#intoject type
the-silent-fellowship · 4 months
Repost being I had read the ask wrong! Please repost this version!
[PT: Shiptive]
Shiptive, a subtype of fictives their a system member who is sourced from a ship, this can be a character from the ship, a ship child, etc.
This can also be attach to ship discourse as well but this meant to focus more on the ship itself rather than the outside world.
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[Tagging] @radiomogai, @liom-archive, @pluralitywords, @pluralterms
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fqirycollective · 2 years
System Terminology
System - a person with DID/OSDD-1/UDD/P-DID, may not like being called a system
Headmate - an alternate identity in the disorders above, also called an alter or a sysmate
Dissociation - the act of disconnecting from your thoughts, emotions, surroundings, etc., can be forced however it can be dangeros
Theory of Structural Dissociation - the leading theory of how systems form
DID - dissociative identity disorder
OSDD-1 - otherwised specified dissociative disorder subtype 1
UDD - unspecified dissociative disorder
P-DID - partial dissociative identity disorder
Front/Fronting - the alter in control of the body
Co-Front/Co-Fronting - when 2 or more alters are in control, though not always 50/50 and can have one alter in more control than the others
Co-Conciousness/Co-Con - different from co-fronting, 2 or more alters are concious and aware of their surroundings and what's going on around them
Switch/Switching - the act of the alter currently fronting "switching" the control to another alter
Trigger - multiple meanings. 1) a thing that pushes a person into past trauma states or causes high emotional distress or 2) something or someone who pushes an alter into front and possibly pulls the other away, can be positive or negative
ANP - apparently normal part
EP - emotional part
ANEP - apparently normal emotional part
Innerworld - something some systems have where alters who are not in front are, not a literal world, also called a headspace
Role - what an alter does in a system, some may not know but all alters have a role, can change over time
Type - what an alter is, typically part of their identity and typically doesn't change
Protector - a role in which a headmate protects the system, has multiple subtypes (physical protector protects physically, etc.)
Persecutor - a role in which a headmate harms the system in some way
Gatekeeper - a role in which a headmate may have the power to control switches, who has access to memories, access to parts of the innerworld, etc.
Caretaker/Caregiver - a role in which a headmate takes care of others, whether it's other headmates or other people
Soother - a role in which a headmate soothes other headmates or other people when they need help calming down
System-Specific Role - a role in which a headmate has a role specific to the system, although it's typically very rare to have a role that no one else experiences
Memory Holder - a role in which a headmate holds memories
Fragment - a 2d headmate that doesn't have a "full" identity
Trauma Holder - a subtype of memory holder in which a headmate holds traumatic memories or emotions, typically EPs
Symptom Holder - a role in which a headmate experiences/expresses more symptoms of a different disorder than other headmates
Trauma-Free Part - a headmate that doesn't have any traumatic memories, typically ANPs
Carefree Part - a headmate that may know traumatic memories, but it doesn't affect them. typically there is emotional amnesia involved with those with this role
Mood Booster - a role in which a headmate helps boost the mood by helping others feel better, possibly by helping them laugh or helping calm them down
Host - the alter who fronts the most, usually consistantly
ISH - internal self helper, a role in which a headmate helps the system in the innerworld or internally moreso than externally and doesn't/rarely fronts
NPC - non-playable character, a part of the innerworld when it comes to systems. NOT an alter and they can exist to give realism to an innerworld
NFA - non-fronting alter, an alter who does their role more internally and either does not or cannot front
Reformed Persecutor - a headmate that was a persecutor but has been able to heal and no longer harms the system
Little/Syskid - a type of headmate between the ages of 0-10/12, the range depends on the system
Nonhuman - a type of headmate that isn't human
Introject - a type of headmate based off a pre-existing thing
Fictive - an introject of a fictional character
Factive - an intoject of a factual source
Dead Headmate - a type of headmate that appears to be dead (headmates can't literally die), can be a dead species such as a ghost or vampire
Object Headmate - a subtype of nonhuman, where the headmate is an object
Ageslider - a headmate whose age slides between two, typically set, ages
Sexual Headmate - a headmate that is either hypersexual or sex repulsive, may front in sexual situations
Social Headmate - a headmate that typically fronts in social situations and may feel more at ease than others in the system
Animal Headmate - a subtype of nonhulan, where the headmate is an animal
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anendoandfriendo · 1 year
Actually, we just talked about it while answering one of the surveys we just reblogged, BUT we also are very annoyed so we will also just share our vent here we guess:
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And like, these aren't even the only options that exist.
Introjects can also be like, some stranger's pet rock. Or a blanket. Stuff like that. Not every intoject is a character or youtube persona or the like, even if that happens to be the most common/visible*.
We're a born-as endogenic system but we also have a pair of factive triplets in our system that were initially borne as a representation of our feelings towards a certain individual we know, whom are literally named Malice, Truth, and Ideals. They aren't representative of the person themselves but more like the refraction of our system's opinions on this person. There is a slight difference but the difference exists.
Spirits who were literally (safely!!!!) grabbed from trees, random broken items, etc. as someone walked by them like they're stray kittens. If you're the more psychological type but experience something similar to this for some reason, we imagine you might see this as either a spontaneous system or a created system, depending on how you spin it.
*We aren't sure if this is actually more common, or if the visibility makes it so there is the illusion of being more common. We feel the effects on plural and multiple communities are about the same at the current time of posting this.
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himbos-hotline · 2 years
common DiD terms
These are just words that we ourselves use and have seen thrown around on different places.
Core: The main part of the system. The part that existed first and first alters have split off. This is a kinda argued term in the community but I am adding it because it has been used. This alter can either be the host or not.
Headspace: inside the system. Not every ssytem can see into their headspae or even has one. We do, so we use it but there is no pressure to use it and being unable to see your headspace/innerworld or not even having one means that you are still a valid system.
Switching: An alter coming to the front and replacing another one while fronting. There can be quick instantious switches or they can take ages.
Front stuck: When an alter cannot switch out or be replaced by other another.
Repressed: An alter is made to go bye bye in the most stupidest way we can explain it. Basically an alter no longer exists. No alter can "die" but they can be repressed meaning that for a period of time they do not exist.
Co-concoius/ co-con: When two or more alters are in control at the same time. Think like four different people driving at once.
Splitting: Forming another alter.
System: the group of alters that exist in a system. There is no "diagnosable" amount of alters that a system can have- small systems are valid, huge systems are valid.
Alters: those who are part of the system. They are not personalities, they are different people. Like how you are different from your parnents and siblinsg despite sharing the same DNA.
Host: The alter that fronts the most, the one that is normally "in control" and completes day to day tasksor at least they should. The host may or may not be the core. Those two are not interchangeable. Some systems, like mine, may have more than one host. They are called co-hosts
Protectors: they, as the name suggests, they care for the system, the body, the core. or other specific alters.There are different types of protectors.
A. phsyical protectors: they try to take physical abuse as well as trying to prevent it as well as sometimes becoming agressive or physical in order to prevent it and guard people.
B.verbal protectors: are the ones who try to take verbal abuse from people and could possibly become verbally violent or lash back verbally in order to feel control.
C. sexual protectors: they take any sexual abuse done to the body and in rare circumstances could ATTEMPT to instigate sexual abuse through the use of intrusive thoughts or actions to feel more in control. They are liekly to fuel hyper-sexuality.
D. emotional protectors: they take emotional abuse or comfort other alters in order to soften the effects of emotional abuse.
E. caretakers: they take care of the body, the system or other weaker, softer people in the system. They can also be shown to take care of kids both in and outta the system.
Persecutors: They are a type of protector however their form of protection. is often not seen at protection as it is to cause harm. They either intentially cause harm to the system, the headspace, the core, the hosts or other alters. They can also be the one to sabotarge systems attempt at healing or care and may work with intojects of abusers. They may believe that harming the body/the headspace/system is the right thing to do since it teaches them how to behave in order to lesson the abuse or in an attempt to control them. Some of them may also be reactive abusers- reacting to a period of lessor abuse. Some other Persecuors may be introjects of abusers and may not understand that they are not the abuser themselves.
Introjects: They are alters based on outside sources. From real people to fictional characters. They may see themselves as whre they came from or not. If they do not relate they are not that person. Simple as. There is no arguemnt there. Introjects can be of people who provided care to the system but they can also be abusers.
Introjects based on abusers provide little to no support or moral compas to the system. They may reinact trauma or abuse as well as remember abusive lessons and reenforce them in order to reduce damage to the system and its systemmates.
Fictives: Introjects based off fictional characters. Fictive heavy systems like myself are valid. Fictives may see themselves as the media they come from [host medias] and may have memories of it or they may not. They are still valid and should not be forced to remember where they came from if they dont relate or identify with that part of themselves
Factives: Introjects that are based on real people. These people can be dead or still living. A lot of the time they are based on people that they system related too or spent a lot of time around growing up.
Memory holders: They often hold memories, as the name suggests. This can be memories of abuse and trauma that they keep hold of so the other system mates do not have to suffer them. They can also hold possitive memories with the intent to nurture and provide a good feeling. Memory holders are often found to work with or be with Abuse takers: system mates who take the abuse so other people dont have too.
Gatekeeper: an alter who has some vague control on what is happening inside the system. They often have contorl over who is fronting and who isn't, as well as access to the innerworld. They can also hold onto traumatic memories until the sytem is ready to recieve them or get them.Considering that they have control who does or does not front, they are either always or mostly found at the front of headspace and can often be seen as ageles, emotionless or standoffish or nonhuman due to all the things they eperience in a day in an attempt to understand and make sense of all the little things they are exposed too.
Internal Self helper: these are alters who have a vast amount of knowledge about the ssytem/alters/trauma. They are commonly the voice of reason and logic in most systems. They may or may not serve as gate keepers.
Fragment: An alter that is yet to fully devlop.
So yeah, that is the common terms for systems..I might have got some of these wrong but this is how I would explain my system using these words. But Yeah...
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the-rings-system · 4 years
We were part of a group chat that had an argument over fragments and the leader of the group/community was saying it’s impossible for fragments to evolve and become full alters because a fragment isn’t a role it’s a type of alter. We were under the impression fragments could become full alters and it’s crushed a couple of ours who wanted to try evolving more.
It’s 100% a thing, and is a pretty widely supported idea. Elizabeth Howell’s Understanding and Treating Dissociative Identity Disorder (which I wouldn’t recommend too wholeheartedly, I used it as a source in a paper and it served its purpose) uses an example of an abuser intoject fragment who could do nothing much other than scream and throw things, who eventually overcame his trauma and grew to have a larger range of emotions and contribute positively to the system.
My favorite quote about this from a friend is “I’ve only remembered my suffering. When my suffering abated, I was able to remember I am a person.”
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the-prisma-system · 5 years
Anyways if u hate on factive or fictive introject alters you can go fuck yourself. They didn't fucking ask to be made, they didn't choose their source. I don't care how fucking "cr1ngey" you think they are, they are real fucking alters, real fucking people. They didn't choose to be based on real or fictional people, they didn't ask to be made. But they were. And they deserve love and respect like everybody else. Even the 'uncommon' types, like intojects of celebrities or famous people. If you meet an alter who says that their 'source' is bràd fucking pítt, then say "hi, nice to meet you, brad." (If they choose to go by that). No matter how similar or dissimilar they are to their source, they are their own people. They deserve the same fucking respect as everyone else.
Fucking mic drop, I'm out.
Sincerely, a really pissed-the-fuck-off protector
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the-silent-fellowship · 2 months
[PT: ???tive]
“???tive is when a system member knows they're outsourced in some way, but don’t know what that source is due to the source either not existing in this world or having not found it yet.” - Pluralpedia(link)
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[Tags] @system-term-archive, @pluralitywords, @pluralterms, @radiomogai
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22 notes · View notes
A alter who is sourced from fan made content for fictional works, with no connections with the original work other then the Fanmade content. Such as headcanons, aus, fan edits, spoilers, etc.
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Examples of this could be, a alter who is sourced form a popular fandom but the body has not interacted with the content of that fandom other then things made by the fandom such as edits. So the member may not have proper knowledge of the contents of the source other then those that they saw from things like spoilers.
This term was made for two members of our system who would account as this, Zac and Hunter!
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the-silent-fellowship · 10 months
[PT: Previvmate]
“A previvmate is a system member who knew at least one other system member in a past life, and has ended up in the same body in this life. A previvmate may have been there from birth, or may have joined later, and may or may not have shared a body in their previous life as well.” - Pluralpedia(link)
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[Tagging] @radiomogai, @pluralitywords, @pluralterms, and @plurality-faq
[Reposting on] @blood-moon-night-coining
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Term not made by us!
“Musicative is an introject that comes from a song, music video, band, etc. A pluran in a system whose identity is a song.” - Pluralpedia
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Reposting on my coining blog.
Anyone can use this, just don’t bring discourse into it!
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the-silent-fellowship · 10 months
Hello everyone!
The Muppet of the hour is back in business! Its been a bit sense I’ve shown my face here, but I’m here now! I’d love to take suggestions for things for things like flags or just things in general, just send them in the asks and I’ll get to them as soon as possible!
I’ll be doing: System roles, Intojects types, Fictive sources flag, and other system terms (other then origins due to just not wanting to do them).
[credit for the reply icon]
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the-silent-fellowship · 2 months
[PT: Fictospiritive]
Fictospiritive, a type of Spiritive(link) and Fictive(link) connected to Ficto-Religions(link). Those who are Fictospiritives can be sourced from the ones that faith is about, general idea, the flags, etc!
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[ID: none yet]
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[Tags] @system-term-archive, @pluralitywords, @pluralterms, @radiomogai, @ficto-religious-archive
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the-silent-fellowship · 11 months
[PT: Facamtive]
A Factive version of Editive(link)
Facamtive, A alter who is sourced from fan made content for real world works, with no connections with the original people (Influencers, Celebrities, etc.). This can be things like, Fanart, Fan Cams, Fan edits, etc.
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[ID1: A horizontal striped flag. From top to bottom, it goes cyan, turqoise, white, cobalt, dark blue, cobalt, white, turquoise, cyan. There is a cartoon style camera in the middle. END ID]
[ID2: Same as previous, but without the camera. ]
(ID credit: @bigender-sliver-of-straw)
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[Tagging] @radiomogai, @pluralitywords, and @pluralterms
[Will repost on] @blood-moon-night-coining
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TO be hOnest, it’s strange tO be in a system with members whO share yOur sOurce and all Of us have different memOries.
Like I gOt mainly negative Ones but sOmeOne like Puppet Or Ennard have neutral Ones.
- 🔳🪓 Vanessa [Ax/Axeself]
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