#Arian's rambles
ant1quarian · 9 days
Westerntale Utmv Boys' Kisses
Bad Sanses Edition!! ( Feel free to ask for others )
Westerntale Killer's smooches aren't often, as romantic and cuddly as he loves to be (cough cough you better catch him before those commitment issues make him flee cough cough), but when they do they're often incredibly romantic and equally as playful as they are soft. He's the type to dip you with almost every kiss he gives. Very sweet. Very gremlin-like. He's also definitely the type to show you off.
Westerntale Dust's smooches are even less frequent. He's not the type to initially kiss you himself- preferring to wait for you to ask. But if he does kiss you by himself, he always asks for permission first. Usually a quiet "kiss?" is uttered before he gently tips your head up into a breath-taking smooch. His kisses are, more often than not, gentle and soft, but the affection they carry steal the breath from your lungs. ( Something he's quite good at- stealing. )
Westerntale Horror's kisses are usually frequent and usually gentle little pecks to your cheeks, forehead, hands, or nose. On the very rare occasion he smooches you on the lips, it's usually quite brief but very, very affectionate. Kind of like a content little nuzzle, essentially. Very comfortable, very affectionate.
Westerntale Nightmare's kisses are usually actually quite nervous. He's a charming, prideful, gremlin of a bastard but he is terribly nervous when someone he genuinely dearly cares about decides they want to smooch him. He gives kisses very affectionately, but not often- and always in private. Expect to see a semblance of a dopey grin on his flushed face afterwards, too.
Westerntale Cross' kisses are always gentle and brief. Very muchly affectionate, often placing a hand on your waist and gently tracing his finger over your cheek before letting you go with a soft grin. He's another very, very affectionate one, and willing to show you off in public if that's something you want.
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internetskiff · 4 months
Ohh my god I just realized something The Signalis gameplay trailer is fucking genius. It basically encourages you to play in a way that lowers your chances of getting the "Promise" ending on the first playthrough. It doesn't encourage you to play like Elster - it encourages you to evaluate the situation like a Protektor would.
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I mean, it's straight up styled as an in-universe emergency broadcast that Protektor Units would hear in the event of an enemy attack or emergency where a facility's integrity would be compromised.
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This specific little tidbit basically encourages you to play in a way that ACTIVELY lowers your chances of getting the Promise ending, making it more likely you'll get Memory or Leave on your first run. Sure, you still need to weigh your chances in combat if you're aiming to fulfill your promise, but you need to put down as many corrupted Replikas as you can afford if you want to rack up the points necessary for that ending. The trailer encourages players to value self-preservation above all else. Which, y'know, that's how you usually aim to play games - you need to avoid getting hurt and you need to avoid dying, you seek the most efficient way to get to the end, but if you want the Promise ending you need to go out of your way to get hurt and die several times. You need to spend as much time as possible in the game. You need to be thorough. You need to leave nothing behind.
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Point being, I think this is exactly why she doesn't remember her. The whole playthrough, you've basically been Elster in name alone. You haven't been acting like the Elster she knows. You've been dealing with the whole situation like any Replika Protektor unit would have. In her eyes, you may have been an LSTR - an extremely resourceful, versatile combat Replika, but you're not the Elster - the one who spent all those years rotting with Ariane on the Penrose, forever changed by what they shared on that one-way trip beyond the Oort cloud. Elster would raze S-23 Sierpinski just to get to her. She'd leave nothing behind. She'd die over and over if that's what it takes to finally put an end to this. What stands before her is just another stranger, another Replika, not the person she's spent all those years with. You have to show you're not just another stranger with Elster's memories. You need to prove you are her. You need to treat all of this like she would. You need to prove you remember your promise. You need to prove you value your promise. You need to prove you have become the person you need to be to end this. The loop won't end until it's molded you into the person you need to be. At least, that's how I see it.
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estrophore · 10 months
Signalis Post (barely coherent thought vomit)
So I finished signalis on Monday and i think ive just about recovered enough for me to make a gush post about it on tumblr dot com, which i think i have to do cause i dont think any other game has really hit me as hard as this one. Spoilers obvs.
Being pre-transion, with that associated depression and closing off from oneself, ive always found it difficult to get out my feelings, even in private with just myself, and yet signalis has filled me throughout with its beautiful romantic melancholy and left me genuinely sobbing for the gay robot and her space girlfriend (almost worried that if id played this game on estrogen it might actually have just killed me on the spot). the only other times i can think of where i really cried were playing We Know The Devil near the beginning of the year, which really fkin hit the part of me that struggles to accept myself, and that time i rewatched the last episode of she-ra after reading the ‘Word War Etheria’ fanfic, which brings the characters so much more to life i fell for them all over again.
Signalis is a game that calls back to a lot of classic horror like resident evil and silent hill, which i havent got round to playing any of yet, but i think nostalgia works both ways sometimes and i’ll be playing them sooner now. sometimes horror gets stereotyped as all death and violence, some games fill themselves with skulls and corpses, and big ugly monsters and basically shout ‘DEATH!’ in your face repeatedly and it all just comes off as a bit garish and ridiculous and not actually very scary really. Signalis sits at the other end of that scale (with some of my other fav horror games like soma, cry of fear) where its environs are most usually just… quiet. Still. Muffled. Sad. just as often as theres tension or creeping fear because of this i find theres a strange kind of comfort too. Maybe its just that in most other genres of games theres so much of music, UI elements, pickups and interactibles with vibrant design. Here, theres room for your mind to just occupy the space. A soft fog. A dimly lit room. An empty train. Snow out a window. Liminal spaces that dont expect anything from you.
Signalis is a game thats just simply, unapologetically gay, and i dont think i would have been quite so invested in Elster and Ariane’s relationship if they were a straight couple. Its why representation is important, if art’s way for us to explore our emotions then its important to have media that we can relate to. Even Adler’s role isnt typically masculine. Our replika characters are manufactured, designed for certain roles in the base. Notes from the tough Stars and Storchs in the shooting range, the dollish Eules with the fairy lights and music player in the dorm. I couldnt help but think of groups of Eules sat around chatting, together, and im yearning for that feeling of togetherness, of understanding a friend that closely. I somehow missed the couple in the mineshaft (next playthough, ill find you v_v ). Despite the harshness of life in the Eusan nation (especially for the gestalts) the characters in it are defined by their feelings of belonging and hope. With the obvious parallels to east germany, i think of posters of cosmonauts and space travel from the time. Propaganda, sure but also made with the genuine belief in something greater. When the events of the game take this away, well, we find the last Kolibri, whod rather lose herself than lose her [ah. Im not sure theres a word here to properly describe the relationship they embody]. Its a game defined by loneliness.
We dont lie up at night scared by some corrupted android. We arent stuck with horror at the flesh everywhere, not on its own. We lie awake thinking about Elster and Ariane’s love for each other, the horror of their decline, the futility of trying to hold on forever. Its existential horror done perfectly. It shows an ending postponed and stretched far beyond its limits, and so squarely reminds you that you do, in fact, have to die one day. You’ll break down. One day you’ll say your last words to the people you love and you wont even know you have. Ariane’s final few diaries arrive with the full force of the narrative behind it, like a spear through my heart. For the record, I got the promise ending. Im still sad. It's a game about raging desperately against an unfair ending. I might think about this game for the rest of my life. I would sincerely say its an artistic masterpiece, by the sure definition of video games as art.
I like that the story leaves a lot open and abstract. I think it makes the emotional themes takes centre stage more. And i havent had nearly enough time to sift through it and come up with my own takes, we’ll need a few more playthroughs for that. And theres so much more to say that cant go in just these few paragraphs! Signalis is a game about two girls who had to run away from everything to find someone they belonged with. The universe may be cold and bleak, but you have to try, you might just find something beautiful, even if it doesnt last forever. I think if anything, we should all have the chance to find love and happiness like that, and we shouldnt have abandon a world that doesnt work for us to do it.
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kendallville · 1 year
Dog pound game makes even more sense now that we know about "Pop Quiz" or "Dinner for Winners". And Arian said those are two games that he remembers.
Ken being the oldest of the tree siblings (Connor much older and out of the house when Ken was a teen) meant that for a long time he was the only child that Logan could abuse this way. Humiliate in front of his friend, call stupid, mock him and abuse physically (let's be honest, if Logan threw shoes at Ken's head in front of Stewy, what did he do to his son when there was no one around?).
So when Rome became old enough to "play the game" (this motif in Succession...), it's not surprising that Ken repeated Logan's behavior, he wanted to feel powerful, the winner for once.
And Ken thought that it wasn't so bad, it wasn't the same as what Logan did to him, because Roman seemed to enjoy the game, probably because that was one of rare occasions when his older brother paid any attention to him. So even though Rome didn't love sitting alone for hours and eating from a bowl, even if it was cake, the fact that Ken would bring him this cake and eventually let him out was enough to ask his brother to play the game again.
And so it went, on and on.
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mikelogan · 11 months
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anneapocalypse · 8 months
You'd think I would miss the playable romances moving from Dragon Age to FFXIV but I honestly don't. Probably because I've always had no problem filling in the blanks in my imagination, but also... I mean, I love the DA romances, it's always fun playing through them and they show you a different angle on the character and it's still my goal to eventually play them all. But there's also a certain freedom in not being locked into a specific path or a specific dynamic written into the game. (Of course we're always free to headcanon and create whatever we like, but the canon romances still lead us in a certain direction and there's a reason those romances dominate the fandom.)
In particular I've been thinking about this as I've been contemplating the potential for Ariane/Urianger because in a playable romance you don't tend to get a long slow burn, except maybe by accident with something like Mass Effect where Kaidan/M!Shep wasn't included until the third game so you can imagine those feelings to have been simmering for a long time. But in general the game starts tossing flirt options at you pretty early on, and unless you look it up, you don't know how many you can miss before getting locked out, which is how you get painfully hilarious scenarios like Shepard taking command of the Normandy and immediately hitting on their subordinates, or Hawke hitting on Anders two minutes after his boyfriend has died, or the Warden jumping into bed with Zevran approximately five minutes after he attempted to assassinate them, or the Inquisitor flirting with people who are basically holding them captive. And we find ways to have fun with all those scenarios, but they still shape the romance in a certain way.
And there's a freedom to imagining the shape of a relationship from scratch without those guiderails. One isn't better than the other, they're both fun in their own ways. I'm just enjoying where I am right now with Ariane and shaping her relationships where my imagination takes me.
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mcmorare · 2 months
not a katrina headcanon and very much not the right time of year but i Need you all to know that ariane has been ma.rlene d.ietrich in a suit for halloween three (3) times - the tux looks from blonde venus, seven sinners, and of course the iconic morrocco
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toesuckler · 5 months
wow how does anyone actually like those songs sorry wow. thats so nothing.
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fischlich · 1 day
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my epic and awesome ocs stupid and stupider who get along so well (any words are in alt per usual my handwriting is terrible). takes place in the same au of sorts this post is from. little more background info/explanation as to whats going on under the cut bc i love rambling
ramble time. basically the current setting is 3 or so years after ariane's signal decimated essentially all civilization in the entire solar system, with Heimat's survivors living on a tiny fleet known as the Reclamation Fleet (as they are trying to reclaim and rebuild the Nation. Their logo is a phoenix for this reason... rise from the ashes better and stronger and all that). Biene was one of the last storches activated before the evacuation order went out, and there just wasn't enough personnel alive to train her, so command just had her handle cargo with the mynahs since they knew she couldn't hurt them if she tried. The mynahs taught her relative patience and to talk out problems rather than fight them, but Biene is incapable of understanding that not everyone wants to talk and gets frustrated about this.
Which leads to Wolfsbann! She was a Rotfront protektor and was close with a lot of the replikas there, before higher up orders had her transferred to Heimat when the signal really started up. Wolfsbann feels like she abandoned her friends to a fate worse than death and the guilt is slowly eating her alive, and she doesn't want to get close to anyone else out of fear of abandoning them again as well as to punish herself for abandoning her friends in the first place. So as such she purposefully isolates herself and pushes others away.
Biene has always wanted to do more than lift cargo and is obsessed with being a Real STCR, a proper protektor unit. Finally her wish is granted when command decides to assign Wolfsbann as her mentor in hopes theyll sort eachother out. instead they get into stupid fights constantly because Biene knows something is wrong with Wolfsbann and wants to help and Wolfsbann is pissed this storch won't respect her boundaries and leave her be. Eventually they do grow to rely on eachother though and work things out, but it takes a little while
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amagpiesguide · 16 days
CHAT IM BACK I LOGGED IN ALSO SO RAMBLE TIME BOUT DUNGEON MESHI AND SIGNALIS [off topic I purely went off of the wiki for dungeon meshi, I might watch or read it]
Ariane and Laios meet. Hear me out they become best of friends because purely they both have been picked on/singled out because they are different from normal people, they like interests that not a lot of people like, dead ass imagine dungeon meshi being a manga in the empire and Ariane is like “laios is so me” [all jokes]
But Ariane and laios would genuinely be friends, and ariane and Falin as well! Talking about ariane’s race: she’s definitely a tall woman, I can’t see her being anything else. But Elster most likely a elf or possibly mixed between tall man and elf, I am curious tho if Elster could be a beast man: “Beast-men are created from the process of fusing a beast's soul with human's to create demi-humans. Originally they were created to be used as soldiers.The known beast-man forms are werebears, werewolves, weretigers, werecats, wererats, and weredeers.” But possibly with a magpie? Im not sure I think that’d just make her a harpie, so she’d probably just be a tall man mixed elf.
Imagine a dungeon meshi x signalis au that’d be cool as hell. Or even cross over, i need laios and Ariane to meet I need my favourite weirdo characters to meet
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livewiregoth · 4 months
So I learned about Signalis recently & it's made me realize this could be used to make one of the most fucked up crossovers especially if it's Evangelion involving KawoShin
Warning for mentioned spoilers
Elster & Shinji have love interests that have red eyes & white/grey hair, both are the cause of their partner dying.(Either mercy kill or cause Kaworu took Shinji's place by removing the choker meant to kill Shinji & put it on his own neck depending on the version)
It's also implied(in Signalis) or theorized(Evangelion) that they're stuck in some form of loop & depending on what happens(Promise ending for Signalis & the ending to the 4th/final film for Rebuild of Evangelion) the loop/suffering finally comes to an end.
If we want to get even further there's implications that Elster is either a copy made by the dream/reality warping or another Elster unit that ended up with a copy of Ariane's partner's memories.(If we get meta Replikas are technically programmed using past human neural patterns with Elster's implied/theorized to come from Lilith Itou with the Elster units being made off of a copy of a decommissioned Elster after losing the original copy of the neural patterns) Kaworu is a clone of the angel Adam & an unknown human.
Ariane & Kaworu showed Elster & Shinji kindness/care they hadn't had before due to being isolated for certain reasons* which led to them growing closer
*Elster due to it making her keep to how her neural patterns should be so she'll work as intended since Replikas are meant to do certain tasks & I guess the possibility of changing causes trouble for the nation, Shinji due to struggling to understand if people care about him partly thanks to his deadbeat dad that forced/manipulated him to be a child soldier
So because of my rambling examples of similarities imagine how fucked up it'd be if Shinji & Kaworu took Elster & Ariane's places. Doesn't matter if Shinji is Elster & Kaworu is Ariane of vise versa it'd be bitter sweet.
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ant1quarian · 11 days
I look. I stare
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Back at this thingy which I saved ages ago from someone's post
and I still think of Lamia!Reader having Avian!Killler caught in their coils
My brain refuses to think of anything else
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internetskiff · 8 months
Can't stop thinking about Signalis. Specifically all the parallels shared between Ariane, Elster, Falke and Adler. The real love and devotion between Elster and Ariane compared to the hard-coded, forced and unhealthy obsession and dependence Adler units feel towards their Falke counterparts. The fact that a Falke unit seemingly isn't really inclined to reciprocate in any way meanwhile Adlers begin going mad the moment a Falke unit goes unresponsive - it's pretty fucked up. Both Elster and Adler are doing nothing but chasing ghosts at Sierpinski. Falke isn't Falke anymore, and Ariane is so far beyond Elster's reach, wasting away in a faulty cryopod, Ariane's real LSTR unit having succumbed to radiation long ago. Falke seems to understand this ("She'll never dance with us again, no matter what we do.") but ironically she seems to be taking it just about as well as Adler is taking the loss of his beloved commander ("She doesn't even want us anymore.")
It's really difficult to imagine this weird waltz of obsession they're trapped in would ever have a happy ending.
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some-creep · 4 months
Rambling post but I was talking about it again about how funny I think it would be for Ariane to not only bring Elster home to meet her family but also Falke at the same time. Just because I love the visual of her trying to exist in a normal human size apartment and complaining literally the entire time (girl forgot the world isn't built for people her size). Plus how incredibly awkward it would be to like. Bring a literal propaganda icon that looks like your actual dictator home as ??? Your second girlfriend of all things?? like it's NBD.
Her and Elster saying rude shit to each other when they think no one is listening but it's a small apartment so everyone hears them every single time. Ariane's just like :) don't mind them they're always like that it's cute lol!
Ariane's just excited people like her let her have this
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e17omm · 7 months
I have recently seen that signalis is on sale and don't know if i should buy it. I don't know much about the game and have seen that you like signalis, so would it be possible to explain a bit wht the game is about.
Space lesbians and eldrich horror done right. <- the short version.
The long version ->
You play as Elster, or rather, LSTR-512, a Replika. Basically a human android. You are on a ship called the Penrose, and your Gestalt (human) co-pilot (Ariane) is missing.
This is a game with a story you have to figure out. Its not hard. Its not hiding its story, but you will definitely have to pick up notes (in-game) and pay some attention to get an idea of whats going on.
It is a highly spoilerable game in terms of story.
In terms of gameplay, it is like a top-down, but you see it from an angle.
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The genre is survival horror. Limited resources, tight rooms, limited inventory, and enemies. Ammo conservation and inventory management is the game, and about half the time you can try to sneak/run past enemies to conserve ammo.
Signalis recently got an inventory update that should make the inventory management MUCH better. (Basically some items gets special slots that only they can go in, and since you would basically need them on you at all times, it now saves slots in your normal inventory) (this was about the only complaint before from the community - the inventory was TOO small. This update fixed some of that while not making it too easy either)
Okay to recap because I rambled a bit:
Signalis is a Top-Down, Survival Horror game with an eldrich horror theme done right. A lot of messed up and confusing things happens in this game, but its not so vague or random that you cant make sense of it.
The start of the game goes like this:
You wake up. Search your crashed ship. You leave it. Go through an archway. Find a hole in the ground. Go down the hole. Find a hole in the wall. Go through the wall. End up in a regular-ish room. Listen to a radio broadcast. Next time you're in control of your character, you're in a bathroom in a mining facility.
That doesnt make sense, right?
It will.
I really want to talk about it in detail, but again, its highly spoilerable. Not fun if I go into detail about what the opening 5-10 minutes is, right? (What I talked about above).
The game is about 8 to 12 hours long (per playthrough), depending how long you take on puzzles and how long you take exploring. The game has a map, so its not like Haydee where you have to draw your own.
The gunplay is as simple as aiming your weapon, and as long as youre aiming close enough to an enemy, Elster will soft-lock onto it (aim assist, basically).
In terms of characters, most (and by most I mean that there is litteraly 1 guy) are females. And not only that, but they are tall androids (most of the time. Looking at you, 152cm (5') Kolibri's (Smolibri)) (This doesnt spoil anything really, just fun info you can find) (the rest of the androids are generally above 200cm) (there is stepladders in game and the files calls them "Kolibri steppy". The devs definitely had fun.)
Most of them are enemies, due to the afformentioned i̴n̴t̷e̴r̴g̷a̷l̴a̷c̴t̶i̷c̷ e̴̳͂ḻ̴̇d̴̳̑r̸̜͒i̷̦̓c̶̨͌h̸̻͝ ̷͇̐h̷͉͛o̵̞͋r̴̜̋r̵̺͝o̶̩͌r̶̳̄ i̴͖̖̘̝̘̙͉̅͒͜ṅ̶̼̮̮̻̥̱͍͊̎̀͘f̴̗͎͇̔ḙ̶̟͈̳̭͓̃ͅc̵̢͇̱̼̫̘̦̯̋͋͂̽t̴̗̬̬̥̂ͅỉ̶͍̗͔̱͎̲̩̞͗̅͗͐̈̓o̴̡̹̤̜̖̞͇̼̅n̵̼͖͂̈́́͊̏͑̌ͅ.
So to recap the story as spoiler free as possible: You are an LSTR (Elster) android (Replika) in search of your missing human (Gestalt) co-pilot called Ariane. All in order to keep your promise to her. What is that promise you ask? You better remember it.
For the bird enthusiasts: most (and by most I mean all) Replika names correlate to a bird! Elster correlate to Magpie's, for example.
Does that have a meaning to the story? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ play to find out.
The art style of the game is pixel (as seen in the screenshot), but also (to borrow the words of Bricky) "Its sci-fi, if all we knew were the 80's". Big blocky screens with big buttons and static on screens.
The music - oh the music is fantastic. Tracks like "3000 cycles", "Cigarette wife", "die toteninsel emptiness" and "Swan Lake" by Tchaikovsky (yeah this game borrows some music) fits the theme of the game so well.
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(Couldnt find the artist :C)
In terms of horror, it is mostly the environment and story. The only form of "jumpscare" is enemies screeching at you, or you get a cutscene with some mildly disturbing imagery. There is no form of "big loud thing jumps in your face" jumpscare. You will never turn around a corner and get a fnaf jumpscare.
The fandom is also chronically insane. (Not calling anyone out - I am a part of it.)
They are all excellent memers and artists of wholesomeness shipping. (Meme by unblueable1 on Twitter)
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(Gif by Teflonflak on Reddit)
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warpedengine · 6 months
will be rambling about my potential characterizations for this AU here, gonna be listing down characters in two halves: Titans and AEUG.
Titans Test Team "VOGEL" - EFSF Penrose (Alexandria-class)
All Cyber Newtypes are from Augusta Newtype Labs, and will be denoted as ANT.
ANT-512 "Elster" - A former EFSF pilot and veteran of the One Year War. One of the EFSF's initial newtype pilots at the end of the OYW, she was sent to Augusta to be enhanced, later made to join the Titans Test Team "VOGEL" unit as a test pilot. Pilots a RX-121-2 Gundam TR-1 "Hazel Early Type".
ANT-317 "Falke" - A former Zeonic veteran under detainment by the EFSF following their victory at A Baoa Qu. Sent to Augusta Newtype Labs for experimentation and as a result has lost her memories during enhancement. Seeking the chance of having Augusta Labs' most potent Cyber Newtype, she was made commander of the Vogel Unit. She pilots a RX-124 Gundam TR-6 "Psyco Inle".
Lt. Ariane Yeong - A communications officer, MS researcher and unknowing Newtype test subject onboard the Penrose. Originally from the colonies, her aunt had brought her to enlist in the EFF military after the OYW, leading to her being chosen for the Titans in 0083 after the Stardust Rebellion. She does not realize the package of the Penrose - the mobile armor ORX-NT-0001 "Signalis" - was slowly attuning to her latent Newtype abilities.
Cpt. Adler - Captain of the Alexandria-Class ship "Penrose", secretly one of the initial Cyber Newtypes that was supposed to be part of the Vogel unit, but seeing his past life as an excellent ship captain of the One Year War, he was placed directly under the order of Bask Om to put an eye on the Vogel Unit's actions and tests.
ANT-921 - "Eule" (RX-107 Rosette)
ANT-194 - "Star" (RX-124 TR-6 Hazel II)
ANT-823 - "Storch" (ORX-005 Gaplant TR-5)
ANT-444 - "Mynah" (RX-121-1+FF-X29A Gundam TR-1 [Hazel-Rah] Full Armor)
ANT-023 - "Kolibri" (RX-124 Gundam TR-6 Haze'n-thley II)
ANT-481 - "Ara" (RGM-79EW GM EWAC)
AEUG - "The King in Yellow" Team
Alisa Seo - A former EFF veteran amd ace pilot that had served with the Cyber Newtype known as Elster prior to her enhancement. Seeking to uncover answers as to what happened to her former sister-in-arms. Pilots an older model RGM-79SPII GM Sniper II.
Isolde Itou - A young Earthnoid woman who used to be friends with Ariane. After her departure from Earth and the unraveling of the Colony 30 incident, she seeks to find Ariane as a form of penance for letting her join the Titans.
Erika Itou - The twin sister of Isolde and also a good friend of Ariane. Joined the AEUG after witnessing Colony 30. Tries her best to help her sister and find out what happened to Ariane. Pilots a refurbished RGM-79 GM Guards Type.
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