#Edgard Beaumont
casualcatte · 2 years
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
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Gospel isn't very domestic at all. She's pretty much a lifelong soldier; she can make passable meals, she knows how to keep things tidy and orderly but it isn't a passion for her. It's simply necessity in how to live. She's used to traveling a lot, so it's just inherent for her to be something of a minimalist.
She has dreams of settling down, but with the world the way it is she knows they may only ever be dreams.
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Aultena can be domestic -- when she wants to be. Having lived on her own for so long, she can be a bit messy and haphazard. She knows how to cook outdoors, but indoor cooking in a proper kitchen still eludes her, so she relies on Edgard Beaumont, her husband, to take care of meals.
"Settling down" for her is pretty much traveling the world with Edgard as they work for the various Hunt Clans around the globe. She's pretty happy with her life as it stands, returning home to the Stars' Rest whenever the two of them need a break from wandering.
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Lafiel is as domestic as they come. She's very independent and takes care of herself and her affairs with a calm, even hand. She has a wealth of recipes in her repertoire from her many travels as a wandering minstrel. She's always clean, pressed, and dressed to impress given her chosen profession.
She hasn't really considered settling down at this point in her life; there's still much of the world to see, songs to hear, and life to experience.
Thanks for the ask, @scholarlostintime !
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thehouseofvs · 3 years
[RP Journal - 1/15/2021] Valeria Camena: The First Steps on a Thousand-Malm Road
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It feels strange, writing within a journal again. I haven’t had the need nor desire to keep one since I first arrived here. What was the point, when all of my memories, or at least the ones that mattered, were seared into my mind in the form of relentless nightmares and colorless dreams? Why would I need one, when there was nothing here that was worth my interest or willingness to one day remember? All I needed to do was stay on my path. Pursue the answers that I sought. Fight if I must. Flee if I must. Kill if I must.
At least, that’s what I kept telling myself.
For five years, I lived like that. In this endless, gray hell that I found myself in, unable to trust anyone, to grow close to anyone, to feel anything for anyone. Because, even after learning the truth, they all still felt fake. Like pale, lifeless imitations of the things I once knew. Of the people I once loved. I desperately wanted to get back everything and everyone I had lost, to be able to feel something again, to see a colorful, true world once more. But then one night I met him, within yet another of my tortuous dreams. Rae-Hann. To be honest, I didn’t know what to make of him at first. An odd stranger, who had somehow wormed his way into the most sacred part of my being. He saw something that no one else had seen. I wanted to lash out at him, to expel him as swiftly as he came. But I stopped myself. My curiosity won over, and I allowed him to stay - and then we talked. It has been a while since then, and the two of us have had many more discussions and “adventures”. It took some time, but eventually the two of us began to form some semblance of trust for one another. After all, we were two strangers in an unfamiliar place, coming from circumstances quite similar to one another. I suppose one would think it was only natural that we would form a bond of sorts, given enough time. And before I knew it, we did. That was when things changed. For the first time in years, I finally saw something different from the grayscale nightmare that was my life. I saw color. I saw Rae-Hann’s color. When I first noticed, I could not help but stare whenever I got the chance, when I thought he was not looking. Simply doing so was like taking a breath after being deprived of air for so long, and the sight of him brought with it a sense of comfort, of peace, and of hope. For the first time, I thought to myself that maybe, just maybe, there was something worthwhile in this world after all.
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Rae-Hann took the time to talk with me. To listen to me. To hear, know, and understand me, even if it was only a little. He had held out his hand to me, offering me a place in the life he had carved for himself upon the Source. And like a lovestruck fool, I took it. Like a lost soul, I clung to it. Like a helpless child, I allowed him to guide me away from the path I had been following for so many years. He led me to a different path. To Siannault Tavard. To them, his loved ones at the Star’s Rest. But it has not been easy, even ignoring the wound upon my shoulder and the circumstances of my arrival. I have always been an awkward girl, even in my old life. It was never comfortable for me to make new friends, or socialize with strangers. But I tried. For Stilicho’s sake, and now for Rae-Hann’s. I met a few of them. Aultena Sephimiri, Karrn Moks, Edgard Beaumont, V’hala Helsi, and V’ari Tia. Seeing those twins here had me concerned, but like Siannault, they seemed to have no recollection of me. The real me. Likely for the best.
However, I had been able to tell that the atmosphere around the Inn has grown more dense as of late. I initially wondered if it was due to my own presence, but the arguments I briefly overheard between Rae-Hann, Aultena, and Siannault clued me in. It seems that even in this warm, cozy little inn full of friends and family, there was still problems lying just underneath the surface.
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Whatever was currently happening, I felt as though it was a poor time for me to stay here at the Rest. As warm and welcoming as they have made me feel since coming here, I cannot say that I have not felt as though I were an intruder within their world - their reality. After all, they’re all still gray to me. Perhaps, if given enough time, that will change, but when? I have been contemplating leaving today. I think it would be for the best. My wound was manageable now, and there did not seem to be any adverse effects since the incident, so I think I should be alright to do so. But how will Rae think, if I were to suddenly go? Would he feel like I was abandoning him, at a time when he might need me? I feel sort of silly, thinking this way, because he’s surrounded by so many loving people who care for him. But I feel I at least owe it to him to talk, before I do take my leave. Speaking of, it seems he just arrived. I will continue this later tonight, I think. It feels oddly cathartic, putting my thoughts down like this. Until then... -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Well, tonight was interesting. I am not really sure where to begin with this, but I suppose I should do so after Rae-Hann came to see me in the Rest’s infirmary. He had caught me writing in this journal, as well as the sight of my packed belongings, but he did not seem surprised. Although, considering what he himself had been planning to do, perhaps he thought it was not his place to judge. Whatever the case was, he came to inform me that he was leaving the Rest for some time. We talked about his plans. Apparently, he wanted to head to Ul’dah to wrap up some unfinished business with that fortune-teller we met, Una’to. I have my reservations about the Voidsent-possessed man, but I trust Rae-Hann. Whatever his intentions are, I know I do not have to fear. Still, I am concerned. And I voiced my concerns, but I did not try to persuade him from his current course. I knew better than that. However, Rae did not seem to know what he would do with himself afterwards. Perhaps return to his research, or other jobs that he said he had put on hold, for the sake of the Rest and its inhabitants. Looking at him now, I think I finally understand what it was he saw in me the day we met. Right now, I saw someone who felt alone, lost, and angry with the world. So, I took a chance.
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I finally took that first step forward. To truly, fully invite the Mystel who had brought me no small amount of joy and hope into my life. I reached out and offered my hand to him, as he had done for me so many moons ago. I told him that since neither of us had a plan, an idea of where we’d go, why not simply take that journey together? Neither of us had to be alone. We could do what we wanted, when we wanted, how we wanted - and know that, at the end of the day, we would still have someone to return to. That, together, maybe we could find something worthwhile on this star. After the words left me, my heart raced. I felt as though I was on the edge of panic. I feared that I might have stepped to far, or misread what Rae needed at that moment. I wanted to simply run and hide my shame, feeling as though a rejection were imminent. But that did not happen. Just like when I took a chance and accepted him when he reached out to me, he now did the same with me...on the condition that, were he to ever hurt me, that I would tell him. That I would be honest with him about my woes. On the surface, that condition might have been an odd one to make. But hearing the pain in his voice, the strain of withheld tears, was more than enough to tell me what lay hidden within his request. Not that it was a difficult one for me to accept. I pulled him into a hug on instinct, sensing the raw hurt he was feeling, and I made my promise. Rae is...the only person on this star with whom I feel as though I can be completely honest with, and I told him as much.
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After our tender moment passed, we made arrangements to meet at Shirogane’s pier, once I had settled my end of things at the Rest. With my belongings, I searched for Aultena so as to pay off my debt - but after having no luck, I was lucky enough to stumble into V’hala and was able to settle things with her. That said, I decided to leave a letter for the Rest’s proprietress, informing her of some of what was happening. Aultena deserved as much, after taking a moment to consider how I would feel if I were in her place. It isn’t much, especially coming from a stranger such as myself, but I hope it offers some small amount of comfort. I also left a letter for Karrn Moks within the infirmary. It felt terrible to leave so suddenly, especially after all the care he had given me since my dramatic arrival. I wanted to at least thank him, and let him know that I hoped we would meet again eventually.
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With my work finished, I left the Rest behind and went to the pier to meet Rae. I spotted him shortly after, and stood with him near the water’s edge. We sort of just stared out at the distant waves for a bit and talked...I suppose we were both contemplating about what was to come in the near future. Of what this journey would be like for us. When the subject of our departure, of taking our first steps, was broached...I suggested we do something a little strange. An old legend I remember hearing, once - if you place a wish within a glass bottle, and allow it to be carried away by the ocean, perhaps one day it might come true. It seems silly, I know, but it felt appropriate. And meaningful. So, we went to the edge of the pier and cast the bottle I had prepared off onto the waves, allowing both of our wishes to drift onto the horizon. Rae wished for solace, sincerity, satisfaction...and mine was for our success and safety on the road ahead. Well, that, and perhaps another, more selfish wish of mine. If possible, I wanted to one day find some measure of happiness...ideally, with Rae included.
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And with that final send-off, the two of us had no business left in Shirogane. Our next step was to head to Kugane, and then charter for transport to Ul’dah. While our journey was to start as soon as we left upon the ferry, I think we both knew it would not truly begin until the last of Rae’s business was concluded. And so, we departed from the residential ward’s shores, to lantern-lit Kugane and the world beyond. The rest of the day after that was a blur. Though neither of us had explored Kugane before, neither of us felt as though now was a good time. But...maybe someday in the future, we can take the time to properly see the city’s sights. Instead, we booked the first airship headed for Limsa Lominsa, and from there to Ul’dah. Tonight is the first night of our trip, and Rae-Hann is certainly unaccustomed to airship travel. I’ve never seen him so unsettled...is it weird that I find it sort of adorable? But, I think that is where I will leave this. Writing in this journal will take some getting used to, but I think I can see the merits of it. Who knows, maybe one day, I’ll want to use these to look back and remember this. I certainly hope so. And, strangely enough...I look forward to what waits in store for us, on this thousand-malm road. ( @yokasaris​ @casualcatte​ @therpperson​ )
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casualcatte · 2 years
💙 BLUE HEART - do they miss their s/o easily? how do they act when their s/o isn't around?
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Gospel and Syrio have a long, storied history together but Gospel does find that she misses him when he's not around. Without him, Gospel is, perhaps, a bit more reserved, a bit more... boring?lol without Syrio. He brings out the fun and fun-seeking side of her moreso than anyone else.
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Aultena and Edgard have an equally storied (but tumultuous) history full of its ups, downs, and sideways. However, Aultena having been on her own and self-reliant for most of her life finds that she doesn't miss Edgard much when she's not around him. She absolutely acknowledges that he's made her a better person, though. She's learned to be more patient, more social, and more forgiving through the idiot dragoon's antics.
Thanks for the ask, @nutley-rp!
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casualcatte · 4 years
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Maybe They’re Born With It... Featuring: Edgard Beaumont & Aultena Sephimiri Artwork by the Amazing @squaffle!
Two confident idiots, one unforgettable adventure.
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casualcatte · 3 years
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I Guess I Know This Idiot...
Just a blue catte inn proprietress and her pet idiot. Never a dull moment with these two.  (Much love to @therpperson for all the shenanigans!)
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casualcatte · 3 years
[RP Journal] January 10, 2021
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To think I once felt anything for Edmond Beaumont.
No, no, don’t confuse him with his twin, Edgard Beaumont, whom I love very much. I speak of Edgard’s twin brother.  Edmond’s hurt Ardi for the last time and I certainly hope that Ardi listens to me in loosening his grip on his brother from here on out.  I know he loves Edmond deeply, as a brother should, but ever since they parted ways in Ul’dah Edmond can’t even be bothered to give Ardi more than ten minutes of his time at any given turn. Even when Ardi shared with him the happy news of our engagement, he gave some perfunctory congratulations and said he would now /need/ to get us a present.  Not out of joy, but out of obligation. 
Ardi came home confused, hurt, and frustrated by Edmond’s lack of… well, anything.  Not care, not concern, not hope, not love.  Just emptiness. I don’t know what’s happened to Edmond since we parted ways in Ul’dah but whatever it is has ruined him, even so much as everything that’s happened to Edgard has made him into a better man. Perhaps the two of them are destined to eternally be diametrically opposed.  I’ve heard from both brothers in the past that they were opposite in personality to who they are today, so if they’re both opposite of their opposite now, then they’re still opposite each other.  Right?  Gods, it’s enough to make one’s head ache.
(Courtesy cut for length)
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Still, I did what I could to comfort Edgard and remind him that he has so many people who enjoy him for who he is.  People he doesn’t have to beg, plead, and cajole into spending even ten minutes’ time with him.  People who are overjoyed to see him engaged and a groom-to-be. People who love him.  Without question, without reservation.  People he deserves.
Edmond will find a relationship with his brother -- or he won’t. No amount of forcing the issue will make one manifest if Edmond himself does not will it so. I know Ardi sees the sense of it, I know at the heart of him he understands it -- but his blind, steadfast loyalty to a brother who treats him like dirt is unfathomable to me. I honestly think Edmond could murder me and Ardi would find some way to no fault in him. That’s how deeply and blindly I believe he loves his brother.  In it’s own way, it’s toxic and I fear it will damage both brothers irrevocably before it’s all said and done. Like Ardi is prone to do, though, he must learn things the hard way, no matter if it may ruin him in the end.  It is simultaneously something I love and hate about him.  He’ll go to the ends of the earth and beyond for the people he loves -- but godsdammit if I don’t feel like some of the people he loves don’t even fucking deserve it.
Lately, things seem to run in contrasts.  This follows the wonderful night at the Lunar Beach Party, time well-spent with Tetsuro Wulf, Sakura Takara, Nan’to Vaadrage, Ninka’ir Tayuun, and Sumiko Rijin. Even our own Karrn Moks made it out to the beach to play in an effort to further his exploration into new cultures and foods for his recipe-making. While I didn’t win at any of the games or collect any prizes, it was an enchanting evening that ended with a gorgeous performance by N’badra Jhiti and her partner. Yami Mcfluff showed up at the very tail end in an effort to get out and meet more people.
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Yami was kind enough to walk me home and Karrn made us a delightful meal of vegetable soup in some sourdough bread bowls. While we were hanging out, V’hala Helsi finally put in an appearance from her workshop. I haven’t seen much of her since she’d given her issues with Fraus over to the Night Raid.  From everything I’ve heard from Edgard, she regularly drinks herself into a stupor and cloisters herself in the workshop, endlessly working on some new blueprint. Still, I was glad enough to see her out and about, mingling with people.  I think that’s a good sign for whatever black mood she’s been in.
As we idled in the common room of the inn, more people began to filter in from the Beach Party.  Ninka’ir on his way home, Sumiko following not long in his wake. Even a random patron showed up in the form of Seda’li Rayuun, he was looking for a place to stay and happened to follow everyone else in. V’hala, especially, seemed to take great interest in him when he spoke of his profession as a blacksmith.  It wasn’t until Rosik Ren came in that things really engaged V’hala. 
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The three of them, Seda’li, Rosik, and V’hala ended up going to the workshop to discuss some prototypes of some armor and weaponry that Rosik was wanting to have made. That left me, Edgard, Yami and the others down in the common room, but they soon filtered out and were replaced by Kita Wolvesbane.
Kita was his usual self, at least until a point when -- I’m not altogether sure what happened.  I don’t know if it was me flirting with him or Edgard, but something in him shifted and his mood went from flirty to fractured. Pensive even.  Again, people filtered away until the only ones left were Kita and I, so, naturally I had to get to the bottom of things.
At the heart of it, Kita is lonely.  I can only imagine, given that they are immortal. Like others of their kind, they are doomed to see all that they love among mortality slowly wither and die until naught are left of them but Kita’s own memories. Even Besheke Ma’iingan, whom Kita loves deeply, is unwilling to take on immortality for Kita’s sake -- as Besheke desires nothing more than to be reunited with his own mortal love in whatever afterlife comes next.
I suppose theirs -- and others like them -- are relationships I’ll never understand.  No matter how “equally” one claims to love multiple lovers or partners -- someone will always, always, be second best. I sometimes wonder how they can stand it.  I couldn’t even stand to be second best to the ghost of Edgard’s long-dead wife. I couldn’t imagine there being someone else in his life that he claimed to love as much as I.  There will always be someone that gets more time, more effort, more conversation, or more smiles.  No matter how equal the love is proclaimed to be, it can never truly be that way. Besh and Kita are a prime example of that. One will always have to choose between them, at one point or another, and someone inevitably gets hurt.
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For Kita, it always ends up being him. Her.  Them.  Gods, his gender-swapping gets confusing sometimes.  At any rate, being immortal, Kita will almost always be the one left with the short end of the stick. He longs for someone he can share his life with, but finding kitsune who are willing to accept him has apparently been difficult. I feel for him, truly, though I have no idea how to really help him in that arena.  The only kitsune I know are him, Tetsuro… and apparently Kita’s sister now that I’ve met her in U’ldah.  She tried to recruit Edgard and I as followers
At any rate, Kita is another sad story in a chain of endless, sad stories.  It’s like the world is devoid of joy anymore.  Just filled with people trying to make it one more day.  It makes me wonder if my life is somehow a dream, that I have no right to be comfortable, safe, and happy when everyone around me is miserable.  I suppose it’s like I told Edgard, though, we can’t be responsible for everyone else’s lives, we’ve committed our lives to each other now, and that should always take first priority over anyone else.
So, I’ll see about tending to that soon with Kita.  We’ll go to Ishgard and see if we can’t find a cure for Victoria and her mysterious malady.  That will be one less worry off Edgard’s plate -- one less worry off /our/ plate. Tumblr Mentions (... and people you should follow) @therpperson​ for Edgard Beaumont @nightraid-hq​ for the Lunar Festival Party @tetsuro-wulf​ for Tetsuro Wulf @thechoirrp​ for Karrn Moks @nbadrajhiti​ for N’badra Jhiti @thehouseofvs​ for V’hala Helsi
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casualcatte · 3 years
[RP Journal] January 12, 2021
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I’m not even sure I have the words for how wrongly everything went this evening. From the meeting with the Night Raid to whatever was going on with Siannault Tavard and Rae-Hann.
The meeting in and of itself wasn’t bad. I just felt like I was stepping out of my involvement right when they might need me most. I promised Rae-Hann, though.  I told him that once I was done with this last bit with Ollie I was well and truly done. I know he worries about me and I know he just wants to keep me safe. I was raised that you always keep your word to the people you care about most.  Rae-Hann has enough trouble with trusting people and letting them close without me breaching that trust when he extends it to me. 
My only saving grace is that I feel like I’m leaving V’hala Helsi in good hands. Between Tetsuro Wulf, Nan’to Vaadrage, V’ari Tia, Siannault, and Rae-Hann my presence and contributions seem superfluous really. What have I really accomplished since being involved? I played distraction for E’nijah Suzume during the warehouse investigation, learning little to nothing of value except for, perhaps, the presence of the Disgruntled Transient.  After that, I followed up with that transient, only to find out that Rae-Hann and Siannault had gone before me, not that I begrudge them getting involved. I simply wish they’d told me so we could coordinate our efforts. 
(Courtesy cut -- This is a LONG one folks, hang on to your seats!)
I’d gotten angry with them the night I found out, which should honestly surprise no one.  It’s well-known that I have a temper, but somehow I’m supposed to just plod along docile as a sheep and let people run roughshod over an operation and efforts that we’ve been painstakingly putting together for weeks without being informed until they were good and ready. And it’s not like /they/ could claim they didn’t know, I’ve kept them well-informed since all this started. So, yes, I got angry, I got belligerent. 
To top it all off, they did this not half-a-bell before we opened the Stars Rest Inn for our public tavern night. So, not only did I have to deal with that, I had to put on my best inn-keeper’s smile and go serve people for several hours on top of it with naught but that to dwell on!  
But that was weeks ago and I’d long since moved on from then.  I never heard from Siannault at all, except through Rae-Hann who was understandably worried that the man had become withdrawn, preoccupied, uncommunicative. Out of everyone in the whole world, I would have expected Siannault to talk to Rae-Hann, but for days, weeks afterward there was nothing with Rae-Hann seeming even more sick and worried each time I saw him.  And it rankled.
Rae-Hann has been part of my life since long before Edgard, long before the Twins, before the Night Raid, and before Siannault.  If anyone means the most to me, it’s that silly, grump-faced mystel from Norvrandt.  We’ve been through a lot together, overcome a lot of things together.  If he wasn’t so clearly into men, I might have fallen for him once, but I think I rather like being his friend and student with him instead. Our friendship has grown a lot over the past year or so -- but whatever happened tonight may ruin it irrevocably.
When I was young, I grew up in the Hunt. My world, my upbringing, was about survival. To that end, my mother was ruthless and hard when it came to my lessons and learning the ways of the world. “Tough love” my father called it, hard truths that needed to be heard in order for me to get better, to improve -- to survive. While I don’t believe I’m quite as ruthless as Maora, I do operate under the same principles of honesty, telling people hard truths, and really making them look at things.  For most, this works, but there are some on the rare occasion who simply can’t handle it.  Now, I know my truths are not absolute, they aren’t the be-all, end-all of anything.  At the end of the day, they’re purely my opinions, which people are more than free to throw out with the trash if they don’t agree with them.  If people ask me for my opinions or my help, though, I like to think they know me well enough to understand that.
So when Rae-Hann sat Siannault down in front of me, telling him “we” wanted to know what was going on with him, that “we” cared about him -- I thought that was Rae-Hann’s way of asking me to step in, to help him get to the root of whatever was going on.  After all, Siannault hadn’t responded to /him/ in any way, so what, really, would be the harm?  I watched, though, as Rae-Hann reached out to him, again and again, and that elezen just sat there barely replying to anything. The more it happened, the more agitated Rae-Hann became. I couldn’t take it anymore.
If Siannault wouldn’t react to Rae-Hann’s gentle, loving insistence, I thought for sure he’d respond to being provoked.  Questioned.  Insulted.  Something.  /Anything/ to show some kind of reaction that he gave a damn about us. About Rae.  Siannault went and puked in the sink.  Said nothing.  Did nothing, except heave what little contents of his stomach existed.
Rae-Hann eventually grew so frustrated that he lashed out at me, which I don’t really blame him.  If someone was taking Edgard to task in front of me, I’d probably have some choice words to say to them too.  Regardless how much it might have been deserved, no matter how much it might have just been a ruse to get Siannault to /react/ to something -- it still stung. Like I said, Rae-Hann has been by my side longer than anyone else, his opinions, his thoughts of me, carry more weight than most.
Everything always has to be about you, he’d said, as if everything I did had some selfish motive. I didn’t want to ruin your cozy, idyllic life at the inn with all the shite that goes on outside it.  I /know/ the world is chaos; I don’t need to be shielded from it.  I’d rather people be honest with me about the good and the bad in their lives rather than constantly hiding it until I find out about it anyway.  It happens eventually, so I really don’t see the point in perpetuating the fiction when the truth is just so much easier to face head-on.
It’s neither here nor there, though. Even by that point, Siannault had reacted to nothing but the kitchen sink, even pulling away from Rae-Hann when he asked after him.  The Starlight Gift I’d given to Siannault before all this started sat unopened on the counter.  Nothing.  Nothing.  And nothing some more.  I was doing more to upset Rae-Hann even further than I was to getting through to Siannault, so rather than do any further damage, I took my leave.
My steps took me down to a small beach alcove not far from the Rest.  I listened to the sounds of the sea and the night-song -- and wept.  I don’t cry often and it’s usually only when something goes on in my Found Family that’s so intensely hurtful that I can’t help it.  Rae-Hann saying those things cut deeply.   None can hurt us quite so well as those who are closest to us.
Was I selfish?  Did I truly make everything about me?  I started going through everything I’d said, done, or taken on over the past several moons, mentally combing through them with a fine-toothed comb.  Why was I helping V’hala?  Why was I helping Edgard?   Or Rae-Hann and Siannault?  It wasn’t for glory.  It wasn’t for fame.  It wasn’t even for gil.  Or even their gratitude.  I just wanted them all to be free of whatever plagued them.  Free, content, and happy -- as I was.  Letting go of my past, letting go of the Saurotaun, was one of the best decisions I’d ever made.  Once I let that go, things in my life suddenly snapped into place as if waiting for me to finally unload the ballast of my tragic history.  Was it selfish to want that for other people?  Especially when it’s the people I care about most?
All these thoughts were tumbling around in my head when Edgard Beaumont found me. Together, he and I had a long talk about everything that had gone on and we both agreed that sometimes -- there really is nothing you can do.  No matter how helpless we feel to look on and watch the people we care about suffer, sometimes it’s the only thing you /can/ do.  They have to be ready to take on the problem /themselves/ before they can ever really hope to let others help them, otherwise, we’re fighting a losing battle from the onset.
As we talked, we spoke of my own shortcomings when it came to being protected. He tried to make it clear to me that just because other people have traumas that make them want to be overprotective and overbearing doesn’t mean that they feel I’m incapable or inferior.  What other reason could anyone have for putting someone behind them like they’re weaker or more vulnerable?  Edgard explained it simply:  For love. 
“You know I'm not going to jump haphazardly in front of you at the slightest risk,” he’d said. “But I would risk my life for you without thinking twice, Aultena. I said it the day I told you my feelings, and I'll say it again. If something happened to you, it would shake me to the core."
It wasn’t about protecting /me/ from harm -- it was about protecting /themselves/ from pain.  It had nothing at all to do with me or my skill, but everything to do with the depth of their own feelings. Why had I never realized this before?  Surely, someone, somewhere had explained it in all the times I’ve fought with people about it.  Perhaps I wasn’t being receptive.  Perhaps I just plain wasn’t listening like I should have been.
I’m far from perfect and I’ve made a lion’s share of mistakes. I’ll probably make plenty more before my time in this world is done.   One thing I’ve always been good at, though, is owning up to my actions when I realize I’m in the wrong. 
Once Edgard and I parted ways, I returned to the Stars’ Rest only to find Rae-Hann and Siannault still there, still arguing from the sounds of it.  Yet, no sooner than I arrived, Rae-Hann announced that Siannault was leaving and the elezen did with a finality to it that said he wouldn’t be coming back.  As he made his way out the door, I tried to apologize, both to him and to Rae-Hann, but neither of them were having it.  Rae-Hann was too angry still and Siannault still too apathetic.  So nothing at all had changed from my presence or my absence.
My heart ached for Rae-Hann.  Things had been so right, so content over the Starlight holidays, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so happy -- which is honestly saying a lot for Rae after everything he’s been through.  If he blames me for what happened, I can hardly blame him.  He’ll need someone to blame; he’ll need someone to be angry with.  And that person will never be Siannault, even though this could have all been solved so easily if he’d just talked to Rae-Hann as he’d asked.  Pleaded.  Begged.
So I’m content to let it be me.  Our friendship may not survive this, but these are the sacrifices we make for family.  For the ones we love. 
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casualcatte · 4 years
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The Hunt... Is On Storyline: The Hunt for the Saurotaun
Featuring: Aultena Sephimiri ( @roleplay-aficionado ) Edgard Beaumont ( @therpperson ) Rae-Hann ( @yokasaris ) Siannault Tavard ( @tavard-ffxiv ) V’hala Helsi and V’ari Tia ( That one nerd that isn’t on Tumblr )
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casualcatte · 4 years
[ RP Journal ] 11/01/2020
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The beast is dead.
My only problem?  It’s the wrong beast. Or, perhaps, not necessarily the wrong beast, but an offspring of the beast that I seek. There’s a part of me that’s disappointed, the part of me that was looking forward to this life-long hunt finally coming to an end. There’s another part of me that is still glad that we killed it, given that it’s another monstrosity like its parent. No doubt it has terrorized Coerthas and the Dravanian Forelands and Twelve only knows how much farther it might range from its place in Dusk Vigil. It was so disturbing even the ghosts there were bothered by it. So, the ending is somewhat bittersweet.
It means that the /real/ Saurotaun is out there still and, given what we saw of her offspring, she’ll be bigger and badder than what we fought and that took just about everything the six of us had: me, Edgard Beaumont, Rae-Hann, Siannault Tavard, and the Twins, V’hala Helsi and V’ari Tia. Ari required major healing as I understand it, enough to make his sister worry about him dying. Siannault suffered some manner of injury. Edgard suffered aether sickness and injuries of his own. Rae-Hann is the only one of us that escaped unscathed, at least, insofar as I know. I don’t really know what that expenditure of aether costs him, so far from home.
While our plan was decent enough and accomplished the job, we’ll need a better idea than what we had to defeat the mother. It’s a daunting proposition. Like I discussed with Rae-Hann and V’hala tonight when they came to check on me, it’s stupid to expect my friends to just sit on the sidelines while I pursue this. They’ll come anyway, regardless of my wishes. A simultaneously endearing and aggravating trait. I love each of them like family and putting them in danger yet again is the last thing I want to do.
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Once Rae-Hann left us, V’hala took that as an opportunity to try and explain to me the problem she has with this Fraun, Frond, Fonz… whatever his name is. This man that she’s pretty much an indentured servant to. She tried to warn me that the man was dangerous and somehow connected to the anti-dragon movement that Edgard’s former brother-in-law by Valentina. I assured her that people don’t tend to frighten me.  I’m a monster-hunter by trade.  I know what /real/ monsters look like. People just make vague attempts at it. She told me she had a plan to extricate herself from his control, but it would require someone willing to commit a few acts of underhandedness. I told her I would try and find someone that fit the bill, though no one immediately came to mind.
After Hala left, my first thought was to ask some of the folks over at the Night Raid. Knowing a few of them to be night owls like myself, I went over on the off-chance I might come across someone. Indeed, I did, none other than Nan’to Vaadrage himself. He seemed surprised to see me, which I suppose he had a right to. It’s rare that I go by the Night Raid office when it’s not a Bounty Call night -- something I should really remedy. I spoke with Nan’to briefly about my inquiry for a capable rogue and he seemed to get this mischievous look in his eye about the questionable legality of it all. He said that the Night Raid could possibly provide such a service as Hala needed, but that I would have to discuss the matter with Tetsuro Wulf. In a matter of minutes, Nan’to hashed it out via Tetsuro on his linkpearl, offering me an opening in the kitsune’s schedule a week from now, less a day, in the later evening. I told him I’d have to discuss it with Hala and get back to him.
With the matter dealt with for the time being, Nan’to invited me inside to have some juice since I looked pale and exhausted to him -- it’s fine, since I /felt/ pale and exhausted. Once we were settled in the lounge area I asked after his mode of dress.  Nan’to was in a suit and slacks tonight; I’ve never seen him in anything but Eastern clothing. It was a change, to say the least, not that he looked bad in them. He looked quite fine, honestly. He said he’d gone out to a fancy restaurant and wanted to look the part, I told him that he certainly did.  I don’t doubt that he turned a few heads while he was there.
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As we chatted, E’nijah Suzume came in from whatever nocturnal activities he’d been up to and stopped in to say hello to us. I almost feel bad for Edgard, he always has to miss these moments when E’nijah relaxes just the tiniest bit and actually converses. Granted, I know Edgard usually doesn’t let anyone get a word in, but still -- he’ll be upset at another missed opportunity.
The conversation that I had with E’nijah was… both frightening and enlightening. Apparently, I’d done more damage to my aether in the fight against the baby Saurotaun than I realized. According to E’nijah there was aether within me that wasn’t mine, likely more of the excess aether I’d taken from the firmament when I killed the baby Saurotaun, like Rae-Hann had siphoned off from me. Some of it still lingered and was causing some manner of damage to my own aether that threatened to turn me into some creature from the void.
Gods, I’m glad that Edgard /wasn’t/ around to hear any of this. He’d likely be beside himself trying to find someone to help. As it stands, E’nijah and Nan’to both said that their own healers within the Night Raid would be able to help, specifically L’amp Tia and M’yhe Tia. I know both of them, not as well as I do Nan’to or some of the others, but I’ve enough familiarity with L’amp’s expertise as a healer and if E’nijah and Nan’to both recommend M’yhe without hesitation, then I have no reason not to trust him as well.
E’nijah advised finding some manner of potion or restorative to hold my aether stable until the healers can see to me. I plan to go see Raisan Arcmantle at the Shroudrose Teahouse tomorrow to try and discuss that particular matter with him.  With that decided, Nan’to gently insisted in his typically Nan’to way that I stay at the Night Raid HQ until he could be assured that I wasn’t going to turn into something foul. I have to admit, it’s kind of endearing how he and E’nijah both care in their own ways. I think that’s part of the reason that I never hesitate to come here.
That said, I’m settled into an inn room at the Carline Canopy as I write this, so I ought to get to bed so I can see Arcmantle on the morrow.  After that, it’s back to Shirogane and the watchful eye of Toto until I can get seen by the healers.
Right after I linkpearl Edgard and let him know that E’nijah wishes him well and hopes for his swift return.  Maybe not /exactly/ the words E’nijah used, but it will cheer my Ardiot up immensely. Tumblr Mentions @therpperson​ for Edgard Beaumont @yokasaris​ for Rae-Hann @tavard-ffxiv​ for Siannault Tavard @nightraid-hq​ for the Night Raid Bounty Call and various <NRAID>ers @tetsuro-wulf​ for Tetsuro Wulf @a-little-sun​ for E’nijah Suzume @tea-ffxiv​ for the Shroudrose Teahouse
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casualcatte · 3 years
[RP Journal] January 5th, 2021
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Edgard Beaumont and I were finally able to have our friends over for dinner.  It’s been moons in planning it feels like, but we finally sat down to a wonderful meal of onigiri and ramen, courtesy of the Rest’s renown chef. Tetsuro Wulf, E’nijah Suzume, and Nan’to Vaadrage joined us as planned, which was just wonderful. E’nijah even ate, which is something I never see him do outside the Night Raid Headquarters.
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These three, in particular from the Night Raid, are the ones I feel closest to.  Tetsuro is like an older brother, E’nijah and Nan’to, too, though I’m not altogether sure of their ages, so they might be younger than even I.  Tetsuro, I know is old as dirt, so I can say he’s a big brother figure with authority. I’d say he was a father figure, but he says entirely too racy of comments sometimes to feel very fatherly. 
We had a good time with them though, we ate, we drank, we made merry, and rang in the new year together in good companionship. I really couldn’t ask for better friends.
Speaking of friends, it seems that Valeria Camena has shown up on our doorstep, wounded by a gunshot she claims is by random thugs.  Given what I’ve heard from Rae-Hann, though, I’m disinclined to agree with that assessment. This attack seems targeted, specifically engineered to harm or infect Valeria with some manner of aether-consuming agent. Rae could swear that he saw Valeria’s aether affected by it when the attack happened initially, but when I inspected her myself the following day, there were no signs of any sort of affliction in her aether at all beyond an unusual density. There hasn’t been any more word on that front, though Rae plans to talk to Siannault Tavard about it soon.
Ace Gira was lurking in the inn once we finished with Valeria, he’s apparently in Kugane looking into some kidnappings that have occurred. According to him, it even involves some corrupt Sekaiseigumi officials, which is why these perpetrators haven’t been caught before now.  My largest concern with him, though, is this soulstone he insists on carrying around. By his own admission, it takes possession of his personality, even his actions, to the point that he can’t recall what goes on. I don’t believe for a second that these are acts of benevolence. There’s something inherently /wrong/ with that stone, but in typical male fashion, Ace refuses to listen.
After talking with Rae-Hann earlier, though, I plan to see Siannault soon, if for nothing more than to apologize. I know after our last encounter I’m not exactly his favorite person right now. I just wish he’d /stop/ treating me like I’m a child that needs protecting. Gods, I didn’t put up with that shite from Lorrendor, I’m hardly going to put up with it from someone else.
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I swear by every god that most of the men older than me are content to treat me like I’m some little girl to pat on the head and send about her business. It’s like I haven’t spent the last twenty-some-odd years of my life as a huntress that lived and breathed within the shadow of the Hunt from the time she could walk. I’ve encountered the weird and the wonderful, the painful and the pleasurable, the light and the dark. I’m not some prim maiden that’s been cloistered behind mother’s skirts, gently reared, so that the biggest threat in her life is a pin-prick from her embroidery. For Twelves’ sake, give me /some/ credit, gentlemen! And yet these same men will turn right around and throw themselves headlong into danger and act like I’m just supposed to accept that that’s the way they are without questioning them. Double-standard much, gents?  I’m supposed to accept how YOU are, but you don’t accept how I am:  a skilled huntress that knows her business who doesn’t lie when our lives -- all of our lives here at the Rest -- are on the line. This isn’t just about V’hala Helsi anymore  I have no illusions that Fraus likely knows who we are and exactly where Hala is by now. It’s just a matter of time before the fight comes to us. Rae-Hann has said that he and Siannault will have nothing more to do with it, which is honestly disappointing. I swear by every god, I don’t know what it is with people and running /away/ from their problems, like that’s somehow going to help. If the door falls off the front of the house, what do they do?  Just run away and move to a new house?  I think most of them probably would, instead of doing the sensible thing and calling on a carpenter, helping them to repair it.  Nope, just easier to pack it all in and move off somewhere else. Sometimes, you just want to give your Found Family a swift kick in the-- The words trail off here, as if the writer got distracted at the last moment. Tumblr Mentions @therpperson​ for Edgard Beaumont @tetsuro-wulf​ for Tetsuro Wulf @a-little-sun​ for E’nijah Suzume @yokasaris​ for Rae-Hann @tavard-ffxiv​ for Siannault Tavard
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casualcatte · 4 years
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Tree-cattes and Their Handsome Suitors
Screenshot shenanigans with @yokasaris, @therpperson, and @tavard-ffxiv
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casualcatte · 3 years
[RP Journal] January 8th, 2021
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Another wonderful evening at the Night Raid Bounty Call, spent awash in friends both familiar and new.  It was another busy night, so I didn’t linger in the lobby to pester Nan’to and E’nijah, though I did pause long enough to tease Sakura Sato and Tetsuro Wulf.  As it so happens, they rented the Water Garden during the Rest’s last public tavern night and we were paid far in excess of what was necessary. I found out why!  
The little nook-bed had been absolutely destroyed.  I don’t know /what/ those two had gotten up to to cause that kind of damage, but I made it a point to tease them about bringing bears into the Rest without telling me. I’m not sure what made those claw marks, but it was certainly something. Tetsuro got all flustered before Sakura politely demurred and dragged him off down into the Night Raid’s lounge.  Ah… it was almost too easy with those two!
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Downstairs, I got my usuals and settled in for a night of snacks and drinking on my own, but lo and behold I was joined by one Moretsu Saito, a samurai of Doma. It was his first time at the Bounty Call and he felt that he should meet some people. Well, meet some people he did!  He told me of the bounty that he took, a yokai called the Chimi Beast, and was looking for other hunters to partner with.  I volunteered my healing services and recommended some of the hunters I’d worked with at the Bounty Call, namely Loksia Grimheart, and several of the aforementioned Night Raiders.  I also recommended he talk to Tetsuro himself for information on yokai and how to deal with them.
As it turns out, Moretsu himself was a yokai-hunter so he knew already many of the things I had to suggest, like getting his weapons blessed. Still, toward the end of the night he spoke to Tetsuro and even invited him on the hunt.  So, now I’ll be going hunting with Tetsuro, the newcomer, Loksia, and a couple of Moretsu’s friends, I think.  I have never gone on a hunt with Tetsuro and I haven’t had the chance to work with Loksia in a long time, though I know she’s more than capable.  She’s a Queen of the Ring and Grindstone Champion, after all.  It should be an interesting time.
Somewhere in the middle of that, we discussed going to the Lunar Beach Party tomorrow.  I certainly plan on attending. It’s been a long while since I’ve been to the beach, despite living not far from it at the Stars’ Rest.  So I plan to put on my favorite bikini and put in an appearance!  It’s a sad thing that Edgard will probably be busy, otherwise he’d thoroughly enjoy an opportunity to ogle me in a bikini.  Although, really, all he has to do is ask if he really wants to -- but I suppose he wouldn’t be able to do it in front of dozens of people and make a spectacle out of it, which totally ruins it for him.  Idiot.
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After I left the Bounty Call, though, Edgard Beaumont and I left for Coerthas to deal with the bounty he’d taken.  He’d finally tracked the Ishgardian Poachers to their hunting grounds -- I’m really so very proud that his tracking skills have come so far -- and was ready to engage them head-on.  So that’s what we did. What we weren’t expecting is for them to have a dragon cornered when we did so.
The dragon lashed out at its attackers, burning them, and sending a few of them screaming. When Edgard dropped me off, I opened up with a spell that dropped a veritable star in their midst in the hopes of blinding them as Edgard attacked. It was effective and Edgard’s first assault was successful, but that’s really where it ended.  Edgard froze mid-battle.  I’ve never seen that happen to him in all the hunts we’ve been on and we’ve hunted some terrifying things in our time, he’s never once hesitated.  When he started moving again, he was ruthless, reckless, brutal -- it was an Edgard I’ve never before seen and, if I’m absolutely truthful with myself, I never want to see again.  I didn’t have time to deal with it just then, though, there were poachers to finish.
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As we cleaned up the remaining poachers, Edgard froze again as the dragon unleashed a gusset of flame setting another of the poachers on fire. I started to go to him then, haphazardly tossing spells at the last poacher left standing, but I was careless.  The man was still alive when I turned and he threw a spear at my unprotected back.  I was saved, not by myself, not by Edgard -- but by the dragon who shielded me from the attack with his own body, then tail-swiped the poacher into the cliffside where the wicked man finally died.
The dragon eventually introduced himself as Verdandir and he seemed as surprised at us saving him as we were surprised by him saving us -- or, well, me.  In repayment, I made it a point to heal him from the bolt he’d taken from one of the dragon-killers the poachers had been using.  Edgard pulled it out and kept Verdandir talking while I used my magic to heal the wound.  I don’t know what it is about healing something that massive, but it took a lot out of me. By the time I was done, I felt so exhausted.  We exchanged a few more pleasantries with the dragon before it flew off for home.
Edgard picked me up in his arms and leapt with me to our cabin in Tailfeather.  It was there that I insisted he talk to me about what was going on with him, even as he fussed over me, ensured I was fed and had tea to keep up my energy, and was just -- very typically my Ardi-love.  Once he was settled, we talked for quite a while about his trauma concerning Valentina and dragons, how he’d truly become a dragoon, and how it had affected him.
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I offered an idea I’d picked up in Tailfeather when a hunter had developed a fear of chocobo.  They’d called it “exposure therapy” and I thought that, perhaps, we might do the same with Edgard and dragons -- provided Verdandir was willing to help. The only problem was that it was the smell of burning flesh that had bothered Edgard the most.  There was no way we were going to find volunteers to help with that.  Or… were we?  Not volunteers, per say, but there were a number of bounties at the Call that were for people.  More often than not, the turn in was /not/ body parts, but particular items that they carry.  It would be an ideal way to dispose of the bodies /and/ condition Edgard so that he wouldn’t freeze up anymore.
Edgard, bless his heart… He seemed appalled by the idea, even nervous about it.  He’s a good soul that should have qualms about burning bodies for experimentation.  Why don’t I have any qualms?  Because it’s something that has the potential to help Edgard get through this.  And I would fight the very Darkness itself if it means that my beloved can once more walk in the Light.
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casualcatte · 4 years
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All-Weather Friends Featuring: Edgard Beaumont, Nan’to Vaadrage, Tetsuro Wulf, E’nijah Suzume, and Aultena Sephimiri
Some people have fair-weather friends who are only ever there when times are good.  Me?  I have all-weather friends who are there for me no matter how stormy things may get... Tumblr Mentions @therpperson for Edgard Beaumont @tetsuro-wulf for Tetsuro Wulf @a-little-sun for E’nijah Suzume
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casualcatte · 4 years
RP Journal: 09/16/2020
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I went to go see V’hala Helsi about the projects she’s been working on for me, imagine my surprise to find her in the company of both Rae-Hann and Siannault Tavard. The three of them seemed to be discussing the ongoing problem of the Saurotaun and how to defend against its powerful wind-aspected aether abilities. Not long after I arrived, so, too, did Raisan Arcmantle. Great Twelve, listening to the three of them go on was like being at the biggest engineering nerd conclave. I didn’t understand half the words that were being bandied about, but at least Rae-Hann seemed to be in the same boat, so I didn’t feel so bad.
(Courtesy cut for length)
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While talking with them, though, we all realized that there’s a need for more information. Another scouting mission is in order, this time to observe the Saurotaun and see what it’s capable of. Between the lot of us, we also surmised that luring it out into the open, into an aether-reducing trap might also behoove. Fighting it in the aether-laden lair it’s built for seems dangerous at best, suicidal at worst. I told them I’d go with Ardi as soon as possible to scout things out for them and formulate a kill box. 
Now that I stand on the precipice of defeating this nightmare monstrosity that’s haunted me since I was thirteen I find myself galvanized more than daunted. I never realized until now how much a part of me longs for this to be over. To finally put this hunt to bed after fifteen long years of waiting and searching. Not to give up on it and turn away, but to leave the Saurotaun broken and defeated like it did my parents.
Once the engineers began to go off into their own tangents, I decided it was best if I returned to Tailfeather to round up Edgard Beaumont and have a look at a strategy and kill zone near Dusk Vigil. Not before having a brief discussion with Siannault about relocating my fish from the Gold Court fountain, however. Ardi and I both heard a disturbing rumor about people using that fountain as a latrine and… I don’t really want my gift-koi to be swimming around in that. Sian plans to build a pond for them in Tailfeather that we can safely relocate them to, he said the colder mountain waters would be more ideal for them than the desert heat of Ul’dah.  Huzzah for my little fishy friends!
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Right, met up with Ardi later and we went out to Coerthas to scout out the areas I’d earmarked as potential places we could use. Along the way, he poked several holes in our ideas, but they were ones that needed to be made. First and foremost was negating the wind aether in the area. Both Ardi and Ari rely on wind aether to do that whole /dragooning/ thing that they do, empowering their jumps to get them in and out of combat. Taking that ability away from them would harm their battle efficiency, perhaps to a dangerous degree. 
There was also the matter of luring the thing /out/ of its lair to begin with. It didn’t bother chasing us once we got outside Dusk Vigil, so getting it to come to the kill zone would present a challenge in and of itself. We made as sound a plan and took as many notes as we could, resolving to meet again with the Engineers to broach our thoughts and ideas all together. 
As we spoke of our various thoughts and ideas on both of the locations we looked at, I couldn’t help but notice the air of professionalism that hung about Ardi as he gave me his thoughts and plans as if I were another dragoon or knight of his skill and standing. While I might not have the same training as he did, he clearly had respect for what I could do and my own skill set, taking those into account into his suggestions. It only deepened my affection for him, though I’m not sure he realized it. All I’ve ever wanted is a partner who treats me as an equal and it seems I finally have one.
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At the end of our scouting, Edgard asked me if I planned to see this through to the bitter end or if a tactical retreat were an option. Part of me rankled at the thought of leaving the hunt unfinished; the part of me that wanted vengeance for my parents and to put an end to fifteen years of nightmares. However, the wiser, more compassionate side of me would never ask my friends nor the man I loved to put their lives on the line for me. /They/ mattered more to me now than my parents, even Ari and Hala.
I told Ardi as much, though I’m not sure I could ever admit any of it to anyone else. He promised me, though, that if the Saurotaun didn’t die this time around, that we would hunt it down again and again if necessary until it was defeated once and for all. Even if he was an old, old man when we did so. It was comforting that he wouldn’t let me give up on this hunt, that we’d pursue it together until it was well and truly finished. I was grateful, not only to him, but to all the generous souls that were giving up time they could have spent on themselves to help me through this hunt.
We’d see this through, one way or another. If not on this attempt, then on one of the others that would inevitably follow, time and again, until this monster was defeated once and for all. Tumblr Mentions @yokasaris​ for Rae-Hann @tavard-ffxiv​ for Siannault Tavard (So glad we got to RP in-game finally!) @therpperson​ for Edgard Beaumont
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casualcatte · 3 years
[RP Journal]  January 7th, 2021
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Edgard Beaumont proposed.
Given the way our relationship started, I never would have guessed we’d have ended up this way. Gods, he was such an idiot. I suppose he technically still is, but at least he’s my idiot. And he’s been trying to be more genuine with people, so they see more than just the fool. Beneath his masks, he’s really a wonderful person with his own share of scars. 
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When I agreed to let him be my hunting partner, I originally meant to humble him to show his ego that he’s not everything he makes himself out to be. Instead, I found someone who was as confident and reliable as I could ever want. He followed my lead without question, had faith in my ability, and -- best of all -- didn’t shove me behind him to “protect” me whenever things got dicey. He trusted me.  And, for me at least, trust is monumental. 
I think that was what began my journey to really understanding who and how he is. That first hunt against the Twintails. It’s always been said you can tell much about fighting someone, you can tell just as much by hunting with them. How they react and how they treat you on the hunt tells you much about their personality and how they *genuinely* view you in the long run. Edgard trusted me, had faith in me, and -- honestly -- I think he might have admired me a little, even then, though he’d never admit that. 
Sakes, I could go on for ages about that idiot and his merits, but suffice to say, I accepted his proposal. Though, later when he publicly proposed at the Stars Rest Tavern Night I couldn’t help but publicly say “No way” -- before I accepted. Not that anyone had any doubt that I would, even with that. It was a wonderful moment to share with our regular patrons and our dearest friends. 
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Nan’to Vaaderage looked comfortable and at-home in the inn when I found him tonight. He said he’d gone for a walk and that his footsteps had led him here. It warms my heart that so many of our friends are looking to the Rest as a second home, that’s really the whole point -- to provide a safe-haven when people need it. He’d come to read, but instead he found me.  We had a wonderful little chat about friendship and our gratitude for our friends, but I can’t help but feel there was something else.  Something more. 
Toto hasn’t been sleeping well and has had a headache enough to keep him wakeful. I gave him some potion we had in the infirmary to help with it, I can only hope it does. I worry for him, that maybe he spreads himself too thinly sometimes, but -- I can hardly blame him. There are moments when I feel like I have too much on my plate, but thankfully they’re fleeting.
I try to ensure I have moments like these, safe and comfortable among my friends, just as much as I have work on the Hunt, work for the inn, or work solving the seemingly endless troubles of my friends and Companymates.  Balance, of course, is part and parcel of an Astrologian’s studies, so I suppose that’s where some of it comes from. Tumblr Mentions @therpperson​ for Edgard Beaumont @starsrest-ffxiv​ for the Stars Rest Inn & Tavern
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casualcatte · 4 years
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Even if something does happen, I know that I'll look back at these times... These moments like right now... and I'll cherish them. You helped me do that, Tena.
-Edgard Beaumont ( @therpperson )
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