gamingow · 11 months
Season 5 Patch Notes
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Check out all you need to know about the new upcoming Season 5 Patch Notes. New hero changes, bug fixes and many more!
Join Tracer and her friends as they embark on an adventure in a fantasy-themed role-playing game. As you progress through the Battle Pass, you’ll guide Tracer while she works to save the magical kingdom of Overland from the threat of Demon Lord Reinhardt, and become a powerful knight as you unlock her Mythic Adventurer skin! More fun awaits in season 5, including our first-ever creator-made workshop game mode in the arcade, the return of Summer Games, and introducing Mischief and Magic, Overwatch’s 2 prop hunt game mode.
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Lifeweaver unlock challenges added. Lifeweaver can now be unlocked by completing all his challenges! Incomplete weekly challenges will no longer reset to zero. 100% of the progress made in weekly challenges in the previous week will be kept and carried over. All weekly challenges requiring wins have been converted to “Complete games. Wins grant double progress.” - This change results in the required amounts becoming higher, but the average total number of games needed to complete the challenges has not. Developer Comment: Our goal is to ensure every game played contributes to weekly challenge progress. With the progress carry-over change, when weekly challenges reset, all progress on incomplete challenges will be carried over into the next week. Completed challenges will still reset. The change from winning games to completing games increases the required amount to complete, but the average number of games required for completion remains the same. For example, “Win 10 games” could take any number of games to complete—around 20 games on average—and “Complete 30 games. Wins grant double progress.” takes between 15-30 games, also averaging around 20. While this increased number of games looks big and scary, the maximum number of games it takes is now capped, and the average remains the same. ON FIRE Fire returns to highlight your incredible plays with these new features: - New State: BLAZING - What’s better than being On Fire? Being even more On Fire! A team’s most exceptional playmakers will now begin Blazing. Blazing cannot be maintained as easily as regular Fire, so you’ll need outstanding play to keep the heat on. - Reignited Visuals and Sound Effects - Fire returns to the hero portrait and the scoreboard with new animations. Fire makes its debut in the kill feed as well. - Catching Fire - Killing enemies that are On Fire grants Fire. - Fan the Flames - The Fire has spread to more than just Genji players. Beyond eliminations and damage, Fire comes from mitigated damage, saves, healing, assists, capturing/contesting objectives, boosted damage, and crowd control. Pay attention to which heroes on your team are On Fire and help them out to increase your Fire score. MATCHMAKING Matchmaking Improvements - Added new matchmaker functionality that should create matches with a narrower range of player skills. The initial tuning of the system at the start of the season will not be aggressive, but we will be making continual tuning changes throughout the season. - The matchmaker now prioritizes placing similar groups with wide skill ranges into the same match, which means solo players will see a lower chance of being placed in those matches. Matchmaking – Bug Fixes - Addressed some issues with backfills in Quick Play that could cause the backfill to take a long time or never occur. - Fixed an issue where the matchmaker sometimes initialized new players’ competitive MMRs to a value that did not reflect their skill. Players will continue to adjust to their accurate MMR as they continue to play. FFA Player Skill Ratings – Bug Fixes - We recently noted a major issue that affected how the matchmaker updated the internal ratings representing player skill in our “free for all” game modes, such as Deathmatch, where players are not on a team. This issue resulted in incorrect skill ratings that could create longer queue times and worse match quality than expected. - The underlying issue causing incorrect updates has now been addressed, but unfortunately, these skill ratings are no longer meaningful. The best way forward is to do a complete reset of the FFA MMR used by these specific game modes. After this reset, match quality is expected to be suboptimal until players are able to play more games of Deathmatch. We do not take this action lightly, but it is the best course for the future.
RANKED INACTIVITY CHANGES Players that did not play any matches during the previous competitive season will become Inactive. Inactive players do not have a visible Skill Tier and Division. Each role in Role Queue can become Inactive separately, while in Open Queue, a player only has one rank that can become Inactive. Once an Inactive player returns and achieves a Competitive Update after winning five games, their Skill Tier and Division will become visible again. COMPETITIVE MYSTERY HEROES - Competitive Mystery Heroes returns for an entire season of randomized hero action! The competitive challenges are also back, providing mysterious titles and competitive points. COMPETITIVE BUG FIXES - Improved how the matchmaker computes its initial skill estimation, aka "MMR,” for a player queuing for their first competitive game.
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Rampage - Ultimate cost increased by 15%. Commanding Shout - Temporary health reduced from 200 to 150. Developer Comment: The last round of Junker Queen changes increased both her sustained damage and self-healing. Hence, she ends up staying alive and in the fight longer, which was the intent, but naturally, her ultimate charges much more quickly on average as a result. The passive Adrenaline Rush healing becoming more potent has been interesting for gameplay as it’s tied to landing her abilities. To bring her survivability more in line, we’re shifting some of the power out of the Commanding Shout temporary health gained for Junker Queen herself. ROADHOG
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Take a Breather - Now amplifies healing received by 50% for 2.5 seconds after finishing Take a Breather. Developer Comment: We would like Roadhog to be even sturdier as he’s an immobile tank with minor damage-blocking ability. His self-sustainability is already quite powerful when alone, so this is more of a team-oriented change. Take a Breather briefly increasing healing received will enable the support heroes on Roadhog’s team to help him recover more quickly. CASSIDY
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Magnetic Grenade - No longer has a maximum projectile travel range of 10 meters. - The projectile now magnetizes toward an enemy target from 1.5 meters away and chases them for up to 1 second. - Impact damage increased from 0 to 10. - Explosion damage reduced from 120 to 70. - Stuck targets now have their movement slowed by 30%. - Stuck targets are now affected by a “Hindered” status effect, interrupting and preventing movement abilities from being activated. Developer Comment: The overall goals for Magnetic Grenade are to shift its use from purely damage into more of a utility, and change its deployment behavior from a close-range lock-on to more of an aimed projectile that magnetizes if it gets close to an enemy target. The previous “Stuck” banner text alert confused Tracer’s Pulse Bomb message, so this mobility-locking status effect is being referred to as "Hindered.” HANZO
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Sonic Arrow - Impact sound effect now plays for enemies. - Visual effect is now briefly visible to enemies when first deployed. Storm Bow - Maximum damage reduced from 125 to 120. Developer Comment: The Storm Bow damage adjustment is a small but significant change so that heroes with 250 health won’t be eliminated with one critical damage shot. We’ve also updated the sound and visual for when Sonic Arrow initially lands to give nearby enemies more awareness that the ability was used. MEI
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Endothermic Blaster - Damage per second reduced from 100 to 55. - Primary fire slow is no longer always 40% and now scales from 30-50%. - Primary fire impacts now build up to a slowing effect that sticks to the enemy target for 1.5 seconds and slows them for 75%. - Secondary fire impacts can detonate this new slow effect, dealing an additional 40 damage. Developer Comment: This set of changes is intended to bring back some of the gameplay and feeling Mei’s primary fire used to have previously, though without the hard crowd control of a full freeze stun. REAPER
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Wraith Form - Can no longer be activated while affected by mobility-locking effects (Magnetic Grenade, Steel Trap, Graviton Surge, etc.). Developer Comment: The Reaper and Moira changes are addressing an inconsistency with the interaction of Wraith Form or Fade with mobility-locking effects such as Junkrat’s Steel Trap, Sigma’s Gravitic Flux, Zarya’s Graviton Surge, and Cassidy’s Magnetic Grenade. They are now disabled similarly to Tracer’s Recall or Sombra’s Translocator, which are abilities that also phase out and can move the player. TRACER
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Pulse Pistols - Spread increased by 15%. Developer Comment: We uncovered a bug that was setting Tracer’s maximum weapon spread smaller than intended. We’ll be monitoring the results of this one closely, as fixing it may have a significant impact on her overall effectiveness. WIDOWMAKER
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Widow’s Kiss - Scoped shot damage falloff min-max range reduced from 70-100 to 40-60 meters. - Scoped shot maximum damage falloff scalar increased from 30 to 50%. Developer Comment: These changes to Widowmaker’s weapon falloff are intended to reduce her one-shot capabilities on maps with extremely long sightlines. The average range to still eliminate a 200 health hero at full charge is around 50 meters. A fully-charged critical shot will still eliminate 150 health targets regardless of range. LIFEWEAVER
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General - Petal ornaments on his back have had their size and hit volume reduced by 10%. Healing Blossom - Maximum healing increased from 65 to 75. Thorn Volley - Damage per projectile increased from 5 to 6. - Projectile radius increased from 0.1 to 0.125. - Ammo increased from 60 to 70. Petal Platform - Walkable area increased by 15%. - Area to trigger lift now shrinks from a radius of 2 to 0.75 meters after initial placement. Life Grip - Cooldown reduced from 20 to 16 seconds. - Now heals the target ally for 50 health. Tree of Life - Ultimate cost increased by 8%. Developer Comment: Lifeweaver’s stats have been improving over time, but he is still underperforming. These adjustments are primarily straightforward improvements to nearly every aspect of his kit, outside of his ultimate ability, which received a small cost adjustment for the increased healing and damage output. The Petal Platform area shrinking is a quality-of-life change intended to help avoid accidentally activating the lift after it has been placed. MOIRA
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Fade - Can no longer be activated while affected by mobility-locking effects (Magnetic Grenade, Steel Trap, Graviton Surge, etc.). Developer Comment: The Reaper and Moira changes are addressing an inconsistency with the interaction of Wraith Form or Fade with mobility-locking effects such as Junkrat’s Steel Trap, Sigma’s Gravitic Flux, Zarya’s Graviton Surge, and Cassidy’s Magnetic Grenade. They are now disabled similarly to Tracer’s Recall or Sombra’s Translocator, which are abilities that also phase out and can move the player.
BUSAN New lighting scheme – Overcast RIALTO New lighting scheme – Evening WATCHPOINT: GIBLARTAR - Completely redesigned the final defender spawn area - Added an exit route from the forward defender spawn - Route adjustments and changes made around first capture point outside of the hangar - Covers and route adjustments made inside the hangar
GENERAL - Fixed Lifeweaver platform ping VO not playing. - Fixed ping stems not appearing for Last Seen pings with no line of sight. - Fixed Lifeweaver Tree and Platform from appearing as enemies when directly pinged by allies. - Disabled ping wheel movement shortcut for controller. - Disabled locking the crosshair in place for controller when the Ping Wheel Press Delay is active. - Fixed performance issues some consoles were experiencing. - Healing projectiles now make contact with targets who are phased out (i.e., Moira’s Fade). - Fixed an issue with on Ultrawide monitors that resulted in black bars appearing on the edges of the screen. - Fixed a bug that prevented the end of match flow not playing for Top 500 players. - Fixed the issue that caused Antarctic Peninsula’s image to be missing from its entries in the History menu. AUDIO - Due to a bug, we temporarily need to change the audio reverb settings used throughout the game to an alternate method. We hope to have this fixed in an upcoming patch. MAPS Colosseo - Fixed an area of the map that allowed players to leave the playable space. Hollywood - Fixed some haybales that did not correctly block D.Va Self-Destruct damage. King’s Row - Fixed a bug that allowed some gameplay elements to be placed inside the bus and taxi. Lijiang Tower - Fixed an area in Night Market that allowed players to stand outside of intended map boundaries. - Fixed a location that allowed Torbjorn to almost completely hide his turret. Nepal - Fixed some drums on the map that players could become stuck on. Numbani - Fixed the vines hanging above the tunnel (the one just before the final point) having collision and blocking projectiles and explosives. Oasis - Fixed several areas Kiriko could become stuck when using Swift Step. HEROES Ana - Fixed a bug with Sleep Dart not counting toward the Accuracy stat when performed as the final blow. Baptiste - Fixed a bug with Immortality Field not correctly displaying its active cooldown through Hero swaps. Doomfist - Fixed an issue that allowed stunned targets of Rocket Punch to escape the stun early by jumping after being hit. - Fixed an interaction between Tree of Life and Meteor Strike that allowed Doomfist to be healed while not in the field of play. - Fixed an interaction that resulted in Doomfist’s Rocket Punch doing no damage to Lifeweaver’s Petal Platform. - Fixed an issue with Powerblock not reducing the area of effect damage correctly. - Fixed an issue with Powerblock was being incorrectly applied to Junkerqueen’s Bleed. D.Va - Fixed a bug with D.Va’s primary fire increasing its rate of fire when it was set to the mouse wheel. Echo - Fixed an interaction with Duplicate destroying the duplicated ultimates when Duplicate ends (Symmetra and Wrecking Ball). - Healing effects that were started during Echo’s ultimate will now continue to heal Echo after the ultimate has ended. - Fixed a bug where a duplicated Lifeweaver’s Tree of Life would not heal anyone after Echo’s ultimate had ended. - Fixed a bug with Sticky Bombs not detonating if used right after Duplicate ends. Lifeweaver - Life Grip will now correctly nudge targets around payload obstacles. - Healing Blossom and Life Grip targeting now consider both the head and chest of the target as a valid line of sight, allowing targeting around vertical obstructions, such as payloads, to be more consistent. - Fixed a bug that prevented Petal Platform from being used if Secondary Fire was set as the confirmation input. - Fixed a bug with Life Grip not consistently pulling allies onto ledges if Lifeweaver was airborne. - Fixed an issue where Life Gripped allies falling off the map would still die to the death plane. - Fixed the issue that resulted in a friend Lifeweaver’s Petal Platform highlighting red when pinged. - Fixed an issue that prevented Lifeweaver’s footsteps from playing sound when crouched. - Resolved a bug that prevented the Tree of Life from being placed on an enemy Torbjorn turret (it now destroys the turret). - Fixed a bug that allowed Tree of Life to be attached to the Pushbot and pulled along. Mercy - Resolved an issue with Resurrect not retaining cooldown through Hero swaps. - Fixed a bug where Mercy wasn’t properly resetting her Guardian Angel cooldown when entering Valkyrie. Orisa - Fixed a bug where Orisa would use the animation for receiving critical shots for all damage received. Ramattra - Resolved an interaction with Nemesis Form and Annihilation that sometimes resulted in the ultimate not performing damage and lifesteal. - Fixed an issue where Block was being incorrectly applied to Junkerqueen’s Bleed. - Fixed a bug with block that prevented it from correctly stacking with Ana’s Nanoboost. Sojourn - Modified the screen effect applied by an enemy Sojourn’s Disruptor Shot to apply more accurately, making it easier to tell when you’re taking damage. Sombra - The translocator can no longer stick to loose objects on the map (i.e., Basketball). - Fixed a bug that prevented Sombra from Hacking Petal Platforms in FFA Deathmath. Torbjorn - Fixed an interaction between Lifeweaver and Torbjorn’s turrets that allowed them to be placed on walls. Read the full article
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gamingow · 1 year
Latest Patch Notes May 9
Check out all you need to know about all the Latest patch notes. From a brand-new game mode to many hero changes and some new added settings and bug fixes.
New Event - Starwatch: Galactic Rescue Battle for the fate of the galaxy in this new four-point Assault mode. Side with the Watcher rebels alongside the mighty Bonebreaker to rescue 3CH-0 from the Infinite Galactrius starship. Or serve the Infinite Empire and use the starship's security systems to defend against the intruders. Your choice will decide the fate of the galaxy, for whichever side wins more battles by the end of the event will reign supreme! Complete event challenges to unlock limited-time cosmetics, like the Asteroid Wrecking Ball epic skin, as well as up to 50,000 Battle Pass XP. Battle for Olympus Returns To celebrate Zeus Junker Queen's victory from Season 2's Battle for Olympus event, we are bringing back the game mode for a limited-time, including an all new Team Deathmatch version! To further commemorate the victors of Season 2, a statue of the god herself has been erected in Ilios.
Ping System - "Group Up" can now be used while dead. - Added a new setting to Controls -> Communication -> Ping - Options -> Enable Contextual Comms Wheel. When Enabled, this setting changes "Group Up" and "Need Healing" to use alternate comms when aiming at allies. This setting is "Off" by default. - Junker Queen can now ping targets through surfaces that her knife is stuck in, in the same way that Zenyatta can ping targets his Discord is attached to. Push Game Mode Update - The respawn time for players is increased by 2 seconds from 10s to 12s while their team’s forward spawn location is activated. Developer Comments: Forward spawn locations were proving to be too advantageous for the team with the lead, making it a bit too difficult for the disadvantaged team to mount a comeback. Matchmaking - MMR decay system has received multiple improvements aimed at more quickly and accurately re-calibrating players when they return from a long period of inactivity.
- The 2023 Competitive Deathmatch season begins on May 16th!
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JUNKER QUEEN Scattergun - Maximum ammo increased from 6 to 8 Jagged Blade - Projectile size increased from 0.15 to 0.20 meters Rampage - Now deals 40 impact damage - Wound damage decreased from 100 to 60 Adrenaline Rush - Adrenaline passive healing multiplier increased from 1.25 to 2x damage dealt by wounds Developer Comments: These changes increase Junker Queen's front-line presence by increasing her self-healing and offensive sustainability. We've also increased Jagged Blade's projectile size so it's more consistent to land.
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ORISA Augmented Fusion Driver - Damage increased from 12 to 13 Developer Comments: Orisa often gets a lot of value with her abilities, but she is underperforming compared to other tanks. Increasing her weapon damage will make her more of an immediate threat after closing the distance with the enemy team.
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WINSTON Jet Pack - Damage radius before falloff begins increased from 1 to 1.3 meters Developer Comments: It's difficult to deal full damage with Winston's leap due to needing to land almost directly on the enemy hero. Increasing this range will improve its consistency.
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WRECKING BALL Adaptive Shield - Effect duration decreased from 9 to 7 seconds Developer Comments: Adaptive Shields gives Wrecking Ball a lot of leeway in a fight due to its duration. This change to Adaptive Shields limits his survivability during prolonged engagements. DAMAGE
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ECHO Duplicate - Ultimate cost reduced 25% - Ultimate generation decreased from 5.5x to 4x while Duplicate is active Developer Comments: The following changes increase the flexibility of Echo’s Duplicate ultimate and shift some of its focus away from the allure of building multiple copied ultimates in a single use. This puts more of an emphasis on choosing a Duplicate target based on the hero's overall utility for a given situation, with the benefit of increased survivability due to transforming. Echo will get her ultimate more frequently but it will be more difficult to generate the copied hero’s ultimate.
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JUNKRAT Concussion Mine - Maximum damage increased from 100 to 110 Developer Comments: The previous adjustment to Concussion Mine's maximum damage lowered the effectiveness of Junkrat's grenade and mine combos too much so we are increasing the damage amount slightly. SUPPORT
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ANA Biotic Grenade - Explosion healing decreased from 100 to 60 Developer Comments: Ana’s survivability has improved significantly ever since the addition of the support passive. We are reducing the amount of healing provided by the Biotic Grenade explosion as she doesn’t need to rely on it for self-healing as much as before.
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BAPTISTE Immortality Field - Cooldown decreased from 25 to 23 seconds Developer Comments: Immortality Field provides powerful utility, but its long cooldown means that Baptiste often has to wait for the perfect opportunity to use it. We're decreasing its cooldown slightly to promote more flexibility in usage, though it will still be uncommon to see it in more than once per engagement.
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KIRIKO Developer Comments: Kiriko sometimes accidentally interrupts her Kunai reload with Ofuda. Kunai now reloads slightly sooner during the animation to mitigate this. In addition, there is now a hero option, "Healing Ofuda Cancels Reload," which can be turned off to bypass this issue entirely. Kunai - Kunai reloads after 65% percent of the animation has completed (formerly 75%) - New Hero option: "Healing Ofuda Cancels Reload" Developer Comments: Kiriko sometimes accidentally interrupts her Kunai reload with Ofuda. Kunai now reloads slightly sooner during the animation to mitigate this. In addition, there is now a hero option, "Healing Ofuda Cancels Reload," which can be turned off to bypass this issue entirely.
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LIFEWEAVER Life Grip - Reinhardt is no longer a valid target for Life Grip during Earthshatter, and using Earthshatter will cancel Life Grip. Developer Comments: Earthshatter is an ultimate where positioning is critical to effectively use, so we are adjusting it so that Reinhardt doesn’t have their ultimate be effectively canceled when Lifeweaver uses Life Grip.
In addition to the hero balance adjustments in this update, we are implementing multiple quality-of-life settings for several heroes to give you the ability to custom-tailor your experience of playing your favorite heroes. TANK
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D.VA Added the Hero-Specific Options: - Hide Boosters Cancel Text - Off by default - Hide Boosters Timer - Off by default
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DOOMFIST Added the Hero-Specific Options: - Hand Cannon UI - On by default - Hold To Use Power Block - Off by default - Hide Power Block Cancel Text - Off by default - Hide Rocket Punch Meter - Off by default - Hide Rocket Punch Cancel Text - Off by default
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ORISA Terra Surge can now be activated by pressing the Ultimate button again Added the Hero-Specific Options: - Hide Fortify Timer - Off by default - Hold To Use Javelin Spin - Off by default - Hide Javelin Spin Cancel Text - Off by default
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RAMATTRA Block now respects holding the input through being stunned. Added the Hero-Specific Options: - Toggle Block - Off by default - Hide Nemesis Form Cancel Text - Off by default - Relative Aim Sensitivity During Nemesis Form - 100% by default - Relative Gyro Aim Sensitivity During Nemesis Form - 100% by default (only available on gyro-supported platforms) - Annihilation Cancel Input - Ability 1 by default
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REINHARDT Added the Hero-Specific Options: - Relative Aim Sensitivity During Barrier Field - 100% by default - Relative Gyro Aim Sensitivity During Barrier Field - 100% by default (only available on gyro-supported platforms) - Hold To Use Charge - Off by default - Hide Charge Cancel Text - Off by default
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ROADHOG Added the Hero-Specific Option: - Hide Whole Hog Timer - Off by default
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SIGMA Gravitic Flux now automatically casts when the timer runs out
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WINSTON Added the Hero-Specific Option: - Toggle Secondary Fire - Off by default
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WRECKING BALL Pressing the Quick Melee button now cancels Roll Added the Hero-Specific Option: - Toggle Quick Melee During Roll DAMAGE
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BASTION Configuration: Artillery now automatically casts when the timer runs out Added the Hero-Specific Options: - Relative Aim Sensitivity During Reconfigure - 100% by default - Relative Gyro Aim Sensitivity During Reconfigure - 100% by default (only available on gyro-supported platforms)
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CASSIDY Added the Hero-Specific Options: - Hide Deadeye Timer - Off by default - Hide Deadeye Cancel Text - Off by default
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ECHO Added the Hero-Specific Options: - Hold To Use Focusing Beam - Off by default - Hide Flight Cancel Text - Off by default - Hide Flight Timer - Off by default
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GENJI Added the Hero-Specific Options: - Hold To Use Deflect - Off by default - Hide Deflect Cancel Text - Off by default
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MEI Cyro-Freeze can now be canceled by pressing the ability’s button again Added the Hero-Specific Options: - Hold To Use Cryo-Freeze - Off by default - Hide Cyro-Freeze Cancel Text - Off by default - Hide Cryo-Freeze Timer - Off by default - Default Ice Wall Rotation - Horizontal by default - Ice Wall Confirmation Input - Primary Fire by default
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PHARAH Added the Hero-Specific Option: - Toggle Hover Jets - Off by default
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REAPER Added the Hero-Specific Options: - Hold To Use Wraith Form - Off by Default - Hide Wraith Form Cancel Text - Off by Default - Shadow Step Confirmation Input - Primary Fire by default
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SOMBRA Added the Hero-Specific Option: - Toggle Hack - Off by default
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SYMMETRA Added the Hero-Specific Options: - Toggle Secondary Fire - Off by default - Hold To Deploy Sentry Turret - Off by default - Teleporter and Photon Barrier Confirmation Input - Primary Fire by default - Default Photon Barrier Rotation - Horizontal by default - Hide Photon Barrier Timer - Off by default
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TORBJÖRN Added the Hero-Specific Option: - Hide Overload Timer - Off by default
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TRACER Added the Hero-Specific Option: - Blink UI - On by default SUPPORT
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BAPTISTE Automatic Reload setting now reloads when both Primary and Secondary Fire are out of ammo if setting is set to Off Added the Hero-Specific Options: - Default Amplification Matrix Rotation - Horizontal by default - Amplification Matrix Confirmation Input - Primary Fire by default
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BRIGITTE Added the Hero-Specific Options: - Relative Aim Sensitivity During Barrier Shield - 100% by default - Relative Gyro Aim Sensitivity During Barrier Shield - 100% by default (only available on gyro-supported platforms) - Repair Pack UI - On by default
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KIRIKO Added the Hero-Specific Options: - Healing Ofuda Cancels Reload - On by default
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LIFEWEAVER Added the Hero-Specific Options: - Relative Thorn Volley Aim Sensitivity - 100% by default - Relative Thorn Volley Gyro Aim Sensitivity - 100% by default (only available on gyro-supported platforms) - Tree of Life Confirmation Input - Primary Fire by default
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LÚCIO Allow Backwards Wall Ride option now On by default Hold To Crossfade options changed from Off/On to Off/Hold For Speed/Hold For Heal.
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MERCY Added the Hero-Specific Options: - Caduceus Blaster Input - Primary Fire by default - Relative Caduceus Blaster Aim Sensitivity - 100% by default - Relative Caduceus Blaster Gyro Aim Sensitivity - 100% by default (only available on gyro-supported platforms)
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Read the full article
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gamingow · 1 year
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5ggehpY6bQ Lifeweaver Origin Story LifeWeaver is a pansexual support hero with a unique toolkit that's unlike anything seen before in Overwatch 2. The hero has an ability called Life Grip, which allows the user to shield and pull a teammate to their position. LifeWeaver's arrival has been highly anticipated by many players and is predicted to shake up the game in Season 4 of Overwatch 2.
Lifeweaver's Abilities
Health: 200 Lifeweaver Passive Parting Gift - On death, Lifeweaver drops a gift that heals the first enemy, or ally, to pick it up. - Healing: - Ally: 250 - Enemy: 75 - Duration: - 12 seconds Healing Blossom - Lifeweaver can Hold to charge a healing burst. Release to heal a targeted ally. - Healing: Min: 10 Max: 65 - Move. speed: -25% penalty - Projectile speed: 60 meters per second - Max. range: 30 meters (targeting) - Rate of fire: 1 second charge - .3 second recovery - Ammo: 12 - Reload time: 1.5 seconds - Casting time: Starts out with a burst loaded with 10 health points - 1 second to fully charge  Thorn Volley - Lifeweaver can Rapidly fire a spread of projectiles. Currently you have to switch between weapons between Thorn Volley and Healing Blossom to switch. - Damage: 5 per thorn - 2 thorns per shot - Spread angle: ? degrees - Projectile speed: 70 meters per second - Rate of fire: 11 shots per second - Ammo: 60 - Reload time: 1.5 seconds - Headshot: ✓ Petal Platform - Lifeweaver Throws a platform that springs upwards when stepped on. Petal Platform can be triggered by both allies and enemies alike. - Health: 400 - Projectile speed: 40 meters per second - Area of effect: ? meters rising - Casting time: ? second - Duration: ∞ (unused) - 10 seconds (after being triggered) - Cooldown: 12 seconds Rejuvenating Dash - Lifeweaver can Dash towards a traveling direction and lightly heal himself. Rejuvenating Dash can be used horizontal only. - Healing: 25 (self) - Max. range: 6.15 meters - Cooldown: 5 seconds Life Grip - Pull an ally to your location, protecting them as they travel. - Prevents the target from taking crowd control and damage during the pull but does not cleanse debuffs applied beforehand. - This Ability can be used to Deny Abilities such as Tracer Pulse Bomb, Sigma Gravitic Flux, Roadhog Hook and Reinhardt's Charge. - Max. range: 30 meters - Cooldown: 20 seconds Tree of Life - Place a tree that instantly heals allies upon sprouting and continues healing periodically as it lives. - The Tree of Life has a hitbox of its own meaning it can be used to block chokepoints - Tree of Life can also be used to block Mei's Blizzard or Sigma's Gravitic Flux by blocking their center. - Health: 1000 - Healing: 150 (Instant) - 50 per pulse - 1 pulse every 1.75 seconds (8 pulses) - Max. range: 30 meters (targeting) - Area of effect: 12 meters - Duration: 15 seconds - Ultimate cost:1860 points
Lifeweaver's Kit Positioning
Support Role: - Lifeweaver is a support hero in Overwatch 2, designed to give a ton of utility and is designed around players game sense and utility. Lifeweaver's abilities enable his teammates, while also ensuring his own survival, thereby providing crucial utility to his team. Primary Weapons: Healing Blossom - Lifeweaver's Healing is very slow and low when it comes to consistency and due to his ultimate being very strong using his Secondary Fire to charge it and swapping to healing in between is the preferred playstyle. Secondary Weapon: Thorn Volley - Lifeweaver Secondary Weapon provides him with a lot of consistent damage, and it helps him charge his ultimate way faster than healing. His damage is also very high with consistent aim. Utility Ability 1: Petal Platform - Lifeweaver's Ability Petal Platform can be used to combine with many different abilities and ultimates. From Bastions Assault for or Soldier 76's Tactical Visor and many more. This Ability can also be used to reach high grounds and pass certain chokepoints and get around different parts of the map. Utility Ability 2: Life Grip - Lifeweaver's Ability Life Grip is his primary ability that sets him apart from other supports. Like Baptiste's Immortality Field or Kiriko's Suzu, This ability is the primary reason people will pick this hero. Life Grip can negate many Abilities and Ultimates such as Gravitic Flux, Mei's Blizzard if times correctly and Many more. Life Grip has a long cooldown so it needs to be used with that in mind. Utility Ability 3: Rejuvenating Dash - Lifeweaver's Rejuvenating Dash is mostly used to dodge certain abilities during a game. Rejuvenating Dash has very negligible healing so keep that in mind while using it. It can also be used Horizontally only. Ultimate Ability: Tree of Life - Lifeweaver's ultimate ability is Tree of Life, let's him create a Tree that has an initial burst of healing and then ticks of gradual healing for people around it. This can also be used to block chokepoints or for cover since it has a huge health pool. - Overall, Lifeweaver's kit positioning as a support hero emphasizes his ability to prioritize on damage, stay mobile, and provide crucial utility to hir team. Hir Thorn Volley lets him dash out consistent damage, and his Petal Platform and Rejuvenating Dash abilities allow him to be mobile around the map and provide her team a way to move around the map or use their abilities effectively. His Healing Blossom can be used to heal allies, and her Life Grip can save teammates from bad situations. Her ultimate, Tree of Life, lets hir give crucial support during a team fight or escape from danger and different Ultimates. With careful use of hir abilities and strategic positioning during team fights. Lifeweaver can be an invaluable to any team in Overwatch 2.
Lifeweaver's Basic Information
- Real Name: Niran "Bua" Pruksamanee - Age: 29 - Nationality: Thai - Occupation: Scientist - Artist - Activist - Adventure - Voice Actress: Phuwin Tangsakyuen Read the full article
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gamingow · 1 year
Season 4 Tank Tier List
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Season 4 Tank Tier List This is the ranking from the best to worst Tank heroes currently during the Season 4 patch. There will be a simple explanation on why each hero is within the category chosen. This is the Season 4 Tank Tier List.
S- Meta
Wrecking Ball Wrecking Ball Still remains S Tier. Wrecking ball similar to tracer is self-reliant during dives and therefore a safer and more consistent pick. Due to the nature of ranked being chaotic Wrecking Ball that's some of the reasons as to why Wrecking Ball Remains in S Tier. Ramattra Ramattra due to her nature of getting a ton of armor from her nemesis form, her constant uptime of Nemesis due to a low cooldown and her very strong ultimate that is a huge win condition and a lack of any nerfs. Those are some of the reasons as to why Ramattra Remains in S Tier. Sigma Sigma despite his nerf and the lower ranking of the previous Tier List is the best pick for any poke composition. His consistency in teamfights whether its blocking crowd control and peeling for his team with his Rock and his consistent damage makes him the best pick for Poke style compositions. Those Some of the reasons as to why Sigma Increases to S Tier.
A- Amazing
Reinhardt Reinhardt despite his nerfs on his reduction with armor and increased hp and overall lower total HP. Despite those changes Reinhardt is still very strong with Brawl comps. His ability to make space is still the same overall. That is why Reinhardt Remains in A Tier. D.va D.va has increased to A Tier due to her burst potential and consistent uptime with Defense Matrix and Boosters. D.va also has the best Peeling in the game which makes her a very good pick against Dive compositions like Wrecking Ball and Winston. That is why D.va Increases to A Tier. Winston Winston's Ability to Make coordinated and consistent dives is overall better than wrecking balls due to him having a shield and being able to poke now with his Secondary Fire. His Ultimate also allows him to committee to hard engages and then pop it to regain HP and deal consistent damage and knockback if done correctly. That is why Winston Increases to A Tier.
B- Good
Doomfist Doomfist drops to B due to the fact it's mostly a 1 trick hero. While he is still the same and very good 1 tricks are the only ones who played him at his highest. Due to his high Skill Floor, Winston and D.va do what Doomfist wants to do but easier. He's also susceptible to Crowd Control Abilities meanwhile, D.va and Winston have different Abilities to deal with them. That is why Doomfist Decreases to B Tier. Junker Queen Junker Queen is too reliant on her shout making her a very hard hero to consistently get value out of. After her shout she's very squishy and can be ran down or or dove past making her harder to play and get value over other heroes. That is why Junker Queen Decreases to B Tier. Orisa Orisa While still very strong has multiple counter picks making her weaker overall. Zarya just beams through her Abilities and Blocks her damage with bubbles. D.va, Winston and Wrecking Ball can all Dive past her and get to her team. However She's a very solid counter pick against Junker Queen, Reinhardt and Doomfist shutting them down in different ways. That is why Orisa Decreases to B Tier.
C- Bad
Zarya Zarya is overall a bad hero in most matchups except for D.va and Orisa. Other then against those 2 heroes she's a very easy hero to bait down her bubbles and run her down. People also can counter her by just not giving her charge, since she's too reliant on her charge to deal damage. That is why Zarya increases to C Tier.
F- Horrible
RoadHog RoadHog after his Mini Rework with his hook and Gun, losing his one shot has become a hero not worth picking at all. Even on his best maps where he can hook people off the map many heroes can easily just get out of it using their mobility abilities. That is why RoadHog decreases to F Tier.
If you'd like to ask specific questions about our Season 4 Tank Tier List or if you're curious and would love to delve deeper in discussion Join our discord that offers that and much more!: https://discord.gg/M4gVncbqPg Read the full article
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gamingow · 1 year
Season 4 DPS Tier List
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Season 4 DPS Tier List these are the ranking from the best to worst DPS heroes currently during the Season 4 patch. There will be a simple explanation on why each hero is within the category chosen. This is the Season 4 DPS Tier List.
S- Meta
Sombra Sombra after her Buffs the past 2 patches giving her the abillity to disable more ultimates than before made her better and better. her ability to take constant advantages with every duel with hack and invisibility and a game winning ultimate makes her extremely underrated. Those are some of the reasons as to why Sombra climbs to S Tier. Echo Echo despite her lack of changes is extremely underrated pick. With her Strong Beam's Ability to burn tanks and her ultimate not being used to its fullest potential due to people being used to just copying tanks. With smarter use of her mobility and ultimate she's more underrated than people realize. Those are some of the reasons as to why Echo climbs to S Tier. Cassidy Despite his nerfs on his health and Magnetic Grenade, Cassidy is still one of the best duelers in the game while also having burst on his right click and his ultimate is very strong if the enemy lacks any crowd control abilities. Those are some of the reasons as to why Cassidy stays in S Tier. Tracer Tracer was not impacted at all with the patch notes and still keeps her reasons as to why she is S Tier. Her Ultimate is also still easily charged and can guarantee a pick if used correctly. That's the reason as to why Tracer stays in S Tier. Widowmaker Widowmaker hasn't been effected by the patch and still has the same strengths as always similar to Tracer. Her Skill ceiling is still very high and she heavily relies on her mechanical skill. That's the reason as to why Tracer stays in S Tier.
A- Amazing
Mei Mei is still the best pick to play with Brawl compositions and she can play into other compositions quite well as well. The changes to Sombra makes her a little bit weaker due to the EMP threath. However, it does not stop her from still being a very solid pick. Those are the reasons as to why Mei stays in A Tier. Hanzo Hanzo, while still being very solid still his Ultimate in Ranked is a lot less reliable and requires a lot more coordination than is expected. That's the reason as to why Hanzo drops to A Tier. Ashe Ashe's Dynamite and Coach Gun is very useful from giving her solid AOE damage and her gun's strong single target damage as well makes her an all round solid pick. B.O.B is also very useful in a lot of situations. Those are the reasons as to why Ashe stays in A Tier. Pharah Pharah due to the mercy's change to double healing is more susceptible to dying than last patch. Her counters also being very strong currently makes her harder to play. However, her consistent damage and strong ultimate still make her very strong. Those are the reasons as to why Pharah drops to A Tier. Sojourn Sojourn amazingly did not get nerfed yet again keeping her to her similar strength level. Her strong amount of burst makes her just as strong as last patch. Those are the reasons as to why Ashe stays in A Tier.
B- Good
Soldier 76 Like last patch Soldier 76 is a solid pick and a very strong win condition with his ultimate. However, like last patch his kit unfortunately doesn't match some of the other heroes higher than him. His kit does not bring anything but consistent damage that lacks any utility. That is the reason as to why Soldier 76 stays in B Tier. Torbjörn Torbjörn relies too much on his overload, while yes very strong similar to bastion once baited out is just very weak hero overall. His turret can also be destroyed before the fight starts making him take a team fight without an ability. Those are the reasons as to why Torbjörn drops to A Tier. Bastion Bastion just like last patch relies too much on his Assault form while being incredibly strong his whole kit is built around that and once baited out is a sitting duck, he also has the biggest hitbox of any DPS in the game. Those are the reasons as to why Bastion stays in B Tier. Symmetra Symmetra's immobility relies on her Teleporter too much. However, her teleporter does provide her with a good amount and her alt fire is very strong poke. Her turrets while not very strong can be nuisance to deal with and sometimes even finish off some kills. Those are the reasons as to why Symmetra climbs to B Tier.
C- Bad
Junkrat Due to the nerfs Junkrat received making him way harder to get 1 shots with his Concussion Mine and his Trap not really providing any active potential crowd control and basically just relying on the enemy stepping into it makes him a very weak hero to play. Those are the reasons as to why Junkrat Drops to C Tier. Genji Genjis overall kit and damage is very underwhelming. His ultimate is also countered by almost the whole roster from movement abilities to defensive abilities and ultimates. It heavily relies on individual skill of the genji and the hero as a whole being not worth picking to begin with. Those are the reasons as to why Genji Drops to C Tier.
F- Horrible
Reaper Despite no changes to Reaper his identity in the game has been lost. There are much better tank busters over Reaper and his Abilities are very underwhelming and once used he becomes a very weak target as well. His Ultimate also just relies on the enemies basically either dying quickly or him being caught completely stuck, because he can't cancel it midway through. Those are the reasons as to why Reaper Drops to F Tier.
If you'd like to ask specific questions about our DPS Season 4 Tier List or if you're curious and would love to delve deeper in discussion Join our discord that offers that and much more! : https://discord.gg/M4gVncbqPg Read the full article
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gamingow · 1 year
Season 4 Support Tier List
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Season 4 Support Tier List This is the ranking from the best to worst Support heroes currently during the Season 4 patch. There will be a simple explanation on why each hero is within the category chosen. This is the Season 4 Support Tier List.
S- Meta
Kiriko Kiriko despite her minor nerfs is still a very solid pick. Her pick potential with her Kunai and her endless interactions with Suzu makes her very strong. Her mobility is also very solid and so is her healing potential. She is an all-rounder and works in every team composition. Those are the reasons as to why Kiriko Remains in S Tier. Ana Ana is slowly becoming more prominent due to the potential of sleeping high value targets like a nanod Winston and her potential to make plays with Nade is very strong due to Kiriko being a bit less picked in Ranked as a whole. Despite her lack of mobility her skill ceiling can be very high. Those are some of the reasons as to why Ana increases to S Tier.
A- Amazing
Lucio Lucio is a very solid pick due to his unique ability with Speed boosting teammates for rotations. While in ranked he is a little weaker due to lack of coordination and requires more skill than most supports, his ability to peel is very strong and the whole teams movement can be changed according to him. However, Lucio requires a huge range of both practice and mechanical skill to make him a solid carry in ranked. That is the reason why Lucio Remains in A Tier. Baptiste Baptiste is also a very solid pick ranging from his consistent dps and heal output and providing Utility to his team with Immortality and his self-survivability being very strong due to his Regenerative Burst. However, Baptiste is mainly good in Brawl style team compositions and doesn't get as much value in other team comps but he is still useful with the right player on it. Those are the reasons as to why Baptiste stays in A Tier. Zenyatta Zenyatta while mostly being a very glass cannon pick can be very strong when peeled and played correctly. His ability to Discord enemy tank and make them susceptible to constant increase of 25% damage helps his team take constant space. Zenyatta with a bit of mechanics can bring a ton of value to a team adding his Ultimate Transcendence that can shut down most potential win conditions the enemy has. Those are the reasons as to why Zenyatta Increases to A Tier. Brigitte Brigitte got the biggest and most changes in this patch. From her Ultimate mini rework to some changes to her packs. She was already a solid hero against dive due to her Whip Shot and mobility from her Shield Bash. With her improvements to her Ultimate is much more of a solid pick overall. Those are some of the reasons as to why Brigitte increases to A Tier.
B- Good
Mercy Mercy's nerf to her double healing on less than 50% hp targets and her nerf to most of her tech with Guardian Angel made her a less prominent pick overall. She is still solid at what she does with Damage Boosting certain heroes like Pharah, Sojourn, Soldier 76, Cassidy. Her overall strength definitely took a turn for the worst. Those are the reasons as to why Mercy Drops to B Tier. Lifeweaver Lifeweaver despite his few buffs, while having a very solid Utility, his overall damage and healing numbers are weaker than most other heroes he is competing with. He needs further buffs to become more solid. However, his Utility is very strong, so he still isn't fully bad. Those are some of the reasons as to why Lifeweaver is in B Tier.
C- Bad
Moira Moira's lack of utility and her whole kit being based on just heals and damage makes her a very unreliable pick. Since she can't make teammates immortal or help them live unlivable situations makes her very subpar. However, due to her buffs to her healing and her ability to not be able to reposition while using Coalescence makes her a bit stronger than before. Those are the reasons as to why Moira increases to C Tier.
F- Tier
Due to the many buffs the weaker supports received there is no F Tier hero in the support Category and every hero can be played in certain situations.
If you'd like to ask specific questions about our Season 4 Support Tier List or if you're curious and would love to delve deeper in discussion Join our discord that offers that and much more! : https://discord.gg/M4gVncbqPg Read the full article
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gamingow · 1 year
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lvm0of3iDUU Orisa's Origin Story Orisa is a tank hero in the game Overwatch 2. She has undergone a significant rework in the game's beta, with changes to her abilities and passive effects. The goal of the rework was to make Orisa more effective at engaging and brawling with enemies, and to make her feel more satisfying for players.The changes made to her kit are aimed at making her more engaging to play, while still retaining her core identity as a barrier tank.
Orisa's abilities
Health: 275 Armor: 275 Augmented Fusion Driver: - Orisa's primary weapon will now rapidly fire projectiles that use a heat mechanic instead of ammo. - Damage:6 - 12 per shot - Falloff range:15 to 25 meters - Projectile speed:90 meters per second - Area of effect:.1 meters projectile size - Rate of fire:10 rounds per second - Ammo:∞ - Reload time:2.5 seconds animation (2 seconds recharge) - Headshot:✓ Fortify:   - When activated, Orisa gains 75 temporary health but will be slowed by 20%. This ability also reduces the heat in Orisa's gun by 50% - Dmg. reduction:40% - Duration:4.5 seconds - Cooldown:12 seconds Javelin Spin:  - Orisa can spin her javelin and knock back enemies, dealing damage and blocking certain ultimates and abilities. - Damage:100 damage over 1.75 seconds - Move. speed:Forward movement speed by 50% while active and by 20% for 2 seconds after the spinning ends - Duration:1.75 seconds - Cooldown:7 seconds Energy Javelin: - Orisa can throw a javelin that knocks back enemies, dealing damage and stunning them further when they hit a wall. - Damage:60 (impact damage), 40 (wall damage) - Projectile speed:70 meters per second - Casting time:0.3 seconds - Duration:.2 seconds (impact stun) - .3 seconds (wall stun) - Cooldown:6 seconds - Headshot:✕ Terra Surge: - Sweeps in enemies and anchors down, granting Fortify buffs while charging the Terra Surge - Damage:15 per second while charging, 60-500 on surge (total 70-570) - Move. speed:-30% to enemies while charging - Area of effect:9 meters - Casting time:1 - 4 seconds charging, 0.5 seconds to unleash surge - Ultimate cost:1950 - Note: Terra surge can now be interrupted by Hack
Kit Position
Tank role - Orisa's rework in Overwatch 2 aims to revamp the bunker-style tank and make her more aggressive on the front line. Utility Ability - Fortify - Orisa's Fortify ability still allows her to reduce incoming damage. It also Gives her immunity to crowd control helping her and her team advance certain choke points in game. Primary Fire - Augmented Fusion Driver - Orisa's primary fire uses a heat mechanic instead of ammo, meaning that Orisa can fire continuously without worrying about running out of ammunition. This allows Orisa to deal damage consistently and efficiently. Utility Ability Energy Javelin - Orisa's new Energy Javelin ability allows her to launch a javelin at an enemy, dealing damage and briefly slowing them down. This ability also makes Orisa a more effective space maker, as she can use it to keep enemies at bay and prevent them from getting too close to her team. - Overall, Orisa's reworked kit makes her a more versatile tank, with the ability to both protect her team and make space for them. Her new abilities, particularly Fortify and Energy Javelin, allow her to be more effective in close-range combat and provide her with more utility.
Orisa Basic Information
- Real Name: Orisa - Age: 1 month - Nationality: Numbanian - Occupation: Guardian robot - Voice actor: Cherrelle Skeete Read the full article
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gamingow · 1 year
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaZfZFNuOpI Doomfist's Origin Story Doomfist is a former leader of the terrorist organization known as Talon. He is a skilled fighter and possesses a powerful gauntlet that allows him to level entire buildings with a single punch. Doomfist is also a prominent figure in the ongoing conflict between Overwatch, a group of heroes who fight for peace and justice, and Talon, a shadowy organization that seeks to disrupt the world order. Doomfist's journey to the universe of Overwatch 2 began long before the events of the game itself. In the game's lore, he is the third person to take up the mantle of Doomfist, following in the footsteps of two previous wielders of the powerful gauntlet. The first Doomfist was a legendary warrior who used the gauntlet to defend his people, while the second was a criminal who used it to wreak havoc. The current Doomfist, known as Akande Ogundimu, rose to power in Talon after the death of the previous Doomfist. He believed that the world was in need of a strong leader who could bring order to the chaos, and he sought to use his power and influence to achieve that goal. However, his plans were thwarted by Overwatch and its allies, who were able to stop his schemes and bring him to justice.
Doomfist's Abilities
Health: 450 The Best Defense: -  A passive ability that grants Doomfist temporary shields whenever he deals ability damage. - +35 overhealth per enemy hit with Rocket Punch or Seismic Slam - +75 overhealth per enemy hit with the Ultimate ability: Meteor Strike Hand Cannon  - His default primary fire, which fires four shotgun-like projectiles from each knuckle in his fist. - Damage:1.8 - 5 per pellet - 19.8 - 55 per shot - Falloff range:15 meters to 30 meters - Spread angle:Constant: 2.15 degrees - Projectile speed:80 meters per second - Num. of pellets:11 per shot - Rate of fire:1 shot per 0.32 seconds - 1 shot every 0.73 seconds (continuous fire of final shot) - Ammo:4 - Reload time:0.4 seconds (per shot) - Headshot:✓ Seismic Slam -  Doomfist leaps forward and slams into the ground, creating a shockwave that damages and slows enemies in the area of effect. - Damage:50 per target - Area of effect:18 meter cone at a 90° angle in front of Doomfist - 1.45 meters vertical range from surface - Cooldown:7 seconds Rocket Punch: - Doomfist charges forward and delivers a punch, dealing damage and knocking back enemies. - Damage:25-50 (impact damage), 10-30 (wall slam) - Move. speed:44 meters per second (Doomfist) - 15-35 meters per second (punched targets) - Max. range:~6.4 to 20 meters (depending on charge) - Casting time:0.2 seconds min. charge time - 1 seconds to fully charge - 1.6 second max. charge time - Duration:0.5 seconds max. travel time - 0.4 seconds stun (punch impact) - 0.25 seconds stun (wall slam) - Cooldown:4 seconds Power Block: -  An ability that rewards Doomfist with a powerful punch after taking a certain amount of damage. - Dmg. reduction:80% - Move. speed:-35% penalty - Duration:0.35 seconds min - 2.5 seconds max - Cooldown:7 seconds Meteor Strike:  - Doomfist launches into the air, allowing the player to choose a location to target on the ground. After a short delay, Doomfist crashes down at the targeted location, dealing damage to all enemies within the impact area. - Damage:Inner ring: 300 - Outer ring: 15-100 - Falloff range:2-8 meters - Move. speed:16.5 meters per second (selecting) - -50% move speed for 3 seconds (enemy) - Area of effect:Inner ring: 2 meter radius - Outer ring: 6 meter radius - Overall Radius: 8 meters - Diameter: 16 meters - Casting time:0.5 seconds activate animation - 1 second landing damage + 0.5 seconds invulnerability - Duration:Up to 4 seconds for select area - 3 second slow upon landing -50% (enemy) - Ultimate cost:1680 points
Doomfist’s Kit Position
Tank Role: - Doomfist is a highly mobile Tank hero in Overwatch 2, designed to disrupt the enemy team and create space for his allies. His abilities allow him to engage and disengage quickly, making him difficult to pin down and a valuable asset in any team composition. Primary Weapon: Hand Cannon - Doomfist's Hand Cannon is his primary weapon, allowing him to deal damage at close range. It fires four shots in quick succession, each dealing moderate damage. His melee attacks also deal significant damage, making him a threat in close-quarters combat. Mobility Ability: Rocket Punch - Doomfist's Rocket Punch ability is a powerful tool for engaging and disrupting enemy heroes. It allows him to charge up a punch and launch himself forward, dealing significant damage to any enemy he hits and knocking them back. The Rocket Punch can be used to escape or reposition as well, making it a versatile ability for Doomfist. Defensive Ability: Power Block - Doomfist can use his fist to absorb damage charging up his Rocket Punch. This can be used to absorb damage and to counter attack with the charged Rocket Punch creating an AOE (Area of effect) Stun if the enemy hits a wall turning the fight around. Utility Ability 1: Seismic Slam - Doomfist's Seismic Slam ability is a mobility and damage tool. It allows him to leap forward and slam into the ground, dealing damage to enemies in the area of effect and Slowing them. The ability can also be used to quickly close the gap between him and an enemy or to escape danger. Ultimate Ability: Meteor Strike - Doomfist's ultimate ability, Meteor Strike, allows him to leap into the air and crash down on a targeted area, dealing significant damage to enemies in the area of effect. The ability can be used to initiate team fights, clear objectives, or finish off low-health enemies. - Overall, Doomfist's kit positioning as a Tank hero emphasizes his ability to engage and disrupt the enemy team, creating space for his allies. His Hand Cannon and abilities provide damage and mobility, while his Meteor Strike ultimate can turn the tide of a battle. With careful use of his abilities and strategic positioning, Doomfist can be a valuable asset to any team in Overwatch 2.
 Doomfist’s Basic Information
- Real Name: Akande Ogundimu - Age: 45 - Nationality: Nigerian - Occupation: Martial artist (formerly) - Mercenary - CEO - Talon council member - Voice actor: Sahr Ngaujah
Doomfist streamers to Watch
Chipsa Twitch, Youtube, Twitter
Doomfist Images and Wallpapers
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gamingow · 1 year
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7j2d6YCQbg D.va Cinematic Short
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D.Va is a beloved and iconic hero in Overwatch 2, known for her tanking abilities and unique personality. She is a former professional gamer who now pilots a powerful mechanized suit in defense of her home country of South Korea. In the game, she is a formidable tank hero with a range of abilities that allow her to soak up damage, disrupt enemy lines, and deal massive damage to enemy fortifications. D.Va has been a staple in the Overwatch meta for many years, with her abilities and playstyle making her a popular pick among professional players. Players like Poko, Space, Fury, and many others have made a name for themselves playing D.Va, showcasing her immense strength and versatility in various game scenarios. As a tank hero, D.Va's role is to draw enemy fire, protect her allies, and disrupt the enemy's offensive. She is equipped with powerful boosters that allow her to quickly close the gap between her and her enemies, as well as a defense matrix that can absorb enemy fire and protect her allies. Additionally, she has a set of micro missiles that can deal significant damage to multiple targets, and a self-destruct ability that can deal massive damage to enemy fortifications and wipe out groups of enemy heroes. D.Va's unique personality and fun-loving attitude have made her a fan-favorite among the Overwatch community. She is known for her quirky and entertaining banter, as well as her impressive skills in the cockpit of her mech. Whether you're looking for a hero that can soak up damage, disrupt enemy lines, or just have a good time, D.Va is the hero for you in Overwatch 2.
D.Va's Hero Stats, abilities, kit Position, Basic Information
Hero Stats D.Va is classified as a Tank hero, which means she is responsible for absorbing damage and providing protection for her team. Her stats reflect this role, with high health and strong defense abilities. - Health: 350 - Armor: 300 Eject - Health: 150 health - Casting time: 1.5 seconds - D.Va's mech will automatically eject her when it reaches 1 Health. This forces D.Va into Pilot Form.
D.Va's Abilities
Fusion cannon - D.Va's primary weapon is a pair of automatic Fusion Cannons. These cannons have unlimited ammo, but they have a slow rate of fire and deal less damage up close. - Damage:0.6 - 2 - Falloff range:10 - 20 m - Spread angle:Constant: 3.75 degrees - Move. speed:-40% penalty, except when using Ability-dva2.png Boosters - Num. of pellets:11 per shot - Rate of fire:6.667 shots per second - Ammo:∞ - Headshot:✓ Light Gun - Description: Rapid-fire blaster that deals damage to enemies from a distance. - Damage:14 - Projectile speed:50 meters per second - Rate of fire:7 rounds per second - 1 round per 0.128 seconds - Ammo:20 - Reload time:1.4 seconds - Headshot:✓ Booster - Description: D.Va propels herself forward with her mech thrusters, dealing damage to enemies in her path. - Damage:15 - Move. speed:12 meters per second - 17 meters per second (booped target) - Max. range:Up to 23.98 meters - Duration:0.4 seconds min. duration - 2 seconds max duration - Cooldown:4 seconds - Headshot:✕  Defense Matrix - Description: D.Va creates a barrier that absorbs enemy projectiles and deals damage to melee attackers. Please let me know if you would like me to include additional abilities or information. - Max. range:10 meters - Duration:0.5 seconds min. duration - 3 seconds max. duration - Cooldown:1 second - 6 seconds to full charge Micro Missiles: - Rapid-fire missiles that deal damage to enemies. - Effective against multiple targets and great for suppressing enemy fire. - Unleash a barrage of missiles to take down your foes. - Damage: Direct hit: 7 per missile - Splash: 1 - 4 per missile - Self: 1 - 4 per missile - Projectile speed:40 meters per second - Area of effect:1.5 meter radius - Rate of fire:11 missiles per second - Ammo:18 - Casting time:0.256 seconds - Cooldown:7 seconds - Headshot:✕ Self-Destruct: - Massive explosive attack - Deals huge damage to enemies - Can wipe out multiple foes at once - Damage:100 - 1000 - Area of effect: 20-meter radius - Casting time:3-second fuse - Headshot:✕ - Ultimate cost:1540 points
Kit Position
- D.Va is best played as a front-line Tank hero, leading the charge and absorbing damage for her team. She is also effective as a flanker, using her mobility to get behind enemy lines and disrupt their formation.
D.Va's Basic Information
- Real Name: Hana Song - Age: 19 - Nationality: South Korean - Occupation: Former professional gamer, Mech pilot - Base of Operations: Busan, South Korea - Voice actress: Charlet Chung
D.va: An In-Depth Look at the Evolution of Her Strategy D.va has been a fan-favorite hero in the Overwatch universe for many years, and her playstyle has evolved significantly over the years. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the different strategies that have emerged for D.va in the past and present, including the dive meta of 2016-2017, the goats meta of 2018-2020, and her current state in 2022-2023. 2016-2017: The Dive Meta During the years 2016-2017, the dive meta was prevalent in Overwatch, and D.va was a must-pick hero in this composition. She was often coordinated with characters like Tracer, Genji, Winston, Mercy, and Zenyatta to execute high-speed and aggressive plays. This meta was dominant for a while, until the emergence of the goats meta. 2018-2020: The Goats Meta The goats meta, which was ongoing for a long time, saw D.va become a staple pick with a whopping 96% pick rate. Many amazing plays were made during this time, from Fury's 0.2 second grav eat to countless others. D.va's versatility and ability to disrupt the enemy team made her a key player in this meta. 2022-2023: The Current State of D.va At the launch of Overwatch 2, D.va was a strong hero, but she has since been overshadowed by the Ramattra and Roadhog meta. Despite this, she remains a viable option for players looking to make a big impact in their games. With her unique abilities and playstyle, D.va is sure to continue to evolve and remain a popular hero in Overwatch for years to come.
D.Va's Match-ups
Doomfist Hard - Doomfist has more flexibility and reach around the map - Doomfist can bypass D.va's defense matrix - Doomfist has better mobility and reach than D.va - Note: Matchup against Doomfist is more team comp reliant and not a direct counter. Junker Queen Medium - Defense Matrix can counter Junker Queen's Knife, so be sure to keep an eye on her and use it when necessary. - D.va's boosters can push Junker Queen away during her axe swing animation, causing her to miss her attack. - However, Junker Queen's Shout ability makes it difficult to fight her, as it increases her HP and movement speed. It's best to retreat or use Defense Matrix during this time. Orisa Hard - Despite Orisa's range reduction, she remains one of the strongest tanks in the game - D.va should use her Defense Matrix as often as possible to absorb Orisa's Javalin - Play around Orisa's Fortify ability to reach the enemy backline - Cycling Defense Matrix optimally is crucial, as Orisa's damage output and her team's coordination can pose a threat - The best course of action is to coordinate with your team to dive into the enemy backline. Ramattra Hard - D.va can absorb Ramattra's Ravenous Vortex before it lands with her Defense Matrix, so try to time it accordingly. - One major challenge in this matchup is that D.va's Defense Matrix cannot block Ramattra's punches while he is in his nemesis form. During this time, the best option is to kite back and wait for the nemesis form to end. - While Ramattra is in his Ultimate, there's not much that D.va can do to stop it, but one strategy is to use D.va's ultimate to force Ramattra to hide, causing his Ultimate tp hit no one and run out as your Self-Destruct explodes. - Like with Orisa, D.va can try to avoid Ramattra and dive his backline with her team, but keep in mind that in Ramattra's normal form, he is relatively squishy and vulnerable, especially without his cooldowns. However, be aware of his nemesis cooldown since he can also bait D.va into it. - This matchup requires a high level of focus and skill, but it is still playable for skilled D.va players. Reinhardt Easy - Defense matrix Reinhardt's firestrikes to slow down his ultimate charge rate - Keep your distance and effectively kite Reinhardt - When Reinhardt charges, you can either peel for your teammates or engage the enemy backline - Adapt your playstyle based on how the enemy Reinhardt is playing - Note: It's important to understand the enemy Reinhardt's playstyle in order to effectively counter them. You can gain an in-depth understanding of Reinhardt here. Roadhog Easy - Roadhog is a straightforward matchup for D.va - Defense Matrix his shot every time he hooks to make his kit useless - Utilize Micro Missiles to burst him down quickly - Keep track of his location around the map for an easy win Sigma Medium - Sigma and D.va have similar defense matrix-style abilities, but Sigma's rock can't be absorbed, giving him an advantage - D.va can wait for Sigma to use his shield to block her self-destruct and then use her ultimate, as the downtime between taking the shield back and reusing it is not enough - D.va needs to be aware of Sigma's Gravitic Flux and dodge it with her boosters - This matchup is skill dependent and requires a medium level of focus. Winston Easy - D.va can easily boop Winston mid-air, making it difficult for him to stick his landing. - D.va can burst Winston down with micro missiles when he lands. - By paying attention and marking Winston around the map, D.va can ensure he becomes useless and unable to reach his targets. Wrecking Ball Medium - Wrecking Ball can easily bypass D.va's boops and engage on her team, making him a bit of a challenge. - However, D.va can still use her boosters to peel and defend her team effectively. - D.va can also dive the enemy backline with her damage, but she must be mindful of Wrecking Ball's diving potential. - In very situational circumstances, D.va's ultimate can be used to clear all of Wrecking Ball's mines in an area, but this play is considered niche and not commonly used. Zarya Hard - While Zarya is commonly thought to be a hard counter to D.va, the matchup is more complex than that. - It's important to keep Zarya's energy low and monitor her bubble cooldown. - If you catch Zarya with no bubble, she is the squishiest tank in the game and can be punished and bursted down with your team. - You can also negate Zarya's ultimate by using your defense matrix and forcing her to play differently.
D.va's Story/Lore:
D.va is a popular hero in the Overwatch universe with a rich history and lore. She started out as a professional gamer and national icon in her home country of South Korea. When the omniums, giant robots designed for the production of energy, began to attack her home, D.va was recruited by the military to pilot a mecha and fight against the omniums and the forces of Talon. As a member of the elite "MEKA" (Mobile Exo-Force of the Korean Army) squad, D.va became known for her skills as a pilot and her bravery in the face of danger. She and the other members of MEKA fought against the omniums and protected South Korea from the Talon threat. Later, when Overwatch was reformed, D.va joined the organization as a member of its strike team. Her mecha, equipped with advanced weapons and abilities, made her a valuable asset to the team. She helped Overwatch fight against various threats and was considered one of its most talented pilots. However, when Overwatch was disbanded and the world plunged into conflict once again, D.va found herself without a purpose. She returned to her former life as a professional gamer and continued to pilot her mecha to protect her country. Today, D.va remains a beloved hero in the Overwatch universe and continues to fight for what she believes in. With her unmatched skills and bravery, she is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Whether she is fighting against the omniums, the forces of Talon, or the challenges of professional gaming, D.va is always ready to protect what is most important to her.
D.va Images and wallpapers
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gamingow · 1 year
Mid-Season 3 Support Tier List
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Mid-Season 3 Support Tier List these are the ranking from the best to worst Support heroes currently during the Mid-Season 3 patch. There will be a simple explanation on why each hero is within the category chosen. This is the Mid-Season 3 Support Tier List.
S- Tier
Kiriko Kiriko is a very mobile and all around very strong due to her Suzu which can cleanse and helps any team composition. She can also be played in any team composition Dive, Brawl and Poke. These are some of the reasons why Kiriko is in S Tier. Mercy After Mercy's changes in her passive, she has by far exceeded her other support counterparts. She can provide a lot of healing while also giving consistent damage boost to anyone on the team. Her ultimate can function similar to Zenyatta's Transcendence and even exceeds it. These are some of the reasons why Mercy is in S Tier.
A- Amazing
Ana Ana has an all-around great kit from her Sleep and Biotic Grenade providing solid utility and counter play to her consistent healing and damage uptime. The reason she is A Tier is due to her having limited mobility. Those are some of the reasons as to why Ana is in A Tier. Baptiste After Baptiste's buff to Immortality Field he is a very strong pick. His constant uptime on both healing and dps is very strong and his ultimate is a very strong burst ability. What makes Baptiste A Tier is that Kiriko's Suzu also provides a cleanse making it drastically better while having a lower cooldown. These are some of the reasons why Baptiste is A Tier. Lucio Lucio's Utility in Speed Boost is one of a kind in the game making him a very strong and solid choice in the game. He is by far necessary in any Brawl composition. However he is only good in Brawl comps. That is one of the reasons as to why Lucio is in A Tier.
B- Good
Zenyatta Zenyatta is a solid pick when playing a glass cannon style team compositions and playing against poke comps. However, Zenyatta is very immobile and easy to pick off and can be a very punishable character. Those are some of the reasons as to why Zenyatta is in B Tier.
C- Bad
Brigitte Brig is a very player reliant character and can be bumped up a Tier or 2 in the hands of a good player. However, for most lower to middle ranked players she is very bad and should not be picked entirely. Those are some of the reasons as to why Brigitte is in C Tier.
F- Terrible
Moira Moira provides 0 utility to her team and is just a lesser version of her counterparts. From her ultimate to her Abilities many other supports are simply just better. She can still be picked in lower ranks. However, In higher ranks she will provide nothing but raw stats to the team. That is some of the reasons as to why Moira is in F Tier.
If you'd like to ask specific questions about our DPS Mid-Season 3 Tier List or if you're curious and would love to delve deeper in discussion Join our discord that offers that and much more! : https://discord.gg/M4gVncbqPg Read the full article
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gamingow · 1 year
Mid-Season 3 DPS Tier List
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Mid-Season 3 DPS Tier List these are the ranking from the best to worst DPS heroes currently during the Mid-Season 3 patch. There will be a simple explanation on why each hero is within the category chosen. This is the Mid-Season 3 DPS Tier List.
S- Meta
Cassidy Cassidy with his recent damage reduction buffs and his Magnetic Gernade change from his previous Flashbang and his 25 hp buff has made him a very strong duelist that can win pretty much every duel in overwatch. That's one of the reasons as to why Cassidy is in S Tier Hanzo Hanzo's great mobility and his multiple styles of damage from one shotting like a sniper to a tank shredder makes him a versatile pick in any situation. That is one of the reasons as to why Hanzo is in S Tier. Pharah Due to the mercy changes Pharah has drastically increased in her effectivity. Her overall Huge amount of consistent damage coupled with mercy's new strengths with healing make her much more difficult to kill then before. Those are some of the reasons as to why Pharah is in S Tier. Tracer Tracer's Survivability and Independence from her supports and her team as a whole, her consistent up time in team fights coupled with her easy to obtain Ultimate makes her a very strong and reliable pick. Those are some of the reasons as to why Tracer is in S Tier. Widowmaker Widowmaker is primarily an individual reliant hero, meaning she is as good as the player that's piloting it. However, her skill ceiling is arguably the highest in all of overwatch and her potential is so great that she is included in the S Tier catagory.
A- Amazing
Echo Echo is an all around very good character, her potential to burst down high hp targets and her mobility make her an incredible character. The reason she is A Tier is that her ultimate is very difficult to charge up and does not give enough value compensating the difficulty. That is one of the reasons why she is in A Tier. Mei Mei is a very strong pick in any brawly team composition, from her slow to her damage from her Alt-Fire and her wall that can negate a lot of play from the enemy. However, she is A Tier due to her being primarily good only in Brawly meta and cannot be flexed in other team compositions. That is one of the reasons as to why Mei is in A Tier. Ashe Ashe is a very strong pick due to her consistency in different forms of damage, AOE damage from her dynamite and consistent headshots with her scoped shots. Her Ultimate is also very powerful engage and defensive tool. What makes her A Tier is she has a hard time winning duels solo and doesn't do well short range. She also is a lesser version of what the S Tier heroes have to offer, A better duelist in Cassidy and a better Sniper in Widowmaker. Those are some of the reasons why she is in A Tier. Junkrat Despite some of the nerfs Junkrat is a very strong hero due to his one shot potential and a very strong ultimate if used correctly. He has consistent spam and mobility with his mines. However what makes Junkrat A Tier is his lack of belonging in any specific team composition and mainly works as just his own hero. That is one of the reasons as to why he is in A Tier. Sojourn Despite the many nerfs on to Sojourn she is still a very solid hero. From her Mobility to her very high Damage uptime and her Ultimate being a very strong win condition. However due to the nerfs she is a lesser version of herself Dropping from S to A Tier. Torbjörn Torbjörn despite popular belief is a very strong hero. His Overload makes him virtually a second tank and his added attack and movement speed make him very hard to deal with. Due to the transition from 6V6 to 5V5 There is one less player to shoot the turret making it harder to deal with then before. Those are some of the reasons as to why Torbjörn is in A Tier. Sombra Sombra after her rework has become a very strong hero. Her win condition Ultimate and her ability to teleport away makes it very hard for her to die in duels keeping her up time in a game very high. She also has a lot of damage due to the damage increase on her hack and can be used to burst down both tanks and squishies. Those are some of the reasons why Sombra is in A Tier.
B- Good
Bastion While Bastion is not good as other heroes he forced the enemy to have to play differently and adapt to him or they will lose. His High damage uptime while in Assault mode can make him hard to deal with in an uncoordinated setting. That is some of the reasons as to why Bastion is in B Tier. Genji Genji is the least strong Dive hero within the game due to his low damage consistency and more reliance on his one shot potential and resets. However, Genji's ultimate can be a great win condition that can be used to win a team fight necessary to win the game. That is one of the reasons as to why Genji is in B Tier. Soldier 76 Soldier 76 is lower than the rest due to many other heroes having more damage in burst setting and his lack of utility. However his Visor can be a very strong win condition as well while he also can have a very consistent damage up time and an independence due to his heal and mobility. That is some of the reasons as to why Soldier 76 is in B Tier.
C- Bad
Reaper Reaper is very weak due to the fact that many other heroes do what he can do but better, from Mei and Cassidy brawling better than him and his need to get up close makes him a very bad hero. The reason he is in F Tier is due to his ultimate still being fairly strong and his really high damage when he can get really close in uncoordinated settings. Those are some of the reasons as to why Reaper is in C Tier. Symmetra Symmetra is a bad hero due to her lack of mobility and reliance on her Teleporter and that many of the other heroes having the capability to do what she wants to do way easier and better overall with Mei and Cassidy brawling better than her. However, her teleporter can still be useful on some maps due to her Teleporter like Lijang Tower making her not in F Tier. Those are some of the reasons as to why Reaper is in C Tier.
F- Terrible
There are no F Tier heroes this patch because every DPS hero can be useful in certain situations. While some better than others every hero can have its spotlight!
If you'd like to ask specific questions about our DPS Mid-Season 3 Tier List or if you're curious and would love to delve deeper in discussion Join our discord that offers that and much more! : https://discord.gg/M4gVncbqPg Read the full article
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gamingow · 1 year
Mid-Season 3 Tank Tier List
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Mid-Season 3 Tank Tier List these are the ranking from the best to worst Tank heroes currently during the Mid-Season 3 patch. There will be a simple explanation on why each hero is within the category chosen. This is the Mid-Season 3 Tank Tier List.
S- Meta
Orisa Orisa is an S tier hero because of her relatively low cool downs on both her Energy Javelin and Javelin Spin. Her ability to cycle her abilities really efficiently with relative ease is one of my reasons as to why Orisa is in S Tier. Wrecking ball Due to the lower rate of crowd control, Wrecking balls speed and Adaptive shields he is very difficult to kill. Another reason is the fact that Wrecking ball's Roll ability giving him no head hitbox is another major reason as to why Wrecking ball is in S Tier. Ramattra Ever since Ramattra's movement speed buff on Nemesis he is still strong pick in the tank role. His ultimate despite the nerf is still very strong and can guarantee him a fight win if used correctly. He is also very difficult to punish due to his block ability and his nemesis cooldown being relatively low. Those are some of the reasons as to why Ramattra is in S tier.
A- Amazing
Reinhardt Reinhardt after his buff on firestrike and Charge abilities has become a very strong tank to face. While he is not S tier he can be useful in many different situations and can thrive due to his newfound mobility in overwatch 2. That is some of the reasons as to why Reinhardt is in A Tier. Junker Queen Due to her many buffs on Carnage, her health and her passive Adrenaline made her a much stronger tank then her counterparts. Her ability Shout also gives a lot of stats from movement speed to health it can be a game changer. These are some of the reasons as to why Junker Queen is in A Tier. Doomfist Doomfist is one of the most mobile characters in the game. His charged-up punch has huge potential and his Seismic Slam can help him reach anywhere he wants on the map. His ultimate can be used as a get ouf of jail free card while also giving him a lot of Overhealth if he lands on multiple enemies while also giving him empowered punch. These are some of the reasons as to why Doomfist is in A Tier.
B- Good
Sigma While Sigma is not as good as his counterparts he has his place on specific long-range maps that he can be really effective in. Maps like Havana and Circuit Royale are among the maps that he excels at. However he lacks impact on most maps due to them having tight spaces that more brawly tanks excel at. Those are some of the reasons as to why Sigma is in B Tier. D.va D.va is still pretty strong however her ultimate is arguably weaker than all the other tanks. Her reliance on teammates to dive with her can be a disadvantage more often than not. Those are some of the reasons as to why D.va is in B tier.
C- Bad
Winston Winston is arguable a lesser version of ball. From his more limited range of diving, way less tankiness and damage output during the dive and his large hitbox make him hard to pick over the other tank heroes. These are some of the reasons as to why Winston is in C Tier. Roadhog After the change to Roadhog limiting his 1 shot potential has made him drastically unplayable. His buff on his hook made him better into very niche situations however in most cases he is terrible. His huge hitbox and lack of armor in his healthpool is one of the reasons as to why Roadhog is in C Tier.
F- Horrible
Zarya due to some of her nerfs and the fact she is arguably the squishiest tank in the game. Her reliance on her bubbles to give her damage. Her ultimate having many different counters form Transcendence and Beat to Kiriko's Suzu has drastically lost it's power. These are some of the reasons as to why Zarya is in F tier.
If you'd like to ask specific questions about our Tank Mid-Season 3 Tier List or if you're curious and would love to delve deeper in discussion Join our discord that offers that and much more!: https://discord.gg/M4gVncbqPg Read the full article
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