#Draco Malfoy Fic
malfoyswand · 1 year
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
pairing: draco malfoy x reader
summary: draco malfoy sneaks you into the restricted section of the hogwarts library, but gets a little distracted.
word count: 1.7k
genre: smut
warnings: descriptions of sex
author's note: i usually don't write smut so please don't judge if it's bad, i just couldn't not write this one!
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"Draco, how exactly do you plan to pull this off?"
Truthfully, you didn't know what you were thinking either. But when Draco Malfoy tells you he wants you to go with him somewhere in the middle of the night, you don't object. How could you?
"Well, darling, there's a reason I was sorted in Slytherin." Draco whispers as you were both walking towards the Hogwarts Library on the first floor. He held a key in his right hand that you could see from the light reflecting off the candle you held. 
"Do I even want to know how you managed to get that?"
All he did was chuckle slightly as he opened the door to the library for you, looking behind you to ensure no one was witnessing what they were about to do. It was absolutely prohibited for any student to be out in the corridors this time of night. It was idiotic to do this, but you come when Draco calls.
He took your free hand in his and walked you over to the back of the school's large library. You held your light up towards the ceiling, looking up until you could read the words that laid upon the wall. 
The Restricted Section.
"Wait, why are we going in here?" You didn't mean to, but your voice quivered a bit. Of course, you had seen the entrance to this section numerous times, but never dared to try to enter. Only students studying advanced Defense Against the Dark Arts could obtain permission, but you had heard rumors from those students who had entered that the section contained books from your worst nightmare.
"Don't be scared, (Y/L/N)." Draco said quietly, using the key to carefully unlock the door. "I'll protect you." His lips were dangerously close to your ear as he held the door open for you to enter. You knew that he meant that sincerely, it sent a slight chill up your spine. 
Draco Malfoy was perhaps the most overprotective boyfriend you've ever seen, but you didn't mind. In dark times such as this, it was welcomed even. If anyone even looked at you for a second too long for his liking, he had no problem using every spell he knew to defend you. 
Despite the fact that both of you were breaking a few school rules, you couldn't help but marvel at the sight before you. The world's most fascinating books must have been contained in this section. You put your candle on a nearby table, your fingertips grazing every spine you could manage.
You finally managed to grab a book that seemed interesting, pulling it out of the bookshelf and opening it. However, your mind wasn't on the book.
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Draco leaning against the door. The candlelight reflected on him beautifully, the night seemed to become him. His blond hair was a mess due to waking up in the middle of the night, but he still managed to look better than you could ever imagine.
"Misbehaving over there?" A smirk came to his face as he began to walk towards you, forcing you to turn your full attention on him. "I thought I brought you here so you could read, not admire me."
You couldn't help but laugh softly. "That's bold coming from you, Malfoy. Don't think I didn't see the way you were looking at me over there, I thought you were supposed to be guarding the door."
You turned your head back towards the book in front of you, your eyes scanning every word on the page. You knew he must have been pouting at the loss of attention.
"Oh, I couldn't help it, (Y/N)." He sighed out slightly, his fingertips gently grazing your back. "How am I supposed to do that when you're this beautiful?" 
He kissed your cheek and you could feel yourself grin, but you still paid him no mind. "Thank you, love. Let me just finish this chapter, then we can head out. I know you must be exhausted."
You really did think that. You knew Draco had a lot on his mind this year, with all of his assignments and the pressure from his family was even more apparent.
"Oh, I'm not exhausted." He whispered into your ear as he gently pressed his crotch area against you. You could feel his growing erection and his lips slowly kiss down your neck. This earned him a soft groan from you.
"But I-" You protested until you felt his soft lips kiss your collarbone, then you were just clay in his hands. "I-um.."
"What was that?" You could practically hear the grin on his face, but you were no match for the brilliant technique he had of getting what he wants. His hands, covered in several silver rings, reached for your book to place it back on its shelf. He turned your body around to face him, his face close to yours.
You could see the passion he had for you in those gray eyes of his and could feel your body burning as those eyes made his way down your body. Somehow, in the trance you were in, he had managed to position your body to sit on the table, with him standing in between your legs.
"Are you insinuating that reading one of those old books is better than something I can give you?" His lips finally crashed into yours to end his question, his hands resting on your thighs.
At this point, how could you focus on anything else but the feelings he was providing to you? Nothing else mattered except for the way his hand now made his way up your skirt, his fingertips pressing softly against your underwear. 
"Draco, please-" He knew how to get what he wanted, didn't he?
"You didn't answer the question, (Y/N)." He pulled away from the kiss to look into your eyes, smirking as he enjoyed this game. "You're not getting what you want until you answer." At this point, his fingers had pushed your underwear aside. They were simply waiting for instructions from their master.
You knew what he wanted, he wanted to hear you plead. You spread your legs, lifting up your skirt to reveal your thighs even more. "Please."
That was all you had to say for him to make up his mind. He pressed you back into the bookshelves, two of his fingers finding their way to enter your folds. You couldn't hold back the gasp as you leaned your head back against the bookshelf.
"Be quiet, darling. Remember, we're not supposed to be here." He whispered into your ear as his body was practically pressed against yours. You nodded, although you knew that would be a hard task. Draco knew his way around your body very well, he knew how to pleasure you.
His two fingers began to pump themselves in and out at a slow pace, which you were thankful for. Any faster and you knew you would finish all too soon. You held a hand over your mouth, attempting to silence the sounds that threatened to come out. 
"You're already wet for me, aren't you? You pretend you're some sort of good girl, but I know what you are. You love it when Draco Malfoy can give you pleasure no one else could." He teased you slightly with a wide grin, as if he was proud of what he had achieved. 
He took his fingers out of you, causing you to whimper slightly. He raised his eyebrow at that, placing one of his fingers over his lips for you to remain quiet. Your eyes went down to his crotch area as he took off his belt, pulling down his pants.
This is a sight you would never get tired of. The image of him pulling your hips closer, waiting for him to make you his once more. The image of him biting his bottom lip as he enters you, staring into your eyes as to show that he loved you.
"Oh.." You let out almost a breath of relief as you finally can feel his hardness slide into you. "Please keep going." To hell with the silence rule. The professors can punish you all they want, it would be worth it just for this moment.
Draco chuckles as he looks at you, fighting back moans of his own. His hips push further until they touch yours, as he slides himself completely inside. 
"(Y/N)." That was all your lover had to say to let you know what he was thinking. You knew from all the times you had made love that he loved connecting with you in such an intimate way. Beyond the pleasures of teasing you, he loved nothing more than feeling you let him inside.
As if a switch had happened, he wasted no time. He thrusted himself in and out at a pace he knew you craved. It was at a slower pace, but rough and needy at the same time. His lips went to your ear, whispering into it.
"That's my girl, you take it so well. God, I love how you feel."
You could never get enough of his words for desire specifically for you. You were always grateful you landed a boyfriend who wasn't afraid to tell you how he felt. Your head was buried into his neck, but it still wasn't enough to silence the sounds his hardness was causing you to feel. The length and girth seemed to fit you perfectly, as if it belonged inside of you.
"Draco, if you-" You began to moan out, but he shook his head to silence you.
"Say it again." He had a wide grin on his face once again, continuing his thrusts. You felt one of his hands make its way between your thighs, his thumb slowly caressing your clit.
"Draco?" You questioned, before you began to feel what he was doing. This man was going to drive you crazy. 
You leaned your head back, the feeling of his hardness and thumb was too much to bear. Finally, you felt your legs shake as you kept repeating his name, closing your eyes as your orgasm arrived. It wasn't long before you felt him finish as well, moaning your name into your neck. He stepped closer to rest in your arms as you both breathed slowly. His skin seemed to glow in the dark with sweat, only reflected by the candle that still burned beside you. Your fingers ran through his hair as you kissed his forehead.
"I love you." You heard him whisper as he grinned. "You can get back to your little books now, but no promises this won't happen again."
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toothfa-1-ry · 9 months
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In which,
Draco just can't seem to ask you to be his date for the Yule ball
GENRE: fluff
PAIRING: 4th yr Draco x 4th year reader
FEAT: lee do hyun as Terry Booth!!
WARNING: none :>
A/N: A continuation of my Draco Malfoy is a loser agenda!! Also did I mention that Draco is a very DRAMATIC loser??
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"uhm hi y/n" Draco said nervously as he turned to look at Pansy and Blaise who gave him a reassuring nod and a thumbs up
"ooh hi Draco"
"uhm so..y/n" Draco nervously chuckled as he played his his hand cuffs "uh..y/n haha.."
"Draco-" Pansy hissed "you already said her name, there's no need to repeat it again"
"right- sorry. Uhm so y/n!"
"oh god he's a lost cause" Blaise muttered to Pansy who just shook her head.
"I can hear you, just in case you didn't know" Draco angrily muttered towards them, shooting them both a dirty look
"uhm are you talking to y/n or are you talking to us?" Blaise questioned, his eyebrows raised
"oh bloody hell" Draco sweared "uhm anyway y/n uh so like I'm pretty sure you heard the announcement today- during breakfast because like you have ears uh I have ears too! So I heard the announcement too- ha" Draco awkwardly continued.
"ofcourse she has ears dunderhead and ofcourse she heard it! Everyone heard the announcement" piped Lorenzo from a corner "just try to charm her won't you?"
Theodore shook his head in amusement as he watched his best mate Draco act like a complete fool. Actually he always acted like a fool except most of the time he didn't make it this obvious.
"right- right my bad my bad" Draco shook his head "so! Y/n!"
"yes Draco? What is the matter?"
"I thought you could do the er honour of er taking me to the Yule ball y'know" Draco smirked as he attempted to charm you like Lorenzo said
"I mean cause like I could go with anyone but I thought that I'd give you the first chance of going with me!" Draco quickly rambled and then flicked his hair "so what do you say?"
Theodore and Lorenzo tried holding in their laughter as Pansy groaned and Blaise muttered curses under his breath.
"oh bloody hell" Matteo mumbled
"mate that was horrible and I'm not even y/n! I'm just pretending to be her!" Matteo exclaimed as he took of the wig he was wearing
"if your gonna be this bad with me pretending to be y/n, how are you actually gonna face her!?" Matteo shook his head and turned to Pansy "he's totally lost!"
"it wasnt that bad was it?" Draco cringed at himself.
Oh he knew how bad it was
"it was HORRIBLE" all his friends shouted at him, especially Matteo who was honestly tired of wearing the wig and pretending to be you for the 9th time now.
"c'mon mate! This is the 9th time I'm pretending to be y/n. Just ask her out NORMALLY PLEASE" Matteo shouted
"oh shut up okay! I'm trying" Draco hissed his face turning pink
"well try harder" Theodore said from a corner "if you don't ask her out soon, someone else will"
"what?" Draco whisper shouted "you mean- there's a chance that she'll go to the Yule ball with someone else whose not me?"
Theodore rolled his eyes at his blonde friend, "incase you haven't noticed, many guys in Hogwarts likes her. And now you have double the competition with Durmstang and Beuxbaton"
Draco went pink in the face again "oh fuck"
"yup!" Lorenzo patted his cousin in the shoulder "so you better hurry up cuz!" He cheerily said as if Draco wasn't going through a mini panick attack
"ugh whatever!" Pansy groaned "you! Get your act together" she pointed at Draco "we're gonna practice this one more time! Matteo wear the wig"
Matteo grumbled as he begrudgingly wore the wig " on merlins beard why do I have to pretend to be y/n"
"okay! In 3-2-1" Pansy hollered, completely ignoring Matteo "action!"
"y/n hi! Uh I have to talk to you! Uh about uh something" Draco awkwardly grinned
"ooh yes Draco! What is it?" Matteo said in a high pitched voice that sounded nothing like you.
"uhm so-" Draco stammered
"yes Draco? Hehe" Matteo let out a giggle and twirled a strand of the wig
"uhm!..I have a collection of chocolate frog cards!" Draco squeaked, the word Yule ball being unable to form in his mouth
He heard all his friends groan and he became redder then a Weasley
"oh god not again..that's it. I'm going" Matteo threw the wig on the ground shaking his head "all the best" he patted Draco and walked away
"oh c'mon- wait one last time let me try one last time!" Draco whined as he watched all of his friends walk out of the dorm "oh wait- guys wait!"
"you can do this. I believe in you" Lorenzo gave his cousin a thumbs up
"well I don't" Matteo snorted which caused Draco to give him a dirty look "what? I'm being honest"
"she's right over there. Just go to her, say hi, maybe compliment her and then ask her out" the caramel haired boy ignored Matteo and gave his poor shaking cousin some tips
"what? What kind of compliments to I give her?" Draco whispered back in a sort of panick
"geez. Just tell her that she looks pretty today, and that you'd be honoured if she would go to the ball with you" Theodore cut in and shrugs "works like a charm"
"okay.. alright I got this" Draco mumbled
"yea you got it..now go" Pansy ushered the boy "c'mon now go ahead" she pointed towards the courtyard where you were.
Draco walked up towards you and a bunch of third years who were talking to you. Suddenly he felt very intimidated by those small scrawny third years and immediately turned away and walked back to his friends
"I can't do this! You lot are right, maybe I am hopeless" Draco sulked as his friends let out another sigh
"did he just call himself hopeless?" Matteo peered at the sulking boy "oh dear, y/n really did a number on him huh?"
"not helping Matteo" Pansy said sternly, hitting Matteo in the arm.
"listen, your Draco Malfoy and your going to go and ask y/n the girl who've been crushing on since forever to go to the ball with you" Blaise said giving Draco a light shake
"and if she says yes all is good and if she doesn't, well- it's kind of embarassing but it's gonna be alright" Pansy adds
"yea so go and ask her out now before she goes to the ball with Terry Booth over there huh?" Theodore nudges Draco towards your direction as the smiling ravenclaw keeper approaches you
"oh bloody hell- no way in my watch is y/n going to go out with that crow" Draco fumed under his breath as he immediately rushed towards you
"yea go get'em tiger!" Draco could hear Matteo whooping and the constant shouting from his friends, all hyping him up but that could hardly matter right now
Dracos hands were going all clamy and he could feel his heart racing. He wanted to run away from you but he wasn't going to let Terry Booth ask you out right infront of him!
"y/n" Terry approached you with a smile
"Terry" you greeted the Korean boy with a grin "anything's the matter?"
"oh yea uh I wanted to ask you if-" the keeper then abruptly stopped mid sentence as another person had joined their conversation
"y/n! Y/n!" A frantic Draco appeared, his eyes widened and his hair a mess
"Draco? Are you alright?" You ask the Slytherin boy who seemed to be in a bit of a mix
"mhm m'fine- I have to talk to you" Draco grabbed your hand which took you by surprise
You look at a awkward Terry and a frantic Draco, unsure of what to make up with this situation
"oi Booth can you bigger off for a second?" Draco coldly dismissed Terry who simply raise a eyebrow before shaking his head
"er- alright, I'll talk to you later y/n" Terry mumbled before walking away
"Draco! What was that. You can't just tell people to bugger off" you begin scolding Draco, unaware that his hands were still holding yours
"y/n I have to tell you something" the boy gulped, he could feel the way your hands felt against his and the close proximity the both of you were in. His heart racing even faster
"what is it?" You ask him, your brows creased up in slight worry. The blonde Slytherin boy who was always so put together, confident and full of himself was now nervous and quite frankly not behaving like his usual self
"Draco are you sick?" You immediately raise your free hand to his head and Draco swears that his temperature rises by a hundred degrees probably.
"uhm y/n" the boy begins, he could feel his sweat dripping and his mouth going dry
"oh dear Merlin Draco your turning redder than a tomato! Let's go to madam Pomfrey" you usher him, pulling him into the hallway "c'mon let's go-"
"wait y/n listen- I have to tell you something first"
You look at Draco in confusion. What did he have to tell you so much that he was acting quite frankly out of his personality
"er- okay..can you tell me when we're in the infirmary?"
"no! I have to tell you now" Draco pressed on. He had to ask you right now when he was full of adrenaline or else he won't be able to ask you later
"oh okay, okay" you say a little taken back "what is it?"
Draco bites his lower lip and mumbles something
"what Draco? I didn't quite catch you"
"uhm...I think uh- I think you look very nice today!" Draco suddenly exclaimed
"o-oh!" That might have taken you back by surprise even more, a slight blush forms in your face "thanks..uhm"
"actually I think you look nice everyday" Draco continues his eyes looking down, his grip on your hand tightening.
You look down and realise that the both of you were holding hands and you feel your face getting hot
"that's really sweet of you to say Dray" you said before you could stop yourself
Draco looks up at you, his eyes widened at the sudden nickname you called him
You eyes widen and you the undying urge to slap yourself across the face as you see the way Draco's eyes twinkle with mischief.
"did you just give me a nickname? Dray?" Draco grins smugly, completely forgetting the real reason why he was with you
"oh shut up" you huff "I'm never gonna say that again"
"oh no please do say it again" Draco teased you, watching your face get red
"r-right, what did you have to tell me Draco? Do say it fast I don't have all day" you quickly try to change the subject causing Draco to remember the real reason why he was talking to you
"er-" Draco immediately felt all his confidence and smugness fading away
"oh dear Draco your getting red all again" you worriedly said, peering into his face "are you sure you don't need to-"
"not Draco" Draco mumbled
"not Draco, don't call me Draco" Draco mumbled a bit louder
"well, what do you want me to call you then-"
"Dray, you should call me Dray" he says softly
Your eyes widen "Dray... I don't understand what-"
"doyouwanttogototheballwithme?" Draco squeaked
Draco cleared his throat and looked around, he beckoned you to come closer to him and leaned towards you
"do you want to maybe perhaps go to the ball with..me?" He whispered into your ears filling your stomach with butterflies
"oh- Draco I-" you stammer, unable to form sentences "uhm I would really actually like that" you whisper back in surprise
"really?" Draco asked you back, his voice in equal surprise
You give a shy nodd
"really?!" Draco asked again looking at you eyes widened "I'm not going to stop saying really unless you give me a proper answer l/n"
Your roll your eyes "yes really...Dray I would love to go to the ball with you"
"oh my god I think I'm gonna pass out" Draco said feeling faint
"I think that's a little but of a exaggeration- oh my god Draco!" You shout out, trying to catch the boy before he fell on the ground
"oh dear- he actually passed out" you grimace slightly as you make him lie down in one of the stools in the courtyard after dragging him all the way from the hallway
You softly brush his blonde hair away from his pink face
"how quite adorable" you laugh to yourself
"Hey Berkshire!" Terry greeted Lorenzo who along with all his friends were trying to see what Draco and y/n were doing just as they got dragged to the hallway
"ugh we cant see them anymore!" Pansy whined as she stretched her neck, only to get a glimpse of blonde hair
"uhm s'everything alright?" Terry asked
"yea everythings fine" Lorenzo smiled at the tall boy "what's up?"
"oh uh- I did what you told me too" Terry grinned as all of Lorenzo's friends looked at him with a confused face
Lorenzo laughed "great chap you are my friend" giving him a pat in the back
"I'm guessing you told me to pretend like I'm asking y/n to the ball just so that Malfoy would make a move first?" Terry winced as he asked Lorenzo who just seemed to grin even brighter
"my god- you do catch on quick don't you?"
Terry let out a laugh and blushed at the sudden compliment. He was never really good with compliments
"you did what?" Matteo asked eyes widened
"sneaky snake" Pansy squinted her eyes at him and grinned 'your a genius!"
Lorenzo simply shrugged
"so whatdya think? He asked her out yet?" Terry peered out from where Pansy was standing
"maybe if Draco finally got the guts" Pansy snorted
"oh I think he did" Blaise said hesitantly
"what?" Pansy and Matteo asked eagerly
"it appears that our little prince has..." Theodore paused not sure whether he was supposed to laugh or be embarrassed
"he has what?" Pansy questioned
"oh hell!" Matteo shouted with laughter "the bloody wanker has fainted!" Matteo exclaimed with glee all across his face
Pansy covered her face with embarrassment as the boys roared with laughter. Only Terry wasn't the one laughing along.
"oh dear" Terry shook his head sadly "now how would the poor boy be when he dances with her?"
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fieldofsecretss · 1 year
Y/n: Do you think when butterflies fall in love, they feel humans in their stomach?...
Draco: y/n. Darling. Honey. Love of my life. What the actual fuck...
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dracowars · 1 year
H!i i love your writing and i wanted to make a request can you do a draco x reader where they have a fight and then they sleep in diffrent rooms and the reader has a nightmare so she goes to dracos room and then just fluff <3
fighter | draco malfoy
pairing: draco x reader
word count: 1,2k
summary: where y/n and draco sleep in separate rooms due to an argument
a/n: i wrote this in one flow in the notes of my phone (i usually write on my laptop that's also why the " are different) and i don't know what happend, but i've never written something so fast. i hope it stays that way lmao enjoy <3 don't forget to reblog, it's so important!
warnings: angst, mentions of death
universe: harry potter
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"I can't believe you are being serious right now!", you scream at Draco, physically retreating from him as you take a few steps back in your anger, anger about what he just told you. The atmosphere in his big dark bedroom in Malfoy Manor doesn't help the cold that is now surrounding you, neither does your light sleeping gown that you put on mere minutes ago to finally get some well deserved sleep. That is until you got into this stupid argument.
Your whole body trembles and you desperartely run your fingers through your hair, waiting for him to tell you that it was just a joke, that none of it is real.
"I knew you wouldn't understand", is the only thing that leaves Draco's mouth and if you had been a few more meters away, you would have probably missed his murmur. But you caught every word he said and it makes you even more furious.
"Oh, so you didn't even think about telling me that you want to take your father's place among the Dark Lord's entourage? The one of your father who is currently, if I may remind you, trapped in Azkaban?!", you say while fully realizing the impact of these words. Draco really wants to become a Death Eater and follow Voldemort as his faithful footman until he decides one day that he does not need him anymore either and puts him into the same prison his father is currently residing.
"See? That's why I preferred not to tell you because I knew you would react like this", Draco only sighs at your emotional outburst, rubbing his palms against each other as he looks at the dark wooden floor beneath your feet.
"So you now support the Dark Lord? Is that it?", you ask, now directly looking at him in utter disbelieve, ignoring his previous words. In your opinion, this is the only reasonable reaction when you are told your loved one wants to basically throw his life, and everything he has accomplished, away. And you are a huge part of that life which he would discard. Just like that.
"Y/N, you are missing my point!", Draco raises his voice now too, no longer being able to withstand the hurtful words you are throwing his way. "I need to do this, alright? It is none of your business anyway."
"N-None of my business?!", you stumble over your words, not believing your ears but one look at his face tells you that he is being deadly serious. For a moment, you hold in your breath and stare at him, looking into his eyes that seem to have darkened now.
"You know what? Alright, if it is your business and you want to follow in your father's steps, then I'm not needed here anymore", you say with a fake smile on your lips, passing him without looking at him again and leaving the room with fast steps. You do not listen when he calls after you, because if he really wanted to solve this, he would follow you. The fact that he does not, sends another dagger through your already suffering heart.
Standing in one of the cold hallways of Malfoy Manor, watched by the few family pictures that hang along the walls, you make your way to the next guest room where you plan on spending the night before being able to leave first thing in the morning.
You open the creaking door and enter the room, taking a look at the large bed with dark green bedding. Sighing, you let yourself fall onto the soft blanket in defeat and look at the panaled high ceiling.
The next moment, all the emotions come crushing down on you and you let your tears run free, crying into the soft bedsheets, grapping a fistful of it in your hand. You don't know how long you just lie there and cry bitterly, but when you suddenly jolt out of your sleep, drenched in sweat, it takes you a few seconds to realize where you are. The realization hits you painfully as you lean against the headboard, knees pulled towards your chest beneath the thick blanket and your hands trembling, pulling the safety of the fabric more towards you.
You thought you had already cried out all of your tears, but this terrible nightmare paralyzed your entire body and the tears streaming down your already puffed cheeks do not seem to stop. Trembling, you lower your forehead onto your knees, closing your eyes to dispose of those bad images, but they keep appearing in front of you. Crying into the blanket even harder, your mind comes up with the only plausible solution and before you know it, you find yourself standing in front of Draco's bedroom again, slowly opening the door.
With only your head poking in at first, you squint into the darkness, searching for any indications if Draco is asleep or not. When you only hear his soft breathing, you sneak towards your side of the bed and climb beneath the cold blanket as quiet as possible, trying to sniffle your tears.
Draco, however, senses that something is wrong and shifts in his sleep, turning onto his back. His hand slightly grazes yours and your breath gets stuck in your throat at the sensation. It only takes two more seconds until Draco opens his eyes, suddenly aware of the warm trembling body next to him.
Pushing onto his arms, he looks at you, confused, but once he hears your sobs, he takes you into his arms without any words, enveloping you in his warmth. Burrying your face in the crook of his neck, your crying grows even worse and you claw his shirt as if he could disappear any second.
"I-I was so scared, D-Draco", you stutter once you have caught your breath a bit more, holding your hands in front of your mouth to stop yourself from breaking down again. "Y-You were a Death Eater and they- they took you from me. H-He killed you, Draco."
Draco, who was busy wiping away your tears while listening, stops in his movement, his lips slightly parted in shock. In this moment, he hated himself for making you cry like this, for causing you such a horrible nightmare that you ended up thinking that you had lost him.
"He won't, Y/N. I promise", Draco whispers finally, not at all sure what he is supposed to say right now. On the one hand, he wants to make everything right again, but on the other hand he knows that he has responsibilites that he can't run away from.
"You can't promise me that", you sob, wiping away your tears by yourself now, your hands still a shaking mess.
"I'm so sorry, darling, but I have to follow him", he answers, his voice shaking as he softly takes your hands in his. "Otherwise he is going to kill me. But what is worse is that he is going to kill my family. He is going to kill you if I don't obey."
As he says these words and lets down his walls, you see a single tear running down his cheek, finding its way onto your intertwined hands below.
"We- We will find a way, baby", you try to assure him, squeezing his hand lightly. "You don't have to do this. We just need to fight. For us. For your family. For you."
"I will."
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luv4freddie · 5 months
The Mark - D.M
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Reader comforts Draco after he gets the dark mark
Exactly what you think it’s gonna be like. Tragic backstory, mentions of voldy and war, so sad, angst/comfort, 776 words
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Draco Malfoy was tired.
He was exhausted, yes. But he was tired of being the man of the family. He was tired of being a Malfoy heir, of being forced into boxes in order to make his family proud.
And now it was too late.
He laid in his four poster bed, fighting against the tears blooming behind his eyes and the stinging sensation on his forearm.
He shivered— he felt dirty. Disgusting in a way that wouldn’t wash out no matter how many times he scrubbed the spot where bony white fingers had grasped his arm.
He wanted to kick and scream like a toddler, but even now he couldn’t express the emotions building up in his chest— adrenaline, shame, fear, all joining in on his downfall.
He laid unresponsive, too tired to move but unable to fall asleep.
He can still hear his mother crying downstairs. She hadn’t stopped since the Dark Lord had left the manor, and taken her sons innocence and choice along with him.
Draco faintly registers the smell of smoke and a tumbling sound, but he makes no attempt to investigate, chalking it up to a clumsy house elf.
At least until he hears your voice.
“Dray?” It’s gentle in a way that makes all of his emotions perk up, fighting their way to his face as he finally moves; sitting up to face where you stand, freshly out of his fireplace.
He wants to talk— ask what you’re doing here, how you got there, if you still love him— but instead the most embarrassing thing happens.
Draco Malfoy starts crying.
Draco has not cried since third year, but a single look at you has him sobbing out into the stillness of the house.
Within seconds you’re next to him, pulling him into your chest and stroking his hair while you mumble reassurances into his ear.
He cries for a long time, giving his mother a run for her money with the his sobs echo off the walls, the silencing charm you’d put up to shield him from Narcissa’s ears only making them reverberate louder.
By the time he’s finally calmed down his voice is raspy and his eyes are bloodshot.
“They’re monitoring floo.”
“I know,” you hush him, “but that’s for the order members. They won’t care about us. They probably think I’m just sneaking out to smog you.”
He lets out a chuckle, but it’s airy and there’s no real humor in it.
He wants to tell you. But at the same time, he’s terrified that you’re going to be disgusted— that you’d get up and leave him just like everyone else when he inevitably disappoints.
You notice he subconsciously fiddles with the edge of his sleeve, and you grab his hand, bringing it up to place a kiss on his fingers.
“I know already.”
You want to cry with the amount of fear in his eyes when they meet yours.
“You- how?”
“Your mom was talking to mine about it.”
He lets out a scoff, “it’s a miracle she can get anything out with the way she’s been crying.”
You sigh, “can you blame her?”
“I’m the one that got branded, why’s she crying?”
You smooth a gentle finger over his sleeve, hating the way he flinches.
“Because you’re now a part of this war, a bigger part than anyone your age should ever be.”
He buries further into you, tucking his head into the crook of your neck and appreciating the way you wrap your arms around him, squeezing just enough to press your bodies into each other.
“Do you still love me?”
His voice is so small and hidden from where he’s laying, but you hear it nonetheless, and your heart shatters into a billion tiny pieces at the vulnerability and disappointment in it.
He’s expecting you to say no.
Instead, you grab his arm, bringing it up to where you can see it. At first he refuses to let you move his sleeve, but he quickly tires, watching your every move with droopy eyes and resigned interest.
He inhales sharply when you do it— roll his sleeve up and press a soft kiss directly onto the middle of the mark, right where the snake winds around the mouth.
“The Dark Lord himself couldn’t make me stop loving you, Draco Malfoy. This doesn’t change who you are.”
He breathes a small sigh of relief.
He was still a death eater, still an heir, and still guilty—but you loved him, and you weren’t going to leave him because of it.
So maybe— just maybe— he could survive this war. As long as you were here
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notti-stellate · 10 months
Draco Malfoy x reader
Warnings: tooth rotting fluff, puking, ect.
a/n: I'm gonna be completely honest I have no idea where this came from but I'm not complaining. Genuinely don't know what this is I just kinda blinked and this happened. Enjoy (I hope)
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from pinterest
“Would you stop being a baby,” I groaned, “you have a stomach bug, Draco, you’re not dying.” 
“You don’t know that,” he replied with a sniffle.
I turned away from his door towards the bed only to be met with the most pathetic look from my usually stoic boyfriend. The floor beside his bed was riddled with tissues and various blankets and sweatshirts. You could even see the redness around his eyes and his unusually flushed cheeks.
“Oh love, why don’t you go see Madam Pomfrey.” I sighed, walking over to his bed.
“She’s out for the week,” He replied, closing his eyes as a wave of nausea hit. 
Within a second he bolted for the bathroom. I followed behind when I heard gagging, immediately crouching down beside him to attempt to comfort him. After a few minutes the retching stopped only to be followed by small whimpers. 
“It’s alright love, are you done” I whispered, rubbing small circles into his back over his worn sweatshirt. He nodded mournfully as he slowly sat up. I pulled him up and steadily guided him back to his bed.
“Lay with me?” He pleaded, opening his arms.
“Here, drink some water first.”  I said, handing him his water bottle and crawling into bed beside him. He sighed, tiredly, as he pulled me closer to rest his head on my chest. We both sat in silence as I carded my fingers through his hair, slowly drifting off shortly after him.
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dr3amlab · 1 year
archetype (so pretty that you kill me softly), dm.
SUMMARY — Draco wasn't listening to you for he was too distracted by your beauty.
PAIRING — Draco Malfoy x reader
GENRE — one shot, established relationship, flufffff lots of fluff.
WORD COUNT — 389 words.
INSPO ⏤ archetype by omar apollo
The words coming out of your mouth were undoubtedly interesting but draco didn't seem to pay attention to any of them. With his cheek resting on the palm of his hand, draco nodded occasionally to make it seem like he was interested in whatever story you were telling.
Don't get draco wrong, it's not that you aren't interesting or that your storytelling skills were mediocre because on any other day, malfoy would have been listening eagerly to you.
However, today was an unusual day because draco looked at you a little differently ; It may have been the way you styled your hair today or how the rays of the late afternoon sun casted on your face making your skin golden but draco found you even prettier than usual.
Draco's eyes trailed from your eyes, to your nose and lips thinking about how gorgeous you were. All of your features matched perfectly and made you looked ethereal. Malfoy sometimes wondered if you were a creature from Venus for there were millions of girls in the world and none of them were close to looking as perfect as you.
The blond boy's eyes perhaps lingered too much on your lips that he didn't realize that your eyebrows frowned, "Are you even listening to me draco?" you said catching your boyfriend's attention. Draco looked at you with guilty eyes, "yes I totally am listening to you!" You quirked an eyebrow, "then what was I talking about?" you questioned while watching him with an amused gaze, "uh⏤ you were talking about your family vacation?" he said with uncertainty laced in his voice while bearing a confused expression of his face as if he didn't even know what his sentence meant.
Seeing how confused he looked, you laughed heartily which made Malfoy's face relax into a smile for the sound of your laugh sounded melodious to him, "draco, you weren't listening, were you?" you asked and he nodded his head with an apologetic expression on his face, "so, a penny for your thought?" you tilted your head, "did I ever tell you how pretty you are?" he said with a soft voice, "you always do dray," you giggled.
Draco put his hand on yours, "good, 'cause you're killing me y/n." the blond boy planted a kiss on your cheek, "I'm so lucky to be your boyfriend," he smiled.
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lithemochi · 9 months
silk dress - draco malfoy
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paring: draco malfoy x fem! reader
word count : 1.9k
warning: 18+, minors dni!, smut, swearing, rough sex
Midnight in the heart of the city, and all was quiet. The only sound that could be heard over the rain was the patter of a few drops hitting the roof of a nearby building. A light drizzle had been falling for several hours now.
The storm clouds were dark, threatening, and menacing. They loomed above the city like an ominous wall. Lightning flashed across the sky, followed by thunder. It was as if the heavens themselves were trying to send some sort of message. You got up from the bed, walking over to the couch that was facing the window. The window was open, letting out the sounds of the storm outside. There was something about it that calmed you down.
Draco was all the well snoring, his head on the armrest of the bed. His eyes were closed, and he looked so peaceful, sleeping away. He'd taken off his shirt after dinner, revealing the muscular torso underneath. Even though Draco hadn't done anything but sleep since then, you still felt your body responding.
You and Draco have been dating for about two years, it was fine up until he asked about become intimate. You wanted him to take things slow with you because you weren't sure what you really wanted. Of course, he understand and never pushed it. You decided to wear the nightgown that Draco bought you. It was one of your favorite because of the color of the sky at twilight, and it made your skin look like porcelain.
You could see the nipples through the thin fabric, but you knew it wasn't because you wanted to be seen; it was just what the dress did. The dress hugged your body in all the right places while still being comfortable. The hem came down far enough that it brushed against the tops of your thighs when you walked. The back was open and each strap had small diamonds sewn into them.
At this point, you begin to overthink everything, and this wasn't helping matters anyways. You wanted to know if you should continue seeing him. After all, you loved him. And you couldn't imagine yourself without him. But there's more than just love here. You wanted passionate, and pleasure. You've watched porn, and even read erotica. All those scenarios sounded good.
But what if they don't work with Draco? What if he doesn't want to do them? Or worse, he thinks you're crazy for wanting these things?
Asking for many questions in your head and when you decided to calm down, the sound of Draco heavy breathing hit your ear. You turn and semi-hide, you see Draco’s face turning red. His moans began to get louder and louder. Tossing and turning, you could see the outline of his dick from his grey sweats.
You didn't want to wake him so you stayed silent, watching as he kept going. You could see the sweat dripping down his back and chest. The way his muscles moved beneath the surface was mesmerizing. Your eyes were glued to the sight before you. He grabbed hold of his cock, stroking it vigorously, making his dick twitch every once in awhile.
You began to feel wet under your nightgown, knowing that you would soon find yourself in his arms. You needed him so badly, and you weren't ashamed to admit it. You wanted him inside you, feeling him throbbing between your legs. You wanted to make him moan, and scream.
Your mind snapped into reality when you heard Draco grunting. "oh fuck" he said, barely audible over the thunder and rain. His hands gripped the sheets, rubbing his dick on the pillow. You watch as he starts to cum, shooting thick ropes of cum onto the sheets.
You stare at his semi-naked form for a few minutes before deciding to go to the bed. As you climb into bed, you feel the wetness on your leg again. This time, it's not from the rain.
You reach over and grab his arm.
"Draco." You say, your voice barely audible.
"Hm?" He grunts, turning to face you.
"Draco... you've been touching yourself..."
"Yes, and I'm sorry." He says, his eyes wide.
"Why are you saying sorry?" You ask, confused.
"I thought you might be uncomfortable." He says, sitting up. "You've been through a lot and-"
"It's alright." You say, cutting him off. "I don't mind... in fact, I was wondering if you wanted me to help."
He stares at you, not moving or blinking. "What?"
You smile. "I think you heard me." You say, leaning forward. Your lips meet his and he kisses you back.
You started to kiss his lips, slowly moving towards his neck. Draco moaned as you kissed him, sliding your tongue into his mouth. You hear him gasp and start kissing you harder, pushing his hand down your stomach and grabbing your ass.
‘I’m ready, ready to fill this need... I'm ready to make him mine.’
You smiled at the thought, kissing his cheek softly. He groaned as you pulled his pants off, revealing his dick from the oh so tight sweats. You let out a soft sigh, admiring the size of it. It was already hard, and you could see precum glistening along its length.
He placed his hand on top of yours, guiding it towards his dick. You wrapped your fingers around his shaft, giving him a gentle squeeze. Draco moaned as you felt it pulsating in your hand, you slowly started jacking him off. The way you were position made it so that your knees were in between his left leg.
“Oh merlin, please. Go faster ," he whispered in your ear, grinding his hips against your thigh. You continued jerking him, trying to match his pace.
It wasn't long till he was close to coming, his hips buckling and thrusting up against your hand. He cried out loud, letting loose all his cum onto your hand.
“Fuck, love. Come here.” Draco panted, pulling you towards him. He pushes you onto your back, kissing your chest. He paused, “May I?”
“Please.” You whispered. Draco pushes the fabric away from your body exposing your breast. His hands slide down to your sides, squeezing them tightly. He leans forward, planting kisses across your chest.
You whimpered lightly, your heart beating rapidly in your chest. Draco slides down your stomach, licking the valley between your boobs. His tongue swipes your nipple, causing you to arch your back. He continues kissing down your body, pausing at the bottom where your panties cover your pussy. He lifts them up, leaving your bare pussy uncovered.
Draco’s eyes widen as he sees your pink flesh, his fingers brushing over it. His tongue laps at your folds, tasting your juices. You grab his hair, moaning loudly as his tongue flicks against your clit.
His lips surround your clit, sucking gently as his finger rubs against your g-spot. He licks your slit, coating it with his spit, his fingers slipping inside your entrance. You cry out, unable to contain your pleasure. Draco sucks your clit harder, his tongue swirling around your nub.
He pulls his finger out and replaces it with two others. You bite your lip, holding back your screams as his fingers start pumping into you. His thumb massages your clit, rubbing it roughly. You throw your head back, biting your lip until it bleeds.
“Dracos, oh god," you gasped, throwing your head back again. Draco sucked your clit even more, his fingers pumping in and out. You came quickly, your whole body trembling uncontrollably.
“Merlin, love. I'm sorry, I can't hold on anymore." Draco pulled his fingers out, tossing them aside. He lifted himself above you, kissing your thighs. You wrap your arms around his waist, pressing your breasts against his chest.
"Are you okay?" Draco asked, looking at you. You nodded, his face flushed.
"I'm fine."
You kiss him again, feeling his erection press against your belly. In that moment, you could feel the tip of his dick near your pussy, but he stops.
"Don't be scared," he whispers. "I won't hurt you."
"No, I just want you inside me. Please."
He grunts, lifting his hips slightly. Your legs are still pressed together, keeping his cock from entering you. He takes one of your hands, placing it on his dick.
“Do it. Take my cock."
You grip his dick, stroking it as you open yourself up. You push down, taking half of his thickness in. Draco lets out a deep breath, kissing you softly. You feel his member throbbing against your walls, stretching your innermost parts.
“I know it hurts, but it'll get better. Just keep going.” Draco whispers, kissing you again.
You nod, gripping his shoulder tighter as you push down further. He groans, kissing your forehead as you take his entire length inside you. You moan as your insides stretch around his thick shaft. He starts moving, slowly fucking you with long strokes.
"Love, you're beautiful. So tight..." Draco's voice is raspy as he speaks. He picks up speed, pushing deeper and deeper inside you.
You pant heavily, gasping for air as his large cock stretches your insides. Each time he slams against your cervix, it causes sharp pain, but it soon goes away. You start rocking your hips, matching his thrusts. Draco grabs your ass, lifting your hips up higher.
Your back arches as he enters you fully, filling your womb with his seed. You gasp, his cock twitching inside you.
“Draco," you whisper, grabbing his shoulders. Draco kisses you, his cock still pulsating inside you.
“Go faster,” You whispered as you bite the side of your finger.
He looks at you, nodding before slamming into you. He bites your neck, sucking hard on your skin. He thrusts into you so fast, his balls slapping against your ass.
You cry out, your orgasm building up. Your inner muscles clench tightly around his cock, milking it of its load. He moans, biting down on your neck as he comes inside you. You squeeze him tightly, trying not to let any spill out.
After a few minutes, his cock softens inside you. You pull out, laying on your back. He crawls on top of you, kissing you deeply. You wrap your arms around him, pulling him closer to you. Draco lays next to you, snuggling close.
"Fuck" Draco laughs as he runns his hands through his hair, "Maybe I should dream about fucking you more."
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amourane · 2 months
fatal attraction
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pairing: con artist!draco malfoy x police officer!reader
genre: smut
w/c: 2.5k
summary: draco malfoy was a cunning man and a wanted criminal but you couldn't deny the growing sexual tension between the two of you.
warnings: explicit sexual content, degradation, praise, fingering, unprotected sex
a/n: bringing back one of the old ones, new and improved <3
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This was definitely not how you expected your first week as a police officer to go. 
You found yourself face to face with a man who seemed to embody trouble itself, his shockingly bleached hair standing out against the backdrop of a dimly lit room. A smirk played on his lips, he idly twirled a mugshot board between his fingers, exuding an air of confidence that made your pulse quicken. His sleeves rolled up, revealing bulging muscles that seemed to ripple with every movement. When he glanced up, you quickly diverted your gaze, blood rushing to your cheeks. 
It was obvious the criminal was handsome, with a symmetrical face and a perfectly chiselled jawline. Steely grey eyes that had a hint of amusement as though he was internally mocking those around him. 
He was Draco Malfoy, a con artist wanted in numerous countries, and you had somehow managed to catch him. It wasn’t intended, you had just bumped into him and his hood had fallen off at the precise moment, giving you the perfect view of his face. A face you could never forget from all the wanted posters stuck to the walls near your tiny desk.
There was no protesting when you locked him in handcuffs, he didn’t fight when they dragged him away, nor did he complain as they treated him like a stray dog. He merely had the same cocky grin plastered on his face, one that didn’t calm your nerves. 
“So.” He purred, eyes fixing on you and suddenly you felt like a small rabbit from his predatory gaze. “I haven’t seen you around before, love. I would’ve remembered such a pretty face.” His voice was as smooth as honey and you felt as if your body was on fire by the sweet words pouring out of his mouth. 
“I’d advise you to shut up, Malfoy.” Your partner, Ron Weasley, growled as his eyes threw daggers at the criminal. 
Draco smiled. “Or what, officer? You’re not allowed to harm me.”
He was right, officers weren’t allowed to display violent behaviour towards criminals, even if they were guilty of the most heinous crimes. He fixed his eye back onto you, his tongue peeking out to swipe over his bottom lip. You felt yourself grow hot under your uniform and you shuffled nervously. 
The quick snaps flashed before your eyes and each time Ron had to tell Draco to place his board properly and not to pose like a model. There was nothing wrong with him doing what he was doing but the long, seductive gaze he shot at you didn’t make your heart stop fluttering. 
And you knew, deep down, that this man was a criminal, someone who’s broken the law on multiple accounts. He had cheated, lied and manipulated his way to the top and yet you couldn’t help yourself to feel aroused whenever he looked in your direction.
As Ron dragged him away to his cell, brushing past you, he gave you a sly wink and it didn't soothe your beating heart. It was only when you got home that you realised he had slipped something in your pocket, a note in his beautiful cursive handwriting.
cell number 80, come by when you have time.
It was something so simple and yet it had tingles shooting up your spine. 
That night your mind was plagued with the smirks of Draco Malfoy and the dirty things he would whisper in your ear, holding you close. His deep voice as it moaned your name repeatedly, praising you for what you were doing. You woke up in the middle of your sinful dream, panting for air and you reached for the water on your bedside. 
You didn’t know how you were going to survive.
Draco threw a rock in the air, catching it as it fell back into his hand. He could hear the faint dripping of a leaky pipe as water landed on the cold floor. The cell they had thrown him in was grimy, an unknown black substance on one of the walls. 
It made him sick. 
The little burner phone he held in his hands, something he’d managed to sneak in, was flashing with texts.
TN: pls don’t tell me you got caught just to see the new police officer.
TN: malfoy, istg if you did i will skin you alive.
TN: seriously??? draco, she’s a cop, we can’t have that.
Theo’s texts had come through once he had switched the burner phone on and he read through all of them. Sighing, he hastily texted back.
DM: piss off i need some fun.
The reply was immediate and Draco glared at the screen, switching it off. There was no point arguing with Theo, he didn’t have the time nor energy. He grinned at the thought of you, your flushed cheeks and jittery eyes. He had seen the way you were looking at him. 
You would come sooner or later. 
This was so wrong. This was so wrong. This was so wrong. 
That phrase repeated in your mind, echoing through your body but your feet didn’t stop as they climbed the stairs, moving to cell number 80. It was 2 am in the morning and you were on night duty with Ron but you had offered to do the rounds instead, to which he had agreed. 
Now, your feet were walking towards Draco’s cell and the nervous jitters kicked in. It was as if you were back at your first day of school, your mum patting your back as she ushered you through the gates. This time you had no one to comfort you. Your shoes made soft padding noises across the silent hallway and you hoped none of the criminals would wake up. 
As you passed, you saw the various people in cells, some scrawny and tall, some buff and muscly. Each cell was identical and had just enough room for a single bed and movement allowance. You were taking a deep breath once you passed cell number 79 and when 80 came into view you didn't realise you were holding your breath until you found your lungs burning for air. 
Draco was lying on his bed, arms behind his head as he stared at the ceiling. Even though he was in the prison uniform he still managed to look stunning in the ridiculous orange. He wore a plain white shirt underneath and the jumpsuit was tied at his waist. 
You cleared your throat, stepping closer. He lifted his head and his eyes flickered with amusement when he saw you. 
“Well, well, well.” He whispered, getting up and dragging his feet to you. “Look who came.”
“What do you want?” You asked, feeling intimidated by his tall stature even though you’re the one who’s meant to be in power. 
Draco smirked, the same one that has butterflies erupting in your stomach. 
“I want...you.”
The last word was said with a deep, sultry tone that had your thighs rubbing together and your panties beginning to stick. 
It’ll be alright. It’ll be fine.
That was what you told yourself as you unlocked his cell doors, fingers fumbling with the keys. You didn’t know what was wrong with you as you crashed your lips onto his. Your senses overloaded and everything disappeared. Draco’s lips were soft and pillowy, and you tasted the faint green apple gum he must have been chewing.
As he pushed your back against a wall, he hastily unbuttoned your shirt, hands fondling with your breasts. The black, lacy bralette made his mind go in circles as he growled. His hands massaged the soft flesh and you moaned at his touch. The warmth spreaded throughout your body, hitting your core. You panted and squirmed.
Draco’s lips were still attached to yours and when he pressed his body against yours, you felt his cock between the jumpsuit. Your fingers scrambled to grasp at the white material, tugging it off eagerly. 
Everything about him had you seeing the stars. 
“Knew you wanted me.” He muttered into your mouth. “Saw the way you were looking at me, Officer L/n.” 
“Y/n, call me Y/n.” 
Draco grinned wickedly. “Alright Y/n.” 
His lips left yours, finding a new home on your nipple. He sucked, swirling his rough tongue over your sensitive nub. The feeling had your body wriggling around and he pinned you to the wall, keeping you from moving. He gave each breast the same treatment, the same seductive licks and nips that his tongue delivered. 
“D-Draco…” You let out. “A-Ahh, fuck!” 
His palm came up to cover your mouth. “Can’t make too much noise, love.” His fingers trailed down to your things, ripping the clothing off of your body and he groaned at the sight of your wet panties. “All for me.”
Slowly, he slipped his hand into your panties, playing with your clit. He dipped a single finger in easily, teasing your needy cunt. You whimpered practically begging him for more. Your pussy fluttered around his finger and you desperately tried to grind down on his palm for some sort of friction but he gave you none.
“Such a needy whore.” Draco smirked, breath fanning over your face and you moaned at his words. “So wet f’me, just hear her speak.”
Another finger slipped inside and you gasped and clung onto Draco’s shoulders for support. The lewd sounds of your wet pussy filled the cell and you couldn’t help but flush with embarrassment. The criminal continued to curl and thrust his fingers, relishing in the sounds he was able to elicit. The pace he set was incredibly fast and your body failed to catch up. A strangled moan left your throat as you tried to stifle your vulgar noises. 
Draco pumped his digits in and out of you, the wet sounds reverberating around the walls. He scissored you open, bending down to look at the way your pussy was dripping. The growl he let out made your knees buckle. Every single thing about you had Draco begging for more. His fingers were drenched with your juices as he continued to thrust messily. 
“Fuck this. I can’t wait.”
He stripped his clothes and your pussy clenched at the sight of his cock. The flushed, red tip, leaking with precum. A whimper bubbled to your mouth and your mouth watered. You desperately wanted to suck him off but your thoughts were interrupted as he thrusted into you. 
The sensation of his cock filling you up had you reeling and your eyes rolling to the back of your head. Pain filled your body at the stretch to accommodate his size. Draco moaned, resting his forehead against yours, not hesitating to deliver harsh thrusts into you. 
“Draco.” You whined. “Fuck, feels so good.” You said drowsily, high on the feeling of his cock. 
“Yeah.” He panted, gripping your hips as he pounded into you. He watched as he disappeared into your wet heat. “You like this, love? Like me wrecking this slutty cunt?”
You struggled to find words and when you did it came out in a soft stutter. “I-I do…”
“Course you do fucking whore. That’s all you are isn’t it? A nasty hole to use, fuck I’m going to fill you up. You’d like that, my cum all stuffed inside this pretty pussy.”
You mewled incoherently, babbling at the pleasure you were receiving. It’s a feeling you never wanted to forget and as his huge cock plunged in and out of you, a silent scream ripped through your body. Only one thought was on your mind and it was Draco Malfoy, wanted criminal, fucking you in a dirty cell. 
His hair fell into his eyes and you reached your fingers up to brush it away. Draco looked up, eyes filled with lust. When he met your eyes he couldn’t help but crash his lips onto yours. You let him swallow every one of your moans and lewd noises. 
The harsh, hard pounds he delivered made you whimper his name over and over again. Draco  loved it, he found the thing he loved hearing the most. Your voice. He urged it out of you, thrusting into you deeper, hitting that sweet spot that had you screaming in ecstasy. Your body leaned into his touch every time. 
“D-Draco gonna cum, ‘m gonna cum.” You gasped, nails dragging down his back. “So so so good, don’t s-stop gonna cum, need it so bad.”
Draco grinned as his grip on you tightened and you cried out in pleasure. “Such a pretty voice. Don’t you just love to beg and scream. I’m gonna fill this filthy cunt with my cum, does that sound good love?” 
You were too blissed out to properly respond with words and all you could manage was a weak nod. His smirk traced over your bare skin and you could feel his hot breath as it enveloped you. He never once stopped telling you how he was going to ruin you, make you full of him that you wouldn’t be able to forget him inside you for weeks. 
The thought was enough to send you over the edge. Your body convulsed at the overwhelming feeling. Every one of your limbs felt as if it’s being tuned to the perfect melody. You gasped and moaned Draco's name, closing your eyes as you threw your head back. The harsh thrusting didn’t stop and he snapped his hips to yours faster than ever.
“Oh fuck.” He cursed, groaning at the sound of his body meeting yours. “You’re so good, such a good girl.” The low hum had your body shivering with delight. 
It wasn’t long before he was coming as well, eyes squeezed shut, cursing, as he continued his shallow thrusts. Hot cum shot into your pussy and you felt a warmth spread within you. It dripped out of you. He panted, sweat glistening off his forehead and you held onto his body so you didn't collapse. 
“You really are something else, love.” Draco chuckled, pressing his lips against yours. His eyes transfixed at your leaking cunt. “Fuck, look at you.” 
You closed your thighs, embarrassed at the sight. All of your thoughts were coming back to you and they weighed you down once more. He noticed your worry and he cupped your face, cooing. 
“Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.”
You didn’t remember how you got home, nor do you remember the rest of the conversation with Draco. Everything was a blur and when you woke up in your bed the next morning, all you had left was the lewd memories of his cock pounding into you. The loud, obnoxious ringing of your phone startled you out of your dreamy haze. You picked it up, rubbing your eyes at the bright morning light.
“Y/n.” Ron’s urgent voice crackled through your phone and you immediately sat up straighter. “Y/n, something really really bad has happened. I don’t even know how and of course I don’t blame you. It's just...Malfoy’s escaped.”
Half of Ron’s rant was cut off when you notice a piece of paper at your bedside followed by an unfamiliar gun holster. It had the familiar cursive handwriting, followed by a series of digits. You gasped, eyes filling with shock.
“I-I’ll call you back Ron.” You hung up immediately, diving for the note.
Call me. xxx-xxx-xxx
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vanessamooney · 2 months
The Age of Us pt. 1 - Draco x Reader
Prompt: Glimpses into your lives through the years
Pairing: Draco x Slytherin!Reader
Part 2
Part 3 coming soon!
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In First Year you're a ball of glimmering potential. You're staring wide eyed at the brilliant castle before you from the boat house and on the walk up a little Draco is trailing behind you, holding up your robes to prevent them from dragging in the mud. You don't even notice the sweet gesture as you spend the climb up rambling to him about how excited you are to begin learning about magic, bouncy as ever with a smile wider than he's ever been able to draw out from you. Not even his mother's white peacocks at Malfoy Manor brought out such a smile from you, nor the time years ago when you two rolled down the hill on your family's estate, covered in twigs and wrestling in a pile of dried leaves, giggly as ever.
Draco watches proudly as his girl is sorted into Slytherin house, and he welcomes you with a radiant smirk as you trot over to the house table and seat yourself right next to him. He watches eagerly as Potter and that blasted orange haired Weasley boy are called out next, moping methodically along to the sorting hat, watching them with a glare he reserved for the mud-bloods his father would point out on trips to Diagon Alley. He hopes Potter will be sorted into Slytherin, after all, 'connections are key' Lucius would say and who better a connection than the chosen one?
'Oh Draco,' You tut, 'look at the sky!' you're in awe at the ceiling which you've only just noticed, the enchantments were executed so gracefully if you hadn't of read Hogwarts, A History before the year began you would've had no clue the great hall ever had a roof. 
He looked at you with the same dirty expression sculpted on his face that he had given Potter through the ceremony, stuck like cement, but when he noticed your doughy lips parted in wonder, he reached over and with a nimble finger, he closed your mouth for you, leaving you blushing a tomato red. 
'Up! Up! Up!' 
You're standing over your broom, watching the other kids stand in organised lines across from you in the fields, succeeding with calling their brooms to them. Draco had succeeded on the first try, of course, and you're embarrassed to be one of the last people whose brooms have still not so much moved from their original position.
He catches your eye and gives you a sympathetic look, crossing his lips into a firm line. The broom in his hand is tossed carelessly to the ground and he makes a leap towards you, his hands reaching to tenderly adjust your arm in another position. 
Draco had received lessons over the Summer and was already worrying his mother as he hastily flew around the Manor windows on the shiny Nimbus Lucius insisted he needed. You watched him on warm Spring afternoons with your feet firmly planted on the ground in the grassy meadows as he perfected his flying, your hands busy with knitting because 'a little girl like yourself needn't fly,' as your mother had so often reminded you when you dared to ask.
'There, try with your hands like that, and say it firmly,' Your best friend instructed you, watching your worried eyes and flushed cheeks.
'I don't know Draco, maybe I just can't fly,' you confess, worried that really was the possibility. 
'Just try,' he furrowed his brows, 'for me?' 
You shakily nod your head, the last one on the field now without a complying broom. The Longbottom boy had now been escorted to the hospital wing by Madam Hooch and you hoped such a thing wouldn't happen to you but Draco seemed to read your mind when he notices your wandering eyes.
'Just look at me, look at my eyes, Y/N,' he began, rubbing your shoulders 'Don't focus on anything else,' 
You gulped, staring into him with an openess you reserved only for him 'Up!' 
The broom snaps into your hand and you squeal in excitement, throwing it away as quickly as it flys to you and embracing Draco in a hug so tight he could barely breathe. 
You don't notice the glares the two of you received from Potter and his gang, but Draco does, giving them an equally dirty look before marching over to the remembrall that had rolled over and snatching it right off the ground.
 There was a troll on the loose in the castle and you've been escorted back to the Slytherin dorms by the Head boy and girl. Everyone had gone up into their respective dormitories in fear of being taken by the ghastly monster but you had tugged on Draco's sleeves with puppy dog eyes and begged him to stay in the common room and play a game of friendly wizard's chess with you.
He sighs and rolls his blue eyes to the back of his skull but reluctantly agrees and you sit warm by the fire on a bear hide rug. The chess board is nestled between the two of you and Draco instinctively goes to grab the white King but you start to sulk.
'Oh Draco, please, can I be white this time?' you beg, looking up at him with the biggest and glassiest eyes you could possibly muster. How could he say no? 
'Ugh, you just want to be white because you want to use the Wayward Queen opening, you always use that one,' he retaliates, pressing the white King into your little hands.
'Do not!'
'Do too!'
'Do not!'
'Do too!'
You blow him a raspberry and make your first move. Pawn to E4. 
'Ah hah!' He exclaims, pointing an accusing finger at you with a light scowl brushed on his features, tussling his air with his other hand in frustration. 'You're doing it! You're doing the same opening!' 
You give him a ghastly stare and with a swing of your arm you knock over all of the chess pieces, huffing and puffing as they spread fallen all over the board.
'Fine! Stay down here and get eaten by the troll then!' You hiss at him, and run up to your dorm room to scream into your pillow.
You're sitting in the first potions class of the year, listening to Professor Snape lecture Harry about not listening after watching him methodically take notes on the Professor's wise words from a couple rows away. You weren't able to get a seat next to Draco at the front of the class and you silently thanked this luck, having boasted about how much you've studied all Summer in preparations for potions and knowing Draco had not read even a single passage. 
You sat next to a bushy haired Gryffindor girl called Lavender who weary looked in a mirror and you smirked as you watched Draco's ivory head listening to Snape assign the first task ever: brewing a common poison antidote. When Snape announces the winning pair will receive 5 points each to their respective houses your eyes twinkle with anticipation.
You leave your partner behind to gather the ingredients for the potion: Bezoar, mistletoe berries and a unicorn horn. You bump into Draco in front of the ingredient cupboard, and beam at him proudly. 
'I read about this potion in the potions book,' you smile sweetly up at him, purposefully brushing against him as you shove to grab the vials. 'It should be a piece of pie,' you laugh accusingly, standing as tall as your short legs allow you to. 
'Good luck,' Draco laughs vacantly, handing you a unicorn horn from the top shelf you couldn't reach. His fingers brush against yours and you scoff, heading back to your cauldron.
Lavender is sat twirling the knife on its tip on the chopping board as if she'd never seen the utensil before and in the time you were gone had managed to spill water just about everywhere, wetting your parchment and bleeding the ink of the potion recipe.
'My goodness,' You exclaim, rushing to take away the knife and wipe up the water, 'have you two left hands?' 
You watch the potion brew and bubble as it cooks, anxiously tracking the time with an hourglass. When the final grains of sands trickle through the narrowed passage, you hastily reach for the unicorn horn you powdered earlier and your heart sinks when you see your partner already poised over the cauldron, a pinch of the precious powder between her fingertips. She carefully sprinkles it into the cauldron and you watch in horror as a noxious cloud of black smoke billows forth and envelops you both in char.
'How many pinches did you put in?' You scream, wiping the soot from your eyes. 
'Two,' Lavender whimpers, eyes stinging from the cloud. 
'It was meant to be ONE!' 
Everyone in the class is now giggling at your misfortunes and Professor Snape has now come over to see what all the commotion is about. 
'You two better clean that up right now,' Snape chastised in his nasally voice, condemning you to blush in shame beneath the soot on your cheeks.
As Snape made his rounds, meticulously examining the colors of each potion, his scrutiny lingered noticeably longer on Draco's cauldron. The pungent aroma that emanated from Draco's concoction filled the classroom, matching the textbook's description exactly, causing you to wince involuntarily.
'Malfoy, Zabini, 10 points to Slytherin,' Snape announces. 
Draco's triumphant gaze locks onto you as he revels in his perceived victory in the silent competition between the two of you. With a mocking laugh, he directs his attention to your soot-streaked face, his expression one of haughty satisfaction as he proudly asserts his well-deserved win with a piercing stare.
Eyes drifting over to Pansy Parkinson you can't help but notice she is staring at your best friend, and you don't like it. You're in Charms class with Professor Flitwick and you're sitting a few seats down from Draco who is stuffed in-between his minions and looking increasingly annoyed from the class introduction Flitwick is moping on about. Pansy has painted on herself an innocent expression she only wore around Draco and you wished you could shake her until the ribbons came undone and her mask fell off.
Despite her Pureblooded nature and family status, you couldn't rid the feeling of unease whenever she was around and sharing a dorm with her turned to be nothing short of a Lovecratian nightmare. There was something about her that set your teeth on edge. You wanted to pry off her veil and examine her flaws beneath a microsope; you wanted to disect her and unravel the intricacies that made you burn with an inextinguishable fire.
You gaped at her when she cheered on Draco who had quickly succeeded in levitating his feather, leaning over the desk so far you thought she would topple right over and end head first in the middle of the classroom, bouncing on her horribly cut bob upside down and out of the classroom window and into the grounds. You imagined it so vividly you started to chuckle to yourself and didn't even realise Draco had been beckoning you with the usual smirk you loved across the desk. 
Pansy looked at him eagerly, daydreaming about her name dancing on Draco's tongue rather than yours and she blushed a million shades of red when she realised she was drooling slightly from the corner of her mouth. You shot her a look of disdain, features twisting haughty from her sopping desperation. She knew that you had won - as did you -knowing it was your name on his lips, not hers. 
'Potter,' You're seething through your teeth, acknowledging his dreadful existence as you and Draco pass him on the way to the Quidditch fields. You're dressed head to toe in green, showing support for your house. Draco's Slytherin scarf is wrapped securely around your neck, flowing behind you in the wind and you delight in his scent. You can't help but watch Harry in pure disgust, not because you hate him by proxy, but because Draco should be seeker, not him and it wasn't fair.
'Rosier,' He starts back, his eyes narrowing to a squint at the two of you for an instant before he hurries back to the safety of the rest of the Gryffindor team. Malfoy smirks at you proudly, leading you to the Slytherin seating area with a gentle hand on the small of your back, luxuriating in seeing his scarf around your neck.
And when all of Hogwarts watches Harry reveal he has caught the golden snitch, you feel nauseous and you can only think back to all of the nights you spent comforting Draco when he found out Harry had made the team. You scowl, your fingers sliding down to find Draco's beneath the bench and you squeeze them hard. It should've been him.
You wake up in a panicked sweat, the hair on your face sticking on your damp skin. You feel tears sliding down your plump cheeks and you reach up to wipe them away but they won't stop. Nightmares invaded your dreams, mercilessly rocking you awake in a sea of no hope. When you look around your sleeping quarters, you see strange figures in the form of your wardrobe, capes draped across armchairs and coat stands twice your height. Your dormmates are sleeping peacefully In their own beds, their light puffs of air comforting you - but it wasn't enough. You needed Draco. 
Gulping, you manage to place your wobbly feet on the floorboards and wrap a Slytherin blanket around your tiny figure, tip-toeing out of the room without causing anyone else to lose sleep. You left the girls a silent prayer for their safety and you snuck down the stairs.
The common room was now empty in the middle of the night, the hot fire still roaring its song to warm the unforgiving dungeons the Slytherin house called home but you couldn't shake the uneasy feeling of being watched by prying eyes and you squeaked with the floorboards, rushing up the stairs opposite and straight to Draco's dorm. 
You padded on the door softly with care to not wake the wrong occupant. You whispered his name more times than you could count, counting instead the hot tears that flew to the ground from your leaky eyes. When the door opens revealing a half-asleep Draco he knows right away to open his arms and hold you tight, and that is exactly what he did. That night he inhales your sweet scent and whispers sweet nothings into your ear, lulling the bad dreams away.
Snow topples from the sky and for the first time in your life you're happy about it. Christmas break came and went all too soon and now in front of you lies the vast whiteness of Winter. She covers Hogwarts in a thick blanket and you sink in it's softness, snow filling your boots and socks. 
'Ah!', you jump around from the chill, pausing Draco is his steps as he's foraging for a stick to finish the snowman the two of you had spent all afternoon building. He lets out a hearty chuckle directed at you when you point to your boots, mouthing 'wet' and pouting with your pillowy lips. 
He is stifling a laugh as he goes back to searching for the perfect twig and you don't feel content at this reaction. Without a single further thought, your gloves pawed into the sheath around you and formed a perfectly round globe of snow. You eyed your target meticulously, catching the eyes of Blaise and Pansy in the process and before Pansy could warn her precious Draco, you've already belted the snowball at him and watched as it exploded into dust on his back. 
Draco whips back to see you howling in laughter, bracing yourself with your hands clutching your thighs, the pom of your beanie shaking erratically. He frowns, glancing over to his friends who shrug their shoulders at him, and while Blaise sends a cheeky smile, Pansy is mouthing your name and pointing to you crudely.
'Hey!' he yells, abandoning the stick he spent oh so long looking for and creating his own balls of destruction. He was going to make you regret this.
That afternoon you all walked back to the castle covered in snow and ice, hair wet and lips pink but you silently wished the day would have never ended and you replayed it over and over in your head that night, cackling silently when the image of Draco's scowl turned into a mischievous grin and it all lingered in your mind.
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destourtereaux · 2 years
you have a beautiful smile - draco malfoy x fem!reader
summary: Y/N is sunlight in human form, an absolute angel to be around. she’s always available to help out and treats everyone with kindness. draco malfoy should hate her, but he finds himself feeling quite the opposite.
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a/n: haven't written in a while, and this is my first draco fic, so please bear w me! lemme know what you think :) also my motivation to write draco is all bc of ms melli (@mellifluousart) who writes him wonderfully :)
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Draco was eleven when he first saw Y/N. He had been so stupidly excited for Hogwarts that he had crashed his cart into hers on the platform. He immediately started to apologize, but Y/N beat him to it. And when he glanced up and met her eyes for the first time, he realized he wouldn’t have been able to say anything at that moment anyway.
Five years had passed since that first meeting, and Draco was preparing for his sixth year at school. He’d never forgotten you, but there hadn’t been many opportunities to even approach you. He’d heard of you around the school, of course. How could he not have? You were beloved, by teachers and students alike. Y/N L/N, prefect, outstanding student, and an avid volunteer around the school. Little did he know, you knew him too.
Draco had built quite the reputation for himself. He was the Slytherin prince, calculating, cold, and altogether untouchable. If you asked anyone, they would tell you that the two of you were on complete opposite ends of the spectrum.
Of course, none of this mattered to Professor Slughorn. In the first potions class of the year, a mixed group of Hufflepuffs and Slytherins, he managed to seat you right next to Draco. He would be your partner for projects until the end of the year.
“So, do you speak now?” you poke with a laugh, referring to your first meeting as you sit down next to him.
“Yeah,” he responds briefly, before returning to his notes. To be honest, he didn’t trust his own voice well enough to say anything more - you still had the same effect on him more than half a decade later.
Draco did not believe in perfection. He kept trying to catch you being fake, as if your kindness and constant positivity was a facade that he might one day spot slipping. But as you continued to work hard with him on projects, joking to lighten the mood, and displaying the same amount of compassion despite his cold responses, he just couldn’t spot a single flaw. And one day, you caught him off guard.
“Godric, Professor Slughorn’s hair looks like his namesake today…” you mutter, as you copy furiously from the blackboard. You hadn’t meant for anyone to hear it, but then you caught the boy next to you let out a snort. Your eyes widened; there was no way Draco Malfoy had just laughed?
You whip your head around, and Draco averts his eyes.
“You just laughed,” you state, a smile forming on your lips. “You just laughed at my joke.”
“Did not,” the boy denies, “I was just shocked that sunshine in human form could say something like that,” then he turns away so you can’t catch the smile that threatens to appear.
Your cheeks redden, and you scoff. “It wasn’t even mean!” you protest, “I find it rather fits him.”
From that day on, the two of you developed a more natural dynamic. Your conversations were no longer one-sided, and you found yourself growing to enjoy Draco’s sarcastic sense of humour and wit. You even got to know Blaise and Pansy, who were very eager to share some of Draco’s most embarrassing moments with you. Little did you know, these two had an ulterior motive.
“So, Y/N, huh?” Pansy prompts, glancing up at Draco with an act of nonchalance.
Blaise smirks, catching the tinge of pink that appeared on his friend’s cheeks. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Pans, and she doesn’t either. You and Blaise need to shut it and stop poking your ugly heads into this.”
“Alright, alright. But just so you know, she likes you too,” Blaise replies, before striding to the staircase and heading up to his room.
Pansy nods, “She does, but I have no idea why… You’re utterly unlikeable!” she finishes with a cackle, and practically sprints to the girls dormitories, where she knows the blond boy can’t touch her.
And so, Draco was left all alone with his thoughts and a pounding heart, at 10pm in the Slytherin common room.
The upcoming week was Hogsmeade week. Draco and you had made plans to get some extra quills and ingredients you were missing for the latest potions assignment.
“So, how many first years did you scare today?” you greet him with a giggle, “Do I have any 11 year olds I need to comfort?”
Draco scowled, but his eyes crinkled, belying his happiness at seeing you. “Yeah right, it’s their own fault for standing in huge groups in the middle of the corridors. You think it’d kill them to walk on their own.”
You laugh openly, loud enough for a few scattered students to turn and look. And Draco can’t blame them, because he knows just as well how easily you catch the eye. 
After making all the necessary stops, you spot an adorable new pop-up near Madam Puddifoot’s.
“Oh my GOD. A Build-A-Bear Workshop!” you squealed, and Draco makes a show of cringing and plugging in his ears.
You roll your eyes, smiling. “I haven’t made one of these in years. We absolutely HAVE to try it.”
Draco stops plugging his ears and his expression develops into one of horror. “No. No way in hell am I doing that. I have a reputation, Y/N. You are out of your min–”
You yank on his sleeve, pulling him along, not paying attention to a word of his rant.
“OW! How are you this strong, midget?! Fine!” the boy finally complies begrudgingly.
An hour later, the two of you exit the shop, you having made a bear with platinum blond fur and a slytherin uniform. Whenever you pressed its stomach, the bear would squeal out “do you know who I am?!” sending you into bouts of laughter at its resemblance to your friend.
Draco did not find this nearly as amusing as you did, but he was quite proud of his own bear. A brown one modelled after his favourite quidditch player. 
“Admit it! You had lots of fun in there,” you confront, as you spot him fixing the collar of his bear’s robes.
The boy shakes his head, and immediately gives his stuffie to you, “yeah, if I were three years old… now you carry it. I can’t be seen carrying a stuffed bear.”
You roll your eyes, but gladly take the plush. It smells just like Draco.
Before you know it, February sneaks up on the Hogwarts students. You start spotting floating hearts and angels everywhere, courtesy of the professors.
However, you had yet to receive a single Valentine, which you found quite bizarre. Not that you were overly confident, but you had always received at least a few in past years. You decided not to dwell on it, however, not when the NEWTs were approaching.
Little did you know, several Valentines had been trying to make their way to you, but each had been stopped on their journey by a certain Slytherin boy. Whenever he spotted one with your name on it zipping along in the halls, he simply hexed it, and it would disintegrate. He also glared at anyone who looked at you, lower years and upper years alike. Eventually, people gave up; there was no use trying to compete with Draco Malfoy.
Then on the very last day of the week, February 14th itself, you were working on a potions project, when your partner suddenly walked in.
Draco looked nervous, almost. At least as close to nervous as you’d ever seen the Slytherin prince get… but then he pulled out a little velvet box with a satin ribbon on it, motioning for you to open it.
“Now, don’t make this weird, okay? I just saw this in the store and thought you’d like it,” he mumbles, lowering his head. 
Carefully, you undid the ribbon and opened the box. Inside, there was an absolutely adorable necklace with a tiny silver bear. Your face lit up, and you hugged the tall boy. “It’s perfect,” you exclaimed.
Draco was absolutely flabbergasted, but he awkwardly returned the hug, patting your hair. “Want me to put it on?” 
After he clasped the necklace, he held your shoulders and turned you around to face him. Almost unconsciously, Draco began to smile. A genuine smile that made him look like a 17-year-old boy instead of his ice-cold persona.
You marvelled at how happiness transformed your boy’s face, and you stared up at him for a long time, long enough for Draco to tilt his head in curiosity.
“Is there something on my face?” he inquires.
You shake your head. “No. No, I just… you have a beautiful smile. I think you should do that more. Smile, I mean,” you stumble over your words.
Draco chuckles, as a blush spreads over his face, painting his pale complexion. He leans in again, but instead of a hug this time, he quickly pecks your forehead. “Maybe. No promises though,” he whispers.
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taglist: @fallin-4-ya @mrs-brekker15 @izzyyy-1 @maybanksslut @iwritesiriusly @cory-was-hexed @slytherclawbitch @wwandavision  @mrzweasley @1-800-amortentia @amelialupin-black @bolaurel  @theincredibledeadlyviper @simp027 @myalupinblack @emma67 @riddikulusweasleys @amortentiaaaa @cloudywitchh @peachybaes @poony-madfoot @arianagreyy @teddy-cheol @calaryssia @potters-heart @1dpjohoohp @retvenkos  @berrnuu  @theoreticslut  @kimsescapefromreality  @jodibullock1  @the-romanian-is-bae  @fandomhideout  @ur-local-simp  @sanctimoniousslytherpuff  @what-am-i-doing10  @sunshinee-nana @nevillelongbottomlover-blog  @annemagus  @toffeetoast @fairysums @amordesiempre7-blog @justfritz @valentines-massacre13 @neilgf @plutooryectors @jorja-cameron @thatsthat @notfeelingsogoofy
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malfoyswand · 1 year
𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞
pairing: draco malfoy x reader
summary: draco malfoy pays you a visit in the infirmary after the battle of hogwarts, leading to healing for the both of you.
word count: 1.5k
genre: hurt/comfort, fluff
warnings: none, besides mention of the cruciatus curse being used
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You were woken up from your slumber by the feeling of a cold ice pack being pressed upon your head. Sighing softly in relief, you were thankful for the care Madam Pomfrey had provided you these last few hours. 
To be honest, you weren’t entirely sure what led you here. You could remember preparing for the battle against Voldemort and fighting off a few Death Eaters. Then, the world went black. 
Madam Pomfrey had been kind enough to fill you in. According to several students, one of the Death Eaters had used the Cruciatus curse on you. You fell to the ground and hit your head, causing a concussion along the way. The Death Eater had assumed you were dead after using the curse so many times, and left you lying there. 
But still, you don’t remember anything at all. Then again, you were not thinking about fighting off the Death Eaters at the time. Your mind was on something, someone, entirely different. 
“Thank you, Madam Pomfrey.” Your voice harshly spoke out as you winced slightly before opening your eyes. However, it wasn’t Madam Pomfrey holding the ice pack against your head. 
It was none other than Draco Malfoy. 
Only then did you realize the looks both of you, rather him, were getting. Your ears could hear the whispers of classmates besides you, asking each other how Malfoy had the nerve to step into Hogwarts after all his family had done. 
“Are you real?” That was all you could manage to say, oh, how idiotic that must have sounded. But truthfully, you thought this was a dream. 
You hadn’t truly gotten the opportunity to look at him up close for nearly a year, until now. His skin was much paler than before and his hair seemed to shine brightly in the setting sunlight. He looked like an angel who was here to pick you up and carry you away. 
The sound of his laughter drew you from your thoughts. “Even in the aftermath of a war, you still manage to find a joke. That’s talent, (Y/L/N).” 
You wasted no time in sitting up, wrapping your arms tightly around the Slytherin man before you. You weren’t sure if it was more for you or for him. 
“Draco Malfoy! I told you, keep her laying down, or else you’ll be kicked out of here, understand?” Madam Pomfrey wasn’t exactly too pleased with the Malfoy family, or any of the Death Eaters for that matter. In her view, they were the direct cause for every bed in the infirmary to be full. 
“Yes, Madam. My apologies.” Draco spoke softly, as if he was afraid to upset her. He helped you lay back down before sitting on the edge of the bed, keeping the ice pack pressed against your forehead. 
“I know I must be the last person you may want to see right now. But I have a reason I’m here, I swear it.” He continued to speak, his eyes scanning nervously over your face. 
You wouldn’t go that far, but you were confused to see him. You hadn’t spoken to him in almost a year, since the two of you had broken up during the sixth year. You knew he was a Death Eater, and you tried to love him through it. It was only a matter of time before Draco was ordered to eliminate all distractions, including you. 
It had been painful. You knew Draco Malfoy was not the villain of this story, but so many had painted him to be so. He never wanted to try to kill Dumbledore, or to destroy Hogwarts. The school was his home, a place of comfort where he could escape from his family. Unfortunately for the both of you, he had allowed the opinions of others to cause a division in your relationship.
He breathed a sigh of relief once he realized you weren’t going to force him out of the infirmary. “I tried to look for you during the battle, (Y/N). Once we..” He winced slightly at the notion of referring to himself as part of Voldemort’s army. “..were inside the castle, I was looking for you in every room he forced us into. My father became aware of what I was doing, he wouldn’t let me out of his sight to look for you on my own.”
“I should have done more to get free of his grasp, I could have prevented you getting hurt.” His eyes were full of despair and self-hatred as he looked at your head, along with the various bruises along your body. “I was praying to some higher power that I would find you first, not another Death Eater. Merlin, I wish I did. I never-”
He was interrupted by the sound of your own voice. “Draco, please, stop. None of what happened is your fault, okay?”
What he confessed left you speechless, you didn’t quite know what to say. You didn’t think his focus would be on finding you, his ex-girlfriend, during the battle. If anything, his focus should have been on surviving. Why would he even bother searching for you, what would have happened if he did find you?
“But it is!” His voice raised slightly, causing every other patient to turn their heads towards you two. After everyone went back to their conversations, he continued in a softer tone. “It is, don’t you understand? I should have followed my gut and never become a Death Eater. Bloody hell, I should have left my family behind while I’m at it. I would have saved this entire school a lot of pain.”
There was a bit of truth in his statement. In an ideal world, he should have never given into the pressures of his family. But the real world was much more complicated. Deep down, Draco lived to please his parents. He wanted to make them proud of him more than anything, the Malfoy family name survived only on his broad shoulders.
At least, the old Draco cared about the opinions of his parents. You weren’t sure about the one sitting in front of you. This one seemed much more restless and daring. 
The old Draco never would have expressed his feelings and regrets in such a carefree manner, even to those he trusted. He never would have shown up in a place that held much of those regrets, just for a girl he used to date. Nevertheless, he never would have shown up with his platinum blond hair a mess with bags under his eyes. 
“Draco, calm down.” You reached out slowly to place your hand on top of his, your thumb slowly caressing his hand. The movement was a familiar one, it was as if your body simply knew what to do when Draco was upset. Although, it used to be him comforting you. 
A soft smile appeared on his face, his fingers interlocking with yours. His eyes went back up to yours, it was as if he was searching for an answer inside your eyes. You squeezed his hand, telling him in a nonverbal way that everything was going to be fine. 
“This is pathetic. I should be the one comforting you, as you’re the one in a hospital bed.” He spoke, earning him a soft laugh escaping your lips. It was quite ironic, in all fairness. However, seeing Draco processing his feelings openly was a comforting thought. 
“You are comforting me, you know. I was surprised that you came back to see me, after everything.” The silence was heavy for a moment. That ‘everything’ held every moment that happened between the two of you. It held every conversation, every stolen glance, everything both of you were too afraid to say to the other.
He sighed softly, tilting his head to the side. “Even after all this time, you’re still surprised when I do something nice for you. Don’t you understand that I love you?”
His confession made you feel as if your breath was caught in between your throat. If you were honest with yourself, your feelings for Draco Malfoy didn’t stop the moment he left you after becoming a Death Eater. It had continued, as if your love for him was a ghost that wouldn’t leave you alone. It lingered in every room, its presence never faded.
In fact, the one thing you do remember during the battle is searching for him too. While you defended yourself, your mind was only focused on whether he was somewhere in the castle. You wondered how you could escape this situation and take him with you, safe from here. 
“I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to spring that on you, especially right now.” You could faintly hear him cursing himself, you realized you hadn’t even responded to him.
“I love you too.”
That caught his attention. His eyes widened, a glimmer of hope returning to him. A slight smirk then appeared on his face, you could see the tension in his shoulders almost disappear into thin air. 
“Those were four words I thought I would never hear from you again.” He spoke softly, bringing your hand to his lips for a moment. “Now, I want you to rest that pretty head of yours and get better. We have a lot of catching up to do.”
“Yes, sir.” You laughed softly before closing your eyes. You knew the two of you would have more difficulties to address another day, but for now, the simple joy of Draco sitting by your side gave you an overwhelming sense of peace.
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toothfa-1-ry · 9 months
DRACO MALFOY IS A LOSER (in the best way possible)
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Draco Malfoy is always portrayed as such a confident, cocky and arrogant way but I DISAGREE
My Draco Malfoy is a loser agenda is never going down.
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The same Draco Malfoy who makes sure that you eat something before class but he's too busy making sure you eat that he sometimes forgets to eat
The same Draco Malfoy who would try braiding your hair (but fails miserably)
The same Draco Malfoy who you caught watching hair tutorials at 4 am in the morning
The same Draco Malfoy who says that he doesn't want to watch muggle movies with you because "it's so boring" but watches them anyways and ends up quoting them everytime
"that green scarf looks so fetch on you babe"
"sooo fetch!"
The same Draco Malfoy who thinks that your dying whenever you catch cold
"oh my god are you dying?"
"what no- Draco I just have a-" you cough again
"oh my god your dying"
The same Draco Malfoy who doesn't like anyone touching his hair but if it's you he doesn't mind
The same Draco Malfoy who believes that he should be in a loreal ad after you showed him one in your rectangle glowing box (your phone)
The same Draco Malfoy pretends to hate it when you force him to do skincare but secretly he loves it
The same Draco Malfoy who was caught writing a love letter to you at 5 am in morning by Matteo and Theodore (they always make fun of him now)
The same Draco Malfoy who asks Pansy what he should wear to your date 5 hours before the actual date
The same Draco Malfoy who (tried) asking you the muggle pick up lines he heard Ron saying to Hermione
"is you dad a baker? Cause your such a pumpkin pie- I mean apple pie- wait? Pecan pie?"
The same Draco Malfoy thinks that green apples are superior to red apples for the sole reason that they are green
The same Draco Malfoy who had to be hyped up by all his friends for 5 hours straight in his 3rd year just for him to go and say hi to you and then run away.
The same Draco Malfoy who had to be (again) hyped up by all his friends for 2 days straight just to ask you to be his Yule ball date
The same Draco Malfoy who lip syncs to Mariah Carey in his dorm
The same Draco Malfoy who once challenged Blaise to a duel in his 2nd year except he never showed up (apparently he overslept)
The same Draco Malfoy who apolagized to you when you guys kisses for the first time, apparently it was his first time too
The same Draco Malfoy who would secretly listen to you and Pansy gossip and then later ask you what you guys were talking about
"what do you mean Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter kissed?!"
"yea..infront of Ron too"
The same Draco who would ask you to kiss him goodnight every night or else you might have bad dreams
"kissing me goodnight is like your lucky charm y/n"
"suree babe"
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fieldofsecretss · 8 months
Y/N: Ugh Draco I can’t do this stupid math...!
Draco: What’s the math problem?
Y/N: Well, we have to add the bed, subtract the clothes, divide the legs and hope we won’t multiply.
Theo: Not gonna lie that was smooth as fuck..
*Draco still not getting it*
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dracowars · 2 years
Hi hi, how are you? Could you write one where y/n is Draco's girlfriend, but she and Harry, who are best friends, end up arguing and he casts a dangerous spell on her? And when she arrives at the infirmary, still passed out, they discover she is pregnant?
best bad friend | draco malfoy
pairing: draco x reader
word count: 1,0k
summary: where y/n discovers something that will change draco’s and y/n’s life forever
a/n: i just wanted to clarify that the characters here are all in 7th year and thus of legal age
warnings: angst, violence, mentions of pregnancy
universe: harry potter
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“Harry, if you would just listen to me for one second-”
Your vocal cords can’t manage more than that when in the next moment you are hit with Stupefy by your opponent, whom you also call your best friend. With force, you are thrown against the wall and fall into unconsciousness right away. Only when you are able to open your eyes again do you realize what actually happened, what Harry did.
What he did to you, his best friend.
The bright light that streams into the room through the large windows dazzles you a little, and the slight breeze that gently shakes the white curtains reaches your ears, shaking the dark chandelier on the ceiling. The beige brick walls of the hospital wing – you realized it is the hospital wing once you sat up in your hospital bed, startled – express a coldness and you quickly notice that you seem to be the only patient right now. The other beds around you are all empty.
Exhausted, you massage your temples with your fingertips, the impact seemingly hit you harder than you originally thought. As you try to stop the pounding in your head, your gaze falls on the two wooden chairs that are close to your bed, as if someone had been sitting there just mere seconds ago.
Surprised, you look around again and do not move a single muscle, but you have to accept the fact that you can’t even hear any sounds from outside. Sighing deeply, you lean back into the uncomfortable mattress and place your palm on your forehead, closing your eyes and reflecting on what happened that transported you into the hospital wing of the castle.
Maybe telling Harry about your relationship with Draco Malfoy had not been such a good idea after all. Especially not when he found it out by himself first and only then did you decide to actually tell him about your relationship status. On the other hand, he would still not know if he had not caught the both of you kissing in an empty hallway. Even though you have sworn to never hide anything from each other, you betrayed him.
Best friends should not betray each other, you think. And yet you did exactly that.
It was perfectly understandable that Harry was angry and upset about this. You would never have blamed him for that. But throwing you across the room with a dangerous curse, ending up in the freaking hospital wing, all alone? Rather despicable.
You are racking your brains about how to face Harry the next time you see him when you are released from this prison that is your hospital bed when suddenly the heavy door finally opens and none other than Harry enters. Well, at least his head is peeking around the corner, and when your eyes meet for a moment, it looks like he would like to vanish into thin air right this second.
Understandably so.
“Y/N, you are awake!”, he says happily, but can’t hide the insecurity within his voice. “I- I will be right back.”
And just like that you are as alone again as you were since waking up, causing you to roll your eyes while crossing your arms in front of your chest in despair. Harry will definitely not get away from you that easily.
Harry does not take long to return, though he does bring Madam Pomfrey with him on the way back, the nurse greeting you with a friendly smile and looking you up and down as if you have lost all your limbs. When she asks you how you are feeling, you only reply that your head is buzzing. Which is the truth, but you honestly do not feel like talking to her about your emotional state right now after you were brought here by your best friend.
Obviously, you are not feeling well.
“If you allow me, I would like to talk to you alone for a few moments, Ms. Y/L/N”, Madam Pomfrey remarks after realizing that you do not feel like talking to her, or anyone at this point, about what happened. However, no one could have prepared you for what she would share with you in private.
At first you want to laugh and deny what she claims happened. That is completely and absolutely ridiculous, you think to yourself. Then, as you look into her serious eyes, your mood immediately changed, and you suddenly feel nauseous. The ground is pulled away from under your feet all of a sudden and you start falling and keep falling and just can’t stop falling. The pounding in your head gets louder, more unbearable by the second, and is now accompanied by a loud beeping in your ears.
Without knowing it and without being able to stop it, tears flow down your cheeks as your world falls apart in the blink of an eye. First, Madam Pomfrey tries to calm you down, to encourage you, but you do not want to hear her words. They will not change anything anyway. When she notices this as well, she finally gives you your space and leaves.
The silence bother you even more, however, since you are suddenly all alone with your thoughts and feelings. The moment there is a knock on the door and Harry enters the hospital wing, you break down completely. Immediately, Harry is at your side, holding you tight in his arms, trying to soothe you with whispers and repeated apologies.
The fact that he attacked you with a spell out of anger is honestly the least of your problems right ow, which is why you let him hold you, why you allow him to support you as your best friend. Everything you can think about in this moment is filled with pure darkness, and if it were not for Draco, who storms inside after hearing about the incident, completely distressed, the darkness would have taken you in whole.
As soon as you find yourself in a loveable embrace, after Harry willingly released you, Draco encourages you and confesses his love for you over a thousand times, over and over again.
“We can get through this, darling. Together”, Draco whispers softly and places several kisses against your temple, kissing away some of your streaming tears. “If anyone can do it, it’s us.”
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myfictionaldreams · 2 years
17: Magic - Draco Malfoy
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Kinktober Day 17. Magic - Draco Malfoy x potter!reader
Tags: 18+ readers only, smut, potter!reader, untouched pleasure, magic, nearly caught, intense orgasm, blowjob, overstimulated,  nicknames, no use of y/n
my main masterlist 📚 // kinktober masterlist😈 // AO3 Link 
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The day had moved by slowly and by the time you were sat at the Gryffindor table with your brother and fellow housemates, you were relieved to see that the sun was beginning to set for the evening.
However, as you spooned some fresh mashed potato onto your plate, an unsual and intense sensation coursed through all of your veins: pleasure. Not any normal pleasure that would be experienced with touching of a hand or even a toy, but the pleasure that had you becoming dizzy, skin burning to be touched, never wanting it to end.
Shaking your head, you tried to ignore it, unsure as to what to do, legs clenching together to try and apply some pressure against your clit but nothing helped to reduce the pleasure. You couldn’t even lift up your fork to eat as your hands gently shook in your lap, you needed to get out of sight.
Glancing around, you made sure no one was noticing what you were going through when your eyes caught sight of a smirking blonde who was dressed in a plain black suit, watching with dark eyes from the Slytherin table. Of course, it had to be Draco.
His smile widen just as the sensation increased, it was definitely him, he loved to play these stupid games with you, seeing just how close he could get before being caught and having to alter the individual's memories.
Your skin itched with want, needing to be out of these clothes, you needed to get away from this room full of people. It was this exact moment when your brother's voice drifted into your senses, “are you ok? You’re quiet” he questioned.
Snapping your head towards him, you tried to keep your voice quiet, afraid that you would moan instead of responding with words, “yeah I'm fine”.
Pulses of euphoria were coursing through your body, it was almost like you were going to orgasm but you couldn’t do that surrounded by all these people, you knew you couldn’t hold back your voice during those moments. Even now, you could feel how wet your underwear was becoming and today or all days you’d decided to wear a skirt, how long would it be before your cunt was dribbling down your thighs?
Standing suddenly with unsteady feet, you just about managed to climb over the bench, not caring about anyone else, just needing to get out of the public eye but once again your brother’s voice interrupted you.
“Wait, where are you going?” Harry asks with worry lacing his tone.
You wave him off, “uh nothing, I’m just not feeling very well”.
“Well let me take you to madam Pomfrey then” he suggests, moving to stand up but you quickly brush him off.
“No no it’s fine Harry, I’ve just got cramps that’s all, I just need to lie down for a bit” before he even had time to respond you were racing out of the door, undoing your tie, everything felt so claustrophobic.
You hunched over on the steps up to the common room, mind racing, body alight with want and need. Needing to be out of your clothes, needing to touch your engorged clit that was still pulsing desperate for release, even a bit of spit was dribbling down your chin as you seemed to be completely overwhelmed.
It was just as you audibly released a moan and did a strong hand wrap around your upper arm, tugging you a few more steps up and down a darkened corridor before tossing you into an abandoned classroom at the perfect time.
As the candles surrounding the room lit up, the door shutting and locking behind whoever had thrown you in here, was the exact moment that you came. Knees unable to support you anymore as you pulled off your underwear desperately hands cupping your sex as the pleasure was too much, your screams echoing around the stone walls.
The orgasm lasted longer than your usual ones and you were drained by the time the clenching had ceased, just about ready to slump onto the floor in front when an arm steadied your body, shifting you back against his hard chest.
“Careful Potter” he mumbled, sounding slightly breathless but not as much as you were.
“What the hell was that?” you asked, senses finally returning, knowing fully well that Draco was the one holding you up and that he had all the answers.
“Just an experiment of mine” he chuckled darkling, kissing just below your ear.
“Well, that hardly seems fair” you responded, turning on your knees, ignoring the ache that sparked through them from where you had fallen onto them only moments ago.
“When have I ever been fair, love?” he muttered, stroking his wand under your chin, tilting it further up before releasing it and directing it back towards your cunt, “play nice now Potter”.
He didn’t give you any chance to respond before allowing the spell to take effect once more but not nearly as intense, this time it just made your cunt clench, biting your lip as you watched him stand to his fall height, looking down at you on your knees in front of him.
Draco didn’t need to give you your next instruction as you all but jumped onto his belt, eagerly undoing it and pulling down his zipper, reaching into his underwear to reveal his already ragingly hard cock.
The Slytherin hissed as you were quick to toss him off, noting the precum already lubing him up before inching yourself closer. Opening your mouth wide, your tongue stuck out, licking his tip, savouring in the salty goodness before taking him deeper.
This was his favourite sight, seeing his cock disappearing between your lips, loving the way your eyes rolled back as it hit the back of your throat, the expert way in which you used your other two hands to squeeze the base and his balls. Especially when you moaned, the vibrations sending pleasuring waves through his member which is all where his spell idea came from, hoping to drive you so insane with lust that you were jumping on his cock.
Merlin, it worked well. Tilting his wand hand, your pleasure increased, the heat returning all over your body and you had to refrain from ripping your own clothes off, instead just focusing on pleasuring Draco, feeling your juices dribble from between your legs.
This was only doable for a few moments however as he only continued to increase the spells work, until you had to release the grip on his cock and start rubbing against your clit which was already overstimulated as it was and that seemed to be the magic touch to have you cuming again and again.
Your eyes were glazed over, thighs screaming from holding your position on your knees, pussy puffy and soaked to match the wet patch coating the floor, lips were also swollen from sucking Draco’s cock and he had to say, this was definitely his new favourite sight, you, completely cock-drunk.
He dropped his wand now, stopping all pleasure but the afterglow of so many orgasms was blissful, his hand now holding the back of your head, his balls tightening against his chin as you took him right to the back of your throat. A heartbeat later, his cum was coating your mouth, and you did well to swallow every drop, not wasting any of it.
Releasing his grip on the back of your head, he tucked his cock back away before dropping down onto his own knees, cradling your exhausted body against his. His long fingers gently stroked your cheek, giving you all the time you needed to recover before kissing you lightly on your temple and assisting you to your feet, knees impossibly unsteady.
“Better head back before people start wondering where you are” you nod, breathing him in for a moment, calming yourself before fixing your attire with the help of Draco who waved his wand, cleaning the patch on the floor and the sweat/juices over your legs, kissing you one last time before leaving first, checking the corridor was still empty.
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