#headmate term
pixxiesticksys · 1 year
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Yall I am not I coining blog please be kind
Derived from the terms Introject and Experience along with the suffix -flux
Intrexperiflux is a term to describe a member of a system who's experience fluctuates between being an introject of any kind (fiction, fact, oc, etc) to a non-headmate (kin, IRL, etc)
Because it is hard enough to label these members ("Do I put IRL or kin in their bot name or do I leave it as a system member?") I propose we call those who use this identity "intrexps" (singularly intrexp) and have that in their bot names or descriptions so people will know they are flunctuators
No bc seriously I'm sobbing trying to do this if anyone else wants to remake this and format it better please please please do- please reblog it with any tags I missed etc tysm
Flag made and term coined by me :)
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paracosmic-gt · 2 months
Synonyms: Animate, animated headmate, drawn headmate, drawing come to life
A word to refer to a headmate who is a living moving drawing and prefers to represent themselves as such in headspace and the shared world.
The difference between this and a soulbond with a piece of art, is that doodlemates do not have an "alternate universe" that they come from, they are a drawing existing only in this reality.
A doodlemate's source is the art they came from.
Your system may be more likely to have doodlemates if you are POSIC.
Some features of a doodlemate:
They could prefer to hang in picture frames in the innerworld or be visualised in their desired style
They may be physically flat and one dimensional compared to other headmates who are 3D.
They may prefer to not have any body at all and speak as a disembodied voice.
They may be very comfortable with being "just a drawing" and/or having a creator.
They may have periods of time where they go back to being static artwork.
They may use projection to move around on the page in the shared reality
Here's a picture of our resident doodlemate, Clover. -- enjoys being inanimate, using no pronouns, being a mascot, and being 2D/static in headspace.
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Spiritive is a term not made by us, this flag is my own interpretation of the flag!
“A spiritive is an introject from a spiritual or religious source, like mythology and religious texts. They do not have to be of the faith the system practices, or perceived as the "true" person from the source.” - Pluralpedia
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[ID: None yet]
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Flags can be used by anyone technically, just please do not bring discourse into this.
Will repost on my coining blog.
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phoenigenic · 2 years
New term: Migrator
This is a term that applies to members/headmates. This was coined with spiritual/gateway/similar experiences in mind, but if the definition of this term fits you and you do not use one of those labels, you can still use this term.
A migrator is a being/member that stays for a very short while, as in a couple days to a month at most. It’s as if they’re on a migratory journey and just stopping for a bit of rest
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mayasaura · 5 months
Do we ever think about how Gideon rejects Pyrrha's attention as a mother because it's a little late to come into her life and instead accepted John as a father? (even though she had some reasons to hate him)? sure, john gave her everything she wanted, but why is pyrrha different? I wish Pyrrha had a chance :((
I think the main difference is that Pyrrha did have a chance to do better by Gideon, and she fumbled it.
John gets dad status because he stepped up as her father as soon as he knew she existed. She knows he had his own blood-related reasons for launching a military expedition to recover her body, but it still must have meant a hell of a lot to her that he did. Vindication for all her childish hopes that maybe she was just lost, and not abandoned. See, Harrow? Her dad really would have come for her, if he had known.
Pyrrha proves the exact opposite. She did know, and it changed nothing. The whole time Gideon was growing up on the Ninth, telling herself there was someone out there looking for her, Pyrrha knew exactly where she was. She thought she must be dead, but she never actually checked. She never even tried to claim her body. It was an extremely complicated situation for Pyrrha, but from Gideon's perspective, that looks a hell of a lot like abandonment.
So yeah. John gets dad privileges despite being a fucked up bastard, because he's the fucked up bastard who went looking for her. Pyrrha watched her fall to the surface of the Ninth and quite literally left her there to rot.
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st4rb0xd-sysh3lp · 3 months
Headmate Role & Type Master-list (as re-posted by us to be more thorough and all system inclusive)
Below the cut is a masterlist of common headmate roles and types. We will do our best to keep this updated if we think anything else should be on here. Please let us know if there's anything you think we should add or any info we should update to be more accurate!!
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A type of headmate designed to hold or boost a certain emotion or feeling in the system, usually when fronting or co-con.
→ Confidence Booster: a headmate that boosts the confidence of the system or specific headmate(s) in front.
→ Mood Booster: a headmate that boosts the mood of the system, specific headmate(s) in front, or those around the system; emotions affected can range from neutral to overjoyed depending on the booster.
→ Motivator: a headmate that either boosts feelings of motivation in the system or specific headmate(s) in front, or helps motivate the system with encouragement.
A type of headmate designed to help the system or individual headmates in a specific way.
→ Caretaker: a headmate who takes care of the system, generally by caring for the body or keeping the living space tidy.
→ Internal Helper: a headmate that helps take care of other headmates in the innerworld; may or may not front.
→ Soother: a headmate that helps soothe the body or other headmates, especially in times of distress or following traumatic events.
→ Supporter: a headmate who was formed to keep other headmates company; often in co-con with other headmates.
A type of headmate designed to hold certain memories, emotions, symptoms, or otherwise within a system; oftentimes fragments, but not always.
→ Anger Holder: a headmate that holds the system’s anger; might be more likely to lash out than other headmates.
→ Pain Holder: a headmate that helps deal with physical ailments in the body, such as pain or sickness; likely has an easier time handling said ailments than other headmates.
→ Symptom Holder: a headmate that holds or more strongly exhibits symptoms of mental illness or neurodivergent behaviors; may exhibit symptoms of disorders not apparent in the system as a whole.
→ Trauma Holder: a headmate that holds significant trauma; may have more vivid memory of the event(s) or memories not recalled by other headmates; often more affected by said trauma.
A type of headmate that helps protect against various types of harm to the system.
→ Aggressor/ Aggressive Protector: a protector that’s more likely to be steadfast and have more aggressive mannerisms or methods than other protectors, but not to such a harmful degree as persecutors.
→ Emotional Protector: a headmate that protects against emotional harm and/or abuse.
→ Mental Protector: a headmate that helps protect against mental harm/abuse.
→ Persecutor: a misguided protector that tends to act harmfully towards others in the system, the body, or those around the system, whether in an outwardly aggressive or self-destructive manner.
→ Physical Protector: a headmate that helps protect against physical harm/abuse.
→ Sexual Protector: a headmate that helps protect against sexual harm/abuse.
A type of headmate that tends to front and/or is especially good at handling specific situations.
→ Academic Headmate: a headmate that is more inclined to help with academic affairs, such as homework, attending classes, studying, etc.
→ Sexual Headmate: a headmate that is highly sexual in nature; may or may not have formed to cope with sexual trauma; not considered a protector.
→ Social Headmate: a headmate that is more inclined to help with social affairs; may be more social or extroverted than other headmates.
Headmate roles that do not fit into the above categories.
→ Host: the headmate that fronts the most and handles most day-to-day situations; may be responsible for many or most decisions.
→ Gatekeeper: a headmate that has a greater degree of control over the front than other headmates; may guard the fronting room and/or have more knowledge of the system as a whole than other headmates.
→ Manager: a headmate that has an easier time making decisions for the system; often more logic-driven than other headmates.
→ Little: a child headmate aged 10 or under.
→ Middle: a tween/teen headmate aged 11-17.
-> Young Adult: an adult headmate aged 18-25.
-> Adult: an adult headmate aged 26+
-> Centenarian: an adult headmate aged 100 years or older
-> Ageless: a headmate who's age is indeterminate for any reason, including but not limited to being too old to be worth counting, in source time shenanigans, having an age that shifts frequently or varies heavily enough to not have a "true age", or being otherwise literally ageless.
Source Status
→ Introject: a headmate who formed with traits, background, or full identity of an outside source; may be a real-life source such as a person or childhood toy, or a fictional source, such as a character.
→ Sourceless: a headmate who seems to be introjected but does not have a definitive outside source or does not connect to their source at all.
-> Brainmade: a headmate that is not introjected and is instead entirely original to the brain
Types of Introjects
→ Factive: an introject who takes on traits or identity from a real person.
→ Fictive: an introject who takes on traits or identity from a fictional source, often characters in media.
-> Fictish/Factish: a headmate who is partially introjected and does not feel wholly attached to their source, and doesn't feel like just "brainmade" "sourceless" or "introject" describes the entirety of their identity or their relationship with their source.
→ Songtive: an introject who takes on traits or identity based on a song.
→ Playtive: an introject who takes on traits or identity based on a toy, usually one from childhood.
→ Headmate: a fully sentient and independent headmate who is able to function on their own.
→ Companion: a complex established NPC, often animals, that are tied to specific headmates and often accompany them; generally can only be understood by their associated headmates.
→ Fragment: a headmate who is at least partially sentient, but not generally independent and able to function on their own; often hold specific feelings, symptoms, or memories.
→ NPC: a being in the innerworld who is not sentient or considered a headmate; named after the term “non-player character.”
→ Human: a headmate who presents as a human.
→ Nonhuman: a headmate who presents as any other species than human; often as an animal, supernatural creature, or humanoid with animalistic features.
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sslowdeathh · 5 months
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not requested, coined for a headmate. please tell us if this has been coined before.
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A term for a headmate that enjoys "digital decorating"! rentries, carrds, prns.ccs, and all other things - this headmate likes to make them look nice and fancy :-)
The more saturated version is under the cut
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no spoons for plain text :(
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butterednuttered · 6 months
A beloved alter is an alter that often gives affection, joy and positive vibes to people within or outside of the system. This can be platonic, romantic, etc. A beloved alter often gives compliments and can be clingy, excitable, and optimistic.
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mogaiers · 17 days
[PT: Exoudénmate;; ]
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pronounced as (ex-oo-din-mate) !!
with two different versions (because tumblr ate the third up tbh) :D !!
colors based off;; idk started with vaporwave and then i got silly w it
A label for introjects of all kinds who are so source seperated in one way or another that they feel as if they no longer are an introject at all !!
Requested by;; anon !!
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name explanation;;
originates from two ancient greek words:
ἐξάπτω - to attach to, fasten to, cling to
οὐδέν - no one, none, nothing
for the label we will be using only a few of the definitions in this context:- Cling/attach to Nothing, exápto oudén mate !!
tagging under cut
@radiomogai @pluralitywords @pluralterms @system-term-archive @plurchive for archival
@idescription for ID
ty!!! :D
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local-yurei · 9 months
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Trauma Manager - a role similar to a trauma holder, but does not necessarily hold trauma. Trauma managers manage or otherwise deal with trauma in a way other headmates may be unable to.
etymology: trauma, manager
[ID: a rectangular flag with 3 stripes, the top and bottom being thicker than the thin middle stripe. in the centre there is a lighter blue-green diamond that is light blue-green, since the left side has a shadow casting on it, the shadow cuts around the diamond and a diagonal line comes out from the bottom and the top, cutting the stripes into different sections, coloured as such from top left to bottom right in order: dark blue-green, dull blue-green, blue-green, darker blue-green. End ID]
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chowdercoining · 1 month
Perennial Host
A perennial host is an alter whose role as host is permanent. A perennial host may have other roles, but they will always be the host until fusion or dormancy.
A perennial host will rarely, if ever, be able to leave front, but they will always at the very least be co-conscious. They will likely have trouble accessing headspace, if they're able to at all.
This role is intended and made for P-DID systems to describe a role the dominant-alter may have, but may be used for any kind of system
Coining Date: August 17th, 2023
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elpisflags · 9 months
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Multiject is the state of having multiple sources at once. There's no "limit" to how many sources an alter can have. This can be due to fusion or integration.
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Free to use if system!!
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A suffix referring to how or why a specific alter formed, view themself as having formed, and/or are viewed by others in-system, in their system. For example 'Stressformed', would refer to an alter that formed because another alter(s) or the (sub)system as a whole was under stress.
They can also have to do with the alter's feeling about why they exist. For example, an Introject who died in source may consider themself to have been reborn into the system, and as such consider themself 'rebirthformed' ,or similar.
Sub terms under read more
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We know that some systems use the term split to refer to any time an alter formed in the system. However we use to specifically refer to new alters that split from already know alters in the system, this often will result in something of the original alter being taken to the new one. I will be using split how we(my system) typically use it, in this post. Example 'griefsplitformed'(shorted to griefsplit) would be an alter that split because of, to deal with, and/or to hold, another alter's grief.
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This would refer to an alter the form as they are now do to the fusion of alters. For an example 'fearfuseformed'(shorted to fearfused) would be an alter that formed by fusion because of fear.
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An alter the come out of dormancy, and they leaving dormancy is seen as formation for any reason. For example 'ragewakeformed'(shorted to ragewaked) would be an alter that come of dormancy because rage, in a way that is viewed as formation.
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An alter the formed from a NPC. For example traumanowPCformed(shorted to traumanowPC), would be a NPC that became an alter because, someone in the system/the system went through a new traumatic event or was reminded of past traumas.
All of these suffixes can also be used in combination with role term, in reference to alter that formed for a specific role regardless if they still are that role or not. For example protectorformed is an alter that was originally formed to be a protector, they may or may not still be one.
This was with complex dissociative disorder systems who don't like using "-genic" to describe individual alters(cough cough us) in mind
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Term not made by us!
“Musicative is an introject that comes from a song, music video, band, etc. A pluran in a system whose identity is a song.” - Pluralpedia
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[ID: None yet]
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Reposting on my coining blog.
Anyone can use this, just don’t bring discourse into it!
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belinhagamer999 · 3 months
[PT: Projector /END PT]
A projector is a headmate who is able to project images into the vision field of who is fronting, this headmate can have a window for it, or be a hallucination holder.
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Attention: [PT: Attention /END ID] If you see other people claiming to have coined this, keep in mind that it was just posted without my consent and credits.
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pluralitytermss · 1 month
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(Or borderbodimer) A headmate that is the literal embodiment of BPD (traits)
Side note: we are the og coiner of this term, however we posted it to pluralpedia last year. Do not repost without credit.
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