#flag request
Hello! I saw your requests for moodboards, flags and such were open! :)
Would you be able to make a Cursed Vampirekin flag? I don't see much if any of my kind out there :)
Tysm!! If you can't that's also cool :}}
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do not edit the empty flag without permission to do so, you may use flags normally but need to be credited for the creation
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fantasy-store · 5 months
could i get an arissoperisex? i am bodily intersex but i feel hugely disconnected from my intersexism
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An Arissomei/Arissodic term that refers to a disconnect a person feels towards their intersexism and perisexism due to a multitude of factors, this can be delusional or IRL attachments, being an alter who's sex differs from the body, psychosis, etc. This is not a for "fun" label or a voluntary "I wanna be this ✨️✨️✨️", this also doesn't override external intersexism and is to merely acknowledge the disconnect.
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requested by anon, no spoons for ids
These identities are NOT transid or radqueer friendly and are NOT in support for "transitioning" tips/subliminals/advice/etc. As well they don't support the fetishization, romanticization, misinformation, etc. of mental illnesses, disabilities, races, or disorders. (Because these terms also understand you can't change these things)
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tagging @acetrappolaswife, @docsfallfromgrace
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scr-ppup · 5 months
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[ID/A dark red line with gold lining and a repeating star and half moon pattern./end ID]
[PT/Stolainpoweric/end PT]
A whumpgender term related to having one's power stolen or drained from them as a form of punishment/torture or something else specifically in whump media for gender reasons.
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ID/two identical flags of 12 even horizontal stripes. From top to bottom the colors go in a gradient dull moss to dark red and dark purple to magenta. The second flag has a semi circle on the top half of the flag with a smaller semi-cirle inside it going from top to bottom in a gradient of purple to magenta with small accent swirls of purple, blue, magenta and pink, it has an rim of blue-pink-white gradient, white-magenta, and white-pink-blue gradient color and in between the small semi-cirle and the rim is a white space. On each side mirroring one other there are small hand-drawn cloud-like swirls with white outline and color. At the center-bottom is a hand-drawn sketchy figure with only one closed eye, two eyebrows and a visible nose, it's colored in white and has a white outline with black line art./end ID
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[ID/A dark red line with gold lining and a repeating star and half moon pattern./end ID]
Etymology; Stolen + drain + power + ic.
Requested by anon
Taglist; @radiomogai
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strawby-jelli · 7 months
If you’re still up for doing flag combos, could you do ambiamorous with bisexual and/ or bigender?
Idk how you would do that and you don’t have to do all of them, but there’s an idea for you
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transid-duo · 2 years
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Transheterochromia :: a transabled identity where one wishes to have/identifies as having heterochromia.
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The original coiner of this term :: https://kayothecoiner.tumblr.com/post/686432661873590272/transheterochromia ( @kayothecoiner )
Reminder !! While we do not have a dni if you are rude or disrespectful under this post you will be blocked.
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seraphtrix · 9 days
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(Too lazy and busy to update my pronouns page right now so posting here!!)
Identity update again (feel free to make a flag based off of my identity if you want for me hehe)....
— Genderqueer Isogender ParaAzurgirl Demigirl
(I am not comfy with calling myself either "trans" nor "cis" which is why I use the term Isogender as well now. I still somewhat consider myself a detrans woman still. I also still use he/she + neos/xenopronouns.)
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kinnie-coins · 18 days
can you make an multi fictive flag for being a fictive of mable pines,star butterfly and pinkie pie (this is a rewusts for one flag) -solaris
Fictive Flag for: Mabel Pines, Star Butterfly, and Pinkie Pie all in one!
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[ First image has hand-drawn stars, hearts, and other fun decor on the flag, in a cutesy style. The second is without. The flag is three shades of pink, with pastel blue in-between. The drawn on decorations are shades of yellow, pink, and purple. ]
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I hope you like it !! 🤍 🤍
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tatzlyip · 1 year
mlm and demiboy splendid pls pls 😿 i need it
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i made two versions!
pride/flag requests are still open! :] preferably send link/images of the flags you want me to do!
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kschwal-makes-art · 5 months
ksch. kschwal. i would like a flag for my gender (explosiongender). related to explosions and exploding yourself and thoses around here. different from being a bomb, just being an explosion in itself. kaboom. yknow?
please 🥺 /nf
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here u go <2
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a-agere-archive · 1 year
During break times between rebloging.
I am more then open to answering questions! Or even taking flag request, being I do make flags myself (my account being @/soapy-anon-agre) so I am willing to make flags!
You can send questions or request in my asks!
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Sincerely - 🧼 Soapy
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fantasy-store · 9 months
Astigmatism, Myopia and Hyperopia
[pt: Astigmatism, Myopia and Hyperopia]
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2/3 requested by @belinhagamer999
exclusive to people with these conditions
transx/id and radqueer can fuck off
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left: astigmatism, a flag for those with astigmatism, a common occurrence in the eye where there is an imperfect curvature causing both blurred distance and near vision, the front surface or the lense inside the eye have mismatched curves.
middle: myopia, a flag for those with myopia aka nearsightedness, another common condition in the eye where objects and things close to you seem clear while things at a distance will appear blurry, caused by light refracting incorrectly in the eye.
right: hyperopia, a flag for those with hyperopia aka farsightedness, the opposite of myopia, a common condition where objects and things close by appear blurry but at a distance will appear clearer, also caused by incorrect light refraction in the eye.
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included the last one because im farsighted myself.
also tagging @your-fave-is-crippled and @cpunkwitch
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[id: a green to white gradient box with a gif of candles and witchcraft tools on a shelf in the background and dark green text on top of the image reading "dni if... transx/transid, radqueer, terf. more in pinned post. free to use/identify so long as you respect my boundaries. exclusive terms/flags are non-debatable". :end id]
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bitter-goodbyes · 2 years
Could someone combine the trans, queer (rainbow), and queerplatonic flags? Like not mix the colors and stuff, but have 1/3 be the rainbow one, 1/3 the trans one, and 1/3 the QP one?
Thank you!!!
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fan-ren · 1 year
give flag requests
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strawby-jelli · 7 months
Hello! I saw a post about a post saying you were doing pride flag combos? Can you combine bi and Genderfluid please if you are still doing that?
Yeah! Thought this said genderqueer at first so I’d made a bi + gq one, that’s why I took a bit lol
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awapup · 2 years
♡☆★☆♡ Requests ♡☆★☆♡
Hiyaaa!!  It’s Awa U(≧ε≦σ)U and requests status should be in de bio!!!
Will take:
Flags (kintype/kithtype/aldernic/hearthic/vesil/allion/chronosian/a-spec terms/mspec terms/MOGAI/LIOM/pronouns/exclusive identities with restrictions/alternatives)
Coining (MOGAI/LIOM with the exception of s*xualities/kintypes/kithtypes/aldernic/hearthic/vesil/allion/chronosian/aro-spec terms/exclusive identities with restrictions)
Term searching (genders only)
will NOT take:
Anyting s*xual orientation related
NSFW/18+/Anyting similar
Anything factkin
Coining exclusive identities we are not a part of
Anything fitting the DNI
Requesting anyting like that is an instant block U(・`ω´・)U
tank uuu, bye now!!! U(๑≧ω≦๑)U :。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:・゚’☆
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transid-duo · 2 years
Found the transheterochromia flag! Though it’d be cool if you made an alt flag
[coining post]
Alt flag posted! — 🦟
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