#Astral Shards AU
blueisquitetired · 21 days
Astral Shards AU
TLDR: The Boys are in space and they have a Bad Time. (Lady Sneasler is there too)
(This is technically a No Man's Sky AU, but you don't need to know anything about the game to follow along just fine)
Welcome to the pitch! All art for this AU will get their own posts, so everything here will be in game screenshots. There's also a lot more to this story then just what's written here (As this is, you know, the pitch) so please leave any questions, thoughts, or ideas in my inbox. This bad boy isn't getting a fic anytime soon, so it's tumblr only for now!
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(In game models of the boys. I'll post a drawing of their actual designs sometime in the future)
Post proper under ReadMore!
This is honestly half fic if I'm being honest.
Length: ~3,000 words or so. Sorry not sorry.
Disclaimer: I don’t know every single No Man’s Sky lore detail, and I’m not going to scour the wiki for every piece of information and spoil the whole game for myself, so not everything will be 100% lore accurate. And I’ll be ignoring the giant late game twist (if you know you know) because, as cool as it is, it’s very much a twist that consumes all narratives set in this universe, and I’d rather not make my story *also* about that. (Also, as with all AUs not currently written down in fic form, details are subject to change)
Anyway did you know the No Man’s Sky protagonist suffers from amnesia?
Picture this- Ingo wakes up on a frozen planet next to a crashed starship. He's a bit confused and lost- but his space suit is damaged and that kinda takes priority. Because of that, it takes him a hot minute to figure out he has no memories- but as he’s gathering the materials needed to not die he figures it out
The starship recognizes him as its owner and he feels relatively confident in his ability to fix all of this jazz, so he did exist before... but besides that he’s kinda stumped
But this place sucks- he’s constantly freezing to death, stuck either recharging his hazard protection with sodium or siting in his (still wrecked) starship until he warms up enough to go mine stuff with his handy dandy laser again.
And he’s alone
It’s very lonely
(He’s not supposed to be alone)
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So the tentative plan is this: fix the starship enough for space flight, launch into space, and then fly to this solar system's space station. (which he has a gut feeling exists. “Every solar system has one” he mutters to himself. He’s not sure how he knows that)
It’s….. slow going. But it’s going
There’s a lot of mining involved, a lot of looting crashed space junk, a lot of mind numbing boredom as he goes to the same spaces over and over and-
And then he sees something weird in the distance.
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(This is a monolith. In game it’s used to learn space language words and history and to get  l o r e. I’m taking advantage of it)
It’s kinda a hike over there, and it uses up a lot of his sodium reserves, but eventually he comes face to face with….. whatever this is
So he walks around it, trying to figure out what it is, before eventually finding a platform he can interact with.
Stepping up to it, he’s filled with strange sensations and knowledge, a story of an alien race that is familiar yet he hasn’t actually seen yet-
And then the world shatters in front of him
He steps back in shock as a tear in reality forms, a crack in the cosmos widening and fracturing, the sound of breaking glass as everything s h a t t e r s-
And then everything is fine
He stands there, dumbly for a moment, mind reeling….
Until he notices something that wasn’t there before
A shard of purple glass
Carefully, he picks it up, holding it up to his visor-
It whispers
It’s faint, too faint. He can’t hear it well- but it’s important. The whispers are familiar and he needs to know what they’re saying.
So he treks back to his ship, filled with a purpose he hasn’t had in his entire remembered life.
It takes a bit to wire his radio receiver to accept strange reality shards as a valid form of input, but eventually he figures it out. Connecting the last few wires and attaching the shard to it-
“Ingo, where are you? Please respond.”
That’s- that’s- that’s his brother!!!! His TWIN!!! Ingo doesn’t know much but he knows that’s his brother and he’s not supposed to be alone and what happened, why did he crash and why is his twin not here, where did he go? What happened?? He needs to find him!! He needs to find him NOW!
This lights a fire under him
Suddenly it isn’t “hey let’s fix my ship because I have nothing better to do” it’s “I have to fix my ship so I can find my brother” he’s working in overtime
He visits the monolith once or twice too, hoping to get another hint, another clue, maybe even respond- but it has no more answers. Reality is stable, and there are no more shards of glass
It takes forever and the fixed spaceship is…… not great- but at least it flies.
It works well enough, and Ingo has enough oxygen for his life support and enough fuel for his ship to get to the space station- even if it’s on the other end of the solar system.
Ingo…. reeeeaally wishes it was better put together, but this is the best he can do for a previously totaled starship.
So, he lifts off.
And things go great at first!
His radar manages to locate the space station without much trouble, and his pulse engine should get him there fairly quickly.
He charts a course and gets going, little purple shard tucked into his suit. (He’d listened to the message on repeat hundreds of times. Over and over “Ingo, where are you? Please respond.” He’d combed through his ships logs as well, but they were almost all corrupted, left with nothing but fragments of his brother’s voice. This was his only true connection)
And then the engine dies
The engine dies and Ingo is in the middle of nowhere, ages away from any planet, stuck in the middle of empty space with no hope of getting anywhere.
No debris, no friendly ships, no nothing.
He’s going to die out here.
He's going to die out here and his brother will never know, will never see him again, will think he just forgot him-
He has a nice panic, looking at his limited supply of oxygen and mildly freaking out
(Majorly freaking out)
But at least he has his radio.
He doesn’t…. know any frequencies or anything, doesn’t know what to tune it too, but he has to try something.
So he just, turns it on and hopes for the best.
“Hello this is Ingo. I am stranded in deep space and require assistance.” No response. Tune the frequency one more decimal point “Hello this is Ingo. I am stranded in deep space and require assistance.” No response. Turn the dial-
And so on and so forth.
Eventually, his wordy message turns to just a hoarse plea of “help”, and he’s started switching the stations willy nilly, no longer one decimal at a time.
He’s going to die out here.
Hours of this, hours of desperately pleading into the vast depths of space-
The frequency changes without his input.
“….help?” He asks hesitantly, staring blankly at the radio transceiver. How did it do that? Why did it do that? Why was the display filled with random symbols instead of numbers-
“With what?”
Ingo jolts upright in his seat, adrenaline rushing through his veins and his heartbeat in his throat “I am stranded in deep space and require rescue.” He wheezes out, his throat sore and dry
“Oh yeah that’s no good. You sound awful- you must have been stuck there a while.” There’s the sounds of buttons beeping and fingers tapping before- “Ah found you. We’ll open a pocket near your location. Sit tight.”
And then reality warps and-
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That’s new
It’s uh…. A bit too far from his ship though. It’s a nice, rational distance away, but his ship can’t move.
But it’s close enough he could probably jet pack over there.
Making sure his shard is close to his chest and firmly secured, he opens up his cockpit and leaps, propelling himself into the docking bay-
And oh
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Artificial gravity kicks in, and he falls to the floor in a crumpled heap right by the entrance.
Impossibly, a ship flies in a mere moment later, even though there had been no ships anywhere nearby Ingo before. Several more soar in and out as he ungracefully shuffles to the station proper. Somehow.
And by the stars, is it loud.
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(Please imagine this area being far more busy than it is. I took this photo on a weekday, but even on its busiest days it’s still a game that probably maxes out at lobbies of thirty or something. Since, you know, it’s an indie game)
After weeks of total isolation, the sheer hustle and bustle of hundreds of people is far too much to handle, the echoing reverb of ships landing and taking off sending spikes through his skull.
But, as uncomfortable as it is, it’s still people- and Ingo is so so glad to have company
“You okay?” A young voice asks as he clambers up to the parking space nearest to the entrance. “You took quite a tumble there.”
There's a short being on the platform, one that helps Ingo up. It's a youth, maybe female- and she almost seems to be the same species as Ingo. (Ingo has the feeling that he doesn't meet members of his own species much... or ever)
“Everything is operational.” he reassures, standing at full height and towering over the girl. He hunches down slightly, as to not seem intimidating. “I am just relieved that I am no longer trapped out there.”
The girl nods and gestures him forward, walking towards the station proper and expecting him to follow. He does
“Yeah I bet! If your ship wasn’t even working well enough to fly in….” She shakes her head. “Well enough of that. I’m iteration Akari! What’s your name?”
“Ingo.” He replies, a little more directly then he prefers. His voice is still hoarse. “What is this place?”
“The anomaly!” Akari replies, as they get closer to the crowd proper. “I guess this is your first time then?”
“Yes it is.” What in the world is this place? And where are all these people coming from??
“Then you should meet with iteration Adaman and Irida!”
Akari begins leading him past the crowds and towards a curving ramp.
“Iteration?” He asks, noticing the pattern in their titles.
“Oh yeah uhhhh… I’ll let one of them explain that.”
Akari chatters to him as they walk along, pointing out different landmarks and explaining their purpose
Eventually they reach a wide room that seems to overlook the entire station, just as bright and colorful as everything else.
“Hello!” A voice calls, and an alien decked in dark blue greets him. “You took quite the fall there! Are you alright?”
He is iteration Adaman apparently, and iteration Irida stands nearby. She waves when Ingo and Akari approach.
They are the leaders of this place- the founders of the anomaly. A place between dimensions, a safe haven for people like them- one's who are alone in the worlds they inhabit.
They ask about his lack of spaceship and Ingo tells them of his plight, eventually explaining his goal.
“I need to find my twin.” He explains, pulling out his shard of glass. “I remember little, but I know we are not meant to be separated. I fear for his safety.”
“A twin???” Irida sounds completely shocked, the plants she was monitoring forgotten as she turns to the group. “That’s not possible.”
“It could be.” Adaman counters. “In the infinite reaches of spacetime anything is possible.”
“The odds of such a thing are so astronomically low. Do you mean a brother in arms? A family chosen by bond alone?”
“No?” Ingo responds. “He looks like me.” He saw his reflection in the ice, his brother whispering in his ears. They shared a face.
“Impossible. Mathematically impossible”
“Improbable Irida. Not impossible.”
“The odds are far too low-"
“Plenty of people have siblings. And plenty of twins exist.” Ingo interrupts, irritation coloring his voice. “It is not that rare.”
“But not travelers.” Akari pipes up, finally joining the conversation. “Travelers are always alone.”
“That’s what you are.” Irida explains. “A traveler. We all are actually- everyone here. A being cursed to wander the stars, one with no home of their own. They may stop and rest, may find a place to settle down- but there is no place that is theirs, no community for them. No sky they rest under calls them its own.”
“Only one can exist at once.” Adaman adds. “Every dimension can only host a single one.”
“Hang on.” Ingo shakes his head. “That does not track. You just said that everyone here is a traveler. Which contradicts your earlier statement.”
“We are in an in-between space.” Irida explains, her tone pitying. “We founded the anomaly so travelers could find each other. So that the iterations could finally interact.”
“So we wouldn’t always be alone.”
“I…. I need to sit down.”
Adaman pulls up a chair and Ingo slumps into it, his head and helmet falling into his hands
“You can stay as long as you need.” Adaman reassures, his tone soft. “Our home is open to all, a bastion of safety.”
“I cannot.” Ingo sighs, before straightening back up. “I must find my brother.”
He holds out his shard of glass, reflections of multicolored light gleaming off it.
“This is the only clue I have”
“May I?” Adaman holds out his hand and Ingo hands it over reluctantly, watching as he holds it up to the light. His face falls as he examines it.
“Oh dear. Irida is this….?”
“Yes.” Irida's tone is grave, somber and mourning. “A shard of the glass world.”
“Your brother is almost certainly gone.”
“No!” Ingo leaps to his feet, his hands clenched in fists. “He is not! He sent me that message-“
“There are many in between spaces.” Irida interrupts. “We are in one, a stable pocket that hides us from the world, from the gaze of the Atlas.”
She frowns.
“Larger ones are far less stable. Refractions, cracks. The-"
“-world of glass.” Adaman finishes for her. “Any living being unlucky enough to fall in there will cut themselves on its fragments, their very being torn to shreds. Your brother would not survive."
“Not necessarily.” Ingo counters, his voice tight. “If I could get him out-” 
“He would be nothing like he was before, shattered beyond compare.”
“But he would be THERE!” His voice is loud and booming, his throat stinging in pain. “I refuse to let him suffer and die in there. I refuse to just…. give up on him! I will get him out!”
“It will be difficult.” Adaman hands him his glass back. “To find a way in will be tricky enough, but to find a way out….”
“How do I get in.” Ingo holds the shard to his chest. “How do I find him.”
Adaman frowns, drumming his fingers on his arm.
"Entering the world of glass shouldn't be much trouble. It's a vast space, and opening pockets in spacetime is our specialty."
"But finding him is the actual problem." Irida adds, her face grim.
"Yup. Which makes your encounter at the monolith even more strange." Expression contemplative, Adaman once again holds out his hand. "May I see your message again?"
Tentatively, Ingo places it back in his palm, still reluctant to part with something so precious. Adaman hardly seems to notice, casually turning it back and forth in his hands as he re-examines it- before eventually scanning it with a tool on his table. Data streams onto his screen, and he hands the shard back to Ingo before examining what he received.
The group is silent as he scrolls through the data, a tension in the air.
".... I think you could probably find more of these shards. Going off of your account of the event and the frequency of the shard itself..." He trails off, expression contemplative. "They seem to be... tuned to you somehow. Connected somehow. Maybe it's related to you two being 'twins'."
He hums.
"Maybe your predecessor was split into two. Maybe you are connected more than you know."
Ingo has... questions about that, but he keeps silent for now. Better not to interrupt him and break his train of thought.
"If you can find weak spots in your universe, places where the boundary between the world of the living and the world of glass is thin... Maybe you can find more of these."
"And then what?" Irida asks, her tone annoyed. "What good would more of those do?"
"Why, that's where you come in my dear friend!" Voice light and face playful, Adaman turns to his partner and grins. "With enough data points, I'm sure you can triangulate his location!"
"And send this man on a suicide mission?"
"I will find a way." Ingo interrupts the two before their argument to escalate, his determination swelling. "A way to travel there without losing myself. I will not go in unprepared."
"You heard the man!" Adaman claps his hands merrily and Irida groans. "He's already made up his mind! Better to help him where we can, hmm?"
Irida shakes her head.
“Fine. I’ll rig you up a scanner. A way to find unstable areas.”
"And then you can gather more of those shards!"
“But you’ll need to go all over.” Irida huffes.
“Not just yellow stars. Red, green, blue. You’d need to build an intensive warp drive, which is expensive and requires so much materials and nanites and you don’t even have a ship-”
“We surely have an extra we can spare.” Adaman interruptes, flashing Ingo an apologetic look. “And while the trials will be difficult, I’m sure your determination will see you through. Akari?”
“Yes?” Ingo startles as the girl speaks. He had forgotten she was there.
“Can you check the hangers for a ship we could gift our friend? I’m positive we have a few that have been abandoned.”
“Of course!” Grabbing Ingo’s hand, the girl leads him onward. “Let’s find you something good!”
Unfortunately, ‘something good’ was a tall ask when looking through old abandoned spaceships. Most had been left behind for good reason, old piles of junk that barely flew and would require extensive repairs. Certainly not anything close to the state of the art traveling ship Ingo would require.
“Okay this isn’t looking great,” Akari started, no doubt noticing Ingo’s discouragement. “But you could probably break one of these bad boys down for parts and then buy a better ship? Work your way up?”
“I suppose.” Ingo frowned as he brushed his hand over one of the ships, a part coming off under his hand.
“Or maybe….” The girl trailed off, and Ingo gave her an inquisitive look. “I mean it’s kind of a long shot- but I do know a ship that has all the required technology you’re looking for already.”
“Really?!” Hope bloomed in Ingo’s chest, his hands shaking in excitement.
“Yeah. But uh, don’t get your hopes up too high. She’s really picky.”
‘She’ was a ship by the name of ‘Lady Sneasler’, a living breathing organism that happened to also be a spaceship. A marvel of biology that was like nothing Ingo had ever seen before, a pure wonder and the most beautiful thing Ingo had ever laid eyes on. And he told her as much.
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(Living ships are a very canon thing in game and they are so cool! I'll post some art of Lady Sneasler later, but for right now, here's my personal in game living ship, Darling)
She was flattered, and was even more flattered when Ingo broke into an excited ramble as he examined her thoroughly, reverently running his hands up her flank when she gave him permission. She was a prideful one apparently, and had refused a pilot for centuries- but Ingo’s genuine wonder managed to easily win her over.
And so Ingo got himself a ship.
Thus, the two begin their cosmic journey together, traveling through the galaxy to gather all of Emmet’s messages and eventually save him.
It’s long and arduous, rife with danger and trials... but eventually they manage to force their way into the world of glass, and pull Emmet out.
And boy howdy is he messed up….. but that just means they get a healing arc lol.
But yeah, that’s the basics! Feel free to ask questions if you’re curious, (I have a lot more I haven’t shared yet) and I hope you enjoyed! There’s a very decent chance I might end up writing a fic about this in the future, but that’s so far off that you shouldn’t hold your breath.
Thank you for reading!
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theladyregret · 10 months
Fanfiction Archive
Fics on Ao3 written by yours truly all in one place for your convenience
~The Legend of Drizzt~
Skin Deep Series
(AU: Canon Divergence - Starless Night/Siege of Darkness) Catti-brie and Entreri fail to save Drizzt from the High Ritual in Starless Night resulting in Drizzt being turned into a Drider.
Violent Beginnings Series
(AU: Canon Divergence - Homeland) What could have happened if some of the elves during the surface raid hadn't been so helpless, what if some of them had been able to fight back?
I'm Not Afraid (Vagabond) - NSFW
(AU: Canon Divergence - The Last Threshold) Drizzt and Entreri come to some sudden and unexpected realizations about what they mean to each other on their way north.
It's All We Know
(AU: Fix-it - The Sea of Swords) What if Drizzt recognized Ellifain before it was too late?
A Clutter of Spiders
(Canon Compliant - Post Sojourn) Child Catti-brie has a fear of spiders and Drizzt seeks to help her overcome it.
Fungoid Dreams
(AU: Canon Divergent - Exile) Drizzt has an encounter with an unfamiliar species of fungoid monster which leaves him with an unwelcome gift.
A Hero In Periphery
(Canon Compliant - Pre-The Crystal Shard) Icewind Dale is home to many dangers, not all of which can be defeated with a sword. When Drizzt chooses to save another…will he also be able to save himself?
An Accident of Fate (unfinished)
(AU: Unspecified Timeline) An ill fated ambush leaves Drizzt dead, but death is only the beginning of this story.
~Dungeons and Dragons: Forgotten Realms~
We Get To Choose
(Canon Compliant - Baldur's Gate 3: Act 3) Astarion and The Dark Urge take turns pulling each other out of their own self hate as they face down their demons. (friendship fic)
The Crisis of Choice
(Canon Compliant - Baldur's Gate 3: Act 2) Divimar, a Cleric of Lolth, suffers a crisis of faith after he learns the truth about the Astral Prism. He makes a choice for the better…or so he hopes.
Tarnished Silver - NSFW
(AU: Canon Divergent - Jander Sunstar) A rewrite of the Vampiric invasion of Merrydale and the fall, and subsequent rebirth, of The Silver Six.
Twice Saved, Forever Damned
(Canon Compliant - Realms of Infamy: Blood Sport) Takes place after the short story "Blood Sport". An idea of what could have happened after it's rather abrupt ending and what led to Jander going from living among people within the city to secluding himself in a cave.
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watanabes-cum-dump · 2 months
Doin one of em WoL info thingies
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Name: Akari Shimisu (former) Elysia Vespera
Nicknames: Morningstar, dove or little dove (coined by Estinien) Ely
Age: 22 (ARR)
Nameday: 1st day of the second Astral Moon
Race: Raen Au Ra
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bi
Profession: Adventurer
Hair: Wine red
Eyes: Dark blue + light blue limbal rings
Skin: Tan
Tattoos/scars: A scar on her face from Zenos, but she hides it with glamour
Parents: Mina Shimizu (mother, deceased) Ren Shimizu (father, deceased)
Siblings: Soma Shimizu (older brother)
it should be noted that Elysia is technically disowned from the Shimizu's
Grandparents: (unnamed and irrelevant lol)
In-laws and Other: I guess the Fortemps are kind of her in laws? She was engaged to Haurche before he... yk so I guess them.
(had to sneak in a HaurchElysia screenshot sorry guys)
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Pets: Iris (Immortal Flames issued chocobo) Pepper (black chocobo gifted by Haurchefant)
Abilities: Multi job- main ones are White Mage (ARR- middle of Heavensward), Dragoon (middle of Heavensward - Endwalker), and Machinist (post Endwalker and beyond) Her aether often manifests white or colorless (I like to think it's bc she's very light aether aspected due to being Azem's shard) and all her Dragoon skills feature feather motifs rather than dragon ones. Also as a Machinist, I like to think she fights like Mami from Madoka Magica. You know, summoning multiple shotguns, elegance, and the guns coming out from under the skirt bc that's cool as fuck.
Anyways have a screenshot of Machinist Elysia ft. Zenos
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Hobbies: She likes to sing! Not a trained singer by any means, but she's pretty okay. (again kinda connected to Azem bc her Azem could sing) She's quite crafty with her hands as well- often makes her own clothes and accessories (in a modern AU I think she would be a fashion student hehehehe)
Most Positive Trait: Her charm????
Most Negative Trait: Uh... how do I explain this? Bc it's not just one trait...
Basically, Elysia is very insecure and fears she is not worthy of anything she has. She puts on this show of a prideful, vain girl but she is deathly afraid of losing everything. This sort of leads her selflessness to becoming self destructive as she actively seeks out increasingly more dangerous enemies to take on.
In addition to all of that, she doesn't really care about the realm. She only fights because she has to- she's the strongest, she's Hydaelyn's chosen; if not her, then who? This leads her to have a certain amount of resentment for the people she's helped since she's suffered so much just to save them.
Colors: White, red, pink, dark blue.
Smells: Cherry, milk tea, lavender, pine, fresh snow, the sea
Textures: Any and all silver jewelry-she actually wears quite a lot to the point where it subtly chimes as she walks. (haven't drawn this yet hnnggg) Light fabrics, satins and silks, fur or feathers.
Drinks: Anything fruity tbh
Smokes: nope
Drinks: Yes! And she can hold her alcohol pretty well since she stayed in Limsa for a bit.
Drugs: no? in other AUs maybe
Mount Issuance: Iris or Pepper
Been Arrested: Haven't thought about it yet but most definitely lmao
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atdutiesend · 3 months
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{ updated group shard photos! }
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First up we have Dove and Enyo, with Rubicante, Vallaria, and Nhaama! Enyo is very proud of their shards. Probably could have added Severus and I might go back and do a redux later, but it's past bedtime now so... not tonight.
Vallaria is Dove's shard from the First and in their timeline replaces Ardbert [in shared verses, she's one of Ardbert's companions]. Nhaama is from the... second astral era? I think. It's been a minute. She died while on a hunting trip, and Emet-Selch stole her body, creating the early heroic tales that morphed into the modern goddess.
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And then we have Grim, with Evander and Scarmiglione, and The Husband, Diodore, Chrysanthos, and Phobos. He'd say his shards grew like weeds [complimentary].
Actual au info for Husbun coming up later, I'm working on it. It's rambly. Short version, he's from the same timeline as the Exarch and was sent to the First, first, to create a beacon for the tower to latch onto. Unfortunately, someone added an extra zero, and he ended up in the time of Ronka instead. Normally he keeps a glamour up on his hair to hide that he's gone grey.
Diodore is Grim's counterpart from the First - the Husband's soul merged with his before he was born, so there's no real sign of this except for his magic being notably more powerful than most.
Chrysanthos is from Allag, and formed the foundation of "I am allergic to responsibility" that Evander inherited.
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bnuuywol · 1 year
Does your OC need to be believable (within the context of the fictional world in which you place them)? Or are you more interested in pushing the boundaries of what you can invent?
I like pushing boundaries. Like, okay, one of my favorite things is when I decide to make shit up and then suddenly the story/universe reveals something that supports it after the fact, like that's always fucking sick. But in general, I like to invent things, create lore, see if I can twist and bend canon just enough for it to flow in seamlessly.
For example, in my AU with @fatewalker-phoenix , Phoenyx is the shard of Azem from the Thirteenth that ended up becoming a voidsent, dying in the Source, and then being reborn. And because of this, that version of him is more Dark aspected because his soul went through being a voidsent in his life just before this one. So I came up with this idea that when he uses dark knight spells, he's actually using astral Darkness rather than dark energy created from his own aether like dark knights actually do. It's a fun detail and its interesting to play with the idea of one of Hydaelyn's chosen being a harbinger of Darkness while the other is the harbinger of Light and between them they keep the balance.
Or with my OC Muse, from the Doctor Who universe. He's a hybrid species of Time Lords and a species from another planet my gf and I named Iricia, which is home to a species that can also regenerate, but they do it in a different way (much more like a mythical phoenix than how Time Lords do it... yes I know I use that symbolism in a lot of my OCs, it's fascinating and important to me ok lol). His birth was orchestrated by the Time Lords in an attempt for them to experiment with becoming more powerful than they already are by using the Iriciens, but he's genetically unstable and the more he regenerates, the less of a chance there is he'll actually survive it.
This kinda turned into me infodumping about weird lore I come up with but yea. I like to push boundaries.
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capriccio-ffxiv · 9 months
nascent lost-shard fanfic planning document (re: Co WoLs/Co-Azems)
CALAMITY 1 | SHARD 5 Wind WWI style flying aces except it's magitek ornithoptor pilots partially fused to their vehicles with lots of mech anime parallels; co-WoLs are on opposite sides of a doomed war)
CALAMITY 2 | SHARD 12 Lightning Cyberpunk. Most developed AU. Emet-Selch is Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss CEO of cyberpunk megacorp. WoL1 is an intersex Au-Ra hacker who is exactly 180.73cm / 5'10" tall (exactly halfway between min height m!ra and max height f!ra); WoL2 is [???] but a literal young child quickly taken by Ascians to be used as the core of a new AI meant to usher in the Rejoining. Story is about WoL1 initially press-ganged by [lesser Ascians? lahabrea? a Fandaniel?] to accelerate the process but who then decides to try to rescue WoL2 instead; fails, because WoL2 has at least partially drunk the RESTORE THE OLD WORLD TO SAVE THE WORLD kool-aid in this life. However, WoL2 leaves Emet-Selch with "you have already lost. you lost when this began, and when this began you had lost twelve thousand years hence. the circle must complete. the circle is complete."
CALAMITY 3 | SHARD 2 Fire [unknown]
CALAMITY 4 | SHARD 3 Earth debating a big Porom and Palum reference?
CALAMITY 5 | SHARD 6 Ice Stone age technology. An old Lalafell and a young Roegadyn man are trying desperately to cross the lands to get to the Circle of the Gods to plea to them for salvation. What before was an easy trek across lush and green lands is now a perilous journey through increasingly cold, hostile lands. There's nothing like the Sin Eaters because there doesn't need to be; the killing cold is enough. They start (Cantabury Tales / Hyperion Cantos style) with companions, but as they go, each companion eventually succumbs to the cold and freezes to death, until it's just the young man carrying the old man. By the time the young man reaches the Circle, the Old Man has frozen solid.
CALAMITY 6 | SHARD 10 Water it's either Pirates of Dark Water or it's horrible oil CEOs ignoring climate change until we all drown
CALAMITY 7 | SHARD 7 Astral Darkness [unknown]
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voidsentprinces · 1 year
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Voidsent AU is base on a few points:
1. Something the occurred long before Amaurot influences its fall and causes reverberations that change how the Ascians and thereby the Garlean Empire functions.
2. The Thirteenth Shard is a different sort of locational beast, the Princes are birth from it falling to the void and are then subsequently for unknown reasons shot towards the Source. But due to the time and space dialation in the void this however causes at least one of them to appear in the First Astral Era while others show up throughout history. Causing what would of been the budding Lambs of Dalamud who we stomp out during our exploration into Tam-Tara Deepcroft to actually form sooner and in the Coerthas region. Allowing this once budding cult to actually have time to build steam and influence the founding of Ishgard. We’ll get back to them in a moment.
3. The Warriors of Light didn’t appear in the Sixth Umbral Era. Causing the events of Dalamud’s Fall to play out differently and also causing the Scions of the Seventh Dawn to have far less influence on the goings on in Eorzea. They are still relied upon for some things. But they’re more of an investigative group for Primals rather than a political force.
On these key points, I will now go into point 2 since point 1 contains story spoilers.
Due to at least one Prince appearing at the Dawn of Mortal written history, a cult surrounds their presence. Leading to the Lambs of Dalamud to eventually style themselves after the Princes. And with the Founding of Ishgard, they find their perfect template. Where the Heavens’ Ward are suppose to be knights of valor, honor, and virtue. The Cult that styles itself the Sanguine Court seeks to mirror the opposite of Ishgard. Splitting into seven households each one with its own force and group based on; Envy, Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, and Pride. Additionally, the High Houses of Ishgard are blackmailed into tolerating the Court as it knows the secrets that would cause the Dragonsong War to collapse prematurely. Thus is the Court welcome to take any bastard born of Ishgard into their wings as well as operate as the underbelly of Ishgard. This eventually back fires however with the suddenly arrival of several Princes around the time of Doma’s fall to Garlemald. Using this time to rise up and take total control of Ishgard, the Court ousts the High Houses. Banishing them from Ishgard and taking control of the region. Forcing Sharyalan to abandon Idyllshire even sooner than they wanted to. Though Matoya is still in her hovel.
The Court takes the entire Dragonsong War into their own hands but since forcing Ishgard’s hand early. Both Hraesvelgr and Nidhogg are captured and dragged into the depths of the Fallen Ishgard. This will shape the environment Hilda, Estinien and Aymeric grow up in. And alter Haurchefant’s path as House Fortemp managed to flee the burning city with a few High House companions and into Gridania. The Court doesn’t give chase however and instead closes down Ishgard, Coerthas, and Dravania. No one goes in. No one gets out. And they take this to a logical extreme. As Garlemald does eventually arrive close to Dravania and Coerthas but every time they send a force in to prod the Court. The entire military sortie just disappears. There’s no bodies left behind, there’s no signs of a struggle. They just simply vanish. This gives Garlemald a hint that Ishgard just isn’t worth it. So they turn their sights fully from Ishgard and straight into Gridania.
With not just Gaius wishing to conquer Eorzea, the Emperor of Garlemald puts the full might behind the Black Wolf. And thus the logical conclusion comes to invade Gridania from Ala Mhigo. However, with the slightly added bonus of the Fortemps Knights adding as a buffer and aid with the Gridanian forces. They continue to reach a stalemate until one battle a little later.
So that’s Doma, Ishgard, Gridania, Ala Mhigo, and Garlemald. What of Limsa Lominsa and Ul’dah? Well, I am afraid Limsa Lominsa is a little less interesting. As they are an island nation removed from Eorzea and the Admiral is an absolute bad ass. There is little in way of change in that region, save for one thing. The Voidsent Prince of Envy is on a blood rampage through the Sahagin Lands. Leading for an even more tense situation politically. As the Admiral does mean to eventually make good on her pact with the Kobolds and Sahagin. She also has to weigh the options of keeping Envy occupied by letting him slaughter sahagin or draw his ire to Limsa Lominsa which would be like inviting Titan over for tea. After killing several kobold in front of him. So Limsa is sort of tip toeing around the entire situation there.
As for Ul’dah...unfortunately Thanalan has become a sort of reverse “The First” situation. Let me explain, much like when a Lightwarden arrives in an area and Sineaters swarm. If enough Voidsent Princes gather in a spot, there is a chance for them to call up a swarm of Voidsent. And unfortunately, Ul’dah is inadvertantly playing host to four Princes at once. The currently public Prince is the one that appeared on the Bloodsands before Dalamud’s fall becoming a Champion of the Arena and obtaining a seat on the Monetarist council. The champion is the Voidsent Prince of Greed (unbeknownst to anyone actually at the table), who instead of causing havoc is teaming up with the Mandervilles to make more opertunities for refugees in the Gold Saucer as well as actively employing them in his own operations.
Despite this however, there was an issue that made the Princes go from secret knowledge that only the Sanguine Court held to public knowledge and that is that the Voidsent Prince of Pride appeared three years before Dalamud’s Fall and called upon on the swarms of Voidsent. And may of also caused other Princes to find a way IN to Eorzea while he was at it. This brought rise to a certain kind of adventurer called Voidsent Hunters. One of these Hunters in particular was able to investigate and track down Pride. It is unknown if she slayed the Prince but the swarm eventually dispersed and Pride hasn’t been heard of since then. As proof of her success, she brought back Pride’s heart that she carved out and now keeps on her person.
But that is more general wise. Back to inside Ul’dah, Ilberd Feare was able to uncover the Ivy earlier than expected and subsequently detain her. Though without the Crystal Braves backing him up and as a lone sword-for-hire, he lost the use of his shield arm. Leaving him worse for wear, it is good however that Raubahn suddenly had need for a new right hand man and who better than his comrade-in-arms from Ala Mhigo? So Ilberd and his family were moved to Ul’dah and he seems far more sensible never going mad with vengeance, helping keep Gaius from gaining a foothold in Thanalan as well as working with the Mandervilles and Greed to seek safe shelters for his people and make the dream of taking back Ala Mhigo a reality even brighter than before. He also helps Raubahn train Pippin. As Ilberd plans to return to help rebuild Ala Mhigo the day it is returned to them and knows Raubahn will need a second good in swordsmanship, politics, and spy networking.
Though that might all SOUND good, the moment I drop you into Voidsent AU several things are happening.
In Limsa Lominsa, a meeting is called to how to deal with Envy and the Admiral has taken on an alcoholic sailor who survived his entire ship sinking at sea. Nearly drowning himself and being the sole survivor as her reluctant ward. I say reluctant cause she literally has a mountain of debt on him for gambling and drinking himself black out every night and he’s a general menace to Limsa. So she’s forcing him to do tasks until its paid off. Which may include also dealing with Envy. If he dies, his debt is paid of. If he lives, he needs to pay of his debt sort of deal.
In the Black Shroud, unfortunately, the tides have changed for the worst. A new Garlean commander suddenly appeared in the middle of a skirmish new the Hawthorne Hut. Causing a complete route of the Gridanian and Fortemp forces. Losing Gridania that region, shortly there after the Slyphs were captures or eliminated as something strange happened. The new commander confronted and defeated Ramuh after pushing Gridania out of that part of the Shroud. Putting Gridania on high alert. Seeing a need for more options, the Seedseer sends the Ishgardian Knights north to the Camp Dragonhead region to personally retake what little they can.
To the shock of the Knights however, they find the region outside of the Gates of Judgement completely abandoned. The Court has just up and left everything there from the Observatorium to the Stone Vigil completely unoccupied. With now Dravanian forces in the area and the Ixals hunted to near complete annihilation by the Court. The Knights are able to occupy the area and make contact with Mor Dhona to request adventurers for aid to help keep an eye on Garlean movements in the area of the Shroud, Gridania just lost.
As the Seedseer licks her wounds and prepares her city for the worst. She is forced to rely on the head of an exiled Ishgardian household who was forced to leave years before the Court even dreamed of taking over Ishgard. Apparently, dealing with this person is like handling a Monkey’s Paw. When he first arrived he met with the then leader of Gridania and offered that in exchange for safe haven in the Lavender Beds. He who would grant the leaders of Gridania (collectively) sixteen favors, no matter how impossible they might of been, that he would see through to the end.
When the Seedseer came to power, they were down to five favors left and she used the one favor, jokingly, for this person to stop Dalamud. And to everyone’s shock this seemingly ordinary elezen exiled from Ishgard before the High Houses’ exodus destroyed Dalamud and Bahamut but not without the consequences of leaving the entire land scarred. The Seedseer hasn’t called on this man since as she has been, understandably, tense about dealing with him again. But fate is forcing her hand into meeting with him to discuss the situation in the Shroud. Worst yet, she feels like as soon as the last four favors are granted, this person will be free to do as he pleases and she does not like what that might imply. Worst still this action alienated Ul’dah and Limsa Lominsa from working with Gridania which is why the Seedseer has had to lean on the remaining Ishgardian Knights and aid from Mor Dhona for support.
Meanwhile, in Ul’dah, where I mean to begin Act I. People have been disappearing and not in the usual Ul’dah manner. At first it was the poor and downtrodden but recently it has been a member or two of the Monetarists as well as a couple members of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn’s investigative team. No one knows why or how but its put the entire city on edge. To help bolster the city’s morale, the Sultana has decided to hold a tournament of entertainment to fight in memory of those lost in the Battle of Cartneau. Publically, the army won the day and Garlemald was pushed away. But secretly, the Sultana knows Gridania unleashing a horrific trump card won the day. Still, it had been five years and time must march forward and those who were caught in the blast radius must still be honored.
Subsequently, since Louisoix didn’t stop Dalamud, he is still very much alive and well. And has decided to send his Grandchildren to Eorzea to see the land, be apart of the world, and help bolster the Scion’s ranks since some of its members had vanished. Sharlayan forced to abandon Idyllshire sooner than expected has made them a tiny bit more receptive in communicating with the Eorzean Alliance even if its just to lean what the fuck is doing on over there. So they’re not surprised by an army of voidsent worshiping cultists again.
Elsewhere in Kugane, the City is currently in a civil war between the Sekiseigumi and a faction known as the Mistress’s Bedlam. A criminal organization lead by a woman known only as the Bone Maiden. Each side warring over control of the port city at large. Garlemald due to focusing more on Ala Mhigo has been less restrictive on Doma and thus things in the Ruby Price are also tame for the moment. Though the Confederacy are under no illusion much is still on a knife’s edge.
In Garlemald proper, when they tried to invade the Azim Steppe they accidentally stumbled upon a recently won Naadam. Angring the Tribes, the recent winner of the event, however, didn’t send the tribes after Garlemald. Instead single handledly defeated Galbranth’s invading legion show her prowess. Impressed by this, Garlemald made a pact to never enter the Steppe again in exchange that the Khagan serve Garlemald. Which they accepted leaving the Steppe for the tribes leave as they wish in exchange for joining the might of Garlemald. Whom itself has had its own strange developments. Its Emperor styling themselves the Immortal Solus. And true to their word and the astronishment of the Garlean population. The Emperor hasn’t aged a day since he founded the conquering militant force. This grants the Garleans hope and a reverie almost worship for their Emperor as never before. And thus with no need for an heir, the Garleans are similar to Ishgard in they answer to their one Emperor but politically are beholden to the high houses of their own empire: Brutus, Darnus, Garlond, and Galvus are the ones with the most power. And with the needs of the people and indeed, their Empire never in question. There is no requirement for a Popularis to meet with the Emperor.
And then there is the First Shard...which I will save for another day. Lets just say...things have gone wrong. So...So...SO wrong on the First but we’ll get to that when we get to that.
Welcome to the Voidsent AU.
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tarnera-blog · 2 years
This is an ongoing project. I was inspired by some other people who made Warriors of Light for all the Shards (even the lost ones). I had a lot of fun making them, though I haven’t leveled them very far yet. I hope to one day get all of them nice outfits and have even a bit of a backstory for them. I’m aware that I will likely get jossed as more games come out and more lore is given to us, but that’s okay too. They can be AU.
My idea for this one was that I was trying to have as many races as possible, but only one race/gender in the group. So I can have two Elezens but they have to be different genders, if that makes sense. I could also only have one of each Clan for each race.
The Source: Ginko Biloba. I already have a photo on my last post, so we’ll skip this.
1. Ardbert. I didn’t bother making an alt for him; maybe one day? I have enough alts to deal with already lol.
2. Khojin Angura
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I struggled with her name for some reason, I’m glad I finally settled on this one. I can pronounce it, unlike the first one she had! This is also the third time I changed her appearance, but again I think I’m happy with this final look.
From the second shard, which was lost in the third Calamity of Fire. I originally was trying to make her look more affected by fire aether, but I’ve pulled back significantly and only made her eyes reflect that. I also cribbed heavily from Avatar: the Last Airbender for ideas on how to design these characters.
3.  Aleidis Thorne
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I got lucky with her, when I was designing her to be affected by Earth aether I just happened to make her absolutely perfect. I couldn’t bear to change her in any way, so this is just her now. I especially love her eyes.
From the third shard, which was lost in the fourth Calamity of Earth.
4. Edmelle Norbettaux
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I belatedly realized I designed them after Alana the Lionness. They are a guard in whatever city they live in, and go by the nickname Ed.
From the fourth shard, which still exists.
5. Savvel Djt-bidit
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His last name apparently means ‘tempest’ in the Viera language, which is why I chose it.
From the fifth shard, which was lost in the first Calamity of Wind.
6. Kazan Buhen
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I also ended up changing his last name, I like this a lot better. Kazan apparently means volcano, which is hilarious to me as it was a random pick.
From the sixth shard, which was lost in the fifth Calamity of Ice.
7. Tsimh Dolabnha
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Yet another one where I designed her to try and look like she was affected by the aether, but I’ve since decided she’s perfect the way she is. I think her hair makes her look like a calico, and I love her green eyes.
From the seventh shard, which was lost in the seventh Calamity (astral-aspected).
8. Betula Pendula
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She ended up looking like a character from a show I like (Roswell Conspiracies: Aliens, Myths & Legends) which I’m not mad about. Furthermore, I’ve decided she’s actually in her late 50s/early 60s. She may be new to the adventuring life after several decades of running a farm and having little to keep her busy now that her children are grown and gone and her husband has passed on before her, but she’s no slouch and easily leaves the younger Adventurers in her wake. Most of the WoLs on this list have names suiting their race, but I made an exception for Betula. She’s named after the silver birch tree.
From the eighth shard, which still exists.
9. Tutulao Kokolao
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I am very dissatisfied with his name and will try to change it soon, not sure what to yet. My main idea for him is ‘basically Batman’ only his dad is still alive and a jerk. Maybe throw some Robin Hood in there too? Idk.
From the ninth shard, which still exists.
10. Piane Yapih
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From the tenth shard, which was lost in the sixth Calamity of Water.
11. Maev Alba
No picture yet, though I do have this character already made. I’m waiting for them to release female Hrothgar, and then I will fantasia her into a Lost Hrothgar woman. Right now she’s a generic lady Midlander. I have no idea how I’ll design her yet.
From the eleventh shard, which still exists.
12. Clementain Dubeltaire
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I don’t like his lips, I definitely made a mistake there. I’ll fix it later. I was trying to make his lips look like they had color but it just looks ridiculous.
From the twelfth shard, which was lost in the second Calamity of Lightning.
13. Whispering Abyss
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This is the only character I ended up keeping with the idea that she was slowly being corrupted by aether, because it’s the only one where I managed to find the balance I was trying to achieve with the others. I really love her a lot.
From the thirteenth shard, which was lost to the Void.
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Naturally I have to include my idea for what Azem might have looked like. I modeled them after what Apolo is supposed to look like, and tried to make the eyes look like they glow a little by picking a really light shade. I might change their hair eventually, but I did try to make them look enby and the long hair is important for that. I gave them the name Aegletes Azem.
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forhope · 1 year
   |  Thinking more about the ‘Au where everything is the same except its Eliphas who ends up as the spirit companion’  namely how he’d get in that sate. And my first thought is simply that,, Astral Fails in this au. The denizen’s underestimate don’s strength and over estimate the strength of their weapon and astral ends up destroyed, shattered like crystalline snow. Eliphas still thoroughly under Order Mind Control Messyness is made to stand as these fragments and shards fall, all while their creators talk so casually about having to make another one. A Stronger one. The shock of it, combined with the internal RAGE at the disregard for astral and his own life is enough to allow him to break free of the mind control, but hes not himself. He’s Seething and Angry and all he wants is to let that anger out in the form of Violence, 
   Thus, the two gods are made to clash, Eliphas unleashing every fragment of power he has in a blind beasteal rage, so much so his physical form begins to literally crack and break apart because at the end of the day, like astral, he’s artificial and can be shattered at his limits. He takes don down with them but the ‘victory’ results in an eruption of pure chaos and light as the two deity like entities fall.
   How we would get from there to eliphas being bound to Yuma im not sure, Id like yuma to not be part of him or astral in this au, but maybe the key would Literally house eliphas this time around, bound to it as a sort of lingering echo.  |
   |  Also yes in this au the rage and desire for destruction and vengeance would be his Number 96 in this au. Enraged and wishing destruction on astral world for taking away his right to live and then casting aside his child, robbing him of a father and a Life.  |
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blueisquitetired · 18 days
Tags from @reblog-subway-station:
#do they [the sentinels] mess with Ingo's plans? #i imagine they do because. he probably isn't a big fan of the Atlas either
The Sentinels (Ingo)
“Warning. Sentinel detected.”
Ingo flinched at the sudden voice of his exosuit, his hands threatening to drop his multitool in surprise. That wasn’t a message he hadn’t ever gotten before, although the alien dread and irritation suggested that before his memory loss he had. Getting a better grip on his multitool, Ingo turned to where his visor was directing him, coming face to face with-
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A little red drone.
He tensed for one anxious wordless moment… before the drone tuned away with a wirr, floating a ways away to scan a nearby tree. That was…. anticlimactic. For all the hubbub involved, Ingo assumed that they would attack him or something. The warning was still ever present on the bottom of his visor screen and it didn’t look like it was going away anytime soon. But why? The drone wasn’t doing anything- just scanning random rocks and trees as it buzzed around.
….well whatever. Ingo shook his head and went back to mining. He had a brother waiting for him, and his ship was almost finished. Just a couple more materials and he-
A metallic shriek was the only warning Ingo got before a sleeve of bullets got fired into his back. He whirled around as his visor lit up with red, his suit’s shields wailing about the damage they had taken. The sentinel- because it had been the sentinel who attacked him- began charging up another volley. “Hey!” Ingo shouted in alarm as his shield took another round of bullets. “Violence is highly unnecessary! Words would suffice!”
Unfortunately, the sentinel didn’t seem interested in (or capable of) starting a conversation, and Ingo had to dodge another round of ammunition. Irritated (and a bit scared for his life) he turned his mining laser on the aggressive little droid- which did little more the singe it. Still, Ingo didn’t have much other options, so he kept at it, slowly racking up damage while doing his best to avoid as much fire as possible.
By the time he finally managed to take the thing down, his shield was critically damaged and flashing at him aggressively. “Serves you right.” He spat at the exploded shrapnel on the floor, its internal parts fractured and and broken, strewn wildly in all directions. The parts were strange though, hardly resembling the internal circuits of his own ship and looking more like jagged purple shards. ….shards that eerily resembled the message from his brother.
“Warning. Sentinel reinforcements approaching” Oh heck no. Investigation abandoned, Ingo hightailed it out of there, running up the nearby hill and praying he could get far enough away in time. In less than thirty seconds the area he had previously been in was swarming with little red drones, the little buggers having blinked into existence between one moment and the next. Ingo had no idea where they could have come from- but he wasn’t sticking around to find out.
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lunar-wandering · 2 years
remember how i said i was making an AU inspired by a Thing a few days ago??? yeah well it’s finally ready to be talked about!
it’s called Peur Bleue. (french for Intense/Cold Fear, directly translates as blue fear).
MK has lost some of his memories, and was found by Pigsy in the alleyway behind the noodle shop. He’s cursed, and turns into a normal monkey whenever scared/startled or cold. He already had the staff when Pigsy found him, not that he remembers getting it.
The Monkey King is missing. At first.
MK starts fighting demons and collecting these golden-pink shards. Some of which, occasionally, briefly become flicker, and MK thinks he sees the Monkey King in them, but he can’t be sure. He doesn’t know why he feels the need to collect the shards, only that he does. He has a whole secret identity for fighting demons and collecting shards. (throughout this process, he can’t help but sense that he’s forgotten something, and feel like he’s being watched....)
Red Son and Mei are, initially, stopping MK from collecting the shards, because they know what happened to the Monkey King, and fear that MK bringing him back could unleash something far worse.
Before MK’s Identity and Curse is revealed, there is a point where MK stumbles upon and comforts Red Son while in Monkey Form. Red Son goes through So Many Emotions when the reveal happens.
when he first starts becoming friends with the two of them (pre-reveal, he befriends them as a civilian first), he tends to avoid Mei’s hugs, purely because, as a dragon from the sea, she tends to be cold. He tends to cling to Red Son for the exact opposite reason, fire demon is warm.
after the reveal, they are firmly on MK’s side.
Mei, at some point, surprise hugs MK and blows cold air down his neck, turning him into a monkey, he almost instantly leaps out of her arms and into Red Son’s. except, Red Son’s warmth changes MK back to normal fast, and Red Son, unprepared to carry the sudden weight, stumbles, and they both tumble to the floor while Mei laughs at them.
When MK does find Wukong, he finds a statue. He gives the shards he’d already collected to Wukong, but, even after Wukong comes back....
He’s not exactly all there. Barely reacting to anything other than physical touch, never expressing any emotion, only doing what he’s told.
MK pretty quickly figures out that the golden shards contain Wukong’s emotions, and the more he collects, the more back to normal Wukong becomes.
sometimes, now that Wukong isn’t a statue anymore, the shards will form physical manifestations, that kinda look like Wukong’s astral projection form, except in a large variety of colours. the more negative emotions tend to be blue.
Despite the fact Mei and Red Son swapped to his side, there are still many people who get in MK’s way.
Macaque is trying to interfere with MK getting Wukong’s emotions back. He hints that he has his own reasons for doing this, and also that he knows MK. (MK once again has that niggling feeling that he’s forgetting something important)
Wukong’s emotion of fear causes major interference, because he fears what will happen if MK keeps collecting the shards, if he turns back to normal. (There might also be...someone else, playing into his fears, making them stronger. I think you can all guess who.)
‘nyways, thats all the details i’ve got so far.
mini fic for the AU is under the cut:
The cold seeped into every part of him. He curled up tighter, shivering, clinging to his tail, as though it would give him more warmth.
Something bumped into the side of the dumpster he was resting on, making him jump up with a hiss.
 "S-sorry." The voice was shaky, as though it too was shivering with cold. The fog was so thick that, even this close, he couldn't see who it was. "D-didn't mean to- oh. O-oh. T-that's a p-pretty nasty c-curse you've got on ya b-bud."
A hand, almost even more cold than the night air surrounding him, pressed against his cheek, and he pulled away at the speed of light. He could sense more than see the other's wince.
 "Sorry. A-again." There was some rustling, and then they were approaching again. He closed his eyes, expecting to feel the cold hands again- But instead, a warm metal settled upon his head. He blinked, surprised, as a piece of cloth soon followed, the cold hands wrapping it around, covering the metal from view, tying a knot to hold it there.
"There we g-go." The owner of the voice backed away. "S-sorry I can-n't do any m-more for you."
They started walking away, before pausing.
 "A-and, by the w-way, if you see ^%&)!% again, t-tell. Tell him I'm... s-sorry."
And just like that, the voice, and presence that came with it, was gone. He narrowed his eyes into the fog for a moment more, before letting out a sigh, curling up again, embracing the warmth that overtook him.
It wasn't every day, Pigsy supposed, that one finds a person resting on top of the dumpster behind their shop. He looked rather young, probably in his early twenties at best, laying down, asleep, a headband tied tight around his forehead.
 He looked like he'd been there for a while.
Pigsy shook his head, saddened at the sight, before reaching out and gently shaking the kid awake.
"Hey, you okay?" The kid was up in seconds, far calmer than Pigsy would've expected a person being woken up by a stranger would be.
"Fine." He said, before looking around his surroundings. "Where am I?"
"Behind my shop." Pigsy looked the kid up and down again as he hopped off of the dumpster, patting dirt off of his rather old looking jacket. "Do you... not remember how you got here?"
"Hm. No." The kid stared up at the sky, as though it would give him some kind of answer.
 "So, ya got a name kid?"
"Mo-" The kid started, then stopped, seemingly thinking things through in his head. "...MK. My name's MK."
MK was... strange, if Pigsy was putting it lightly. There was no way to explain it, something about the kid was just... off.
But, he really wasn't one to question such matters, so he let it be. Even hired the kid to work part-time, gave him the space over top of the shop to stay in. So what, the kid grew on him. Things were, for the most part, almost normal. That is, until...
 "Kid, could you pass me the bug killer real quick?" Pigsy asked, having spotted a spider on the wall. MK hummed, picking up the can, turning to hand it off- And yelped as soon as his eyes landed on the spider, leaping back-
And turning into a monkey.
Not a monkey demon, mind you. Pigsy would've understood that. Glamours were common after all.
A regular monkey.
 "Well." Pigsy said, watching as MK panicked on the floor. "Thats something you dont see everyday."
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noirbriar · 2 years
FFXV AU: The Lion, the Coeurl and the Cub (Final)
The end of all things and farewell.
Changed the writing to suit the scene a little, since its no longer an info dump. Epilogue is not far behind. TBH I really didn’t know how my little ficlet idea would turn out, never did something like this before. Any case, thank you all for reading! :D
Regis has seen many things in his lifetime and as King but he really thinks he has overshot his quota of gods and their shenanigans. Cor and Nyx charges past and gets sent flying back with a blast of Call of the Crosswinds.
“What’s the meaning of this! Etro?!” Noctis, his son, ever the eloquent one but he does’t blame him for his outrage. Now is not the time for diplomacy.
”Prompto has seen to the end of his duty. His trial completed. All who bear the mark of Gods who fail, are doomed to perish. Those who succeed however, will be granted the gift of immortality as a blessed crystal. Yet he has done it! And has far exceeded what has been expected of him…He has fulfilled his calling.”
(“No.No.No.” Oh no, Luna looks unwell…)
”I will take him back to the Beyond, forever immortalised in crystal and become a new Etro.”
A blooming light, a scream of pain and crystal shards burst out from his back, a form emerges. A chrysalis for a goddess, an ephemeral phantom. Her form grows, a giant crystal figure much like the one Regis had broken as a young child he thinks. A faceless form with an armless hollowed torso and curling pieces from her spine, a mockery of wings. A disjointed bulbous lower form with Prompto entombed in the crystals of her womb. This was Etro looming before them. The All-mother of Eos, Guardian of the Beyond and what remains of her, but still nothing less then gorgeous splendour.
( Regis desperately tries not to think of the same Prompto nearly 20 years ago, a babbling, happy baby munching on his favourite chocobo plush dozing off in his lap. Now instead, lays asleep in the hands of the Goddess of Death. )
Cor is uncontrollable as he takes his katana and runs forward to attack, Nyx warping close behind, each with thundaga and firaga ready but another protect and a Tsunami pushes the fathers back in line as Regis and Clarus quickly supports them. Regis took his child back from fate but in exchange for his friend’s son… is there no avoiding of this spiral of death?
“Eos is saved from the Starscourge! The line of royals are forever free from the will of Gods. Humanity will continue to thrive even without my crystal. Balance is restored. Things are as it should be.” Etro’s melodious voice rings, while retaliating Noctis, Gladio and Ignis’ assault. A Judgement Bolt falls, making them pull back.
Regis doesn’t like this, Etro has clearly acquired similar powers of the Astrals.
“Bullshit! We didn’t do all this just so you can take him! Prompto…h-he hates being alone and I’m not leaving him behind!”
“Unfortunately, young prince. This was the price Prompto himself has agreed upon.”
“Long before all this, was a man who had lost all that he have held dear to the light of the new dawn. When he found a chance, he took it! Thus, a contract was forged. Each and every one of your lives and happiness and in exchange, for my own wish. He has paid the price repeatedly and endlessly yet you would disrespect it?” 
Regis can’t help but find her phrasing unusual.The King can’t put a finger where, yet Etro’s revelation got Ignis to halt his attacks.
“This is not the first time Prompto has done this, I presume.”
”How many times?!”
”Too many! To change the fates of all. All of your deaths, all of your destinies, rewritten! For the better.”
“Why! Prompto?!” Cor snarls at the goddess looming before them as she throws a Diamond Dust to push the Marshal back, the light of the dead endless dancing like a dream still.
”Before this all began, there was no one who weren’t in close view of the ‘Astrals’ I can use. Yet down in the depths of Shiva’s doomed land…there were plenty to choose who were able to contain and hold my power, yet I saw only Prompto survived in every one.” Gralea. The lab. The experiments. Regis sees Cor and thinks back of the report of the other children, the other clones in that lab and dares not breathe.
“And when he finally found my tomb, I made an offer. He made his choice.”
Nyx has enough and warp strikes again, only to narrowly miss a Hellfire in the face. Luna strikes with her pole arm but narrowly avoids the Judgement casted at her as Ignis sharply pulls her to safety.
Etro sighs again,”If you won’t see reason. Then at the very least,I shall let you see how beautiful he can become as my successor!”
The crystal womb pulses dimly and they see Etro bowing forward, merging into her chosen. Crystal pieces adorns his hair, a broken crown piece.Her marks also manifests on his face and skin, the Eyes of Etro awakens, the eye mark tattoo has fully replaced that cursed barcode, pulsing eerily, crystal claws gleaming.
Then, he warps.
Prompto was faster now, summoning crystal shards to fly at his command, his aim as fatal as he is with a gun.His spells sing effortlessly, the bursts of Slow and Stop ambushes them, the barrage of Flare and Meteor aimed at them with intent, a flick of Mega Death blows them back relentlessly. The party can’t attack, won’t attack, because, how could they? Gladio can’t bring himself to do anything but defend them from his Ultima casts. Clarus is busy countering the relentless barrage of crystals while Regis pulls up protect to defend them.
Luna then cries out, hoping her voice reaches Prompto. And for a moment he seems to almost falter, before he turns to attack another target.
“Unbelievable.You would actually have us pull a bloody Somnus.” ( somewhere in the back of their heads the Kings faintly hears a grunt from one of the rulers of yore ) Ardyn summons his sword and trudges forward towards the new Etro.
”What the fuck do you think you are doing?!ARDYN!!”Noctis tries to intercept his psychotic ancestor and the ancient King scoffs.
“Putting an end to all this farce as was intended!” He slams Noctis away while Gladio tries to pull Ardyn back, only to have him warp away from Regis and Clarus’s blocking his way.
Nyx tries to stop the mad king in a warp while Prompto throws an Apocalypse, forcing Nyx to pull back and Ardyn dodges, getting close enough to attack. Cor appears and swings his blade to get Ardyn away but not before Rakshasa hacks Prompto on his shoulder down. Prompto screams and slams his crystal claws on the nearest foe in retaliation. The crystalline nails landing into the Immortal’s side. Cor winces but manages to grab onto his son’s arm in a death grip, nails digging into Prompto’s wrist. Nyx close behind, preventing Prompto from warping out of their grasp.
Blood flows from Prompto’s shoulder freely, as Prompto stops, looking back at Car with an empty gaze and heavy breaths. He trembles and struggles, before swiftly summoning a crystal shard into his palm and brings it down.
Cor stills.
The crystal digs in deep, Prompto had stabbed his wrist where his barcode once was, now a growing tattoo reaching across the skin of its bearer like vines, cutting right into the middle where an eye like mark resides. Etro’s voice screeching across the void of the Astral Plane. Before her Phantom bursts from his back shrieking in pain while Prompto growls, pushes the fragment in further, his lips bitten and bleeding as the 2 beings split in a violent burst of light that nearly blinds Nyx. “Now-!” He chokes out in cold sweat while leaning onto Cor and as realisation sinks in.
This is the Astral Plane.The space without time existing between the living and the dead. Etro does not exist in the living plane…but here, they can kill the Gods. They can hurt her already fragile spirit.This was their only chance.
Cor releases Prompto and quickly force himself to slice his katana into where Prompto’s back and Etro’s spectral form meet, severing the the connection. Cor quickly pulls back his blade as Nyx grabs hold of Prompto while Etro’s spirit bursts away, dissolving into light that streaks across the void.
”N-not done-” Prompto gasps, choking on his coughs as the group hurry over to his side. The goddess’ voice then resounds in the hollow void.
“They tore me apart, taking my heart, leaving me in pieces, I became a restless soul neither living or dying between realms, with only the dead by my side for so long. Unable to do anything but see the deaths of many. I was so tired.“ Etro’s voice surrounds them in darkness. Her feeble attempt to become whole again in order to intervene with the Astrals’ mess and desire to give humanity hope finally coming to fruition.
“You may become lost in Time. Your soul forever doomed.”
“I want to believe.”
“You’ll die.”
“I trust them.”
“You’ll hurt them.”
“…I know. And even if it seems impossible. I must try, for them.”
Etro’s sign etches and sears into his skin like a second brand sealing Prompto Argentum’s fate in the flow of time.
Etro is as cruel as she is merciful. Ardyn was the first one to know of it first hand in his madness.
He finds a dead Aldecapt on the ground and the entire Zegnatus Keep massacred by someone else other than the daemons. That was when the darkness in him began to rebel. The little chocobo Niflheim had caught and he had locked in a cage now sits casually on the throne twirling his gun. Until her cold gaze falls onto him as the hunter becomes the hunted, as she lures her intended target towards the Crystal.
”Ardyn Lucis Caelum.” The goddess’ voice rings clear.
”You may have salvation O’ fallen King. Though all you need to do in return is fairly simple.“Etro lays her hand on his face as the pain sets in, the Starscourge in him screaming and dying.
”When the time comes. Kill me.”
“And h-how do I even know if you aren’t unlike the damn Astrals-!?”A pause and he feels mortality creep deep into the bones.
”Thats just it.”Her smile upon Prompto Leonis’ face.
”You don’t.”
And he is released from his curse just as the calvary arrives.
In the darkness of her temple, the memories of his failures and the deaths, all return to Prompto Leonis in a flood. A reminder of what another him in another world has set out to do in the beginning. Like a horrible deja vu and a bad trip.
”Your time is running out.”
”Still gonna give it my best shot.”
The mark of Etro burns.
It also turns out that they had also narrowly escape destruction of timelines with how many times they have restarted. Etro becomes concerned. Griever’s appearance now was a paradox and meant Prompto was on his final run before he fails and turns into a daemon, forever damned in the crevices of time.
Her powers are waning, there are no more chances left. While his success means he becomes the next crystal of Etro, and she is free from her burden. But should they cut their ties at the very moment where Prompto can regain a hold of his senses…the child may stand a fighting chance.
The child may live while the God may die.
Essentially, Prompto and Etro each made a gamble for their own selfishness. And won.
”Whatever pieces of me that remain too lost to retrieve, gone like tiny grains of sand.They shall remain to keep Eos, my beloved star alive. Though the gift of magic granted to humanity shall leave with me, I shall never cease to exist! My ashes are in the soil, my breath with the winds, my blood in the sea. I shall remain in the beyond, awaiting to welcome you when the time comes, my children.”
“You have helped me regain my form, my vessel. From here on, you are free from me and the curse upon the Farseers. The weak shall obey the strong. Now. Sever my final link with the living! Lay the Gods to their intended rest.”
Her original form looms over them again, this time without Prompto encased in her womb. Now safely tucked by Nyx’s side, Noctis summons Quicksilver and hands his friend his weapon back. The gun gently laid back in his palm, a warm and comforting weight.
”Stupid.” Noctis’ words were without bite, endearing even. Gladios hand a comfortable presence on his shoulder and Ignis’ close behind. Prompto smiles sheepishly with Luna glowering at him in relief and angry disappointment as she caresses his face gently.
Prompto then turns his gaze at Etro sadly.The lonely goddess who sought to heal her star and bestow mankind her compassion. He remembers the same loneliness from another time, another world.
…Will you be alright? He wonders. After being together for so many different lifetimes, its hard to say goodbye. But he has made a promise to see to each of their chosen ends that they sought once upon a time.
They ready their weapons and gives the goddess the sending she sought now that she is whole again. When the last of her spirit fades into crystalline lights so does the Astral Plane that surrounds them in a melodious, comforting sigh.
The armiger and spells fizzles and fades out.The last of her light leaves Prompto like fireflies, and for a final time he reaches out for the fading fragments of the Goddess in farewell. The group then quickly departs from the disappearing realm through the fading portal, falling onto rubble and stone of Insomnia.
The orb then ebbs, the phantoms of the Astrals and their messengers bursts into sparks one by one into the orb, returning to the All-mother’s side. Their disappearance releases the light, the ball bursts into a harmless flare, a million stars. Or are they souls forever free? All racing across the sky and all of Eos before returning to Etro’s side with all the magic left on the planet.
And suddenly, warmth.
Dawn finally breaks. The sunlight burning delightfully on their skin. They are alive.
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~ Let me tell you a story. Of a Warrior brave and true. Who suffered the corruption of Light yet was given another chance in a new world, leaving the old one behind. He saved the new world with his corruption and vowed to continue the fallen kingdom in its rightful heir’s stead. ~
“I reckon you’ve heard this story multiple time. But I’ve never told you the truth. The Warrior in that story... it was me. And you, my son... will continue my legacy. Our legacy. Not as the King of Lucis, but as the Warrior of Light. You will leave Eos, and travel through Hydaelyn and her 13 Shards. Save what can be saved. Protect what can be protected.”
“...So says my father. Yet he never bother to ask if I wanted this or not. I crave adventure, true, but not so far from home. Not so far from my star... *sigh* I could only pray to the Astrals that I would survive these foreign stars and be the Warrior my father wanted me to be...”
- FFXIV X FFXV Crossover, Successor of Lucis AU (Cole The Warrior of Light/Pruna Lucis Caelum & Ardbert Lucis Caelum)
(a.k.a. I fiddle with character appearance with Anamnesis program but I still don’t know for the life of me how to custom gpose rip)
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secret-engima · 4 years
I blame @talisward for this but like-
Before I get way into this, tagging @wolfsrainrules​ and tentatively @north-peach​ because FFXV isn’t your fandom but this is also part Star Wars and who knows you might find it funny.
What if in a Star Wars/FFXV crossover, a ship takes damage to the hyperdrive (pirate attack or unexpected meteor shower something) and the hyperdrive yeets them waaaaayyyyyyyyy into Wild Space and it crashes on the jungle islands of an unknown planet and the crew is killed in the crash.
But the crew weren’t the only ones on board.
The Galahdians of various Clans, for once all united, swarm over the strange thing that fell from the sky very warily, scuffing and chirping at each other (because this is totally an A/B/O verse, maybe even an a/b/o spin-off of Thrown to Wolves verse who knows) and they finally pry open part of it to look inside and- dead bodies. Dead bodies of strange adults and non-human ... beings that still looked vaguely humanoid and didn’t dissolve like daemons. Sprawled over in what was clearly death from the crash. They explore and find no survivors or even anything familiar. The letters on the walls are strange, the technology is strange. Everything is strange.
Then one of them finds a body dressed differently. Rather than strange, unpleasant smelling synthetic fabric, this one is dressed in spun clothes, rough and simple and practical. The body, not human but very humanoid, is curled up near a door, an expression of odd serenity and determination on their face even in death.
It’s one of the Ulrics that notices the area AROUND the body is miraculously untouched. There is destruction and crumpled metal and sparking wires in the hallway leading up to the spot, but the door behind the body and whatever is beyond is undamaged. Protected.
One of the Ostiums sniffs carefully, stiffens as he finally catches a scent other than sparks and foreign metal and strange blood, “There’s something alive on the other side,” he whispers.
An Arra presses her ear against the door for several seconds before growling, “I hear pups.”
And that’s the only incentive they need to start forcing the door open, because pups are sacred, even in a place like this, a metal ship that fell from the night sky and is filled with the dead bodies of human and non-human beings alike.
The door finally gives way with a scream of metal, letting the light spill into the room.
The collection of Jedi Younglings stare at them with wide, frightened eyes, some human, others not, all smelling of sadness and terror and the need for reassurance.
The Galahdians glance at each other meaningfully at the sight of non-human pups, then carefully set about coaxing them all out despite the language barrier, soothing the tears that come at the sight of the dead protector (who must have been protecting the pups with magic, surely) and herding them out into the jungle sunshine. While some of the Clans start working on removing the bodies for as proper a funeral as they can make (they hope star people don’t mind being burned and released to the winds, but it’s all they can do), others start trying to figure out what to DO with the new children. They can’t separate them, but these are a lot of strange children and that will be a lot for any Clan to handle. They settle on giving them to the more famed and long-standing alliances, the Ulric-Ostium and the Lazarus-Furia-Arra because the joint clans will have an easier time raising the kids and figuring out ... well. Non-human biology.
One of the Ulrics meanwhile is carefully distracting the poor scared kiddos by trying to establish some rudimentary communication. She finally coaxes their names out of them and smiles when one of the humans (human-like? If he’s a star person does he really count as human?) in the group, a boy no more than eight if she doesn’t miss her mark, steps forward and shakily bows in greeting and carefully enunciates “Obi-Wan Kenobi.”
Some other notes on this AU that I apparently have now: a/b/o is an Astral fiddling thing that happens over time and all the Jedi younglings are young enough that THEY develop it too as they’re raised by Galahd.
Galahd guards their Star Children zealously. Keeps them secret and treasured.
If this is not a Thrown to Wolves a/b/o spin-off, then this is still an AU where “magic” (ie the Force) can be used by almost everyone to some degree or other, just for simpler things than the specialized and extremely powerful magics of the LCs and Oracles because of Bahamut’s Blessing. Other people can still do amazing stuff with their “Magic” but it’s not armiger or Walls or superhealing/purification and it’s not as overwhelmingly powerful as LCs (who are all like- up there with Anakin Skywalker Force-power wise).
The younglings are Obi-Wan’s crechemates, they were on their way back from Illum or something when the hyperdrive yote them to Eos. They quickly figure out they’re on a planet so far away no one knows Galactic Standard and that no one has space travel. Eventually they settle in their new lives.
Everyone picture Feral Galahdian Jedi bbys. It’s like- Feral Mandalorian Jedi bbys but without the helmets and heavy armor XD.
They did end up splitting the creche between the various Clans, but tried to keep at least two kids near each other at all times so that they wouldn’t feel abandoned and organized regular “play dates” for all their Star Children (with the added benefit of the adults getting to share their meltdowns over the weird things their Star Children do and need). Also Ramuh is watching from on high and running damage control, which is why no Galahdian falls over dead from space viruses and no youngling dies in spasms from Eos viruses. He’s also the one to tweak the kiddos to fit into the a/b/o dynamic.
Obi-Wan would like you to believe he’s an Ostium. He is not. He’s an Ulric. Bant is his long-suffering Ostium braincell.
Other members of the creche include: Bruck Chun, who after multiple hard lessons on bullying is actually a pretty decent (if aggressive) bby Furia. Quinlan Vos because I find him fun (or, in this AU, Quinlan Ulric), and a couple OCs because I can’t remember who all else is in Obi-Wan’s age group/creche. There’s a Togruta in there somewhere because Togruta are cool.
Meanwhile in the Galaxy at large the Jedi are searching for their lost ship of younglings with more than a little alarm, but they don’t find them. While wandering for clues even years later, one Qui-Gon Jinn stumbles across a slave woman and her year old bby on Tattooine. The bby is extremely freaking Force sensitive so he Qui-Gon Jinn’s his way into buying both of their freedoms and taking them to Coruscant to introduce the woman to the Jedi so she can decide if she wants her bby in the Jedi or not. The woman is Shmi, the bby is Anakin.
Obi-Wan uses the schematics found on the ship (it was a ship for building lightsabers and stuff like in that one Clone Wars episode), his own instincts, and bits of the Elemency crystals/meteor shards lying around to “re-invent” the lightsaber. All the Galahdians are enamored and immediately figure out how to make their own.
Niflheim was Not Prepared to tackle a jungle full of Feral Galahdians with Laser Swords. Galahd does no fall and the Kingsglaive are still formed but not out of refugees. Instead Regis approaches them hoping to form an elite force of laser sword wielding jungle maniacs warriors. The Galahdians agree after some haggling for extra autonomy/privacy to hide their Star Children.
I feel like Obi-Wan joins the Kingsglaive. Just- because OBI-WAN. He’s curious and interested and he doesn’t particularly like war but he has that very strong Protecc instinct and people appreciate his diplomacy.
Years and years later, when the Star Children are teens/young adults, either they figure out how to repair their old ship or somehow another Republic ship finds Eos and all the Jedi proceed to collectively lose their minds over finding their Feral Galahdian former-Jedi younglings and their culture of laser-sword wielding jungle Packs.
Also the secondary genders is NOT a thing outside Eos so all the Jedi are ALSO freaking out over that and trying to figure out how their younglings have it (BECAUSE IT’S A THING. THERE ARE HORMONES AND VOCALIZATIONS AND STUFF THAT NORMAL HUMANS/MON CALAMARI/ETC CAN’T PULL OFF). It ... it never occurs to the Jedi that the Astrals did it because no matter how many times the Galahdians say it’s an Astral-granted thing, no one believes them because everyone “knows” that must be their primitive mythology and culture. There is no such thing as beings who can materialize out of thin air and are made of pure Force. Pssh.
Ramuh the Troll, Bahamut the Drama Queen, every other Astral who is professionally insulted that their existence is brushed off by the idiots who should know better: Behold, we shall ruin these arrogant space monks’ entire careers.
Also Palpatine tries something funny near the Galahdians and is murdered discreetly via an Arra because they can SMELL the madness and near daemon-like corruption on him kthanks.
Also also all the Galahdians take one (1) look at Anakin and go BBY SPACE ULRIC and promptly adopt Shmi and Anakin both while the Space Monks look on and sputter in confusion.
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dainty-baneberry · 4 years
Prompt #17: Fade
She ran. 
High heeled boots making sharp staccato clacks against the stone floor as she did. 
The hallway, built for people much, much taller than she, was a skillful jigsaw puzzle of precision cut stone, barely restraining the blue glow of the Crystal Tower's inner marvels. 
The pinnacle of Ancient Allag, it was once the seat of power to Emperor Xande but it was very different occupant that Dainty sought upon her second venture in to the monolith. 
A massive gilt door blocked her path. She knew from experience it would resist all attempts at parting the two halves of the intricately wrought design. 
Unless one happened to be holding a soul crystal which contained the blood of the sole remaining heir to the Royal Allagan Bloodline.
With it in her grasp, her head momentarily bowed over it the massive doors gave an uprising glow, then slid apart with nary a whisper.
The familiar interior greeted Dainty as she strode in.
Granite floors and stone plinths. Blue crystal and gold. 
And an Allagan teleportation cube, large enough to ferry even the massive bodies of Xande's court where the needed to go within the sprawling, labyrinthine structure. 
As she crossed the threshold she knew she would not find that which she sought at the top of the tower. 
Even as a brash youth of 24 he would never assume to sit in Xande's throne. That had never been his way. She would find him in a side room or similar.
Perhaps the Occular in which the Crystal Exarch had held court existed in this version of the Tower and she might locate him there. 
On swift feet she moved, the Tower silent but for the sound of her heels. 
Dainty had never liked G'raha Tia when they were first acquainted, she would be the first to admit it, and he the second. His eccentric, playful nature had ever rubbed the cynical, jaded Dainty wholly the wrong way.
She had spent a large portion of their early acquaintance possessed of the desire to hurl him from the top of the Crystal Tower to check if he would bounce. But even she had been forced to respect the grave decisions he had made at the end.
To seal himself in the Tower, possibly for eternity, to ward it against any that would use it for ill. 
His choice could very easily have been naught more than a death sentence.
Perhaps in their saved timeline, with the Eighth Umbral Calamity averted, it now would be.
The G'raha Tia whom had entombed himself had imposed not only improbably but utterly impossible conditions to awaken him; Eorzea meeting, and exceeding the technological marvels of the Allagans.
Even the Imperial Garlean Empire, which was the foremost technological nation on their Star was no where near the dizzying heights that the Allagans had managed. 
An eternal sleep that you cannot be woken from was no different than death when it came down to it and thus was what G'raha Tia would have consigned himself to. If not for the soul crystal Dainty carried. 
Up she went, booted feet no longer ringing against the stone as the lower levels gave way to carpeted ornate catwalks and trellises that were more decorative than functional. 
It was branching off from this main thoroughfare that she found him. 
G'raha Tia, laid out on a simple plush ottoman that was meant for a being many times his size.
If Dainty had to guess she would have pegged it for something Scylla might have once rested her feet upon while lounging, when the braying of her hounds grew too much to bare. 
He looked for all the world to be simply asleep, laying lightly on one side, one arm tucked under his head for a pillow. His light, relaxed breathing made it seem as if his sleep was not so deep that he could not be woken easily. 
Dainty knew better than that. 
Just as the doors would not open without his blood, nor would his body come to life without an external means. Biggs III, in the far future, had managed it with a piece of technology that rivaled that with the Allagan's created. 
Dainty held no such thing, only the soul crystal, which she gently placed beside his inert form.
He looked so young to her eyes. She had grown accustom to seeing him as the Crystal Exarch. Red hair stained with white at the ends, and a myraid of blue crystals running jaggedly across his skin. 
This G'raha Tia, just 24 summers of age, had never merged his body with the tower to prolong his lifespan and, if Dainty had anything to say about it, he never would. 
She knew the memories and soul of the Crystal Exarch would attempt to leave the vessel and take up residence in G'raha Tia's body, just as the soul crystals of the Scions had done so for their bodies when placed beside them but there was a key difference in this instance. 
This was not the restoration of memory and soul to its correct, yet empty physical home but a Rejoining. Dainty had every reason to believe it would work, however. Just as Ardbert’s wandering soul, a shard of her own, had been laid over hers there was no reason, in Dainty's mind, that the Crystal Exarch's soul should not easily merge with that of G'raha Tia. 
For they were one and the same soul. 
The soul crystal began to betray the tell tale signs of animation. The familiar white glow swelled within it. 
It would have surprised the Scions to see her climb up on the dais next to G'raha Tia to sit beside him. She settled in, knees bent up and resting her elbows on them comfortably.
She was a Warrior, to her very core. Stoic, oft silent and much more likely to remove herself and lurk in a dark corner than remain close by someone's side. She had never been an affectionate person, nor one much given to provide physical comfort. 
Her method of giving aid or succor was in her strength. In the putting down of whatever was causing someone harm, rather than in a gentle touch or embrace to soothe them. 
But she respected G'raha Tia in a way that was very, very rare to the Au Ra Warrior. As she had grudgingly respected his choice to seal up the Tower with himself inside so she had grown to appreciate him as the Crystal Exarch. At almost every turn she found herself understanding why he made the decisions he did, for they were the same ones she would have made if the situation was reversed. It was no coincidence, the Exarch had fully admitted to always keeping his reverence for her in his mind and hoped that he could someday live up to even a fraction of her legend. 
As the last light of the crystal began to fade G'raha Tia began to stir. 
Bright red eyes blinking through the blue glow, trying to piece together where he was and who he was.
He blinked again, struggling against the sudden confluence of memories in his mind as where there was once only 24 years of knowledge there suddenly existed an entire life time and more.
Lyna. The Crystarium. Sin Eaters. Emet -Selch. Elidibus. The Scions. The Light. The Dark. Astral and Umbral Calamities. It all whirled in his head. Around and around and around until ... "Raha?" ... a rarely heard voice. She spoke so little, usually only when asked a direct question. Nor was she much given to say his name with clear affection. She was prone to sarcasm and dark humor so to hear such gentle tones from the Warrior of Light; it was enough to cut through all else in his mind. He turned to look at the woman sitting beside him as the confusion started to fade. "Ah." He gave a small relieved sigh. She was been blue with white hair and eyes when he saw her last, on the First and now she was gray with dark eyes and hair. Yet he would recognize Dainty anywhere, no matter what form she took; "There you are, my friend." She was utterly unable to put everything she felt into words to hear the Exarch's voice greet her.
His Rejoining was successful. The Scions were all restored. G'raha Tia was restored. It was over. It was all over.
A small laugh escaped her. Then another, and another as G'raha Tia started to laugh too. He could honestly say he had never heard Dainty laugh before, not in the past nor present nor unwritten future. It was fully contagious. It echoed around the chamber, bouncing off all the blue crystal to ring in their ears. At the same time they both leaned forwards to press their foreheads against one another as their laughter faded around them. Eyes closed they leaned against the other. Words seemed utterly superfluous yet both felt the need to acknowledge the bond of an intense shared experience. And express their relief that they had both survived.
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regesc · 4 years
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So, as promised; a full write up on the verse / AU where Noctis becomes a Glaive instead of sleeping in the crystal!
The crystal accepts only purity, only those of full Lucian blood; deigned so by Bahamut when he first failed to garner enough power for his plans, he needed someone who could die, someone who’s power he could steal without a fight. Noctis is not full Lucian blood, but a shard of Ifrit’s soul; Astral,   &&   though he can wield the ring, though he can die, he was simply not accepted.
The ring however was. Along with the king’s power. To coalesce, to GROW in strength. Ardyn found this fascinating, infuriating, she cast the King  &&  his men out with the promise they would meet when it was his time to reclaim his throne.
Awoken as his messenger now, memories stirred by the Crystal’s violent rejection of him ( that i believe would have absolutely left physical scars ) Noctis regains his memories of what had passed: how Bahamut attempted to end the scourge by wiping Eos from existence.  He was defeated. Distraught. Used. 
Noctis was left with barely any magic, reduced to what each Glaive could take from the crystal alone   &&   what little remained of Ifrit’s power,   &&   THE WORLD plunged into darkness. He didn’t know what to do. He felt useless. The world needed their Queen    &&   he could not be that person for them. Ignis had a plan: a plan all along to avert his death, THEY WOULD GATHER THE SIGIL’S OF THE KINGS AND DEMAND THEIR POWER, they would find a way to vanquish the scourge without costing his life but he could not help them until he had the ring.
So he made a choice. Faking his death. It was a stupid choice. But he couldn’t face his people like this, powerless, a betrayer, couldn’t watch what happened to Solheim happen again.
The world lost it’s Princess. The world mourned. It’s Prince watched on in the shadows, crafting himself a new identity.
He was no longer Lilith, he was Noctis, his story thus: Cor calls him his crowning achievement, a Glaive he trained in secret because he joined when he was too young,  &&  now that the world had gone to shit he was forced to bring him out   &&   raise him himself after his parents died in the signing ceremony. He was meant to replace Cor when Cor inevitably was forced to retire, but after the public SPECTACLE the Immortal had caused in his youth, The King did not want another servant of the Crown to be the target of attacks, nor public scrutiny; it was key that he was quiet, hidden. With other crownsguards aware of his status to back this up (Monica, Dustin, both of whom were coached on this lie) Noctis is able to blend in with the Glaives.
He watches the world mourn, watches his friends forced to take his belongings back as though to prove he was dead,   &&   makes a vow that he will save his people.
When he’s ready. As their King.
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