#Can I just live on my slime rancher farm taking care of my silly little guys?
hellointernethuman ยท 9 months
I love making adult decisions like.. should I take an unpaid internship bcs nobody else is fucking hiring me and I need an internship to literally pass one of my classes. Don't even get me fucking started on how I had a lovely interview (not sarcastic seriously) recently and everyone seems great, they even had an alright salary, but then they were like actually ๐Ÿฅด...our budget doesn't allow enough to pay interns, so gonna have to change your thing to being unpaid. At least you get experience ๐Ÿ˜Š and a stipend ๐Ÿ˜Š that AIN'T WORTH SHIT. Boi idk if I'm being stupid, but I did the math and that damn stipend is wAY LESS than half of what other similar positions pay. Ain't enough for sh. Maybe I'm ungrateful, but GOD I am so bad with decision making.
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