#Arcann Tirall
lanabenikosdoormat · 3 months
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I’m back with a vengeance. Date night love interest edition!
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parseolegacy · 5 months
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Akk'rai and her emotional-support-reformed-villain (I'm letting her be completely happy once a year)
My blog will probably be flooded with these two eventually because I will not shut up about them to people I know and when I start yapping on here too I won't stop
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moonlitalien · 5 months
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A redraw challenge has been making the rounds on Twitter lately so of course I had to do it with Tiamat and Arcann ❤️
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queen-scribbles · 4 months
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You make a great many things better. ~~~~~ (Or, when you really, really want to read the latest archaeological treatise but your bf is feeling cuddly and your gizka is already asleep in your lap and one... more...page...)
FABULOUS snuggly Endrali/Arcann art by @valkblue that I shall now scream over for the foreseeable future🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍
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arkannis · 1 year
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hi i give you arcann
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How Tall are the SWTOR Boyfriends?
This was written some months ago, but the Theron Height Poll has inspired me to actually post it.
Basing my metrics around 1) the average male height in the USA where I live (5'9" or 1.75m, according to google) 2) what would be funniest or cutest when matched to their personalities and dynamics with the player character. Bear in mind: I am not operating under the assumption that being a short man is something to be ashamed of (it isn't in the real world and it isn't in Star Wars), but some of the husbands in this video game have personalities that are...enhanced by engaging in a little playful stereotyping. You'll see what I mean.
Jorgan: 5'11-6'/~1.8m, hovering somewhere in the above average range. It makes him more intimidating to the average private who makes the mistake of getting his attention, but by the same token, more charming when he warms up to the Trooper and proves himself just a big fuzzy kitty. With a big fuzzy sniper rifle
Andronikos: 5'6ish, 5'7ish (~1.7m), hard to tell because he slouches. He only really stands up straight when he's trying to be a big tough guy
Quinn: 5'7"/1.7018m. No ambiguity because his posture is perfect. Alternate Interpretation: However tall your SW is, he is exactly 6 centimeters shorter. Come Here Elbow Rest
Doc: 5'4"/1.6m. No, not because I think his womanizing personality is him "overcompensating"; in fact Doc's height is only ever an advantage in his romantic conquests. He comes on so strong that him being particularly tall might be intimidating. But nah, he's just a little birthday boy, so the hot people in his orbit let their guard down, allowing him to get in close and hit 'em with a pickup line related to his medical expertise. Being small also means he's harder to hit when helping retrieve wounded resistance fighters from the battlefield #BalmorraForever
Felix: 5'11"/~1.8m, he gets an ABOVE AVERAGE height bc he is an ABOVE AVERAGE husband can I get an AMEN
Torian: You ever met a high school freshman and been fucking shocked that children are allowed to be so enormous? The kid's like, 14 years old and shot up like two feet over the summer, and it feels illegal? That's Torian. He's 19 and he's been 6'2"/~1.87m for the past five and a half years, but he's still a little gangly and the only reason he knows how to control his extremely long limbs is he's literally a trained fighter. Alternate Interpretation: If your BH is taller than 5'10, he's 5'10 exactly
Corso: 6'/1.82m. I know I just said negative associations around short men don't exist in The Galaxy Far Far Away, but Corso seems like the kind of guy who would somehow independently develop a complex about his height, if he was short. The fact he doesn't means he must be tall
Vector: God, I really wanted to make him on the shorter side of average to pair with his mild-mannered personality and contrast the more unusual elements of his speech and his eyes, but his sleek character design makes him feel tall when I'm looking at him. He's also the only LI I've drawn beside one of my characters, and I just sort of unconsciously made him tall because my agent is kind of short, and it looked appealing. Results inconclusive; some boyfriends can grow as tall as starships while others can be as small as mites
Arcann: 5'8"/1.72m. (Thexan was 5'9")
Theron: No taller than 5'9"/1.75m. Theron seems like a pretty normal guy when you meet him, until he reveals himself to be an insane little freak (affectionate), so giving him the most Average Height Possible feels correct.
Koth: However tall Lana is, Koth is exactly 2 cm shorter.
Thanks for coming to my TEDtalk. I encourage spirited debate in the replies. Girl LI Height Opinions still percolating
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blam-marie · 2 months
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Decided to change my approach with these guys. Only the Anakin/Vader one is finished, the rest are still at the sketching stage. Let me know what you think in the comments!
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kemendin · 1 year
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This will never not be funny
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thenachlegacy · 1 year
I just think it’s devastating bc it’s canon that it was Arcann who went and brought Vaylin back from Nathema, and during KOTFE if you watch all the cutscenes, even when he’s losing his temper he has a moment where he pauses and tells Vaylin that he’s “not blaming her” for all that’s going down, and acknowledges that Valkorian held her back the most out of all of them and it’s just sooo 🥹 upsetting because they were truly brother and sister, and loved each other and they never get a chance to be a normal FAMILY…
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We must do this again. Practice does make perfect after all...
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frauleiiin · 10 months
This shot is magnificent
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parseolegacy · 7 months
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Huevember Day 3 - Prince of Zakuul Started Kotfe recently for the first time and I love his evil ass sm <3 can't wait for my Consular to cave his kneecaps in
Shitpost under the cut
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⬆ Context
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hinterlost · 1 year
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Taking a break from dragon age because my friggn audio driver wont run sound on DAI anymore. Got dragged back to SWTOR and forgot I am weak for Arcann and created an actually fully fleshed out piece. For once. Featuring my consular! Enyae'wye
anyways for those who followed me for DA content I will still be posting and reblogging DA stuff but I'll probably turn my blog into a multi-fandom blog because I have no where else to really dump my fanart lol. I'll be better at tagging appropriate fandoms so ya'll can curate what ya'll see.
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queen-scribbles · 3 months
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you, undeniable you, changed me through and through --- February's kinda been the month of Ardrali on my blog, let's cap it off with V-day art from the always-fabulous @emedeme! If anyone needs me I'll be staring at this for the next several hours 😍😍😍
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sullustangin · 3 months
Fluffy February Day 24: Apology
Time: Around 7.2 (after we see Arcann regretfully say he needs backup, but before we see him on Voss in 7.3); Late 28 ATC
A/N: ...this is probably a joke gone to far. Last year, I wrote Amber about Marr's lightsaber and how it was in Arcann's possession. Then, I wrote Goodbye to explain what had happened during the search for the rightful owner of the saber. And this -- this is where Arcann was between Elom and Voss. And yes, it got big enough to need a cut.
The mission report for Elom had been filed, dutifully, in the most neat and well-practiced penmanship Theron had ever seen; although regulations demanded reports be typed out and electronically submitted, he still had to admire the skill that went into this project in ink and flimsi.
The problem was that its author had not come home.  Arcann was missing.  Sana-Rae had arrived to provide support, and one of small taskforce Eva had assigned to help him (and monitor him) handed off the report.  Arcann had disappeared.
Theron…really, really did not want to deal with this.  Malgus had been captured, and there was  a missing padawan and a missing holocron with probably something powerful and nasty inside.  The last thing Theron needed was a missing ex-emperor. 
…And then the whole situation went weird.  Theron thought maybe the universe hated him.  That, or Eva and her entire crew were pulling some elaborate joke on him.
Supposedly, Arcann, former emperor, had been sighted flipping burgers at some fast food joint on Dromund Kaas. It was like one of those wild claims that had popped up in the months after Senya had had the Voss heal him. 
But then Talos Drellik and Koth Vortena came forward to … confirm the possibility.
Because one of the girls with tats and piercings and pink hair had said something nice about him.  Years ago.
Theron wanted to bang his head against the wall.  The problem with Eva and her Alliance – and Voidfleet more broadly – is that it did attract misfits.  Misfits with quirks.  He knew he fell into that category himself, but stars, couldn’t someone be utterly boring and come home from the mission?
So here he was, trying to be inconspicuous as he strolled through the streets of Kaas, making sure he had the right dive.  Now all he had to do was wait out in the rain for the back door to open and him to get a visual confirmation that Arcann was here.
…Theron’s luck was even better than that.  Arcann came out of the backdoor…
To take out the trash.
The Eternal Emperor.  Garbage duty.  There was a cosmic-scale joke here.   
He wore the dirty, grease-stained uniform of the chain.  He even had the stupid billed cap on.  The door swung shut behind him –
And Theron grabbed him by the throat and slammed him into the wall.  “We’re going to make this look like some petty street dispute,” he muttered to the startled Arcann.
There was a momentary flailing, but Arcann quickly recognized him and lowered his hands.  “Hello, Theron –”
“Why didn’t you check back in?” The operations manager of the Alliance – and their lead on black ops – really wasn’t in the mood for niceties.  Not on Kaas. 
Arcann reached up to detach Theron’s hand from his throat, which Theron allowed.  “I found myself… vestigial to Sana-Rae’s work.  I wrote my report, as required – “
“And then you disappeared,” Theron snapped.  “You of all people can’t do that.”
Theron saw a brief flicker of temper.  “Perhaps I should.”
“Excuse me?” Theron demanded. 
Arcann straightened up against the rough wall of the building, trying to exude that imperial authority….while wearing a fast food uniform.  “I have wondered, since the Captain’s victory over the Eternal Empire, what would become of me.  I have…a liminal existence on Odessen.  I am free to travel.  With supervision.  I continue to reside there for lack of any secure option – I’ll either be assassinated or turned into a cult figure, depending on the partisans in the area.”  He motioned up at his face.  “If I’m ever to be anything else other than Emperor Arcann, I must plunge myself into a completely and utterly different life.”
Theron absorbed all this.  “…so the pink-haired girl flirted with you years ago, and you thought this was a great career move?”
“’Successfully committed multiple genocides in less than five years’ on the resume doesn’t really attract many employers,” Arcann returned, readily.  “So…I took the first opportunity presented to me to not always be under your watchful eye.  Or that of my mother.”
Theron wouldn’t apologize for that.  Ever.
“I left Elom.  I lied at my job interview – which took place in this very alley.  I explained that my scars were from a deep fryer accident – I read about such things on Holonet forums.” 
Arcann tilted his head slightly, frowned, and then said, in absolute seriousness to Theron, “Workers rights and unions are absent on Imperial planets.  This concerns me greatly.”
Theron directed his gaze skyward, wondering what gods were laughing at him today.  “They didn’t have those sorts of things on Zakuul either when you were running the show.”
“I was different then!”  Arcann insisted, and Theron saw some flash of indignance.  “I know these things should exist.  I now know why they should exist.”
…Arcann was now learning things Theron had learned under Master Zho’s tutelage.  About compassion without judgment, about how not everyone was safe in the galaxy, and not every state was benevolent to its people.  He was over thirty now.  The cure, for an adult… must have been difficult
Jedi believed in fresh starts. Otherwise, no one would ever be able to be allowed to join after escaping the Sith. 
Theron wasn’t a Jedi.  But…
“You’ve got to come back to Odessen.  This … is not tenable.”  Theron made an abstract motion to this entire, ridiculous situation.
“Not on these wages.  They are not livable.”
Theron rolled his eyes, but Arcann was already untying his apron.  “I have learned much…and I do want to live away from Odessen.  Maybe not under my own name.”
Theron was already shaking his head.  “That is a conversation for a completely different time.  You need to come back.  Now.”
“I will.”
Theron cleared his throat. "...I did mean it when we'd talk about this. Because you are right, you can't live forever in limbo like this."
Arcann nodded.
The two men understood each other.
...That was progress. Progress was good.
There was an awkward pause. 
“…So what are you going to tell that girl?” Theron ventured.
Arcann responded with a rueful smile.  “Turnover in the fast food industry is very high, which is understandable given the conditions and lack of pay. She is no longer employed here.”   Then he squared up to Theron.  “Hit me.”
Yes, this day was absolutely off-the-wall strange.  “What?”
Arcann cast a look back at the eatery.  “The manager will be out here to wonder where I’ve gone.  He doesn’t want trouble, so if he sees me engaged in fisticuffs, he’ll be inclined to fire me – I won’t be wanted back and nobody will look for me.” 
That would make everything neat and clean…
And Theron had been waiting for this for a long, long time.
So he squared up….then he paused.  “Do you even know how to take a punch?” 
Arcann nodded.  “I did have a twin brother…we were very competitive…”  Then he shifted uncomfortably.  “…The Captain also decked me.  Once.”
Oh yeah. Theron remembered now. “Bowdaar didn’t stop talking about it for two weeks,” Theron confirmed.  Theron decided if he was only going to get one permitted hit on the guy who had stolen his wife (well, now she was his wife) from him for five years, it better be a nice big one. 
The wind up….
“You do know I’m never going to apologize for this, right?”
Now Arcann smirked.  “The only apology you’ll have to give is to the Captain – that she didn’t get to see this or directly participate.”
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moonlitalien · 2 years
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His ray of sunshine
A little artwork of my Jedi Knight from SWTOR, Tiamat, and Arcann! They are very cute and I love them. ;u;
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