mestreso · 3 years
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Some diablo doodles
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ny-watcher · 4 years
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#ETDD Here we have the 12 Housemates that Returned to the --> El Tiempo Del Descuento <--  -AKA- GH House ;-)
OK This is a Late post Since the Show Started on 1/12/2020 but I'll put it here to keep it on Record
After the Last Season of Gran Hermano VIP Ended we were suppose to get a Second Edition of Gran Hermano DUO (GHDUO2) However due to Advertisers abandoning the Gran Hermano Show after learning about an ugly incident that happened inside the GH House 3 years ago involving Alleged Sexual Abuse which hit Social Media in 2019 - The Advertisers decided they wanted nothing to due with Gran Hermano Show and left in Droves - That’s when GH Bosses decided since the GH Name has been Tarnished by this incident and they wanted to Keep and Win back their Advertisers they thought Changing the Name of the Show would be the answer, Personally I think it's a Stupid thing to do and a Stupid Name as well. Why? Simple - It's the Same people Same Production Team working behind the scenes - so changing the name isn't going to change anything - you have to give Advertisers Hard Facts like letting them Know people have been fired and replaced and New rules and practices are now also put in place to avoid such Incidents from happening again. You can't Stop Negligence or incompetency just ny changing the name of the Show when the same people are still working there - It's just plain Stupid - Heads need to roll.
Anyway since they already had the Schedule open for GHDUO2 and that wasn't going to happen due to the GH Name, they needed to come up with a solution quick so they then decided to do a Reunion Type Show where they brought back Housemates from GHVIP7 to settle their differences after having learned some outside Info. This New Show Premiered on 1/12/2020 We all know the Show was Mostly done for the Adara and Gianmarco Showmance Reunion since both have been Ratings Gold for the Program.
However as I write this Adara and Gianmarco "Resolved" their issues and are back on the Romance Train - but she still needs to take care of personal outside issues and decided to leave the show as Planned - She had an agreement to Stay for a Week and was given the option to decide if she wanted to Stay longer but she declined using her Child as an excuse. We all know it has nothing to do with her child but instead with other Family issues that are interfering with her making the Right Decisions. So now it's Adara's turn to watch Gianmarco in the GH House from her home while she tries to fix the mess of a Life she currently has at the moment. In her Place the GH Bosses have decided to bring back Mila who initially decided she didn't want to return to the House. So more Drama to come.
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morethanweseem-a · 5 years
continued from here for @enterthedragonsden
Emma settled herself behind Jefferson, kissing along his neck. She whispered softly in his ear, “I’ve just shaven, let’s not waste that.” and nipped at his earlobe.
Jefferson hummed and turned, wrapping his arm around her waist and holding her against his body so she couldn’t move away.  “Is that so?”  He pressed his other hand against her abdomen and smiled at her.  “So tempting.  But I have things to do.”  He shook his head, mocking, taunting, no real intent to go anywhere but wanting to tease her all the same.
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howtolearnwitherk · 4 years
𝕷𝖊𝖘 𝖇𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖍𝖊𝖘 𝖉𝖊 𝖑𝖆 𝖉𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖔𝖑𝖔𝖌𝖎𝖊
La dracologie, comme dit précédemment, est l’étude des dragons. C’est un terme assez vague qui regroupe différents intérêts sur l’étude des dragons. Les dragons ont mérité leur propre “matière” de part leur complexité mais aussi l’intégralité des différentes choses que l’on peut étudier sur eux. Les dragons sont des créatures magiques complètes, dans le sens où il y a de nombreux ouvrages et récits les décrivant. Pour alléger donc la souche, qu’est la dracologie, la matière enseignée a été divisé en trois branches bien distinctes.
━ La dragonologie: ou EDD (Etude Des Dragons) est comme la branche mère de la dracologie. C’est la branche qui regroupe principalement tout ce que l’on étudie en dracologie. Que ce soit l’anatomie, les comportements, l’évolution, l’histoire, toutes les études faites sur les dragons se trouveront dans la branche qu’est la dragonologie. C’est une branche très importante étant donné qu’elle regroupe tout. ━ L’étude des techniques de défense face aux dragons (ETDD):  est la branche dans laquelle on étudie les aptitudes des dragons, leurs caractères, leurs comportements, pour au final permettre de se défendre contre eux. Cette branche regroupe les différentes techniques de défense contre les dragons, que ce soit les sortilèges pour les repousser, le comportement à adopter pour qu’ils nous respectent. Tout ce qui concerne la sécurité avec les dragons se trouvera dans cette branche. ━ La dracomédicomagie: comme l’indique son nom, je ne pense pas avoir besoin d’expliquer l’étymologie du terme. C’est tout l’aspect médicale des dragons, que ce soit comment les soigner, comment les traiter car malgré leur dangerosité, les dragons restent des créatures magiques qui ont le droit d’être soignées. Cette branche sera principalement axée sur le côté médicale de la créature magique.
La dracologie est une matière très complète et ainsi complexe, pour simple raison que les dragons sont des créatures magiques fascinantes et complexes aussi. La complexité des dragons et donc de la dracologie a causé la séparation de l’étude des dragons de la magizoologie. Étant une matière à part entière, la dracologie étudie les dragons dans toute leur intégralité, dans leur globalité.
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me: *runs away from @seafoodmomma for Reasons*
sfm: *runs back up to my side, sticking out her tongue for Other Reasons and staring at me ominously*
me: ...why does your tongue look like it melted
@entethedragonduck: its not her tongue
etdd: its her friend’s. she’s borrowing it.
*confused laughter*
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egypttoursplus-com · 6 years
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The ULTIMATE guide to Cairo´s countless tourist attractions. Explore 49 Must-See sites in Cairo, Egypt → http://amp.gs/etdd
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morethanweseem-a · 5 years
continued from here for @enterthedragonsden
She could get used to this. Killian was talented in many ways, but his fingers, his lips, and other parts of his body, were especially adept at making her smile. She felt his tongue against her skin, and then he moved up her sensitive neck and then she was face to face with him, her handsome pirate. She pulled him in for a kiss and ran her fingers through his hair. “And now, my handsome pirate, I desire… you.”
Chuckling, he pulled back enough to escape her kiss, much as he wanted to fall into her and never leave her embrace.  The reward of a delayed hunt...  “Aye, I should hope so, love.  But within that.”  He slid his hook up her side, slow, until he could trace it against her cheek.  “What do you want from me on this calm and moonlit night, my princess?”  He leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to her lips, the curve of his hook against her chin to keep her from deepening it.
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morethanweseem-a · 5 years
“ kiss my neck… all the way up… ” {Emma to any of the OUAT men}
Killian’s hand moved up from where he was focused on the skin of her collar and ran through that beautiful hair of hers, pushing her head back to bare her long neck -- swanlike, he often mused to himself.  Turning his head, his tongue dipped into the hollow at the base of her throat and he groaned into her salted skin, tasting her, before he pressed his lips into the space and moved up.  Messy, heavy sounds of his thirsty ache for her filled the space between them until he stopped above her, staring into her eyes, his bottom lip even with hers, touching but not moving.  “And now, my lady?  What is it you desire?”  His eyes sparkled in the dim lighting, teasing.
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ny-watcher · 4 years
The Winner of ETDD was Gianmarco
#ETDD The WINNER of (El Tiempo Del Descuento) is --> GIANMARCO <-- 👏🏆🙂 So obviously The Finalist Who is a Sore Loser and takes 2nd Place is --> KIKO <-- 🙂 #TdelDescuentoFinal pic.twitter.com/tF4E4vsKol
— ★ NY_WATCHER ★ (@NY_Watcher) February 17, 2020
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