#Customized yacht events
samparoy · 2 months
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Sail Into Luxury - Unforgettable Yacht Experiences Await with We Boat Rental Dubai
Experience luxury like never before with We Boat Rental Dubai! From lavish birthday parties to exhilarating deep sea fishing trips, we offer the finest yacht rentals tailored to your desires. With highly trained crew, impeccable service, and rates starting from just 399 AED/hr, your dream voyage awaits. Contact us at +971545619773 and set sail for an unforgettable adventure! Also visit for more information at https://boatrentaldubai.com/
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multifandomgirl08 · 4 months
Tu me promets (Reader POV) - D.R. #3
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Sugar Daddy!Daniel Ricciardo x Fem!Reader
Summary: Monaco from the reader's POV, the fallout after and Daniel doing his best to make it right.
Warning(s): Implied sexual content, possessive Daniel
A/N: I would recommend that you go and give Daniel's POV a read if you already haven't after reading this.
Words: 3.4k
Previous Part ← Daniel's POV The Arrangement Masterlist
Being here in Monaco with Daniel felt like you were in a dream. The yachts, the people, even watching the cars pass by as Daniel drove you around the city.
Daniel took you shopping after dropping your luggage off at the hotel. You walked into store after store, collecting bags as if there was no such thing as too much when it came to him.
A dress from Dior, an Alexander McQueen signature clutch, shoes from Gianvito Rossi, and a custom necklace from Bvlgari.
Going to the event with Daniel that evening was too easy. You just had to stand next to him and be able to feed off his energy all night. Talk to the people in the room, and make sure that you were polite to the wait staff.
Halfway through the evening, Daniel pulled you onto the dance floor for what should have been a tango. You had been the only two people on the floor. His lips had "accidentally" brushed against yours...
After you had left the party, you invited Daniel up to your hotel room for a drink. You had talked like that night in your apartment. Your dress and heels were getting a little uncomfortable so you said that you would quickly change and be right back.
You looked through your suitcase and saw that you had only packed a La Perla nightie. Stepping back into the living area, you could feel Daniel's eyes on you.
Would it be wrong of me to wonder why he hadn't tried to take things further? You thought to yourself, pouring yourself a glass of Champagne.
You had walked to the couch placing your feet on Daniel's lap, his hand resting on your calf drawing random patterns on your skin. You could feel your skin growing hot under his hands.
Your champagne glass had already been placed on the table as you were talking. You couldn't help but wonder what would happen if you tried to take this further. If he would even let you or try to stop you. You had always let Daniel set the pace and even slowed it down when it felt like he was rushing into this.
After he gave so much, was it wrong of you to want to be a little greedy? He never let himself take it further. You never felt like you had to push Daniel for more, but as you sat in the hotel suite with him you couldn't help but want more.
You moved closer to him, before reaching over to kiss him. And God was it worth the wait. His hands went to your thighs, pulling up the nightie. Your hands moved into his hair, while you could feel him grow hard under his dress pants, and the expensive lace of your panties.
Being with him was slow and languid, like the most intimate tango of your life. To tango alone with him was everything.
Daniel seemed to settle within your bedsheets, his fine curls against the white pillow. You had fallen asleep against him almost instantly. You had woken up a little while later, Daniel was sleeping on his stomach. You pulled yourself from the sheets, stealing his white dress shirt off the back of the couch before climbing back in bed.
You glanced at the long exposed skin of his back and couldn't help but place a light kiss on his shoulder blade before closing your eyes again. You were sure you would see him in the morning, he had promised you that he would be coming back home with you.
There were sounds in the room that seemed to pull you out of sleep.
"Daniel?" You questioned, slowly moving up in bed.
It didn't look like anyone was in the room with you. You moved from the bed and then out from under the sheets. There was a white notepad next to your jewelry, your eyes glanced into the mirror and you saw yourself as you stood there in Daniel's shirt, a light purple bruise -  correction, hickey on your neck. There was what looked like a red lipstick stain on the collar of the shirt that you were wearing. It was your favorite shade by Dior.
You looked down at the note, watching Daniel's handwriting turn frantic as the words kept going.
Hey babe,
Sorry, I couldn't stay. I know that I promised that I'd fly back home with you, but something came up with the team. So I'm needed ASAP.
I'll call when I can, I'll miss I'll see you soon. Hope you have a good flight.
Please text me when you get home safe... I don't want anything to happen to my girl you.
Danny Ric
Looking at this letter made you feel weird. You moved back onto the bed, and read it over again. It was strange, almost like this letter was written by the Daniel that you had first met in Vegas, not the Daniel that you knew.
Daniel wasn't that great at hiding the fact that he thought of you as his. You loved it when he called you his. You wore the jewelry that he bought you daily, lived in the apartment that he paid for, and wore clothes that he would pick out for you. You were his. Sleeping with him didn't change that.
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It had been two months since you had seen or heard from Daniel. You had to find out online that Daniel was back driving in Formula 1. He didn't text or call you as his note said. It was just dead silence from him.
You were still using his credit card to pay for food and the few bills that you had like Netflix and Spotify. You knew that you should have stopped using his card after he hadn't gotten back to you.
You had been sitting on the couch eating Italian take-out, watching Gossip Girl, and looking at the offer letter you had gotten in your email earlier in the day. Serena had just gotten back together with Dan after he had judged her for something. You weren't really paying attention.
There had been a knock at your door, which was strange. Normally, the security guard at the front desk would call up first.
You moved the take-out container onto your coffee table before opening the door. As you pulled it open, your eyes widened looking at Daniel standing before you with a small bouquet of white Japanese Camellias.
"Can I come in?" He asked.
It was his apartment, he didn't have to ask to come in. You stood there for a moment before walking away from the door.
"I'm sorry." He sputtered trying to hand you the flowers. You didn't take them from him.
You watched as he walked in placing the bouquet in the vase you had that looked like a Lady Dior bag. There was no water in it but you could always add more later.
"Look, I know I shouldn't have left the morning after," Daniel said, as he leaned against the back of the cream couch in his hoodie and jeans. "I just... it was a lot for me, to know how I felt and then do that. Be with you."
You just look at him as he's standing there. You don't know what to say to him. He slept with you, bolted the morning after, and left you a scribbled note.
It was horrible to even think that what he did wasn’t that bad. Some girls got less after sleeping with a guy. Daniel had given you business class tickets to fly home, and you came back to a fully furnished apartment that he paid for.
There were never any hard promises with your arrangement. It was always one day at a time, at the pace that he would set. Either you would agree or you wouldn't. He never promised you more than that.
"So, what does that mean?" You pulled at the bottom of the oversized hoodie that you wore, it was pastel pink. You knew that it was also Daniel's. He had left it here before Monaco and said that you could keep it since it was a merch sample.
"I don't know." He said with a shake of his head. "I pay you... to spend time with me, in gifts, and clothing, and all this other stuff."
There were so many things that Daniel had given you over the time that you had known him.
"I won't pay you to sleep with me, it's not right." Well he was paying you still and you had slept with him.
"Who says that you'd be paying me to sleep with you? Maybe I just want to." You spoke up. Daniel probably knew that his money could buy him anything, even that. It was sweet that he didn't want you to think he was using his money to buy that from you.
"But you shouldn't." He started to say and then stopped after closing his eyes. "What I mean is, I can't keep doing this because of the money. I care too much for you now for it just to be what it was."
You cared about Daniel too. So you had to ask him something. Just have him think about what your relationship was like, without the money there.
"Can you think about our relationship for a second... without the money." You said slowly walking closer to him.
"What are you talking about?" He questioned almost cluelessly.
"What would we do while you were in town? And I don't mean the shopping." You wanted him to see that his money wasn't part of the equation.
"Dinner, and we'd go out to hang out with my friends, maybe watch a movie or something." You let Daniel get the words out, watching his face for a bit. He still looked serious, like he didn't understand.
"What am I to you Daniel? What do you call me in all your notes?" You asked.
"You... you're my girl." Hearing him say it made a small shiver run down your spine. You shook your head before walking closer to him.
"Why do you call me that?"
"Because you’re mine." He whispered, "I like spoiling what's mine."
You could hear a little realization in his voice.
You pressed yourself against his chest, lightly brushing your nose over his. You heard his breath catch in his throat. For the first time when it came to Daniel, you felt like you were the one fully in control.
You glanced to the side to see that Daniel's hands were laid flat against his pants. You reached for them, placing them at your hips. You wanted him to touch you, to feel you under his hands.
"It's okay, Daniel." You whispered. "You can have me."
Giving him the invitation was all it took. He pulled you in closer and then picked you up taking you to the couch. He plastered you to his chest, having your lips meet his with his hands quickly starting to card through your hair.
You knew that you still had things to talk about with him but it could wait.
You were starving for each other.
A few hours later, Daniel was sitting up against the headboard of your bed. You sometimes forget that he had never ventured this far into the apartment.
He was fidgeting with the delicate chain of the Tiffany bracelet that you wore. It was one of the few luxury pieces that you had that Daniel hadn't gotten you.
You looked up at him to see that his hair was a mess from tugging at it. He still looked so good though.
"Can you promise me something?" You asked him.
He looked to meet your eyes, not giving you much acknowledgment other than a slight nod.
"If we keep doing this," You pointed between the two of you. "Promise me that you know it's not about your money."
You wanted him to understand that it was more for you, you wouldn't say that you were in love but you cared about him. It wasn't about the money for you either, or the security of being taken care of. You were out of school and could find a job on your own if you needed to. You didn't need Daniel's money.
"But isn't that why this all started for you," He asked. "Because of the money."
"Yes, when I was in school." He seems to forget about that. "But I'm out of college now, I can find a job, maybe even take over paying the rent on this place."
You could but you didn't know how much Daniel was paying in rent. It was a 2-bedroom apartment in one of the nicest parts of the city. It isn't cheap.
"I don't pay rent on it." He said scratching at the back of his neck. "I bought it."
Your eyes widened. So when he had gotten you an apartment, he had bought you one... You didn't know how to feel about that.
"What about you?" You asked, changing the subject. "What started all this for you?"
You never knew Daniel's motivations for entering this arrangement.
"I needed a change, something to make me feel like I was worth something. A priority, if you will."
You moved the fluffy sheets around you before moving to sit in his lap. You could feel him bare under your thighs. You didn’t feel that exposed with the sheets around you and his hoodie covering your chest.
"You are worth so much." You leaned forward so your forehead was touching his. "All the money in the world can't compare."
Daniel let out a big laugh tucking his face into your hair. You couldn't help your smile from breaking through. That was a really cheesy thing to say.
He didn't pull back right away, probably lost in thought.
"I think that if we keep doing this," He started to say. He was slow to pull back from you. Wanting to cherish feeling you against him. "You need to know that it'll be more for me than it was."
You figured it would be more. It wouldn't be just dinners, flying you out whenever it worked for both of you, and shopping.
"I understand." You said tracing over the tattoo close to his collarbone.
"No, like, I have feelings for you. Real feelings. And I can't do this if you don't feel anything for me in return." He placed his hand over yours on his chest.
You weren't in love with him, sure you could see yourself one day falling for him but it wouldn’t be right for you to say that.
"I do have feelings for you, but I never thought that you would let me get close enough to see if there was more than attraction." It wasn't exactly what you wanted to say. Even saying that didn't feel easy.
You could see his shoulders deflate a little, not happy with what you told him. His head moved back against the headboard, and you saw him swallow heavily. Part of you thought he would get up and leave. He didn’t, he stayed in bed letting himself contemplate for a bit.
“When did it become more for you? Italy? Meeting Scotty and my friends?” He asked finally, looking to meet your eyes.
There were a few questions you thought he would ask, but that wasn’t one of them.
It wasn’t hard to think back to that. It was too easy. You had gone out to dinner with him, it was probably within the first eight months of knowing each other, and you had to walk down the street late at night. Daniel had taken your hand and insisted that he be the one to walk closest to the sidewalk. It was an off thing to cherish in a partner, it made you see that not all chivalry was dead yet.
So you told him that, watched as his face moved as the words left your mouth. He looked surprised with a light blush falling over his cheeks. “That’s when I knew it was more, I knew that I couldn’t make you give me more, so I let you give me what you could, until Monaco. By then I was sick of waiting. I needed more… So I took it.” You had been selfish that night, taking what you wanted.
It was weird, now knowing that Daniel wanted it too.
"I guess that means that we're both in this." He finally said. You leaned closer to him, letting your lips meet before feeling his hands move up to your thighs.
"This means," He said, quickly flipping you onto your back. You let out a loud laugh. "That since you’re mine, I get to keep taking care of you."
He hovered over you before he dropped his head to your neck, lightly trailing kisses over your skin. You couldn't help but try to shift under him, your legs were locked over his back.
"Know what that means?" He asked. You shook your head no slowly, feeling his nose nuzzle you behind your ear.
"There is... no way... I'm letting you... get a job." He lightly kissed your skin in between words before he shifted on top of you to pay attention to the other side of your neck.
You shook your head in disagreement before pecking him on the lips. Let him think that you weren’t going to end up getting a job, for now.
Eventually, you turned on the lights in the bedroom off needing some sleep. You pressed yourself up against Daniel, scared that there was a possibility of him leaving before you woke up in the morning.
“Don’t worry, babe.” He muttered into your hair before kissing your forehead. “I’m not going anywhere.”
You closed your eyes thinking of his promise, his hands traveling down your back. It was easy being able to drift off next to him, the room dark with the city lights peeking in through the window in the room.
You had woken up the next morning to the sound of cursing coming from your kitchen. You pulled the sheets closer to you before opening your eyes to see the other pillow that was normally fluffed had a dent in it.
“How do you work this damn thing?” You heard a familiar accent say.
You let yourself lay in bed a little longer before getting up and walking into the closet to throw a sweatshirt on and some shorts. You couldn’t find the one you wanted to wear in your closet, it was probably in the washing machine. So, you pulled on a short pink dress instead quickly and then walked out of your closet to see Daniel’s hoodie on the edge of your bed. You took it with you, laying it over the back of the sofa in the living room before walking into the kitchen.
Daniel had just turned around holding your beloved coffee mug in his hand. It was wet, and you could make out small puddles of water by the sink.
He gave you a big smile before placing the cup into the stand for the coffee maker.
“How's my girl this morning?” He asked.
“Pretty good.” You replied, getting closer. You were more than pretty good. Daniel was still here. He hadn’t left.
You moved your arms around his waist and then pecked him on the lips before he deepened it. His hands moved up to cradle your cheek slowly pulling away. He looked a little surprised. As if he couldn’t believe that you were still standing in front of him.
“I know I bought the place, but can you please show me how to use this thing?” He said, gesturing to the coffee maker.
You laughed, pulling away from him a bit, and then quickly kissed his stubbly cheek before pressing one of the buttons on the coffee maker. You had gone into your fridge to pull out oat milk for Daniel, while your cup filled up with coffee and the normal milk that you used.
Daniel just watched you wander around the kitchen, he thanked you once you made his latte and then made your way over to the couch. You and Daniel spent the next few hours together, at some point, he insisted on watching a movie, and you sat and listened to him quote the lines that he knew, and corrected him on the lines that he had forgotten.
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SD!Danny Ric Series: @hc-dutch, @taylorslovesswifties13, @thatsusbitch, @laneyspaulding19, @basicallyric, @divya14, @zafetycar, @brekkers-whore, @cixrosie
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foreveralbon · 4 days
(if you’re still taking celebration requests😊) dinner sounds lovely!!🌮 if not, totally ok!!
i always share too much or too little about myself lol i’m incredibly talkative and have never met a stranger. i love animals, the ocean, flowers, reading, music, and traveling. i love to learn and would go to school forever if i could, there are so many subjects i’d love to study formally. the most important thing to me is leaving the world better than i found it - whether that’s through kindness, acts of service, caring for the environment, whatever makes sense in the moment. i’m not sure if you’re an astrology person but i’m a water sun and rising with a fire moon - lots of emotions stored here hahaha i hope that was sufficient
huge congratulations again, what a fun celebration💛
hi marissa <3
i think i’m gonna go with oscar!
you’re the perfect balance to his reserved nature, and you carry enough enthusiasm to last the both of you through all the social events that oscar definitely does not want to be at.
oscar has an obvious love for the ocean as well (son of poseidon, i’m telling u) so his perfect idea of a day out with you would be going to the beach or scuba diving. he’d also take you around australia to go swimming at the different reefs and beaches because we have some of theeeee prettiest waters around
he’d be the most supportive ever when it comes to your education and studying. if you’re just spending the day at home revising, he’d just sit on your bed while you pour over your books and notes and be in absolute awe of how much you know. i think he’d also love quizzing you on random things (even if he doesn’t expect you to know it)
expect fresh flowers from him everytime he comes home!! he’d have a new different bouquet just for you, each one bigger, brighter and sweeter than the last.
also, your kindness is probably the main thing that draws him to you—i think that he cares a lot more about things than he lets on, so your acts of kindness and love reciprocates onto him and teaches him to be more embracing and openly empathetic. he loves how much you love.
together, you’d be the most sweetest couple in the paddock and an overall joy to be around!
and a short blurb for you <3
“oscar, look!”
you tug on the sleeve of his shirt to grab his attention, previously focused on the broad horizon in front of you. the summer breeze flutters around you, sending a brief chill down your spine. you can smell the briny ocean salt from where you sit, metres above the sea line.
it’s custom for you and oscar to go on hikes together when you find the time, no matter where you are—monaco’s familiar hillside trek is no exception to this rule. the path is one you’ve taken time and time again, and you’ve become so intimately aware of it that you’re sure you could walk it through it blindfoldedly.
but this time, you just so happened to veer off track, finding yourselves in an unfamiliar place, tucked away behind a curtain of wriggly vines and dangly tree branches. you’ve passed it almost every time you’ve gone on this walk, yet never thought to look beyond it, but god you really should’ve.
a rocky cliffside enclosure stretches out in front of you, big enough to fit a few people with a ledge to sit along, overlooking the crystal blue monegasque waters that lie just below it. bundles of grass and flowers brighten the patches of soil in the crevices of rock. it gives the perfect view of all the colourful homes and massive yachts docked at the harbour.
oscar was the first to sit at the edge, pulling you down alongside. when you protested its safety, he’d simply replied, “i’ve got you,” with a promising glint in his eyes.
now, calm waves crash against the very rocks you sit above. your boyfriend looks to where you’re pointing, a few speckles of dark blue in the sparkling ocean. a pod of dolphins splash through the water, white foam forming in their wake.
“dolphins!” he remarks cheerfully, then as if the dolphin’s playful behaviour in the water strikes an idea in his mind, muses, “we should go swimming later.”
“we can go straight after this,” you agree. as oscar shuffles forward, gripping your arm so that he can try and get a closer look, you begin to talk mindlessly, prattling off facts you’d read in passing. “dolphins can be found in monaco year-round and whales typically migrate in the summer, but it’s not impossible to spot them around otherwise. also, did you know that dolphins release bubbles as a way to lure their prey to the surface?”
oscar listens to you intently, commenting with small and awed really’s and i didn’t know that’s as he encourages you to keep talking. you can’t see it but you can feel his gaze focused on you, never looking away despite the beautiful view in front of you.
when your voice falters off slowly as you run out of things to say, oscar tucks his legs back onto the ledge to push himself up. he drags you up with him, strong hand encasing yours. you keep your eyes on the view the whole time, even as he tries to lead you out the enclosure back onto the main path. “c’mon, sweetheart, we should go before we can come back.”
“but it’s so pretty,” you gush breathlessly, and a small part of you wilts at the idea of leaving so soon. oscar’s arm hangs loose around your waist as he comes up behind you, resting his head against your shoulder as he takes in the horizon with you one last time.
“yeah, it is,” he responds a minute after, a fond smile crinkling the corners of his eyes.
but he’s only ever looking at you.
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skippyv20 · 8 days
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Wed. AM  Hi Skippy & Friends-Pilgrim here just wondering what rock the Montdeceito’s hide under immediately after a massive international PR event.  Sure, I suppose they are exhausted and need to rest up a bit.  Even so, one would think they would pop up doing some errands, waving to their hired photogs as they go into a bank or coffee shop…something.  Nope, nada.  One second, they are everywhere in the news and the next poof.  Gone baby gone.  We don’t miss them that is for sure, but this seesaw behavior seems to be their Modis operandi.  Is this a strategy from the famous book The Art of War?  She must have heard about that on a yacht long ago from a financial wizard customer.  Over and out from a beautiful day on the Cape.  PS Loved the latest diary entry!  Massive catch up.  LOL
A woman of many talents you are!  Thank you…”The Art of War”😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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renaldiroyals · 8 months
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Duke of Berkhamstead Honoured In Intimate Ceremony At Leesburg Palace
Ahead of the 7th anniversary of the Vouvant Attacks which claimed the lives of 51 civilians and the kidnapping of Crown Princess Charléne, HM King Henri honoured selected members of the armed forces and their families in an investiture ceremony and luncheon at the Palace.
The Duke of Berkhamstead was among those honoured in this year’s naval ceremony with the Croix de Guerre; an award given for bravery, acts of valour, self sacrifice, or extraordinary dedication to duty for his work to bring down the network of criminals responsible for the tragedy.
The award also came with a promotion from Captain to Lieutenant Commander making him the only living aristocrat to receive the honour and serve at the highest levels of the Royal Navy.
The Crown Princess was in attendance at the event in her role as Admiral of the Fleet in a Caroline Hemingway dress costing over §2,000 and custom pearl earrings (price unknown) which are believed to be a new gift from the Duke.
The exes have been pictured together in the tabloids on several occasions over the summer season and are believed to have grown a very close friendship since the Princess’s return home last winter.
The Duke’s daughter; Lady Aurélie of Berkhamstead with whom the Duke shares with his soon to be ex-wife Pauline was also present whilst the Duchess was pictured boarding a yacht earlier in the day in Saint-Tropez with friends.
Princes Louis and Thierry were not present at the ceremony but are expected along with the rest of the Royal family at the church service later this season.
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lacedthoughts · 1 year
How To Become Lily van der Woodsen
Attending soirées, charity functions, auctions, brunches, and fashion shows is a way to be known and live your Lily lifestyle. Always greet new people and make bonds. Having connections is the easiest way to get invited. However, attending events isn’t just the main part. You must host events as well. Perhaps a formal dinner reception with your family and close acquaintances is a good way to start. Then, a ball at an elegant venue. Post your events on social media platforms to get attention.
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To start your Lily wardrobe, buy light-colored long sleeve blouses, skinny jeans, black and beige trench coats, patterned scarves, and simple cocktail dresses. Lily loves simple gold jewelry and the Van Cleef alhambra. To pair with your ensembles, add black sunglasses and a birkin.
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On a daily basis, start walking around the Upper East Side, looking at custom gowns with your stylist or having brunch with your inner circle. Lily is a socialite, so you should attend at least one event every 1-2 weeks. If you’re in the Hamptons, lounge at the country club and host an evening yacht dinner. Go on many vacations, to the Amalfi Coast or the Swiss Alps. If you’re feeling eccentric, join a fashion society!
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Happy Birthday!! I hope it's been a great day!
What's your favorite VC birthday headcanon?
Thank you!!! It was quite a good day, the whole country threw a massive surprise party, with big parades of horses, and lots of street parties, just a shame about the weather. Even the king and queen showed up apparantly, which was very thoughtful of them. A few too many union jack decorations for my liking, which is weird because I didn't think I was known for being much of a nationalist, but it's the thought that counts :)
Terrible, awful jokes aside, have some birthday headcanons!
During the Night Island era, Armand went big on Daniel's birthdays. I'm talking huge, beautifully catered meals tailored to Daniel's tastes, themed parties across the island, firework displays for them to watch from the villa or from a private yacht out in the ocean, performers etc. And this is to say nothing of the absolute mountain of expensive gifts he gets Daniel. It's a multi-day affair, and Daniel honestly finds it kind of overwhelming but it makes Armand so happy to be able to shower this much attention and love onto him, and he's just grinning ear to ear watching Daniel take it all in, so Daniel lets it happen.
Later, after their reunion, they prefer to use Daniel's birthday as an excuse to get away, just the two of them, on a trip somewhere. They try and choose places that neither of them are that familiar with, or that have changed a lot since they've last been. They spend the time exploring, and trying new things, being a bit silly, and just having fun together. It's the closest either of them feel to their early years together.
Armand is still planning to throw the party to end all parties on Daniel's 100th birthday though.
Armand also still gets to plan and throw parties/celebrations for his loved ones, specifically for Sybelle and Benji. Each year he uses one of their birthdays to throw a huge party and invite everyone they know, and to bring as many people as possible to Trinity Gate. There are performers, and a lot of spectacle and it's all very showy and impressive. But he alternates this with a more personal celebration for one of them each year, with just their close family/friends, based around the interests of whoever the event is for.
Louis has promised to set Trinity Gate on fire if Armand ever plans a huge party like that for him, he has enough problems with Lestat trying to do things like that at court.
Armand makes sure he can always spend Louis birthday with him, whether that means just staying in and relaxing with him, or whether he manages to coax him out to go and see or do something they'll enjoy.
Armand also puts a lot of effort into Louis gifts, hunting down rare editions of his favourite books for example, or having custom pieces of furniture made for the library.
Oops, this ended up all being headcanons about how Armand celebrates his loved ones birthdays, but I think given how he shows his affection through acts of service and gift giving, I think he takes birthdays as the opportunity they are to lavish the people he cares about with love and affection. He also likes playing host and planning events in my mind, so it's a good opportunity for that.
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empireyachtsdubai · 1 year
Experience the Private Yacht Rental Dubai - Empire Yachts
 Empire Yachts is the perfect way to experience the exclusive and luxurious world of private yacht rental in Dubai. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, our team can provide you with the best selection of luxury yachts to choose from. From small cruisers to mega yachts, we have something for everyone. We also offer a wide range of extras such as chef service, wedding services, and much more to make your yacht rental experience truly unique.
Empire Yachts is a Private Yacht Rental Dubai that specializes in providing luxurious yachts for private events and pleasure cruises in Dubai. With a fleet of over 20 luxury yachts, Empire Yachts can accommodate any type of event or vacation. From small intimate weddings to large corporate events, Empire Yachts has the perfect yacht for your needs.
Empire Yachts is a reputed yacht rental company in Dubai that offers private yacht charters for a luxurious and unforgettable experience on the Arabian Gulf. With a wide range of yachts in their fleet, Empire Yachts caters to various occasions, including leisure cruises, corporate events, parties, and special occasions. Here's what you can expect when you experience a Private Yacht Rental Dubai  with Empire Yachts in Dubai:
Luxury Yachts: Empire Yachts offers a fleet of luxurious and well-maintained yachts that are equipped with modern amenities and facilities. The yachts are designed to provide the utmost comfort and style, with spacious interiors, plush seating areas, fully equipped kitchens, entertainment systems, and air-conditioning.
Professional Crew: Empire Yachts provides experienced and professional captains and crew who are trained to ensure a safe and enjoyable yacht charter experience. The crew is well-versed with the local waters, and they take care of all the navigation, safety, and service aspects during the charter, allowing you to relax and enjoy your time on board.
Customizable Itineraries: Empire Yachts offers customizable itineraries, allowing you to tailor your yacht charter experience to your preferences. You can choose from various cruising routes and destinations, such as the iconic Palm Jumeirah, Dubai Marina, Burj Al Arab, or simply enjoy a leisurely cruise along the coastline while taking in the breathtaking views of Dubai's skyline.
Exclusive Services: Empire Yachts offers exclusive services to enhance your yacht charter experience. You can enjoy gourmet catering options, including a wide selection of cuisines prepared by professional chefs on board. They also provide additional services, such as water sports activities, DJ or live music, and personalized decorations for special occasions, to make your yacht charter truly memorable.
Privacy and Exclusivity: Private yacht charters with Empire Yachts offer a high level of privacy and exclusivity. You and your guests can enjoy the yacht exclusively, without having to share the space with other passengers. This allows you to have a personalized and intimate experience, perfect for special occasions or private gatherings.
Stunning Views: Dubai's coastline is known for its stunning views, and a private yacht charter with Empire Yachts offers the opportunity to witness the city's iconic landmarks from the water. You can capture breathtaking views of the Palm Jumeirah, Burj Al Arab, Dubai Marina, and other attractions, creating unforgettable memories.
Professional Service: Empire Yachts is known for its excellent customer service and attention to detail. Their team is responsive, accommodating, and ensures that all your requirements are met to make your yacht charter experience seamless and enjoyable.
Overall, experiencing aPrivate Yacht Rental Dubai  with Empire Yachts in Dubai promises a luxurious, personalized, and unforgettable experience on the Arabian Gulf. Whether it's a leisurely cruise, a corporate event, or a special occasion, Empire Yachts offers a premium yacht charter service to create lasting memories.
What are the benefits of choosing Empire Yachts?
Empire Yachts is a leading Private Yacht Rental Dubai company that offers luxurious and memorable experiences in Dubai. Choosing Empire Yachts has multiple benefits that make it the go-to choice for anyone looking to enjoy a premium yachting experience. Here are some of the reasons why you should choose Empire Yachts for your next adventure on the waters.
Firstly, Empire Yachts boasts a wide selection of high-end yachts that cater to different needs, styles, and preferences. Whether you are looking for an intimate escape with your loved one or a grand celebration with friends and family, there is a yacht that suits you best. Additionally, all our yachts come equipped with state-of-the-art facilities such as air conditioning, surround sound systems, and entertainment centers to ensure maximum comfort and enjoyment.
Secondly, choosing Empire Yachts ensures that you get exceptional customer service from start to finish.
What to expect on your yacht rental in Dubai?
When you rent a yacht in Dubai, you can expect a luxurious and unforgettable experience on the Arabian Gulf. Dubai is known for its stunning coastline and iconic landmarks, and a yacht rental allows you to explore the city from a unique perspective. Here are some things you can expect on your yacht rental in Dubai:
Luxury Yacht: Your yacht will be a well-maintained and fully equipped vessel, designed to provide the utmost comfort and style. It may feature spacious interiors, plush seating areas, air-conditioning, entertainment systems, and other modern amenities to ensure a luxurious experience.
Professional Crew: Your yacht rental in Dubai will come with a professional captain and crew who are experienced in navigating the local waters. They will take care of all the safety, navigation, and service aspects, allowing you to relax and enjoy your time on board.
Customizable Itineraries: Many yacht rental companies in Dubai offer customizable itineraries, allowing you to tailor your experience to your preferences. You can choose from various cruising routes and destinations, such as the Palm Jumeirah, Dubai Marina, Burj Al Arab, or other iconic landmarks, based on your interests and preferences.
Stunning Views: Dubai's coastline is known for its breathtaking views, and a yacht rental allows you to witness the city's iconic landmarks from the water. You can capture panoramic views of the Dubai skyline, including the Palm Jumeirah, Burj Al Arab, and other attractions, creating memorable moments and photo opportunities.
Water Sports Activities: Many yacht rentals in Dubai offer additional water sports activities, such as jet skiing, banana boating, paddleboarding, and more. These activities can add excitement and adventure to your yacht charter experience, allowing you to have fun in the water and make the most of your time on board.
Overall, a yacht rental in Dubai promises a luxurious and memorable experience, allowing you to explore the city's stunning coastline, iconic landmarks, and indulge in the finest amenities and services on board.
Tips for enjoying your yacht rental in Dubai!
Here are some tips to help you make the most of your yacht rental experience in Dubai:
Plan ahead: Before your yacht rental, make sure to plan your itinerary in advance. Research the cruising routes, landmarks, and activities you want to experience, and communicate your preferences to the yacht rental company. This will ensure that your yacht charter is customized to your liking and you can make the most of your time on board.
Pack appropriately: Dubai can get hot, so make sure to pack sunscreen, sunglasses, hats, and lightweight clothing. If you plan to engage in water sports activities, bring appropriate swimwear and towels. It's also a good idea to bring any personal items you may need, such as medications, cameras, and chargers.
Stay hydrated: Dubai's weather can be hot and dry, so it's important to stay hydrated during your yacht rental. Drink plenty of water and keep yourself refreshed with other non-alcoholic beverages offered on board.
Capture the memories: Don't forget to bring your camera or smartphone to capture the stunning views and memorable moments during your yacht rental. Dubai's skyline, landmarks, and crystal-clear waters provide excellent photo opportunities that you'll want to cherish.
Relax and enjoy: The purpose of renting a yacht is to relax and enjoy the experience. Let the professional crew take care of the navigation, safety, and service, and simply relax and unwind on board. Take in the beautiful scenery, lounge on the deck, or indulge in water sports activities to fully enjoy your yacht rental experience.
Try water sports activities: Many yacht rentals in Dubai offer water sports activities as part of their package. Take advantage of these offerings and try out jet skiing, banana boating, paddle boarding, or other water sports to add excitement and adventure to your yacht charter experience.
In conclusion, Empire Yachts. Whether you're a business person looking for a luxurious retreat, a leisure traveler who wants to experience all that Dubai has to offer, or simply looking for an unforgettable experience, Empire Yachts is the perfect choice.
Contact us:
Phone: 050 240 0018 Level 26, Marina Plaza, Dubai Marina Email - [email protected]
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thesopwithcamel · 10 months
My backstories and headcanons about the Hat Kiddos (TW: mentions of child abuse, neglect, child kidnapping and child murder, premeditated and otherwise
Caitlyn (1HT Hat Kid).
Had a pretty rough childhood, her parents divorced when she was about 78 years old (in her home planets time) her father would have custody and her mother would have to pay child support. Instead Caitlyn's mother took her and ran away to an isolated spacestation and turned possessive and abusive, eventually Caitlyn stole a recently decommisioned yacht to escape her mother's torment. Her father thinks she is dead and her mother went insane, what happened to her is unknown.
Caitlyn met Bow Kid in preschool and both became good friends and the two would keep in touch until Bow began her pilot training (around the same time Caitlyn was kidnapped) and the two would move on from each other, eventually though the two of them would reunite and they would have their shared adventure on Terra at the ages of 168 and 168 (about 12 in Terran years) respectively. Bow would perish in an interstellar accident delibrately caused by Caitlyn's mother known only as the incident of spaceport 63, Caitlyn wouldn't know of her passing until her final confrontation with 3HT Hat Kid.
Personality wise Caitlyn has mostly matured since her previous adventure and is now the alien equivelant of 15 Terran years old but has (mostly) retained her canon personality, she is experienced in her space faring shennanigans and engineering and is also really good at getting into places that she isn't allowed in.
Caitlyn is a selective mute and in her age she is more of a 'less talk and get shit done' then anything else. Caitlyn also has taken a liking to more brutish melee weapons like baseball bats, clubs and crowbars although guns are a close second as she can carry a ridiculous amount of weapons and ammunition on her person.
Caitlyn enjoys gaming, drawing, knitting and riding on her RUMBI unit, she also enjoys hitting the range and has a secret interest in military history. Caitlyn also has a Memory walking ability (explaining the events of Habboi's custom levels).
Caitlyn's physical strength is nearly immeasurable which not only allowed her to perform her feats of strength during her adventure but also allowed her to whoop Cavus so badly he became a black mass stuck in a jam jar in Caitlyn's freezer.
When the cataclysm occured it knocked Caitlyn's ship out of atmosphere and it ended up exploding due to the fuel tank cooking off (and unintentionally halting the Cataclysm), killing RUMBI and flinging Caitlyn and Jar Cavus out and into the sea where they washed up on the shore of 1HT Mafia Town (which had been melded with both the barbour and Calcite). Caitlyn was blamed for the whole Cataclysm and had to skulk around the area with gun and crowbar in hand before being pardoned by the town following a fight with the 2HT Mafia Boss and a corrupted Proto Kid.
Natalie (2HT Hat Kid) and Proto Kid.
Both have lived in Calcite for all their lives, Natalie was born to unknown parents and Proto was created by tim the CEO of Time in order to serve him. 2HT Bow moved here with her family when Natalie was around 3 and the two became good friends.
Natalie shares Caitlyn's personality minus a decently sized chunk of trauma.
Proto is more serious than Natalie and is generally more level headed, always focused on the task at hand. The problem is she is terrfied of failure since unlike Natalie she was created to serve, not born to a loving family.
It has been a few months since Tim's first meltdown.
Proto, Natalie and Bow had the privalidge of being under Tim's protection when the mafia arrived, 2HT Mustache Girl (or Mu) wasn't lucky. They also had the privalidge of being the first to explore 1HT Mafia Town just after the cataclysm.
Proto was the first to accuse Caitlyn of causing the cataclysm and caught up in pursuing her that Caitlyn literally shoved her in a freezer (alongside Jar Cavus) when the two forgave each other following Caitlyn's pardon.
Like Caitlyn, Natalie is really damn strong but like young Caitlyn her strength is RNG based. Proto isn't though and has to rely on agility.
Natalie does talk but is often shy, 2HT Bow does all the speaking and Proto never speaks (its kinda a 'I have no mouth and I must scream' situation).
3HT Hat Kid
her origins, real name and story are unknown but she is known to be 168 years old (or 12 in Terran years), meaning she shares Natalie's age. Unlike Natalie However 3HT Hat Kid is a huge piece of shit, forged by the world around her.
Singlehandedly abused the power of all the Time Pieces in order to make herself God, fuelled by years of repressed rage and anger she mashed three universes together and became a god in her quest to reset things to give herself a better life.
It is unknown how she ended up this way but due to 3HT Snatcher also surviving a rough guess can be made.
Following her defeat, 3HT Hat Kid layed low for a while before having the unfortunate exprience of encountering a certain thoroughly pissed off old Timeline keeper by the name of Lady Puella who proceeded to butcher the child in a manner so horrific that it would make death by Vita Carnis Harvester look tame in comparrision.
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luverofralts · 2 years
Arkhelios University
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“That’s the king of Strangetown! What is he doing here? Does Roman or Abe know him?”
Jorah watched the crowd starting to form intently. It was hard to believe that he was standing in the same area as the famous faces he saw on the international tv channels and that Roman and Abe’s wedding was big enough to draw foreign royalty to it.This event was much bigger than just a wedding between two Arkhelios citizens; it was a chance for the international community to show Twikkii Island that they weren’t responsible for the attack that had suddenly left Maura the throne. No one had claimed responsibility for the attack, but rumours were beginning to fly and fingers were being pointed. No one wanted to be accused of the crime, so foreign governments were going out of their way to show Queen Maura their sympathies.
“Look at her dress,” Jorah gushed as more people walked by. “It’s probably more expensive than our house.”
Valerian laughed at his husband’s enthusiasm. Out of all the Arkhelios guests at the wedding, Jorah had to be the only one who knew about foreign celebrities and customs. Growing up relatively sheltered in tiny Arkhelios, reading about the rest of the world was his escape. At night he’d dreamt of exploring the stars with Lucy and during the day, he’d fantasized about visiting the remarkable things he’d read about in books. The world was a huge, mysterious place and Arkhelios was only a small sliver of it. There was so much to see of it and Jorah wanted to see it all.
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“Are you going to keep out of trouble during the ceremony? You can’t ruin this for your brother no matter how much he frustrates you.”
Cindra was trying to remain firm with Nathan in order to keep an international incident from occurring. She could see the the resentment on his face and knew from experience that nothing good ever came from that look. She hadn’t approved of his “antics” with Kaeileen, but what was done was done. All she could do was encourage Nathan to act better in the future.
Nathan shrugged and shot Cindra what looked to be a genuine smile.
“I’ll do my best, for your sake,” he promised. “Not that Abe deserves all of this. He’s marrying a monster. I know that whenever they do find the people responsible for the yacht explosion, it’s going to be demons. It’s always demons. They feed on death and pain and-”
“Shush!” Cindra commanded irritably. “There’s already enough paranoid people here, you don’t need to fan the flames. The demon Lucy’s dating seems to be perfectly fine. You’re just being prejudiced.”
“She’s dating her boss, the head of the soul stealing department!” Nathan gasped. “How on earth is he fine? Oriana is going to die before her natural time because of them! It’s unnatural!”
“She seems happy to me,” Cindra replied, with an indifferent shrug. “She’s married to her lost teenage love and they have a family. Would you rather she be miserable and alone until her “natural time” comes? You might want to re-think your priorities in life, Nathan. You don’t seem to be very happy yourself. The only one complaining here is you.”
Nathan rolled his eyes and murmured something under his breath that Cindra couldn’t quite hear. It was probably for the best she didn’t hear whatever it was anyway.
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“Look how happy your sister is. No one else is stewing in negativity like you are,” she stated flatly. “And she’s probably not even dating that guy anymore. She looks pretty interested in some of the guests, so you may not even have to worry about a demonic brother in law.”
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Maura watched the crowd vigilantly for any sign of danger. The intricately carved wooden throne she sat on felt hard and uncomfortable to her. It had always been her grandmother’s seat that she was forbidden to touch. Even now, she half expected her grandmother to suddenly jump out from behind a tree to scream at her. She still flinched when the staff addressed her as “Your Majesty”. She was apparently the queen of Twikkii Island, though the title still seemed foreign to her. Hopefully over time she’d get used to it.
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She watched the other royal families carefully as they waited for the grooms to arrive. King Liam of Crystal Cove had been the first to arrive with his heir Princess Theodosia. Maura had been warned to watch him closely by her advisors. His youngest daughter had been killed in the attack on the yacht, and while his government hadn’t yet blamed Twikkii Island for their loss, it was always possible. Their nation had a sizable army, a coven of powerful witches and strong ties with Strangetown and Pleasantview. They weren’t the biggest threat to Maura, but she’d been warned to watch them all the same.
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Fortunately for Maura, her close friend and cousin Claudia was the head of the strongest, most feared country. Pleasantview was absolutely ancient with populations of magic users and demons and who knew what else that had grown over the centuries into a force that historically crushed anyone who opposed them. With Claudia’s support, Maura could probably present enough of a threat to keep the other nations at bay, even if Crystal Cove retaliated against them.
Beside Claudia, the king of Strangetown, King Charlie, and his heir, Princess Anneken, seemed to have the same idea as Maura. She saw their eyes darting around, sizing up the political scene for themselves. Despite Strangetown’s physical closeness to Twikkii Island, Maura didn’t know much about their royal family. Her mother’s half-sister was once the crown princess before her tragic death and the current king had just had a mild heart attack according to her advisors. Her grandmother had been the one with a connection to Strangetown, while Maura struggled to remember the names of any of the other Strangetown royals. Claudia seemed friendly with the family, so Maura was relying heavily on her relationship with Claudia to keep Strangetown friendly towards her home. That’s why she found it so nerve wracking to see her cousin and Roman Bellamy flirting the way they did. If he left Abe for Claudia, Maura would have to renegotiate her relationship with her cousin, and if she disapproved of Maura’s reaction or Ulyssa said something wrong, Maura’s home could lose the protection it currently enjoyed. Roman Bellamy could cost the nation she was now in charge of protecting absolutely everything. She didn’t know how her grandmother coped with the pressure of the crown without breaking. Every day seemed to add some new complication that she’d never encountered before and the pressure to keep everything together was becoming crushing.
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At least one third of the Chun siblings were under control from what Maura could see. Nathan seemed to be scowling, but otherwise he looked non-threatening. Lucy had disappeared entirely, but Ulyssa was seated beside her wife, so the damage Lucy could do seemed limited. Even the kids seemed well behaved. Theo was standing quietly, waiting for his chance to perform his ring bearer duties and his sisters were calm beside him. As troubled as he’d been as a toddler, Theo had really begun to mature over the past few years. He still had his slip ups, but after receiving the proper support for his abilities, he was doing well in school and being a supportive older brother. His parents might sometimes disagree with her assessment, but to Maura at least, Theo was growing into a smart, compassionate young boy with a bright future. Adrian’s daughters were just as promising and Maura couldn’t wait for them to show more of their personalities as they aged. Without an heir of her own, those girls could be the future of her family and would need to be guided if she and Ulyssa struggled to start their family.
It’s funny how much of my life depends on the whims of an unstable demon hybrid. When did that happen?
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To Maura’s relief, music began to play, indicating that the grooms were ready to start the ceremony. So far, no one had bolted from the altar or started a fight. Maybe this wedding might not be troubled after all.
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boatbookingindia · 1 year
Yacht party Mumbai for couples
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Boat Booking India, offers with extensive fleet of boats and yachts on charter, rent, hire in Mumbai & Goa. Make your special event more special by yacht rental in Mumbai and Goa. We have the foray to customize our packages according to your requirement.
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ogygiafm · 11 months
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ogygia residents, say hello to summer! It’s that time of the year when people love to go to the beach, spend some good time with their friends outside, play some sports, or just chat with friends in the fresh air. Announcing the Ogygia's First Summer Bash! From Friday, June 30th to Sunday, July 9th, the Island will be full activities for you and your friends to enjoy! All important information (including a schedule of events) can be found under the read more.
all week long, various venues around the island will be hosting small mini events.
the summer fair arrives to town,. with thrilling rides and plenty of concession choices to go around, this fair will offer the most amount of fun possible. each attraction gives a set number of tickets which can be later redeemed for prizes.
along the beaches will be custom-made outdoor theaters and offering up free movies for residents to enjoy every night at 9pm. enjoy the sound of the ocean and the feel of the sand, all while catching up on some of the best beach related movies ogygia can offer. 
free aquatic sports lessons will be provided all week. from water volleyball to surfing, if you’ve ever wanted to learn an aquatic sport now would be the time.
residents who are 21 or older are invited to attend a very special bar crawl. unlike most bar crawls, the bars will be coming to you! that’s right, we’ve rented out a yacht and anybody over the age of 21 is invited on board for free alcohol.
the lyre will be providing an a karaoke night on the beach. come, sing, dancing, and hang out on the water.
learn to deep sea dive or scuba dive with trained professionals. all equipment will be provided and lessons are available for anyone who wants to try out either activity.
on friday, july 7th: we’re providing residents with another free meal at ambrosia. the only catch is: you MUST bring a date. find a friend, find a date, but you must bring someone in order to get the food.
wrap up the entire week by heading down the beach for a campfire/fireworks show on sunday, july 9th. roast marshmallows, sing songs, watch the sunset; so many good activities to choose from. the fireworks show will begin at 10pm.
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enjoydubaiyacht · 1 year
How to Book Luxury Yacht on Rent for Birthday Party in Dubai
Dubai is known for its luxury yacht parties and there are many options available for those looking to charter a yacht for a party. Here are some options:
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WAK Yachts: WAK Yachts offers a range of luxury yachts for party rental in Dubai. They have yachts with a capacity ranging from 10 to 200 guests, and offer a variety of packages to suit different budgets and preferences.
Charter Click: Charter Click is another popular yacht rental company in Dubai. They offer a range of yachts for parties, from smaller boats to larger luxury yachts with capacities of up to 200 guests.
Royal Yachts: Royal Yachts is a luxury yacht rental company in Dubai that offers a range of high-end yachts for parties and events. Their yachts are equipped with state-of-the-art amenities and luxurious interiors, making them perfect for a party in style.
Dubai Marina Yacht Club: Dubai Marina Yacht Club offers a range of yachts for parties and events, with capacities of up to 120 guests. They also offer catering and entertainment options to make your party even more memorable.
Mala Yachts: Mala Yachts is a luxury yacht rental company in Dubai that offers a range of yachts for parties, with capacities of up to 200 guests. They also offer customized catering and entertainment options to suit your preferences.
When choosing a luxury yacht for a party in Dubai, be sure to consider the capacity, amenities, and pricing options of each company to find the best fit for your needs.
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highlifestyleindia · 2 years
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The new themed exhibition at the Monaco Yacht Show, called the Adventure Area, is devoted to adventure, exploration, and all kinds of recreational activities on a yacht.
The event will take place at two locations in Monaco's Port Hercule: first, the Adventure Area at Quai Antoine Ier, which previously housed the Car Deck and Tenders & Toys exhibitions, will combine the two themes into one space and feature a variety of luxury cars, tenders, and water toys for visitors to explore; second, about twenty tenders will be moored at Quai Jarlan, as in previous editions.
The brand-new Adventure Area will have an extensive selection of day-trip and sports tenders, luxury and off-road cars, water toys, high-tech devices, helicopters, and custom programmes to explore the planet's most isolated locations.
This expanded exhibit highlights the organisers' dedication to giving visitors the best yachting experience and is consistent with trends where charter clients want to take all-terrain vehicles to the North Pole, go on underwater expeditions, take boat trips off the coast of remote islands, take part in private excursions to historical and cultural sites in coastal areas, learn about animal species, or even go on scientific trips.
The Monaco Yacht Show has demonstrated that it is making progress toward its goal of reaching out to a new generation of customers who are revolutionising the idea of luxury by announcing three new themed exhibitions for 2022: the Adventure Area, the Sustainability Hub, and the Yacht Design & Innovation Hub.
The Show will run from September 28 until October 1.
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forrestdtcmouritzen · 2 years
Are Yachts A Smart Investment?
The seas are together with friendly dolphin fish, manatees, and many other varieties of fishes and animals. Guides and captains of Siesta Key within your boat still give you advice on the greatest places to observe them. Siesta Key is the true Garden of Eden in every sense. Can be a tropical trees, flowering shrubs, beautiful birds and a good variety of life provides. See beautiful birds along its bays and beaches, ever present for the puppies enthusiast.
Go to the horse backrounds. On many Saturday afternoons, the Barbados Turf Club holds race meetings in the Garrison Savannah racecourse. Betting is controlled and always honest. Read the people, the friends and lay a bet or two; such a wonderful method spend a lazy day.
Does the brokerage employ direct email advertising and marketing? We keep a communication marketing connected with several thousand boaters, a proficient number of whom are patrons. On a bi-monthly basis we email these buyers with a publication about new vessels on the market, price changes, boating headlines and other subjects of marine passion. Your yacht will be marketed listed. It sends customers to the website.
Boat holidays can wind up being much over your traditional holiday. When you can rent a boat for a few days, it's also possible to rent a boat for seasons at once. This gives that you nice, long holiday the actual really less expensive than you'd expect. It's certainly cheaper to spend three weeks on a boat holiday than always be be to invest three weeks in a hotel, where you'd likewise to mull over buying food, paying for transportation or parking, and paying admission to events. Having a Boat Holiday, it's all included-the accommodations and those activities. You will need to supply food, however, but buying groceries is less expensive eating at restaurants each and every meal.
The "Isle of Patmos" is noted for the famous writings of Saint John the Divine, who wrote the book of Revelations in the Greek New Testament for the Holy Bible verses. He was exiled to this island after attempts on his life failed. аренда лодки в греции на неделю stop here, and the island has beaches having a beautiful vis. Skala is the main town, which caters to cruise ship travellers. However visit the monastery of Saint John above Skala, and the Monastery of the Apocalypse which built all over cave where Saint John had his vision of end periods. There are connections by ferry to Kos, Rhodes, Leros and Kalymnos, together small boat to the city of Lipsi.
Almost all House boats come with televisions and music systems and other such basic entertainment ??? ?????????? ????? ? ?????? musical instruments. For a little extra they may well come along with DVD players and refrigerators and wash machines various other really luxurious gadgets.
Go bird and animal watching. Most forest parks and camping sites have brochures or leaflets for your different regarding animals that will be found around pick a that count watching and to look out for. A fun thing to enjoy is to buy books on wildlife before your camping trip and are game with your children and then determine who can spot the animals extremely. Just be particular you maintain your children at a safe duration.
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coochiequeens · 2 years
Yes I am opposed to Drag Queen story time but I don’t think a protest is a good way to go about it. This event is targeted for kids 3 to 7, they’re not going to understand protests, they’re just going to see loud angry men. A better protest would have been to offer a competing story time at a different location.
A Drag Queen Storytime is one of many events planned in Winston-Salem for Pride Month. But it's getting a lot more attention because of a protest planned around it.
Drag Queen Anna Yacht is set to read books to kids at Bookmarks on Saturday, June 18. The event is publicized as family friendly, with a focus on kids ages 3 to 7 years old. She said she's looking forward to hosting the event in her hometown.
I know that if I had been able to experience something like this as a kid, I would've felt a lot less isolated," she said. "There was never an ounce of malicious intent. It was always just meant as an opportunity to spread love and to really bring the community together. And that's been the overwhelming response I've received. I feel very humbled by the opportunity to still go forward with this event."
Yacht said she's disappointed, but not surprised there's a protest forming around the reading event. Queer Winston-Salem is organizing a counter-protest and Pride Winston-Salem is supporting the event with its police presence already planned for its parade Saturday. 
A lot of the organizations WXII spoke with mentioned one man, believed to be organizing the protest. His phone number was listed in screenshots being shared to LGBTQ organizations. He's even been listed as an organizer in news articles. But Scott Arnold said this is not accurate.
"I'm not the organizer," Arnold said. "I just shared the post to my Forsyth County Republican Men's Club."
Arnold said he's not even planning on attending the protest, but that he does support their stance on drag.
There's a line in which you cross where something is too sexual in nature for people to be exposed to so early in life," Arnold said. 
Bookmarks has organized similar events in the past and emphasizes it's truly for people of all ages. Executive director Jamie Rogers Southern released a statement Thursday afternoon ahead of the event:
Bookmarks looks forward to a safe, fun, and family-friendly Drag Queen Storytime this Saturday morning. Storytime is a regularly scheduled program that cultivates community through family engagement and celebrates the rich diversity of our world.
We look forward to welcoming everyone who wishes to celebrate Pride Weekend with us. We look forward to welcoming all those who stand with us for the virtues of empathy, inquiry, free expression, and respectful discussion. We look forward to welcoming any members of our community who believe, as we do, that our community is better when it is inclusive, equitable, honest, and open.
We appreciate the support and cooperation of Pride Winston-Salem and the security provided by the Winston-Salem Police Department, and hope that those who come downtown for Drag Queen Storytime will stay to enjoy the Pride Festival Parade and Food Truck Rodeo. We appreciate the ongoing and vocal support of our staff, board, volunteers, and loyal customers, who embody a wide and varied cross-section of Forsyth County and this region. We are grateful for the many people in and around Winston-Salem who have spoken up in support of this Storytime and of Bookmarks’ wider mission of “cultivating community by bringing people of all ages together with books and authors who educate, inspire, challenge, and entertain.”
We look forward to welcoming ever more readers—of all ages, backgrounds, and genders—this weekend and in the weeks and months ahead. We look forward to encouraging the spirits of childlike curiosity and mature understanding that reading can foster, the same spirits that make a community thrive and endure. We imagine a community where the power of the book brings forth connection and belonging for every person. Bookmarks will continue to strive towards this goal and welcomes anyone who shares our vision to join us.
Some of the Pride events planned in Winston-Salem include:
June 17
6:30 p.m. Carolina Disco Turkeys Pride at the Park Game
7 p.m. Pride Kick Off Party at Willow's Bistro
June 18 
10:30 a.m. Drag Queen Storytime at Bookmarks
11 a.m. Pride Parade and Festival kicks off on 4th Street
June 25
Pride Brunch at Joymongers, celebrating one year anniversary of Queer Winston-Salem
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