gamingow · 1 year
Mid-Season 3 DPS Tier List
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Mid-Season 3 DPS Tier List these are the ranking from the best to worst DPS heroes currently during the Mid-Season 3 patch. There will be a simple explanation on why each hero is within the category chosen. This is the Mid-Season 3 DPS Tier List.
S- Meta
Cassidy Cassidy with his recent damage reduction buffs and his Magnetic Gernade change from his previous Flashbang and his 25 hp buff has made him a very strong duelist that can win pretty much every duel in overwatch. That's one of the reasons as to why Cassidy is in S Tier Hanzo Hanzo's great mobility and his multiple styles of damage from one shotting like a sniper to a tank shredder makes him a versatile pick in any situation. That is one of the reasons as to why Hanzo is in S Tier. Pharah Due to the mercy changes Pharah has drastically increased in her effectivity. Her overall Huge amount of consistent damage coupled with mercy's new strengths with healing make her much more difficult to kill then before. Those are some of the reasons as to why Pharah is in S Tier. Tracer Tracer's Survivability and Independence from her supports and her team as a whole, her consistent up time in team fights coupled with her easy to obtain Ultimate makes her a very strong and reliable pick. Those are some of the reasons as to why Tracer is in S Tier. Widowmaker Widowmaker is primarily an individual reliant hero, meaning she is as good as the player that's piloting it. However, her skill ceiling is arguably the highest in all of overwatch and her potential is so great that she is included in the S Tier catagory.
A- Amazing
Echo Echo is an all around very good character, her potential to burst down high hp targets and her mobility make her an incredible character. The reason she is A Tier is that her ultimate is very difficult to charge up and does not give enough value compensating the difficulty. That is one of the reasons why she is in A Tier. Mei Mei is a very strong pick in any brawly team composition, from her slow to her damage from her Alt-Fire and her wall that can negate a lot of play from the enemy. However, she is A Tier due to her being primarily good only in Brawly meta and cannot be flexed in other team compositions. That is one of the reasons as to why Mei is in A Tier. Ashe Ashe is a very strong pick due to her consistency in different forms of damage, AOE damage from her dynamite and consistent headshots with her scoped shots. Her Ultimate is also very powerful engage and defensive tool. What makes her A Tier is she has a hard time winning duels solo and doesn't do well short range. She also is a lesser version of what the S Tier heroes have to offer, A better duelist in Cassidy and a better Sniper in Widowmaker. Those are some of the reasons why she is in A Tier. Junkrat Despite some of the nerfs Junkrat is a very strong hero due to his one shot potential and a very strong ultimate if used correctly. He has consistent spam and mobility with his mines. However what makes Junkrat A Tier is his lack of belonging in any specific team composition and mainly works as just his own hero. That is one of the reasons as to why he is in A Tier. Sojourn Despite the many nerfs on to Sojourn she is still a very solid hero. From her Mobility to her very high Damage uptime and her Ultimate being a very strong win condition. However due to the nerfs she is a lesser version of herself Dropping from S to A Tier. Torbjörn Torbjörn despite popular belief is a very strong hero. His Overload makes him virtually a second tank and his added attack and movement speed make him very hard to deal with. Due to the transition from 6V6 to 5V5 There is one less player to shoot the turret making it harder to deal with then before. Those are some of the reasons as to why Torbjörn is in A Tier. Sombra Sombra after her rework has become a very strong hero. Her win condition Ultimate and her ability to teleport away makes it very hard for her to die in duels keeping her up time in a game very high. She also has a lot of damage due to the damage increase on her hack and can be used to burst down both tanks and squishies. Those are some of the reasons why Sombra is in A Tier.
B- Good
Bastion While Bastion is not good as other heroes he forced the enemy to have to play differently and adapt to him or they will lose. His High damage uptime while in Assault mode can make him hard to deal with in an uncoordinated setting. That is some of the reasons as to why Bastion is in B Tier. Genji Genji is the least strong Dive hero within the game due to his low damage consistency and more reliance on his one shot potential and resets. However, Genji's ultimate can be a great win condition that can be used to win a team fight necessary to win the game. That is one of the reasons as to why Genji is in B Tier. Soldier 76 Soldier 76 is lower than the rest due to many other heroes having more damage in burst setting and his lack of utility. However his Visor can be a very strong win condition as well while he also can have a very consistent damage up time and an independence due to his heal and mobility. That is some of the reasons as to why Soldier 76 is in B Tier.
C- Bad
Reaper Reaper is very weak due to the fact that many other heroes do what he can do but better, from Mei and Cassidy brawling better than him and his need to get up close makes him a very bad hero. The reason he is in F Tier is due to his ultimate still being fairly strong and his really high damage when he can get really close in uncoordinated settings. Those are some of the reasons as to why Reaper is in C Tier. Symmetra Symmetra is a bad hero due to her lack of mobility and reliance on her Teleporter and that many of the other heroes having the capability to do what she wants to do way easier and better overall with Mei and Cassidy brawling better than her. However, her teleporter can still be useful on some maps due to her Teleporter like Lijang Tower making her not in F Tier. Those are some of the reasons as to why Reaper is in C Tier.
F- Terrible
There are no F Tier heroes this patch because every DPS hero can be useful in certain situations. While some better than others every hero can have its spotlight!
If you'd like to ask specific questions about our DPS Mid-Season 3 Tier List or if you're curious and would love to delve deeper in discussion Join our discord that offers that and much more! : https://discord.gg/M4gVncbqPg Read the full article
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gamingow · 1 year
Season 4 DPS Tier List
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Season 4 DPS Tier List these are the ranking from the best to worst DPS heroes currently during the Season 4 patch. There will be a simple explanation on why each hero is within the category chosen. This is the Season 4 DPS Tier List.
S- Meta
Sombra Sombra after her Buffs the past 2 patches giving her the abillity to disable more ultimates than before made her better and better. her ability to take constant advantages with every duel with hack and invisibility and a game winning ultimate makes her extremely underrated. Those are some of the reasons as to why Sombra climbs to S Tier. Echo Echo despite her lack of changes is extremely underrated pick. With her Strong Beam's Ability to burn tanks and her ultimate not being used to its fullest potential due to people being used to just copying tanks. With smarter use of her mobility and ultimate she's more underrated than people realize. Those are some of the reasons as to why Echo climbs to S Tier. Cassidy Despite his nerfs on his health and Magnetic Grenade, Cassidy is still one of the best duelers in the game while also having burst on his right click and his ultimate is very strong if the enemy lacks any crowd control abilities. Those are some of the reasons as to why Cassidy stays in S Tier. Tracer Tracer was not impacted at all with the patch notes and still keeps her reasons as to why she is S Tier. Her Ultimate is also still easily charged and can guarantee a pick if used correctly. That's the reason as to why Tracer stays in S Tier. Widowmaker Widowmaker hasn't been effected by the patch and still has the same strengths as always similar to Tracer. Her Skill ceiling is still very high and she heavily relies on her mechanical skill. That's the reason as to why Tracer stays in S Tier.
A- Amazing
Mei Mei is still the best pick to play with Brawl compositions and she can play into other compositions quite well as well. The changes to Sombra makes her a little bit weaker due to the EMP threath. However, it does not stop her from still being a very solid pick. Those are the reasons as to why Mei stays in A Tier. Hanzo Hanzo, while still being very solid still his Ultimate in Ranked is a lot less reliable and requires a lot more coordination than is expected. That's the reason as to why Hanzo drops to A Tier. Ashe Ashe's Dynamite and Coach Gun is very useful from giving her solid AOE damage and her gun's strong single target damage as well makes her an all round solid pick. B.O.B is also very useful in a lot of situations. Those are the reasons as to why Ashe stays in A Tier. Pharah Pharah due to the mercy's change to double healing is more susceptible to dying than last patch. Her counters also being very strong currently makes her harder to play. However, her consistent damage and strong ultimate still make her very strong. Those are the reasons as to why Pharah drops to A Tier. Sojourn Sojourn amazingly did not get nerfed yet again keeping her to her similar strength level. Her strong amount of burst makes her just as strong as last patch. Those are the reasons as to why Ashe stays in A Tier.
B- Good
Soldier 76 Like last patch Soldier 76 is a solid pick and a very strong win condition with his ultimate. However, like last patch his kit unfortunately doesn't match some of the other heroes higher than him. His kit does not bring anything but consistent damage that lacks any utility. That is the reason as to why Soldier 76 stays in B Tier. Torbjörn Torbjörn relies too much on his overload, while yes very strong similar to bastion once baited out is just very weak hero overall. His turret can also be destroyed before the fight starts making him take a team fight without an ability. Those are the reasons as to why Torbjörn drops to A Tier. Bastion Bastion just like last patch relies too much on his Assault form while being incredibly strong his whole kit is built around that and once baited out is a sitting duck, he also has the biggest hitbox of any DPS in the game. Those are the reasons as to why Bastion stays in B Tier. Symmetra Symmetra's immobility relies on her Teleporter too much. However, her teleporter does provide her with a good amount and her alt fire is very strong poke. Her turrets while not very strong can be nuisance to deal with and sometimes even finish off some kills. Those are the reasons as to why Symmetra climbs to B Tier.
C- Bad
Junkrat Due to the nerfs Junkrat received making him way harder to get 1 shots with his Concussion Mine and his Trap not really providing any active potential crowd control and basically just relying on the enemy stepping into it makes him a very weak hero to play. Those are the reasons as to why Junkrat Drops to C Tier. Genji Genjis overall kit and damage is very underwhelming. His ultimate is also countered by almost the whole roster from movement abilities to defensive abilities and ultimates. It heavily relies on individual skill of the genji and the hero as a whole being not worth picking to begin with. Those are the reasons as to why Genji Drops to C Tier.
F- Horrible
Reaper Despite no changes to Reaper his identity in the game has been lost. There are much better tank busters over Reaper and his Abilities are very underwhelming and once used he becomes a very weak target as well. His Ultimate also just relies on the enemies basically either dying quickly or him being caught completely stuck, because he can't cancel it midway through. Those are the reasons as to why Reaper Drops to F Tier.
If you'd like to ask specific questions about our DPS Season 4 Tier List or if you're curious and would love to delve deeper in discussion Join our discord that offers that and much more! : https://discord.gg/M4gVncbqPg Read the full article
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