#Everyone go give cosmo love yall they are an amazing person!
thewinterraven · 4 months
Hello, nothing much to say except that I hope you're feeling better!!
I am still in Covid jail but beginning to feel alive again!
I hope you're doing wonderfully!
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yonghoontual · 2 years
a whole lot of loving onewe under the cut
ok, so, it's later and i'm ready to gush about onewes concert!!
personal highlights:
- everything
- really tho but specifically amazing livestream and live subs i dont think i've ever had this little problems with watching sth live on stream, some of the camera shots were also like really pretty? like the artistry 😌😌
- i know i love every onewe song but gosh this setlist 💕💗💕
- i love how they always introduce themselves. can't believe yonghoon was the most normal one lmao
- everyone looked so happy during all the stages it was dazzling! 😍
- yonghoons voice yonghoons voice yonghoons voice. god. but really! who else sounds this good live?? just out of this world asdghjkl 😭🤩😍🥰❤️
- same with dongmyeong. he has improved so much over the last years regarding his live vocals (not that he was ever bad to begin with, not at all but imo he did get outshined by yh a bit in that department, at least. but i'm also yh biased and keep my yh tunnel vision goggles on at all times so- 🤷🏼‍♀️)
-the unit perfomances?????? dongmyeong and yonghoon singing i will never love again from the a star is born ost? that shit was breathtaking, yo. 💯💯✨ like oh my god. I really ascended towards heaven 😇🥰🥰(ngl when i heard they were singing sth from a star is born i was really dreading it was gonna be shallow - i hate that song - but thank god they came through👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻)
- the instrumental unit too....🔥🔥🔥like these men are so freaking good at what they are doing, i am just impressed all over again 🤩
- again the songs??? all my faves were in there - love me, cosmos, orbit, parting, veronica, aurora, eraser, trauma - and i love how they rearrange their older stuff to give the audience a new experience, like regulus omggggggg i am still stunned.
- yonghoon going off on stage, jumping around, interacting with all the members, kneeling in front of weves - while keeping stable vocals, king - is all i ever need to see in life, thank you 💕💗💖💕💗
- also dongmyeong and yonghoon about to cry during reminisce about all and having to take breaks while singing? what are yall doing to me??? its tears city in this one 🥲🥲🥲
- the quick close up shots of cya and kanghyun playing the bass/guitar, loved that a whole lot muah 😘
- mr JU HARIN TAKING OFF HIS SHIRT out of nowhere and acting like nothings wrong 😵😵😵, the audience consecutively screaming (which they werent allowd bc of covid) and yonghoon immediately trying to calm them down before they get thrown out. what a ride!
- weves clapping for like five mins for the encore stage lmao that was funny and then onewe come out after a wardrobe change and i just- i will just put this "It's okay if I get lost, we've got each other." almost started full on sobbing when i read that PLS RBW give us the tshirts as merch or i will have to do it myself!
- ok lets get the one thing i wasnt enthusiastic about out of the way: the live stream cut off for online watchers before the second encore, which seemed to be on purpose bc they wanted to give offline watchers a little treat - ok, sweet, i get that - but did it have to be logo and from??????????? LOGO????? imma cry a bit..the pain of not being able to fly to sk and go to the concert in person...smh 😭😭🥲😔😔😔
- ok, moving on, last but not least im gonna mention a few little things i really loved: harin trying to sing; yonghoon ruffling cyas hair 💕 and playing at the keyboard with dongmyeong while singing; kanghyun saying his throat was sore from singing (he said he sings the chords while playing guitar) and yonghoon being like 'are u saying this to me right now??? 🤨 drink water' (pls i love these two); cya smiling so much during his verses; dongmyeong always standing with his hands on his hips when he speaks, so freaking adorable; yonghoon turning towards shirtless harin and grinning while they play ring on my ears. please im so glad the cameras caught all these little moments😊😊😊
ok thats it for now, i think when the vod becomes available i will watch it again and liveblog (lets hope logo and from are on there, i cant live off of fancams). until then, i just wanna say how happy i am to have found onewe and how fun this concert was for me and i love them all so so much!!💖💖💖
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Time for the Positivity Train
Time to compliment some friends (and my bae):
@iselfshipnerd : You work hard and you speak your mind. You’re amazingly creative and amazingly good artist. You do your best to support other self-shippers in this community. Keep it up
@xeensbin : Conversations about our f/os is always fun. You’re amazingly kind and a strong person with a lot of love and kindndess to give. You’re just a fun person to be around with a lot of talent to give. You’re going to move on to great things. I can feel it.
@lildreamysoul : You’re a nurturing soul. I’ve seen the way you talk to people and it’s always with kindness and understanding in mind. You’re drawings are great and so is your writing. You have worked so hard to make your dreams come true and you’re getting there. I promise.
@blueshipstealstars : You’re an amazing artist, an amazingly hard worker that some people in your life haven’t appreciated enough. You’re going to be better than any of them think you will be. You’re also have been super fun to talk to and you’re super smart. You got this.
@selfloving-shipper : Your love for your f/os and your followers really shines through. You’re a bit shy, but don’t be. We all want to listen to what you have to say cause you’re ideas are wonderful. Don’t give up and don’t let self talk defeat you. You’re amazing
@kryssiesbookofselfinserts : i know life is rough for you right now, but I can tell you’ll get through it. You’re a calming nature spirit filled with healing and love and you always check in to make sure I have a good day. That means a lot. You’re magical in every sense of the word.
@alchemisteevee : You have a lot of love of for your f/os and you’re going through a bit of a rough patch right now, but that’s ok you’ll get through it. When i hear you speak of your f/os, it’s only good things and they’re proud to be with you.
@selfshipping-and-sarcasm : You’ve been amazing to talk to and you’re just a wealth of knowledge and you’re an amazing listener. While I may not know much about you, since we just met, thank you for always talking and listening to me.
@your-local-kogane : Honestly, I love talking with you and your love for Keith is amazing and beautiful as is the love for your friends. Your art is amazing and you just have a lot of love to share and I’m grateful for that. You’re going through a lot yourself right now, but you’ll make it out of this alive. I feel it.
@skelebebe : I may not know much about you and we may not talk much, but you’re an overall nice person with a lot of devotion in your heart. I hope we get to talk more because you’re great to talk to.
@sebastianshoe : You’re creative and a force to be reckoned with. You work so hard between work and your imagine blog that it’s insane and I have no idea how you get it all done. You’ve been nothing but supportive and kind since the day I met you. I hope you know that you’ve been an awesome friend and we may not get to talk a lot, but when we do it’s great
@starry-eyed-ace : (my bae yall) You’re an amazing person and I love you so much. You’re so talented and smart and kind and more than I could ever ask for in a fiancee. I”m glad you chose me to be your husband. I just wish you saw yourself as beautiful as I see you. I can never thank you enough for all you’ve done for me. Sometimes I think I don’t deserve you and that you deserve better. You’re so much more talented and so much more beautiful than you think you are. Your f/os love you and I love you. Never forget that. You’ve been a healing force to us all and I wanted you to know that we all need you. I need you. I don’t think I could live without you. I love you with all my heart and I want you to love yourself just as much. You’re going to do great things too. I hope one day you realize you have so much more to offer than you think you do. You’re dripping with magic and the cosmos of the universe out of every pore of your body. Never forget that~<3 You’re filled with so much love and have so much to offer everyone. Everyone’s lucky to have someone as wonderful and talented as you in their lives just like I am. I’m so grateful to have met you. Thank you for all you’ve done for me and I love you~<3
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dammitdymond · 6 years
Blog #12  The Makeup ABCs!
Hello, people of earth! Dammit Dy’mond back at it again with another blog post.  Today’s post is going to talk about one of my favorite things; MAKEUP! Today I will list my ABC’s of makeup while giving tips, tricks, and gifs along the way. Let’s go yall! 
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A is for Application 
In makeup, the application is KEY! You don't want patchy foundation or creased eyeshadow. The tools you use can drastically change how your makeup is applied. Protip: BLEND BLEND BLEND. If you think you’ve blended enough, blend some more. 
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B is for Baking
No, not the baking you’d do in a kitchen. When you bake, you let a translucent setting powder sit for about 5 to 10 minutes and “bake” on your face, setting your concealer in place. After you’re done baking, you gently dust the powder off your face, leaving you a flawless finish.
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C is for Contour
Contouring reshapes your face - no surgery required! With the use of cream of powder 2 shades darker than your skin tone, you define areas like your nose, forehead, and jawline to make your face look SNATCHED 
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D is for Drug Store Beauty
Look, not everyone can afford $50 foundation and eyeshadow palettes, and that's perfectly okay! The truth is, you don't need to spend a pretty penny in order to look glamorous. The majority of my entire makeup collection comes from the drugstore. Brands like Maybelline and E.L.F. specialize in affordable, accessible beauty. So everyone can buy makeup no matter their budget!
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E is for Eyebrows
Doing my eyebrows are my favorite part of my beauty routine. My favorite brow product is Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Wiz and an amazing dupe for that product (that I personally swear by) is NYX Micro Brow Pencil. It's basically the same product but literally half the price 
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F is for Foundation
Foundation is integral to my beauty routine. I personally have a lot of dark marks and acne scarring that I prefer to cover up when I want to look nice. I love a nice satin foundation. It’s great for that “your skin but better” look! 
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G is for Glitter
In my makeup kit, there can never be too much glitter. It makes me feel fabulous
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 H is for Highlight
Glitter and Highlighter go hand in hand. A beaming highlight is something that is non-negotiable in my beauty routine because it's my absolute favorite part of doing my makeup.
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I is for Illuminate
Aside from a blinding highlight, another thing I make necessary in my beauty routine is illuminating my face so I look bright, glowy, and more awake. Protip: to achieve an illuminated face, mix a little liquid highlighter into your foundation for a luminous, natural looking glow. 
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J is for Jelly Beam
No, not a jelly bean. Jelly Beam! The new FARSÁLI Jelly Beam Illuminator is a highlighter that has been making waves in the beauty community. This highlighter has a consistency of - you guessed it, Jelly! I had to mention this product because it's so fascinating. 
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K is for Kiss Lashes
Kiss lashes are my favorite drugstore brand of false eyelashes! Affordable and glam AF!
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L is for Lippies
Lip Stick, Lip Gloss, Lip balm, Lip Plumpers, Lip Everything! Protip: always protect your lips by carrying lip balm with you everywhere! We don’t want chapped lips. 
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M is for Mascara
Another staple my beauty routine! Mascara makes your eyes look more open and adds a little quick glam to even a bare face. 
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N is for Nude
Nude shades are for any and everyone!
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O is for Oxidize 
When foundation oxidizes, oxygen particles change the shade of makeup that's on your face and can cause you to look two different colors. Its any makeup lovers worst nightmare. 
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P is for Primer
Primer should be the first step in your beauty routine. This helps your makeup stay in place and not slip and slide all over your face.
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Q is for Q tip 
A very underrated tool in makeup. Q tips can be used for blending, smudging, and smoking out your eyeshadow. It can also be used to clean up messy spots where you may have messed up. 
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R is for Removing 
Protip: NEVER sleep in your makeup. Always remove it before bed. I don’t care how tired I am, I absolutely have to remove my makeup before bed.
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S is for Setting Spray
The last step in your beauty routine should always be setting it all in place with a setting spray. This will prevent makeup transfer on clothes and can help your makeup last longer throughout the day. 
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T is for Transform
You can become a totally different person with makeup. I appreciate my natural beauty but I always appreciate the art of makeup because it does take skill, time, and effort just like any other hobby. 
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U is for Ulta
Ulta is my all time favorite makeup store! It holds drugstore brands like Wet n wild and also high-quality brands like Anastasia Beverly Hills. There's something for everyone in Ulta!
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V is for Vanity Mirror
A good, well-lit vanity can take your makeup from 0 to 100. You want a well-lit vanity so you can see exactly how you're properly applying your makeup. 
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W is for Wet n Wild
Okay, the wet and wild brand is cheap but AMAZING! Below, I’m wearing the Photo Focus Foundation and Ill Have a Cosmo Highlighter.  Yall see that glow?! 
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X is for x 
By x I mean the collabs that makeup brands have done with beauty influencers. Check out
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Y is for YouTube
Youtube is where I have learned all my beauty tips and tricks over the years.
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Z is for Zzzsleep!
 Beauty sleep that is! Remember to stay well rested everyone! Have a great weekend!
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Dammit Dy’mond Out!
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