#Commander Valoop
dasozelotvonnebenan · 2 months
Bunny's self reblog reminded me of the single best character moment I ever came up with for Valoop. That is so very indicative of turning point PoF represents for her.
The first ever moment we're she refers to herself in first person is when Balthasar says his iconic I am fire, I am war, what are you. She says "I'm still standing". Not Quaggan is, or Valoop is. I.
The Departing had made one big change in her. It had washed away her sadness, and only anger remained.
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moonlit-grove · 2 years
I mean I obviously got to ask for Zhaleh and Valoop doing their jobs together
We got two fights I wanna look at: on land vs in water
On land, Valoop is definitely keeping the enemies' attention on her, alongside whichever pets Zhaleh has sent forward. They're dealing with an angry quaggan with a spear and (most likely) a smokescale. Flapjack's smoke will likely also help Valoop getting around the enemy, and he'll be attacking their arms whenever they try to hit her.
Meanwhile, Zhaleh is probably a few feet back, sending condis and taking out any allies trying to help. She's using her daggers over her bow, keeping close but not too close. If the enemy actually realizes there's a largos, their attention will turn to her, where she and Valoop will swap roles. Zhaleh keeps close and uses heavy stealth and bleeding. Valoop attacking from lower, Zhaleh from higher.
You'd expect Zhaleh to trip on Valoop but no! She's used to fighting with creatures smaller than her, so she's keeping her in her peripheral vision to know when she's too close.
In water, they're even scarier. They're both in their element after all, especially if it's northern waters with a lot of ice around. They'll both be confusing the enemy with their spears, making it hard to pinpoint exactly where they both are. Zhaleh's fins add to that, with the glow making it hard to tell which way is up if they get the enemy spinning around. Get enough silt moving, and they're both moving in and attacking with the enemy extremely confused.
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dalennaugw · 6 months
Went to a CC hangout a while back where we got to chill and swap doodles. Bit like the art parties, but for guildmates who hadn't been able to make those.
I held onto these for a while so I could draw some more from the references I'd gotten... but my brain. Meh.
So here's what I did get.
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A gathering of barkfaces to talk shit swap notes about fashion and socializing.
Winter gives no fucks actually. Valyrion is definitely learning something from this.
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Commander Valoop has seen far too much and not been able to bite nearly enough people to compensate.
You might be looking like a chew toy right about now. You should probably step back a bit.
Valyrion and Valoop are from @dasozelotvonnebenan and Winterlayt is from @ruderubicante.
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kerra-and-company · 2 years
obviously got to throw Valoop at someone so commander pair it is
xD I am happy to have Valoop tossed at me! Commander pair it is, indeed :D
Kerra & Valoop
I like you // I love you // You’re one of my best friends // You’re like family // You are family // I dislike you // I hate you // I’d kill you if I got the chance // I want you to like me // I’m scared of you // I would adopt you // I’d date you // I’d sleep with you // I’d marry you // I’m worried about you // You confuse me // You’re annoying // I pity you // I respect you // I trust you // I feel protective of you // I’d invite you with me to parties // I’d lend you my money // I’d borrow your money // You’re good-looking // I’m suspicious of you // I’m hiding something from you // You’re fun // You’re boring // I’m upset with you // You’re nice // You’re mean // I’m envious of you // You’re smart // You’re stupid // I look up to you // I think you’re a better person than me // I think I’m a better person than you // I want to apologize to you // I wish I’d never met you // I never want to forget you // I want to get to know you better
Kerra would most definitely respect and like Valoop, and for her in particular, you get Kerra's dual protective and looking-up-to-someone emotions. Valoop's older than she is, and more experienced in a lot of ways, but Kerra would also very much want to help make sure she was safe (being commander is rough, and she knows it). Commander family in different universes :)
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commanderfloppy · 2 years
A Mist portal opens up in front of Floppy, ejecting an armed and eager Quaggan. She quickly introduces herself as Commander Valoop, visiting as part of an Interdimensional Commander Exchange Program! What does Floppy show her guest that she thinks would impress a fellow commander, what do they talk about, and whose kneecap priviliges do they revoke together?
Floppy first quickly excuses herself to go change out of the fuzzy robe and slippers she was wearing. She then decides to show Valoop the dragon research currently being done along with Taimi and Gorrik, the progress is slow but it’s certainly leading up to something.
Then she’d probably make tea or something for her guest so they could talk, they’d probably bond over being very small Commanders, and how the public never expects them to be like that. The conversation would then probably flow over to talking about the enemies they had to fight, and allies they (begrudgingly) made. Floppy would rant about how Phlunt is still trying to interfere with Taimi’s research, jokingly revoking his kneecap privilege as well as the rest of the arcane council.
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mystery-salad · 2 years
A Mist portal opens up in front of Laighe, ejecting an armed and eager Quaggan. She quickly introduces herself as Commander Valoop, visiting as part of an Interdimensional Commander Exchange Program! What does Laighe show her guest that she thinks would impress a fellow commander, what do they talk about, and whose kneecap priviliges do they revoke together?
The crossover of the century omg!!!!! What an amazing ask to wake up to lmao, okay let's plot this out I dig it!
She would absolutely be confused but, u know, life is so weird this might as well happen. She would first off ask what Valoop's world I'd like, if her title of commander is from the same series of events and if the elder dragons are still the biggest threat. Trying to find the differences, maybe there's something that could be extremely helpful from both of them for the other. Her mind never strays far from work after all.
Once that's all settled though, Laighe would show her around the Pact! How things are done here, what her team is like, let Valoop get the lay of the land and comfortable with the people she'll likely interact with for the duration of her stay. They're all much better at casual conversation than Laighe herself after all unless it's a work topic.
Someone they'd kneecap together!!! Hmm, who's alive in this route who can be kneecapped still lmao, I could absolutely see the two giving Anise a what for, if she tries to weasel her way into having the Commander in her pocket again. A sleazy secretive government official who would take advantage of either of their positions? Square up 👊
I think Valoop and Laighe specifically would have such interesting conversations, they're both so far removed from their roots and family, so changed in demeanor and reasoning by this job. It's rough, and they both deserved so much better, bit it's some common ground and that could really go places!
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A Mist portal opens up in front of Bertie, ejecting an armed and eager Quaggan. She quickly introduces herself as Commander Valoop, visiting as part of an Interdimensional Commander Exchange Program! What does Bertie show his guest that he thinks would impress a fellow commander, what do they talk about, and whose kneecap priviliges do they revoke together?
Ah a friend has come to visit! Welcome friend!
Bertie would be a bit confused but very excited to meet Valoop and would give her a proper quaggan greeting. He spent a lot of time with Shashoo and Baroosh after Falooaloo fell and picked up a fair amount of the quaggan dialect. So he’d love the chance to get to use that again. In terms of impressing her, I think Bertie would show her the fact that he can do the quaggan rage thing. He normally doesn’t do it on purpose in front of other people, but if anyone would understand it, I think it would be Valoop. They talk a bit about the Pact and how hard it is being the commander sometimes but focus more on who and what they’re fighting for. Bertie would be so excited to tell someone about his new relationship with Syrryl and would want to hear about the good and happy things in Valoop’s life too. Also I can imagine they complaining about all of the other races being so damn tall and how annoying it is when all the furniture in a place is human or norn sized. Small races unite! And Bertie’s really been wanting to revoke the Arcane Council’s collective kneecaps recently but that would cause a diplomatic incident so I think they go Icebrood hunting instead.
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just-eyris-things · 2 years
A Mist portal opens up in front of Eyris, ejecting an armed and eager Quaggan. She quickly introduces herself as Commander Valoop, visiting as part of an Interdimensional Commander Exchange Program! What does Eyris show her guest that she thinks would impress a fellow commander, what do they talk about, and whose kneecap priviliges do they revoke together?
Okay, i needed to think about this because lately brain empty ;w;
Eyris is surprised that such a program exists, but she takes it on the chest like a champ and she shows what she did to her home in Tarir, mostly the egg chamber which got quite a lot of splash of colour, some nice murals on the walls (which include baby Aurene's paw prints.....) etc. Durmand Priory hates her! for "ruining precious pillars of history", or something. She doesn't really know, but she's still very proud of what she's done with the place and there's rarely anyone who could be interested in this, so it's a thrill to her, too!
But then Eyris admits she is not the commander and points Valoop towards Nia, who turns out to be on maternity leave, so she points Valoop at her husband who took over for her. Valoop might be confused because Nia's husband has a very similar name, Njal, which is...confusing.
Njal doesn't start with showing off his wife's or his or the Dragon's Watch's achievement, he starts at showing off his daughter whom he loves dearly. "She will be strong like daddy and beautiful like mommy and she will kick ass like both of them!" he says. Nia tells him to keep words like "ass" away from her until she's at least 15.
Then, Njal is very proudly showing off that even though Dragon's Watch doesn't work for the Pact anymore, the Pact has grown greatly, they have more outposts and are fixing Dragon damages quite well. Dragon's Watch is also slightly different than in most universes, it seems, considering how many people were on leave and new friends came in.
Njal then asks Valoop about her universe, he wants to know a lot so he can tell the stories to his daughter. He clearly loves her very much. Except for trying to impress the fellow commander with his and his group's achievements, he can talk only about his baby. Parenthood, huh.... He's aware that he's too talkative though, so he asks a lot of questions, he's genuinely interested in Valoop's story. Also, "A QUAGGAN COMMANDER?!?!!?! BY WOLF THAT'S NEW AND AWESOME!!!!"
And then Valoop (probably) thinks "they are all insane"
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i-mybrunettelady · 2 years
A Mist portal opens up in front of Alysannyra, ejecting an armed and eager Quaggan. She quickly introduces herself as Commander Valoop, visiting as part of an Interdimensional Commander Exchange Program! What does Nyra show her guest that she thinks would impress a fellow commander, what do they talk about, and whose kneecap priviliges do they revoke together?
Commander exchange program, lovely!! Nyra would absolutely be astounded and impressed by Valoop. They'd exchange war stories, anecdotes, and Valoop would very much rank high in Nyra's really really respectable people list (alongside people like Forgal, for example.)
First order of business: meet Trahearne. Granted, a slightly worse for wear Trahearne without an eye and some leg scars from the blighting pod, but still a very living Trahearne. She'd show her around Divinity's Reach, take her to her fave krytan cake shop (which she is partial to) and in the interest of inter-dimensional alternate realities, ask her about her time as Commander. She'd take her to Orr, to Eye of the North to see Aurene, all the crucial Commander places.
As to whose kneecaps are getting crushed, Bangar's, Smodur's, anyone who does harm, basically. They'd be a killer duo, and rest assured Valoop's getting a lot of hugs (if she wants them of course). Nyra would feel a little weird at first because "Commander?? Like me??" but it would quickly dissipate and Valoop would get a good friend!!
Can they actually meet because wholesome wholesome wholesome
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dasozelotvonnebenan · 2 years
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Outta my way boy, there's kneecaps in need of munchin
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1. At what point during the story do they meet up?
Aluen and Posh first meet after joining the Priory, Yorg and Valoop first meet after Valoop joins the Vigil (so at the end of the lvl 50 story). Everyone meets each other at the first round of Claw Island.
2. Which of the 3 orders did each one join?
Posh and Aluen join the Priory, Yorg, Valoop and Ruck join the Vigil and Fenquin joins Whispers.
3. Were they all present for Claw Island?
Yes for both rounds.
4. Did they have different responsibilities in the Pact?
Aluen handles strategy, Ruck handles construction and logistics, Posh handles R&D, Fenquin handles intelligence, Yorg handles PR and recruitment. Valoop is the marshall's unhinged friend.
5. Did all of them, only a few, or just one of them go through the dungeon storylines?
Every dungeon is done by at least one of them, but never all at once. Catacombs are done by Ruck, Caudecus' Manor is done by Fenquin and after that it's the commanders corresponding to the Destiny's Edge members involved.
6. Did they chase after Caithe together or was one/were some on the airship with Trahearne during the start of HoT?
The group is very scattered during HoT. Valoop and Posh aren't along for the initial attack, Yorg gets lost and isn't involved in any of the advance on mordremoth. Aluen is with Trahearne and also get's captured. Ruck is with the Ordnance Corps. Fenquin is on Faren's Flier. Posh and Fenquin both start chasing Caithe with Valoop, but they can't keep up with Valoops new magic crystal wings.
7. Did all of them go into Mordremoth's mind? Did an extra NPC get left out or did two still go?
Only Valoop goes into Mordy's mind, everyone else is outside organizing the MoM battle. (She takes Canach and Caithe with her)
8. Who mercy killed Trahearne?
Valoop :,)
9. Did any of them join the Shining Blade?
10. Which one died to Balthazar?
Valoop >:)
11. Are all of them champions of Aurene?
Only Valoop
12. Which one was shot by Bangar?
13. Who was on the airship that crash landed in Cantha?
14. How close are they? What do they think of each other?
Valoop tries very hard to not be friends with people, but the others care about jher very much. Aluen tries very hard to hide from the people she considers friends, but they also still care for her. Yorg Ruck Fenquin and Posh are best buddies.
15. Are any of them Aurene-branded?
None (yet. I might change my mind later, I am considering something like that for Fenquin)
16. How effective are they as a team?
17. Are there any that certain members of Dragon's Watch prefer over the others?
Everyone loves Yorg. Yorg is the best.
18. Do they share responsibility at the same time or do they hand it off as needed?
They're all operating simultaneously.
19. If they weren't the commanders, would they still be friend?
With Yorg probably, he is the best. Posh it would depend heavily on when they'd uncommander. Right after season 1 it would probably only Yorg still around for them.
20. Would they pick their co-commander/s over anyone else? Over Tyria's safety?
They are all agressively self sacrificial. They would die for each other, but they would never let someone die to save another commander. They would fight over who would get to jump on a grenade.
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Wait did I ever make a post here about Caladbolg things or was that on discord? I can't find it when searching my blog but also when does one ever.
Anyways all commanders get a piece of the broken sword after HoT. They all go on their own little adventures to reforge it. Fittingly enough there are five reforged caladbolg weapons in the game.
Yorg makes it a greatsword again. Restores it as best he can to it's former glory. It itself is a legend and it is here to tell it's tale. Through it Trahearnes work will not be forgotten.
Posh makes it into a scepter. Caladbolg is an object of powerful magic, fueled by the hands that held it. Through it Trahearnes work can go on.
Ruck makes it into a shield. Caladbolg had been forged to protect Tyria, and now it has been reforged to continue that duty. Through it Trahearnes achievements will endure.
Aluen makes it into sword. Caladbolg had allowed them to drive back the dragon threat and now it will carry that momentum. Through it Trahearnes death can be avenged.
Fenquin makes it into a dagger. Caladbolg had been shattered as a sacrifice. Through it that sacrifice is given power.
Valoop makes it into a seed and plants at her lost friends feet. He had grown in Caladbolgs light and now Caladbolg will grow in his soil. Through it Trahearne will live on.
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⚔ for valoop?
Due to the limited regeneration that comes with the shapeshifting ability of quaggan and having some of the best healers around her thanks to being the commander Valoop has no scars. Her childhood scars slowly faded as she learned to use her rage. When she used the energy stored in the eater of souls to spontaneously generate a new body at the end of the departing she actually ended up more scarred because it brought back a bunch of old scars she remembered having that had long vanished. But by now she is, as Braham puts it, "unreasonably smooth" again.
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⚔️ I would love another bit of Valoop trivia~
All my commanders got a part of the broken caladbolg and went on their own individual journeys to grow it back (Ruck grows it into the shield, Posh into the scepter, Yorg into the Greatsword, Aluen into the sword and Fenquin into the dagger) except for Valoop who doesn't grow it back into anything useful and instead just lets it grow freely. When she is beating up Balthasar at the end of PoF Caladbolg is barely recognizable as having once been a sword, she's basically carrying a little tree around with her. Also the effect of the weapon ingame of generating butterflies around it absolutely does carry over. As she stands in the sky gardens face to face with balthasar and his forged warbeast there are flames licking at her from sohothin and a cloud of butterflies around her from caladbolg.
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The commander is immortal because death just slides off her
Braham talking about Valoop
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dasozelotvonnebenan · 2 years
Thinking about long live the lich again.
Braham, having just witnessed Aurene swallow an entire lich, standing there paralyzed by disgust until he hears the awful sound of breaking bones and turns around to see Valoop casually chewing on a leg.
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