#Cecilia Trang-Kang
purplesimmer455 · 3 days
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Cece and Hanh bring Lily home, and show her off to her grandparents and great-auntie. Needless to say, all three of them get sappy as heck and spend time with Lily. Nguyêt is ecstatic to have her baby sister here and she walks around the crib, trying to peek in at Lily and asking her moms why she’s so small. Cece’s younger sister Cam calls to congratulate her and Hanh too. She’s currently on a flight to Mt. Komorebi, Japan for a vacation her friends and girlfriend so she can’t be there in person. Still, she asks Cece to send lots of photos and says she can’t wait to come back in a couple days and meet Lily in person. Once the family leaves and Lily is put to bed, Cece makes sure to spend time with Nguyêt.
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purplesimmer455 · 4 days
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I remembered that Cece and Hanh have a chicken coop, so I had Cece adopt a hen chick and named her Agatha (I couldn’t think of another name 😅). Cece cuddles Agatha while Hanh chats with her auntie-in-law. Iseul asks how Hanh and her moms are doing. “Good, auntie. They’re in Tomarang to visit ma’s side of the family and are thinking of relocating there in a few years.” Hanh says, and Iseul nods. “Tomarang is definitely beautiful. I went there three times and really enjoyed it.” She says and Hanh smiles. “It is, I’m thinking that when Lily’s a bit older, we’ll take her and Nguyêt to visit and meet some of my family on ma’s side who’ve been wanting to meet Nguyêt for years.” Hanh says. “Yeah, It’s good for her and Noonoo to be connected to their Tomarani culture. My appa and umma would take me and my older brother to Korea every other year to visit family and it was great to see my cousins and my favorite uncle on my mom’s side who’s very goofy and sweet.” Iseul says, smiling.
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purplesimmer455 · 4 days
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Later on, Hanh gives Cece a back and shoulder massage. "Thanks baby, that feels much better," Cece adds stretching her arms a bit. Hanh smiles and kisses Cece's shoulder. "I'm glad I could help. Do you think we should woohoo to help induce labor faster?" She asks half teasingly and half seriously and Cece grins. "Maybe, because Lily definitely wants to stay in there for as long as she can." She jokes back.
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They don't have time to woohoo, though, because Cece's parents and auntie Iseul all come over to see Hanh, Cece, Nguyệt, and to check in on the baby. Cece tells her dad the name she and Hanh have picked out, Lily Iseul, as he feels the baby bump. "Your grandmother would've loved to have Lily named after her." Min Jun says, his eyes slightly sad.
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Cece's mom Paenji likes it too, although she adds teasingly. "So, you never thought to name the baby after me, huh? Even though I carried you for almost 10 months because you wouldn't leave my belly?" Cece blushes as Hanh grins at her and her dad and auntie Iseul smile. "Umma, it's not like that. Plus if we have a third baby we might name her Pansy in Simlish or Paenji." Cece says.
Plus, her auntie Iseul, who the baby is getting part of her name from, feels the belly too. "She kicked at me, she's so strong." Iseul jokes as baby Lily shifts around in Cece's belly. "Yup, just like her great-auntie." Cece says and Iseul smiles. "Seriously, Cee, I'm so happy that you're naming her after me." Iseul says, looking up at Cece. "Well, you're my favorite auntie so it was an easy decision." Cece says, smiling as well and trying not to get too sappy.
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purplesimmer455 · 3 months
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It didn't feel like Harvestfest with just the four of them, so I had Cam invite her sister Cece, sister-in-law Hanh, niece Nguyệt, aunties Iseul and Grace, and her maternal grandparents who are technically in Mt. Komorebi but you know. 😄
Cam hugs her niece Nguyệt, who's already aged into a toddler, and then greets and hugs her aunties. "I like your bracelet.” Cam says, and Grace grins. “Thanks, your auntie Is made it for me and I made one for her. She’s so sweet.” She says, giving a sappy look to Iseul, who grins. “I wouldn’t say she’s sweet per se, but it’s a nice bracelet.” Cam says jokingly as her auntie Iseul gives her a playfully grumpy look.
Piper and Min Jun hug Iseul as well, and then the group heads inside. Piper talks with Nguyệt and Cam’s heart melts a little as she sees Piper’s amber eyes light up as Nguyệt babbles to her, and the soft voice she uses with her. Cam glances at her auntie, who’s grinning. “What?” She asks. “Nothing, I just think it’s sweet how much you love Pipes.” Iseul says, and Cam blushes. “I do. It’s corny, I know, but I just love her so much and I fall for her more everyday*.” She says. “It’s not corny at all, Cammy. I feel the same about Gracie.” Iseul says, and Cam smiles.
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purplesimmer455 · 2 months
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Iseul and Megan chat awkwardly with each other and Cam's gaze flits suspiciously between them. She wonders if they'd had a fight, like the ones she had with her best friend Casey where it was awkward and then they'd make up and it'd slowly get less awkward, but decides not to ask.
Megan smiles at Iseul, who feels a surge of guilt as her heart beat increases. “So, how are you and Gracie doing?” She asks cautiously, not wanting to say anything in front of Cam. “Good, you and Tess?” Iseul asks. “Good too, and I’m glad to hear that Issy.” Megan says, a note of relief in her voice. There’s a slightly awkward silence, and Cam jumps in. “So, aunties, what have you guys been up to?” She asks. “Oh, we’ve both been busy so we haven’t hung out.” Iseul explains calmly. “Yup.” Megan says, her cheeks pink as she looks at Iseul. Iseul feels another stab of guilt. She wonders if she and Megs can ever recover from her pretty much confessing her feelings and be friends again, and hopes so.
Megan doesn’t know what to think or feel now about the whole situation either but she just wishes Iseul would talk to her. Cam goes to get a drink, and Megan hesitates before getting up and sitting next to Iseul. Iseul stiffens, and she scoots a little away, taking a long sip of her drink. “Issy, can we please talk?” Megan asks in a low voice. “Sorry, I think Min Jun’s calling me,” Iseul says, getting off the couch and rushing out of the living room without a second glance back at Megan.
Megan sighs but puts on a neutral face as Cam comes back into the room with a drink for Megan. “Hey auntie Megs, where’s auntie Is?” She asks, handing over the drink. “She went to help your dad.” Megan says, taking a large sip. “Thanks Cammy.” She says, and Cam nods, scanning Megan’s face. Megan looks sad and tired, and Cam wants to ask what happened but doesn’t want to overstep. “Are you okay?” She asks gently. “Yeah, I’m fine, just tired.” Megan says, and Cam senses the lie but doesn’t say anything. To take Megan’s mind off things, she goofs around with her and asks how work is going, and how Tess, Emily, Safiya, and Amir are doing. She also makes some cheesy jokes to make Megan laugh, which works.
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purplesimmer455 · 5 months
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Nguyệt aged up into a toddler in the main save, and Cece and Hanh took care of her, feeding her dinner before Cece tucked her into bed. “Goodnight, nooboo.” She said, smiling as she knelt to kiss Nguyệt’s forehead.
The next day, Cece’s family including her parents, sister, and auntie Iseul came over to spend time with her, Hanh, and Nguyệt. “Hey Noonoo.” Cam said, smiling softly at her niece. “Hi Cammy!” Nguyệt said, blowing Cam a kiss, which made her smile as she pretended to catch it. Plus, Nguyệt spent time with her grandparents, who fawned over her and told her how big she’d gotten. “You were as small as a potato the last time I saw you!” Min Jun said to her in Korean*, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he smiled at his granddaughter, who giggled.
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purplesimmer455 · 6 months
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Hanh and Cece were in a flirty mood, and decided to go upstairs to woohoo. "Auntie Is, would you mind checking in on Nguyệt if she cries or anything? Hanh and I have to, um, go and talk about parent stuff in our room." Cece said to her auntie, and Iseul nodded. "Sure Cee." She said.
While Hanh and Cece woohooed, Iseul watched tv until she heard Nguyệt crying and went to check on her. "What happened, Nooboo?" She asked, and Nguyệt made some cooing noises. Iseul got a bottle ready for Nguyệt, and fed her while sitting on the couch. Nguyệt had met Iseul before but she still shot her surprised 'who the heck are you?' looks. 😄
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purplesimmer455 · 6 months
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Back at home in Henford on Bagley, Hanh and Cece were trying to relax and get some rest before the baby was born. Cece spent time with the wild rabbits in their garden, and then went inside and changed out of her summer dress and into her home romper and tank top (she bought one for her sister Cam in black and one for herself in pink) and spent time with her wife. "Can you believe our little snuggle bean will be here soon?" She asked. "Right? It's like the three months flew by" Hanh said, smiling as touched Cece's tummy where their baby kicked back at her. "Honey, I was thinking, what if we move to Tomarang? I know your moms would always take you there when you were a kid and you loved it, and you have family and friends there. I feel like its a good place where we could raise our nooboo." Cece said. Hanh mulled it over for a bit. "I'd love to live in Tomarang, but let's think it over first." She said, and Cece nodded.
Hanh and Cece flirted for a bit, woohooed in their room, and then went to sleep. They were just having breakfast the next morning when Cece started to feel contractions and Hanh gave her a look as she stopped suddenly in the kitchen with a pained expression. "Honey, I think it's go time!" Cece said, and Hanh nodded, rushing to get their hospital bag and keys.
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purplesimmer455 · 6 months
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Cece was sleepy and her back hurt, so Vanesha brought the two of them to her apartment so they could rest before going to their hotel room, they had some food Vanesha offered and Hanh massaged Cece's shoulders. Vanesha offered to give up her bed for the night so Hanh and Cece could sleep there. “I can take the couch.” She added. “No, V, I can’t ask you to do that.” Hanh said sheepishly, and Cece nodded. “But thank you for the offer.” Cece added. Zhafira said goodnight to Cece and Hanh and went to bed, and Vanesha chatted with them for a bit before walking them out so they could get a tuk tuk. Vanesha hugged both of them goodbye, and waited til the tuk tuk they were on disappeared from view before heading back inside.
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purplesimmer455 · 3 days
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Cece goes into labor that day, and she and Hanh rush off to the hospital while Cece's parents and auntie Iseul agree to watch Nguyệt. Cece checks in at the hospital, and Dr. Pancakes takes her into operating room 1. Unfortunately the game glitches her out of the surgery machine in room 1 and into the machine in room 2. Dr. Mary Guerra-Goth takes over and performs the c section. Cece gives birth to a baby girl, and she and Hanh name her Lily Iseul Trang-Kang. While Lily sleeps in her makeshift crib and they get ready to leave the hospital, Cece kisses Hanh's cheek. "How are you feeling?" Hanh asks. "Tired, but glad Lily is out of my belly and here." She says as Hanh holds her gently and nods.
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purplesimmer455 · 5 days
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Meanwhile at the Trang-Kang household in Henford on Bagley:
Cece's gone into her third trimester, and she and Hanh (and their oldest daughter Nguyet) are definitely ready to have the baby arrive. Her wife pulls her into a kiss before feeling the baby bump, where baby Lily kicks back at her. "She kicked me just the way you did when we first slept in the same bed." Hanh jokes. "Hey, that was in my sleep by accident." Cece says, blushing a bit. The next morning, Hanh gets up early and goes to make breakfast while Cece gets up a bit later. She sits in bed for a second and then realizes she really has to pee. "Oh crap, ugh." Cece says, struggling to get out of bed with her belly and waddling off to the bathroom. Not gonna lie, the face she made was funny. 😄
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purplesimmer455 · 9 days
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Later that day, Hanh brings over her and Cece's daughter Nguyệt. Nguyệt goes to hug her auntie Cam and giggles as Cam jokes around with her in Korean*. Nguyệt blows Cam a kiss and Cam catches it as Nguyệt smiles. "Cammy's silly." She says in Simlish and Cam grins. Cam then hugs her sister-in-law Hanh while Nguyệt goes to her mama Cece and asks to be snuggled. Piper comes over to hug Cam, and greets Hanh as well.
While Hanh and Cece chat with Piper and Cam's roommates, Piper tells a story to Nguyệt and makes her laugh. Cam watches the two of them and her heart melts as Piper makes silly faces at Nguyệt as she does voices for different characters. Seeing the two of them interacting gives her baby fever and she can't wait to have her own kids with Piper someday.
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purplesimmer455 · 9 days
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Cece goes into her second semester and Piper and Cam both feel the baby bump. “Hi nooboo.” Piper says softly and Cam smiles as she touches the bump too. “Hey snuggle bug.” She says to her nibling. Cece also tells Cam about the baby’s name. “Lily after our halmeoni and Iseul after auntie Is?” Cam says, her eyes wide. Cece nods, cradling her belly. “Yup.” She says and Cam smiles. “I love it, Cee.” She says and Cece smiles too. “Also, I was going to name my future kid after auntie Is.” Cam grumbles half-jokingly. “Too bad, butthead.” Cece teases back and Cam grins and pokes her shoulder. “So, what are you and Pipes thinking of doing after your graduate?” Cece asks. “I’m going to apply for a job with Simerican Lab’s robotic engineering lab and Pipes is thinking of working as an art critic or something. She’s not sure but something in art for sure.” Cam adds and Cece nods before adding teasingly. “Any plans for a wedding?” And Cam blushes. “Hopefully in a few years. We’re still only 20 and I don’t want to rush it.” She says. “That’s fair, Hanh and I waited fours years after we met to get married.” Cece says.
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purplesimmer455 · 10 days
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Then Iseul comes over, and she hugs Cam before asking her how the final exams had gone. "Good, I'm just glad it's over." Cam confesses and Iseul nods. "I felt the same after my sophomore year exams. I took four classes to get them out of the way, which was definitely hellish with all the exams, projects, and term papers." Iseul says, grinning as Cam winces. Iseul then checks in with Piper and asks after her moms and baby brother. Piper tells her they're good, and Iseul asks about her aunties Megan and Tess. "Good too, Auntie Tess is taking Auntie Megs on a trip to Selvadorada. It’s where they first met and then went on their honeymoon so they get very sappy when they talk about it. It’s cheesy but sweet” Piper says, smiling as Iseul nods, smiling too.
Iseul is pleasantly surprised to see her oldest niece Cece, who’s still at the house. "Hey Cee, how are you and my great-nibling doing?" Iseul asks as Cece smiles and lightly touches her baby bump. "We're both good. Actually, Auntie, I wanted to let you know something." Cece says, a wide grin on her face. "Okay," Iseul says, smiling too. "So, Hanh and I found out the baby is another girl and we have her name picked out. Lily Iseul Trang-Kang*. Lily after your and dad's mom, Grandma Nari, since her name means Lily in Simlish and Iseul after you cause you're my favorite auntie and you’ve been there for me since forever and I love you." Cece says, and Iseul's eyes widen. "Cece, I'm so honored, and I love you too." Iseul says, her eyes filling with tears as Cece's do too (Cece, her dad, and her auntie Iseul are all very emotional people). Iseul pulls her niece into a bear hug and Cece smiles.
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purplesimmer455 · 11 days
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Back to the main universe:
It's Cam and Piper’s last day of their semester, and Piper goes off to take her first final just as Cam's sister Cece comes over. She hugs Cam before the two head inside and Cam gives her a scrutinizing look. "Why are you smiling so much?" She asks her older sister. "Because I'm pregnant again!" Cece says and Cam grins. "What?! That's amazing Cee. Now I'm going to be an auntie to a second nooboo." She adds, and Cece nods, patting her small baby bump. "It's so exciting and now our Noonoo is going to have a sibling." Cece gushes and Cam nods, smiling softly.
Piper comes home and Cam goes off to her final exam. Cece tells her the news, but I think I didn't take a photo of it. While Piper relaxes and gets ready for her second final exam, she does some gardening. She hums to herself as she waters the plants, and checks to make sure there aren't any bugs or weeds. Cam comes back from her exam just as it's time for Piper’s second one and she heads off, and later that day they get the results, which aren't too bad.
They both have 7 out of 12 credits completed for now. I think what I'll do for their next semester is have them take two credits to make the workload easier and in the last semester I might do either 3 credits or 2 credits and a last semester of 1 credit which would take longer but be more relaxed. I like that there's no rush to do all the credits at once so I can have them take their time. Also, don't mind my rambling. 🤔😅
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purplesimmer455 · 26 days
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Piper invites Megan, Iseul, and Cece over to her and Cam's place and Megan drives the group over in her car and they're met by Cam's mom, who came over to check up on Cam. Cam's pleasantly surprised to see her mom, aunties, and sister and hugs everyone before letting them inside.
While Piper goes to use the restroom, Cam chats with Paenji, Iseul, Megan, and Cece. Cece teases Cam for the moon eyed look she gets everytime Piper walks into the room, and Cam grumbles but laughs as her family ribs her. Plus, Paenji tells stories of her experiences in college as well as some embarrassing stories of Cece when she was in college. "You called me and your appa at 5am to ask how long you should boil an egg." Paenji teases as Cam laughs and Cece blushes. "Hey, I panicked in my first week living alone." She says.
Megan tells about her experience too. "I got married in my sophomore year, when I was 20, to my then wife Amira. It was definitely chaotic to balance college and life and I regret getting married so early before I figured out who I was and what I wanted," she says and Iseul nods, feeling a slight pang as she remembers seeing Megan and Amira on their college campus a few days after the wedding.
Megan was standing by herself in the English hall, where students would gather to wait for class to start. She still had her henna and was glowing and beautiful. Iseul watched as she showed off her henna and wedding ring to some classmates and smiled as she answered their questions. Iseul was about to call out to her to say hi, but then Amira walked over and pulled Megan into a long kiss. It killed Iseul to see Amira kissing Megan the way she wanted to, but she'd shoved those feelings down and had rushed into her classroom as soon as the doors had opened. The whole period, she'd felt moody and sad, unable to focus on the lecture. Her mind kept drifting to Megan and all the what ifs.
After that, she'd avoided Megan and Amira and was glad when she heard from her and Megan’s mutual friend Kajol that they'd moved off campus and into their own apartment. They'd graduated and Iseul hadn't seen Megan for a long time. They'd reconnected a few years ago, and although Iseul isn't in love with Megan anymore, they've become friends again and now Iseul considers Megan one of her best friends along with Steve, Kajol, and Zara.
Iseul snaps out of the past now, as Megan teasingly adds to Cam, "So I know you love Pipes but don't rush into anything. Figure out who you are and your interests and let her do the same. When you do get married you can be each other’s companion and friend and feel a close bond and be your own people outside of the relationship*." She adds seriously and Cam nods. "I know, thanks auntie Megs." She says.
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