#Anyways Primis Richtofen is such an interesting guy
m-s-justice · 11 months
Warning for Unpopular Opinion:
I kinda hate Primis Richtofen
As a character, he's fantastic. But if I were to ever cross paths with him, he would be on the receiving end of at least 28 stab wounds.
Strap in for another Long Fucking Textpost.
I have three main gripes with the guy.
1. How he treats Victis/The Rest of Primis
Richtofen manipulates Victis into doing his dirty work, actively putting their lives in danger by siccing Undead Ultimis Richtofen on them, and then puts them on ice in a parallel to his Ultimis self doing the same thing to his teammates. Not to mention Victis is frozen in a HELL POCKET DIMENSION. And EVEN THEN, he’s not even the one to wake them up; it’s Ultimis Richtofen, likely prompted by Primis Nikolai. 
As for how he treats his team, holy shit. He deceives them the entire cycle. Sure, he didn’t technically lie to them, but omission of information is just as bad. The other three had no idea what they were walking into. They didn’t expect to have to kill themselves. And that’s the fucking thing. They didn’t sign up for this. Richtofen clearly never asked if the other three wanted to live in Agartha with him. Richtofen never considered that they have lives of their own, outside of the cycle. Richtofen considered his own goals above the lives of his team. In ZnS one of his opening lines is “Do you trust me, [whichever of the three he is talking to]?”, to which both Dempsey and Takeo respond that they feel like they have no choice but to and Nikolai who basically says no. And yet, RIchtofen keeps charging ahead, doing “what he has to”. Sure, he ensured that they didn’t get wiped from existence, nevermind the fact that they wouldn’t have even been in danger of that without Richtofen leading them there. Instead, Richtofen leads them in a fucking circle. They’re going to do the same song and dance, forever. Now, no matter how much personal beef I have with BO4’s writing, it’s implied that the only way peace could ever be achieved is through the Motherfuckers’ deaths. Accepting his own death is something Richtofen could never do, we even see it happen. When he dies in Blood, it’s not graceful. Rather than subject himself to death, he instead has everyone go through something arguably worse, a never-ending loop of suicide by proxy. What the actual fuck.
2. Dimensional collapse
Richtofen lets Dimension 63 (Morg City [SoE]) get eaten by Apothicons. To give him some credit, there’s probably not a lot he could’ve done by himself. Apothicons are known for gobbling down dimensions like rednecks at a pie eating contest. But also. There was Keeper intervention. Maybe let the Keeper use the Incredibly Powerful, yet Loosely Defined MacGuffin #52 to save the dimension before swooping in, stealing the Key, and then dipping? I don’t know man, the general lack of remorse in his actions, the whole “I have a universe to set right” line before dooming the entire place just rubs me the wrong way.
3. General Assholery
Richtofen is a bit of an arrogant prick. The apparent reason the others can’t peek at the Big Book of Plot Convenience is because they’re too stupid. He also refuses to answer any of their questions. No wonder the other three don’t trust him, what with his complete and utter lack of transparency and his compulsive need to beat around every goddamn bush in the Forest of Equivocation.
On a slightly different note, there’s one quote of his that stood out to me. It’s a start of session conversation with Takeo.
Takeo: “I fear that denying Dempsey the chance to better understand himself may have… consequences.”
Richtofen: “Even had he been conscious before his death, I do not believe that Dempsey had any… great knowledge to impart.”
What the hell. My Brother in CoD, you made him that way. An alternate you literally experimented on and tortured him and then froze him taking away all autonomy from him. Not only that, you selected that dimension. You chose that specific Dempsey. If you wanted a "smart” Dempsey, then literally go anywhere else and murder him instead. Holy fucking shit. And Primis Dempsey is also there. Mourning himself. And you’re out here insulting a dead man that you murdered behind his back. Richtofen did murder him; Dempsey was coerced into doing it. Even fucking worse, is that Dempsey confesses to Nikolai that he’s starting to trust Richtofen. The one thing Richtofen wants most and he doesn’t deserve it.
However, the actual worst part is that nothing comes from Dempsey not being able to properly meet with his other self. Dempsey pulls himself together by himself, which is very admirable, but does have the unfortunate outcome of confirming Richtofen’s position. There were no ramifications. That Dempsey was simply an idiot who had nothing of worth to contribute, other than his death.
Ok now to preface this I’m not attacking anybody who interprets Primis Richtofen differently.  He's a fictional character and other people viewing art in a different way than me will not cramp my style.
I do think that he genuinely loved his friends and wanted the best for all of them. The way he goes about it is just one of the worst ways possible. Comedically terrible, falling on his face, fucking Looney Tunes-ing it up. 
Simultaneously, however, I think at his core, Richtofen is a selfish character. And that’s shown in both version’s actions. Ultimis is pretty blatant in his egoistic pursuits. I spent the entire post pretty much draggin Primis in the mud, so I’m not going to repeat myself.
To end this: I hate him so much I want to rip him to pieces. But I also really like him as a character, so I would sitch him back together. And then his insufferable face would send me into an irrepressible rage and I’d shred him again. Rinse and repeat.
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madcharlie77 · 1 year
Break the Cycle: A CoD Zombies Story Part 1
This was originally posted on my Wattpad around a month ago but I decided to put it here since more people see my work here. I am in no way good at writing but I tried my best. To summarize what this is without too many spoilers for what this is, it's a What if scenario where Primis Richtofen stops the cycle by ending Ultimis Richtofens grand scheme. Anyway, please enjoy.
Soviet Codmadrome, Russia.
November 1963
After a tiring life or death battle at the Der Riese facility and an accidental stop at an abandoned theater used by group 935 to try control the undead, the Ultimis crew had finally made it to the Russian Codmadrome, Aka. Ascension. It was a calm but frigid night and the bitter touch of the crisp night air could be felt by everyone within the Codmadrome. At this time the undead seemed to have halted their vicious attack upon the crew, it being unknown if they had simply not found the crews location yet or if Samantha was feeling merciful that evening and was allowing the crew to rest. Anyhow, they collectively agreed that it would be best if they took it in turns to be on night watch.
It was the early hours of the morning when Tank Dempsey came off his watch, having to spend it with the last person he wished to see, the insane Dr Richtofen. He couldn't remember how the two met, knowing that they must've met previously as the German was the one who awoke him from his cryogenic slumber. He didn't know why, but upon meeting the doctor after being awoken he felt a great sense of loathing and hatred towards him, as if alarm bells were ringing in his head telling the Marine that this man was dangerous and not to be trusted, however what choice did he have but to follow him? He couldn't remember much of his own past so he followed the maniac in hopes to find the truth behind this madness.
It was on this crisp morning where Dempsey crept down to where the soft red hue of the Juggernog machine glowed, almost inviting him to come and sit next to it. He closed his weary eyes as the angelic voice of the woman, who he had named 'Jugger-girl', began to sing the familiar jingle, his gruff and tired voice singing along with it.
"When you need some help to get by, something to make you feel strong. Reach for Juggernog tonight, sugar seduction delight. When you need to feel big and strong, reach for Juggernog nog ton-"
The American halted his tired singing as a strong blue night glowed from the floor below. He questioned what it was at first before his interest took hold and lead him down stairs, only to be met with a strange sight. The blue light was a gateway into what he could only perceive as another dimension, however the strange part was the man standing infront of him. He was a well kept man, dressed in a shirt and a waistcoat. His slick black hair was brushed to the side and his facial features were angular and sharp, all these qualities tied neatly together with a mustache and pale blue eyes. Dempsey eyed the man up and down, trying to figure out who this man is. He seemed so familiar yet the marine couldn't put his finger on it.
"Ze baffled look doesn't suit jou mein dear marine." The man spoke in a thick German accent.
"Dear? You know me?" He asked in a puzzled tone.
"Vell, not in zhis timeline." He responded.
"Timeline?" He was even more confused now. "Is this another one of the little girls tricks?"
"Nein. Mein name is Edvard Richtofen, however I am not from jour timeline. Jou see, I am here seeking jour help." The German, who claimed to be Richtofen, spoke.
"Richtofen? Yeah right, the guys a freak, why would you wanna impersonate him?" The American asked with a chuckle.
The man just chuckled with him.
"Oh, I am Dr Edvard Richtofen, however I am from ein different time, 1918 to be exact."
"I'll believe it when I see it."
"Vell I don't have time to." He paused for a moment, trying to think of a way to say what he wanted to say next.
"Jou see... All of zhis, ze undead, Samantha, mein otherself, it's all one big time loop.. a cycle per say." He finally said.
"Whoa whoa whoa, slow down there buddy, a cycle? Have you gone mad?"
"A guy appears out of ein portal to another dimension und jou've been fighting ze undead for ein vhile now yet being told zhat all zhis is ein time loop is ze only thing mad about all zhis?"
"I suppose you have a point.."
"I need jour help Dempsheh, jou see ze doctor is planning something, something evil. I must to stop him from succeeding however I cannot interfere vith zhis timeline directly unless I vant to make zhis loop even vorse. However, jou can-" the man was cut off by the portal beginning to fade.
"Scheisse... Out of time." He looked at the Marine. "I vill visit again und explain zhis madness very soon, but in ze meantime, bevare ze doctor, he is evil incarnate."
The man turned and walked through the portal before the American could get in another word, leaving him there even more perplexed than ever.
"W-wait erm, 'Richtofen?' come on come back, I have more questions!" The American called out, but was met with the groggy voice of an older German.
"It vould be nice to get some sleep vithout ein DUMMKOPF screaming mein name und vaking me up Dempsheh!"
"Alright alright, don't get your panties in a fucking twist..." Tank called back. "Fucking kraut..." He mumbled to himself as he returned to the Juggernog machine. He decided to call it a night and go to sleep, however the strange encounter he had kept gnawing at his mind, keeping the possibility sleep just out of reach. Was what he was told true? What was Richtofen planning? He had so many questions in his mind left unanswered. However, if he knew anything, he knew it was wise to beware the doctor...
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widowswineapologist · 3 years
I heard you were open to headcanons. Is it okay to request Primis Richtofen headcanons comforting his S/O? She’s usually bubbly and motivational but he finds her crying while she’s on night watch duty for zombies
- While it may be a surprise for Richtofen to see you, of all people, like this, he knew it had to come sooner or later. Given the current circumstances and his own breakdowns, he's well aware what it can do to one's psyche.
- He's not the greatest at comforting people. He's not particularly great at doing anything with people at all, actually. He hides behind a charming smile and polite words but he's kind of an awkward mess when it actually comes down to it.
- But he cares about you. He cares about you so, so much that he tries anyways.
- He'll ask you what's wrong before anything else, and when you tell him, he'll try to act accordingly. He may ask if you want comfort or a solution to the problem just to make sure he doesn't say anything you don't want to hear.
- He's not the touchy-feely type but if you want physical comfort, he will hug you.
- He's honestly a lot better with verbally comforting you. There's a certain way that he speaks to you that makes you feel a little better, even if his words are riddled with uncertainty. He's being completely real and honest with you at that point.
- He doesn't know if things will ever get better, but with you by his side, they're bound to at some point, right? Just keep your chin up, he'll make sure everything is okay.
- If you feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders, he'll become Atlas.
- The logical part of his brain will take over and he'll tell you it's probably best you head to bed. He can take over for right now, it's important for you to get some good sleep.
- If you're still upset after that, he may try to find things to distract you. Has you help him with his work, may find objects or weapons of interest to you, or may take you around the grounds on a walk when the zombies start to leave you all alone.
- He will never EVER admit it to you, but he might've asked one of the guys for some pointers on how to cheer you up. They all gave him some rather...dumb (in his opinion) answers so he ignored them. The only one he really took to heart was Nikolai suggesting that he tells you some jokes.
- So he tries that. It goes just about how you'd expect.
- Over all, he really just wants to make you feel better, and he'll do whatever he can to achieve that.
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