#Clockwork can Technically be as long as infinity if he wants
puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Prompt 199
“Where the fuck are my legs?” 
Danny wasn’t happy. It wasn’t funny! Usually he just had a ghost tail when flying really fast, like super speed, not all the time! It’s not funny Clockwork, you’re used to having a tail, he isn’t! 
What do you mean it’s permanent?! He needs his legs! Clockwork!! He wouldn’t have agreed to the adoption if he knew he’d lose his legs! 
…Okay, that was a lie, Clockwork was a great parent who encouraged his chaos and enjoyed screwing over assholes like the Observants. But still! He looks like some sort of snake person now! No he doesn’t want a nap, he’s not a baby! 
Clockwork, why are you being quiet? He’s not a baby! He’s not a baby, right? What do you mean all ghosts are babies until they’re a hundred years dead!? But he’s a halfa- what do you mean it takes longer for Ancients?! 
No he doesn’t want that nap, he’s having a midlife crisis here several years too early! 
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imaginethatneathuh · 3 years
The Chariot: Technical Boy - American Gods
Technical Boy x partner!reader, romantic
Technical Boy loves you and needs to hear your voice. You think you've lost him when he doesn't come home for months.
Part of @dragon430’s Tarot Troop.
TW/CW: Perceived death, fear, loss.
Word count: 1.7+ K
The young god sat on the steps of Xie Comm. His phone turnt on, displaying your number in his contact list. He hovered over the call button.
It had been a week since you had talked to each other. He’d been ignoring you and when you brought it up, he snapped. He'll admit, he shouldn't have, but World had been pressuring him and the war was just fucking everything up. Before Wednesday decided on war, the tech god already had a strained relationship with World. After, it only got worse and that did nothing to help your relationship.
Technical Boy pressed the call button and held the phone to his ear. He needed to hear your voice, even if you were still rightly upset.
It rang. Once, twice, thrice. You didn't pick up.
At home, you were playing music on the telly and cooking. The phone rang in the living room, but you didn't hear it.
"If it isn't important, go away. If you're T or an employer, leave a voicemail."
He chuckled.
It wasn't you, just a recording, but it was enough to give him a little morale boost.
"Y/N, hey. It's me, um, T. I wanted to say I'm sorry for snapping at you and ignoring you. It was a dick move. I love you, baby. A lot. I, uh, I need you to know that. If I'm still around by the end of this, I'm gonna come home to you. I'll bring you your favourites and we can do whatever you want. If I'm not there by 9, tonight, I'm sorry. I love you. *chuckles* I haven't said that enough but I really do. You're my heart. You keep me sane and I love you for that. I'm confident I'll see you tonight and when I do, I'll apologize properly."
He hung up, breathing heavily.
He would see you tonight. He would apologize. He would tell you to your face how much he loved you.
Putting his phone away, Technical Boy looked at the infinity symbol-shaped behind him and sighed.
He would come back to you.
Panting heavily, the god took a moment to catch his breath. His back was pressed against the cold wall, eyes closed. The soft buzzing of his phone in his pocket pulled him out of his head. Quietly, he prayed it wasn't New Media calling to taunt him about his failure.
When he pulled it out, he stared.
It was you. You were calling him back.
He answered and listened for you.
"Hey, T? Are you there?" You asked.
After he regained his composure, he smiled. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm here."
"Love, are you okay? You sound out of breath. And your voicemail- It scared me. Is everything okay?"
"I love you." It's all he could think to say. He needed you to know that more than anything else.
"I know, love. You made that pretty clear in your voicemail," you said, picking at your lips. "I love you, too. But, are you okay?"
"I don't know if I'm going to make it home to you. I’m sorry," he mumbled. Something caught his attention out of the corner of his eye. A flash of New Media. "I've got to go, baby. I love you so much. No matter what happens, I always will."
"I love you, too. But-"
Not allowing you to finish, he hung up and started running again.
He had to get away from World and New Media. He had to get away from this building. And, most importantly, he had to get home to you.
But, as soon as he saw that box next to the stairs, he knew he wasn't going to make it back.
His last conscious thought was of you. It was of knowing you would be up late, waiting for him, terrified for him. It was of your tears and mourning. It was of you, eventually, knowing he wasn’t coming back and that you lost him and he lost you.
You stayed quiet, your phone still pressed to your ear.
He hung up on you. If you weren't so worried about him, you'd be mad.
Over the several years you'd been together, he only hung up when it was important or he was pissed. The fear in his voice, the heavy breathing, the way he spoke and what he spoke about. Whatever World had done was bad. Or maybe it was what he was going to do. Either way, you couldn't help but feel dread, knowing that if -- no -- when Technical Boy came back, something would be wrong. Maybe he would be injured or afraid. Maybe he'd even be half-dead.
Quietly, you tucked your phone away and walked to the living room.
It was quiet now. You'd shut the music off so you could talk with your partner but that didn't take as long as you thought it would. It felt eerily silent like a phone line going dead. That dull, constant buzzing in your ear but instead of that, there was simply nothing. The silence was somehow worse.
The window that faced the street let light in and the heater was on, but it felt darker and colder than it should. You sat on the sofa under that window, staring out. You'd wait as long as you had to to see him again. He'd come home eventually. He had to.
Months after he was supposed to be back, you still waited for him. Always to 9, like clockwork. Sometimes, you'd wait longer. Hoping, praying, for your lost love to return. You didn't let it interfere with daily life, but the thought of him never left you.
Now, you laid on the sofa, the one under the window. It was almost 9. Almost time to go to bed. Almost another day without him. Something told you to stay a little longer tonight. That something had pestered you before, but now, it screamed.
Pushing up to sit, you laid your arms on the top of the sofa and laid your head on top of those.
The soft, orange lights of the lamp posts flickered before shutting off. Which was strange since it was almost nine at night without a sliver of the sun to be found.
You straightened, head tilting to the side.
Technical Boy crossed your mind. But you pushed the hope aside. It had been months of silence. If he was okay, he would have shown up far sooner. It was probably just a technical malfunction or something. Still, your mind wandered to him, to his smile and laugh, to his silly hair and eccentric clothes, to the way he held you and the way he'd snuggle up to you when he needed to, to the way you'd bicker about silliest things but always talk about the big ones.
The thoughts of your love hurt, crushing your heart as you remembered all the good, the bad, and the ugly of being with the tech god.
You hadn't noticed the tears streaming down your face until they fell almost all the way down. You wiped them away, sighing.
He was gone, likely for good, and you were finally weeping for him and what you had lost. After months, you'd realized he wasn't coming back to you. That he couldn't. That he was gone for now and forever.
Shutting the curtains, you wiped more tears away. The soft cloth of the sofa enticed you to stay. You didn't have the will to say no so you pulled the blanket from the top and wrapped it around yourself. In a way, it was like you were still waiting for him to come home.
Just as you'd gotten comfortable, a knock came to your door.
Your first thought was to ignore it. Whoever it was was probably a creep. Come on, who starts knocking at doors at 9 at night? Serial killers, that's who.
But, the person was insistent so much so that you tore away your blanket and got off the sofa.
"I'm fucking coming, alright. Jeez," you said, storming to your front door.
You threw it open, ready to give whoever it was a good, stern talking to. But, maybe you shouldn't have if it was a murderer.
All your anger dissipated at the sight of the knocker.
It was him. It was your Technical Boy.
You gawked before covering your mouth.
He smiled, pained. "Hey," he said.
You stepped out, not believing your eyes.
Was it really him? Was he here now? Was this really your Technical Boy?
He shook his head slightly. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry it took me this long to get back to you. I didn't mean--"
You cut him off with a tight hug, burying your head in the crook of his neck.
He froze in shock.
The god had expected many things. Yelling, hitting, you slamming the door in his face. But, he hadn't expected this. When he calculated the probability of various reactions, hugging was very low. A 0.82% chance, to be exact. It was higher than a kiss but still incredibly low.
Finally, he settled his arms around you, holding you as tight as he could. It was like he was afraid you'd slip from his grasp.
You breathed his scent in, a mix of his cologne and vape. Over the last while, you'd forgotten it. You'd forgotten a lot. Like how big he was, how soft his skin was, and how warm he was against you. You never wanted to forget any of that ever again.
Your own heart thudded in your chest.
This was real. He was real. But you had to make sure. Maybe you had fallen asleep and this was just a dream. A cruel, cruel dream.
You pulled away, tears falling.
"Hey," he whispered, brushing away your tears. "Please, don't do that. If you cry, I'm going to start crying."
You laughed and smiled at him.
It couldn't be a dream. Dreams never made sense. They were never accurate for you. But this, he was. Maybe his hair was shorter and his clothes screaming a little less, but it was him. It was your Technical Boy.
You reached for him, cupping his cheek. "T?" It came out like a sob.
His hand held yours as he nuzzled into it, kissing your palm. "It's me. I promise."
Overwhelmed with joy, you kissed him, placing your other hand on his other cheek. It's forcefulness left your lover stunned but he quickly reciprocated, bringing you closer.
You panted hard as you broke away, pressing your forehead against his.
"I love you," you said.
He grinned. "I love you, too."
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