#🏠 : conversation
I wonder how many other Wally Darling (fictives) are out there. If your a Wally Darling fictive from the ARG Welcome Home say hello! (Of course if you only want too it’s not needed!)
I just wanna see how many of us are out there! And if your not another Wally and just a Sourcemates you can interact with this post as well!
- 🏠 Wally Darling (He/Adore/Xo)
(Credit for reply icon)
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Client Conversations | Securing Peace of Mind with Digital Surveillance CCTV Installer!"
Step into the world of security solutions with Digital Surveillance CCTV Installer! 🛡️ Join us for a glimpse into real client conversations as we discuss their security needs and tailor personalized CCTV installation plans. From homes to businesses, we're here to ensure your peace of mind. Trust Digital Surveillance to safeguard what matters most to you.
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svsembedded · 1 year
SMART GLOVE Sign to Speech🗣️Conversion and Home🏠Automation💡Control for Mute Communityhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCDdw9PCgX8
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loveemagicpeace · 8 months
How u think based on your mercury☕️
🤘🏽🔥Mercury in Aires-your thinking is quite impulsive and quick. You make quick decisions. Usually, all things are related to you, which means that your opinion is important to you, and you can be a person who has a strict opinion and also direct. They don't like to go into details, but they like to get to the point. They are not too loud, they usually speak their mind if someone asks them for it. They rarely interfere with others.
🍿☕️Mercury in Taurus- you have your own way of thinking, many times old school. Many times you are stubborn about your opinion and stick to what you think. It's hard for anyone to convince you otherwise. You like to take your time when you say something. You like conversation over food and drink. You like debates, as long as they lead you to some sense.
⚡️Mercury in Gemini -your thinking is quick and unexpected. You change your opinion quickly and many times you don't look at the opinion of others. You are interested in what they think. You like rumours. You are all over the place with your thoughts and like to open new topics. It's hard to figure out what you're thinking because you're not really thinking at all.
🏠🧃Mercury in Cancer-your thinking is very emotional, you perceive many things through emotions and you can be easily hurt by the opinion of someone close to you. Many times, the opinion of your family is important to you, especially your mother. Many times you can look at what she thinks. When you are angry, you can often hurt others with your words. They have a very whiny or more childish voice. But many times it can come across as being moody.
🎠🧁Mercury in Leo-your thinking can often be childish and playful. You don't take what others tell you too seriously. But it's still a part of you when you look at it. Many times it is important to you how people view your hobbies, passion and dating. I also noticed that these people don't like to talk about this topic or expose themselves through it. Many times you can assert your opinion even if you know you are wrong. They have a very loud voice.
📞🛁Mercury in Virgo-your thinking is quite analytical. You analyze and think about things a lot, even though it may not seem like it. You can also have an anxious investigation. You often like to talk about practical things and share them with others. Sometimes you talk about things that only interest you. And a lot of times you don't let people talk or impose their opinion on you. But sometimes you have a hard time accepting an opinion. But you also have a very critical mindset. Their thinking is either down to earth or not so much. Because this is a mutable sign.
⚖️Mercury in Libra-your thinking often depends on others (unless you have different views). You want to serve people somehow and you care about what they think of you. Sometimes these people don't even have their own opinion because because they are so reliant on others. You want to create some peace and balance. You have diplomatic and rational thinking. I think that these people never focus on the person or emotions in a problem, but above all on the surroundings and the entire situation.
🥃Mercury in Scorpio-your thinking is above all intense, deep (you always delve into things and evaluate them from all possible angles). A lot of times you think like the fbi - you investigate all possible things and you want to get to the bottom of the truth. Your thinking is never without meaning or control. You are always in control of what is happening. And everything you say is very well thought out, you usually choose with what words you say something and in what way. Many times your thinking is a secret, which means that people never find out what you are thinking and that they can often judge you as a person who is a secretive. You read other people very well. Also u have very sharp mind.
🍹🎡Mercury in Sagittarius-your thinking is optimistic, positive and fiery. Many times you are a person who has a very intelligent mind. You say things as they are with sincerity and directness. You have very strict opinions. Many times you can open people's minds or help them understand certain things that they don't. You have a very interesting way of speaking and people love to listen to you. Many times they will give you very smart and realistic advice. They always look at the bigger picture.
⏳Mercury in Capricorn-your thinking can often be pessimistic or too realistic. In some cases, even cruel. Many times I notice that people don't like you if you are too conceited or a dreamer. Their thinking is quite serious and strict. They like to stick to rules and a certain outlook. These natives think carefully before taking a step. Many times they talk about work, success or something related to reality. But many times they have a sleepy or calm voice.
🪼Mercury in Aquarius-your thinking may be quite different from others. Many times you have a completely different opinion about something than others have. Many times you are the smart guy and look at things from a logical perspective. In many cases, you can be rebellious. You may often feel that your thinking is too outside the box. These people usually don't even give their opinion that much unless someone asks them for it. They can come forward very quietly. They will rarely say anything unless necessary.
🧝🏽‍♀️Mercury in Pisces-your thinking is rather fanciful and illusory. You are almost never realistic because it seems too down to earth. You can also have a poetic way of speaking. Many times people don't understand what you want to tell them because your thinking is so subconscious and deeper. I also notice that sometimes these people don't know how to choose the right words when they say something and things can turn out differently than they were thinking.
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the girl next door 4
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as age gap, manipulation, chronic illness, noncon/dubcon, coercion, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: A new neighbour moves in and upends your already disarrayed life.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself.
This lewk but silverfox
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Even if the work is a lot and at times tedious, you’re grateful for the excuse to stay inside. As you hole yourself inside the house and tidy the messes, big and small, you can hear the conversations out the walls, wafting in through open windows. It’s as content as your mother’s been in the last few years. Steve is nice enough and he doesn’t have that same snooty lean as the other suburbanites.
As you mop, you think of how he mentioned the city. You wonder what it was like. Before your grandma passed, you and your mom lived in a walk-up in a small town. Everyone there knew your names too and reviled it just the same. You never mean any harm but wherever you go, you seem to inspire spite.
Dishes, floor, walls, dusting, errant cobwebs, clutter...
You work until your mother comes in, swinging the door violently as she drags herself inside. You go to help her and she swats you away. You retreat and she finds her way to the recliner. You shut the door and lock it.
“Wonderful man,” she groans as she lays her head back and tilts the chair, extending the footrest, “don’t make ‘em like that anymore. He’s the sort I shoulda picked.” She closes her eyes and gives a wry hum, “’specially over your dad.”
You don’t say a word. She only mentions your father to remind you of that half of you she hates. You gather up the clothes on the couch into a basket. The laundry will have you up late. Your own fault; you should’ve done this all a lot sooner.
“Should I start dinner?” You ask.
“I don’t know if I’m in the mood for burnt chicken,” she scoffs meanly.
“I could do mac and cheese,” you offer.
“I’m teasing ya. Jeez, you got no sense of humour,” she sighs dreamily, “not like Steve. Such a charming man.”
You pass through the kitchen and descend to the basement to fill the washer. You add soap and twist the knob. You leave the basket on the lid and head back up. You peruse the fridge as you ponder what to make. Mac and cheese would be easiest.
You get started and the TV blips on in the next room. The audio helps chase away the tension. You leave the water to boil and lean on the archway that looks into the front room.
“Um, mom, what should I make tomorrow? For uh, dinner? With... him?”
“Well, don’t sound so damn excited,” she sits up, “whatsa matter with you? The nice man wants to come see us, unlike the rest of these snobs. My own sister won’t come through that door.” She snorts and shakes her head, “you can go to the store tomorrow and grab something nice. I don’t want ya serving that man starchy potatoes. Down at the fancy store, they got those premade meals.”
“Those are expensive,” you remark.
“And? You get your stipend, you don’t gotta be leeching off of me,” she snips.
“Um, yes, I know, I wasn’t--”
“God, look at that,” her eyes flick up to the ceiling, goddamn dusty, it’s a wonder I can breathe.”
You look up and see what she means. There’s a layer of dusty on the ceiling fan as it turns lazily on its lowest setting.
“I’ll get it--”
“Better. You’re not gonna embarrass me tomorrow. I’d be better off if you stay in your room,” she tuts.
“If you want--”
“No, you come out and say hi. Don’t be rude. You know I did try to teach you manners. You just never spoke enough to use them.”
You frown and look down meekly. She’s not wrong. You turn and go to grab the duster. You don’t think tomorrow is going to be any different than any other.
The next morning, go out to the grocery store to grab the meal for that evening. As you return, you linger at the end of the street. You can see Steve on his lawn. You wait for him to go inside before you drive up and pull into the driveway.
You carry the bags inside with your sights set on the house and nothing else. Inside, you put down your haul on the counter and put each item away, one at a time. Your mother is in the bathroom, chirping out a song out of key.
“God dammit,” she snarls, “I can’t find my red lipstick,” she rattles through her bin of makeup. She doesn’t wear it very often. “Get in here.”
Before you can pass the open door, her demand pulls you back. You enter as she sits on a stool in front of the mirror. She shoves the bin away and grumbles.
“Here,” she holds out a pair of tweezers with a tremble, “damn brows are unruly.”
You nod and step closer. You press a hand gently to her forehead and pluck out the stray hairs, shaping them as best you can.
“Don’t forget my lip,” she huffs hot breath onto you. “Don’t think he’ll like the tickle.”
She chuckles to herself. You don’t get it. You finish and step back, holding up the hand mirror for her. She shrugs.
“Get me some of that moisturizer,” she points unsteadily to the shelf above the toilet. You do as she says. “Mm,” she grumbles as you face her again, “not wearing that, are ya?”
You look down. The loose tee shirt with butterflies on it and the faded jeans are a bit plain. You tug on the hem and raise your head.
“You got a dress somewhere in there,” she shakes her head as she flips the cap up on the bottle after three tries. “I bought you some nice ones and you never put them one.”
“Uh, okay, yeah, I’ll check,” you promise. “Need help?”
You reach for the bottle and she keeps it out of your reach. You back up and leave her. You can sense her agitation growing.
You cross the hall to your bedroom and go to the closet. You slide the door open and sift through the contents hung from the bar. There’s a dress. A pink polka dot dress she got you in high school. Nothing special; a bargain bin cotton a-line with thin straps.
You take it out and examine it. That was the only dance you went to. You got stood up by the boy who asked you. You realise now it was only ever a joke at your expense.
You undress by your bed and put the dress on. It’s tight. Maybe it’s shrunk or maybe you’ve gotten bigger. You didn’t think your chest had grown that much since high school but it’s bulging out and your thighs feel a bit too exposed. You go into the hall and back into the bathroom. You shift the door as you mother works as spreading the eye cream above her cheekbones.
You look at your reflection and cringe. You turn to your mom.
“It’s too small,” you say to her.
She peers over with a scowl. She looks you up and down and drops the tube of cream. She shakes her head.
“Put a sweater over it,” she sneers, “it’s fine.”
“Right, uh, okay,” you agree and swallow. Even with a sweater, you don’t know. The skirt won’t be any longer.
“Would ya stop crowding me?” She shoos you tersely.
You push the door back against the wall and slip out of the bathroom. You head back to your bedroom and pick out a grey cardigan. It has no buttons but it’s at least as long as the dress. It’s better than feeling so exposed.
You hardly think it will matter. You already feel like a third wheel. Steve didn’t exactly spend hours talking to you and your mother as much as said you are collateral. They’re both just putting up with you because you’re there.
You run your hands over your face and hair. Can't dress that up. You pout at your reflection. You wish you could iust hide on your room and draw.
You look over at your sketchbook and cross the room. You sit on your bed and slide the folding table close. You open the pages and pick up the pencil. You straighten the page you tore from the old home and garden magazine and copy the shape of the amaryllis petals.
You can forget a little longer until real life wakes you up.
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yourdaddyfigure · 1 year
Plz Read Before Interacting!
This is an (18+ only) blog. Please if you’re under the age of 18 kindly show some respect and don’t follow this blog or blogs I interact with. If you enjoy my post please follow my backup @urdaddyfigure.
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I very much love interacting with my mutuals and following. Feel free to come chat! The best way to reach me is through an ask which is open to all.🫶🏼 I am more likely to reply to asks & anons, all I ask is you be respectful and I promise to do the same. Note I’m not interested in any sexting, so if that’s your endgame here you will be sadly disappointed. I’d rather have genuine conversations and hear about your interests instead.
If I reblog something of yours you want deleted, please message me to let me know.🫶🏼
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Emoji Army:
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imagineredwood · 4 months
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5. Neighbors 🏠
Summary: First he was your neighbor, then your friend, now your…Valentine?
Pairing: Jax Teller x female reader
Warnings: none that I can think of
Word count: 683
A/N: Haven't written for Jax in forever and somehow forgot that he's just so prettyyyyyy
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The knock on your door was sharp yet soft as it rang out. It startled you, your phone tumbling from your hand and onto your lap as you cursed. Hand to your chest, you smiled knowing exactly who it was at your door just by the knock. You trotted up and unlocked your door, unsurprised to see Jax standing there with a lopsided smile. You were surprised, however, to see his hands. His arms were cradling a bouquet of pink roses, a pink teddy bear, a heart-shaped carton of chocolates, and a card. He shifted his weight to his other foot awkwardly, his smile warm but nervous-looking now. 
"Good afternoon, darlin'." 
You blinked, feeling heat starting to rise up on your cheeks and ears. 
"Good afternoon, Jax." 
He wiggled his arms a bit, his own cheeks taking on the slightest of a pink hue. 
"I remember you saying that you didn't have a Valentine this year, or any of the other years for that matter. So I figured I'd spoil you." 
Your heart thumped in your chest, your lips forming into a smile of their own accord. 
"I...I don't know what to say." 
The Son grinned, his boyish charm ever-present. 
"Thank you would be fine." 
You chuckled, willing the heat that prickled the tips of your ears to go away. 
"Thank you, Jax." 
You opened the door wide and let him into your home, not for the first time. He was your neighbor going on a year, and the both of you had enjoyed each other's company on and off in the recent months. He was a single dad and you were just single, both of you forming a friendship that every now and then seemed to be just a little bit more than that. You had a crush on him for a while now, late-night deep conversations making you fall for him on the nights when you watched the boys if needed. You'd learned about him and in turn, he'd learned about you. Which was exactly why he was here now. 
He placed the items down on your counter and turned back to face you with a suddenly sheepish smile. 
"Figured you didn't have a Valentine and neither did I, so it only made sense right?" 
You nodded, butterflies in your stomach. 
"I feel bad, I didn't get you anything. I didn't want to seem,..."
You trailed off and the Son smirked. 
You nodded and let out a soft laugh. I also didn't know if I had been reading too much into things." 
Jax leaned back against your counter, and shrugged, blue eyes sparkling as they gazed at you. 
"No reading too much into anything here. I'll have you if you'll have me." 
He was playing it off cool, but the truth was he was just as nervous as you. He liked you, had for a while now, but shared the same apprehension as you. What if you were just being nice? What if you only wanted to be friends? What if he had just too much baggage? But seeing your giddiness, he knew the feeling was mutual. You smiled softly, his eyes drawn to the warmth of your smile and your eyes and he held both hands out towards you. Steps slow, you made your way up to him, placing your hands into his and sighing happily as they closed around yours. He tugged you into him suddenly, laughing at the gasp you let out as you tumbled into his chest. He placed his hands on your waist respectfully high and squeezed, his smile fading as he looked at you. 
"I mean it. I like you. The boys like you. I'd say it's fair that you like me. So,"
His thumb was gentle as it traced circles into your side and you nodded softly, hands coming up to rest on his shoulders, the flannel warm and comforting under your fingertips. 
"If you're asking me to be your Valentine this year, then yes. I will." 
Jax grinned, his perfect teeth on full display. 
"And the years after that if I'm lucky."
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@piccasoe @ateliefloresdaprimavera @gemini0410 @woahitslucyylu @my-rosegold-soul @that-chick212 @everyhowlmarksthedead @glimmerglittergirl  @fanaticfangurl21 @encounterthepast  @svintsandghosts @starrynite7114   @destynelseclipsa  @queenbeered @iamthegraham @emoengelfurleben  @otomefromtheheart @rosieposie0624 @papa-geralt-of-cirilla @beeroses @weirdosandhopelessromantics @kola95 @black-repunzel99 @xonickibaby @cruzwalters @myakai13 @mrsstevenbuchananstark @lyly00 @kaystacks17 @cole-winchester  @alexxavicry  @savagemickey03  @fanfic-n-tabulous  
SAMCRO taglist 
@irenne-stans @emoengelfurleben @kola95 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @fanfic-n-tabulous
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pigswithwings · 11 months
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MYHOUSE.WAD - On Happiness (2/2)
Sources: Rebecca Solnit, "Hope in the Dark" 🏠 @/thelovelesslesbian 🏠 Jean Valentine, "Sanctuary" 🏠 Wikipedia - Sorrow 🏠 Keith Hayes 🏠 Rebecca Solnit, "Hope in the Dark" 🏠 Wikipedia - Sorrow 🏠 Talula Merriwether Mays, "Asomatous" 🏠 James Baldwin in conversation with Nikki Giovanni
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thatskynews · 24 days
🗞️ Hot off the press! 🗞️
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Season of Nesting updates - Here's what's to come in 0.25.5
Our team has been following your feedback about your experience with the Season so far, so in our latest blog we share some insights about what’s coming up with the Season✨, your Nests🏠, and the Nesting Challenge Board 🤝 in the upcoming 0.25.5 update, and some of the long-term conversations around these for the future beyond the end of the Season.
Check out the blog:
Nest Credits to johnsten and rizawiza on Discord, ponztare and in_the_SKY_sega on Twitter, and thatsocialkev and lostgirlgaming on Twitch and Instagram!
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sunshine--void · 10 months
Listenn, if you'd write Neighbour being comforted by Wally in the time when their best friend had betrayed them in a way that ruins the friendship all together, that would be SO dear to me. People suck and i need the little yellow man rn
Oh I'm so sorry :( I hope this makes you feel at least a bit better!
🏠 Wally cheering you up after a friend betrayed you 🏠
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You had just gotten off the phone with a now ex friend
After the conversation the two of you just had it was safe to say that you definitely wouldn't be talking to each other anymore
After a second your brain finally seemed to register everything that just happened, and as you looked down you realized your phone screen was now covered in tears
Before you could get up to calm yourself down one of your neighbors knocked on the door
You Immediately started panicking, you didn't want any of your neighbors to see you like this
"Neighbor are you there?" A familiar voice rang out
"Definitely wally... I suppose he's not the worst person that could have shown up" you thought to yourself So you took a deep breath and wiped the tears off your face
And you slowly walked towards the door and opened it
"Hello neighb-" he stopped mid sentence when he saw your crying face
"Neighbor?" You were immediately embarrassed,
"It's uhm, it's a long story" You replied hoping he would just move past it
But instead he took your hands in his and replied with "well I have plenty of time"
As he led you to your couch he immediately started asking questions
And you replied to all of them, happy to have someone to vent too
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The entire time he was rubbing his hand up and down your arm
And wiping away all your tears for you
When your finally done venting he will sit there and continue comforting you
He's small so he'll sit in your lap and let you cuddle him
Afterwards he'll bring you painting with him
Losing a friend sucks but he'll do anything and everything in his power to help you <3
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fluffansmut · 6 months
Eddie Munson x crybaby!reader
Fairy’s first Christmas - December 2
Advent calendar | masterlist
The little village.
Most of the christmas decorations in the Munson household were either really cheap stuff from melvalds, or things that were passed down to Wayne from Eddie’s grandmother.
He unfortunately had little to no memory of her so it was only sentimental to Eddie because it was something that Wayne would put up every year.
Among other things there was a ceramic Christmas village.
Four little houses with lights in, a couple of christmas trees and a few figurines.
You quite enjoyed to look at it, sitting on Eddie’s shoulder as Wayne unpacked the house and plugged in the lights.
But one of the figurines gave you and off feeling.
It looked so, grumpy, like it judged you and all your life choices without even knowing anything about anything.
“Why is he mad?” You whispered to Eddie as Wayne carefully placed each figurine on the cotton wool.
“Who? Uncle Wayne?” Eddie asked, genuinely confused about who you were referring to.
“Nooooo” you said, eyeing the older man who’s eyes twinkled with nostalgia. “Him”
You gestured in the general direction of the figurine and finally the gears clicked in Eddie’s mind.
“Oh honey, baby he is not real” Eddie said, reassuringly, with a smile playing on his lips, cause god you were cute.
“But you said earlier that it’s supposed to be joyful… so why put him up if he looks mad?” You asked, eyebrows deep knit together in confusion.
“Well he’s supposed to be Scrooge, so being grumpy is kind of his trademark” Eddie began explaining as he plucked you from his shoulder, holding you out in-front of him.
When he saw that recognition never settled on your face he quickly promised to tell you the story of a Christmas Carol later.
The following day a couple of minutes before Eddie had to leave he was looking for you.
You had promised to stay in the living room whilst Eddie brushed his teeth, but when he returned you were gone.
He checked all the usual hiding places but couldn’t find you anywhere. It wasn’t until he turned towards the Christmas village that he noticed the sudden changes that were made.
One figurine was missing and there were wings sticking up behind the house furthest back. He plucked you up by the wings which made you squawk at the surprise.
“Well hello there sweetheart” he said, holding you level with his face.
“Oh hi Eddie” you twinkled, trying and failing to look innocent.
“Where did you hide him, hrmm?” Eddie asked, not thinking for even a second that you had any other business by the village.
You crossed you arms and huffed in Eddie’s direction.
“I did not.” You said.
Eddie sighed and moved you over to the couch.
“Now I don’t care how you do it but I want that figurine back on the displaytable before Wayne return this evening alright?” Eddie said, voice serious.
You crossed your arms and got very huffy.
Had Eddie not seen the attitude that figurine had towards you?
“Pout all you want baby, I gotta go now” Eddie said and moved to get his lunchbox.
But when he swooped it of the counter something scrambled inside it.
He opened it up and you saw just how busted you were on his face as he lifted the lid.
Eddie caught you by the leg when you tried to zoom your way out of the conversation.
“Now please baby, tell me what he’s doing in my lunchbox?” Eddie asked, ever so patiently.
“He’s in jail” you deadpanned.
“Jail” Eddie asked, as if he didn’t hear you correctly. “But why?”
“He was looking at me weird” you said with a shrug.
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Hello everyone!
Guess who’s back at front! Anyways, I notice that the host has been remaking/making flags. I wish too as well, do you think people would want source specific ones (ie: Welcome Home Fictive flag) being I’d be interested in doing them! Please inform me if anyone would want that being we got time to do so! Maybe even ask for specific sources and I can see if I can do them!
I will most likely be doing one for my source first before anything. But we will have to wait and see!
- 🏠 Wally Darling (He/Adore/Xo)
(Credit for Reply Icon)
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Welcome Home x Kaiju Reader
Envy Scale 👁
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Home: 5/10
While he's content to seeing you and is grateful for the attention you give him, that doesn't stop him from wishing he could actually walk, talk and interact with you like the others.
🏠 you'd sometimes feel his eyes on you, and when you'd look over, he'd have a bit of a sad expression.
🏠 He's happy when you pat his roof and speak to him like another neighbor, shown with fluttering his window shutters and slamming his door with a happy look in his eyes.
🏠 Uses "puppy-dog eyes" from time to time to get himself some love from you.
🏠 sort of annoys Wally, but he chooses to ignore it.
Wally: 9/10
Even though he loves his dear friends, when it comes to you, he finds himself becoming increasingly... impatient with them. He knows that sharing is caring, but he would really rather have most of your attention.
🍎 He doesn't show his impatience, but becomes increasingly close and clingy to you as time with the others passed.
🎨 He'd often make plans to have either picnics or painting sessions so he could get some alone time and to converse with you only. [Gets inwardly annoyed when someone asks to tag along]
🍎 When around other neighbors, he'll either stand close to you, pressing into your side, or if he was sitting on your shoulder, he'd press himself into the crook of your neck, watching you converse with the others unblinkingly.
👁 Is constantly looking for ways to go home with you, so he could have 24 hours of you to himself.
Barnaby: 0/10
Has no problem with sharing you; in fact as long as he's in your presence, he's very happy. Besides, his puns and jokes are for everyone.
🐶 if your sitting or laying down, he can simply sit himself next to you. And occasionally roll onto his back.
🤹‍♂️ Feels a sense of pride when you crack a joke or pun, either as a response or inadvertent, as that is a sign he's rubbing off on you.
🐶 Even when not being spoken to, the pep in your voice when speaking to the others makes him smile. Your laughing makes his tail wag, and he'll chuckle as well.
🤹‍♂️ at some point dosed off on you during a conversation with his friends, just focusing on your voice.
Julie: 4/10
She doesn't really mind sharing you, and is in fact the one to invite anyone nearby to join in on her playdate, but at times she'd want to be alone with you for your full attention.
🧸 Sometimes during downtimes, if someone were to join in your conversation between you and her, she'd pout slightly and wait. Sometimes, she might jump onto the conversation between you and the other neighbor without thinking.
🪀 if she's unable to successfully butt in to a conversation, she'll be a bit pouty and lean against you, tracing little shapes on your side, or playing with your hair if she's sitting on your shoulder.
🧸 Unlike Wally, she's not overly good at hiding her pout from you, and when you recognized this, you'd try to include her more in your conversation with the other neighbor, and play with her in your hands as you spoke. [I.E. Letting her swing on your finger, lightly twirling her hair or idly tapping and fiddling with her horns]
🪀 Inwardly fangirls at the attention and giggles like a schoolgirl throughout the duration of the conversation. {👁 This may cause Wally more impatience}
Poppy: -5/10
She has no issue sharing you, there's enough of your presence to go around. As long as you're safe, and she's within range of you, she's happy.
🪶 She's literally content to just perching herself on your back, shoulder or lap, knitting to herself while listening to your conversing.
🍪 she's happy to be involved with your conversations, and she's very careful with her words.
🪶 sometimes, she'd absent-minded preen your hair during the times she's not being spoken to. She won't even realize it until someone points it out.
🍪 sometimes senses tension with the more envious of neighbors, and will discreetly try to include them into to the conversation.
Frank: 0/10
Even with his reserves about you, he's grown comfortable with your presence. But he's more comfortable with others around.
🦋 is normally with Julie and/or Eddie when around you.
📚 he doesn't talk much; he's content to just listening in on the conversation. He likes it when you talk about things from your homeland or facts about yourself.
🦋 when he does speak, it's normally just questions or comments towards whatever subjects you're talking about.
📚 he hopes one day he'll be able to converse with you one-on-one without being scared of you.
Sally: 8/10
She cares deeply for all her neighbors, but to be the center of your attention is something she yearns for most. So, it's slightly difficult when you're not completely focused on her.
🎭 having experience in acting, she's very good at hiding her irritation if someone were to snag your attention away from your conversation with her.
☀️ she'll try harder to butt into conversations, as well as try to regain your attention back to her, and is more successful in doing so due to her knowing what to say to pique everyone's interest.
🎭 though there's no true bad blood, she kind of competes for your attention with Julie and Wally. They shoot each other some knowing looks, while they converse with each other, sometimes trying to top each other when talking about things they did.
☀️ discreetly gives smug but playful smirks towards Julie and/or Wally you give her an considerable amount of praise, and giggles softly at Julie's little play pout. However, she feels uncomfortable with the hard staring Wally gives.
Howdy: 5/10
He has no trouble with you having company around, but due to him nearly always working and having little time to spend with you, it's hard not to feel the slightest bit of envy at seeing everyone converse with you.
🐛 whenever you were around, he'd try to be outside as much as possible, sweeping the storefront or stocking the outdoor crates. He's always happy when you greet him.
🛍 sometimes when he's washing his window, he'd watch as you'd converse with others, choosing to be content with watching at how happy and peaceful you looked.
🐛 sometimes you'd catch him watching and invite him to take a break and join, to which he'd happily oblige. It didn't matter if the others were around, he was simply happy to be included and in your presence.
🛍 sometimes you'd just lay out by the store front to converse with him as he worked outside at times.
Eddie: 1/10
Not really a jealous type, as he valued the term "sharing is caring," but sometimes he spent more time than he'd like in the post office rather than you or Frank.
✉️ When he did his routes, he'd do them with a bit of a haste, as he wanted freetime to spend with you.
💌 He's slightly embarrassed, but he enjoys it when you let him ride on your shoulder or satchel to speed up his routes.
✉️ Though he likes to converse with you very much, he finds Frank's flusteredness around him to be equally enjoyable.
💌 He especially enjoys the playful teasing you do towards Frank, and would join in on it, much to Frank's dismay.
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Idea is from a reader from my book.
Still open for suggestions~
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dreamofmetoday · 1 year
23rd to 25th of june 2023
💐💝🌸how does twice momo feel about the misamo unit debuting?
↳ PoP, 3oW
she is happy about it, and likely feels she has waited a long time for it to finally come to fruition and thinks it’s a good idea - sees it as a good beginning.
🤍💻🎧how does twice mina feel about the misamo unit debuting?
↳ the world, 10oP
she’s really happy about it, she feels really comfortable with momo, sana and the overall concept as a whole. she thinks it came at the perfect time but also is thinking, “finally”. however, she thinks something about the styling or song itself was poorly handled in some aspects (but still mostly genuinely content).
🧁🥧🍪how does twice sana feel about the misamo unit debuting?
↳ 7oS, strength, PoS
so she didn’t hate it but she there were other things she’d rather be doing. she found it kind of burdensome, that her time and energy was being unnecessarily taken from her.
🍿🍫🍰how does aespa karina feel about her plastic surgery rumours being so talked about?
↳ the world, juniper rx
she sees it as a side effect of fame and does her best not to dwell on the topic but it can be really difficult. on bad days, it’s on her mind especially during in person interactions - she wonders what they’re thinking and if they’re judging her or not.
🏠⛰️🏰how does aespa winter feel about her plastic surgery rumours being so talked about?
↳ 8oP, AoW
she’s kind of shocked because she didn’t expect it but she thinks it will pass (people will get bored and move on). she thinks there’s nothing she can do about it now.
🥨⛲️🍊how does le sserafim sakura feel about having such a big age gap with eunchae?
↳ QoS, QoP
she sees it as just how the job works (she is used to this sort of dynamic). while sakura is protective over eunchae, she also definitely keeps eunchae at arms length.
⭐️☁️☀️how does nicki minaj see ice spice?
↳ AoP, KnoS
she feels mostly indifferent to her but thinks she is a good money opportunity (can acknowledge ice spice is successful), she wants to be on ice spice’s good side. nicki doesn’t have much of on an opinion on her personality.
🍦🍫🍯how does nicki minaj see doja cat?
↳ 5oP, the hermit
nicki thinks doja takes care of her appearance well but that she is too into herself and doesn’t really have real substance. she thinks doja is really focused on money.
🍲🥘🥙how does loona yves feel about the criticism on her new style?
↳ 6oW rx, emperor
it honestly pisses her of a lot, every time she gets comfortable with fans or with being herself she feels quickly reminded of why she hates being famous (or simply being just authentic). she’s basically thinking: may as well not try to have anything nice or expect anything positive. she thinks her look is good overall though.
🍨🍰🍫how do itzy feel about their upcoming comeback?
↳ hanged man, 7oW
they’re worried and apprehensive about it as a whole. they genuinely want to prove themselves and want to still be popular, they’re hoping they can impress people but they’re unsure (though mostly hopeful).
🍁🍂🪵what would the ideal date for stray kids felix be?
↳ 10oS, QoS, the lovers
something very relaxed and lowkey, where communication and basic chemistry if the main focus (over lots extravagance). he enjoys when conversation is witty but not TOO deep, he wants the mood to seem mainly happy. he also enjoys going to second or third base on the first date and is happy when people feel the same way, and feel the mutual chemistry.
🌺🌸🌼what does twice sana want in a partner?
↳ earth dragon, 5oP, strength
someone who’s mature, can be good guidance and manage things. someone who values the material, working hard and being proactively positive. a good problem solver who’s intelligent and practical.
🍀🪹🌿what does nct mark enjoy talking about?
↳ AoS, the sun, KnoW
he mostly enjoys witty, fast-paced and light hearted conversations. isn’t always keen to go super deep, doesn’t really enjoy long winded explanations on things. he enjoys engaging in gossip. he also doesn’t want to think before he speaks so prefers when people don’t get offended easily and conversation can be blunt and straightforward. lastly, he enjoys flirting and loves when conversations have this tone set.
🎮♟️🎳what is the ideal date for gidle minnie?
↳ 4oP, PoP
she wants someone who shows they’re not afraid to splurge on her and spend money. so she enjoys expensive dates where it’s clear the other person wants to impress her - showing up smelling good and well dressed is also a part of this. she also wants them to make it obvious they only have eyes for her. she wants to feel taken care of and appreciated she sees this as ways that can prove it, showing she is really valued.
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the girl next door 12
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as age gap, manipulation, chronic illness, noncon/dubcon, coercion, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: A new neighbour moves in and upends your already disarrayed life.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself.
This lewk but silverfox
“How about it, Holly?” Steve’s voice brings you back from your trance.
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You only realise then that you’ve zoned out. You look down at your plate, your burger half-eaten and the salad mostly gone. As your mom babbled on, you’d lost yourself staring out at the lawn. It didn’t really matter, she barely acknowledged you since you came out with dinner.
You glance between her and Steve, lost in the conversation already underway.
“I’d love that, it will be nice,” your mom answers, beaming across the table; the shade of the umbrella gathering in the lines of her face.
“How about you, kiddo? Grab you pajamas and join the party,” Steve looks at you.
“Huh?” You and your mom utter in unison.
“Both of us?” She asks in a brittle quaver.
“Yeah, sure, it’ll be a nice way to connect. Holly, I know you’re a mother first, it’s a package deal.”
“Mm, yeah, I just... I misinterpreted,” she puts her hand against her neck. “A sleepover, that’s fun.”
“I felt bad about last time. Don’t want anyone left out of movie night. I got popcorn, mph,” he turns to you again, “do you like cream soda? I got some cane stuff in the glass bottles--”
“That’s a lot of sugar,” your mother murmurs.
“It’s one night,” he shrugs, “it won’t hurt. Lots to go around.”
“I guess...” she forces a smile.
“Well, we can always hold off. I did promise ice cream,” he sits back and claps his thighs. “You all done?”
You stare at the table then look up in the silence. You don’t realise he’s talking to you. You nod. Your stomach won’t settle. It’s been off all day; you wonder if maybe the maple syrup was a bit too much yesterday.
“I’ll wrap it up for you, you can have it later if you want,” he stands and takes your plate, then your mother’s and his own. Where you nibbled through barely half, they had nothing left.
You sit back and cross your arms as Steve goes inside. Your mother sighs and glares past you. She’s annoyed even if you hadn’t made the decision yourself. You didn’t even accept the invitation.
“Sorry,” you mumble.
“Whatever,” she rolls her eyes, “you just can’t help but get in the way.”
She leans forward. When she’s angry, her tremors worsen. She’s barely able to keep her head still.
“I didn’t...”
“Oh, be quiet. He only feels bad for you because he knows I can’t get rid of you,” she sneers. “He knows you have nothing go for you. No job, no friends, no hobbies.” She sits back and huffs, “I tried to raise you better. I really did. I don’t know what happened.”
You lower your head. Maybe you can come up with a lie. If you can find an excuse to leave, she won’t be able to hate you.
“I could say I’m not feeling well--”
“Just stay out of the way,” she snarls.
You sniff and turn away, hiding the gloss of tears in your eyes. Sometimes, you don’t do anything at all and she’s mad. You hear Steve coming back out and you wipe your nose, keeping your face down as you shrink.
You can be invisible. You’re good at that.
Not wanting to seem ungrateful, you accept a bowl of ice cream and finish it. Strawberry. It's delicious but you just can't enjoy it. You're uneasy, unsure.
You go to grab some pajamas, your mother issuing another warning before you return to Steve's. You wear a pair of polka dot bottoms and a jersey shirt. You'll just be watching tv, and hopefully, if you can settle down, sleeping.
Your mother sits on the couch. You can see the fatigue quivering in her lip and drooping in her eyelids. She never did as much before your new neighbour. You only ever stayed inside and wilted in the sunlight.
"Holly, you need anything?" Steve asks as he pushes up the ottoman, "how about you put your feet up. I just wanted to show her something."
"What's that?" Your mom asks.
"Oh, yeah, well, I know she likes art so I wanted to show her my studio. Or office, whatever you wanna call it."
"Mm, right. Upstairs, huh?" She grumbles.
"Right," he confirms, "we won't be too long. You can find a movie." He hands her the remote, "I had some extra pencils and stuff I found on the move. Figured she could take em off my hands."
"Sure, sure," she yawns and leans her head in her hands. You can't tell if she's witholding herself out of exhaustion or for Steve's benefit.
"Come on. We'll just pop up for minute," Steve nudges your arm.
You hug one arm across your stomach and push your shoulder up. You take his direction as he points you actoss the room. You go to the stairs and climb one by one.
Further down, he takes you into another room, just across from an open bedroom. You shuffle inside and can't help marvel at the interior. The walls are hung with still lifes in pencil, charcoal, and ink, and an easel stands by the window, a large drafting table at the center of the room.
"You do these?" You ask bluntly.
"Ha, yeah, I... when I saw your sketchbook, I admit, I got a bit excited. A fellow artist."
"You're an artist? You make money off of this?"
"Sure do," he smiles proudly. "Did some time in the army then had to get out, find some peace. Always found painting calms me."
"I wanted to say something sooner but I wanted to show you," he enters and brushes by you, hand dragging across your back. "Let me find those pencils."
You nod and pace cautiously around the table. There's an open sketchbook. A woman's naked back greets you, a piece of fabric draped around her hips as her refined profile is etched perfectly.
He's good. Better than you. You back away as he sorts through the shelf.
'Ah, here," he turns to you again, "pencils, sketchbook, oh and maybe you'll want these watercolours. I was sent two by accident."
"Oh, uh, thanks, but... you don't have to."
"You're talented. You'll make good use of them, I know it."
"Mm, I... try."
"There's this place I know. Great view. Maybe you can come one day. Good fodder," he offers. "Trees, water, and the sunset..."
"Maybe," you agree half-heartedly.
"Then maybe you can bring it to my next art show."
"Art show?" You mutter, eyes rounding.
"Sure. It'll be good for you. I know you take care of your mom and that's sweet but you gotta make your way. Eventually."
"I know," you slump and take the sketchbooks and flat tins from him. "Thank you. I..." you look at the brand names. You know they're expensive from the catalogues you look at but never buy from. "No one... these are so nice. I appreciate it."
"No problem, sweetie. Let me know if you need anything else. Hell, if you want a quiet place to work..." he stops behind you and looks around, "even just an escape..."
“That's okay,” you say as you go back into the hall.
You head back downstairs, the pencils clattering just a little in your hands. As you enter the living room, you hear a snort. Your mom's head lolls back against the couch as she snores. Steve walks into you from behind as he stops too late.
“Oop,” he frames your hips for just a moment as he presses again your back then parts. “Sleepyhead,” he chuckles and sidles past you, a waft of his cologne filling your lungs. He didn't smell so strongly before. “Well, guess it's your choice, sweetie,” he takes the remote and holds it out to you.
“Oh, uh, you choose,” you try to wave him off but he pushes the remote into your hand.
“You can put your stuff on the table,” he points to the sketchbook clutches against your chest, “better get cozy while I get the popcorn going.”
Before you can argue, he's gone. You turn to look at your mom. Why did she have to fall asleep? She could've said no to all of this, that she's too tired. Now it's you and Steve. Hopefully, the movie keeps the chatter to a minimum.
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nervosims · 8 months
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just right 🏠🌸 maxis makeover
required sets: miasmata conversions, bespoke build set
sfs || mediafire
thanks to all the cc creators!
watch the speedbuild here
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