#Danny’s human form does to Duke what it does to ghost equipment
Part 3 of The Gotham Puddle Boy: Danny Fenton
(Ages bc I didn't clarify before: Jazz 18, Danny 16, Tim 17, Duke 15, Jason 20, Damian 12, Bruce 40, Alfred 70, Dick 25, Cassandra 20 - Idk anything about the Batman timeline or Cass so I'm winging it [ha, winging. Bats])
Duke POV
Duke shared a look with Tim as Jason - Jason - took over the conversation with Tim’s guest, wrangling prank details out of him and talking up Alfred’s cooking as he led the way to the dining area.
Danny lightly elbowed Jason as he suggested he take part in the prank, causing both Tim and himself to stiffen, but Jason only laughed despite the contact.
"Sure kid," and he snorted and ruffled his hair at the indignant 'I'm 16!' "Bruce could do with a little pranking. Tim already fill you in on the basics?"
"Yeah, I got an hour crash course basic family facts and which utensils to use when - which, yikes." The part of his face that Duke could see scrunched up in displeasure.
"You're playing the part of 'another adopted son that's already been here a while and how could he forget you.' You want my advice? Don't bother with utensil orders. Just eat however - the more comfortable you are the more convincing you are, at any rate. It's social engineering 101. Damian's the only one who really cares, anyway."
Danny took a moment to glance back at Tim, who shrugged. Danny shrugged as well.
"Sounds like a plan, J-man." At that, both of them grimaced.
"Just. Call me Jason - it's an inside joke. Bruce'll have a fit."
"Jason, got it."
At that point they arrived in the dining room, Damian and Cass already present.
"Danny, I presume?" Damian asked, zeroing in on the guy before he could even cross the threshold.
"That's me! Here to assist with all your parental pranking needs," he gave an exaggerated bow. "Nice to meet you - Damian and Cassandra, right?"
Cassandra gave a small wave in reply. Damian declined to answer, turning to Tim and raising a brow meaningfully before his eyes flicked behind them.
"Yep!" a bright voice chirped, causing the four of them to yelp and whip around. "I'm Dick - but we might want to save the chatting for after the prank since Bruce is finally on the way up."
Tim scrambled to sit next to Cass, shoving Danny into the seat next to him even as Dick chuckled and walked to his own seat next to Damian.
Duke settled down next to Dick, all of them trying not to stare as Jason sat directly next to Danny and started up a conversation, asking about the convention he'd mentioned earlier.
Dick openly stared before glancing at himself and Tim. They both shrugged.
Everyone cut off as the dining room door opened once more, Bruce finally arriving.
"Alright-" he cut off, staring straight at Danny - Alfred must have followed Tim's request to stay quiet after he'd texted Bruce that his friend had left an hour ago. He hastily plastered on a pleasant smile, asking, "And who is this?"
Danny immediately made a noise like he'd been shot, bursting into tears and curling into himself to bury his face in his hands.
Tim and Jason move as one, each rubbing a shoulder soothinly as the latter glared death at Bruce, who stiffened in place, visibly stuggling to maintain a neutral expression.
"You forgot Danny again?" Tim questioned incredulously.
"Of course he would, that unreliable leech is the most pathetic of the lot of you," Damian sneered at the sobbing boy.
"Damian." Dick reprimanded. Duke decided to focus on sinking into his chair, glancing breifly at Cass, who seemed content enough to simply observe the chaos.
"Well it's true."
Dick's reply was cut off as Danny croaked out "It's o-okay. H-he's right anyway." Duke could almost admire how real he'd made it seem, progressing carefully from bursting into tears to slowly getting them under control.
"It is not," Jason spat. "It isn't your fault Bruce can't be bothered to pull his head of his work long enough to remember his family."
"IT IS!" Danny positively shrieked, jolting up out of his chair and knocking the hands from his shoulders to look Jason in the eye, tears visibly streaming down his face. "I-I'm not athletic and my grades are garbage no m-matter how much I try to fix them and I-I can't do anything right-!" His voice cracked on the word as he cut himself off, clenching his fists.
"I- excuse me," he said quietly, tossing the napkins he'd put in his lap onto his plate before weaving around the stunned Bruce and out the door. Alfred must have been nearby with the food as they could faintly hear him call out "Master Danny," at which Bruce's eyes widened a fraction as the other sat in silence a moment, stunned by the performance.
"I'm going after him," Tim and Jason spoke in unison, standing from their places.
"And what are you gonna say to him, Replacement," Jason sneers, "'Sorry Bruce doesn't care about you?' At least I know what it's like to be a throwaway Wayne," he stares dead at Bruce at the last bit, shouldering his way past the man as Tim sits frozen in place.
"Jason-" Bruce turns, cut off by the dining room door slamming shut in his face.
Bruce POV
Bruce had pulled all-nighters before - too often, according to Alfred. He was familiar with the effects, and hallucinations weren't meant to begin until hour 72; Bruce was barely on hour 30.
Despite that, Bruce had entered his dining room only to be faced with what was most definitely the boy he had seen vanish into a puddle the night before.
He was young, somewhere in the 15-to-20's range, though likely on the younger end. Bruce was relieved to see that he was okay, but suspicious. The water had tested normal every time, and while people did tend to respect his no metas rule this was likely a teenager - with the greater tendency to disregard authority that entailed.
Tim had said his friend had left already, and he was generally truthful. Still, with the sudden appearance of the boy the night after he'd seen him disappear into a puddle - and keeping in mind that it was well within Duke's abilities to manipulate light and make him appear to vanish - it was entirely possible they were playing a prank on him.
Still, better not to make assumptions. So he started simple: by attempting to prompt an introduction.
Instead of an introduction his question had been met with a deluge of tears and accusations that even Jason was taking part in. The boy's speech before disappearing was worrying - even if the context was wrong there was a hint of truth in every lie, and the lack of self-worth evident in his words….
But it was Jason's parting shot that hit him like a knife to the heart. As if he had ever wanted to lose his son - as if he ever wanted to lose any of them.
It was only Alfred opening the door not three seconds after Jason closed it that prevented him from spiraling further. Alfred might keep quiet and allow the kids to prank him, but he would never answer dishonestly, which meant he could make sure this wasn't some sort of mind control/memory alteration event.
"Alfred, have I ever adopted a boy named 'Danny?'"
"Not yet, Master Bruce."
Alfred merely glanced around the room at his children - black hair and blue eyes for all but Duke's black-and-brown - before pointedly raising a brow.
Bruce scowled before looking back at his children, noting the grimaces and hunched shoulders - "Who was that, really?"
"Danny," Tim spoke up, "The guest I mentioned earlier? He didn't really go home, I just texted everyone about him so we could prank you." He paused, winced. "I…didn't think about how the prank might hit a sore spot for Jason." He concluded grimly. At that, everyone grimaced.
Bruce took a breath before trudging on. "And the puddle incident last night, was that a prank as well?"
Dick, Duke, Tim, and Cass shared a look while Damian merely raised a brow. "No? Why would that be related?" Dick finally questioned.
"Because 'Danny' is the person I saw disappear into the puddle."
"Another meta?" Duke asked, perking up.
"Why come to Gotham, then?" Damian tagged on, face twisting in dissapproval.
"Because his parents dragged him here for an engineering convention," Tim filled in. "The one Jason was asking about earlier. If they don't know he's a meta he might not have been able to come up with an excuse to be allowed to stay home."
"Full name?" Bruce demanded.
"Danny Fenton," Tim answered, not missing a beat. "But seriously, Bruce. He's sixteen and he's only in town for a week because of his parents - and it's already been like three days. He's not doing anything - we literally spent four hours playing Damned-"
"Tim." Bruce cut him off, not looking away from his phone as he opened up a background check. "I'm not going to chase a random teenager out of Gotham - but if there's an outside meta in the city it doesn't hurt to know what to expect."
"Uh," Duke spoke up, "Not to put a damper on things but. Jason's been acting…weird."
"Weird how?"
"Not in a bad way!" Tim defended, "He's just been calm. Which is a nice change of pace! Maybe Danny has some kind of calming aura?"
"For Jason specifically?" Dick asked, raising a brow.
"But he wasn't calm," Duke says softly.
"Because he was confronted with a stranger in the house-"
"No," Duke cut off Tim's response, "He froze before either of you came into sight, before we could even hear your voices. I watched him stare at the stairway for a solid ten seconds before you ever came into view. And you saw how he wouldn't even talk until he suddenly just… switched to friendly-mode. A mode I didn't know he had, by the way. Isn't it odd that Jason is the only one affected less than 24 hours after Bruce sees the person likely causing the affect disappear into what he thought was Lazarus water?"
"You think he's related to the League of Assassins somehow?" Bruce narrowed his eyes, humming as he looked at the screen.
"We've been playing video games alone for four hours, Danny's been nothing but nice. And I'm the one who invited him here - he didn't ask about it, he was just leaving when I offered to hang out. And he had four hours to stab me if he wanted to and didn't." Tim shot back.
"Still, it won't hurt to run a quick background check while he and Jason cool down - every lie has a grain of truth," He frowned sadly, thinking back on Jason's words, "And unless that was scripted they probably both need a minute."
The room winced, frozen quietly in place as Alfred passed out the food and Bruce typed away.
Danny POV
Danny scrubbed his eyes as he retreated to 'his' room - a guest room he and Tim had spent some of their prep time making look lived in earlier. It was the designated retreat room for after he completed his tearful speech - Tim would follow soon enough to tell him if Bruce was actually falling for it or if he should drop the joke and come say hi.
He tried to tell himself that it was only for dramatic effect when he slammed the door behind him. He slid down the adjacent wall to hug his knees to his chest, doing his best to ignore the pang in his chest in favor of thinking about the look on Bruce Wayne's face when he'd fled the room.
He heard a few doors open and close before 'his' door opened, and he looked up to find Jason looking down at him instead of Tim - expression just as heavy as Danny's.
"Hey," he said, taking a glance around. "Nice digs."
Danny snorted. "Thanks. What happened, I thought Tim was going to come get me?"
Jason closed the door behind him, sliding down to sit crisscross on the floor against it in an echo of Danny not ten seconds earlier. "Prank's probably canceled. I said something that… hit a little too close to home." He grimaced.
"Yeah." Danny muttered, looking away from him to stare blankly at the window a moment.
His brows drew down as he mulled that over, pushing away his own feelings for the moment. Tim had mentioned the rooms were soundproof, so with it just being him and Jason, now was the best time to ask.
He turned to rest his head on his knees, looking at Jason as he asked, "Do they know?"
"Know?" Jason echoed, turning to look him in the eyes.
"You know," Danny said, flashing green eyes.
Jason jolts out of his seated position, putting another ten feet between them even as he sees his own eyes flash green from a mirror in the corner of his vision.
The feeling of calm and safety hasn't disappated but he won't let that stop him from reacting.
"You're from the League?" he questions, even though it sounds wrong the moment he so much as thinks it.
"What?" Danny asks, baffled. "I don't think the Justice League accepts scrawny teenagers."
"What? No! The League of Assassins!"
"…isn't that one of the optional add-on groups for Dragons and Dragons?"
"What? NO!" Jason runs a hand through his hair in exasperation. "Okay, what is anyone supposed to 'know' here? Something about Lazarus water?"
"Lazarus water? Is that like, some kind of alternative holy water?" Danny's face scrunches up before he shakes his head. "Whatever, not the point. I mean 'Do they know you're liminal?'"
"Liminal." Jason echoes again, face blank before his eyes narrow. "Does that have something to do with why I felt like I was about to be murdered before you introduced yourself?"
Danny freezes, face cycling through embarrassment, confusion, and realization before settling on dawning horror as he paled. "YOU don't know? You don't know? Ancients. Okay. Alright, okay, quick question - a few questions. They are very important and you need to answer honestly."
Jason narrows his eyes at the demand, "What?"
"Okay, starter: your eyes just flashed green-" Jason stiffened, blinking "-were you aware that happens?"
"Maybe my eyes just look green in different lighting," he deflects, "why do you want to know?"
"Because I want to help you," Danny says grimly. "Because if you're liminal and you don't know then you're in danger. And you are liminal - I couldn't sense you until I saw you because your signature is so small but it's obvious to anyone with the ability or the technology for it. And I'm sure you could sense me even before that. You thought I was 'going to murder you' because your liminal instincts told you that I could have-" Jason tensed. "-and you relaxed because I satisfied that liminal part of you's fear by making it clear that I wouldn't - that I won't. That I was - am friendly."
"Great. If you don't want to murder me then why does being 'liminal' put me in danger."
"Because it doesn't matter how small your ecto-signature is, the fact that you have one at all classifies you as an ecto-entity-"
"'Ecto?'" Jason cuts him off, raising a brow.
"As in ectoplasm; the thing ghosts are made of."
Jason flinches as if slapped. "Ghosts aren't real. I'm not a ghost. I'm alive."
Danny's face softens, and Jason hates it. "You aren't a ghost. But something happened - whether it was… an injury… of some kind, or a contamination by exposure."
Memories of his death play behind Jason's eyes, along with memories of his revival, hazy agony-fear-confusion weaving through each like a nightmarish mockery of a carousel.
"You have an ecto-signature, which means you're maintaining your own ectoplasm levels by producing it. Whether you believe in ghosts or not, your ecto-signature means that the Anti-Ecto Acts apply to you. Which is why I need you to tell me if you've noticed any suspicious guys in white suits and sunglasses around recently - or if you've tried to donate any blood since… whatever caused this, if you know?"
"Anti-Ecto Acts?" Jason asks, mind still reeling.
"I'll be happy to explain, but the other two things are way more urgent if we want to avoid being vivisected-"
"IF WE WHAT!?" Jason shouts, grabbing at the weapons in his pockets to calm himself.
"Sorry, sorry, I'm just so used to that kind of threat I didn't think about how it might be…concerning to hear. Look, I won't let anyone vivisect you. The GIW are incompetent idiots anyway. But if you get on their radar and they know your identity it'll be a problem - assuming you want to keep your current life and identity instead of changing your name and moving to Mexico or something. So: white suits, blood donations? Any yeses?"
"Great! Then let's walk through the Anti-Ecto Acts, starting with your new classification in the eyes of the government as a non-sentient being incapable of experiencing thoughts or feelings - or pain!"
Anyway my tags got put in a different order on two other posts so sorry if they look wonky :\
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aftermathdb · 5 years
DEATH BATTLE Review: Mega Man Battle Royale.
Cue the Mega Man 2 theme!
Five robots. All with the name Mega Man. Time to find out which one is the strongest one there is!
Mega Man Classic Preview.
We all know this story. Doctor Light created several robots to try and help out the world at large. But then that dastardly Doctor Willy took them, and made them evil. To combat this, we got the first, the classic, the original… Mega Man.
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And we even get to go over his many… many weapons. Thanks to his variable weapons system, Rock has a plethora of firepower to work with, and a lot of variety to utilize in a fight.
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From his trust Mega Buster, to his various elemental weapons, Rock has an answer for everything. And his Gear System from 11 can give him an extra edge up.
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And if he’s ever in a pickle, Rock can call up his trusty companion, Rush to give him an edge up.
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And if you’re wondering about feats, Rock has plenty to work with.
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Though, of course, he does have his fair share of weaknesses. He’s not necessarily invincible, his weapons have limited ammunition, and he wasn’t designed for combat.
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But in the end, Mega Man is a power house. If a crazy German is trying to take over the world, there’s only one man to call:
The Mega Man.
Mega Man X Preview.
And we fast forward into the future, where Doctor Cain, discovers a new kind of replicated human called a reploid. These beings had A.I.s so great, that they were practically human. But then some of them ended up going… Maverick.
In order to combat this new threat, Cain called in Sigma. But, we all know how well that went. So he went with the backup plan: Mega Man X.
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X, surprise surprise, has a Mega Buster, and the ability to copy other weapons. And he’s specifically built to be better than the OG Mega Man……… So we already know two of the combatants that are going down, right?
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But, he’s still got weapon energy to worry about. But he’s got plenty of weapons to choose from. And if he needs some extra firepower, X can call upon his Ultimate Armor.
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This gives him extra firepower, and channels his inner Street Fighter fan and lets X use legendary moves like the Hadoken and the Shoryuken.
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And of course, he’s got feats. That healing though… That would make him hard to put down.
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But in the end, if a nutball virus that’s controlling a powerful robot is trying to take over the world, there’s only one man to call:
Mega Man X.
Mega Man. Volnutt Preview.
So, fast forward again, and we land in a new year where the Earth has flooded. And we all basically died because we got that shitty. Hey, if we had a bunch of wars that ended up killing everyone, and kept letting the top 1% run the show, I’d say that we deserve it.
But the humans on a space station were basically running the whole thing. But then they died too. Except for one, called The Master. And his Carbon known as Mega Man Trigger. And The Master decided that the Carbons deserved to run the planet, since there are more of them. But then a bunch of crazy stuff happened, and left Trigger without his memories thanks to a being named Sera, and left him on Earth. This left him stranded, and the new natives gave him the dumbest name they could think of: Volnutt.
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God this is weird.
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So, he decided to battle evil, stop the Master System, and try to regain his lost memories.
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The downside to his special weapons is that they all draw from the same power source, and that they have to be swapped out manually.
But he’s got a list of feats to pull from to win the day.
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In the end, if you need a man to be stranded on the moon for nearly two decades, there’s only one man to call:
Mega Man Volnutt.
MegaMan.EXE Preview.
In an alternate timeline, Doctor Light, now known as Tadashi Hikari, focused on the internet and digital A.I instead of robotics. His work would create an entire universe known as the Cyber-World that would be managed by A.I systems called NetNavis, and one kid named LAN would get one of the strongest Navis of all: Mega Man.EXE.
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Like all the Mega Men before him, Hub has a Mega Buster, and can even grab enemy weapons for his own weapons system thanks to the Battle Chips he has on hand.
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And with over 1,500 Battle Chips, LAN and .EXE have basically an army’s worth of weapons to choose from.
And since .EXE is a digital program, and not an organic being, he’s survived a ton of punishment.
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And in case you’re wondering “Wait! He’s digital. Can he even fight in the real world?”- The answer is “Yes.”
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.EXE has been able to come to the real world on a few occasions, and has even fused with LAN through Full Synchronization. And with Perfect Synchro (No relation to Yu-Gi-Oh), .EXE can even retain his weapons and abilities. This is a good thing, considering all the crazy feats that .EXE has on hand.
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And as it turns out, .EXE is actually LAN’s stillborn baby brother turned into a computer program, which helps with that whole “Perfect Synchro” thing. Which means that the planet-busting Cybeast exploding comes around to that number you see up there.
But at the end of the day, when a bunch of evil viruses are trying to destroy an entire cybernetic universe, there’s only one man to call:
Starforce Mega Man (Geo) Preview.
Going ahead a few more years (Give or take a hundred or two), humanity has moved past cyberspace and onto radio waves. But then a guy named Kelvin Stellar got kidnapped by a bunch of FM-ians, or FM Aliens… God what the fuck happened to this franchise?- What’s wrong with a young robot fighting evil robots to save the world?- Was it not big enough?
Anyways, to fight back against these… FM-ians, Geo ended up merging with another form of these guys who is apparently an AM-Ian named Omega. Because a cyber-being named after a Greek letter of the alphabet is always someone you can trust. But they merged into a brand new being known as Starforce Mega Man
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(Wow. First Hub, and now Geo. What do these guys have against ghosts?- I know what jooke I’m using whenever Danny Phantom shows up (And for those of you wondering, he’s not in the next battle)).
But, as a being that is composed of EM waves, Geo can effectively be unseen, unheard, and untouched by any other human beings.
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And thankfully, this Mega Buster has some differences from the others. Like how it automatically charges up on its own, but it can be modified to change it’s power, speed, and status effects.
Anyways, onto the rest of the weapons. And with 600+ equips, Geo has an arsenal on his hand at all times.
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And he can even control “Noise” a term used to describe excess energy created by EM Beings. He can even absorb a lot of it to access a super form known as “Red Joker” who can scatter your remains across the atmosphere after he uses a blast that turns you into EM Particles. Yeesh, remind me to never piss off any aliens made up of EM Particles. You never know which ones might end up having that form or ability on hand, er… appendage?- What would an EMbeing call those anyways?
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With all that power, Geo and Omega have a resume to boot. They’ve taken on plenty of enemies. Including a being that could move a  black hole that was 4 million times bigger than the sun.
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And Geo tanked attacks from Sirius (The one that did that)! In order to pull off a feat like that would require over 4.6 Decillion Megatons of TNT. Looks like Optimus now places second for how largest amount of force one can output to Geo.
And since other EMBeings can move from the center of the Milky Way to Earth in about three days. Putting them over three million times the speed of light. Considering that Geo could basically survive a black hole like it was nothing, this means that it’s likely that he could do the same.
And unlike all the other Mega Men, Starforce managed to make sure that his world ended up peaceful.
So, at the end of the day, when the world is in danger of being destroyed or overrun by alien beings made up of Electro-Magnetic waves, there’s only one man to call:
Starforce Mega Man.
I gotta say: Doing all these callbacks to the end of Classic’s rundown from Mega Man vs. Astro Boy was kinda fun.
The battle itself.
Luis is lead on this battle and he’s backed by Zack and Kiid. Brandon on the music, Mega Mania. Jerky on Spriteart, and Chris Kokkinos on sound. No voice actors (thank goodness. I’m not in the mood, nor do I have the time to look up their twitter accounts).
So, for those who saw the preview, we know that the main reason they fight is because they all just show up in the same location. Eh, it could be worse. There are some fights that could have been improved without a story to them.
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So, as the preview showed, Classic, Volnutt, and X all kinda… Get to the ground while Geo and Hub kinda just… duke it out up top.
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Unfortunately for Classic, X is canonically his superior in every way. This puts him at a disadvantage against the Maverick Hunter. However, Rock has a trick up his sleeve.
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His Super Adaptor armor.
But, it’s not like X is a stranger to having a super form as well, and he breaks out his own armor.
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And the Black Hole Bomb is launched, but it’s not like X is a stranger to this, as he breaks out rather menacingly.
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(Anyone here watching DIU?- I’m excited to see the Highway Star arc dubbed)
So, spoiler alert: Volnutt is the first to fall. Without any fancy tech, or FTL capabilities, he’s not escaping the Black Hole Bomb.
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But, as stated before, since X is Rock’s superior in every way, Rock goes down next.
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(Don’t worry, X gets better).
And after X pulls himself back together, he opts to blast his opponent with the Mother Elf attack.
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Star Force is made up of EM waves, which means he can physically fight back.
It also means he can hack X and basically knock him down.
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So the final battle is between Starforce Mega Man, and MegaMan.EXE.
Which means the finishing blow comes in
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And the winner is MegaMan.EXE!
Verdict + Explanation.
So, as it turns out, it really boils down to Starforce and .EXE.
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X’s Mother Elf attack wasn’t much to do either, as both Starforce and .EXE were experienced with that kind of attack.
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But you might be thinking “Starforce held back in his fight with EXE so to not cause a paradox! Shouldn’t that mean that Starforce is stronger?” And to answer that… No.
Both combatants were holding back in their fight.
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And at best, Starforce’s speed is 3 million times that of the speed of light. But remember that time when EXE traveled the entire Cyberworld to find something that could help him save Bass.EXE?- Since the Cyberworld is an actual cybernetic universe and not just a hard drive or a file on a computer, it means that it’s comparable  to our own. Since MegaMan.EXE couldn’t have been gone too long, on account that Bass.EXE didn’t have a lot of time to survive an attack, this means that MegaMan.EXE’s best speed would have to be…
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……… Remember when Darkseid, a literal GOD, had the best speed feat recorded?
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Also, unlike X, who is explicitly stated to be better than Mega Man Classic, Starforce isn’t stated to be better than EXE despite coming after him in canon material. And his healing and defensive powers gave him a leg up.
And if you’re thinking “Wait! Wouldn’t EXE’s speed feat be an outlier without anything to back it up?”- There’s a popup for that too.
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And with moves like Uninstall and Interrupt, EXE could basically just steal or stop any of Starforce’s attacks. He could do it to all the other Mega Men’s weapons with it too……… Except for Volnutt, interestingly enough (Hey, gotta throw him a bone after Legends 3 was cancelled).
In the end, all the Super Fighting Robots had plenty of firepower. But if you want a Mega Man to rule them all, there’s only one man to call:
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Overall impression
Too many zeros. Like, I can’t really concentrate on this fight with that many zeros on one little programing droid!
I mean… Yay?- Now I have an excuse to make it so that Ultron is a non-problem in the story, but still? That’s a lot of zeros on EXE.
I like the fight, and the jokes are pretty good, but I can’t get over those zeros.
Like… the music is great, the animation is solid, and the research is sound, but still.
Those zeros…
8.5/10. Ah, goddammit. More zeros.
Next time…
Someone’s husband is dead.
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So, a ballerina turned (literal) cold-blooded assassin against a super-spy trained by who knows how many people? I was honestly expecting Nat to fight Huntress or Black Canary. And for Widow to fight… Literally anyone else with a sniper. I would have honestly had taken Ruby Rose vs Widowmaker.
Whatever. Join us next time as we cover…
Redhead Spider-Lady vs. Purple Spider-Lady.
Is there a fight that you want me to review? - Send an ask/request, and I’ll look into it!
Do you want to read my fanfic based around DEATH BATTLE itself? click here!
Thank you for reading, and I hope to see you next time for…
Spider-Lady vs. Lady-Spider.
So many zeros… *insert whimpering noises here*
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