emry-stars-art · 11 months
Hello! I just wanted to say your art is gorgeous and I love the attention to detail you give to your work! This royal au is scrumptious and I'm so grateful you shared it with us! Second, for Jean's role, I was wondering what you thought about making him a blacksmith? It would make him useful for Riko without having any power (not a guard, etc.)but also give a reason for Jeremy to seek him out (and get swept off his feet), perhaps once he's escaped and is in Palmetto. Feel free to ignore tho!😊
I’ve been really invested in the idea of the “perfect court” now that we’re in a royal au, and since Kevin and Riko were both technically royalty, Nathaniel was/had the potential to be a noble, I think Jean should also be high end?? Like while at Evermore they all have different duties right, maybe Jean was an attendant to Riko or something. Whatever he was there, we know he wasn’t treated well. Probably not allowed to pursue his own interests, just like everyone else.
But Kevin and Nathaniel both escape, and they find new jobs that fulfill them. So Jean should as well!! He gets to the Trojan kingdom, probably with the help of Renee still (which is. A whole thing about politics and family lines in this au strangely enough) and he doesn’t have to be a noble anymore if he doesn’t want to. He’s probably already renounced his nobility in the way he left Evermore. I don’t doubt Jeremy, who I’m imagining as another prince because that’s the image my brain gave me, would hesitate to reinstate him as Trojan nobility if Jean asked (as long as it’s far enough down the timeline obviously). Instead, Jean kind of slides under the radar, and once he’s all settled he finds work in the smithy. And he really enjoys it! He feels stronger and healthier and he gets to make such amazing things, he doesn’t even have to make weapons if he doesn’t want to. The workers all choose their own specialties and jobs, filling in gaps as needed
Then one day the royal family or the prince is making rounds, coming to see how things are running, and Jeremy is kind of wondering if he’s seen this blacksmith before? Like he’s pretty sure that’s a familiar face, but he definitely would have remembered seeing someone like him around the kingdom before now, so he brushes it off.
(Really he’s seen Jean Moreau at summits and other large gatherings, only once or twice. Back when Jean was much less healthy and when he still tried to make himself smaller to fit into Riko’s shadow. So yes he recognizes the face; but this is a much different man than the person he saw across grand halls.)
And for my lovely jerejean enjoyers: if Jean ends up talking to or in close proximity of the prince, for whatever reason? Jeremy can definitely blame his red cheeks on the heat of the forges 💫
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Sliding a couple process pics under the cut
(Find the royal au writing masterpost here 💕)
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key2destne · 7 years
Yo just RNG five or six questions for each character yourself, I'm answering right now. Ray, Dashy, Dustin, and Kenshi~
Ray (1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 14, 16, 18, 19, 22, 23, 25), Dash (2, 3, 4, 15, 18, 22, 24, 25), Dustin (4, 6, 10, 13, 14, 15, 18, 21, 24, 25), Kenshi (1, 2, 7, 8, 13, 15, 18, 20, 22, 25)
Alright, let’s get this started!
1: their voice
Being a bit of a harsh bastard, Ray tends to make his voice sound rude and uncaring- but that’s an actual choice on his behalf. Whenever he’s actually open about how he feels or he’s not trying to be hard on everyone and everything, he’s actually much quieter and his voice goes a bit lighter. He’s still got a fairly deep voice though- I’d call him a baritone bordering on bass.
4: their insecurities
Pretty much everything in Ray’s life is an insecurity. The reason that he keeps people away by acting like an uncaring bastard is so that he can’t get close to people- it’s a terrible way of thinking, but in his mind, it works. If he actually is close to someone, he’s still going to constantly be worrying about how to keep them happy and not have them leave. And then there’s his constant fight with his darkness, which of course he’s worried about failing... yeah, those are just the insecurities he has on an hourly basis.
5: their shortcomings
Well let’s see... He’s direct to a fault, swears worse than a sailor (though most of that is an act to keep people away), has darkness issues which stem from his short temper, has difficulties dealing with bullshit... His less obvious shortcomings, though, tend to be more about how he deals with things. He prefers to try and handle things on his own, even if it’s clear he needs other people to help him- it’s a result of having to do a lot on his own for a while. And he kind of sucks with puzzles.
7: how they like to dress
Ray kiiiind of dresses like an anime protagonist when he’s ready to fight. He likes how it looks and it has NOTHING to do with looking badass. Nothing at all. Aside from that, he likes jackets and jeans, and he’s willing to suffer through heat to keep that look dammit!
8: what they like to eat
Ray... actually tends to not eat a lot. Sure, he’ll eat, but more often than not he’s too busy training or doing something else. When he does eat, though, he likes to gorge on donuts and seafood- it reminds him of his home, in a weird way.
14: how they react to burning their tongue on food
“OW! WHAT THE FUCK!? Owww!” Then he’ll just stare at the food in horror as if it betrayed him, whoops. XD
16: their dreams
More than anything, Ray wants his home back. He misses his family, and knowing that it’s his fault he can’t ever see them again... well, it hurts him, a lot. So he does try to find out how he can bring them back... but in his heart he knows it’s a lost cause, no matter what he does.
18: how they sleep
Ray tends to sleep curled up into a ball, or while leaning against a wall. He doesn’t feel comfortable sprawled out- it makes him feel like he’s open to attack.
19: their reaction to betrayal
Well... pretty bad, let’s say that. owo’ If he even thinks someone turned on him after he let them in, he gets pissed, and his darkness tends to encourage him to... well... try to kill them. He tries to fight it unless it’s obvious the person actually did betray them, but oh man, he does NOT like betrayal if he’s close to the person, especially since it ties into his insecurities about people leaving him. If they’re not close, he’s more apathetic- especially since he has no reason to actually care about them.
22: what they're like on two hours of sleep
Lol, Ray’s constantly on two hours of sleep. He tends to keep himself awake until he runs himself into the ground- although after training, he does like to take a quick nap just to keep himself from getting too tired.
23: how they act when they’re sick
Ray pretty much ignores it. It doesn’t matter if he’s got pneumonia or what, he’ll keep trying to train. If he can’t push through it, he tends to get depressed and think he fucked up somehow.
25: why you enjoy them
Well for one, he’s an edgy fuck. Those’re fun to write. XP But more importantly, he’s an interesting paradox. He doesn’t want people to get close to him in case he hurts them or they hurt him, and yet at the exact same time, he’s dying for someone he can open up to and not be such an asshole to. When he gets it, he’s grateful, but he’s terrified he’ll fuck it up somehow, so he’ll still try to keep his walls up somewhat.
He’s a walking conundrum of feelings and problems, and that’s what makes him human to me- especially since I’ve tempted to be that way before too, even though it’s a terrible idea. He’s the living embodiment of a question mark. XD
2: their smile
Dash’s smile is the kind that practically screams confidence. She knows what she’s doing, and if anyone gets in her way of doing the right thing, they’re gonna have hell to pay!
3: their greatest achievement
That would probably have to go to her first forged weapon she ever made. It was shitty, and would probably break almost immediately if anyone ever tried to actually use it in a battle... but it was still the first thing she ever made herself, and if nothing else, she’s proud of that.
4: their insecurities
Surprisingly, Dash has a few. Sure, she’s a good fighter, but she’s worried about how good of a hero she’ll be- not to mention when she finds herself in a position of leadership. She’s constantly questioning how good of a leader she is, how she’ll lead, what to do to help others... And if she ever fails them, she tends to blame herself and take responsibilities. That’s not even getting into why she’ll never ever talk about her dad, or want to see him- she’s worried about how he’ll react to her running away from home.
15: how they react to a brain freeze
Well, Dash never really got to have a brain freeze, so the first time that happens she kind of dropped to the floor clutching her head in pain. XD Afterwards she tended to tough it out, but that first time... ho boy, that was painful for her. XD
18: how they sleep
Dash just kind of... sprawls out onto the bed. One leg’s off of the mattress, she’s drooling onto her pillow... It’s an adorable mess to watch.
22: what they're like on two hours of sleep
When she’s on two hours of sleep? She’s pretty much dead on her feet. As soon as she sits down on a desk, she’s moving to nap on her arms, she’s that exhausted.
24: what motivates them
As I’ve mentioned in her backstory before, it was her uncle’s stories about heroes that made her want to be a hero herself. But... well, it’s also the right thing to do. She wants to help people, and be as good an influence as she can be! She just... kind of has to learn what that means a little bit first...
25: why you enjoy them
She’s a fun character to write for~ A blacksmith heroine who wants to save the day and uses a hammer? What else could you ask for? owo Aside from that, she’s got the sort of energy that makes her dialogue and thoughts flow naturally, where it feels more like she writes herself, and less like I write for her.
4: their insecurities
Dustin’s pretty much wholly focused on collecting Lux for his Union, or helping anyone he can. As a result, he sometimes worries about if others actually like him, or if they just use him to help them with their problems. There’s also the fact that without Chirithy, he used to be pretty unsure about what to do, but after RoC, he’s gotten better about it!
6: how they deal with grief
If Dustin’s grieving, he’ll put it aside to help anyone else who’s grieving, and as soon as everyone else is feeling better, he’ll go off by himself and cry and curl into a ball. He doesn’t want other people to know he’s hurting, cuz then it makes his reassuring them seem weaker.
10: their fashion sense
Dustin is a dork and his fashion sense kind of reflects that. XD Goggles, fingerless gloves, a vest... God, this kid is a dork and I love him.
13: their embarrassing memory from years ago
Back when he was 10 or so, when he first met Foreteller Ira, his first reaction was “Pretty horsie~!” Nobody who knew him when that happened will let him live it down now.
14: how they react to burning their tongue on food
Usually he cries in pain. Glares at the food in question (usually pizza). Then he gets back to eating it, rinse and repeat. He’s silly that way. XD
15: how they react to a brain freeze
Well, he reacts as you would expect from a guy getting a brain freeze- the thing that makes it funny is how he gets them. 90% of the time, he challenges Chirithy to a milkshake race and goes too fast, giving him a brain freeze in like, 2 seconds. XD
18: how they sleep
He cuddles his pillow. Like a dork. He’s a cuddler, and after he gets with Luna, he tends to cuddle her instead~
21: how they react to pain
Surprisingly, Dustin doesn’t react to pain, at all. Sure, he might groan in pain, but he’s used to getting hurt. It’s when he can get something out of it, like a hug or a kiss to the part where it hurt, where he goes over the top. XD
24: what motivates them
Dustin is always motivated by his friends. Trying to help them get through life, make them happy, and do everything he can to make them smile, even if he suffers for it.
25: why you enjoy them
Well, at first he was largely just a self-insert OC, since Unchained X’s basically all about making yourself a Keyblade Wielder. But over time, he grew into his own character, and I love watching him be a dork. owo Then there’s the fact that he’s a fun character to write, and he’s got a heroic sense of right and wrong. In a weird way, he’s someone I’d like to try and be myself.
1: their voice
Kenshi tends to be very quiet and soft-spoken due to how he’s grown up, but when he needs to, he can be firm. He’s more high-pitched than others, making him sound a bit more like a kid, which makes him get a little sad. He’s not a kid, dangit! ;w;
2: their smile
Kenshi’s smiles tend to be small, but honest. If he smiles, there’s a reason he’s smiling, and it means he trusts you enough with it. Too bad the kid trusts too many people, Kenshi wai do you trust so much. ;w;
7: how they like to dress
The Mizu clan tends to dress formally, with traditional Japanese-style clothing, but if he wasn’t worried about following their rules or impressing them, he’d probably wear a hoodie and shorts. He’d keep the sandals, though... he likes his sandals for some reason. owo
8: what they like to eat
Kenshi’s got a huge sweet tooth, but he’s also fairly health-conscious, so if he gets to eat berries, he’ll have as many as possible~ His favorites are blueberries and Oran berries. They’re so sweet and tasty... Once he had a blueberry muffin, and it was so tasty~ He wants another one. ;w;
13: their embarrassing memory from years ago
The first time Kenshi was given a bo staff to practice with... well... he smacked himself over the head with it. The kid is not a natural with weapons. XD His second most embarrassing memory was the time he tripped while going up stairs, largely cuz his sister never lets him live it down. ;w;
15: how they react to a brainfreeze
I have absolutely no clue how but Kenshi doesn’t get brain freezes. At all. He can just keep going and going and going, and at worst he’ll get tired of his mouth being freezing, Kenshi how the fuck?
18: how they sleep
Kenshi tends to sleep with a teddy bear his sister made him once- it’s his only sign that his family loves him, so he’ll always, ALWAYS hold onto it. Well... except for when other family members are around. Then he curls up into a ball, he needs his teddy bear. ;w;
20: their reaction to a mystery love letter
Well, first he’d be like “U-um, um, um... ;w;” as he tries to figure out what the heck why did someone send him a letter like this??? Then he’d ask his sister if this is a prank from her, and when he realizes it’s for real, he starts trying to figure out who it is so he can thank them and give them a gift in return... somehow. ;w;
22: what they're like on two hours of sleep
After getting practically no sleep, Kenshi tends to nearly fall asleep on his feet. The only thing keeping him from going back to bed is his worries of upsetting his father or his mother, which is enough of a motivation to keep him awake. Kenshi wai. ;w;
25: why you enjoy them
Kenshi’s a cute character- one that I love to write, and more importantly, one who can be serious when needed to be but is still a good cinnamon roll character. Plus he’s a pacifist- something I always love to write for some reason. He’s easily flustered, kind, wanting to please his family... and I love it.
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tsgmobilebayalabama · 6 years
Scouted Calendar
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Did you blink? It’s true, the last gasp of summer is upon us. Get the most out of these waning carefree days by filling them with music, golf, art and so much more. We sussed out some of the best happenings across the bay so you can get out there and live it up.  
SOMETHING NEW   Closing Sale
All Inventory 50% -75% Off
40-50% off men’s and women’s spring and summer clothes. 
MB GREENE BAGS  be clear Sale
35% off all  of the be clear collection
15% off all spa treatments 15% off all products
GIGI & JAY’S  Birthday Month Sale
50% off all swim  30% off all summer shoes buy 1 sale item get 1 free
SADIE’S   Summer Sale
30-80% off select merchandise  Buy 1 get 1 free on sale items
1 item 20% off 2 item 30% off 3 items 40% off
COLLECTIVE Back to School Sale
20% off  Swell Bottles Friday August 3 and Saturday August 4th 20% off Backpacks and Lunch boxes the first week of August
 Fairhope’s First Friday Art Walk 
August 3rd | 6pm-8pm | Downtown Fairhope
Live music by the SongBirds. Free admission. Donations welcomed. EXHIBIT: “A Joyful Brush” Paintings by Jean-Marie McDonnell. “Fins & Fables” Paintings by Ben Kaiser. Mixed media by Jason Braly. 
Pelican Paddle 
August 4th | 7:30am-12pm | Weeks Bay Foundation
Pelican Paddle is a fun, family-oriented, 3.5-mile canoe, kayak and paddle board race that’s open to all ages and skill levels. Plus, there’s a seven-mile pro option for the serious paddlers, and a non-competitive, guided Eco-Tour of Weeks Bay. It is a spectacular setting on beautiful Weeks Bay, for spectators and racers alike. Learn More
154th Commemorative of the Battle of Mobile Bay
August 4th | 9am-5pm | Fort Gaines Historic Site
The well-preserved ramparts of Fort Gaines have guarded the entrance to Mobile Bay for more than 150 years. Now a fascinating historic site, the Fort stands at the eastern tip of Dauphin Island where it commands panoramic views of the bay and the Gulf of Mexico. The event highlights Fort Gaines integral role in the Battle of Mobile Bay. The cannon will be fired every forty-five minutes in honor of the soldiers that fought in this pivotal battle. Go and experience a living history day for the whole family. Blacksmith demonstrations will be on hand all day in the Fort’s Blacksmith Shop.
Gulf Coast Ethnic & Heritage Jazz Festival
August 4th | 5:30pm | Mobile Convention Center 
Internationally acclaimed saxophonist, Donald Harrison Jr., will headline the 20th Annual Gulf Coast Ethnic & Heritage Jazz Festival’s JAZZ ON THE RIVER. The main stage concert opens 5:30 pm with The E. B. Coleman Orchestra, featuring vocalist Karmilla Ali, and “Everybody’s Here!” Learn More
Grayson Capps Live 
August 4th | 7pm-10pm |  Fairhope Brewing Company
Grayson Capps is currently touring the world in support of his new album, The Lost Cause Minstrels, on the Brooklyn record label Royal Potato Family. Hear him live at FBC, a LOCAL manufacturing brewery with a tasting room where patrons are welcome to purchase and drink beer. 
Free Class | Summer Sun Yoga
August 4th | 10am-11am |  Blue Sky Collective and Soul Shine Yoga
Join Soul Shine Yoga for a free Vinyasa Yoga class. They are still doing renovations at their new space on Young Street, but if you'll ignore the mess they will treat you to a sneak peek of their new area! Learn More
Fat Lincoln Live
August 4th | 6pm-10pm |  Bluegill Restaurant
Fat Lincoln is a Mobile based local rock band that brings the energy to every show. They play the covers that everyone loves plus have several originals. Learn More
Prenatal Yoga + 4 Week Series 
August 5th | 4pm- 5:15pm | Soul Shine Yoga
Prenatal yoga gives a woman energy to enjoy her pregnancy, serenity to build a deeper intimacy with her own body and baby, and the presence of mind to expect the unexpected and be present. Learn More
Fly By Radio Live
August 5th | 6pm-10pm |  Bluegill Restaurant
Fly By Radio will be rockin the stage the at the BLUEGILL, this amazing band has something for everyone covering everything from the 50s to today. Come early, stay late, have dinner and most of all have fun it's SUNDAY FUNDAY at the BLUEGILL. Learn More
 $5 Yoga on Tap
August 7th | 6pm- 8pm | Fairhope Brewing Company
Soul Shine Yoga”s Hoppy Hour meets at the Fairhope Brewing Company. It's a fun 60 minute Vinyasa Flow class for all levels. Come for the yoga, stay for the outstanding local beer! Bring a mat and a friend. (All levels, unheated) Learn More
Water Education Festival
August 4th | 10am-1pm  | Gulf Coast Exploreum Science Center
Mobile Baykeeper  hosts this Summer combo including IMAX/ Water's Extreme Journey exhibit, and permanent exhibits for non-members. The goal of this family oriented day is to spark a conversation about the importance of water management and conservation in our community. This is a great opportunity to learn about and get involved with local organizations in a fun interactive setting. Learn More
History Museum of Mobile Open House
August 4th | 1:30pm-3:30pm | History Museum of Mobile
Explore 300 years of Mobile's History, while learning about the Museum's different departments, membership program and benefits! Light refreshments will be served and admission is FREE. Our story starts here at the History Museum of Mobile!! Learn More
Saenger Theatre Summer Movie Series
 Pulp Fiction
August 5th | 3pm-5:30pm |  Saenger Theatre
The Saenger has partnered with McKemie Place for their upcoming Summer Classic Movie Series. McKemie Place is the only overnight shelter for single, homeless women in all of Mobile, Washington and Baldwin Counties. The shelter currently has a 69-bed capacity and provides a place for women to temporarily stay overnight. Through the gracious assistance of dedicated volunteers who prepare, bring, and serve meals, McKemie Place is also able to serve dinner each evening to their guests. Learn More
Grayson Capps 
August 5th | 7pm-10pm | Callaghan's Irish Social Club
Grayson Capps is currently touring the world in support of his new album, The Lost Cause Minstrels, on the Brooklyn record label Royal Potato Family. Hear him live at Callaghan’s. Learn More
August 6th -11th | 5pm | Downtown Mobile 
Mobile Tiki Week is Downtown Mobile's annual celebration of tropical cocktails and South-Seas vibes, hosted by some of the city's best bars and restaurants.  Expect delicious rum libations, served with all the garnishment and fanfare that drinks of this ilk demand, as well as tiki-themed foods (at the venues with kitchens) all week long.  Each venue will donate a portion of their profits to Mobile Baykeeper  New for 2018 is the addition of Southern National, and “Tiki Ducks!”  Gulf Coast Ducks will transform their duck boats into floating tiki lounges for twilight tours/cruises. Venues are:  The Haberdasher, OK Bike Shop, The Merry Widow, The Sidecar Lounge at Noble South, Southern National, and Gulf Coast Ducks. Learn More
Art Talk: Darius Hill
August 9th | 6pm-7pm  | Mobile Museum of Art
Darius Hill, will speak about his work and others in Our People, Our Places, Our Collection, an exhibition for the State Bicentennial Celebration that features Alabama artists in the MMofA collection. A Birmingham resident, Darius Hill has served as Chair of the Visual Arts Department at the Alabama School of Fine Arts for more than twelve years. He is an exhibiting artist, participating in shows throughout the southeast including New Vision Gallery in Atlanta and the Crossroads Initiative in New Orleans. Learn More
200 Hour Yoga Teacher training 
August 10th | 8am-11am  | Soul Shine Yoga
Are you ready to empower your life and your yoga practice? Soul Shine Yoga School creates the space for you to discover what it truly means to LIVE WITH INTENTION + SHINE FROM WITHIN! Learn More
3rd Annual Dauphin Island Reggae Weekend
August 10th-12th | 3pm- 8pm | Dauphin Island
Expect cool vibes and laid back feelings all weekend as Dauphin Island puts on a little Jamaican Jammin' with the 3rd Annual Reggae Weekend. Select restaurants and bars will be celebrating the food and music of "dat" other island Jamaica. Mark the date. Live music all weekend at Waves Bar along with food and drink specials. Hosted by Alabama Coasting . Learn More
Mobile Arts’ Council  / Cultural Connection
August 10th | 5:30pm-9pm | Fry Building
James T. Strickland Youth Center and the Mobile Arts Council will present their most recent collaboration, “Cultural Connection,” during August's LODA Artwalk. This project features murals and a documentary produced by young leaders of Mobile County under the leadership of Devin Ford Photography and artist Soynika Edwards-Bush. Meet the participants and see this project unveiled at the Fry Building, 412 Dauphin St. Learn More
Free Class | Summer Sun Yoga
August 11th | 10am-11am|  Blue Sky Collective and Soul Shine Yoga
Join Soul Shine Yoga for a free Vinyasa Yoga class. They are still doing renovations at otheir new space on Young Street, but if you'll ignore the mess they will treat you to a sneak peek of their new area! Learn More
Saenger Theatre Summer Movie Series 
 Mary Poppins
August 12th | 3pm- 5:30pm|  Saenger Theatre
The Saenger has partnered with McKemie Place for their upcoming Summer Classic Movie Series. McKemie Place is the only overnight shelter for single, homeless women in all of Mobile, Washington and Baldwin Counties. The shelter currently has a 69-bed capacity and provides a place for women to temporarily stay overnight. Through the gracious assistance of dedicated volunteers who prepare, bring, and serve meals, McKemie Place is also able to serve dinner each evening to their guests. Learn More
Fortag Live
August 12th | 6pm-10pm |  Bluegill Restaurant
Fortag based out of Pensacola, Florida has been entertaining packed houses along the Gulf Coast and all over the U.S. for several years. Covering anything from Rock, Pop, Dance, R&B and Modern Country. All your party favorites served up with a high energy show guarantees to always keep the crowd on their feet. Learn More
Green Drinks Fairhope
August 14th | 5pm-7pm |  Fairhope Brewing Company
Join Mobile Bay Green Drinks at Fairhope Brewing Company for their monthly networking event for environmentally minded folks. Learn about a topic that affects our area, visit many local vendors, and enjoy great food from the Sunflower Cafe during Happy Hour. Learn More
Yoga for Beginners | 3 Week Series
August 14th | 5:30pm-6:30pm| Soul Shine Yoga
This series takes place one evening a week for three weeks and is designed for beginners. In this series learn and explore the principles of alignment for the most common poses in Vinyasa & Hatha Yoga classes, as well as basic breathing and meditation. If you're brand new to yoga or if you need a refresher for your current practice, then this series is also for you! Classes are unheated and will meet on 3 consecutive weeks. Learn More
Rum Beverage Academy
August 17th | 5:30pm-6:30 pm | Grand Hotel Marriott Resort, Golf Club & Spa
A rum tasting class, participants will explore the history of rum and create a couple of classic, rum-based cocktails: daiquiris and mojitos. Learn More
Food Truck Friday
August 17th | 4pm-9pm|  Fairhope Brewing Company
FBC’s August Food Truck Friday will feature The Good Guys Mobile Food Unit and Ben's Burga Kaboose and they will be releasing the 2018 version of their imperial porter The Long Handshake as well as a barrel-aged version of that same recipe that they have named The Awkward Hug. They will have music courtesy of their favorite Grateful Dead-themed band East LA Fadeaway! Learn More
Bowl for Kids’ Sake with 
Big Brothers Big Sisters of South Alabama
August 17th | 5:30pm-7:30 pm | Eastern Shore Lanes
Bowl for Kids' Sake 2018 is an opportunity for the community to come together in support of the most important mentoring organization in south Alabama! The Bowl for Kids' Sake 2018 theme is "Back to the 80's". We want to see your team dressed in your best 80's themed outfits/costumes. *The Best Dressed Team will be awarded the night of the event* Costumes not your thing? Have no fear. We'll still embrace you with open arms. Learn More
Living History Crew Drill
August 18th | 8am-3 pm |  USS ALABAMA Battleship Memorial Park
Come see history come to life as the living history crews of the USS ALABAMA and USS DRUM drill. These historical reenactors demonstrate what life was like during WWII. They tell the stories of our original crewmen and help keep their legacy alive. Be sure to be aboard the main deck of the USS ALABAMA for the "Call to Battle Stations" and air attack at 1:00 p.m., weather pending. Learn More
Breakfast & Brunch, Culinary Academy
August 18th | 10am-11:30am |  Grand Hotel Marriott Resort, Golf Club & Spa
A breakfast and brunch culinary class, participants will learn how to make sumptuous breakfast and brunch dishes: pancakes, syrup, sausage, and specialized egg dishes. Learn More
Dirty Dozen Draw Down
August 18th | 11am-2pm | Serda Brewing Co.
Draw Down/ Cornhole Tournament from Draw down winner will receive $3,000!! Food and beer will come with the purchase of a $100 ticket. If you would like to participate in the corn hole tournament it will be an additional $20 and spots are limited. Cornhole champion could receive up to $640! You do not have to be present to win the draw down!!  Learn More
Mardi’s 5k Fun Run/Walk
August 18th | 7am-11am | The Grounds
The Gulf Coast Challenge Committee and GCB Entertainment, Inc. presents Mardi’s 5K Fun Walk/Run and BBQ Cook off. Mardi’s Race will benefit the Nonprofit efforts of GCB Entertainment to combat childhood obesity and literacy. By participating in Mardi’s 5K Fun Run, your contributions will go towards programs designed to sponsor children to be a part of the “Making Good Choices” programs of the Port City Secondliners where they will partner with fitness instructions and educators to teach children about making better choices in their everyday lives that will help them live a healthier lifestyle and become productive citizens. Learn More
Saenger Theatre Summer Movie Series
 Wizard of Oz
August 19th | 3pm- 5:30pm|  Saenger Theatre
The Saenger has partnered with McKemie Place for their upcoming Summer Classic Movie Series. McKemie Place is the only overnight shelter for single, homeless women in all of Mobile, Washington and Baldwin Counties. The shelter currently has a 69-bed capacity and provides a place for women to temporarily stay overnight. Through the gracious assistance of dedicated volunteers who prepare, bring, and serve meals, McKemie Place is also able to serve dinner each evening to their guests. Learn More
Spanish Cheese and Wine Event
August 19th | 10am-12pm|  The Cheese Cottage, LLC
A Spanish delight - specifically paired cheese with some decadent Spanish Wines. What grows together, goes together, so experience this for yourselves. This educational event will feature 8 authentic Spanish cheeses and 8 wines from the same region. Listen to the experts describe the ins and outs of perfect pairing while you try various combinations you had not experienced before. Learn More
Johnny Hayes and the Love Seats Live
August 19th | 6pm-10pm | Bluegill Restaurant
You have seen him on The Voice and now you can see him in person at the BLUEGILL.... it's the incredibly talented Johnny Hayes. Johnny is a native Mobilian and covers a variety of artists including Otis Redding, James Brown mixed with his own rock, soul and country. Learn More
Veuve Clicquot Dinner
August 23rd | 6:30pm-9:30pm| Ruth's Chris Steak House
POP. SIZZLE. CELEBRATE. Ruth’s Chris is popping and pairing bubbly exclusively from Veuve Clicquot, one of France’s most iconic champagne houses, with five delicious courses. You’ll start off the evening with a champagne cocktail before they fill your flute with their fêted Yellow Label Brut. This year marks the 200th anniversary of Veuve Clicquot Rosé, and they will be pairing the fruit-forward champagne with their third course, followed by the Veuve Clicquot Vintage alongside our sizzling entrée. And to top off your night: their Demi-sec with dessert. Learn More
Dauphin Street Beer Festival
August 25th | 6pm | Downtown Mobile
The Dauphin Street Beer Festival is an annual event held every August in downtown Mobile, Alabama. Thirty taverns and restaurants welcome participants to sample over 80 different craft brews and imports from all over the world! Tickets available now at any of the participating venues. Learn More
Rubber Ducky Regatta
August 25th | 10am-12pm | Cooper Riverside Park
Mobile’s annual Rubber Ducky Regatta will make a splash on August 25, 2018, by dropping 10,000 rubber duckies into the Mobile River at Cooper Riverside Park. The “adopted” duckies will race to the finish line and the lucky ducky’s adopter will receive the grand prize. All proceeds will benefit Ronald McDonald House Charities of Mobile, AL, which houses families with seriously ill and injured children being treated at area hospitals. By adopting a rubber ducky not only will you have a chance to win prizes, but you will be providing funds for a safe haven to all the families who stay at the Ronald McDonald House while their child is receiving treatment. Learn More
Spanish Cheese and Wine Event
August 26th | 10am-12pm |  The Cheese Cottage, LLC
A Spanish delight - specifically paired cheese with some decadent Spanish Wines. What grows together, goes together, so experience this for yourselves. This educational event will feature 8 authentic Spanish cheeses and 8 wines from the same region. Listen to the experts describe the ins and outs of perfect pairing while you try various combinations you had not experienced before. Learn More
20th Annual Alabama Chef Challenge
August 30th | 6pm- 9pm | Fort Whiting
Experience a night of culinary magic as some of the area's most celebrated chefs come together to fight hunger in their community along with a little friendly competition. Guests will also get to enjoy live music by Roman Street, silent auction, and complimentary beer and wine. All proceeds from Chef Challenge are used to help those in need within our 24-county service area along the Central Gulf Coast through Feeding the Gulf Coast. Learn More
Click here for our National Scouted Calendar for the month of August. 
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