#1027 words baby
m-s-justice · 11 months
Warning for Unpopular Opinion:
I kinda hate Primis Richtofen
As a character, he's fantastic. But if I were to ever cross paths with him, he would be on the receiving end of at least 28 stab wounds.
Strap in for another Long Fucking Textpost.
I have three main gripes with the guy.
1. How he treats Victis/The Rest of Primis
Richtofen manipulates Victis into doing his dirty work, actively putting their lives in danger by siccing Undead Ultimis Richtofen on them, and then puts them on ice in a parallel to his Ultimis self doing the same thing to his teammates. Not to mention Victis is frozen in a HELL POCKET DIMENSION. And EVEN THEN, he’s not even the one to wake them up; it’s Ultimis Richtofen, likely prompted by Primis Nikolai. 
As for how he treats his team, holy shit. He deceives them the entire cycle. Sure, he didn’t technically lie to them, but omission of information is just as bad. The other three had no idea what they were walking into. They didn’t expect to have to kill themselves. And that’s the fucking thing. They didn’t sign up for this. Richtofen clearly never asked if the other three wanted to live in Agartha with him. Richtofen never considered that they have lives of their own, outside of the cycle. Richtofen considered his own goals above the lives of his team. In ZnS one of his opening lines is “Do you trust me, [whichever of the three he is talking to]?”, to which both Dempsey and Takeo respond that they feel like they have no choice but to and Nikolai who basically says no. And yet, RIchtofen keeps charging ahead, doing “what he has to”. Sure, he ensured that they didn’t get wiped from existence, nevermind the fact that they wouldn’t have even been in danger of that without Richtofen leading them there. Instead, Richtofen leads them in a fucking circle. They’re going to do the same song and dance, forever. Now, no matter how much personal beef I have with BO4’s writing, it’s implied that the only way peace could ever be achieved is through the Motherfuckers’ deaths. Accepting his own death is something Richtofen could never do, we even see it happen. When he dies in Blood, it’s not graceful. Rather than subject himself to death, he instead has everyone go through something arguably worse, a never-ending loop of suicide by proxy. What the actual fuck.
2. Dimensional collapse
Richtofen lets Dimension 63 (Morg City [SoE]) get eaten by Apothicons. To give him some credit, there’s probably not a lot he could’ve done by himself. Apothicons are known for gobbling down dimensions like rednecks at a pie eating contest. But also. There was Keeper intervention. Maybe let the Keeper use the Incredibly Powerful, yet Loosely Defined MacGuffin #52 to save the dimension before swooping in, stealing the Key, and then dipping? I don’t know man, the general lack of remorse in his actions, the whole “I have a universe to set right” line before dooming the entire place just rubs me the wrong way.
3. General Assholery
Richtofen is a bit of an arrogant prick. The apparent reason the others can’t peek at the Big Book of Plot Convenience is because they’re too stupid. He also refuses to answer any of their questions. No wonder the other three don’t trust him, what with his complete and utter lack of transparency and his compulsive need to beat around every goddamn bush in the Forest of Equivocation.
On a slightly different note, there’s one quote of his that stood out to me. It’s a start of session conversation with Takeo.
Takeo: “I fear that denying Dempsey the chance to better understand himself may have… consequences.”
Richtofen: “Even had he been conscious before his death, I do not believe that Dempsey had any… great knowledge to impart.”
What the hell. My Brother in CoD, you made him that way. An alternate you literally experimented on and tortured him and then froze him taking away all autonomy from him. Not only that, you selected that dimension. You chose that specific Dempsey. If you wanted a "smart” Dempsey, then literally go anywhere else and murder him instead. Holy fucking shit. And Primis Dempsey is also there. Mourning himself. And you’re out here insulting a dead man that you murdered behind his back. Richtofen did murder him; Dempsey was coerced into doing it. Even fucking worse, is that Dempsey confesses to Nikolai that he’s starting to trust Richtofen. The one thing Richtofen wants most and he doesn’t deserve it.
However, the actual worst part is that nothing comes from Dempsey not being able to properly meet with his other self. Dempsey pulls himself together by himself, which is very admirable, but does have the unfortunate outcome of confirming Richtofen’s position. There were no ramifications. That Dempsey was simply an idiot who had nothing of worth to contribute, other than his death.
Ok now to preface this I’m not attacking anybody who interprets Primis Richtofen differently.  He's a fictional character and other people viewing art in a different way than me will not cramp my style.
I do think that he genuinely loved his friends and wanted the best for all of them. The way he goes about it is just one of the worst ways possible. Comedically terrible, falling on his face, fucking Looney Tunes-ing it up. 
Simultaneously, however, I think at his core, Richtofen is a selfish character. And that’s shown in both version’s actions. Ultimis is pretty blatant in his egoistic pursuits. I spent the entire post pretty much draggin Primis in the mud, so I’m not going to repeat myself.
To end this: I hate him so much I want to rip him to pieces. But I also really like him as a character, so I would sitch him back together. And then his insufferable face would send me into an irrepressible rage and I’d shred him again. Rinse and repeat.
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mostlymarvelsstuff · 7 months
Quite the Charmer
Summary: A cute morning with your girl on her special day!
Authors note: Happy Birthday Scarlett!! (shes now as old as Nat will ever be...)
Word count: 1027 Scarlett Masterlist Marvel Masterlist
   A smile spreads across your face as you pour syrup on the large stack of waffles you just got finished making. Once you're content with the amount on them you slide the plate, two cups of coffee, a small bowl of cut up strawberries, and a small vase with a single red rose inside it. Before picking up the tray you pat the pocket of your robe, and are satisfied once you feel the long box secure in your pocket.
   You slowly make your way upstairs to your shared bedroom, where you find your girlfriend peacefully sleeping. The morning light doesn’t seem to bother her slumber, and you chuckle softly as you take in the way her hair messily spreads across her pillow, a few strands even sticking to her forehead. You contemplate taking a picture, just for yourself of course, but knowing that she’d likely be mortified regardless of who has access to it, you decide against it.
   You carefully set the tray down on your bedside stand before moving the cups off of it and onto the table. You then make your way back into bed next to the slumbering woman. You lay a gentle hand on her shoulder and smile at the familiar feel of the fabric of what was once your shirt beneath your fingertips. 
   “Honey, time to get up” you softly call out, shaking her shoulder slightly. She groans before turning slightly and burying her head into the pillow. Her actions earn a chuckle from you, and you try again, “If you don’t get up, I won’t give you any morning cuddles”
   She practically bolts upright, only narrowly missing colliding her head with yours, “ ‘m up!”
   “I can see that” you laugh, clearing her face of a few wild strands of hair, “Mornin’ gorgeous” 
  She smiles as a blush settles across her cheeks, something you always found adorable because, well she's called various synonyms of beautiful all the time by loads of different people, but it only ever means anything when it comes from you.
   “Good morning” she greets, her voice a bit raspier than usual due to just getting up, “What smells so good?”
   You reach over to the bedside table and turn on the light before grabbing the tray to hand to her, “Happy birthday, baby.”
   Her face lights up with a large smile and she eagerly reaches out for the tray. She notices the rose first and she makes a mental note to somehow save it before looking at all the food, “Thank you love, you're helping me eat this stack, right?”
  “Of course” you giggle, “Thats why theres two forks”
    She presses a chaste kiss against your cheek before grabbing her fork and starting to eat, and you follow suit. A peaceful silence envelops the room as the two of you enjoy breakfast and in that silence your mind buzzes with excitement. You really hope she likes all you have planned, and her gift.
   “That was delicious” she compliments, breaking the silence before she pops the last piece of strawberry into her mouth, “Thank you”
   “It was my pleasure to dote on you on your special day”
   She playfully rolls her eyes, “You dote on me everyday”
   “Yeah, but today it's an extra special kind of doting” you explain, nudging her with your shoulder playfully
   She hums in agreement and takes a sip of her coffee, “How did you get away with making these without waking the kids?”
   “I'm very lucky. In fact, this very conversation is being had on borrowed time” she laughs at your no very untrue statement, “Which is why it's time to give you, this”
   Her eyes widen a bit upon seeing the box and she reaches out to grab it. She hasn’t even opened it yet and you can tell how grateful she is. She carefully opens the box and can’t help but smile at the bracelet inside. It’s an intricate little chain, ordained with a few charms, each with a special meaning behind them. 
   The little black widow spider for her time as Natasha Romanoff, a rose to represent her daughter, a Cosmo to represent her son, the Empire State building to represent her love of New York, a movie reel to represent her acting career, and lastly a palm tree to represent the beach in L.A. where the two of you had first met
   You let out a nervous chuckle, “I know it's not as fancy as your David Yorman stuff, but- ”
   “It’s perfect” she assures, grabbing it from the box and holding it around her wrist, “Help me put it on?”
   You reach down and let your fingertips trail across the soft skin of her wrist before latching the clasp. You admire they way it looks before trying to move them away, but she quickly reaches out and intertwines her fingers with yours
   “I love it, Y/n. And I love you”
   A smile lights up your features, a smile reserved only for her, “I love you too Scarlett”
   She leans in, placing her lips against yours in a kiss full of emotion. And though it starts out soft, it quickly turns into the kind of kiss that leads to exploring each other fully. But then the patter of feet from down the hall has both of you pulling away and glancing at the door
   “Mommy! Happy birthday!” Rose excited says before nearly launching herself at the blonde
   “Thank you honey”
   The girl pulls away enough to look at you, “Did you give her her present?”
   “I did.” 
   She smiles and reaches for her moms hand and admires the jewelry, “So pretty”
   Your girlfriend smiles, “It is, isn’t it. I can’t wait to wear it out to dinner tonight”
   Her comment has you smiling in turn, and you're glad you made the decision to give her a more sentimental gift. And you also find it cute that she legitimately does seem excited to show it off to her family.
   “Now come on, we better go get your brother” Scarlett says before looking at you, “You ready to make them some waffles too?”
   “I’m always ready for waffles”
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sadbreadloaf · 6 months
december 3rd | park jisung
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❆ | pairing : crush!jisung x fem!reader
❆ | genre : fluff, shy jisung trying to give you his sweater
❆ | word count : 1027 (queue sticker by nct 127)
❆ | note : haechan and chenle are mentioned as friends
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december was quickly approaching. you and your friends were hanging out at a cafe. the frost was creeping at the edges of the window and you could see soft snowflakes fall from the clouds.
"are you guys excited for december 3rd?" haechan asks, giggling.
"wait whats going on?" jisung asks.
"oh he's talking about that one song... how does it go..." you start but you get interrupted by haechan's singing.
"i still remember the third of december, me in your sweater~"
"okay okay we get it, you know the song" chenle says, rolling his eyes.
you all laugh and continue to talk about something else, but jisung stays a little quieter than usual.
December 3
December 3 is national give your gf/bf/partner one of your sweaters day :)
jisung has had a crush on you ever since you met. haechan introduced you guys for the first time and he fell for you so hard. you were friendly and energetic all the time. jisung, on the other hand, was a lot more quiet than you. he had a hard time talking to you. he never thought you had the same feelings for him.
all of his friends could notice his huge crush on you. they always teased him about it when you weren't there. when you two were together, they would always try to push jisung towards you or hint at the idea. you never seemed to catch on.
"our baby jisungie gets so shy~" chenle teases.
"jisung you gotta tell her dude. i can't keep seeing you freeze up and panic every time you talk to her” haechan pleads.
"i can't do it, she’s nothing like me. how am i supposed to confess to her. you said it yourself, i can barely talk to her" jisung explains. he truly thinks he has no chance with you.
"don't say that. i'm sure you'll find the right moment, you just gotta be patient" chenle says.
december 3rd was that moment. he knew it.
that's what i should do, ill give her one of my sweaters, jisung thought. but how is he supposed pull that off. he can barely talk to you without blushing let alone give you his hoodie. he was gonna find a way. he was gonna make you his some way or another.
your friends meet up on the 3rd at a christmas market. you guys planned to walk around a bit and buy some gifts for your families. jisung had plans of his own.
"jisung, why do you have such a big bag, what do you have in there-?" chenle asks.
"o-oh it’s nothing, don't worry about it"
"imagine it's a sweater" haechan teases.
"what? how did you- i mean, i don't know what you're talking about"
haechan and chenle locked eyes. they knew exactly what he was talking about.
"heyyy jisung why don't you go see what y/n is up to" haechan pushes jisung towards you subtly.
"wait what no, what are you guys doing-"
as you were looking at the handmade ornaments, you felt a soft bump on your back. you look back to see panicked jisung and haechan and chenle running away laughing.
"oh hi jisung! there you are, i was just thinking about you."
"oh me...?"
"of course you, here wait, look at this pretty ornament, should i get this for my mom?"
"actually i wanted to talk to you about something, can we walk for a bit?"
"yeah of course!"
you start walking down the park. it’s snowing again. you looks over at jisung, his cheeks were flushed with a light shade of pink and small snowflakes were scattered across his hair. you could see him trembling, but you assumed it was because of the cold.
"so… it’s december 3rd," jisung was so nervous. his hands were trembling and his voice was shakey. i can’t believe i’m doing this.
"yeah it is! christmas is upon us!”
"yup." what kind of response was that?? c’mon park jisung, keep it together.
you could feel the tension in the air. he never comes and talks to you alone. he had something planned, didn't he?
you stop walking and turn towards him. you look up. he was avoiding eye contact. he couldn’t say anything. he could only stand there.
"so, what did you want to tell me"
"oh uh well, y'know how it's december 3rd and uhm, i searched about the date online and saw you had to give your sweater to your partner and well uhm..."
"sungie... are you about to give me a sweater?"
"how could you tell...?" jisung has never felt so warm in the winter air.
"well, you've been a lot more shy around me lately, the avoiding eye contact, your quiet voice, and how could i not notice all the teasing from haechan and chenle" you laugh. jisung tried to cover his face in embarrassment, but you pulled them away. "you're so cute jisung, how could i not like you"
jisung finally made eye contact with you. he couldn't believe what he heard. you loved him too, just like he loved you. he couldn't help but stare and smile.
"sungie, the sweater," you giggle.
"oh right, sorry"
he pulls out a soft black hoodie. you recognized it. it was his favourite sweater.
"it took me so long to pick a sweater for you. i didn't know what you liked"
"if it's from you, then it's perfect."
you take off your jacket and immediately pull the hoodie over your head to put it on. the hoodie dropped down past your waist and the sleeves hung past your hands. it smelled like him, his love.
"you look so pretty..." jisung says without any hesitation.
you laugh, "thank you jisung"
jisung pulls you into a hug, his hands wrapped around your waist. you can feel all his love for you that has been kept inside him drain from his body into yours. he pulls away from you a little and presses his forehead on yours.
"no, thank you."
in the back, you can hear faint cheering from chenle and haechan.
"wah our jisungie is no longer a baby~!"
"oh shut up!"
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a/n : first longer fic!! didnt think i would be able to do it but here i am lolz. also, im totally not wishing i get a sweater :D (someone give me one plz).
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xuchiya · 19 days
"R1 rider" || yeosang x female reader
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genre: fluff, (small tinge) angst words: 1052 i love motorbikes, i want to own one too :<
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Your sister bid you farewell as she gets in the car assisted by Park Seonghwa, her personal bodyguard since the beginning of her reign. Being the first woman to own all the inheritance from your late grandfather.
   You wave her goodbye as the figure of the car slowly mini in your eyesight before you exhale heavily, your hand falling to your side with a small sound of skin slapping. The massive weight on your shoulders was getting heavier and heavier each time you step inside the seraglio and the unending duty as the next noblewoman of the company, this time what your grandmother willed,pressed down on you like an iron mantle, suffocating and relentless.
“Lady, we have to return home for your evening class.” Your aide— NingNing spoke softly beside you before gesturing you towards the car. You nodded before settling inside the backseat. NingNing and your driver sitting in the front seat, she turned to you with a soft look, “You can make an excuse to not attend dear, i know how tiring all of these are.” 
You shake your head, giving her a small smile, “No it’s okay Ning, it’s just an hour and half class. I can still attend it.” She nodded her head, understanding your wishes before telling the driver to return back home. 
As the car moves silently on the dark night of May, you notice a drizzle of rain hitting the window, creating a glinting of lights on the lamppost. A smile grew on your lips, your finger hovering on the regulator of the window and lowering the car window— the sudden wind noise inside the car raises alert on your two companions but NingNing assures the driver quietly that it is alright.
NingNing is a few years older than you, just around the same age as your sister yet it feels you have another sister, so she knows you like the back of her hand. 
Like a kid again, you wave your hand up and down similar to how a mermaid swims. Then after a while, you open your palm to catch the rain— watching the splash on your fingers and the touch of the roughness of your hand. It was times like these you would recall being carefree from the world full of politics, rules and regulation, responsibilities that you only cared about your unfinished addition and your multiplication table homework. You would waste one wish to relive that moment of being a kid, watching F1 (both vehicles) and then take an obsession of collecting the models of the racers.
   Just as you were enjoying your time with thoughts of your childhood, you were greeted with the intense yet familiar tune of the exhaust pipe of R1 Yamaha. Your ears perk up to the sound of the engine; your head snaps towards 4 zooming motors that went past your car.
Your heart was beating on how beautiful the motors were, you wanted to own one but you were forbinded as it is not un-lady-like for you to own one— hence riding one. Even with the harsh words, it did not falter how you still love to collect them.
Few more motors passed by until a bike neared your car, you were so caught up with the sounds until a gloved hand took your hand. You were taken back, feared roared inside you as you took upon his presence, he wore a dark leather long coat with red painting some parts of his coat, his visor was up and you managed to catch a glimpse of his long lashes decorating a few droplets of water on it, his glimmering eyes and his birthmark.
“Put your hand inside baby, it's dangerous!” His voice was muffled inside his helmet but it was still clear with what he said. He gave your hand a squeeze before letting it go and drove off. Your heart suddenly flew up to your throat, your cheeks flaring from the mere interaction.
“Lady, are you okay?! Who is that?!” 
“Who was that? Back up are chasing that vehicle! 1027 kindly track down—!” Your driver suddenly reported on his walkie talkie which alerted you as you heard a confirmation that you suddenly shot up from your seat and took the walkie talkie in your hand, “No no don’t chase him! This is your lady speaking, do not chase him, he’s harmless!”
You felt the walkie talkie make noises in confirmation before you heard the siren turned off not far from your car. You gave the walkie talkie back to NingNing, you huffed out looking back outside, “He was just telling me to put my hand back in …”
“Why my lady?”
“Because it’s dangerous.”
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6 months later …
“I have assigned you your bodyguard, dear.” Your father said, you furrowed your eyebrows— glancing behind you were NingNing and 3 more of yours and your father’s bodyguard were trailing not so far— She bows her head indicating she did not know anything about it. 
You turn back to your father, “Why? I don’t need more bodyguards! They’re enough.” Your father sighs, shaking his head, “He knows more combat skills and he is friends with Park Seonghwa. They were in the same academy.”
You scoffed, watching from the corner of your eyes as two male in suits bowed in your presence as they opened the doors of your father’s meeting room wherein you will meet your new bodyguard. Your father’s emotion change into a soft look as he glance at the male across the room, “Ah~ Yeosang, how have you been son?” Your dad brought the guy in his arms as they quickly shared a hug before leading him to your spot.
As your eyes settled on the guy, your heart started speeding up as you locked eyes with the same one you saw 6 months ago, your eyes flickered to the birthmark and you were indeed more surprised that it was really him. Your hands become sweaty when he approach you.
A smile on his face as he took your hand, reaching to touch his lips— he kissed the back of your hand— without tearing his eyes off you, he gave your hand a squeeze– the same amount of strength when he did it back then, “It’s nice to finally meet you … baby.”
You snatched back your hand back, making your cheeks flared, Yeosang chuckles softly, "Why my lady?"
You furrow your brow, clearing your throat as your eyes flickers everywhere, catching your aide's teasing look then back to him, "Because it's dangerous."
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bad268 · 2 months
Hello my friend! I've recently discovered your work for the frog boys and also saw you have requests open (if this isn't true anymore I'm terribly sorry!) I was wondering if you could write something about Pezzy (and maybe the rest of the frog house included if you want) playing horror games with his s/o? Have a good day!
Scared in Love (Frog Boys X Reader)
Fandom: RPF/Miscellaneous
Requested: Clearly (I decided to make this part of [Blank] in Love. I could be read alone though. Thank you my friend <3)
Warnings: Horror games
POV: First Person (I/me)
W.C. 1027 (about 250 each)
Summary: Horror games are scary, who knew?
As always, my requests are OPEN
Technically can be read alone, but Part 4 <-
Puffer (At Dead of Night)
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“This is stupid! All we’re doing is running from a bald guy,” I laughed as I controlled the movements in the game as we ran between rooms. Puffer had been asked to play At Dead of Night. Despite knowing he did not like horror games, he agreed as long as I was there for it. Neither of us had heard much of this game, and so far it was pretty boring. “Am I supposed to lock this door?”
“Maybe? Isn’t the guy chasing you?” Puffer answered as he leaned closer to the screen. He broke his glasses recently, so he was blind for this stream, and that’s the main reason he asked me to join. “Wait, why is that light flickering?”
“Like I know,” I scoffed as I immediately moved toward it. Nothing happened. “See chat, y'all just be hyping up this game, and it's plain.” I turned around in the game and jumped in my seat as some random person showed up. “Holy shit!”
“Dr. Bose was accused of the worst crime possible,” Puffer joked with mock seriousness. “We need to go to the ground floor now to see the police lights!” He took over the controls, again leaning close to the screen to see.
“Maybe you shouldn’t speed run out of the room,” I advised.
“Nah, we’ll be fine,” And almost like Jimmy was listening, he jumped out from around the corner to kill us. Puffer jumped back in his chair, causing it to fall back.
“What did I fucking say!?”
Pezzy (Doors)
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“It’s Roblox. How scary can it possibly be?” were going to be my famous last words. I was sure of it.
“I swear to god if one more of these things pulls me out of the closet again, I will throw my controller at the screen!” I shouted as I died once again. 
“Welcome to the club,” Pezzy laughed, “It only gets worse.”
“I’m going to cry,” I joked as I respawned. “This is literally torture! I did not agree to do this!”
“Yes, you did!” Leave it to Pezzy to pull up the receipts in the form of a text you sent him a while ago. He briefly showed it to the camera before clearing his throat, and imitating my voice, “I doubt it’s even that hard. I bet that I could speed run it faster than you.”
“I don’t remember saying that sober,” I admitted as I ran through the doors, ignoring Pezzy’s laugh. “I really don’t. In fact, I think a certain someone stole my phone and texted someone while we were drunk. I wouldn’t put it past you honestly.”
“I cannot believe you would accuse me of such a thing,” Pezzy gasped as he put a hand to his chest. “I seem to remember you bragging about not being scared of anything. You’re eating your words now, huh?”
“Never,” I said definitively. It didn’t last long as, almost immediately, the red skull thing chased me through the rooms. “I swear! PLEASE!”
Droid (FNAF Help Wanted)
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“It’s not even that bad,” I laughed as I glanced at chat while Droid stood behind me playing Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted. I had played it before since I was practically a FNAF channel, so Droid made it his subgoal to play it when they hit 5,000 subs. Granted, he did not think it would happen that quickly. “Just wait until you get to the third game.”
“You’re kidding me!” He shouted as he frantically looked around the room. “There’s no way it gets worse than this! You’re capping!”
“Nah, you’re just a baby,” I laughed as a highlighted chat caught my eye.
“You should shove him.” it read. Thankfully, he could not read chat while in the game, so I took this as my opportunity. With a smirk, I stood up and walked around to stand behind Droid. Just as the music picked up in the game, I grabbed his shoulders and he was jumpscared. From me and the game as Bonnie jumped out at him. 
He flung his arms back to try and drab me, but I ducked and ran back to my chair. He pulled the headset off and immediately glared at me. He let go of the joycons as he pointed and slowly approached me. 
“I will murder you,” He joked as he leaned down to be at eye level with me. “I will threaten domestic violence live on Twitch.”
“Don’t threaten me with a good time,” I joked back as I raised my eyebrows.
“WOAH! WOAH! WOAH! Nah, don’t even!”
Grizzy (GMod Horror Maps)
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“I don’t like the squidward-looking thing or the witches,” I cried as I ran my character through the dark maze. “Why did you mod them in?”
“Because I knew you didn’t like them,” Grizzy laughed as his character followed mine around. “I can remove one of them if you want.”
“Please do,” I laughed as I purposely let myself get killed by Squidward, so I would respawn. Grizzy exited the game to fix the mod as I stayed on the call with him, entertaining his chat. Eventually, he got it changed but did not tell me what he put in. 
“Can I know what was spawned?” I asked as I reloaded the game. I had to update it since the mods changed, and I got stuck on the loading screen for a minute. I thought he would have told me at that point, but no. When I loaded into the game, I saw a hoard of witches immediately. I slowly looked over to Discord to see Grizzy’s face cam, and of course, he’s got that malicious smile. “I will murder you.”
“You always say you could outrun the witches,” Grizzy laughed as his character also loaded it. As soon as he spawned, he threw a bomb at the group. “I’m testing you.”
I screamed as I ran my character the opposite way through the maze, “What the fuck is wrong with you!”
“See!? It’s not so easy, huh?” Grizzly laughed as he watched my character run. ”What are you mumbling?”
“California girls were unforgettable,” I said a little louder than before as my voice got higher. “Daisy dukes bikinis on top.”
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shanbinswf · 10 months
BABY, I'M YOURS — lee jaehyun [repost]
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landing page. main masterlist.
pairing: fiancé jaehyun x afab reader
genre: mild fluff, smut (mdni)
plot: jaehyun has been busy with work recently, so when he takes a weekend off and whisks you away to a cabin, he decides it may just be the right time to take things slow with work and finally start a family with you. technically part two of baby i'm jealous.
wc: 1027
warnings under the cut.
warnings: mild swearing, fingering, the mentions of having a child. this was kind of short, sorry for that.
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Nothing in the world, and you really meant nothing could ever compare to waking up to your fiancé’s face, his hair an angelic halo on his pillow with his eyes closed. Even fast asleep, he managed to look oh so pretty. Of course, his face wasn’t what made you fall in love with him, but it sure as fuck was a benefit you were beyond happy to have.
If someone had asked you three years ago would you even wake up and find yourself in Lee Jaehyun’s bed, you would have scoffed or even took a dramatic gulp of coffee just to spit it out in their face for added effect. But now, you couldn’t imagine waking up on a sunny Sunday spring-summer cusp morning with anyone else by your side.
You turned from your stomach to your side to better face the love of your life, then you reached your hand out. Your fingers ghosted over his cheek and your lips turned up in a smile which only grew wide when Jaehyun opened his eyes.
Jaehyun smiled softly and whispered, his voice thick with sleep, “Good morning, beautiful.”
You moved closer to the man, moving your arms to wrap around his body, pressing your face into his neck. His hand moved to the back of your head instantly, his fingers lightly running through your hair. “How is my angel doing this morning? Did you sleep well?”
You nodded your head, but closed your eyes regardless. You wanted to be consumed by his touch, his embrace. If you closed your eyes, you could allow yourself to focus on him and only him.
Jaehyun laughed lightly and moved his hand to your face, forcing your body away so he could admire your face in the morning sun that cracked through the white curtains. “Use your words like a big girl, baby,” Your fiancé joked, to which you rolled your eyes but gave into his demand.
“I slept just fine, Jaehyun,” Your smile betrayed your faux anger, to which Jaehyun couldn’t resist the sudden urge to move closer to you and press a gentle kiss against your lips.
Jaehyun smiled against your lips, then pulled the lower part of his face from yours while allowing his forehead to remain resting against your own. “Good,” He whispered, his eyes fluttering closed as he, too, wanted to just focus on you and the serene calmness of your bedroom.
“Your mom wants to meet me later to discuss cake options for the wedding,” You finally spoke after finding the silence turn from comforting, to somewhat suffocating. The deadline for the wedding was looming, and you swore it was causing your hair to slowly turn more white than it already was—and you were way too fucking young for white hair.
“Fuck my mom, she can choose cakes alone,” He uttered, but then realised what he had said and rushed to open his eyes wide, his lips parted. He looked like a begging puppy. “Please don’t tell her I said that.”
You laughed and moved your had to his cheek, nodding slowly. You watched as he sighed with relief, then you felt warmth as his hand rested on your lower stomach over the t-shirt of his you had stolen the night prior in a drunken and sleepy haze.
“All this wedding stuff is exhausting, why can’t we skip the planning and just get to the signing of papers,” You muttered, moving to rest on your back as your eyes stared at the ceiling.
You felt the warmth of Jaehyun’s hand travel down, down, down. Right to where your hadn’t even noticed you needed him, his fingers ghosting over the top of your panties in light and playful touches.
“What are you doing?” You asked, but your legs couldn’t resist the urge to part slightly as your pussy begged to be welcomed with his soft yet confident touches—the ones you had grown to crave.
His fingers pushed their way inside the top of your panties, but stilled and remained home in their place. “Nothing, baby. I’m just sleepy and cold,” He tried to excusing, nuzzling his face into the pillow that he rested his head upon.
You tried to excuse his actions as he defended, but when his fingers made their way lower, you knew he was toying with you. But you were prepared to play his game. You remained silent as his middle finger daringly tapped against your clit, which caused you to bite your lip to refrain from letting out a gasp of pleasure.
You turned your head to the side to look at the man who lay on his stomach, but his eyes were closed and he almost looked as if he was sleeping. But the way his finger finally pushed against your clit and rubbed small yet firm circles confirmed he was very much wide awake.
You rest your head back again and closed your eyes, your back trying to arch as your body begged, craved, more.
Jaehyun, seemingly always knowing what your body wanted, moved his fingers down further. His middle finger entered your hole slowly, finally causing you to release the gasp you were holding. His thumb moved to press against your clit, and your body began to hum with pleasure.
His finger pumped with a steady yet not too-fast pace while his thumb retained the perfect pressure, and the familiar coil in the bottom of your stomach began to form and tighten. Your hips began to buck, and he just knew he had you right in the palm of his—and he would never, could never, admit it to you, but he was in your palm also.
“Let’s have a baby,” He whispered. His eyes remained closed, and his hand kept the actions going which pushed you over the edge, but the thought of a child with the love of your life… You felt like your Sunday was going to be very, very long. And pleasure filled. Not that you were going to complain about that.
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itsgxsly · 2 years
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Summary: a drunken lando confesses his feelings for you, his best friend
Pairing: lando norris x reader
Warnings: alcohol
Word Count: 1027
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You cursed whoever had woken you up from your comfortable sleep in the wee hours of the morning. You tried to ignore the repeated sound of your ringing all, but after several seconds you decided that you wouldn't be able to go back to sleep for a while, so you picked up your phone from the bedside table. Your face turned into one of confusion when you read Carlos's name on your screen.
"Carlos?" You answered a little surprised by the call at three in the morning.
��y/n, thank god you answered” you knew he was a little drunk when you heard his Spanish accent thicker than usual. “Listen, the guys and I are out today, and I need you to come get Lando. He is very drunk and insists that he does not want to go home, he says that he wants to go with you”
"Did you guys get Lando drunk?" Your tone of voice came out angry, worrying about your best friend in that state.
“It was Daniel's fault. He gave him the shots” You heard Daniel's complaint in the background when Carlos accused him.
You let out a tired sigh and got out of bed, putting your cell phone on speakerphone to talk to the Spanish while you dressed in sweatpants and a sweatshirt that you knew was Lando's. Being best friends since you were little, you had a lot of the british boy things in your closet, almost living together. Besides, you loved wearing his clothes considering how in love you were with him.
"Tell me where you are so I can go look for him" you asked Carlos who had waited patiently on the phone.
You said goodbye and minutes later you received a message from Carlos with the address of the club where they were. You drove through the streets until you reached the site, quickly catching glimpses of Daniel leaning against a streetlight standing with a smile that never seemed to leave his face. Next to him on the floor, Carlos was looking lost as usual and sitting with him was Lando. You smiled slightly when you saw your best friend sitting almost in a ball looking at the ground with a sad face.
You got out of the parked car making the gaze of the three boys look at you. Lando's whole face lit up when he saw you walk towards them and he got up as he could to get closer to you almost tripping in the attempt. Looking at Daniel and Carlos with a scolding, you said goodbye to both of them, deciding that you would talk to them another day when they were in better condition. With Lando clinging to you like a child, you talked him into getting in the car.
“You've come” his words sounded slurred and almost unintelligible as he murmured them over your shoulder, having placed his head there.
"Of course baby, that's why you called me" you answered softly while you caressed his head. "I'm glad to see that you're okay, but I'm very sleepy and it's cold, so get in the car and let's go home now" you asked.
Even in his drunken state, Lando couldn't help but delight in your caresses and how you talked about the word home in plural.
It didn't take you long to get to your apartment and after some havoc, you managed to get Lando to bed with his pajamas on. You settled next to him, looking at him while he babbled something you didn't understand. He approached you when you were already lying down, laying his head on your chest letting you caress his messy curls for the night. You caressed his hair and his cheek leaving some kisses on his head waiting for him to fall asleep, which you thought he had done until he spoke almost in a whisper.
“Thank you for coming to pick me up today. I'm sorry if I've been a bother” he sounded like a kicked puppy.
“You're not a bother, Lando. You're my best friend and I don't mind doing these things. I like to know that you are well” you comforted him. After your words Lando let out a dissatisfied sound, probing like a child.
"What's wrong?" You asked him.
"I hate when you call me that" he told you without looking you in the eye.
"Call you like what?"
"Your best friend. I hate when you call me that. I don't want to be your best friend” his words sounded more sober than a while ago and left you breathless thinking about the possibility that he felt the same.
"I don't understand you Lando" you wanted him to explain himself more so as not to get your hopes up.
"I love you. I have loved you so much for years. I hate that you say I'm just your best friend because I want to be more than that, I want to kiss you and take your hand in the paddock. I want to show off to the guys at the races and I want you to cheer me on when I win as my girlfriend, and I want you to kiss me on bad weekends. I want you to be mine” his speech moved you almost making you want to scream with happiness and love for the boy who looked into your eyes so lovingly from where he lay on your chest.
You did not respond verbally, but the smile on your face and the kiss you gave him after his words was a sufficient response to the yearning and repressed feelings that the two of you had kept for years.
“I love you so much too, Lando. I didn't want to tell you because I was afraid of losing you” you replied as you parted to breathe.
“We are quite blind. We could have enjoyed this for years and haven't.” Your boy now groaned.
"Well, now we can recover for all the lost time" you both smiled knowingly at your words, locked in a kiss again, knowing that now you had all the time in the world to love each other.
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w-w-whumpupthejam · 5 months
Weaknesses and Trustings
Started writing this in July of 2023, finally finished it tonight! I may continue later, but for now I really just wanted to share it with y’all.
Intoxication, drugging, maybe creepy Villain? nothing nsfw or all that suggestive though, but take heed.
1027 words
Hero stood proud in a small closet in Villain’s house, facing per despite the… undesirable circumstances. It’s never fun to get caught snooping, and shockingly worse when it’s your sworn enemy. Oh, and it doesn’t help when you’re trying to figure out their weakness or anything you can do to take them down. Yeah. Not a great way to spend a Saturday night.
Regardless of how not fun it is, that’s where our hero was. Xe stood before Villain with a face that refused to surrender. Hero wasn’t going to let per do anything that might cause more damage than needed, not if xe could help it.
“Oh… Hero. And what are you doing here, at this hour?” Villain questioned, looking the hero up and down as they analysed xem.
“I was just stopping by for a cup of tea and chess match!” Hero said sarcastically, head moving slightly to peer around Villain at the hallway behind them. If xe could just get past…
Villain glared at xem. Witty quips were fine in a fight, but Hero was in their house in the dead of night– and xe was supposed to be the “hero”. Hero caught onto the way Villain was looking at xem quickly, recognising the tension that had only risen since xe was caught.
“I asked you a question. I’d suggest you don’t act all sarcastic and shit right now.”
“… Fine. I wanted to see if there was any info you had here that I could use. Simple as that. Why? Did you hope I was here for something else?”
Villain paused before speaking again. “No, I just wanted to make sure I knew exactly what I was dealing with. Now, I think you should come in a little more; I don’t want a guest stopping by and leaving like that, no, no. Follow me.” Per’s tone of voice made it clear that it wasn’t a request, and Hero followed per out of the cramped room.
“So… nice house,” Hero said, looking around the hallway. The closet they had found their way to was at the end of it, and had information on Villain littered through it. The hall was nice, too; Hero wasn’t lying. It wasn’t all that long, but the walk to Villain’s kitchen felt like it took hours. They got to the kitchen, per gesturing for Hero to take a seat at the island. Xe obeyed.
“I thought you were supposed to be the “good guy”, Hero, and yet I found you trespassing in my own home. You so desperately want me out of your way, dead, even, that you seem to be willing to go against your own arbitrary rules!” Villain was mocking xem. Xe wasn’t going to fall for it, oh no. Xe was used to it, so per couldn’t do much to xem.
“Excuse you, you don’t know what the hell code I follow. For all you know trespassing in the name of heroism is totally allowed!”
“Is it?” Villain pushed further, but per turned around and rooted about the kitchen, grabbing some mugs and the like.
“… Okay maybe the Institute isn’t a fan, but it doesn’t matter! You have a weakness and I’m going to find it!” Hero was almost shouting by now, leading to a very sarcastic shushing from Villain. “Oh come on! I’m right, though, you have to have a weakness. You need to. Everyone does.”
“If everyone has a weakness, what’s yours?” Villain asked, now facing Hero, a kettle on the stove behind per.
Hero sneered. “I’m not falling for that.” Xe rolled xyr eyes. “Tell me yours and maybe I’ll let you know.”
Villain looked at xem with an unchanging stoic face. “No. I don’t need you to tell me anyway. You aren’t difficult to read, Hero. If I’m a book on physics, you’re a Baby’s First Board Book. I could take you down at any point.”
Ignoring the obvious and downright cruel insult, Hero spoke. “So why don’t you? I mean, if I’m that easy to figure out and take down, why do I keep beating you?”
“Oh Hero,” Villain started to say, before the easily ignored noise of the kettle turned into screaming, cutting per off. “Ah, the water’s ready.”
“Does that mean I’m free to go?” Hero said a Little too hopefully.
“Oh, oh god no,” Villain laughed, “No, it just means that we can have that tea you were talking about earlier. ‘Am I free to go?’,” Per mocked, “Seriously, who do you take me for?” Villain brought two steaming mugs of tea over to the island, sitting beside Hero and pleasing xyr mug by xem. Upon seeing xyr extremely distrusting expression, per nudged it closer. “It’s not poisoned or drugged. You can take my word for that.”
“Yeah, of course, let me just trust you, because you ‘gave your word’. It’s not like that means much from you.” Hero scoffed, but xe took the mug in xyr hands, bringing it up to their mouth. Per watched as xe took a sip, taking in the tender moment of Hero trusting per. Hero breathed a sigh of relaxation as xe figured xe was clear, safe from anything Villain could throw at xem despite being so close to per. The second that sigh was done, however, Hero began to feel a little… loopy. Xyr breathing hastened before xe felt even more light headed, eyes fluttering and vision blurring. The last thing xe saw before passing out was Villain catching them, whispering to them: “You shouldn’t have trusted, Hero; my word really doesn’t mean much.”
Per picked up Hero’s unconscious body, bringing xem close. “That’s your weakness, after all. You trust so easily, and yet you seem to think that you can’t. But you trusted me. And now here you are.” Per mused quietly. “Ah well, you may be a captive but I’ll make sure you’re comfortable, dear, don’t you fret.”
Per brought xem to a smaller bedroom accessed through the same hall that brought them to the kitchen, rested xem on the bed, and locked the door. Hero wasn’t leaving any time soon, not if Villain could help it.
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nervous-turtle · 1 year
Bad day
Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
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A/N: This guy won't leave my head so here's a slutty drabble. Warnings: No minors please, 18+ All smut tbh (sorry not sorry) Oral!male receiving, daddy use, mentions of spanking, praise kink, swearing. Joel had a bad day and your mouth makes him feel better. Word count: 1027
“You look tense, baby.” You said, noticing how Joel was sitting on the sofa, shoulders scrunched as he leaned forward, rubbing his eyes.
He sat upright after hearing your voice but not wanting to burden you with his troubles, he dismissively responds “Just a bad day.”
Sauntering over to him in nothing but a long, over sized t-shirt, he looked up at you, weary eyes gazing into yours.
“I can make you feel better if you want? Mmm?” You asked, placing your legs either side of his and making a seat out of his lap. Your hands wrapped around his broad shoulders whilst his rested at your hips. A soft kiss to his lips and traces of his frustration started to slip away.
Gently massaging him, he groaned as you freed knots nestled in his muscles. His frame always felt so big in your dainty hands.
“That’s nice.” He whispered.
Spurred on by his words, you continued at a languid pace, pushing your fingers into his worn body. His eyes closed softly under your touch and you felt him relax under you.
“Let me make you feel good.” You hummed into his ear as you grinded on him. Kissing him again, you brought his bottom lip between your teeth, the graze feeling divine when you released him and before he could say anything, you were sliding off his lap and onto your knees, unbuckling his belt.
The clank of his buckle made your pussy twitch from the memory of him spanking the cold leather against your bare ass just a few nights ago, the same clank that jingled with every hit. You pushed your thighs together at the recollection as he lifted himself up slightly so you could pull his jeans and boxers down that now sat just above his knees. Delicately, your fingers skimmed his hefty shaft, almost tickling his senses as you prepared him for your mouth. Your fingers danced up and down his thick cock, tantalisingly paced with your other hand massaging his heavy balls.
Breath hitching coolly over his receptive body, he looked instantly relaxed and now you knew he needed more. Your tongue poked out to wet your lips before you leisurely placed a tender kiss to his left bollock.
“Fuck.” He drawled out in a mere whisper.
You kissed his ball again before swiping a soft kitten lick to the same spot.
And again. Just as soft.
This time you put a bit more force in your tongue causing it to shift around the muscle, eliciting a throaty moan from him. You repeated the action and his lips curved inward between his teeth.
Eyes locked firmly onto his, your other hand was still playing his dick like an instrument, grazing softly with your nails and fingertips. You ran your index over his soft tip, collecting pre cum under your pad and pushing down slightly so you could collect all that you wanted. Smearing it down his long phallus, you placed the tip of your finger in your mouth, tasting his produce and smiled against his skin.
“Baby, you’re such a tease.” He chortled, enjoying every second.
Your response was to lick his other, saliva-free, ball and you didn’t stop this time until you reached all the way to the top of his girth. You copied the motion again, picking up in pace as you did so. Eventually, you were slurping at his cock with such enthusiasm, spit was dripping down your chin.
“Look at the state of you and you’ve not even took me in whole yet.” He tutted but yet marvelled at you all at once.
Your hand still on his length next to your face, you coo, “I just love this dick so much.” Another kiss to his tip. “Just want to please it as much as I can daddy.”
“Fuck baby girl, it feels real fucking good.”
Deciding his dick was warmed up and ready for your entire mouth, your lips formed perfectly around his knob as you started moving over it, a popping noise now present with each bob.
“You gonna take this uncut cock like a good little girl darlin’?” He asked, his fingers intertwining in your hair, a warning of the ride yet to come.
You released him from your mouth to look him in the eyes.
“I want it bad baby, use this hole for your dick.” You begged. “Please daddy.”
With a groan he pushed your wet mouth down over his bulging erection, relishing in how tight your throat felt. He held you there, lips touching his ballsack yet again, testing how much you could handle until you gagged over him. You held on for quite a while but soon your eyes became blurry and you choked around him, his cock laden with slobber.
“This mouth is something else baby girl. It’s fucking perfect.” He eulogised as you lined yourself back over him, ready for more. “So greedy for this dick.”
Guiding your head over him once again, he continues his praises. “Good girl.”
Swiftly moving over his cock, his grip tightened in your hair, piloting his pleasure at his disposal. Obscene noises filtered the room from your attacked throat, the vibration of them heavenly rippling through him.
That Texas tone accentuated his low growl when he commanded you, “Spit on it baby girl, you know I like it sloppier than that.”
You spat at it from the tip and watched as it slithered down to his meaty thigh. You palmed it across his entire length before you bordered your lips around him once more. The momentum was brutal now as he pushed hard for his release, wanting to paint your gullet with his cum.
“Fu-” He faltered with his thrusts as your hand cupped his balls and liberated you with everything you’d asked for, moaning heavily. He slowed his movements so you continued for him, bouncing your head to work him through his high.
You swallowed his salty mess, wiping the corners of your lips and kissing his dick one last time.
His head was flung back, eyes closed when you asked “Feeling better baby?”
He grinned. “A lot better now, sweetheart.”
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shaylixie · 2 years
I'll Take Care Of You
Word Count: 1027
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Eminem x fem!reader
Requested: No.
Summary: When Marshall finds out that you're sick, he makes it his personal duty to take care of you.
A/N: This is the first fic I've ever written so there's a chance it might be cringe. Apologies in advance lmao.😭
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You hear the door open shortly before Marshall steps in. He's carrying 2 bags - a small one and a bigger bag of his famous Mom's Spaghetti, a few rain drops staining the latter.
At your stare, he quickly says, "Don't worry. The food isn't wet."
"That's not why I'm staring", you reply. "What...are you doing here? I thought you were in the studio."
He puts the bag on the table and starts taking the food out.
"I was. Finished early. I got your text saying that you wouldn't be able to come over today since you're feeling sick." He stops what he's doing when he sees you sitting on the floor, leaning comfortably against the couch.
You know that look.
"No, I'm not getting up from the floor. It happens to be very comfortable...and besides, I have a blanket around me."
You turn your attention back to the TV, where your favourite comfort show is playing.
He sighs in defeat before coming over and handing you your share of spaghetti. A smile crosses your face. Partially because of the warmth mixed with the aroma of the spaghetti sauce, but mostly because he knows your distaste for soup. It's an intimate thing to be known.
He crouches down in front of you and casually leans in, causing you to turn your head away. "NO! You're gonna get sick, Marshall."
His fingertips softly tug on your chin, making you face him, and he kisses you anyway. A soft peck on the lips.
When he settles on the couch, with you between his legs, you ask him about his day.
"It was probably the most productive day we've had," he says between bites. "Dre came through this morning and we've been at it since. I think I'm happy so far but, you know. I'm kind of -"
"A perfectionist," you finish.
"Well, I'm really glad to hear that it's going well." You lean your head on his leg. "You've always been too hard on yourself, babe. We both know that. As long as you're being authentic on the mic, it'll be perfect. Speaking as a fan, not as your girl."
"You're my girl now?" he says smugly before planting a kiss on your head.
You turn to look up at him, a slight smirk on your face. "You mean to tell me that I dreamt about you asking me out?"
"I'm pretty sure you dream about me all the time. Wouldn't be the first time you've thought about me in bed." He matches the smirk that you had, making sure not to miss the inevitable smile that you try to hide from him.
He stands up and you hand him your empty takeout box. As he throws it in the trash, you get up to look in the smaller bag.
"Marshall! What's all this?"
"Cough syrup, throat spray, tissues, Vicks, nasal spray, and some vitamins to pep you up. I couldn't think of anything else...sorry if I missed something."
You immediately go to hug him.
"Thank you! So so much," you say. "I have everything I need now!"
His arms tighten around you and he presses a kiss to your forehead. "Give me a second, aight?"
At your nod, he walks to the bathroom. You listen to the tub filling with water and stall until he calls you.
He undresses you before he does himself and you climb in. You sit between his legs with your head in the cradle of his neck, your back against his chest.
You close your eyes and focus on his fingers roaming your body; massaging your hands, your arms, your shoulders, your neck. All the while, he plants soft kisses where he can - your head, the top of your ear, each one of your knuckles.
"I love it when you're soft like this," you whisper. "I mean, you're always soft with me, but this feels different." You move your head to place a kiss on his jaw, and you're met with his beard. Not that you're complaining.
"I know. I don't like seeing you sick, baby. But I do love being the one to take care of you."
You stay like that for a while until Marshall gets out and gets dressed. When he finishes, he coaxes you out of the tub and helps you to do the same.
When you're finally ready and in bed, he returns from the kitchen and leaves most of the things on your bedside table. Except for the Vicks. He sits beside you as you lie down and pulls the blankets down to your waist.
"Lift your shirt up," he demands.
You raise your eyebrows. "You gotta buy me dinner first, Marshall."
"I already did, y/n." Not bothering to hide his grin. His highly exclusive, shit-eating grin.
"Ahhhh, shit!" You laugh. "I can't believe I walked right into that one."
He laughs and you do as he says.
Marshall takes his time to massage the Vicks into your chest, and when he finishes, he forces you to take some cough syrup.
Once satisfied with your reluctant compliance, he climbs into bed beside you and pulls you against him. You interlock your fingers and kiss his hand until you lose count.
When you're half-asleep, he abruptly says, "Hey. I just realised I forgot to ask you about your day. Fuck...I'm sorry."
You smile and squeeze his hand.
"It wasn't that great. But then you came home. And then it was better than great," you whisper back.
He pulls you in tighter, if it's even possible. The silence settles again.
"Hey, Marshall?" you ask, breaking it.
"Yeah?" he replies sleepily.
"I really appreciate you, and everything that you've done for me. Even without all this...it's pretty hard not to love you. I really, really do love you. Thank you."
A pause.
"I really love you too, baby. I really fucking do."
You don't miss the slight difference in Marshall's voice. A clear indication that he knows that you meant it, and that he does too.
He takes you out of your thoughts by saying, "Besides, you sound cute as fuck when you're congested."
You laugh and elbow him playfully, knowing that the warm feeling in your chest has nothing to do with being sick and everything to do with the man laying next to you.
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Hey everyone! Love is in the air this February here at Marvel Rare Pair Bingo as we kick off our mini-Valentine’s event. For the month of February we are running a mini-event for those looking to spread a little more Marvel love. If you’re interested in checking it out, click here and see how you can get involved on this month long mini-event! We’d love to have you with us! Now below the cut you can find the fantastic fills that were made during week one of this mini-event! Enjoy!
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Author: The UltimateUndesirable Title: Waiting To Feel The Wind Card #: 2 Square Filled: E2 - Kissable Pairing: Jennifer Walters/Katy Chen Rating: Teen Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Summary: After a long week, Jen really just wants the opportunity to get out and away from work. What better way to do that than with an old friend that likes to fly in the wind? Katy is from the expected day to day life, and is everything she craves. Word Count: 898 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44601274 Author: The UltimateUndesirable Title: Jarvis Is Watching Card #: 3 Square Filled: O1 - breaking the rules Pairing: Pepper Potts/Maria Hill Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply but PWP Summary: Maria and Pepper don't find a lot of time together, and finally having a relationship that can keep up with her she is always at the ready to embrace everything given to her. If that means moments of spontaneous passion in less-than-ideal places, then so be it. Word Count: 531 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44634913
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Author: The UltimateUndesirable Title: A Quarter of Snow Card #: 10 Square Filled: E1 - darling Pairing: Sif/Hela Rating: Teen Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Summary: Hela has insisted on visiting Midgard to see her Modir and Father. As a good loving girlfriend, Sif is happy to oblige. Mostly. Just not during winter because while the part Jotun may be made for it, she is most definitely not. Thankfully the other woman takes her moodiness with graceful ease that does nothing other than remind her why she loves her. Word Count: 523 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44601526 Author: The UltimateUndesirable Title: Pussy Pays The Bills Card #: 3 Square Filled: L1 - secret crush Pairing: Darcy L/Jane F Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Summary: Darcy knew there was money to be made when it came to lesbian porn. She didn't know about the latent romantic tendencies she had towards her best friend. While it creates a bit of an emotional hiccup, it makes for some damn good genuine pleasure. No one has to know the moans aren't faked. Word Count: 1027 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44601733
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Author: The UltimateUndesirable Title: Reunited Again and Hopefully Forever Card #: 1 Square Filled: L1 - separated and reunited Pairing: Kate B/Yelena B Rating: Teen Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Summary: Kate has been waiting ages for the opportunity to have Yelena back in her life, or more accurately face to face once more. After she left for Russia, she didn't know what to expect of their little spark. Nearly a year apart has left her with the answer though. The want for even more. Word Count: 828 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44657443 Author: Jeremy Title: The Baby Squad Has A Movie Night Card #: 8 Square Filled: E2 - Valentine’s day sucks, let’s watch movies and stuff our faces instead. Pairing: N/A Rating: G Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Summary: Clint loathed Valentine's Day. Luckily enough his friends make it bearable. (Notes: Completely self indulgent, based on an AU, and it might not make sense except to the people who know and love these characters and their established dynamic) Word Count: 575 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44791243
Author: Jeremy Title: Sneaking In Card #: 8 Square Filled: V2 - Sneaking In/Out Pairing: Bruce Banner/Justin Hammer Rating: G Warnings: Brian Banner's A+ parenting is mentioned Summary: “Dad will kill you.” “I doubt he’ll notice,” Justin said dismissively, instead wrapping his arms around Bruce’s waist and giving him a smile. “I wanted to come and see you.” Word Count: 556 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44858125
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teddy bear ; fluff
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pairing ; jamie winton x wife!reader
tag list ; @jamiewintons | @pink-booty-butts
word count ; 1027
warnings ; references to pregnancy, insecure!reader & body changes after child birth, potential ooc dialogue
read also on ; ao3 | wattpad
Everyone had always said that pregnancy and childbirth would be the most difficult thing you’d go through. That watching your body change and warp to welcome this new life would be jarring, dysphoric even, and your shifted hormones would only make things worse. That you’d ache and moan and swell until you were no longer able to lay or stand comfortably — and anything you dropped would cease to exist unless your husband was around to help.
An unfortunate truth you’d lived through when you’d accidentally lost your grip on your car keys and you’d bid them a tearful farewell, holding a private funeral service in your mind as you waddled back over to the settee. Feeling wider than you were tall as your baby kicked and shifted and shuffled about inside of you (and, as they so often did, managed to directly target your long suffering bladder).
But you didn’t care about all of that; you were happy to grow your perfect little family. You were excited to have a child with your husband and it showed — hell you damn near embodied that pregnancy glow that other mothers spoke about because of how unabashedly gleeful you were. The only real issues you experienced during that “difficult” time were your little one’s boxing matches with every organ in reach and other people’s insistence on getting to touch your swollen stomach.
Which, honestly, you never really understood and never really let happen, but you tried not to let it perturb you too much.
Even your labour wasn’t too much of a worry for you — of course it was painful and stressful, but it gave you your little girl. And being able to hold her tiny, pudgy fingers and look into those big brown eyes (which you’d always quietly hoped she’d inherit) made everything you’d gone through worth its metaphorical weight in gold.
The real issues began after you’d been discharged from the hospital and were able to return home. When you began to notice just how different everything was; how different you felt and looked and acted. That was the most difficult part by far.
It was just shy of eight in the evening when Jamie had put your little girl down for her evening nap after another feed and you’d found yourself standing in front of the bathroom mirror for what was probably the thousandth time. You couldn’t help but hawks and poke and prod at every little difference that had manifested about your body: the loose skin, the remaining swollen areas, your enlarged breasts and your stretch marks.
Tiger stripes you’d heard them be called — that and angel scratches and track marks and a million other things that they weren’t. You weren’t attacked and you certainly didn’t feel particularly brave… you just felt, wrong. Unlike yourself.
Like an observer in your own life; your own body.
Wrong. Unbecoming. Depersonalised. Not you. Not you. Not you.
A million degrading thoughts flashed through your mind like a flurry of swarming insects (bees perhaps for their stinging ferocity whenever you focused on their contents) and your careful, almost curious, ministrations turned violent and accusatory. Blaming your body wordlessly for betraying you, for changing too much, for not changing enough.
Why hadn’t you bounced back yet? Why had it scarred you, scorned you, with those damned reminders of everything you’d done?
You didn’t need the marks and the skin and the dimples and the scars to recall the little light you’d brought into the world. You’d seen her every day of her life, goddamn it — so why couldn’t it just let you heal -!
All at once you felt your thoughts and your motions come to a stuttering halt when a pair of long, slender arms wrapped around your torso and carefully guided your hands away from your stomach. Then they were followed by a pair of warm, soft lips pressing themselves chastely against the skin below your ear as those large hands rubbed comforting circles on the backs of your own.
And then came a deep, soft voice that was so rich with concern and adoration that you felt your resolve crumbling as traitorous tears slipped down your cheeks and your lips began to quiver with sobs you tried desperately to silence.
Don’t break down. Don’t break down.
“Talk to me, love; please let me help,”
The dam broke.
All at once you collapsed into yourself as Jamie turned you around and pulled you into his chest, holding you tightly and fiercely as you both slowly slid down onto the cold, damp floor. You buried your face in the crook of his neck, almost wailing and sobbing into his skin as he shushed and rocked you in his arms, his own tears wetting the top of your head as he listened to your insecurities and rebuked them with such certainty and sincerity that l you didn’t have the room (nor the energy) to argue.
“Darling you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met,”
“You carried and grew and birthed an entire miniature human after nine months — your body changing is natural and expected. It doesn’t change how gorgeous and attractive you are to me,”
“I love you and your body just as much now as I did before you got pregnant — I just see the signs that you sacrificed so much to grow our family. You’re amazing, sweetheart, and I only wish that you could see that too,”
Then, once you had settled somewhat and calmed in his embrace, Jamie carefully repositioned himself and tilted your head upwards so that you were able to see him. See his red-rimmed irises and deep dark eye bags. See the reddening of his ears and cheeks and the quivering of his upturned lips. See the furrowing of his brow before he leaned forwards to press his forehead against yours and whispered out a promise that made your eyes start watering again.
“If you ever start feeling like this again, please talk to me. We’re life partners and I intend on keeping my promise to stick with you through everything; the good and the bad. You never have to go through this alone again,”
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paalove · 1 year
tumblr prompts: (ao3 link)
gramyok flirting while black seethes, 159 words
nuchgene friendship ep 7 coda, 336 words.
danyok angst, 490 words.
what if it wasn't todd who found white tied up? 125 words.
post-canon gramblack fluff, 462 words.
gram pov post-ep-10 twin reveal, cracky, 834 words.
black pov ep 11, 647 words.
russian mafia-connected white, 344 words.
brother-in-law postcanon sean+black, 220 words.
gramblack with pining black, 898 words.
the note is for black au, gramblack, 689 words.
gone series fusion, seanwhite+gen, 999 words.
NOT ME PROMPT MONTH - tumblr, twitter, ao3
ao3 one-offs:
walking on an edge (that's how i stay alive) - oneshot, 2225 words. au twin reveal where the whole gang sees them together. seanwhite. (original shorter tumblr version here)
now they're going to bed (and my stomach is sick) - oneshot, 2552 words. canon divergence au, cockblock black, seanwhite.
dreams i've borrowed - oneshot, 1683 words. post ep 9 fixit, seanwhite.
get that shit inside your head - oneshot, 1341 words. friends-nearly to lovers, canon divergence au, background gramblack focused on nuchgene.
(i'll be on the way) like a bat out of hell - 2/2 chapters, 4380 words. the insane four post ep 10 fixits i wrote in the four hours after the episode aired, i was DISTRAUGHT 😅. seanwhite.
don't need poltergeists for sidekicks - oneshot, 2145 words. ep 11 fixit. seanwhite
patiently burning - oneshot, 2084 words. black-centric ep 12 fixit, gen.
'cause i still am (and i still do) - oneshot, 1113 words. me shoving black into the van rescue scene because i love him. gen.
answers to questions (you didn't know to ask) - oneshot, 1005 words. eugene actually getting to have a reaction to revelations. background seanwhite, gen.
when it breaks (something you can't shake) - oneshot, 1560 words. black and gram are kidnapped, and gram is injured. gramblack.
you're in the race (to watch the roots corrode) - oneshot, 1225 words. NOT ME WEEK DAY 1 - "what was your plan b?" pre-seanwhite.
but it's much too late (when the storm decays) - oneshot, 1229 words. NOT ME WEEK DAY 2 - outsider pov. seanwhite.
it comforts me much more (fix your heart) - oneshot, 1629 words. NOT ME WEEK DAY 3 - body swap au. pre-seanwhite.
antihero (you look stressed out) - oneshot, 1010 words. NOT ME WEEK DAY 4 - "don't move." gen, black-centric.
you must build an altar where it rests - oneshot, 1027 words. NOT ME WEEK DAY 5 - "when did you notice?" danyok.
let it flood, let it flood, let it wash away - oneshot, 3643 words. NOT ME WEEK DAY 6 - fake relationship au. namogene.
take his body as a relic to be canonized - oneshot, 3137 words. NOT ME WEEK DAY 7 - time loop au. toddblack.
let's dream out loud - 2/2 chapters, 2848 words. didn't know we were dating trope, gramblack. (tumblr ch1, ch2)
you can sleep in a coffin - oneshot, 1000 words. uwma fusion, seanwhite. (original shorter tumblr version here)
rock away this feeling for me - oneshot, 2610 words. 5+1 hugs, seanwhite. (original tumblr version here)
we are the rust upon your gears - oneshot, 2941 words. mission+aftermath fic. explicit, seanwhite.
inside the warm embracing air - oneshot, 2636 words. ropes and piercings, explicit, seanwhite. (original tumblr version here)
feeling helpless to the tide (we fight this war on different sides) - 4/4 chapters, 2049 words. genderswapped ust between seanwhite, toddblack, seanblack, and toddwhite.
world above the ground - oneshot, 3116 words. white and the girls friendship fic, au twin reunion, implied future seanwhite. gen.
and my strings are digging in - oneshot, 1062 words. post-canon short with white getting hurt so sean won't go to prison. seanwhite. (original tumblr version here)
unlocked doors and windows cracked - oneshot, 1446 words. just before canon, black got some information on todd that was so dangerous todd needed to take drastic action. maybe that involved them fucking in the hot tub; here's some speculation. toddblack.
burning up together, baby - oneshot, 1115 words. postcanon gang hangouts! some seanwhite, some blackyok, mostly gen.
found a world worth dying for - oneshot, 1068 words. sean whump in which sean, over a day after some vague incident, stumbles back to the garage covered in blood. white takes care of him. seanwhite.
places inside me that i find you (leave me at the roadside) - oneshot, 25 words. 5+1 fic about sean, yok, and marks. some seanwhite, some more danyok, but mostly sean&yok.
ao3 multichapters:
fall out of the heavens/crawl up from under. 22/22 chapters, 47279 words. the blond!white fic. seanwhite and gramblacknuch
WIP - shape you like an ocean (come alive or come undone) - 16/17 chapters, 21466 words. post-van pre epilogue-y bits, blackyok. (original tumblr prompt here)
still lurk on distant foreign shores - 4/4 chapters, 6027 words. continuation of the mafia!white prompt above, seanwhite.
WIP - bone-dry, bloodshot eyes - 2/? chapters, 4371 words. au where everything's already gone as wrong as possible before white even finds them. character death in backstory. seanwhiteyok.
ao3 series:
i won't cross these streets until you hold my hand: au where sean finds white on facebook by mistake while white still lives in russia, comes up to the start of the canon timeline. total words: 38778.
are we just getting more lost - oneshot, 695 words. pre-seanwhite
i'll show you mine if you show me yours first - 3/3 chapters, 4179 words. pre-seanwhite, other background ships.
the part where the needle skips - 6/6 chapters, 13602 words. developing seanwhite, other background ships.
conspiring by candlelight (shine your light on me) - 4/4 chapters, 20302 words. seanwhite, background toddblack, gramblack, and namonuch.
(garage) of wolves: au where the garage gang are a werewolf pack. total words: 48612.
innocence for days - 7/7 chapters, 7045 words.
you see me creeping up these halls - 5/5 chapters, 41567 words. seanwhite.
you stole my heart but i had it first. established relationship gramblack canon divergence au. total words: 3889.
i dug this pain into my chest - oneshot, 1347 words. established relationship, canon divergence gramblack. (tumblr post here)
you and i drove off the darkest streets - 3/3 chapters, 5040 words. black tries to figure out wtf white has been up to, sean tries to stop him. gramblack, seanwhite. (tumblr)
i will die in this place. uwma fusion fic, total words: 5713.
you can sleep in a coffin - oneshot, 1000 words. the fated couple make eye contact (and so do the non-fated couple).
sometimes you scrape and sink so low - 2/2 chapters, 2101 words. some revelations about how their past selves died, and some meetings. pre-seanwhite, pre-????black.
but honey, what're you gonna do? - 2/2 chapters, 2610 words. car rides, rain, and couples starting to fall together pre-seanwhite, pre-gramblacktodd.
bitter years since i've been seeing - 3/3 chapters, 3238 words. more revelations about their past selves - and who one of them was related to. pre-seanwhite.
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eddieheart · 2 years
(Part 3)
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Fandom: Stranger Things
Pairings: past Billy X OC
Words: 1027
Description: dinner with Joyce
She lay asleep in his chest. A precious ball of joy and unconditional love right there, laying on his chest. Rosie Beth was an absolute miracle. She'd changed him for the better, he wasn't as brash or violent as before and he was much more patient.
Billy prided himself on being gentle with his daughter, the exact opposite of his father.  Sylvie had noticed it as well, she'd mentioned it a few times, how happy she was that they were all together now.
They didn't have a lot of money, but they were happy. Today was Friday which meant that tonight was dinner at the Byers' house. Joyce had been more than helpful, giving them baby clothes and toys, dinners and babysitting, Joyce was a godsend.
Sylvie was at work so the job getting Rosie ready for dinner was up to Billy. Today was his day off, the only one he'd had in what seemed like months. Normally when he got a day off from one job he'd work overtime at another, for the extra cash.
Billy looked down at the little girl with a smile, he slowly woke her up by blowing softly on her nose. She giggled wildly upon realizing it was her dad that was waking her. Reaching out a small hand she brushed the side of his face gently.
"C'mon Ladybug, time to get ready to see auntie Joyce." She smiled brightly and jumped up and down on him.
He picked her up with a chuckle and brought the little girl to her room. The nursery was small but cozy. Pale blue walls with small, dainty blue roses painted on the walls. She did have a crib, but she preferred to sleep with her parents.
Though they were just friends, Sylvie and Billy did share a bed. At first he slept on the couch but after a few days of that, Sylvie couldn't stand seeing him wake up in pain and had practically forced him to sleep in the bed with her.
It was comforting, sleeping with another person, even if it wasn't romanic in nature. Especially if it wasn't sexual, before Rosie and Sylvie came back into his life the only way he could get comfort was to have sex with some random chick.
He wasn't proud of it and he realized now why he did it. Sylvie had been helping him with that, letting him talk about his emotions without him feeling like he was being judged or shamed. He finally had a family that lived him.
He wandered over to the shelf of drawers and pulled out two different outfits, he held them up to the little girl and let her choose. She reached a hand out to a pink dinosaur onesie and a blue skirt. Billy smiled and picked the little girl up.
After wrangling her into her clothes he set out to make some cookies for desert. Billy sat Rosie Beth down on the counter beside him as he baked.
He'd been trying that more recently. Without Neil to hold him back he'd been trying a lot of new things. Baking had been something he liked, when he was a kid Billy remembered baking with his mom when he was little. He wanted that with his own child, special memories that they could share.
Sylvie arrived home just as the timer beeped and in less than half an hour they were gone. They quickly arrived at the Byers house, making their way inside.
They knocked softly and invited themselves in, Billy held cookies in one hand and the little girl on his hip as Sylvie pushed the door open. Normally it was only them and Joyce there for dinner, to their surprise, more people than just Joyce greeted them.
"Oh hello, I'm so glad you're here. Sorry I hope you don't mind invited the boys and Max. Don't worry I made enough, come in come in. Let me see the little one." She held her hands out and Billy gently passed Rosie Beth into her arms.
Max, Johnathon, Will and chief Hopper were all here. Billy felt his heart creep up in his throat. He hadn't really spoke to Max since he left home, he'd changed and he wasn't sure how to talk to her now. How to apologize.
Sylvie pushed the awkward boy forward and motioned for him to take off his shoes. He kept glancing back at the redheaded girl, Billy could tell the boys and Hopper were giving him sideways glances as he walked in.
"I brought cookies." Billy said awkwardly to the older woman.
She smiled kindly while bouncing the young girl in her arms.
"You can put them on the counter. Hey guys! Dinners ready!" She turned to face Billy. "I made them wait for you guys."
He smiled and walked forward, sitting between Sylvie and a high chair. Joyce gently placed the baby beside her farther and sat at the head of the table, across from Hopper.
Max sat across from Rosie Beth and Sylvie across from Johnathon. As the other boy looked down at his plate Billy gave a defective look to Sylvie. She chuckled to herself and kicked him under the table.
Billy placed a few spoon fulls of boiled carrots and mashed potatoes in front of the small girl. Max watched her brother intently, he was so gentle to the small girl, softly whispering to her and smiling.
"So, Billy... I haven't seen you in a while." Hopper said awkwardly, fiddling with his food.
"Mmm... yeah I tested out of school so I've been busy with Rosie and working."  He glanced over at his daughter and chuckled at the sight.
She was fumbling with her plastic fork and pouting at her food. He laughed and turned to her direction.
"Need help little lady?" She whined in response. Billy used his fork to feed the little girl small pieces of food.
Max watched him, he really had changed. The Billy she knew would never have done that. He was different now, he had a family.
She wasn’t sure what had happened to change him so much, but she liked it.
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amwex · 2 years
//Dnf sleepy cuddles - 1027 Words - "Editing can wait"
With a quiet squeak the door to the room opens, the brunet slowly and on tippy toes sneaking up on Dream sat at his desk. The headphones pulled over the blond's ears blocking out any and all noise. 
Gently George places his hands on the plastic frame contouring Dream's face, lifting it slowly from the man's ears, the other wincing at the sudden movement behind him. 
He whips his head back, eyes meeting the brown pearls shining at him from George's smile, teeth whiter than any he'd ever seen. 
"Hey baby" the blond whispers, his face now changing from confusement to excitement. 
"I want cuddles" the man whispers. This side of him, the soft and sensitive one was something the Internet never got to see. Only Dream was a witness of George's clingy moments that of course since they had moved in together only became more frequent.
"I can tell honey" the blond laughs, lifting his hand and stroking George's soft cheek that hung close above him. 
"Then cuddle with me idiot" George quips in true Georgenotfound fashion. 
"I have to edit sweetheart, I'll be there in like 30 minutes" the blond explained, a huge pout appearing on the other's face, the smile faltering. 
"No" George simply says, waiting a few seconds and then moving over to the side of the man's chair, pushing a totally perplexed Dream further back and taking a seat on the man's lap, arms sneaking underneath the blond's and closing behind his back. 
"You may continue editing" he mumbles into the hood of his red sweater that was doing good in hiding his face.  
"With a pretty boy in my lap? No way" Dream huffs, a few clicks on his mouse closing the editing program on his monitor and putting his pc to sleep. 
"What are you doing, you said you need to edit" George asks confused as he turns to see his and Dream's reflection in the now blank monitors. 
"I have more important things to do now" the blond whispers, moving one arm to his lap holding George as he stands from the chair, the man clinging onto him tightly like a baby monkey. 
He moves them out through the squeaky door and down the hall, kicking open the door with one foot and slamming it shut with the other once they're inside. 
Quickly and without thinking Dream throws himself on the bed, light enough to not hurt them but surprising enough to make George slap his arm and call out a scared "Dream!" 
The younger chuckles, George's eyes poke out from under his hood, wide and slightly upset at the man for throwing him. 
"You look so cute" the blond murmurs under his breath and all hard feelings the older had were whisked away in a second, a blush tinting his face in a slight red, similar to the colour of his hoodie. 
"Shut up and cuddle me" George reciprocates the compliment in his own way, Dream scoffing but scooting closer anyways. 
He pulls the man into his chest as deep as possible, George placing his head where he could feel the other's heartbeat the strongest, his hood still hung over his head throwing shade over his features. 
"I can't even see your pretty face with this stupid hood on" Dream complains as he lets his fingers glide over the exposed patches of skin on George's back, the other loving the sensation. 
To not make the blond stop, the brunet moves his own hands up to his face, quickly throwing the fabric behind him where it lands on his back. 
"Better?" He smiles, and Dream nods, "much better"
Dream's free hand now moved up on George's body, trailing over his clothes and sometimes dipping underneath, until finally it made its way up to the brunet's head, where his hair splayed out on the other's chest. 
"Head scratches" the smaller whispers in a voice so light Dream nearly overhears it. 
"You want head scratches baby?" a firm nod against his rib cage shows him, yes, George wanted head scratches. 
Gentle and slow, like a feather falling to the floor, the man moved his hand up into the chaos that was the brunet's hair. The man on his chest letting go of comfortable sighs and hums, the noises telling Dream that whatever he was doing, he was doing it right. 
He moved his hand a little rougher, nails scraping over the skin and pressing down into the mass of hair. 
George loved this and Dream knew it. The smaller, arms wrapped around the other's shoulders, tightens his grip even more, head nuzzling against his body, the two basically morphing into one human at this point they were that close. 
He continued on and on with scratching and massaging and running fingers over silky skin that felt too soft to be real. When George got cuddly like this, there was no way of getting out of it until the man himself said it was alright to do so. 
Dream found that out the hard way, when for just a few seconds he let his hand rest, the constant movement being slightly exhausting after a while. "No stopping" the other guy mumbled half asleep, waiting for the beautiful sensation to return to his scalp. 
"I want a kiss first" the other said, quickly moving his face to steal a kiss from the man still tight on his chest, the other laughing and trying to pull away from the attempted smooches. 
Once Dream got what he wanted, a few wet kisses that were more on George's nose than on his lips, he lifted his hand back up to the man's face, stroking gentle fingers over the soft skin, a slight blush appearing following the kisses. 
"I love you George, so much" Dream whispers as he closes his arms behind the man's back, pulling him even tighter into his embrace, petting over his back. 
"I said no stopping idiot" George replied, and Dream knew it was the man's way of saying "I love you too" so he laughed and went back to the silky curls on his chest to give the man what he wanted. 
The end
Thanks for reading!
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the-hem · 8 months
How much longer do we have?
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=3074, גאֶפֶסזד, gapeszad, "Loathesome appetites are consuming this world."
ga= loathing
pe= the mouth
The word פה (peh), meaning mouth is used in much the same fashion as the English word mouth is: as organ with which to eat and drink (Genesis 25:28, Judges 7:6), and as organ of speech (Genesis 45:12, 2 Samuel 1:16).
This word is not limited to a human mouth; animals have them too (birds: Genesis 8:11; bear and lion: 1 Samuel 17:35), and God has a mouth as well (Isaiah 1:20, Jeremiah 9:11).
Several inanimate items have mouths: a sword (its mouth is the edge of it, or perhaps rather the part that does the cleaving: Proverbs 5:4), a well (Genesis 29:2), a cave (Joshua 10:18), etcetera.
The suggestion that our noun may be derived from the verb פאה (pa'a) is made even more compelling by the use of our noun in the sense of extremity.
The compound פה לפה (peh lepeh) means from one end (of the temple) to the other (2 Kings 10:21). And it may also serve to convey some measure or quality (perhaps serving as the 'name' of things that have no name): according to one's appetite (Exodus 16:21), according to the numbers of one's years (Leviticus 25:52).
The noun שדי (saday), meaning cultivated field (Jeremiah 12:12) or wild land and home of wild beasts (Joshua 2:22). This noun is a poetic synonym of the following noun.
Our verb αδω (ado) evidently emphasizes the human voice, and thus the text-part of a song.
This in contrast to the noun ψαλλω (psallo), which rather emphasizes the string-strumming side of it. Closer akin αδω (ado) than ψαλλω (psallo), noun υμνος (humos) describes a song with a specific ceremonial function, particularly one to do with binding parties together. The Hebrew equivalent of our verb plus noun is שיר (shir), meaning both song and to sing.
Our verb αδω (ado), to sing, occurs 5 times in the New Testament, and from it derives:
The noun ωδη (ode), meaning song or chant, or rather a long and informative or explanatory song: an ode. In the classics, odes could be sad dirges or joyful songs of lengthy praise.
Rather strikingly, our word "tragedy" combines our noun ωδη (ode) with τραγος (tragos), goat, making a tragedy an "ode to goat" (and see our article on the noun τραγος, tragos, for a quick look at why an ode-to-goat equals a tragedy).
The ode-to-a goat:
The klor vays tsigele—the small white goat—is a familiar figure in Jewish folklore, art, and literature, from “Chad Gadya,” the Aramaic song we sing each year at the Passover seyder, through the present day.
Goats float through Chagall’s paintings, they snore through Yiddish lullabies, and they appear in poems and stories by Mendele, Peretz, Sholem Aleichem, Kadia Molodowsky, Avrom Sutzkever, Chaim Grade, Isaac Bashevis Singer, and many other Yiddish writers. Jews celebrated goats because they lived with goats: even the poorest shtetl family kept a goat tethered in front of the house to provide milk for the children.
The beloved Yiddish song “Rozhinkes mit mandlen" ("Raisins and Almonds”) tells of a small white goat asleep under a baby’s cradle. The image is less fanciful than it appears: on cold winter nights, Jews often invited their heymishe bashefenish, their innocent creature, to sleep inside the house. Jews identified with their small, humble, intelligent animals, until the tsigele, the small white goat, became a symbol of the Jewish people.
=Azazel, the Angel of Sacrifice. The Gematria is
Only A Matter Of Time.
The value In Gematria Is 1027, אאֶפֶסבז‎‎ , "I will waste it."
We are going to waste our time as usual by listening to loathesome people who are desolating the pasture. The Sage says if we allow an innocent human voice to intervene, and we stop wasting time, the clock will stop and time will roll back.
If not then we belong to the Angel of Sacrifice.
0 notes