#Factive type
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Introject flag (with and without symbol)
Introjects are alters that are based directly off of outside people, figures, things, or concepts.
bright red - Source. What makes alters introjects, introjects' relationship to their source(s) can be very personal.
Tangerine pink - Memories. Many introjects have memories related to their source(s).
Carnation pink - Emotion. Introjects often have unique emotional experiences related to being introjects and their source(s).
Sundown pink - Identity. Introjects oftentimes identify with aspects of themselves from their source(s). This can be very minimally, completely, or any where in between.
Lilac - Formation and Acceptance. When an introject forms in a system there is often assumptions made about what they be like based off of their source(s). This color represents the importance of not preemptively acting on those assumptions.
Mint Green - The System. New alters may have a difficult time finding a place within the system.
Ocean Green - Growth. Like most alters, many introjects change as they have more experiences.
Shamrock - Life. Introjects are just as capable of living fulfilling live as any other alter.
Blue Charcoal - Self. Introjects' sense of self is as real and important as any other alter's.
Boston Blue - Source Separation. Some introject may feel the need or want to separate themselves from their source(s). This is a very personal choice and process.
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Factional Introject/Factive/Factroject flag (with and without symbol)
colors are modified from this flag
Jade - Source. What makes alters introjects, introjects' relationship to their source(s) can be very personal. Factional introjects are alters that are based directly off of outside people, figures, things, or concepts that exist in the outerworld.
yellow green - Memories. Many introjects have memories related to their source(s).
white - Emotion. Introjects often have unique emotional experiences related to being introjects and their source(s).
sand yellow - Identity. Introjects oftentimes identify with aspects of themselves from their source(s). This can be very minimally, completely, or any where in between.
light yellow - Formation and Acceptance. When an introject forms in a system there is often assumptions made about what they be like based off of their source(s). Particularly if the alter is an introject of someone who hurt the system. This color represents the importance of not preemptively acting on those assumptions.
light green - The System. New alters may have a difficult time finding a place within the system.
pink - Growth. Like most alters, many introjects change as they have more experiences.
salmon - Life. Introjects are just as capable of living fulfilling live as any other alter.
red - Self. Introjects' sense of self is as real and important as any other alter's.
watermelon - Source Separation. Some introject may feel the need or want to separate themselves from their source(s). This is a very personal choice and process.
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Fictional Introject/Fictive/Fictroject flag (with and without symbol)
colors are modified from this flag
Dark blue - Source. What makes alters introjects, introjects' relationship to their source(s) can be very personal. Fictional introjects are alters that are based directly off of outside people, figures, things, or concepts from fictional works.
Indigo - Memories. Many introjects have memories related to their source(s). Fictional introjects' memories are not always canon compliant.
purple - Emotion. Introjects often have unique emotional experiences related to being introjects and their source(s).
magenta - Identity. Introjects oftentimes identify with aspects of themselves from their source(s). This can be very minimally, completely, or any where in between.
Red - Formation and Acceptance. When an introject forms in a system there is often assumptions made about what they be like based off of their source(s). Particularly if the system has negative associations with the introject's source(s). This color represents the importance of not preemptively acting on those assumptions.
off white - The System. New alters may have a difficult time finding a place within the system. This can be particularly hard for introject who remember being from worlds with different rules.
orange - Growth. Like most alters, many introjects change as they have more experiences.
Yellow Orange - Life. Introjects are just as capable of living fulfilling live as any other alter.
gold - Self. Introjects' sense of self is as real and important as any other alter's.
light yellow - Source Separation. Some introject may feel the need or want to separate themselves from their source(s). This is a very personal choice and process.
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Term not made by us!
“Musicative is an introject that comes from a song, music video, band, etc. A pluran in a system whose identity is a song.” - Pluralpedia
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[ID: None yet]
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Reposting on my coining blog.
Anyone can use this, just don’t bring discourse into it!
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hazyaltcare · 2 months
Typing quirk suggestions based on...
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Letter Replacements:
Replace "s" with "2."
Replace "g" with "9."
Replace "9" with "IX."
Word Replacements:
Replace pace, rate, and similar terms with "flow."
Replace create, make, and similar words with "produce."
Replace face, eyes and other facial feature terms with "mask."
Replace rating systems such as "[0-10]/10" and "[0-5]/5" with "[0-9]/9."
Replace speaking, talking and similar terms with "rapping" or "bitching."
Replace talk, speech, lecture and similar terms with "track."
Text Prefixes & Suffixes:
🧢🎭 <text>
🄳🄴🅄🄲🄴 <text>
𝗙𝟳𝗠 <text>
ꪀ꠸ꪀꫀ <text> ꪶ꠸ꪜꫀᦓ
<text> - Aron
<text> 🎸🎤
Phrases To Use:
"Break a mic." A rephrasing of the expression "Break a leg."
"Deuces!" A saying that means "goodbye."
"I'd bet all 9 on it." A reference to the concept of having 9 lives; this is a new expression that means to be certain.
"Let's follow this song and see where it goes." A new expression that means to give something a chance.
"Let's freestyle." A phrase meaning "Let's improvise."
Mod Haze (⭐️Hailey)
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khaotickoins · 2 months
Special shoutout to every RQ who’s also a T/\/\c fan
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t1ght3r · 3 months
alright i dont know where the fuck else to put thiz or how it workz but fuck it im lonely
im a factive of jimmy urine and im lookin for. juzt any1 honestly. im so desperate. obv other factives from source (even if we are the same guy. idc) or musicians my source wuz friends with are top of my list but thatz kinda a long shot.
just any1 really. other musician factives in similar genres, people who are cool with factives, whatever. just plz kinda know my fuckin source and be okay with me talkin about it n shit (i still interact with it but most otherz in sys cant cuz ocd)
like, i know, I FUCKIN KNOW OKAY! JESUS. i may be a factive of him but im not a fuckin 1 to 1 copy of the bastard. like im fuckin edgy, weird, and gross, but not like THAT alright. leave me the fuck alone and block me if ya wanna start shit cuz ill swing back <3
i have been dormant and we didnt kno i wuz a factive (or that we even had any, period) despite it bein painfully fuckin obvious (see: everything about me) we just didnt fuckin realize til this front (they r stoopid) probz cuz i didnt claim the same name til now lolz. and now that they did im not allowed to fuckin show myself 2 anybody we know, unless theyre extra fuckin cool.
at least i know im not a damn fragment from this front cuz ive felt like a million bux and also like total shit
general warningz for ya: we are fucked in the head with mental problemz (ask and i can tell you maybe <3) and were physically dizabledddd. addicted to fuckin so much shit and im not gonna dance around it i dont care. im fuckin weird and gross and a hater and i really dont give a shit about it even tho the otherz in my brain do (i am not a frequent fronter). my fellow degeneratezzzz i wanna be yr friend.
i make art too but i wont post 4 obvious reasons (you want 2 see it so fuckin bad 👁 talk 2 me).
dm me on this blog and we can go frum there!! this is a side blog btdubzzz i follow frum the hosts main.
maybe ill make an intro post and pin it, who fuckin knows i just hate talkin about myself in a for realz way
im probably forgettin shit i had to retype thiz cuz tumblr sux dix. i just really need some fuckin friendz </3
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markrus · 2 years
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Recognition through the other (aggressive)
(With @krislet again) (prologue to the previous post; and I forgot read-more existed)
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shouta-edits · 10 months
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"hello! could i possibly get a pokémon team for a factive of Jpw03 (youtuber) with electric type pokémon? :D (also ik this kinda defeats the purpose of you picking the pokémon, but if you could put pichu in there that would be real cool)" -anon requested
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coderzxd · 8 months
When you create a boyfriend because you're all alone
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newcronomicon · 9 months
the genre of image where mrle is in his campy outfits but has his glasses on >>>>
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possibly-sys · 21 days
if we fucking introject dsmp dream i think i might actually just fucking lose it
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blockchainnftgaming · 2 years
This chart shows how companies have become quieter in cryptocurrencies
This year, not only cryptocurrency prices are falling. Companies that were once eager to publicize their participation in digital assets have also become more relaxed about these efforts. In the first two months of the fourth quarter, there were 146 corporate teleconferences mentioning cryptocurrency and other related terms – this is somewhat more than 141 such transcripts in the first two months…
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View On WordPress
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burntcanary · 6 months
Not my usual positivity post but i am. so fucking tired of running into hateful anti endos on here. so heres a plural positivity post
in no particular order (and all /platonic)
I love you systems
i love you systems with trauma
i love you systems without trauma
i love you systems who dont remember their trauma
i love you systems whos trauma doesn't always effect their splitting
i love you systems who only split due to trauma
i love you systems who split without any trauma
i love you systems who are simple
i love you systems who are complex
i love you systems who have many alters
i love you systems who have few alters
i love you systems who rarely split
i love you systems who split frequently
i love you systems with family dynamics
i love you systems with "crack ship" partnerships
i love you systems with in system relationships
i love you systems with in system children
i love you systems with fictives
i love you systems with factives
i love you systems with nonhuman members
i love you systems with mixed origins
i love you systems with complex origins
i love you systems with amnesia barriers
i love you systems with no amnesia
i love you intentionally created systems
i love you accidentally created systems
i love you traumagenic systems
i love you endogenic systems
i love you systems with thought forms
i love you spiritual systems
i love you disordered systems
i love you nondisordered systems
i love you systems with symptom holders
i love you systems with shared symptoms and illnesses
i love you systems with no mental illness
i love you systems with mental illness
i love you systems with inner conflict
i love you systems without inner conflict
i love you systems with "problematic" alters
i love you systems with hosts
i love you systems with hosts different than the "original"
i love you systems with no host
i love you systems with no original
i love you systems who want to fuse
i love you systems who dont want to fuse at all
i love you systems who want some fusion but not all fusion
i love you pro endo systems of all types
and honstly. i love you systems who are anti endo, i get it, i hope that one day despite your current views you can maybe learn to trust and be kind to all system types. until then, i wish you the best of luck/gen
feel free to add to this! mostly put what i know but if you have any system types that you want added to the post, go for it! you can also send me an ask and i can add it here to this post. ily all /p and i hope you have an amazing timezone :D/gen
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now im gonna make a positivity post for factives! enjoy!
divider by @/cafekitsune
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— shoutout to factives with multiple sources
— shoutout to factives who are also fictives or another type of introject
— shoutout to factives of people you know personally
— shoutout to factives of friends you've had falling-outs with
— shoutout to factives of family
— shoutout to factives of celebrities
— shoutout to factives of content creators
— shoutout to factives of historical figures (yes even that one)
— shoutout to factives who have source seperated
— shoutout to factives who havent and/or wont source seperate
— shoutout to factives who dont feel represented in their communities (hi!)
— shoutout to factives of people who have died
— shoutout to factives of animals
— shoutout to factives who engage with their sources content
— shoutout to factives who still have to speak with their source
— shoutout to factives who are secretive of their source because they dont want to upset their source
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im...not a factive myself but i really wanted to write this one. i think we as a community often gloss over factives and dont really talk about them sooo.... here you go :3
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neopronouns · 25 days
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flag id: two flags with 6 stripes, which are blue-black, very dark blue, dark indigo, light yellow, golden yellow, and blue-black. the left flag has a symbol in the center, which is a simple silver silhouette of a human with a tilted ring around its head, similar to saturn. end id.
banner id: a 1500x150 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting’ in large white text in the center. end id.
celestive: a system member whose source is a celestial body (planet, star, comet, etc.)
[pt: celestive: a system member whose source is a celestial body (planet, star, comet, etc.). end pt]
flag for a term coined by anon! the flag is in a similar format to some introject type flags (ex: this factive flag, the aesthetive flag) and uses colors suggested by anon — deep blues, light yellows, and black.
anon also suggested a symbol, so i combined saturn (2) from this folder and people (104) from this folder! here's the symbol itself:
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symbol id: the symbol from the above flag, which is a simple silver silhouette of a human with a tilted ring around its head, similar to saturn. a blank image has been placed to the left and right of the symbol image so it doesn't take up the entire width of the post. end id.
tags: @radiomogai, @mad-pride, @wut-igay | dni link
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sil1ycat · 6 months
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[Emojis: brainmade, introject, factive, fictive, fizztive, fuzztive, Songtive, OCtive, editive]
Bunch a alter soruce type wordmojis mhm, this was all I could remember and find mhm [We are willing to do more if needed]
(banner thingy now!!)
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redacted-coiner · 2 months
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Fictive, Introject, Factive
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Facamtive(link), Msuicative(link), Editive(link)
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Spiritive(link), Songtive(link), OCtive(link)
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System Introject Types! Being I think it’d be nice, all I ask is that this post doesn’t have discourse on the post.
DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag.
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