ahatintimepieces · 3 years
what are your favorite ahit aus? you can answer for as many as you'd like idm-
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh so many and im scared ima forget one hmmmm also hope it’s okay i tag everyone im terribly sorry to trouble you incredible people but ur aus are cherished in my heart forever and always
Okay in no particular order and under a readmore because I realize this is going to get long because I refuse to not ramble about why I love them I can’t just make a list like a normal person so HERE WE GOOOOO
- @doodledrawsthings both “Oh The Humanity!” and “““““Coffeeshop au”“““ mean so much to me and I love Snatcher being thrust into a situation where he’s forced to grapple with his past self and then I can’t get enough of Luka and those good old baleful polymorph tropes anD WHAT A DAD THO. Truly a soft au that I am soft for.
- @toxic-lavender gijinka/Dadtcher au and Stitched au and Vamp prince au are all so delightful. Vamp prince has so much thought and attention to detail in the curse and world, and then Stitched au hits me in the gut with feels aND THE GIJINKA/DADTCHER AU I really enjoy seeing more modern takes with these characters and there’s something about Snatcher (cursed and magical as a result) trying to take care of Hat and hold a job while needing to eat souls that is just so engaging narrative-wise.
- @fedoraspooky weresnoodle au. I love it. Very much. Lukas is a sweet bean and Hattie is so clever and strong and I have a weakness for any were-creature story in which the were-creature is constantly anxious about their monstrous form hurting or hindering others and strive to keep everyone else save by secluding themselves only to realize that no matter what at their core, they are good BECAUSE they constantly choose to be kind and that carries over no matter their form. I just <33333333
- @berryfartsart What To Expect When You’re On the Run (single dad Snatcher au) I’ve mentioned it before for EXCELLENT Dadtcher content and cannot recommend it enough for how it seamlessly blends A Hat in Time with a modern twist. The world building is clever and delightful AND Snatcher is incredible as a poor dad trying to take care of Hattie and I love it.
- @doodleimprovement victorian au and Beware the Frozen Heart (frozen au). The Victorian au has SUCH amazing worldbuilding and the magic of the forest and having to give something to it is such a cool idea and i am a humble Jane Austen loving girl at heart so you KNOW im gonna love it. And then Beware the Frozen Heart IS TOO SWEET and the Dadtcher is strong and delightful and I love it dearly. (Also one of the earlier ones I read and thus extra special <3)
- @levshany A Glitch in Time au iS GORGEOUS and incredible and I love Beta kid and Moonjumper and love Levshany’s take on the Horizon and how lovely it looks and getting to see how the beta content is used is incredible and it’s lovely. The art and story are captivating and I can’t say lovely enough when talking about this comic.
- @xxfaylinnxx Time Traveling Hat Kid au is absolutely a delight and warms my heart. The Prince is a sweetheart as an adopted dad and Hat is wonderful and determined and there’s so much hope in this one and I cannot stress enough how warm the story and it’s characters are. And THE ART!!!!!!! is so faithful to the core of A Hat in Time that I instantly smile the moment I see it.
- @cheesytrishy The Owl House au and the Hobo Snatcher au (The link is to probably one of my favorite animations) are really delightful. The Owl House works SO well and how her art and concepts capture the fun of the owl house is just splendid and the Hobo Snatcher au is more fantastic Dad content I LOVE this concept so much.
OKAY IM VERY TIRED SO IMA STOP THERE. There are of course many lovely aus and these artists and more have other incredible stories/ocs/content but I think these cover the aus that really... helped me this year. Not to be cheesy but I mean it when I say I cherish these aus. They got me through some really rough moments and still help me to smile when I’m feeling low. So, thank you! To you lovely creators. AND thank you Anon, for asking!
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