rowlandwithaw · 3 years
Quote for the day
Blackadder on Byron: ‘Mrs Miggins, There is nothing intellectual about wandering around Italy in a big shirt trying to get laid!’
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angelholme · 4 years
May, Myself and I
Day 24 & Day 25 - Luck & Apologies
So yesterday  I learned that the people at...... whoever wrote Civilisation finally got round to issuing a patch to Civilisation 6 so that the entire play area fits on the screen. 
You would think they would have done this when they released the game originally, but apparently not. However now that they have I ended up spending most of last night playing Civ VI and starting my attempt to conquer the world.
Which meant that I forgot to write about “LUCK” so apologies for that. 
Around once a week or so the entire world - or quite a part of it - gets together to watch Doctor Who. A very enterprising woman named Emily Cook had the idea of staging a “global rewatch” of various episodes, and inviting people who were involved in them to tweet about them. So far it has involved such luminaries as Russell T Davies, Steven Moffat, David Tennant, Katherine Tate, Karen Gillan, Arthur Darville, Sophia Myles, Noel Clarke and a host of others (who I admit I have forgotten because I am kind of hungry and need food). It is actually a lot of fun and you learn a lot. 
There are other things going on as well - my little brother has been taking part in a multitude of quizzes and someone at work has been taking part in virtual horse race meetings (or his daughter has at least). 
Zoom is taking over the world - people who can’t see each other in person are using it for virtual meetings. It’s being used for news reports, for virtual gameshows, for D&D meet ups and a myriad of other reasons. 
Businesses are using all sorts of other interfaces, but in the world of lock down Zoom seems to be master. 
To the point where a few weeks ago the Wales Comic-con was cancelled - because forcing several thousand people into a small enclosed area was considered a very bad idea at the time (gods knows why!) - and it was replaced by an entirely virtual Comic-con. 
Guests from all over the world joined in on zoom to talk for half an hour to an hour in aid of the NHS, interviewed by another person on zoom. It was pretty astounding to see how well it was organised and how well it was handled, given how quickly is must have been organised.
There was Buffy, Supernatural, Gotham and Harry Potter - and including a woman I first saw playing Lady White Adder several decades ago.
Because not only do you need skill and organisation to run a virtual Comic-con you also need something else - something that was almost her last word on Blackadder
Because her appearance on Blackdder ended with a truly fantastic phrase.
“Luck? Woohoo! Get it?”
“Oh come on! Luck - sounds almost exactly like F------”
But anyway........
Nearly swearing loudly brings me on to the topic of saying sorry.
Because over the past two days the UK has been awash with people not saying sorry - not saying sorry for their behaviour or expressing regrets about someone else’s behaviour or just making excuses for some truly appalling behaviour. 
Not once have we heard the word “sorry” for any of the behaviour we have heard about. 
You know how grown up’s behave?
When grown up’s make a mistake - when they do something wrong, whether it is a huge stonking mistake or a tiny little mistake - they say sorry. 
A few months ago a presenter named Evan Davies totally misgendered someone on the air on Radio 4′s PM programme. And instead of ranting about how political correctness is ruining the modern world, he admitted his mistake, apologised, said sorry, corrected his mistake and moved on. 
Because that’s how grown ups behave. 
When I deleted a table in a development database that I really should not have deleted (because it kind of screwed up the work someone else was doing) then I said sorry and tidied up after my mistake.
Because that’s how grown ups behave.
If you screw something up - you apologise. You say sorry. You admit to your mistake and you try to make it better. And if you can’t you just accept the consequences. 
Because that’s how grown ups behave.
What we haven’t seen in the past two days is anyone admitting to their mistakes. What we haven’t seen is anyone apologising. What we haven’t seen is anyone saying sorry.
What we have seen is people lying. What we have seen is people gas lighting an entire nation. What we have seen is people telling us we don’t know what we know. What we have seen is people treating us like we are beneath contempt.
What we haven’t seen is anyone behaving like grown ups.
Just once I would like to see someone in government take responsibility for their mistakes. 
Just once I would like to see someone in government say sorry. 
Just once - from government - I would like to see some apologies.
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