#Commander Steelforge
Once again thinking about Commander Ruck Steelforge who, upon discovering he can do elementalist shit seemingly completely ignores it, to the point where only a few people actually remember the whole deal with his sire being a flame shaman.
So to the world he is just a regular old charr engineer and maybe his explosives are a bit more potent than people expect them to be but that's just his expertise at work, until the pact is retaking claw island and he's out of ammo so he picks up a completely useless deck gun, points it at Blightghast and produces a spurt of flame from it that easily makes it 25 meters.
Every living eye now pointed at him and he just shrugs and says "new mixture", but people can tell he's lying because there's patterns burned into his fur and the rain is turning to steam where it touches him. But theres still a huge ass undead dragon breathing down everyone's necks so theres no followup questions. After the big fight is over he immidiately dips and locks himself in some storeroom refusing to let anyone see him. Yorg has to break in the door.
And Ruck is just sitting in a corner crying because yes he had been practicing but this wasn't how it was supposed to go, he just wanted to put a bit of magic in his stuff to get others used to it and now they'll just remember about his sire and see him as one of those shamans they hate so much.
Meanwhile Valoop is trying to find someone to put out the smoldering floorboards hoping that Yorg finds a way to coax a hot to the touch and very emotional charr out of the main powder bunker.
Safe to say his very public dual-class coming out has been the source for issues not resolved to the present day.
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matcha-bnuuy · 4 years
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With the year coming a close soon I thought it’d be cool to do a comp of all my characters I’ve accumulated over the … um, 7 months?? About? I’ve been playing this game I started this year, and I’m sure there will be more in the future because I am a disaster human being!!! No prizes for guessing my favourite races here, but also wow I made a human, something I thought I would never do in a game ever, but I mean he’s technically a skellyman in lore so, it’s half true… xD
To those unfamiliar with the entire crowd, we’ve got, (in order) Charr: Kalysa Sunpelt (my beloved first character and main!) Midona Strifeheart (my lovely “canon” Commander) Siera Steelforged, Etara Softpaw, Desdemona Hushsoul, and Amira Clearmind
Sylvari: Auderen Scourgethorn (sadly I can’t fit his band-name so he’s just Auderen ingame because of character limit ;( ) Xylem Duskblossom, Gwynnliol (or “Gwynn”) Ptelany and Cethelle!
Asura: Zinnk, Tiscci
and Nato! ..Well I mean, he’s meant to be an awakened but I made a character of his alive self because I love him
Also a big thank you to everyone who has been so welcoming to me and my characters in this new community, you guys are the nicest! I hope only to share more with you all in the next year to come!
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transmogwow · 5 years
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Palibella - Turalyon (us) head: Helm of Infinite Visions neck: Heart of Azeroth shoulder: Hidden Shoulder back: Hidden Cloak chest: Gilded Crimson Chestplate wrist: Thick Bracers of Battle hands: Protective Field Grips waist: Karabor Honor Guard Girdle legs: Pristine Lightforge Legplates feet: Warm Red Woolen Socks finger1: Stonemason's Guild Band finger2: Captain's Signet of Command trinket1: Knot of Ancient Fury trinket2: Ritual Feather of Unng Ak mainHand: Steelforged Greataxe
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dasozelotvonnebenan · 10 months
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dasozelotvonnebenan · 3 months
3, 6, 13 & 18 for ruck steelforge?
3. Who were their closest childhood friends?
Ruck got along well with the other cubs in his fahrar, and most of them are still alive. Ruck's story is the most divergent from early personal story, because he doesn't loose his warband during the assault on smokestead. His best friend Reeva eventually takes over as legionaire when Ruck takes on the title of pact commander.
6. Did they have any pets?
Ruck did not have any pets
13. What is their fondest memory of the past?
The successful demonstration of the ghostbore artillery.
18. What memory do they wish they could relive?
Celebrating with Trahearne and the others at Caer Aval after they defeated Zaithan
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1. At what point during the story do they meet up?
Aluen and Posh first meet after joining the Priory, Yorg and Valoop first meet after Valoop joins the Vigil (so at the end of the lvl 50 story). Everyone meets each other at the first round of Claw Island.
2. Which of the 3 orders did each one join?
Posh and Aluen join the Priory, Yorg, Valoop and Ruck join the Vigil and Fenquin joins Whispers.
3. Were they all present for Claw Island?
Yes for both rounds.
4. Did they have different responsibilities in the Pact?
Aluen handles strategy, Ruck handles construction and logistics, Posh handles R&D, Fenquin handles intelligence, Yorg handles PR and recruitment. Valoop is the marshall's unhinged friend.
5. Did all of them, only a few, or just one of them go through the dungeon storylines?
Every dungeon is done by at least one of them, but never all at once. Catacombs are done by Ruck, Caudecus' Manor is done by Fenquin and after that it's the commanders corresponding to the Destiny's Edge members involved.
6. Did they chase after Caithe together or was one/were some on the airship with Trahearne during the start of HoT?
The group is very scattered during HoT. Valoop and Posh aren't along for the initial attack, Yorg gets lost and isn't involved in any of the advance on mordremoth. Aluen is with Trahearne and also get's captured. Ruck is with the Ordnance Corps. Fenquin is on Faren's Flier. Posh and Fenquin both start chasing Caithe with Valoop, but they can't keep up with Valoops new magic crystal wings.
7. Did all of them go into Mordremoth's mind? Did an extra NPC get left out or did two still go?
Only Valoop goes into Mordy's mind, everyone else is outside organizing the MoM battle. (She takes Canach and Caithe with her)
8. Who mercy killed Trahearne?
Valoop :,)
9. Did any of them join the Shining Blade?
10. Which one died to Balthazar?
Valoop >:)
11. Are all of them champions of Aurene?
Only Valoop
12. Which one was shot by Bangar?
13. Who was on the airship that crash landed in Cantha?
14. How close are they? What do they think of each other?
Valoop tries very hard to not be friends with people, but the others care about jher very much. Aluen tries very hard to hide from the people she considers friends, but they also still care for her. Yorg Ruck Fenquin and Posh are best buddies.
15. Are any of them Aurene-branded?
None (yet. I might change my mind later, I am considering something like that for Fenquin)
16. How effective are they as a team?
17. Are there any that certain members of Dragon's Watch prefer over the others?
Everyone loves Yorg. Yorg is the best.
18. Do they share responsibility at the same time or do they hand it off as needed?
They're all operating simultaneously.
19. If they weren't the commanders, would they still be friend?
With Yorg probably, he is the best. Posh it would depend heavily on when they'd uncommander. Right after season 1 it would probably only Yorg still around for them.
20. Would they pick their co-commander/s over anyone else? Over Tyria's safety?
They are all agressively self sacrificial. They would die for each other, but they would never let someone die to save another commander. They would fight over who would get to jump on a grenade.
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Wait did I ever make a post here about Caladbolg things or was that on discord? I can't find it when searching my blog but also when does one ever.
Anyways all commanders get a piece of the broken sword after HoT. They all go on their own little adventures to reforge it. Fittingly enough there are five reforged caladbolg weapons in the game.
Yorg makes it a greatsword again. Restores it as best he can to it's former glory. It itself is a legend and it is here to tell it's tale. Through it Trahearnes work will not be forgotten.
Posh makes it into a scepter. Caladbolg is an object of powerful magic, fueled by the hands that held it. Through it Trahearnes work can go on.
Ruck makes it into a shield. Caladbolg had been forged to protect Tyria, and now it has been reforged to continue that duty. Through it Trahearnes achievements will endure.
Aluen makes it into sword. Caladbolg had allowed them to drive back the dragon threat and now it will carry that momentum. Through it Trahearnes death can be avenged.
Fenquin makes it into a dagger. Caladbolg had been shattered as a sacrifice. Through it that sacrifice is given power.
Valoop makes it into a seed and plants at her lost friends feet. He had grown in Caladbolgs light and now Caladbolg will grow in his soil. Through it Trahearne will live on.
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2, 8 & 13 for aluen and ruck and 9 & 19 for lugard (if it isn't too much)
2. Did you design them with any other characters/OCs from their universe in mind?
The Co-mmanders were designed as a set. I wanted to make one commander of each playable race, because Valoop's story obviously leaves out the early chapters of personal story, and those are way too cool to not have characters go through.
8. What (if anything) do you relate to within their character/story
Aluen thinks herself to be a horrible monster that no one would love if they just realized that. Hi. I know that is not true but tell that to my mental eels.
Ruck, especially early on in his story, is deathly afraid of what people will think of him when they find out he is doing magic. Now I am not doing magic but I also have my secrets that I am so fucking scared of getting out.
13. How far past the canon events that take place in their world have you extended their story at all.
Since the co-mmanders were designed explicitly to follow the personal story they don't divulge at all until the living story begins. From there on out, since there aren't any branches to split them up into I get a lot more adventurous with what they do. Aluen of course has her HoT misadventure and later experiences with the Crystal Bloom. Ruck doesn't do anything explicitly non canon, but he and Yorg do many of the side story achievements. Ruck in particular is the one that hatches and raises the Skyscale.
9. Are they based off of you, in some way?
You've hit the bullseye here, since Lugard started out as a self insert character. He has developed into his own character very much, but apart from the looks ge also retained reading books a lot and being a night owl.
19. What's your favourite fact about your OC?
He actually believes the the masks he wears hide his identity when actually everyone knows who he is they are just to scared to start shit with him.
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Hmmmm, the Aluen post has got me thinking about the rest of my commanders and what damage they took from being the commander.
Aluen thinks herself horrid and unlovable, keeps being a commander because she wants to prove to herself she's not a monster.
Valoop is isolating herself because ahe is too afraid of making new friends and then losing them again. Keeps being a commander so that others don't have to. (the implications that those others would have friends who would be sad)
Posh does not trust themself because if they betray their friends once they could do it again but is also so wrecked with guilt that they feel they have to keep being a commander to make up for all the pain they caused.
Ruck gets so battered by the constant world ending threat after worldending threat that he grows apathetic, more and more just going through the motions and it's only during icebrood saga that he gets a moment of introspection, realises how fucked up he is and the apathy flips into barely contained rage at how fucked up the world is that people can't just live in peace. Also he may have potentially possibly talked a lot with Jormag. Do not ask him what he is building in the basement.
Yorg I don't know about yet. He was always the agressively happy one and I don't want that to fall away, but I'm sure I can come up with some bittersweet corruption of that.
Fenquin also doesn't have anything yet and that's because he's the least developed character out of them, I don't even have enough of a personality for him to know what to twist.
But yeah. Do not become a commander. It will fuck you up.
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dasozelotvonnebenan · 2 years
Hi, it's me with an incredibly long post again. Today: All the guild wars centric ask game for all my commanders! Enjoy!
1. Write a basic lowdown of your OC. What's their deal?
Commander Valoop the main gal. She’s a quaggan from Moshpoipoi (all the way up in the top right corner of Frostgorge sound), she and her village have fled south to Falooaloo where she meets Forgal, learns to embrace her rage from Baroosh and from then on (mostly) follows the canon storyline.
Every other commander is helping her do all that stuff, there is one of every race because the various personal story branches are too cool to not have a character experience them.
Commander Aluen is the Sylvari, she fights Bercilac the Green, tricking him to take off his armor and after the fight dons the green armor herself subsequently being called Aluen the Green. She has a good mind for strategy and chooses to join the priory to study warfare there. Does priory things until the foundation of the pact where she becomes Commander and Chief Strategist.
Commander Fenquin is a very minor human noble and lives through all those fun storylines, his masterful handling of the corrupt ministerial guard earns him the attention of countess Anise who decides to train him further. He joins the Order of Whispers per Anise’s recommendation with the expectation that he feeds information back to her. Plagued by a growing bad conscience and disdain for Anise he flips her the finger and stops giving her anything, throws himself into mission after mission to make up for his misdeeds and quickly rises to prominence in the organization so that, at the founding of the pact, Riel suggests him to coordinate the pacts intelligence branch, earning him the title of commander.
Commander Posh is both a Mesmer with an intimate understanding of portals and an Asura with expertise in energy projection (like a mega laser for example). They win the Snaff prize with an experimental translocator, begin a lifelong friendship with Zojja, a lifelong “friendship” with the inquest and and a bunch of prize money They join the Priory after Gorr presents his dragon research. They prove not only very adept in their field but also in working together with others and combining their research. At the foundation of the Pact Gixx chooses them to lead the Pacts research division earning them the title of commander.
Commander Steelforge (of Forge warband) is an Iron Legion Engineer who thinks very large. Big guns in big turrets on big walls with big gates in them that lead to big roads and so and so forth. This tendency also includes loosing track of the smaller things which in the case of the battle of smokestead lead to his whole warband being decimated. While rebuilding his warband he gets attention for the ghostbore artillery he designed, figures out his sire was a pretty dope elementalist and then comes into contact with the Vigil while he is building a fort in the Brand. The vigil ask if they can borrow Forge Warband to construct some forts for them and Tribune Goreblade allows them to. At the founding of the pact Ruck is suggested to lead the pacts construction and logistics division and is from then on formally transfered from the iron legion to the pact.
Commander Wurmslayer, otherwise known as Yorg the Slayer of Issormir, is an inspirational leader and skilled orator. His his victory over Issormor brings him much renown, he goes through the norn stories (all of them, he’s a very busy guy) and joins the vigil the moment he meets them. His thirst for adventure and unwavering optimism have the tendency to rub off on everyone around him, his retellings of his adventures are captivating and he can make friends with just about anyone. Naturally he is given a spot as commander in the pact, becomming responsible for recruitment, relations and similar things.
2. What's their class/elite spec? Weapon of choice? Did they purposely train for it or did it just sort of happen?
Valoop's character ingame which I made to have her name is a warrior, but since Valoop exists purely through a non combat tonic that doesn’t really matter. It does represent her lack of magic abilities though.
Her weapon of choice is your typical quaggan harpoon/spear thing which you can see the npc quaggans wield. The way quaggan are built really doesn’t benefit weapons that need to be swung instead of thrust. She learned to use it to hunt and has trained a lot more since. From time to time you may see her wielding Caladbolg (and on one occasion both Caladbolg and Sohothin) though only to draw on it’s powers, not to swing it around. Even more often than with a spear she will fight unarmed, showing her rage to claw, bite and tear her way through soft targets.
Aluen, ingame is a warrior fighting with two swords, which is accurate to her pre HoT form. After mordy turns her into an armored semi-bipedal vinetooth thingy which I very sadly cannot play ingame she still fights with two swords only the swords are now fucking huge and she can also crush people with her claws or skewer them with her tail. #girl
Fenquin is a fencer. I'd probably make him a ranger ingame because I like ranger sword/dagger animations more than thief's.
Posh is a portalling mesmer, mostly doing things like projectile reflections/ teleporting enemies into their own attacks. No mind games.
Ruck is an engineer using both pistols and rifle, but later learn elementalist magic using his guns as a focus so he just keeps going when his ammo runs out.
Yorg mostly does spiritshape shenanigans but he also tames a bunch of animals so he'd be a ranger.
3. Are they a part of any groups? If so, what's their role? This is for you, Inquest and Nightmare Court people
This is a quick one. They're all pact. Valoop, Ruck and Yorg are vigil, Fenquin is whispers and later does the shining blade initiation (reluctantly), Posh and Aluen are Priory but Aluen later goes to the crystal bloom because the awakened there are much more chill about her body.
4. Do they have a family or people they view as family?
Valoop, after losing Forgal and then Trahearne, made an effort of not letting anyone get close to her out of fear of losing yet another person. Still Dragon’s Watch have agressively tried to be her friend and she very reluctantly cares about them a lot. She would never use the word family though.
Aluen really feels at home with the crystal bloom and the awakened there. I mean she basically looks like a vegan awakened abomination.
Fenquin is still in touch with his family in DR.
Posh has people they view as family both their actual parents and her friends in the pact.
Ruck, being the canon charr commander, lost almost his entire warband and the new recruits are of course, well, new. Not quasi siblings you've lived with all your life.
Yorg has a million friends and he'd consider all of then family.
5. Their most favorite map/place in general?
Valoop: That’s a tough question. I think she loved the cathedral of hidden depths. Swimming through an ancient temple of a long dead god with her friend Trahearne and his mysterious acquaintance Sayeh al Rajihd. An incredible experience.
Aluen: Sirens Landing. Nice to see Trahearnes Work come to fruition.
Fenquin: Fahranur
Posh: Rata Primus. Horrible implications but a dream of a laboratory complex.
Ruck: Fort trinity. Still his proudest work.
Yorg: Hoelbrak when it's Dragon Bash.
6. How do they celebrate the holidays, if at all?
Valoop tends to stay away from celebrations but gets pressured into appearing at dragon bash (what's a dragon bash of you can't meet the dragon basher supreme herselfl at least for a short while. She dips out the moment she gets a chance though.
Aluen similarly stays away from most social events, but does show up to her moms birthday party (which I insist is a thing, there have to be a bunch of sylvari who love throwing parties and I know those people are unstoppable) even though she absolutely hates being in the grove now.
Fenquin is home for wintersday and sometimes lunar new year too.
Posh attends the Super Adventure Festival "purely for its scientific merit"
Ruck decorates fort trinity for every holiday. He can not be stopped.
Yorg has a party radar that kicks in the moment he isn't actively fighting Tyria's greatest threats. He is thus magnetically pulled towards any and all holiday festivities. He goes around DR handing out presents to children. He is a competitive SAB speedrunner. He has faced Steve in single combat. There is a racing moa named after him (Yorg Wormpicker). He wrote Bash the Dragon. He is a Dragonball champion. He sells his own embroidery at the Zephyrite bazaar.
7.  Do they have a favorite mount?
Valoop does not ride, I don't think most of the mounts would be comfortable for a quaggan,except maybe skimmers. Conversely I don't think the skimmer would like quaggan that much they seem quite heavy.
Aluen is the mount (sometimes she lets Gorrik ride on her back)
Fenquin has found great joy in raptors but never progressed beyond that.
Ruck hatched the skyscale. The two are inseparable now.
Average Commander rides 10 different mounts into battle is a statistical error. Yorg the Slayer of Issormir who lives in a cave and has tamed every animal either side of the shiverpeaks is an outlier and should not have been counted.
8. What do they THINK their biggest strength and weakness is?
Valoop thinks her biggest strength is how she has no one she cares for enough to try and survive and her biggest weakness that she can’t refuse others from helping her.
Aluen thinks her biggest strength is working really well under pressure and her biggest weakness is that she looks like a monster (she gets vinetoothified during HoT)
Fenquin thinks his biggest strength is that he’s very good at lying and his biggest weakness is that he’s very good at lying.
Posh thinks their biggest strength is their intellect (naturally) and their biggest weakness that they sometimes loose track that the main purpose of all their work is to save people not hurt dragons.
Ruck thinks his biggest strength is being very good at recognizing what people are good at and his biggest weakness is being unable to build everything he wants to by hand so that he wouldn’t have to spend so much time explaining things to people.
Yorg thinks his biggest strength is that he gets drunk easily (makes moots a lot cheaper) and his biggest weakness is that he can’t be mad at people.
9. What is their biggest strength and weakness.
Valoop has a huge capacity for love, so huge that Forgal’s death is still fuelling the spite which keeps her going all these years later. Her biggest weakness is that she feels so protective of others that she feels she needs to do everything alone to keep them out of danger.
Aluen's biggest strenght is how dedicated she is. She just keeps going. Her biggest weakness is how much she worries about how others percieve her.
Fenquin's biggest strength is that he really does not take any bullshit. If he does not want to do something there is no way to get him to do something. His biggest weakness is that he's very good at lying.
Posh's greatest strength is being very adaptable and great at seeing connections. Their greatest weakness is that they want to save the world maybe a little too much sometimes.
Ruck's biggest strength is being very good at recognizing what people are good at and hos biggest weakness is not trusting people enough to their work right.
Yorg's biggest strenght is the friends he made along the way and his biggest weakness is that he has trouble to assign malice to people's actions which makes him easily taken advantage of.
10. What was their lowest point, either during the story or in general?
Valoop after the death of Trahearne, for obvious reasons.
Aluen after her mordyfication, for obvious reasons.
Fenquin after doing the Shining Blade initiation because he really didn't realize what he was getting into.
Posh at the Battle of Lions Arch because they has worked with Scarlet to bring it about.
Ruck at the beginning of PS, for obvious reasons.
Yorg's optimism has not wavered but it almost did in the aftermath of the Battle of Thunderhead Keep.
11. What do they consider their home/base of operation?
Valoop: Isn't really settles down anywhere but feels most at home in Fort Trinity.
Aluen: Eye of the North and the town that Sprung up around it that totally is there.
Fenquin: DR
Posh: Mrot Boru where they grew up is what they would consider home, base of operations is obviously changing with what the pact is doing. They're pretty quick to get comfortable in a new place.
Ruck: Fort Trinity as well
Yorg: Well his dad's got a homestead out on the far side of Lornar's pass where he spent a lot of his childhood but he also was a lot at his aunt's up in the snowden drifts but with her he would travel to hoelbrak and stay there over the winter and then sometimes he would stay there in hoelbrak at a friends steading and.....
12. What's something they could talk about for hours at length?
For Valoop it's Forgal. After defeating Zaithan she decided to honor his sacrifice by going around ans telling every norn that would listen what great things he had done, how good of a friend he had been, how he was both and accomplished warrior and diplomat. She still talks about him often, even years later because the norn say he is not truly dead as long as she does. That belief also influenced a little how she talks about other people she lost, how she approaches preserving her people’s and other quaggan’s histories but most importantly it is about Forgal.
Posh and Ruck both can go on for ages about their respective fields of expertise.
Yorg can talk endlessly of his adventures with the pact of course.
13. How recognizable are they? Do they have a reputation?
Valoop is probably the meanest quaggan you have ever seen. You will know when you see her.
Aluen is pretty unique looking and definitely well known. I mean there aren't many other plant monstes in green armor around.
Fenquin Posh and Ruck aren't super recognizable to people outside the pact and their reputation is only limited.
Everybody knows Yorg.
14. Are they actually good at fighting? Do they enjoy it?
Yes and Yes for all. Posh is probably the least competent fighter out the six (tho by no means bad at it) and Ruck the one that enjoys it the least.
15. What would they be doing if they weren't the commander/whatever they are?
Valoop would probably swim around Falooaloo living a normal boring village life.
The others well the first few chaptera of personal story you really aren't that special. Aluen would end up being a warden, Fenquin does normal noble things, Posh already has a krewe researching portal tech, Ruck does the same thing he is doing for the pact but does it for the iron legion and Yorg would hardly notice the difference.
16.   What's their greatest fear (be it one of the three from the personal story or something else entirely)?
Valoop’s greatest fear is to loose another friend
Aluen’s greatest fear is turning into the monster that she looks like
Fenquin’s greatest fear is forgetting who he is himself
Posh’s greatest fear is accidentally being evil again (they has joined scarlet for a while aka the infinity ball future was actually somewhat true)
Ruck’s greatest fear is being responsible for peoples deaths because he didn’t do his work well enough
Yorg’s greatest fear is wasps.
17. People with Commander ocs, is there any part of the main story where your oc's story diverges? Everyone else, is there a part of your oc's story that follows the canon one?
Multiple commanders means some of the things are split up between them, like how only Fenquin does the shining blade arc but generally everything happens.
18. Which antagonist did they have the biggest vendetta against (doesn't have to be canon)?
Valoop: Believe it or not it was Zaithan. With Forgal’s death she had experienced real personal loss for the very first time. Of course many of her people had not made the long and hard journey from Moshpoipoi to Falooaloo, but she had never really felt at home with them. Forgal was one that she had chosen go be family. And Zaithan has taken him away.
Aluen: Mordy
Fenquin: Balthasar but also Anise.
Posh: Themself
Ruck: Kralkattorik
Yorg: Joko
19. Do they have a love interest?
20. Could they ever go back to their old life? Would they want to?
Valoop couldn't and wouldn't. She has changed so much from what society expects a quaggan to be and she was never happy with her place in the world before she joined the vigil.
Aluen could not but really wants to.
Posh could go back but at this point does not feel like they deserve to have a simple life, they have to make good all the damage they caused when they helped Scarlett.
Ruck could go back to the Legions but doesn't see any merit in that.
Yorg's old life is basically the same as his current life except that his current life also involves beating up dragons. Why would he give that up.
21.   What song or songs do you associate with them?
Not really a thing I do.
22.   Whose death affected them the most?
Valoop: Forgal
Aluen: Trahearne
Fenquin: Demmi
Posh: Everyone that died in LA
Ruck and Yorg: Aurene
23. Did they have any close calls/near death experiences other than the canon ones?
Valoop not but kind of the inverse because she too ate a part of Joko and is thus a little bit less mortal.
Aluen got put into a blighting pod but got protected by the magic green armor which prevented mordy controlling her mind but not mordy altering her body.
Yorg fell of his airship in HoT, walked all the way to Rata Sum alone.
24. Which canon character do/would they get along with the best?
Valoop: Forgal and Baroosh.
Aluen: Gorrik
Fenquin: Demmi
Posh: Caithe
Ruck: Almorra
Yorg: Everyone
(ok I'm cutting it here because the last questions don't really have any imteresting answers. Valoops least fave enemies are those she can not bite)
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dasozelotvonnebenan · 2 years
1, 9, 14, 16 and 30 from the GW2 asks for your Commanders? :D
Oh boi this is gonna get long
1. Write a basic lowdown of your OC. What's their deal?
Commander Valoop the main gal. She's a quaggan from Moshpoipoi (all the way up in the top right corner of Frostgorge sound), she and her village have fled south to Falooaloo where she meets Forgal, learns to embrace her rage from Baroosh and from then on (mostly) follows the canon storyline.
Every other commander is helping her do all that stuff, there is one of every race because the various personal story branches are too cool to not have a character experience them.
Commander Aluen is the Sylvari, she fights Bercilac the Green, tricking him to take off his armor and after the fight dons the green armor herself subsequently being called Aluen the Green. She has a good mind for strategy and chooses to join the priory to study warfare there. Does priory things until the foundation of the pact where she becomes Commander and Chief Strategist.
Commander Fenquin is a very minor human noble and lives through all those fun storylines, his masterful handling of the corrupt ministerial guard earns him the attention of countess Anise who decides to train him further. He joins the Order of Whispers per Anise's recommendation with the expectation that he feeds information back to her. Plagued by a growing bad conscience and disdain for Anise he flips her the finger and stops giving her anything, throws himself into mission after mission to make up for his misdeeds and quickly rises to prominence in the organization so that, at the founding of the pact, Riel suggests him to coordinate the pacts intelligence branch, earning him the title of commander.
Commander Posh is both a Mesmer with an intimate understanding of portals and an Asura with expertise in energy projection (like a mega laser for example). They win the Snaff prize with an experimental translocator, begin a lifelong friendship with Zojja, a lifelong "friendship" with the inquest and and a bunch of prize money They join the Priory after Gorr presents his dragon research. They prove not only very adept in their field but also in working together with others and combining their research. At the foundation of the Pact Gixx chooses them to lead the Pacts research division earning them the title of commander.
Commander Steelforge (of Forge warband) is an Iron Legion Engineer who thinks very large. Big guns in big turrets on big walls with big gates in them that lead to big roads and so and so forth. This tendency also includes loosing track of the smaller things which in the case of the battle of smokestead lead to his whole warband being decimated. While rebuilding his warband he gets attention for the ghostbore artillery he designed, figures out his sire was a pretty dope elementalist and then comes into contact with the Vigil while he is building a fort in the Brand. The vigil ask if they can borrow Forge Warband to construct some forts for them and Tribune Goreblade allows them to. At the founding of the pact Ruck is suggested to lead the pacts construction and logistics division and is from then on formally transfered from the iron legion to the pact.
Commander Wurmslayer, otherwise known as Yorg the Slayer of Issormir, is an inspirational leader and skilled orator. His his victory over Issormor brings him much renown, he goes through the norn stories (all of them, he's a very busy guy) and joins the vigil the moment he meets them. His thirst for adventure and unwavering optimism have the tendency to rub off on everyone around him,His retellings of his adventures are captivating and he can make friends with just about anyone. Naturally he is given a spot as commander in the pact, becomming responsible for recruitment, relations and similar things.
9. What do they THINK their biggest strength and weakness is?
Valoop thinks her biggest strength is how she has no one she cares for enough to try and survive and her biggest weakness that she can't refuse others from helping her.
Aluen thinks her biggest strength is working really well under pressure and her biggest weakness is that she looks like a monster (she gets vinetoothified during HoT)
Fenquin thinks his biggest strength is that he's very good at lying and his biggest weakness is that he's very good at lying.
Posh thinks their biggest strength is their intellect (naturally) and their biggest weakness that they sometimes loose track that the main purpose of all their work is to save people not hurt dragons.
Ruck thinks his biggest strength is being very good at recognizing what people are good at and his biggest weakness is being unable to build everything he wants to by hand so that he wouldn't have to spend so much time explaining things to people.
Yorg thinks his biggest strength is that he gets drunk easily (makes moots a lot cheaper) and his biggest weakness is that he can't be mad at people.
14. Are they actually good at fighting? Do they enjoy it?
Yes and Yes for all. Posh is probably the least competent fighter out the six (tho by no means bad at it) ans Ruck the one that enjoys it the least.
16. What's their greatest fear (be it one of the three from the personal story or something else entirely)?
Valoop's greatest fear is to loose another friend
Aluen's greatest fear is turning into the monster that she looks like
Fenquin's greatest fear is forgetting who he is himself
Posh's greatest fear is accidentally being evil again (they has joined scarlet for a while aka the infinity ball future was actually somewhat true)
Ruck's greatest fear is being responsible for peoples deaths because he didn't do his work well enough
Yorg's greatest fear is wasps.
30. In what way/s do they differ from an average member of their species?
Well Valoop is very different from most quaggan in just about any way. She is not ashamed of her anger for one, ends up spending most of her time on land and while we do see other quaggan join the pact I certainly wouldn't call it normal.
The other ones are pretty average though, kind of by design, apart from Aluen who pretty quickly goes soundless (thanks to the green armor). Though considering that Aluen has been getting a lot more thought than the others they might change in future.
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⚔ for a couple of your commanders!
The amount of people who simply assumed Commander Steelforge to belong to or at least be a past member of Steel warband of Ryland fame is immense. He regularly has to correct people who ask if ryland was always like that or their condolences for losing his bandmates that no, he didn't know Ryland until the all legion rally, he's from Forge warband.
One of the reasons Aluen is thankful for her rank is that she can order people to read her books. The size of her claws makes handling books highly impractical (for her) and hazardous (for the books). So now she lies down in her pretty elonian tent outside the Eye of the North with a bunch of priory initiates whose sole job it is to run around acquiring books and reading them to her. From time to time goes for a walk to talk with the crystal bloom, trains with the awakened abominations, eats a wagonload of food and goes back to chill in her tent.
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dasozelotvonnebenan · 2 years
I just figured out that now that I have multiple commanders I can simply delegate the parts of the story that don't really fit Valoop to the others.
Valoop never joined the Shining Blade, Fenquin did. (He immediately regretted it)
Valoop finds Gorrik slightly irritating and is wary about his inquest past. Aluen and him are best friends though. Sometimes she lets him pretend to ride her around because nobody can refuse to give you research materials of you ask from the back of a monstrous killing machine.
Somehow Ruck is the one that did the whole Skyscale adventure
Average commander tames 9 animals to ride into battle is a statistical error. Yorg the Slayer of Issormir, who has gathered seventy-four mounts is an outlier and should not have been counted.
Posh did the whole Shadow stone quest line to purify the gang from the ley line magic. Valoop chugged the Krait oil tho.
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dasozelotvonnebenan · 2 years
Hmmm after doing some thinking: what would be valoop's bossfight like? Wild card for additional character, same question :3
Just did Valoop, so I offer you the co-mmanders instead: They'd be a group fight like the Pirate crew in the queens gauntlet, where killing one gives a unique buff to the remaining ones.
Ruck Steelforge stands in the middle of the Arena operating a mortar that fires grouped AoEs . Killing him adds "dead zone" which makes the other commanders drop mines where they walk.
Posh tries to stay away from the player by slowly walking towards the opposite edge of the arena. They wield a laser gun that shoots a continuous beam across the arena for several second. The beam follows the player but turbs slow enough to outrun it if the player is close enough to Posh. Killing them adds the "focusing lens" effect to allies, which adds burn to their attacks.
Aluen appears in her post HoT version (A mix of vinetooth Faolain and the mordrem guard commanders) She constantly moves towards the player and attacks with her swords when in range. When killed she applies "Thick Bark" which grants permanent protection and resolution.
Lord Fenquin will fire pistols at the player and periodically stealth to move in for a backstab. The backstab is always a fixed duration, like Skelk, so you'd be able to dodge it with the right timing. Killing him would grant the others "scamper" increasing their movement speed and make Ruck fire faster.
Yorg the Slayer of Issormir follows the player and occasionally tries to stun them with his hammer or runs into them for knockback. Killing Yorg adds "Momentum" to the others which grants a stack of stability.
This is already long enough so your wildcard will be a separate post.
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dasozelotvonnebenan · 3 years
Alright, so thoughts about the assistant commanders (Names are Placeholders and stories are not final because it's hard to decide on a given story path when there are always so many good options):
Lord Fenquin, the Hero of Shaemoor is a close friend of Lord Faren and aids Logan Thackeray in fighting the white mantle that is infiltrating Krytan Politics. An excellent swordfighter and apt sneaky person. Joins the Order of Whispers. I'm not saying that he, Demmi and Lord Fared form an excellent team of superspies because they would be better without Faren. Unfortunately that guy just has the uncanny ability of showing up in places you didn't expect, which in this case means their missions. Fenquin isn't doing much fieldwork with the pact until Heart of Thorns where he accompanies Faren on his jungle adventures that ultimately lead to Dragon's Stand.
1325 Snaff-Price winner Posh. Their revolutionary interspatial translocator earned them the title of Snaff-Savant and the determination with which they beat up the inquest earned them Zojjas respect. Professor Gorr'a finding are deeply deeply worrying to them and they join up with the Durmand Priory at the first possibility. With the founding of the pact, Posh comfortably settles themselves as head of r&d. Briefly goes rogue during season 1 and helps scarlet create the steam creatures (because the infinity ball story is just too cool to not make an appearance here) but realises they are on the bad side when Scarlet starts obliterating Lions Arch. They have lost trust however and so they involuntarily avoid going down with the pact fleet in maguuma, instead moving in afterwards alongside the commander.
Yorg the Slayer of Issormir is a Norn rich in strength, size and hidden cunning. His renowned party trick of smashing rocks is more attributed to clever use of elemental magic than pure muscle. He is determined to fulfill the prophesy and destroy the dragons tooth, but does not shy away from asking for help in this endeavor. Thus he makes many allies amongst other races, like Jotun, Charr and Grawl. Ultimately none of them offered the power to achieve his goal (tho I would love to see the faces of everyone when he drove that charr tank into the great hall), but by that point he was so well known for beating up sons of svarnir that the vigil approached him and asked if he would like to work for them. He gladly accepted and would quickly turn his fame into rank. He was among the soldiers who retook claw island which is where he met Valoop for the first time. Pretty much plays second fiddle to the commander from there on.
Legionnaire Ruck Steelforge lost most of his warband fighting Barradin and, in true Iron Legion manner, rebuilds it through shooting ghosts with his newly developed ghostbore rifle. He works with the blood legion on developing artillery based on the design and later with the sentinels to adapt the cannons to work on branded. Though it proved impossible to convert the weapons from ghost to branded destroying their raw explosive power still proved to effectively annihilate groups of branded creatures. The Vigil, who had kept a close eye on Sentinel operations, were interested in getting these guns for their own dragon bashing business and offered Ruck and his warband to join them. Ruck accepted and would proceed to develop and operate artillery and defensive structures for the vigil and later the pact. He had a huge hand in the construction of Fort Trinity, worked with Posh on developing the Pact Megalasers and was the one who turned Zojjas plans for the MEGA-LIT cannon into a working weapon.
The Valiant Aluen born with the very vague wyld hunt of "uncovering hidden knowledge" which has her repeatedly run into the Knight of Embers, which seems to be drawn to the same things as her. When Malyck shows up both Aluen and the Knight of Embers recognize his importance. They discover his origins through the help of Amaranda the Lonesome. Aluen manages to kill the Knight before she can tell the other courtiers about the discovery, though only by donning Bercilak's green armor which is still tainted by nightmare which cuts her off from the dream and thus ends her wyld hunt. Left without a clear purpose she elects to stay with Trahearne and help him fullfil his wyld hunt.
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