satsangat · 1 year
Cierre del ciclo lunar de Capricornio, días para refleccionar, meditar, retiro espiritual, para integrar lo aprendido y experimentado durante el mes pasado. El 21 comienza un nuevo ciclo lunar en Acuario. ¿en qué casa ocurre para usted? En este video explico en detalle las energías en juego.
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crystal-wind · 11 months
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Hello! Thoughts on Aries NN quincunx Virgo personal planet stellium?
Love your interpretations 🥰
Hello dear anon,
I'm not into minor aspects, after all, the major ones are more than enough.
But I study because I'm curious and I always like to know a little more and in the absence of any major aspect between planets I see if there is a minor one.
Yet to me looks more that the person wants to fill another void that it has and that instead of working with what it already has, it tries to find something else to complement.
So, as you also don't specify very much which planets are, because, trust me, different interpretations in astrology is what there is more, and personal planets could be 6 of them... I will give you what is each minor aspect.
As they are very small, as I mentioned before, I would apply this only to planets.
Minor Aspects Meaning in Astrology
Semi-Decile (18°) or vigintile: show artistic talents.
Quindicile (24°): show obsession and compulsion, to the point where the individual may become separated from reality in the areas of life indicated by the placements of the planets involved, but some uses to artistic talents to.
Semi-Sextile (30º): planets trying to collaborate with each other despite the disharmonious aspect.
Decile (36º): It shows where you will work on issues in the world of mental and/or spiritual aspects. May show obsession with the occult.
Novile (40º): It represents harmony depending on the planets involved, as well as the need to have posture, responsibility and enshrine agreements. It influences marriage and societies. The Binovile (80º) have also the same meaning but in a more conscious way.
Semi-Square (45º): it indicates an effort to adapt to two different goals or rupture or the need to give up. Can be divided between separating that's the need to go against the wave because believes in another truth or applying that's the desire to go forward but something holds you back. Can be also applied to Sesquisquare (135º).
"Doundecile" (65º)(could not find a translation): Indicates obsession with something unattainable or just imaginary, chases the impossible. It has the same connotation as the quindecile.
Quintile (72º): Reveals creative talent, compulsion to create, compulsive desire to achieve and shine, developing the gift of strategy and the ability to intoxicate or captivate. It's a tense, challenging aspect but it shows talent and magnetism. It is related to challenges and self-esteem dependent on energies of the planets and the signs involved. This description can be included also about Biquintile (144º) and Triquintile (216º), but in the 72º this aspectos will more conscious.
Biseptile (102º): Indicates sacrifice, martyr, giving up on goals for not being understood in their time. Posthumous Gloria . Analogous to Septile (51º) and Tri-septile (154º).
Quincunx (150º): it represents an imbalance between planets and the annulment of the interest of one to prevail over the other. It is an energy that tries to cancel out another.
Quindecile (165º): indicatives obsession, compulsion, division, separation and drastic change. It also reveals that there can be a strong determination to realize what these planets and houses represents.
Madam Saturn 💋
[1] Quindecile / [2] Minor Aspects / [3] Quincunx / [4] Semi-Sextile / [5] Semi-Square
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lunalilith19 · 4 years
VM Synastry Aspects: Pt. 1 Planets
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📷: Elina Passonen
Synastry is relationship astrology, how two people relate to each other.
This is a straight up list of the aspects between Tessa’s chart and Scott’s chart. Many of these are in other posts, but when you read them one after another, it can give a sense of the bigger picture. These include aspects involving the Sun and the 8 planets but not the Moon, because without birth time, we can’t pin down the degree of the Moon, or in Scott’s case, even the sign of his Moon, which is either Sagittarius or Capricorn. Not having the Moon and Rising Sign means we are missing some significant information. 
In parentheses after each aspect are how exact or distant in degrees the aspect is. The closer to zero the number is, the more intense. Some of these aspects will read as if for a romantic relationship, but can be read for partnership or friendship as well and are only potential. Everything is subject to choice and free will. 
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Sun biseptile Sun: (within 1)
Their relationship moves them emotionally and inspires them.  Each uplifts the other in a way that their sense of themselves, as well as their drive, is strengthened. This aspect brings situations where they have to make decisions that will shape their character, and they’ll be more inspired to make them from intuition and emotions, rather than logic or reason. They will feel urgently compelled to act on their feelings and want to act together as a unit. The decisions they are called to make have a price to pay or sacrifice required and will change their lives. A loving connection full of respect.
His Sun square her Venus (2 strong)
Strong sexual attraction, both hoping to find what they’re looking for in the other person. But she may feel vulnerable and pull back. He may lack the self-knowledge required to connect to express their potential. Maturity on both sides required to overcome difficulties. Radiating warmth and affection, they feel both passion and liking for each other. He can be dictatorial or self-righteous at times. She may use passive-aggressiveness, appeasement or charm to keep things going smoothly. She may find that she goes out of her way to please him but not get the same in return and feel frustrated. At times he may take her for granted. But he also sees her clearly and sheds light on who she is— he can see through her where others can’t.
His Sun sextile her Mars (2 strong)
They give each other confidence and increased vitality. Making plans and carrying them out as a team. Lots of natural energy between them, they create energy that doesn’t exist for either of them alone. Powerhouse duo with big ideas. Mutual support and encouragement that makes them shine as individuals when together. Strong sexual spark that continues to flare throughout the union. She’s excited by his powerful personality and he is excited by her ambitions. She gives him impetus and drive to achieve his full potential. Together they enjoy taking risks and have a sense of adventure.
His Sun square her Jupiter (3.5 medium strong)
Their personalities are rather different, with their own ideals in life, and they can feel slightly frustrated by that conflict. But instead of talking things out and striving to understand the differences, both are more likely to just let the issue drop in a temporary truce. The benefits of your union far outweigh the difficulties, so you tend to take an optimistic stance that things will work out. And they often do because you both feel generous and tolerant of each other. But facing the issues and communicating about them openly and honestly will help.
His Sun trine her Saturn (4 medium strong)
Mutual respect which allows them to continue to grow as individuals as the relationship between them deepens. Complementary strengths which make them a good team. An aspect that makes realizing goals and outward achievement leading to prosperity a possibility.
His Sun trine her Uranus (5 medium)
You can be fully yourselves in this relationship. This partnership encourages you to be who you are- to be your own person and realize yourself as an independent being. The relationship is highly creative for you and fun- a sense of discovery and excitement drives you to reach further than ever before. You have plenty in common and a close and intimate bond, but you appreciate the differences between you. (there are other factors that bind them in a way that might encourage codependency, but this would help)
His Sun trine her Neptune (2 strong)
A powerful and deep emotional connection right from the start that they may not even be aware of because they’re bonded on a spiritual level. Able to communicate on a nonverbal level, and she in particular is very attuned to him and sensitive to his moods. Finishing each other’s sentences or even intuiting each other’s feelings when they’re not together is possible. A sense of willing sacrifice between them. Strong indication of love between them, a sweet and tender connection. 
His Sun sextile her Pluto (4 weak)
The bond between you is powerful and transformative. Physically a deep and compelling passion, enhanced with strong emotional connection and sensuality. She is supportive, he’s encouraging of her ambitions. Can grow more as individuals through the relationship than on your own. She can identify his needs and respond in a powerful way. Communication both verbal and nonverbal is natural. 
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Their communication: 
With aspects, when you have the connection both ways, like his Sun to her Mercury and her Sun to his Mercury, the influence is magnified, and the aspect with the smaller number (meaning distance to exactness) is more prominent.
His Sun in Virgo square her Mercury in Gemini (3 medium)
Friction where he can feel judged, she feels like she’s not being heard. His Chiron and self-worth issues come into play here, where he’s very sensitive to any perceived disapproval or criticism from her. May be a challenge to see the other’s point of view. But in Virgo and Gemini, both mutable (flexible) signs, this can be worked out.
Her Sun trine his Mercury (5 medium)
They share a subtle, elevated kind of intuitive communication, where they know so much of each other without having to say anything. She feels he gets her, and that makes her feel supportive and accepting of him in return. Stimulated by and interested in each other, can talk freely. Cooperation enhanced. 
His Mars square her Mercury (1 strong)
A feisty relationship- sparks fly. They’re positively stimulated by each other’s company, enjoying lively conversations and energetic activities. But the way they express themselves can be at odds- she’s more logical, he’s more impulsive, and both can be irritated, and misunderstandings can escalate and get emotional. Need to avoid forcing opinions on one another. His temper can be triggered by her, and he needs to take care not to be too aggressive. He may feel threatened by her intellect, but if insecurities can be overcome, this aspect has the energy to help them understand each other.
His Neptune quincunx her Mercury (near 0)
And inspirational relationship that’s exciting to both. Enlivens both their imaginations. But they need to take care to be honest- can be a danger of not speaking their truth or looking at each other with rose-colored glasses. They need to ensure the creative rather than the destructive side of this aspect is emphasized.
His Pluto quincunx her Mercury (2 medium)
Unconscious assumptions or decisions made during the tumultuous events of a previous relationship or in the past limits ability to love or experience true togetherness. Need to acknowledge and confront past events in order to reach understanding and be able to think about it another way. 
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His Venus square her Venus (4 medium)
Their styles regarding expressing love and affection are dissimilar in some  significant ways. Their interests, values, socializing style, their clothes, the way they decorate, and the ways they handle money are markedly different. Bonding and growth come from cooperation rather than asserting their own way. They can learn a lot about love from each other, one of the reasons they’re so attracted. Because their Venuses are in mutable signs, they’re more accepting and flexible about these things than a lot of other signs would be. Also, Scott has Sun conjunct Venus in his chart, which gives him some of the Venus traits that Tessa has so strongly, so this Venus/Venus square isn’t that hard for them to navigate because it’s not such a clash. 
Double whammy between both his and her Venus and Mars- meaning a mutual aspect intensified bc they have this both ways:
His Venus sextile her Mars (1 strong)
Passionate and highly charged, they find emotional sustenance through their physical bond. Could be the most sexually satisfying relationship ever for him, and the most emotionally satisfying for her. Supportive and affectionate connection with an ease in communication that could sustain them for a long time. Ideal combination for long term relationships but also can be a great creative partnership.
His Mars square her Venus (1 strong)
Intense sexual attraction, passionate union. But can at times a mismatch in energies which creates friction. A provocative connection not without tension or irritation- sparks of all kinds fly. May be cultural differences, he’s more social than her. A push-pull relationship, with a pattern of fighting and making up. They inspire big reactions in each other. But slightly softened because Virgo and Gemini have more common ground than many squared sign combinations.
His Venus square her Jupiter (1 strong)
Love and excitement between them. Expansive, generous and joyful with each other. Good fortune and travel. Can be excessive and need to be careful not to be blind to each other’s faults. (Or in their case the positive attribution theory that helps them on the ice so much is less helpful off-ice - they need to talk about their issues). Restless energies well spent in sport. They may both want romance, but he needs the security of commitment, while she may want her freedom. Other aspects will tell whether there’s enough stability for security. (Like this next one)
Another mutual aspect: 
His Venus trine her Saturn (1 strong)
A sincere, loyal, enduring love. An aspect often found in happy marriages. Very dedicated to each other’s growth and welfare and willing to put in the work to maintain their relationship. He is the more romantic in this aspect, and she makes him feel safe. A blend of seriousness, creativity and practicality make them strong at problem-solving. They make a good team.
His Saturn opposite her Venus (7 weak)
A challenging aspect in that Saturn can be restrictive and critical while Venus’s warmer and lighter energy, especially in Gemini, can feel quashed. But the aspect is fairly wide, so it’s a question how much they feel it. A  karmic bond- binding and nearly indestructible. He would be slow to initiate a relationship until he was sure, but once he was, he would be ALL in.  A push-pull dynamic where their energy aligns but doesn’t match. Helps that Gemini and Sagittarius are both mutable and flexible signs. She is very drawn to him. He would have a lot of influence on her- seems to have played out this way when they were younger and she looked up to him and relied on him. A lot of give and take between them- he would give her a safe place and been the more experienced, being older, she gives joy, love, and appreciation in return. These are individually really significant planets in their respective charts-- his Saturn is part of his most painful aspect, her Venus rules her Sun and Moon.  Over time, she would have found more balance in power between them. He would feel fearful of being without her once he knew how he felt and might have tried to hang on too tight, when Gemini needs space to breathe. 
Another mutual aspect, so magnified:
His Venus trine her Neptune (near exact very strong)
Overwhelmingly emotional attraction that can feel like their one true love. Physically affectionate and close, loving bond. A dreamy, romantic connection that supports love growing constantly stronger between them over time.
His Neptune quincunx her Venus (2.5 weak)
May feel like the ideal but over time the connection isn’t exactly what you thought. Adjustments and honest communication required once reality sets in. 
Another mutual aspect:
His Venus sextile her Pluto (1 strong)
She has a magnetic hold over him and may dominate his imagination and sexual energy. He can feel overwhelmed at times by the intensity of his emotions and the force of her personality. They both feel a passionate attraction and a compelling need to be together. This influence can make for a positive, even transformative experience for both if they’re both open and honest. Signs that she takes as lack of devotion on his part may lead to her getting possessive and fearing abandonment.  An overpowering love that is a great source of sustenance for both, but they need to treat each other with respect and honesty in order for it to continue to develop.
His Pluto quincunx her Venus (near exact- strong)
She’s fascinated by him and might have been willing to go anywhere with him before she really understood what that would mean. Their connection will have a transformative effect on them. The feelings brought up might be even uncomfortable for being so strong. A compelling attraction and strong bond. Can be intensely emotional and the energy between them difficult to control. He especially may be very jealous and try to exert his will and may not realize how domineering he’s being. Pluto is like a strong ocean undertow compared to Venus wanting to gently float along- this would be a dynamic that when it’s off, could be heavy for her. But it is a push-pull aspect that can be resolved, so maturity and willingness to let go of things would go a long way.
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📷: Pekka Salminen
His Mars sextile her Mars (4 medium)
Instinctive understanding of one another’s impulses, methods, and desire nature. In sync regarding inner rhythms and energy level. You are an active duo, inspired by each other, excelling in initiating new ventures and carrying them out in you own way. Together you will have opportunities for self expression that you would only dream of as individuals. The energies you generate can overwhelm obstacles.
His Jupiter quintile her Mars (exact)
Harmonious and relaxed sexual expression in the relationship
His Mars trine her Saturn (6 medium)
A dynamic and mutually satisfying relationship. He’s the idea person with this aspect, the energetic partner who’s not afraid to take risks and get out there to get things done, she’s more into calculated moves that ensure success. Combined, they can equal greatness. A great, dynamic team.
His Mars trine her Uranus (2 strong)
The energy you create when you’re together excites you both and keeps you tuned into each other, wanting more. Adventuresome, exciting, but stable. No matter how long it lasts, you’ll still feel the excitement as though it were a short fling. You love trying to turn each other on in new and unexpected ways, and this experimental flair extends to any projects you work on together. She’s the idea person in this aspect, he’s the one to take them and run with them and make them real. A dynamic partnership.
His Mars trine her Neptune (5 medium)
She completely understands his creativity and he gives form to her most abstract ideas. Can accomplish a lot together because it pairs his practical drive with her creativity. Can get confused together about their aims in life and in the relationship so need to be very clear with each other. Can open each other’s minds to new things.
His Pluto trine her Mars (3.5 medium strong)
Power and action- together, they can accomplish just about anything they put their minds to. Can achieve greatness. Intense willpower together. Great sexual connection. This aspect gives determination and depth of bond to power through the hard times.
Jupiter semisquare Jupiter (1)
Bring joy to each other and enjoy each other’s company. Even though they may have different beliefs and find pleasure in different things, they can appreciate their differences.
His Jupiter trine Uranus (5 medium)
Underpinning of strong friendship based in honesty in your relationship. Identify closely with each other intellectually, your ideals about the future, about the direction of your lives, and work together well. But your paths are different enough to create space and movement for both of you. Encourage each other to follow your dreams, and being together makes you both focus more on making that happen. You trust and count on each other- an emphasis on honesty that helps you both grow.
His Saturn opposite her Jupiter (1 strong)
This is their “business partners” aspect— when their goals are aligned, tremendous teamwork is possible. But with an opposition, it’s a lot of work to balance each other because her optimistic and light Jupiter in Gemini can feel deflated by restrictive Saturn, which can highlight his grumpy, critical side. Power struggles can ensue where each tries to prove that their way of doing things is the right one. But when they can communicate and make it work, their contrasting strengths complement each other: Jupiter in Gemini would be full of ideas, and Saturn in Sagittarius would have the practical ability to figure out how to make them happen. This connection brings commitment to a journey together, experience, and longevity. 
His Pluto biquintile her Jupiter (near exact)
They feel a deep drive to transform and elevate themselves in their chosen field. A sophistication to their sense of this culture, marked by success and high achievement. (or in other words, get good at skating)
His Neptune conjunct her Uranus (near 0 strong)
An intense feeling of being on the verge of something new and exciting when they’re together.  The ability to make their wildest dreams happen - the feeling that anything is possible as long as they’re together. Their creativity and spirituality is enhanced. Creating a future together.
HIs Pluto sextile her Uranus (3)
Easy flow of energy where both are supportive of each other’s passion and need for personal freedom and individuality. Similar political views. Both want to get out there and into the mix of things. Goals with the thought of making your lives better, more consciously lived, more important.  He’s a well of strength for her when she’s fighting for something important to her.
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ms-m-astrologer · 6 years
hi there, i was wondering what the differentiation between a biseptile and a triseptile was, and a binovile and a quadronovile. is there any difference at all, is one stronger than the other? thanks for your time!!!!
Biseptiles (102+ degrees) relate to 4th and 9th House issues; triseptiles (154+) to 6th and 7th House issues. These both are multiples of the septile (51 degrees 25.7 minutes) family, the result of dividing the 360 degree circle by 7.
Binoviles (80 degrees) relate to 3rd and 10th House issues; quadronoviles (160 degrees) to 6th and 7th House issues. They’re members of the novile (40 degrees) family, the result of dividing the 360 degree circle by 9.
I personally consider them both minor aspects - and unless a personal planet were involved I probably wouldn’t consider them at all. But that’s just me! Blessings, XOXOXO
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elizehurley-blog · 6 years
Daily Horoscope Nov. 12 Th
New Post has been published on http://www.withallwomen.com/daily-horoscope-nov-12-th/
Daily Horoscope Nov. 12 Th
General Horoscope
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The universe raises the bet on whatever amusements we play as the computing Capricorn Moon tangos with puzzling Pluto in a move on the edge of the clouded side. Notwithstanding, we might be enchanted by the magnificence of this mysterious domain while philosophical Jupiter frames a powerful biseptile with dream inclined Neptune. Despite the fact that discernment may be a subtle device for some time, heeding our gut feelings will probably lead us the correct way.
Aries Horoscope MAR 21 – APR 19
You feel a flood of intensity and drive that is exciting and, maybe, a touch disrupting in the meantime. There is so much vitality beating inside you today, however you can’t enable it to spill out into the world at the same time. Be that as it may, you would prefer not to squander this passionate fuel when it could impel you toward your fantasies. Rather, giving your sentiments a chance to marinate favors you with purpose and assurance. Guide your expectations with solitary concentration to achieve your objectives. Creator Lisa Nichols thought of, “Self-improvement is that demonstration of making a thousand miniaturized scale wins, so you can have one full scale win.”
Taurus Horoscope APR 20 – MAY 20
You may run over a goody of information that makes you hungry for additional. The eager Capricorn Moon’s combination with steady Pluto guides you into all out sleuth mode. You can’t rest until the point when you get to the base of a secret, however maybe the base isn’t as strong or fast to discover as you anticipate. Put a period confine on to what extent you dive around in the sludge or you could pass up the greater part of your day by day schedule. Dealing with your brain and body with the correct nourishment and legitimate measure of rest enables you to continue hunting down answers. A superhuman’s work is never done.
Gemini Horoscope MAY 21 – JUN 20
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Past damages or injuries may pose a potential threat in your musings now. In spite of the fact that these recollections may surface for no unmistakable noticeable reason, the heart’s knowing regularly adjusts with the stars when the suggestive Moon works together with keen Pluto to unearth your injuries. However, don’t enable yourself to wind up so drawn into the agony that you dismiss how those tribulations and inconveniences made you more grounded. Acknowledge what time and pushing ahead has officially improved the situation you, regardless of whether there is all the more mending to do.
Cancer Horoscope JUN 21 – JUL 22
Providing for others out of blame or compulsion is enthusiastic control, not liberality. Maybe somebody is unobtrusively, or not all that discreetly, attempting to solid arm you into assenting to their requests. Might be doubly befuddling that you need to please more instead of push back. Be that as it may, after some reflection, you may understand you’re the one contorting someone else’s arm to consent to your deepest longings. Genuine philanthropy has couple of desires to it. Be that as it may, genuine strength regularly requires giving up. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push();
Leo Horoscope JUL 23 – AUG 22
The greater part of the greatest changes begin in your heart. Maybe you have forceful feelings, even dissatisfaction, about a change you’re endeavoring to make in your life. Perhaps despite everything you’re fighting with some inner protection from the enhancements you need to make, but at the same time it’s conceivable that you haven’t yet discovered the best possible inspiration. Spotlight on what you adore and need to cherish further. Your self-improvement unfurls easily when the universe mirrors your most elevated reason. Vitality streams where consideration goes.
Virgo Horoscope AUG 23 – SEP 22
You require something or somebody who absolutely enamors your mind now or you may become anxious and exhausted. Simply ahead and enjoy your sentiments as long as nobody gets injured. Forsake anything that has quit encouraging your euphoria or delight. Enable yourself to sink with less hindrance into whatever forms your certainty and fitness. Trust that status is a greater amount of a disposition as opposed to a perfect minute and begin running down your fantasy. Carpe diem!
Libra Horoscope SEP 23 – OCT 22
You might be stood up to with interest and a dash of enthusiastic show when managing relatives today. You need to hop into the shred and be a harbinger of harmony, however you have to deal with your own jumbled sentiments first. Be that as it may, there’s more intricacy to what’s happening than meets the eye. Hear out all sides of the accounts circling now, yet recollect, individuals regularly have a personal stake in hiding any hint of failure face and concealing their vulnerabilities. Do your examination before achieving any ends. Continue with alert with regards to issues of the heart.
Scorpio Horoscope OCT 23 – NOV 21
Maybe you find a formerly surreptitiously detail entirely unintentionally, inciting you to watch your condition or your every day existence with extraordinary consideration. Before you endeavor to make sense of in the case of something is great or terrible, it’s shrewd to comprehend what you’re finding in any case. Dread is an ordinary response, since you probably won’t care for change by any means. By and by, change is consistent and it’s best to recall that keeping up the present state of affairs isn’t generally a commendable objective. This may be the start of a delightful new section of your story. Grasp change. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push();
Sagittarius Horoscope NOV 22 – DEC 21
Your association with the physical world makes a tangible move today. The ongoing money related enhancements might be a consolation, yet you’ll never have enough in case despite everything you’re centered around what you need or dread losing later on. There’s a scarce difference between developing abundance and feeding avarices. Maybe your ideas of bounty are excessively covetous. Rather, re-align your objectives toward forcefully decreasing what you owe and possess. Plenitude is a mentality as opposed to an announcement of your benefits.
Capricorn Horoscope DEC 22 – JAN 19
Concentrating on the entirety of your shortcomings and indecencies is an appalling abuse of your vitality. However, savant Seneca stated, “In the event that you would pass judgment, get it.” This is particularly valid for you today as you survey your present conditions. Reevaluate the reasons why you settled on ongoing decisions previously you attempt to feel for other people or you may wind up anticipating your instabilities onto them. Be less reproachful of yourself, and penetrate past what you see to take a gander at what’s molding your point of view. Giving yourself space to move around makes a quick positive effect on people around you.
Aquarius Horoscope JAN 20 – FEB 18
Now and then you should confront parts of yourself or sections of your past which you wish to evade. This enthusiastic clash may lead you to saddle yourself with overwhelming blame today. In any case, you could stay away from the pessimism by and large and spotlight on just the great bits of yourself, the world, or whatever else that is lighter and more brilliant. Shockingly, neither one of the responses will enable you to settle on the best decisions now. The dull spots are crude material intended to be changed over into fuel to make you more grounded. Resemble the Phoenix who ascends from the fiery debris of demolition. Flexibility is a demonstration of defiance.
Pisces Horoscope FEB 19 – MAR 20
You’re inclined to participating in energetic exchanges in a gathering setting today, which could happen on the web or face to face. Feelings may be at a high while conduct and reason are at a low. Luckily, you can decide not to be cleared up in other individuals’ issues in the event that you develop a gratefulness for the subtleties of what they uncover and what they don’t. Obviously, you have solid feelings of your own. On the whole, help other people verbalize their message by asking the correct inquiries. Correspondence is a two-way road.
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lunalilith19 · 5 years
Tessa and Scott: their connection Pt. 1 
I know they’re not together, but I started looking at their charts because they’re fascinating people, and their connection and chemistry is so special that I wanted to see if it was possible to know why they’re not together. 
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Photo: Myra Klarman
Her Sun is in Taurus, his in Virgo, both dependable, caring earth signs. She is emotionally steadier, he’s more adaptable to change; both are tactile, sensuous, and warm. Your Sun sign represents your self, your ego and sense of vitality. Because their Suns are both in the same element, earth, they cooperate together very naturally in harmony.
Her Sun biseptile his Sun: their relationship moves them emotionally and they inspire each other. They each uplift the other in a way that their sense of themselves, as well as their drive, is strengthened. This aspect brings situations where they have to make decisions that will shape their character, but the decisions will come from a place of intuition and emotions, not reason. They will feel a compulsion and urgency to act on their feelings and want to act together as a unit. The decisions they are called to make have a price to pay or sacrifice required and will change their lives. A loving connection full of respect.
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lunalilith19 · 5 years
Tessa and Scott: Pt. 3 Gemini and Virgo and Mercury
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They have some issues with communicating. Mercury in your chart is about your mind- how you think, how you communicate, your sense of humor. Scott’s Virgo Sun, Venus and Mars all square Tessa’s Mercury in Gemini:
His Sun square her Mercury: Friction where he can feel judged, she feels like she’s not being heard. 
His Venus square her Mercury: Small misunderstandings that can add up to tension. They tend to misinterpret cues and end up feeling unappreciated. Even when one comes right out and says thank you, the other has a tendency to not take it in. (their thinking of you this Tuesday cards to each other might have started as a way to help with this?). 
His Mars square her Mercury: she’s more logical, he’s more impulsive, and misunderstandings can escalate and get emotional. 
So these might be the issues they worked on in their counseling.
On the other hand, Tessa has really soft connections to his Mercury. Scott’s Mercury issues are a sore spot for him (more on this later), so the way she connects to him and makes him feel understood is soothing:
Her Sun trine his Mercury: They share a subtle, elevated kind of intuitive communication, where they know so much of each other without having to say anything. She feels he gets her, and that makes her feel supportive and accepting of him in return.
Her Saturn trine his Mercury: She inspires him to express himself more clearly and honestly. Which is a gift considering his difficulty in this area. Mercury square Uranus in his chart makes getting his ideas across or even focusing a challenge at times. She grounds and stabilizes him, and they make a great working team together. Creativity with purpose happens between them, where they can actualize their ideas.
His Mercury binovile her Mars: they find joy together merging thought and action- one part of this is loving being together on-ice, creating projects together, making things happen.
His Mercury biseptile her Venus: An intuitive rapport, so in tune with each other’s thoughts that it can sometimes feel nearly psychic.
People with Mercury-Venus aspects often find each other’s sense of humor hilarious, which seems to be very true of them :)
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crystal-wind · 3 years
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crystal-wind · 5 years
Spiritual Astrology in Autumn 2019 - Saturn Stationary Direct Pt. 1
On September 18, Saturn will go stationary direct at 14 Capricorn. It now moves forward to make anew the serendipitous tredecile with Uranus in October and November, and then makes the second of three fateful biseptiles between these two spiritual heavyweights in December 2019 and January 2020.
from Crystal Wind™ http://bit.ly/2O2CSlb via http://bit.ly/IAKUfj
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ms-m-astrologer · 7 years
Lunar Nodes, 4/? - South Node, 3/3
“Healing takes place when we are able to use the skills and talents of our South Node past in ways that enable us to stay focused and acting skillfully upon what lies ahead. New growth takes place when we stretch to incorporate the North Node’s sign and house qualities into our ever-evolving self.” - Finding Our Way through the Dark, Demetra George
We’re not supposed to stay in our South Nodes. We’re supposed to reach out for that North Node. But how?
First, consider that the planets which oppose the South Node, must therefore conjunct the North Node. That is to say - what was denied us in the past, we must strive to become now. I’ll talk about that more when we get there!
Another way is to look at the positive, “flowing” aspects made to the Nodal axis. In his book Yesterday’s Sky, astrologer Steven Forrest wrote that these show who “comforted or supported” us, who “offered encouragement or support in folly,” what “temptations were not resisted,” who “seduced or conned” us - and adds that too many flowing aspects suggests that things “might have been too easy and led to lassitude and loss of evolutionary momentum.”
Although our main focus must be on “fixing” the squares and oppositions to the South Node, we can use the flowing aspects to “bulk up” for that process.
My Saturn Rx/Sagittarius/2nd is trine my South Node/Aries/6th. A personification would be a father or grandfather, or an elder/authority figure, offering moral (Sag) support. As it’s in the 2nd House, it implies that I dealt with “lack” or “doing without” - making the most of limitations - or, less pleasantly, “self-limitation, sticking with the tried and true.” The trine means I was okay with that; in fact, I may have been something of a reverse snob. It would make me a responsible parent, and happy to be so. Ideally, it would give me a sense of “think globally, act locally” (Sag/2nd).
Chiron Rx/Aquarius/3rd is sextile my South Node. It’s also conjunct my IC, within two degrees. What do you think happened, in the not so distant past, to unwed mothers? They got sent away - exiled, so as not to bring shame upon their family. Since this is a sextile, I was at least accepting of that. However, it’s the wound I carry into this life (Chiron). Forrest adds that “caretaking” can be involved, as well. With a strong Chiron, I was the caretaker; were my Chiron weaker, I would have been the one being taken care of. And - being away from family meant no family to help with the child-rearing. That’s eventually going to result in tremendous self-reliance (South Node/Aries/6th). There would be some dissociation with the entire concept of “home” and “family” with Aquarius there - and again, it’s a “flowing” aspect, so I was more or less fine with it.
Both my Saturn and my Chiron are also in flowing aspects to my Moon (conjunct my South Node) and Jupiter (opposite South Node). My MC/IC axis is also part of the picture, showing some conflict between “career” and “family” matters. That all seems to hint at ultimate “self-limitation, sticking with the tried and true,” doesn’t it? At the same time, I think we can argue that these aspects helped me become a successful mom - by endowing me with a powerful sense of parental responsibility, and a sense of how not to bring up baby.
In contrast, the final major aspect - a trine from Pluto/Virgo/10th - fits in more with the square from Juno and the opposition from Neptune to my South Node. (I split my Nodal message into two parts: the parenting side which we just discussed, and the relationship side.) Pluto in the 10th can indicate a fall from grace, and in Virgo there’d be some humiliation involved; as Pluto would represent a specific person we’d look for an authority figure, someone in a position of power, or someone “famous” - though with Virgo, it’s not a flamboyantly famous person. Someone in a health-related field, or perhaps a craftsman at the top of his game. Remember that Forrest says this could be “a person who seduced or conned” me. Hey babe, take a walk on the wild side.
This is a trine aspect, true, but it’s out-of-sign. And with flowing out-of-sign aspects, I’ve found that the key phrase is almost always “this should work, but it doesn’t.” Virgo is humiliated by Aries’ lack of forethought; Aries is hamstrung by Virgo’s timidity and caution. Neither sign is particularly relationship-oriented either. I don’t believe “clueless” is too far off, not to mention (with the sort of double-Virgo influence of South Node in the 6th, Pluto in Virgo) “incompetence.”
How is something so negative supposed to be helpful and supportive? Well. if I’m aware that there’s a malfunction, I can try to fix it, right? Perhaps (keeping Virgo/6th in mind) by acknowledging that relationships take work. Or finding a way to integrate romantic idealism (Juno/Leo/9th) with basic human imperfection. (Interesting that this appears to be a separate issue from the parenting piece, isn’t it. I am a Gemini.)
Finally, there is a double septile (51 degrees, 25.7 minutes) involving the South Node: it’s septile my natal Sun/Gemini/8th, which is also septile my natal Ceres/Leo/9th; that means my South Node is biseptile my natal Ceres. These are “fated destiny” type aspects - my interpretation of this for myself is that it has everything to do with the fact that after my son was born, my astrological studies really kicked into high gear.
So let’s sum up these South Node strengths:
Courage and strength in my daily routines
Ability to take care of myself and my kids just fine
Sense of ethical responsibility
Can leave behind tribal traditions that don’t work
Awareness that I’m crap at relationships
Somehow, some way, all of that has to work together to propel me toward my North Node/Libra/12th. Good grief.
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