#Even tho brave-leviathans did most of the work for me lol
antiendovents · 24 days
Antiendovents didn’t “dox” the main. I did -Sk
Please for the love of god stop having beef with a MINOR(?). You are an ADULT. I am 22 and yet I know to not fight and be rude and say horrible shit to the future of our generations. Grow a pair. I did it to protect others. Stop harassing and stalking them, DudeTM.
I and the rest of us here will take their side over any bullshit whining that an ADULT has to cry over a minor not understanding.
Whatever decent acquaintance ship we had in the past on discord and whatnot is over. Just block me and any of my side blogs you come across I am not going to respond or give you attention outside of this.
yeah guys, I don't really mention it much, but like I'm still in school 😭 I made a post about exams a while ago,, lol. But yeah,, their 30 year old grown ass throwing a tantrum over a mistake we made really fucking pathetic tbh. Like how are you 30 years old and this upset over a simple mistake?? So much so as to insult me in a public post and be aggressive and also getting people to stalk my blog for them?? I assume? I don't really know how else their getting information on our posts
((also thanks for defending me 👍))
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