#Anyways yeah I'd be remiss not to take advantage of this for my one cute box jellyfish character
donuts4evry1 · 11 months
Box jellyfish chirp??? 👁👁
AHHHH omg I thought I talked about box jelly chirps enough to annoy people but I guess I don't talk ab it enough???
Anyways, the video evidence is in my pinned post but I'll put it here too just in case
I suppose the word "whistle" is more accurate since it really is the sound of air rushing through the jelly but I honestly prefer using "chirp" because IT'S CUTE!!
I... Actually haven't seen any scientific literature or documentation on it (perhaps it's just something not many scientists think to talk about?), but to be honest I can see how it happens.
Box Jellyfish are the fastest known jellyfish because of their velarium (a flap of tissue on the bell margin that lets water squeeze out faster, maybe sorta like how a pressure washer does), so when oriented properly and washed up recently enough to still have the strength to move... They make that sound, haha!
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