redacted-coiner · 3 months
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Arissoherbivore, Arissocarnivore, & Arissomnivore
[PT: Arissoherbivore, Arissocarnivore, & Arissomnivore]
Arissoherbivore, Arissocarnivore, & Arissomnivore, are arissodiet(link) terms that refers to a disconnect a person feels towards not being herbivore(/ carnivore / omnivore) due to a multitude of factors, this can be delusional or IRL attachments, being an alter who's diet differs from the body, psychosis, trauma, etc.
These terms are intended for alterhumans, nonhuman alters, etc.! There is also the term arissovegan(link) if you want the more “human” version!
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[Herbivore ID: none yet]
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[Carnivore ID: none yet]
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[Omnivore ID: none yet]
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[Tag] @arissodic-archive
DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag.
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redacted-coiner · 3 months
Random ass Headcanons!
[PT: Random ass Headcanons!]
Mainly just my Fictional Crushes and one of my F/Os. So hehehehehhehehehe. Woman
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Susies Flags: Arissocartoon, Arissodeity, Arissocarnivore, Arissostitched
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Ln’etas Flags: Arissohuman, Arissoconcept (Arissolove), ArissopermLovesick
(She has delusions of being a human so she can marry darling without any issues)
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Ms.Delights Flags: Arissoteacher, Arissoinsomnia (Arisstween)
(She was a teacher but she still believes she is one and is acting as one)
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