#FUCKING mythosaur
wonderlandsakura · 1 year
Mandalorian season 3 episode 2 spoilers ahead
Our gorgeous, pathetic, unwilling baby (Din, not Grogu) slips and falls all the way down the deep end (like he did into becoming the Mand'alor, he took a few steps in and then got completely sucked into it, omg) and falls unconscious (cause you can't let him know he's the chosen one, he'll completely freak out and run away), the poor dear.
The unconscious part is also potentially symbolic of him not knowing what he's doing, not knowing how much of a Mand'alor he is being, and plainly just not knowing what he's doing, btw.
Anyway, Bo-Katan (who is not unconscious and also actually knows what she's doing and how to lead as a Mand'alor and that Din is super the chosen one) comes down to get him and carry him up to the surface (cause gosh is he going to need help, and she's the most uniquely qualified for the job) ...
And they (Bo-Katan) see a mythosaur.
The mythosaur cracks open it's eye to look at them.
(btw, it's also saying "yes I'm real Bo-Katan, so please help the pathetic mess that is our Mand'alor out, cause yes, he does actually deserve the title, and is in fact the actual chosen one, come to bring a new age your people, cause I do actually exist and approve of the idiot, thank you very much")
So yeah.
Also the fact that Din's super strict Creed is actually called the Way of the Mand'alor??? And he actually follows it super strictly, like without it he's nothing??? And only breaks it for the benefit of Children, which in Mandalorians Creed "are the Future"?????
LIKE HOW MUCH MORE FORESHADOWING DO YOU WANT TO PUT INTO THIS DUDE (it's like wolf wolf, son of wolf, if you know what I'm talking about)
1) Way of the Mand'alor
2) Children are important above all else
3) full beskar armor (which is, btw unpainted, a blank slate, a new age, it's perfect!) (1st tenant of Creed)
4) incredibly skilled as a warrior/hunter/provider, is an actual beroya, for his tribe and people, even those who are practically strangers to him (Bo-Katan, Boba) (5th tenant)
5) respected by the head clans of the 3 factions (they would come if he called them, and since he's the Mand'alor, that's the 6th tenant for them)
6) willing to listen, respect, and learn about the creed and history of those who follow different ways (very good, since Mandalorian society previously collapsed partially because they were arguing over whose creed was the best)
7) Would fight, kill, go out of his comfort zone, and even violate his creed for his family (Grogu) (3rd tenant)
8) Can speak not just Mandalorian, but also a variety of other languages, including at least one form of sign (very useful for communicating with his scattered people (2nd tenant)
9) literally teaching Grogu about mandalorian culture now that he knows he accepts him as family in return (4th tenant)
10) follows the resol'nare (the 6 tenants) in his every action, seemingly without having to think about it
11) being re-baptised in the living waters (like Jesus) (btw the symbolism of being reborn again as he is being denoted as the person who will bring a new age)
12) the Fucking Mythosaur
Like Din? Get some self-esteem. And self-care while you're at it.
Anyway I can't wait till Saturday (today's a Thursday for future readers and those across the world) when I can continue watching Din stumble (or fall) deep deep deep into Mand'alor-hood unwillingly and unknowingly
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cora-vizsla · 1 year
Paz: “Look this shiny guy is a piece of shit. And his kid is weird. And don’t even get me started on this princess bitch. But this guy.. he’s MY piece of shit. And this kid is one of us even tho idk how his weird ass ears are gonna go in a helmet. And this princess.. man i just gave up on my kid and she was like nah bruh let’s climb this mountain.. So let’s fucking go kill some pirates. This is the way.”
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ladyzirkonia · 1 year
Now someone please explain to me again why Bo should tell anyone about the Mythosaur? When even the fucking armorer thinks you were just dreaming?
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But of course she's just a sneaky snake with an elaborate plan.
EDIT: And this one just because it's so funny.
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spicysucculentz · 1 year
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⚠️ Time to BeReal. ⚠️
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autistic-puffin · 1 year
this episode was a mix of me going OMG COOL UNDERGROUND SCENES, OMG MANDALORE, Din Is A Damsel In Distress (affectionate), and desperately pleading with my laptop to not make din/bo canon
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violetjedisylveon · 1 year
The mythosaur was so beautiful! I know we only saw a little of it but it's amazing and beautiful!
I really hope it does not have to be killed and instead brings life back to the ruined Mandalore and gets to live alongside the Mand'alor for generations qnd people leave mandalore alone now cause the big scary dragon thing is back.
Imagine Grogu being besties with it cause jedi and baby mythosaurs! That would be so fucking adorable!
I wanna draw Grogu and baby mythosaurs now
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hyrules-warrior · 1 year
So we just ignoring the Dark Sabre now?
All this fuss about it dictating who would rule Mandalore, how it can only be won in battle blah blah blah
Poor Din was given this sword and told it meant all this big things, sucks at using it because he was told it meant all these big things. Isn’t allowed to give it away has to basically seriously loose a fight or die to get rid of it. Got kicked out of his family for removing his helmet just because he wanted to save his son. Almost drowns trying to rejoin his family because he got basically sent on a death quest to redeem himself.
But now Bo-Katan can just be the ruler and unite Mandalorians without the dark sabre, remove her helmet but still be part of the covert because she is allowed to walk both worlds or whatever.
Bo-katan’s heresy about seeing a real life Mythosaur makes her Mandalore Jesus and fuck Din Djarin and his struggles I guess.
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datzyuk · 1 year
ok but the title refers to multiple spies so. are we calling bo-katan/the armorer off?? rip they would have been horrible together <3
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lyriumsings · 1 year
rewatched mandalorian and i can’t stop thinking about the mythosaur that scene was SO well done!! when i saw that shit im absolutely positive i had the same exact expression bo katan did under that fucking helmet bc bitch what do you MEAN it’s real??? i was right there with her on her tour guide bullshit like “yeah it’s just water but just leave him be let him splash around no harm no foul” and then boom peekaboo there’s a fucking moNSTER in there
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merrysithmas · 1 year
anyone else like hmm at the mythosaur skull looking at bo like "fine bitch keep your secrets" at the close of the ep
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slothful-rabbit · 1 year
Forever feeling sorry for Din Djarin cause he just wants to be a side character but the universe is actively conspiring to put this man in every main character position possible
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ladyzirkonia · 1 year
Can we talk about this Mandalorian light cruiser please? I literally screamed at their entrance, that was just so epic and impressive. I just love these Mandalorians having a fucking mythosaur on the bottom of their cruiser.
What do you think, whose idea was it? I bet it was my boy Axe. He's a little daredevil.
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sol-insidious · 4 months
Luke getting Din’s Mythosaur pendant or getting the mudhorn signet embroidered on his robes. Luke getting a beskar hand. Luke getting vambraces, or a pauldron, or a full set of Mandalorian armor to match his husband’s. YAY!!
Din being gifted a kyber pendant engraved with the words, “Trust In The Force” that he wears under his cowl. Din integrating Jedi lightsaber forms when fighting with the Darksaber and taking down a battle droid through Shii-Cho. Din recognizing other Forms when sparring with Luke and learning exactly how to defend and counterattack — much to Luke’s elation.
Din thinking he’s physically unable to meditate sitting still until Luke teaches Din about moving meditations, and when he finally tries it, Din feels at peace for the first time in years.
Din keeping his helmet off for longer periods of time and letting himself experience the world outside of the static, holo-blue of his helmet’s HUD.
Din playfully parroting, “May the Force be with you” to Luke until he starts saying it with conviction whenever Luke’s about to do something dumb and stupid (again). Luke laughing and reminding Din that the Force is with both of them, always. Din clutching his kyber pendant and willing himself to trust, aggressively and desperately.
Din seeing memory moths for the first time on New Holstice and remembering the pile of helmets from the fallen members of his Tribe, waiting to be melted down and reforged. Din realizing just how much both of them have lost and the significance of everything Luke’s shared with Din about the Jedi.
Din wearing his kyber pendant over his cowl, shining against his chestplate for everyone on Mandalore to see, eyes slowly scanning across a sea of T-visors. Say something, I fucking dare you.
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gffa · 1 year
Laughing my ass right off at Bo-Katan’s never ending terrible, horrible, no good, very bad time, like in the span of about a fucking week, she has: 
Din Djarin come knocking on her door and she has to deal with his quest to find the living waters as he prods every emotional bruise she still has about all the Mandalorians abandoning her
Din gets himself snared by some weird eyeball in a jar in a robot body so the weird green baby has to come tell her to rescue him
Which she does and then falls into the Living Waters with him and possibly sees a Mythosaur making her question her sanity
Then her fucking childhood home gets blown up by Imperial remnants, just one more reminder that everything she was gifted she has lost, that she has failed her family’s legacy one more time
So sure why not, let’s go join the group she doesn’t actually believe in and called a cult just last season, but they’re reasonably nice to her and she’s good at fighting, so actually they’re pretty cool
But she’s still quietly freaking out that she may have seen a mythical legendary creature like is she LOSING HER FUCKING MIND HERE??? 
And how the fuck do you eat without taking your helmet off??
Suddenly she’s being pushed into leadership of the war party, but it’s not bad, she got to stay by the fire, and it’s nice to be useful, even if she still feels out of sorts.
And then even more suddenly she’s being told she walks both worlds, that she needs to unite Mandalore one more fucking time
So sure why the fuck not.  WHY THE FUCK NOT.  Let’s go to some decked out vacation planet in the middle of Bumfuck Outer Rim
Let’s take a stupid as shit detour into finding some malfunctioning droids with a guy who has unresolved droid-related trauma and literally KICKS THE DROIDS just to be a dick so they’ll react, 
Like Bo-Katan Kryze doesn’t have enough shit to deal with, every time she has to stop and deal with some absolute clown buffoonery, she’s reminded that she’s in full clown wig and makeup herself, this is her fucking life now and I was LAUGHING MY ASS OFF ABOUT IT THE ENTIRE TIME, Bo-Katan’s life is just one long string of, “Life is already so goddamned weird, this might as well happen.” I love you, babe, but I also love your long suffering face as you have to deal with being in a Star Wars show.
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thornescratch · 1 year
Man, Favreau and Filoni had the chance to make the most hilarious scene possible in the series if they’d had the mythosaur swallow Ragnar after his second baptism, and they fucking missed it.
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icecreambeach · 1 year
bo-katan telling the armorer she saw a mythosaur and the armorer being like "yes girl work" is so fucking funny like the armorer is such a Believer, "yeah bo-katan you totally saw Jesus in your toast, of course you did,"
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