smorallow · 2 years
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Artfight of @toxic-lavender character Willow with The Snatcher from a hat in time!
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jam-blue · 2 years
Actually no. I’m not afraid anymore.
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ruthlesslistener · 2 years
Opinions on Turtle and Orca from wings of fire? Fuck it, any of the other drawing royals too?
Orca was super clever and badass, I thought her plan to murder all female royal hatchlings was smart as hell and would have loved to see what sort of terrifying mayhem life under her rule would have been like. Turtle was a mood but I forgot about him pretty soon after his book, which I suspect is what he wanted.
As for royals, they're all pretty meh to me if they haven't been a main pov character. I personally would love to see some more on how the RainWing ruling system fell to shit before Glory set it straight, but that's about it. I'm more a fan of cast-off princes like Winter and Darkstalker myself
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lemonykleonella · 1 year
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Me when
When death
Ate a lemon huh?
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jackdawsscrapbook · 7 months
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Attack on @toxic-lavender​  squishy creature (warning loud)
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dearabsolutelynoone · 2 years
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“I just wanna stay in this Lavender Haze.”
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comradekatara · 1 year
My hot take is they should have had Zuko mention Mai just once or twice more if they wanted their relationship to feel more solid. I get why they didn't, but imagine: Zuko is staring longingly at a set of knives on the wall. He's just like "They remind me of my, not girlfriend, but she kind of- I mean. A girl. Who is my friend." and the shopkeeper is like "Those... are assassin's knives." And Zuko is like "Oh, I know. She'd love them 🥺" Zuko thinking about getting her a gift of some kind even in a friend way. I'm now thinking about post boiling rock Sokka like. Trying to cheer Zuko up about this pseudo-relationship where she confessed Some kind of love right before they were seperated. Sokka turning on a suave "I know what I'm talking about" persona. Something about violent, scary girlfriends. "Trust me, women warriors *looove* getting weapons." Maybe the cheering up doesn't work, esp since. Yk. Zuko doesn't even know if Mai is okay. The rest of the gaang could chime in to varying effect.
Maiko doesn't rly compel me(esp in the long run) but if they wanted them to end up being together I wish they'd shown interest and care from Zuko between boiling rock and her release from prison. Even if he's mostly trying not to think about it, and mostly obsessively focused, just a little slip-up in his Not Thinking About It could have made their relationship a lot more compelling to me. Maybe they did show smth and I'm forgetting, but... I feel like they could have done a *little* more to show that Zuko cared about her. Even in just a "She's important to me" way bcs knives are a Mai gift not a "I'm trying to perform my role as a Boyfriend" gift. Even showing a bit of development! I love how dysfunctional their relationship is when they're dating bcs it serves the characters and story well but when he's seperated from her I feel like he should have thought abt her a LITTLE bit. Since they kissed when she was released, right?? That's what the wiki says. He's supposed to Care about her even if he's bad at it. Idk.
lol so we both agree that their kiss at the end does not feel earned, but in your mind, the way to rectify that would be to add more scenes of zuko actively caring about her, instead of simply not having them kiss..? because i do think their relationship makes perfect sense as it is up until the point that i am expected to believe that they are together are by choice. he doesn't actually care about her. that's the point. (or at least, it should've been)
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ahit-oc-corner · 7 months
I’m putting my fists up give me my ghost husband back
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why must we fight? lets have peace instead
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bumble66 · 3 months
False SA allegations are apparently less terrifying than coming out as gay?!
Trigger Warning: Discussions about SA and casting couch. I recently saw this reblog from blea74. There someone claims to have worked for CAA, the PR firm Chris Evans is still under. You can read everything this person said here:
Something important was mentioned that some people still deny when I talk to them privately about this whole Portugal PR mess: "but to my understanding and digging a little deeper, there was some tantrums on both sides here. Chris not wanting to do things, and her forcing it by whatever nonsense she has in her pocket. I will divulge my suspicions of that, but it's probably within your imagination. And yes CAA suits would do that. They would also tell the parties involved it's over or "do this and you're finished" and then change their mind. As long as the date on the paper hasn't expired they can really do whatever they want." When confronting people with the fact that Hollywood is basically a mafia, many refuse to believe me because it sounds too much like a conspiracy theory. However, not too long ago I came across this article:
I don't know much about Vin Diesel because I don't watch idiot movies like Fast & Furious (I actually only like horror movies) but it doesn't matter which social media platform, almost every time Vin Diesel is written about in connection to the SA allegations, many people in the comment sections reply: "How? He is gay." Where there is smoke, there is fire and just because someone has children and wife, doesn't mean they are hetero. See: Will Smith or John Travolta.
Shortly after the allegations against Diesel, I saw this discussion by a youtube channel called HoneyBadgerRadio:
At 33:50 the discussion becomes interesting in relation to our PR theories. They already started to talk about Vin Diesel before my time stamp but at 33:50, the celebrity expert called Lauren B comes on the show and discusses how this accusation could just be PR to make Vin Diesel appear as a "masculine" straight man. The discussion I highlight goes on until 48:14. I recommend listening to these 15 minutes but the most important thing you'll learn is that: False allegations are apparently less terriyfing than coming out as gay. I remember a similar story regarding this soccer player called Ronaldo or something... but I digress. And when you think about it: Hollywood is hypocritical again! They push the agenda that toxic masculinity is bad but use examples of toxic macho behavior to promote their stars??! And it also demonstrates to what lenghts some of these PR firms go in order to paint a certain narrative. So when an anonymous CAA anon claims that Chris and other celeb dudes could be forced into certain behavior, unless they want to kiss their careers good-bye, it is actually not so hard to believe.
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cat-eye-nebula · 8 months
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My homemade ◦.·Body Oil·.◦ made with rare ✧Blue Tansy✧ essential oil, Lavender oil and an MCT carrier oil. This oil smells fruity (from Blue Tansy) and herbal (from Lavender) and leaves a divine smell on my skin after the shower.
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terra-tortoise · 6 months
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hatched this girl. didnt vibe with her colors (not a huge fan of red range). scattered her (twice. had cerise as a primary BOTH times). went to bed not super happy about her. sat down to make a theme week post and decided im obsessed with her, so meet Liminal! she likes when people are in debt to her <3
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blubellsys · 7 months
Hey, we're Bluebell!
D.I.D. system | Bodily 19 | White | Audhd | Traumagenic | Main blog is @bellemyers
Partner/friend systems and their tags :: #resin roses ; @cupidcottage ; cupid! #friends in a basket ; plush collection! #enchanting oasis ; @sunspellers ; sunspell! #echos of the orchard ; @bundleofnerium ; nerium! #ghostly petals ; @ghostcollective ; ghost town! #fields of love ; @thelavendersys ; lavender!
DNI : Under 14 ; Syscourse (of ANY stance) ; Against contradictory labels (such as bisexual gay, etc) ; Fakeclaimers ; TERFS ; Aphobic ; Other catch-alls (racist, homophobic, transphobic, fatphobic, far-right, etc) If you're unsure what falls under our DNI, ask!
We won't tag food or swearing. If you want us to tag something, ask! We generally tag content warnings as "cw thing".
Main fronters and their tags :: Kallan ; she/they ; host caretaker ; #shipwrecked Clem ; they/neos ; host ; #fruit by the foot Reeves ; he/him ; host protector ; #brown bear Marie ; she/aer ; caretaker ; #ode to joy Pollux ; he/they ; anp ; #mice on venus Eowyn ; he/him ; protector ; #feather falling
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jam-blue · 2 years
There are soooooooo many things wrong with me lol
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ruthlesslistener · 2 years
Handshake meme. Sex class (in sex class rn)
Sorry for the double ask, hit enter too early. Anyways, finna learn how to get bitches after all these years
ksjhdfbgksjdfh i assure you that seeing these in two parts was infinitely more funny than if you actually made it just one ask. did you get to the part about the free-swimming cephalapod penises yet.
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lemonykleonella · 1 year
Who let hornet sip the juice
The juice was too tempting
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bluebonnetmilk · 8 hours
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She’s innocent your honor!! Innocent!!!
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