at Jaskier who sat ideally tunning his lute having given up research several hours ago
‘You let her up on that death trap.’ Geralt growled inching toward the older man.
‘She is a good worker, and the roof needed doing. And don’t give me lip boy you aren’t too big to get a hiding.’ Vesemire stood, chair strapping dangerously on the stone floor as both men took the measure of the other.
It broke him to see his young ward to look so…so broken. His hair was wild and covered in blue smears. His eyes were glowing a dangerous orange and always moving, body twitching with excess energy, but he looked tired, exhausted even, deep bruises had formed underneath his eyes, making them appear sallow and hollow.
‘She could have fallen and broken her neck. She is not a servant for you to order around.’ Geralt snapped edging himself closer to his former tutor
‘Adva wanted to help out, and frankly, if you hadn’t let that mage of yours off her leash, that mate of yours wouldn’t be mopping around the castle looking for a distraction from the shit show that usually comes with your romantic relationships.’ Vesemir spat out.
‘This is not going to end well…but it will make an exciting Ballard.’ Jaskier half-whisper is stunned awe as both Witchers sized up to each other.
Geralt gazed down at the older man, their size had never really come up, there wasn’t much difference in it, but Geralt was just slightly taller, but that bit of height gave him the ability to look down at the older man. Never in his entire life had he wanted to strike him, they had always had a solid bond, a close a Witcher could get to a father and son relationship. With a silent snarl, Geralt gave him one last look before storming off toward the kitchens.
Once upon a time when Kaer Morhen had been a flourishing Witcher stronghold, the kitchens feed hundreds of people. The hearth was large and spacious with room to roast several roasting pigs. There were three large stoves, and an open smoking pit and oven, along with a prepping bench that stretched across the large kitchen and large open window shone light from across the valley where the sun rose, and the sunset providing the kitchen with light every possible moment of the day. Back in Brightwater, this would have been her dream kitchen; it was light and airy with every possible thing she wanted or needed. The one in the brothel was windowless and had what you would barely call a roasting pit which billowed out smothering smoke that blinded and choked her. It made her sad inside to know that the kitchen would only service a handful of people anymore; it seemed such as waste.
Despite her heavy heart, she felt okay, just incredibly numb. Food had no taste; fire had no warmth; the wind could barely be felt against her skin. Even Jaskier’s silliness did not affect her. She knew he was funny, playing the jester to make her happy, it was hilarious, but she had to force herself to laugh, to smile and join in, but she felt cold inside. She was content to hide away in the kitchen pandering to Jaskier need for edible food or help repair the dilapidated castle anything that made her forgot for a brief moment. Forget that she might be a mermaid, forget about Geralt and Yennefer.
She tensed as she felt Geralt’s gruff tones echo across the pantry. As soon as she turned around, she regretted it, he looked so adoring, so in sorry and it broke her heart. Quickly turning, she forced herself to focus on the meal she was preparing in front of her—a simple meal of leavened bread cakes, eggs, and spiced vegetables. The dried meal had been soaked in oils and herb and roasted in the pit with garlic and sliced figs. The Witchers had been self-sufficient here with various trees and vegetable patches planted which meant her meals could be that much more flavourful and at least better than whatever that dish Vesemire had prepared on their arrival.
‘Look I really don’t want to talk about it.’ She sighed as she placed the bread cakes in a serving bowl and slicing the meat into mouthful chunks if she turned around now she would be a goner, she knew that and kept her gaze trained on the chopping board in front of her.
‘Avda…’ Geralt croaked.
Throwing her knife down, she half screamed in frustration ‘Geralt! It's fine; I get it. You prefer Yennefer to me, it's fine. I understand I am not upset. We will find the book you can break the bond, and you can go off with her. Can we just not talk about it please I just want to forget about it.’ Tears were now welling up in her eyes and threaten to spill onto her cheeks.
‘Adva, please.’ Geralt pleaded. ‘You need to listen to me. We need to talk, please….. I know I messed up by not telling you….but I have been so confused. I have been attached to Yennefer for so long… But all I can think of is you, every fibre of me needs you. You are my soul mate….Please Adva.’
Geralt reached out his bronzed hand and grasped her forearm gently turned her to face him. Blue eyes met gold orbs, and she felt herself melt. The warmth of his hand felt good against her skin; she could help but sigh as the feeling it was the first time she had felt anything in so long, it gave her more pleasure than anything before ever had, well almost. The hungry look in his eyes took her back to that night. She wanted nothing more than to push him down on the table behind him and…. The though were more explicit than she ever thought herself capable of.
It would be so easy to full into his arms and forget the events of the last ten days, but then that violent eyed mage face entered her mind.  
‘No…just no. I can’t; I just can’t be near you right now. Please leave me alone.’
‘Adva…How can I prove to you that I don’t want her, just you, only you.’
‘You didn’t tell me. You go from Yennefer to me because of your ‘bond’, and I won't be there when you change you mind.’ Adva’s voice was barely a whisper.
‘You know that not what this is….I could never do that. Let me worship you my little flower.’
Pulling herself out from his grasp, she could look at him; she couldn’t trust herself to look at him not now. ‘Just…just stay away from me. I can’t; I just can't right now. Stay away from me.’ She whimpered out before escaping out the room into dark ache way to collect herself away from the sounds of crashing furnisher.
‘Dinner’ Adva called, swiftly made her way to the library and pulled open the dumb waiter and immediately began to offload the food onto the table. It was not a very fancy meal but it smelt good, but she couldn’t force herself to feel hungry. A sickness bubbled in her stomach, and she carried the food to the table, bowl by bowl. She agonised over her discussion with Geralt. Part of her believed him, but the other part felt relieved; she knew this story all too well. It had happened to too many of the girls on the brothel, promises of love destroyed them, made them totally dependent and vulnerable to the men that promised them everything, only for them to be cast them off and move onto a new woman leaving behind a wreak. It happened to one girl, in particular, Soffie, a pretty young thing, 18 and bright-eyed whisked off to some exotic land but an elegant merchant. The blonde woman child followed after him and returned 18 months later looking ten years older having whore her way across the country to get home. Soffie was never the same as that her eyes lost that spark in her eyes, flirted with died eyes as she took man after man to her room. She refused to be like that, but every part of her schemed she was doing the wrong thing.
The food smelt wonderful, full of fresh herbs and toasted spiced, the buttery bread gave an oddly comforting aroma, but she felt no hunger or want to eat in fact she felt sick thinking about have to force it down her throat. Jaskier slid in next to her and Ciri wedged herself next to her, sandwiching themselves either side of her. Geralt stalker over and slide himself opposite her, staring darkly across at her.
‘Have you cleaned?’ Yennefer asked in the manner only suited to a queen, arrogant and dismissive. ‘I am glad to see you putting the creature to work.’ She sneered at the group huddled around the table.
Five pairs of eyes glared up at Yennefer as she sneered down at Adva, her eyes slide over to the prepared food, and her lips curled back over pearly white teeth. Adva was torn between wanting to shrink back in her seat and wanting to throw the plate of glazed vegetables into her perfect face or pour the bitter ale over her head and ruin the stunning dress that clung to her body. If you could call it a dress, it was a thin strip of silk that wrapped around her shoulders and dipped down to her naval where it was tied in an attractive knot and bellowed down into a floaty skirt. Truly, Adva had never wanted to harm someone as severely as she did now.
Instead, Adva lifted her shoulder and pulled on a piece of bread, nibbling on a corner. It was soft and chewy, but it turned to ash in her mouth. ‘Have you found anything?’
‘Not really, just a lot of lore and eyewitness story.’ Ciri breezed as she poured himself a long drink. ‘
‘Did you find anything more in the archives’ Adva smiled sweetly as Jaskier who was devouring a bread cake laden with the roasted vegetables and meat.
‘Just this…It an accord from the last war with the Merfold and the Humans. It nothing interesting but look at the signature.’ The bard pushed the scroll into the centre of the tabled.
It was an elegant piece of material. It was not the usual discoloured yellow but a pale green. It shimmered in the sunlight, and the smell of seawater still lingered in the air. Reaching out a pale hand Adva brushed the paper with her middle finger, the silky parchment slide across her flesh as she traced the signature on the paper. The curl of the letters spelt across the bottom of the page next to a scruffy scrawl.
‘It appears Cersi and Mousesack acted as arbitrator between the two parties. The Empress Azalea, First of Her Name, The Protector of the Deep and Waves, Queen of Navacis, Sovereign of Sirei, Mother of all and ruler of the Great Sea met with Leopold the Ready to discuss the peace treaty between the two kingdoms.’ Ciri explained pushing the document toward the Mage and the Witcher.
Geralt skimmed the document, narrowing his eyes at the lengthy text—a mix of sonic script and Novigradian. How a text like this got into the archives was strange, it should have been locked in some vault or the archives at Oxenfurt. Underneath it was the incomplete family tree of Empress Azalea, deep crinkles wove their way onto his brow as he gazed down at the small pile of papers. A page about the full history of the high court and the great families of the Great Sea. Mermaid were notoriously private, which meant little was known about them and that their research would uncover nothing that would illuminate the situation. Something caught the corner of his eyes, something that felt important but he couldn’t exactly put his finger on it.
‘So you think that Cersi became friendly with some Mermaid who gave her a child to look after who she abandoned to a torturous mage and then brothel.’ Vesemir scoffed, scooping up another palate full of meat and vegetables.
‘Cersi put her in the brothel to protect Adva. The mermaid physic emits pheromones which could have put her in danger from others…it’s the only thing that would make sense.’ Triss smiled across at her young pupil.
The caramel eyed mage took the hand of the young mermaid. The poor girl's hand was icy cold and sweaty. For her sake, Triss hoped that Cersi had placed her in that brothel for that reason, it was the only thing that made sense, a less Cersi had a darker motive which she prayed to god she didn’t, she didn’t know how much more Adva could take.
Ciri glanced around the table, all, ever Yennefer seemed to be in deep thought, somberly munching on their food. Pondering on the fact, Ciri spoke ‘Have ever you thought that maybe Cersi is her mother? And she had an affair with a male mermaid.’
‘Titian. No, I would have smelt it’ Geralt muttered pushing the document away from him. ‘Besides being a Mage it's unlikely, most are infertile having gone through their…. Transformation.’ Geralt muttered, glancing behind him to the stoic raven-haired Mage.
Adva knew what that entailed, Cersi had spoken a little about her regret about seeking out her transformation and losing her womb. Part of her often wondered if Lord Brightwater and Cersi kept her for the temple of mages to keep her from that vicious alteration to her body. Part of her wanted to say that if she had been training in the Magely arts that she would have refused the procedure, but there was a lot, she would have changed. She would like to be taller and slimmer; she was all curves and thick body parts. She would keep her eyes and lips, and her noise though slightly too big gave her character. Her breasts were too small and hips too big. Maybe she would have changed them; her womb didn’t seem that big a sacrifice to her, hers didn’t even work anymore that’s to Tradi’s nightly beating.
Vesemir bleached loudly ‘It not impossible. Merfolk is the oldest document race. Many scholars believed they were the first race before some cast themselves out of the water and crawled onto the land. It would not be surprising if they had access to some sort of fertility magic or something. I once met a sailor who claimed that a Mermaid cast as a spell on his seed and he went on to have 13 children.’ The older man shrugged dipping his break in the mean juices.
Yennefer look down at the girl who was looking gloomily poked at her food, casting a curious eye over her figure. If that was true, the girl might be a useful tool in her pursuits of a family. A smirk stretched across her lips as the girl glanced up. The smiled faltered as Adva blue eyes met her violet orbs. A swirl of angry and hatred burnt brightly. The little fish was starting to turn into a shark.
‘Cersi smell is wholly different from Adva; it improbably they are related. Mothers and daughter usually have the same base smell.’ Geralt gruffly added.
Vesemire nodded, started to know one another piece of meat
‘What about I ask Crispin? He might have something in his book collection that could share some province.’ Adva piped up. ‘The Earl, he did say that he had a large collection of books on creatures and plants, he hinted about some rare pieces in his collection.’
‘Oh, it Crispin now?’ Geralt snapped. Jealous surged within him, she could barely speak his name, but she freely spoke about a man she barely knew.
Triss rolled her eye at the stropping Witcher, ignore the sound of several doors the slammed behind him ‘I will send a message to him, he should be back at his manor by now. He might be able to help…I hope.’
Adva paced. Might be a word she had come to hate. Might be able to help. At this point, hope wasn’t enough. Everything that she found raised more question then answers. If she really was a Mermaid, had her parents given her to Cersi? Or was she stolen? Was Cersi her mother? The question was enough to bring her to tears. Up until now, her life had been uneventful; in the past four months, there was enough to last her a lifetime. Taking a deep breath, she inhaled the heady scent of oak and spice. Geralt. Angry tears welled up in her eyes, shining in the moonlight. Gods! Her body was burning with a need for Geralt while her mind was screaming at her to run away from Geralt and Yennefer as fast as she could. She hadn’t seen Geralt since he stormed off during dinner. Yennefer, on the other hand, had stayed in the library till they all retired for the night. Yennefer had been very quiet, but the glares she sent across the table where vicious and menacing. Part of her wanted to run a hide somewhere, but a bigger part of her wanted to rip her apart. It scared her. Never had she ever wanted to hurt anyone with such a ferocity of feeling, she could feel the energy simmer under skin throbbing away violently.
Throwing open the window, the cool breeze caressed her skin. In the darkness of the surrounding wood, a figure stood vigilant beneath a mighty oak. Even in the darkness, she could see the outline of a man bundled up in a fine black cloak his face hidden in the shadows. She didn’t know why, but it gave her an overwhelming sensation a dread. The man had no right being up here, it was the hidden sanctuary of the school of Wolf and the long-kept secret to the world, how a man had wandered up here and found it scared her. Even at this distance, she could sense the man's face twist into a scowl as he tenses himself.
She watched the shadow hesitate against underneath the door—the wind dying in the air.
Creak! The floorboard screamed under the immense weight of a heavy boot as they moved through the corridor.
Whirling around, wide eyes fell on the door. The thick line of light shone out across the darkens floor shifted as a figure passed over it. She knew, she just knew who it was. The figure shifted outside the door wavering on the threshold. Geralt was looming in front of the door. Her breath caught in her chest as she watches the shadow shift from side to side. A soft groan vibrated through the wood as a weight lent against it. They both knew they could sense the other separated by a thick strip of wood. All he had to do was to turn the handle. All she has to do was to turn the handle. But they didn’t. A low growl grew from behind the door, shaking as it built in intensity, making the air thick with electricity.
Adva gulped as she watched the shadow retreat from the door before the warm orange glow disappeared descending her into darkness, only the pale light of the new moon illuminating her room. Turning back, the figure was gone leaving the lonely oak tree surrounded by a deep dark shadow. Blinking several times, she refocused on the patch of dirt where the man stood to find nothing but a lonely branch waving in the wind.
She was losing her mind, squeezing her eyes shut, she slipped under the quilted blanket, snuggled down into the bed and flung the cotton over blanket on top of her shivering body as anxiety twisted and knotted in her stomach.
I am so sorry I have taken so long to update. I finally got my qualification, and I am now a teacher! This has meant I have been trying to set up my classroom and set out a lesson for next year and as a lot of them are practical and need equipment, it meant I had to try and sources all the stuff. So much fun! --__-- After about Jully 22nd I should be able to relax and get back into a solid update a week.
Just to let you know shit is going down next chapter so please stay tuned!!
As always please leave comments and likes. If you want me add you to the tag list please direct message me. Lots of Love!
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katandabbieslife · 5 years
December 1st, Abbies 22nd! Part 1.
It kind of goes without saying, but when you truly love someone, you want them to always be happy - you want EVERY day to be a great day for them. Of course, that doesn't always happen because life happens. So all of us have shitty days, and we deal with them because we have to. Some days just end up being like that. Abbie and I both know that, and we both do a really good job of doing whatever it takes to make sure the other one has a good day. It doesn't mean the other never has a bad one, but it does mean that we always know each other's happiness is something that is always being considered. And THAT means everything. That doesn't make us special, it just makes us in love.
 So we try to make EVERY day better for the other. But there are certain days where we do our best to go above and beyond our usual to ensure all that we can that the other has an unforgettable day. Birthdays are just such days. When Abbie turned 22 a couple months ago (December 1st), I had made a promise to myself that I would do everything in my power to make sure that it would end up being a day and night that she would never not only never forget, but one that she would never want to. Despite a number of things that would end up going wrong, I think I succeeded.
 A funny thing happens when it comes to "perfect days" when you really think about. They don't tend to be the days where everything went exactly according to plan. Sometimes they don't come close to following the way you had things planned out, and the unexpected deviations from the original plans help make it even better. That was certainly the case on Abbie's birthday, where my carefully laid out plans blew up in our fucking faces and we still had what I think we both would agree was indeed a perfect day.
 The plan was fairly simple. The morning would start with me making breakfast in bed for Abbie. We would spend the first part of the day together alone. I would give her her presents and we would get lunch and I would take her shopping. Then it was gonna be girls night out at a few of our favorite bars. While readers of us know from the past that we both REALLY like guys too, this day and night were going to be just the girls. I had invited several of our mutual friends (and some who mostly know her from her classes at school). We would party at the bar or bars and get a little fucked up and just act our age mostly lol. And then I had asked two of our closest friends, Madison and Heather, to come back to our apartment to spend the night. It was planned so perfectly in my head. Those plans all started to become fucked up with the very first part of the big day: my breakfast in bed I was going to make her.
 (***Spoiler alert: I have no fucking business being in a kitchen unless it's to eat lol.***)
 Abbie's birthday happened to fall on a Saturday, a day in which we usually sleep in, which worked perfectly. I wanted Abbie to sleep in because I wanted to do something special for her and make her breakfast in bed. As in, you know, actually cook for her! I guess I just somehow assumed that I would suddenly and magically know how to cook on this day. It never occurred to me that since I've never been able to cook anything edible prior to that day that I might actually struggle to do so ON that day. And did I ever struggle to do so 😂😂!
 Omelets are good and Abbie likes them and we don't have them that often. So I had gone online and figured out how to make them (don't laugh just because I had to Google "how to make an omelet." I had already (somewhat discretely) bought all the ingredients I would need the day before. I am fully aware that omelets might be easy to make if you actually know how to make stuff. I don't. (I can't even spell the fuckin word, as auto correct keeps pointing out lol). Apparently they were literally one of the worst things I could have picked. I followed everything just like it said but couldn't get them to fold at all. I flipped more shit out of the pan than I was able to keep in the pan. And pretty soon I was horrified to discover that there was no way in hell that what I was making was going to resemble an omelet. So I'm kind of freaking out but then I realize that it just was turning into loaded scrambled eggs, and I could just pretend that was what I was going to make all along! She was still sleeping despite my brief but rather loud little burst of strong language after fucking up the omelet. So scrambled eggs it would be! They are easier to spell anyway...
 But ... nope. Scrambled eggs it wouldn't be. Apparently you can't leave them unattended for very long. I went to get bread to make toast since that goes with scrambled eggs (and since it's pretty hard to fuck up toast), but I got distracted when thinking about what else I could make to make it a perfect breakfast. Did you know you can burn scrambled eggs? I didn't. Turns out you can. You can also melt the spatula into the scrambled eggs if it's made out of plastic or rubber or whatever and you just leave it unattended in the skillet. Also, in case anyone is wondering, the smoke alarms in our apartment work perfectly.
 So that was Abbie's breakfast in bed. It never made it off the stove. She woke up terrified to the sounds of the smoke alarm and me crying in the kitchen and suddenly she came running naked out of the bedroom to witness both her girlfriend and our spatula melting down. I was a blubbering mess, saying through tears something like, "I just wanted to make you breakfast in bed." So here it is, the morning of her 22nd birthday and a day in which I wanted to make it all about her, and here she is comforting me. The day had literally just started and my hopes of giving her a perfect day were already ruined. I said as much to her, mumbling through tears something like, "I just wanted it to be a perfect day for you." As Abbie pulled me into her and hugged me tightly, she did what she so often does: she made me feel better with her words. She said, "Listen, we are together. Every day we are together is a perfect day." Even though I know that was a bit of a stretch, she had instantly and very effectively settled me down. Have I mentioned how much I love my girl?
 After our embrace, I just blurted out, "But I melted our spatula!" It was just a spontaneous, ridiculous thing to say, but we both had a much needed laugh, which also made me feel better. I said, "I really am sorry. I just wanted to give you breakfast in bed." Abbie replied, "Just give me breakfast on the counter instead." I gave her kind of a puzzled look and she just slowly started nudging me backwards toward the counter and licked her lips. I just smiled because I knew exactly what she meant.
 As my ass reached the counter, I hopped up on it. I was only wearing an oversized t-shirt, nothing else. Of course, that's one more article of clothing than Abbie was wearing. As I got myself situated on the countertop, I pulled the shirt off over my head and tossed it across the room as Abbie spread my legs apart. As my bald pussy slowly spread open, I leaned back on the counter and braced myself with my elbows. I bent my legs at the knees, but kept them spread wide open as Abbie's tongue began licking me. She tongued my ass before licking my pussy bottom to top. When she reached my clit, she toyed with it some with the end of her tongue before sliding  back down a little and putting her tongue all the way into my increasingly wet cunt like it was a cock. In and out, over and over, she slow fucked me with her tongue. As I lay on the counter convulsing, she slowly slid her middle finger into my asshole. I was moaning something like "Jesus Christ" as Abbie's finger fucked my ass and her tongue fucked my pussy. The pace gradually increased, with perfectly timed thrusts in both holes which kept completely in step with each other. My moans turned into screams until I wrapped my legs around her head and came in her mouth.
 Here it is, her special day and it is she providing ME with complete pleasure. It hardly seemed fair, but I wasn't about to complain. I was still shaking too much from such a seismic fuckin orgasm that I wasn't in any position to complain anyway. All I could offer was a meek "You're still getting breakfast in bed." And she did. Corn flakes and a banana lol. As I brought her a tray into the bedroom, I said, "We both know you are worth so much more than this to me. But I literally can't burn this breakfast!" And I know it probably sounds a little over the top or even ridiculous to some people, but I fed her the cereal myself, every single bite. By God, if I couldn't cook for her then I was going to feed her. It was something that wasn't planned at all and just happened, and it made me feel much better about things. Abbie ALWAYS takes care of me, and this was just a silly little thing I could do to feel like I'm taking care of her. After the last bite, I licked up all the milk that dribbled off onto her as I fed her. And sang Happy Birthday to her and kissed her and told her I've never wanted anything more in my life than to be her wife.
 Then I fucked her with the banana and made her cum just as hard as she had made me orgasm.
 Abbie's birthday had started off far from perfect, but it was already quite memorable. And it had only just begun.
 After Abbie and I had yet another epic fuck in bed that morning, we took our customary shower together. Rarely do we shower without each other. It's just kind of become our thing. We really enjoy showers and baths together. Baths are typically done at nighttime when we have more time, and are as much about relaxing as anything else. Sometimes we sit on the same side of the tub, usually with her in front of me since she is so much tinier than me. But just as often when bathing together, we sit at opposite ends of the tub. Often we just relax and maybe smoke a little while in the tub, and often we just lay in there staring at each other. It's usually reflective. But showers are often wild. A lot of kissing and fingering and toys, etc. We tend to get way more dirty before we ever think about getting clean in the shower. But on this morning, we had both already had massive orgasms and so it didn't turn out to be a wild shower ride like so many of them become lol. Instead, we just stood and made out as the water cascaded down on us. A very long, deep, highly passionate kiss. The kind you feel all the way down to your toes. I'm writing this quite a bit after the fact, so I can't remember for sure, but I'm almost positive that neither of us even put a finger in the other one's pussy during that particular shower. That's pretty unusual for one of our showers! But we sure had one of the longest and best kisses I can ever remember. Then we finally got around to washing each other and getting clean.
 The rest of my plans for Abbie's "perfect day" were as follows: we would head downtown to Caffé D’arte, one of Abbie's and my favorite coffee shops. The best Italian coffee on the planet! Then we would do some shopping downtown at some of the quaint boutiques that Boise has to offer. I wanted part of her birthday present to be a new outfit to wear that night. From there we would grab a late lunch, then hit the liquor store to stock up for the pre-party party at our apartment with the girls. Then we would head to her favorite nightclub (and another bar or two, probably) and party the night away before returning to our place with Madi and Heather, who were going to stay the night. It was a full day, but I knew the odds of pulling everything off from there on out had gotten much better now that I would no longer be required to be in the kitchen 😂😂
 What could possibly go wrong, right? Well, start with the weather lol. We knew snow was forecast for that day, but that wasn't really a concern. While the mountains were expected to get more, we were only forecast to get less than an inch in Boise proper. Not enough to hamper our plans! So weather wasn't going to affect our plans at all.
 Except, of course, it would.
 As we headed to the coffee shop for our first stop on our afternoon out, flurries were already falling. Which again isn't a big deal. When you live in Idaho, you are used to snow. But you also can FEEL the weather, meaning you can sense what it's going to do. I grew up in Kansas and I can equate it to thunderstorms there. You've been in enough of them and you can just feel what it's going to do before it does it. The sky, the wind, the feel of the air, etc. You just know. And I've found the same holds true in Boise when it comes to snow. And I know as I parked my car and Abbie and I were walking to our Italian coffee spot, that we weren't going to get less than an inch of snow that day. There was a snowstorm in the air. But we proceeded with plans as usual, at least for the time being.
 After a couple cups of amazing coffee, we hit up a few of the boutiques/stores downtown. It was in the third or fourth one we went to, Voxn Clothing, that Abbie found the perfect outfit. Abbie is the perfect combination of cute, adorable, beautiful, and sexy. And this outfit accentuated all of those traits. When she tried it on and showed me, I just wanted to tackle her right there by the dressing room and fuck her in front of whoever happened to be in the store at the time. But I restrained myself and didn't pounce on my lil birthday girl right then. There would be plenty of time for that later!
 By the time we got done shopping, it was actually closer to dinner time than it was lunch time. So we decided on a light, early dinner rather than a late lunch. Abbie picked Asiago's, and because it was already 4:00, we didn't want to eat too much since we were going to be drinking before too long. But we needed something in our tummies, so we both ordered bruschetta and Abbie had a glass of wine that I stole a few sips from.  As we left the restaurant and walked to the car, the snow had begun falling harder than just the flurries of earlier. It was completely obvious that the weather forecasters had missed the mark and that we were going to end up with way more than their forecasted amount of "a trace to an inch" of snow. And while I was suddenly glad that Abbie isn't nearly as big of a sports fan as me (if she had been, we would have been spending her birthday evening at the Fresno State vs. Boise State football game!). The wind and cold and snow made me glad we weren't doing that! Yes, I would have liked to watch the game. But this was my girl's night. This night was about her, not me. I vowed to not even watch any of the game on TV or follow it on my phone. (Turns out I never even thought about the game that night.)
 But it was time to talk about whether there was going to have to be a change of plans. The weather was getting increasingly more shitty and we needed to figure out if it was the best night to be bar hopping. I was wondering in the back of my mind if it was going to be such a good idea to go bar hopping on this night, but I didn't want to ask it aloud because my baby girl had her sexy new dress and we had been talking about it and going out was going to be part of the "perfect day." But it was Abbie who said it first. I hadn't even driven two blocks when she said, "So what do you think about just staying in tonight?" I asked what SHE thought about It, and she said she thought it would be a good idea. We knew we needed input from the other girls who were going to be going out with us that night, so we decided to call/text them to see if they were even still planning on getting out that night, and if they were, if they would be okay with just partying at our place. Abbie and I decided we would cover the Uber for any of the girls needing rides to or from our apartment that night. We had previously discussed just seeing if they might be interested in having a slumber party that night, just seeing if any or all of them wanted to just spend the night. But neither of us really wanted to do that because we knew Madison and Heather were spending the night. Those are our two besties lol. And I had spent much of the week discussing in detail some of the sexual adventures we had planned for Abbie's birthday night. So we really didn't want a bunch of other people spending the night. A pussy can only hold so many tongues and fingers anyway 😂😂
 The original plan was going to be 10 of us girls. Abbie and me, of course, and Madi (who had the night free from her boyfriend) and Heather (who is single), who would both be staying the night. Toni and Nicole, or Ebony and Ivory as I affectionately refer to them (yeah I know it ain't very original, but they think it's cute!), our interracial couple friends who are in an open relationship, had been invited. Karen (in a relationship with a guy) and Amber (somehow still single lol) were two other friends who were also on the list, as well as a lesbian couple from our floor who we've just been getting to know, Kammy and Ariel, a tall brunette and fiery redhead who seem like a lot of fun, and who we hope to start spending more time with! So that was the 10 invitees.
 After calling and coordinating, it turned out to be 8 girls. Karen and Amber, separately (and regrettably!) decided against joining us that night. Since both lived on the other side of town, that decision was completely understandable. But for the rest of us, it was time to fucking party. Abbie ran to the liquor store while I got last second things ready around the house.
 Toni and Nicole arrived first.  In fact, they got there even before Abbie got back home. We've fucked them before, and they are one of the few true couples we fuck. It's usually just a swap when we fuck them. I fuck one while Abbie fucks the other, and then we switch. It's never been what you would consider a traditional foursome - for some reason, it's always just been like two twosomes lol. Anyway, as they came into the apartment, I took their coats and my mind immediately went back to the last time they were in our apartment and I was immediately getting wet and couldn't wait for Abbie to get back. I discretely texted Abbie and told her to hurry up and get home, saying that I had jungle fever lol. I sometimes cross lines of being inappropriate and was hoping this wasn't one of those times! I was hoping her non response to my text was due to the fact she was driving and not because I crossed a line lol. When she finally texted back "don't start without me!!" I knew things were cool.
 She arrived shortly thereafter. Madison and Heather weren't far behind. They aren't a couple, but Madi had picked up Heather since they were both going to be spending the night anyway and both lived in the same neighborhood, less than 2 miles from us. For those of you have who have read our stories before, you are familiar with Madi. She's our friend who is in a serious relationship with a guy but who became more and more curious the more she hung around us. Now she is simply one of our very best friends, and a regular partner of me and Abbie (Yes, he knows. Yes, he is sometimes included in the fun). But we've never talked a ton about Heather. She is one of the girls who went on our lake trip last summer. Abbie couldn't sleep one night and was out on the deck. Heather couldn't sleep either, and they found themselves talking to each other. Abbie had told her about her being an amateur photographer and Heather asked if Abbie would take some nudes of her down on the beach with her camera (beautiful moon lit night that night). Heather is fucking hot lol. Of course Abbie agreed! Nothing happened of course, because of our rule that the other must be present for all physical sex. But Abbie was extremely attracted to her and in talking to other girls, the feeling was mutual. It wasn't long and Heather had become a very close friend of ours! And while Abbie and I don't really discuss "favorites" when it comes to our circle of fuck, if we did I think it's safe to assume that hers is Heather and mine is Madi. Hence those being the two girls who would be spending the night. Shortly after getting back from the lake this summer, Abbie and I were fucking in bed one night. As I fingered her hard, I sucked on her ear and whispered in it, "don't you wish Heather was fucking you now?" It wasn't a trap question. I wanted her to be thinking of Heather at that moment because I was thinking of them. When she didn't answer I fingered her harder and said, "You love fucking Heather don't you baby?" She screamed "God, you fucking know I do!" and it turned me on so much, probably more than her!
 So yeah, she was definitely spending the night that night. And part of Abbie's perfect night was going to be that she was going to get some quality one on one time with Heather. And Madi and I would fuck each other while we watched them. I'm not sure if there's ever been a more win-win situation than that 😂😂
 So as Madi and Heather stepped into our apartment, my mind couldn't help but race ahead to when it was just going to be us four. But I needed to stay in the present. We had four other girls to party with and entertain that evening, two of whom (Ebony and Ivory) were already in our living room. Arriving fashionably late to the party were the two girls who only had to travel about a block by foot to get to our door lol - our new friends and almost neighbors, Kammy and Ariel, both also students at BSU, as are Abbie and me.
 So the guests were all in place and the liquor was flowing. I felt like such a bad girl since I was the only one there who was under 21 (barely, lol). Everyone who doesn't know thinks I'm older than Abbie anyway (by looks - certainly not by wisdom and maturity!) I have also learned that I don't hold my liquor like a pro, lol. The more I drink sometimes, the more of an ass I tend to make out of myself (not to mention I tend to pass out before anyone else!) So as much as I love to drink, when we are with other people I have learned the art of appearing to drink more than I actually am! That was especially the plan that night. I wasn't about to get drunk and say or do something stupid on Abbie's big night. Our plants in the apartment drank more than me that night lol, since that was where I was dumping half my shit when no one was looking! But everyone else drank quite a bit, and some of us smoked quite a bit (that doesn't affect me negatively!), but nobody got really shitfaced. It was wild but mild, lol.
 As for sex? Had Abbie or myself initiated anything, I have no doubt that there could have been 8 naked girls having an orgy in our living room. Don't think we weren't thinking about that! But in a move that might surprise some of you, we had decided to keep the party non sexual. Part of the thinking in doing so was to build up what was in store for four of us later on that night. So we actually had a .... non sexual party (!!), although there was much flirting, and quite a bit of kissing. In her slightly inebriated state, Abbie got the first taste of our new friend Ariel (tongue taste that is), as they made out on the couch some towards the end. I satisfied my burning jungle fever somewhat by sticking my tongue in Ebony's mouth for several minutes. Not as good as her pussy, but still good! Anyway, everyone had drinks and food and played games and gossiped, and every time I looked at Abbie she had the biggest smile, and it made my heart sing. Her happiness is mine. It always will be.
 Soon the time came for the others to leave later that night into the extreme winter conditions (with drivers of course), and Abbie and as me and Heather and Madison remained, I knew the big smile Abbie had had all night was only going to get bigger. Less than two minutes after the other guests left, the four horniest girls in the state of Idaho at that moment began shedding clothes.
 It was time to rewrite the definition of the term "epic fuck." It was time to give my birthday girl a night she would never forget...
 *Part 2 of 2 will be posted no later than this Sunday. Thank you all for your patience and understanding through all the setbacks of getting this story written/posted. *
 Peace & Love, 
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