Closing In.
The sun has risen on Naboo, vibrant and beautiful. As Fiora was getting Grogu dressed and ready to go, a flush and luscious warmth slowly swam through her as she recalled what happened between her and Din the night before..
She smiles softly, gently kissing Grogu on the head as he coos with happiness. Her mind drifts away as she places the little one in his pram..
The idea, the notion, the FEELING of having The Mandalorian, Din Djarin kissing her, ravishing her mouth and consuming her the way he did... Fiora could swear she dreamt everything. The heat of her body being tempered by the beskar, her excitement and arousal being teased by the cool metal of the armor... The deep kisses, Din’s mouth like hot silk.
Fiora softly giggled to herself, the room window left open welcomed the breeze to cool her down... “Imagine if we had finished”..  Thinking to herself, her mouth watering. 
For now, their moment would just have to be under lock and key in her heart. There were bigger and more time sensitive things to worry about, like saving Mikka’s life.
Suddenly, the sound of the door opening took her out of her delicious trance as Mando returned. Fiora secretly hoping for good news. She heads to the small sitting area of the room...
“There you are, I was beginning to get worried. Did you find anything?” Fiora’s voice is a bit tight with anticipation and worry..
Din watches her from under his helmet, he can see she’s worried and rightfully so.. He swore by the vow of his creed to protect her and safe her best friends life.
Mando lays it all out...
“I did, but we have a problem.. He’s too far ahead of us. The bastard was here two weeks before we arrived to see Mikka. When was it that he broke into your home?” Mando’s modulated voice was no nonsense..
Firoa let out a worried sigh ...  “Immediately after I left the tavern, the first time we met when you saved me from those thugs. I get home, everything was dark. He asked me where his supply was, he attacked me.. then he put the threat on Mikka’s life if I didn’t get him the powder.” Mando was crushing the coordinates map in his hand without realizing it, listening to Fiora’s voice brake.
Din tried to clear his throat, asking for another piece of the puzzle.. a slight feeling in his chest that Fiora acted on instinct. 
“How did you know I was at Peli’s hanger?” Mando was certain he was going to hear what he wanted..
Fiora smiled bittersweetly, tears forming in her eyes ... Mando comes closer, as if trying to shield her from collapsing... “After Kygen left, I packed a bag and I acted instinctively. I knew you were leaving so I ran for the hanger like my life depended on it”... 
Fiora closes her eyes, letting a few tears fall... One of Mando’s fingers comes under Fiora’s chin, her gorgeous eyes glassy and broken..
“I’m glad you didn’t let me leave and I’m ever more pleased that my prediction was correct”. Mando soothes her with his words. “Fi, listen to me... The coordinates I have on this map lead us to Coruscant, we’re slowly going to gain on him. However, as of now we’re going to need more help. The coordinates are on the paper, I need you to take it and put in your bag” Mando gently passes the paper in her hand, she grips it softly...
“Give me a moment.” Fiora steps back into the bedroom and places the map in her bag. Taking a deep breath to calm down, goes back to the sitting area..
“So, What next?” Fiora was done letting time waste.. 
Mando calls Grogu’s pram out of the room, the little one squealing with joy at seeing his father and protector.. Mando looks down with at affection at his little one... “Hey, little guy. Did you behave for Fiora?” Tickling his ears, a smile in his voice..
Looking back at Fiora, the course is set in Mando’s conviction.. “I have to send an emergency transmission to Tatooine, some special friends will be our muscle”...
Meanwhile at Mos Espa..
“Boss, we’ve got a message from Din”... 
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Answers in the Abyss of Passion.
Fiora is alive like a flame, the gorgeous warrior looming over her and drinking from her lips like he’d been denied water. Her body turning to silk, electricity coursing through her veins ...
Din takes the opportunity as moans with a sigh to deepen the kiss, her mouth hot and sweet. Fiora’s slight shocked but melts fast ... Feeling bold, she guides her hands and finds the sides of his face.. Taking the time to let her fingers feel everything, prominent cheek bones, and a very defined jawline sprinkled with facial hair. In the back her mind she realizes he’s gorgeous but, respect is key and under no circumstances was she about to open her eyes. 
While in continues to devour her mouth, she’s moaning softly. One of his hands reaches up to one of her wrists caressing the skin softly as if to tell her that her touch was divine.
Deciding to return the favor, the powerful warrior lowers himself closer to her body ... Her breast slightly brushing against his chest plate, Fiora gasp beneath him, the cool beskar teasing her hot body to delight.
As if the mattress beneath her could sink deeper, she felt it give slightly..
Just as the kiss grew deeper, sumptuous and sensual Din could feel the heat of the moment consuming both of them. Wanting nothing more than to ravish her beautiful body until sunrise... Din stopped abruptly letting Fiora’s beautiful lips go, his breath bated. Closing his eyes in frustration, he almost is upset that he couldn’t wait until the situation was more peaceful. He wanted to enjoy her to the fullest. 
Fiora sits up in bed, feeling him directly in front of her... She’s not upset but worried. Her mouth felt flushed and swollen, her body slowing cooling down. Breathing slightly uneven... “Why’d you stop?”
Din looked at her, the beautiful treasure he swore to keep safe... She looked stunning from his ministrations, but he just couldn’t let this continue knowing danger was trying to find them and Mikka.
Leaning forward to touch her cheek he tells her the truth... “Oh sweet girl, I’m sorry”.. She leans her cheek into his touch.. “Is it me?” Fiora in that second sounded little a girl her voice was so soft.
Din’s heart was squeezed by her sweetness, he smiled softly. 
“No, not at all. I want this. Most of all ... I want you”. Din leans closer to her body, his hand wrapping around her neck and throat. Pulling her closer, he softly kisses her as if to affirm that she left nothing to be desired for him. She kisses him right back with ardor, “Listen to me, at this point in time I can’t give in to passion. Because danger is gaining on us and it’s closing to reaching Mikka... imagine if things took a dark turn.. I’d lose you”. Din is trying to contain the primal growl trying to escape his chest while softly and playfully nibbling on her lips.
Fiora giggles, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. Loving having him close... “So, that’s what this is about. You’re scared” She meets him in the middle.
“Yes, I’ve lost too much already. I even almost lost Grogu” He said somberly looking over at the little green child asleep in his pram.
Fiora feels him walking away, her arms leave his shoulders.. A few feet away, she hears the air lock of his helmet seal itself. That’s her cue to open her eyes...
Her gorgeous, beskar clad fantasy comes back in the room completely concealed.
“Lie down” Mando watches her obey, laying her delicate figure on the bed. Walking up Mando reaches for the covers and tucks her in..
Touching the forehead of his helmet to hers gently he whispers “Good night, baby”.. We’ve got a long day tomorrow, rest well”. 
Before letting him go, Fiora gently kisses the forehead of his helmet. Going on to turn to her side already falling asleep, as he walks away Mando softly hears her say the words he wasn’t expecting...
“I love you”..
As he goes to his sleeping area, his heart burst.. this woman was practically his and he’s never been more scared to lose anything in his life. 
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Setting The Trap..
Din smirked under his helmet, hearing his colleagues voice through his helmet’s com device.. “The feeling is mutual, brother. Thank you for doing this. Coming in to land now”...  The razor crest nears the landing pad of the local hanger.. Mando can see the slave 1 already there with Boba and Fennec standing right by the ramp.
Behind him, Fiora was in her seat trying to look outside, not wanting to disrupt his landing by getting out just yet. She could faintly see what looked like a man, a little shorter than Mando in dark green beskar and a woman, very shapely in a flight suit type of outfit with a orange helmet... “This should be interesting” She thinks to herself... Without a single shake or rattle, Mando lands the crest a few feet away from the Slave 1, the landing gear tapping the ground gently.. Grogu giggles from the soft thud. 
Mando sighs softly, the tension leaving his body as he powers off the ship. Collecting his satchel from under the control console and programming Grogu’s tram to follow him... He turns in his seat to see Fiora collecting her bag... Fiora looks up toward him feeling his gaze on her through his vizor... “Are you ready?” Mando asked softly... She gives him a small smile. 
“Yes, I’m ready. Let’s go” Her voice is calm...
Mando nods once... the party of 3 in sync as Mando opens up the ramp to the crest facing the outside. As the ramp touches the ground, Boba and Fennec were standing right here.. Fiora took them in silently with her eyes. Boba looked powerful almost regal. Fennec, which she assumed was Boba’s colleague looked a feline, beautiful but deadly... Something inside of Fiora told her that this might run deeper than two warriors on the same side. 
Fiora’s thoughts are broken by Mando greeting Boba with a brotherly handshake..
“I hope you had safe travels my friend”.. Boba speaks first, his voice warm with timber but kind.. Fennec nods once in greeting with a smile.. “I’m glad you reached us, I think the boss was getting bored just doing nothing”.. A wicked sparkle in her eye...
Mando chuckled with delight... “I just wish this was a different type of affair.” Mando turns to Fiora, Grogu behind her in his pram... “This is the young woman I was telling you about this is Fiora. Fi, this is my friend Boba Fett Dyamio of Tatooine and his partner, Fennec Shand” 
Fiora smiled securely, returning the introduction.. “It’s a pleasure to meet you both, please call me Fi”. Boba comes closer to her, not by much taking her hand and gently shaking it. A soft sensation of electricity passes through Fiora’s hand. A very light gasp leaves her chest... 
Boba smirked under his helmet... “It’s a pleasure to meet you, little one. We’re going to help you put an end to this don’t worry. Fennec speaks right after him The boss is right, we’re gonna end this and you’ll be safe. It’s nice to meet you too, Fi” She squeezes Fi’s shoulder gently.
Boba turns to Mando.. “She’s a pretty one, hold on to her.” Gesturing towards Fiora with a head tilt.. Fiora blushed with girlie giggle...
Mando laughed softly, a teasing tone in his voice... “Watch it... She’s mine.”
A smirk on Fennec’s face she shakes her head and decides to brake up the banter. “Okay boys, enough. We’ve got scum to catch, let’s talk business” 
All four began making their way to local cantina, not far from the hanger...
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So Begins the Hunt (pt2)
The flight to Coruscant seemed to not end, Fiora kept replaying the plan in her head.. Yes, she’s nervous. Yes, She’s terrified but she fully trusted the beskar encased warrior that she was falling deeply in love with. However, fear was like chilly blanket trying to wrap her up. 
Shaking her head, taking a deep breath she told herself to stop. It was time to be brave. For Mikka, For herself and especially for Mando.. Her savior, her protector, her man. 
“What are you thinking about?” Mando’s voice interrupted her thoughts. She’s smiled softly looking at him from her seat.. “A lot, but I promise I’ll be fine. When should I send Mikka the transmission?” Fiora is slowly starting to realize to a certain delicious extent, she liked it when Mando gave her instructions ... The way he led her, guided her. It was sexy, fierce. Following through knowing he’s happy brings her even more delight. However, it’ll be a while before he finds out this secret...
Still looking straight ahead, navigating through the stars keeping a sharp eye for x wings. He replies gently..
“Let’s get the message delivered before with go into hyper drive again, I want her to hear everything clearly. Be honest and open. I know you’re scared, but I promise nothing will happen to her. Okay?” Mando slightly turns his head, as if to look at her from the corner of his visor...
Fiora nods once, sealing his promise with a smile.. “I’ll be back in a minute” She winks a sassy eye, the gets up to head down to the holds of the crest. A short climb down the latter, she takes a seat down on the floor near Mando’s weapons cabinet ... Turning on the transmission beacon, Fiora begins her message. 
“Mikka, it’s Fi. I hope this reaches you quickly because things are about get more intense as we near Coruscant. Mando has a plan to catch Kygen, we’ve prepared a team and a plan... There’s a catch, you’re part of it. Here’s what’s happening, Mando has recruited some friends from Tatooine to help set a trap to catch him. We’ve found his hide out. We need you to meet us at Coruscant with a sack of fake Onyx Orchid Powder as a plant to lure him in, once we have him Mando and his friends will trap him and send in off to a prison far off. It may seem insane, but I trust him with all of my heart. I think a bit more. 
Please get back to him as soon as you can after you receive this, we need you. I’ll see you soon.”
Fiora closes the beacon, sending the transmission. She sighed softly feeling her heart jump in her chest as she realizes what she had said in her message... She smiled to herself shaking her head. 
“Why bother?” She thinks to herself... “I love him. that’s it. I love him. So much.” A blush heats her cheeks as a sense of liberation swims through her... She finally set her heart free. She was deeply in love with The Mandalorian.
“Fi, come back up here” Mando calls to her...
Back up top, Fiora sits back in her seat. “Okay, transmission has been sent. She should be getting back to us shortly” Mando nods once in reply... “Well done. Lightspeed commencing now, hold on”...
The razor crest suddenly flashes forward as it zips across the sky, surrounded by electric blue light. 
Mando slight turns in his seat, looking at Grogu who was giggles as per usual whenever he took the ship into hyperdrive. He turned his vision to Fiora who was looking at him... The young woman smiles at him, he nods in return.. Din Djarin, the man the man underneath the helmet smiling.. He had delicious plans for her once this was over. Leaving her completely unaware that he was planning on giving her the most beautiful request she could ever receive.
Light speed concluded, the ship slows down. Coruscant now in view. Still the same dim and grim planet, more rock formations then ever. Both Mando and Fiora glad they didn’t have to call this planet home.
Just a short ways away at a local hanger, Boba Fett and Fennec Shand were seeing the crest fly in from a distance. Both smiled, glad to see their friend again.
Boba reaches out to Mando through his helmet...
“Mando my friend, good to see you”... 
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So Begins the Hunt..
Back at Boba Fett’s Palace in Mos Espa..
Fennec and Boba are listening to Mando’s message carefully.
“Boba, Fennec.. I’m reaching out to you both because my situation is dire. I have a young woman with me named Fiora, we’re on a mission together to save her best friend from danger. 
A known scum named Kygen Winnex is on the loose and he’s after Fiora for something called Onyx Orchid powder, it’s a very powerful flower used for healing purposes. Winnex wants it’s for darker entertainment.” 
Boba and Fennec can hear the sarcasm in Mando’s voice even through the modulator, Boba looks at his colleague, Fennec already looking at him with a side eye. Their train of thought was already on the same track.. Their friend needed help.
Both look back at the hologram..
“Coruscant is not far from Tatooine, Kygen passed the planet not too long ago. His hide out could be there. 
Please, time is short. I know you stopped bounty hunting, and you’ve done incredible things with your redemption... As a friend and colleague, I’m asking you to help me catch this final bounty. If we don’t, he’ll return to Naboo and eliminate Mikka... Fiora’s best friend and the harvester and grower for the Onyx Orchid. Please meet me a few miles outside of Coruscant, so we can form the catch. Be safe, this is the way.”
The hologram ends, the throne room is silent. Fennec turns to her boss.. a predatory smirk on her face..
“What do you say, Boss? Should we catch this last filthy bounty?” Almost a teasing tone in her voice, she already knew his answer.
Boba smiles softly. “Let’s go help our friend and this special young woman.”
Already packed, Fiora and Grogu wait for Mando... the mid-day sun about to arrive.
Mando leaves the hotel lobby with a quick paced stride, Fiora and Grogu quickly follow. “We have to head straight to my ship and head out of here, we’re meeting my friends a few miles outside of Coruscant. I’m going to need you to send message transmission to Mikka.”
Fiora nods, no questions or doubts. “I assume she’s part of our plan?” 
Mando nods once.. “Very much so”.. Fiora nods, no more left to say. 
Already in the ship yard, the ramp of the razor crest lowered.. Mando brings the luggage on to the ship, Fiora and Grogu in his pram taking their seats behind the pilot seat. 
Mando struts to his seat, tension his shoulders under his already heavy beskar.. Setting coordinates, Fiora watches him. He’s worried, that much is clear to her but she wouldn’t dare doubt him or his promise. After all, he saved her and now her life is in his hands once again... Funny thing, she wasn’t supposed to be falling in love with him during this mission, Right?...
After quite a bit of silence, Mando turns in his seat...
“Ok, here’s what’s happening. I need you send a transmission to Mikka, tell her to prep a stash of fake Onyx Orchid powder. We’ll lure Kygen to Coruscant, have him get his “supply” then my friend will hold him prisoner until authorities come for him. It’s a far stretch, but it can be done” confidence in the handsome warriors’ voice...
Fiora shakes a little in her seat, she slowly nods her head. She finds her voice...
“Okay, so basically we’re playing a highly dangerous game of cat and mouse.” Her voice nervous.
Mando nods.. “Yes. I need you trust me, Fi. We’re not alone, that’s why I called my friends.” He leans forward in his seat, watching her intently..
She’s shaking softly, obviously terrified and Mando knew he couldn’t just say things were going to be okay, he had to show her as well. What makes things even more complicated is that he’s losing his heart more and more to her every second that passed. Falling in love with her was nowhere in his plan but, his heart is already telling him it’s too late.
Quietly, he notices Fiora lock her eyes on his visor.. Mando waits.
The young woman sighs putting herself together, sealing their fate.
“Okay, let’s go to Coruscant” A soft smiled on her lips..
Mando chuckles softly “That’s a girl”
Nothing more left to say, the razor crest takes off into the night sky..
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Seduction by Onyx
Mikka believed in the sincerity of Mando’s words. It had been so long since she’d heard a pledge of anything from these warriors.. Granted, Mikka was well aware that Mandalorians only kill if one deserves it or in self defense and, already she could feel that Mando was quite unique. No harm or danger would come within a mile.. However, Kygen Winnex was one hell of a challenge.
“Okay, Mando.. let’s see if we can make this work. I only have one request, Fiora is very special to me. I need you to make sure that not only you bring an end to Kygen, but that you also keep Fi safe and protected.. no matter what, are we clear?” Mikka not for one second though of herself, she’s lived a long and hard life.. her outcome wasn’t her priority. However, Fiora.. the young woman who became her very best friend, she had full life and future waiting for her and she wanted it fulfilled. 
“I swore I would protect her, and I’ll to do the same for you. Nothing will happen to either of you. This is the way.” Mando’s modulated voice was firm, solid an unbreakable vow in one sentence.. 
Shortly before leaving  for the evening to find lodging, the trio stepped outside and headed to Mikka’s greenhouse so Mando could get a better idea as to what exactly the Onyx Orchid was and what it’s purpose is.. As they got closer to the door way, Mando thought to himself.. “How can a single product of nature contain so much power?..
Mikka interrupts his thoughts.. “Well, here we are. My little treasure trove”. Fiora smiles at hearing the pride in her voice. Fiora is awestruck my how much has developed since she saw it last, the orchids are like jewels scattered everywhere. Mando stands almost at the center of the glass enclosure, he had never seen anything so stunning in his existence.. after Fiora of course. Looking around, he took everything in slowly.. Luscious plants, wall to wall.. vines ceiling to floor all adorned with the most beautiful flower ever to grace the galaxy.
“Incredible, aren’t they?” Fiora is right beside him.. She couldn’t see it on his face, but she could definitely feel and sense Mando’s wonder and amazement.
Mando swallowed under his helmet.. “Maker... they’re quite the sight. How long do they last? Mikka comes up behind the couple, passing around them with a pair of large shears in hand, proceeding to climb on a latter.. Mando steps forward to hold the latter and keep it stable. “Thank you, Mando. To answer your question, Onyx Orchids can last up to 200 years with proper care, their purpose is medicinal and for healing the body, and of course if you’re a lover of flowers they’re perfect just to have at home. However, be cautious.. they’re luxurious scent can seduce the senses to the point where you feel hazy, and clouded, resisting can be fruitless”. 
Mando listen’s intently, he’s completely floored. So much in one thing, not even only one star in the galaxy can cause that much commotion. Mikka starts to climb down the latter carefully, once on the ground Mando steps back.. while Mikka holds out the flower in question for Mando to see..
“Here you have it, The Onyx Orchid.” Mikka takes one of the bounty hunter’s hands and places the flower in it. Given the gloves he wore, Mando could barely feel it.. but, he could defintely see it.
Black, velvet like, tear drop shaped petals fan out. Forest green leaves on either side of the short stem, in the very center.. Purple, crystal like seeds are glowing, the same glow pulsing through the leaves.. Little did Mando know, that the glow he’s looking at is the source of medicine the orchid carries inside. At the end of of it all, a soft, vanilla, amber and musk scent.. wafting under his helmet, caressing his nose.. Warm, sensual, sultry, and definitely sexy. Softly, Mando breathes in the scent and, ever so quietly he lets out a sound of approval.. “Mmmm, it’s devine”... 
Fiora watched a few feet away, a bit taken back by the delicious modulated timber in Mando’s voice...  
“It is, isn’t it? Like I said, be cautious.. the senses can be easily swept away.”  Mikka returns the beautiful flower to her hand, Mando turns his head looking directly at Fiora.. He suddenly felt this primal sensation sweep through him, shivers crawling up and down his spine. Heat building slowly, his blood molten. Mando’s heart racing, he feels out of control. 
“If you both will permit me, I have to head back into the house for a minute. I’ll be back.” Mikka turns to Fiora and winks, a teasing tune in her voice
Fiora blushed, as red as the planet Mars.. She should’ve known Mikka would be up to something. Hell, they’ve been friends for almost 20 plus years.
“Come here”. Mando’s voice though already modulated is like a spell. Fiora is facing him, Mando faces fiora.. She obeys, slowly walking towards him. Mando can see her breathing is a bit labored, her skin flushed.. Fiora gets as close as she can, but before she has the chance to close the distance Mando snatches her by the waist and pulls her flush against his beskar clad body. Fiora gasp softly with shock, instantly wrapping her arms around his shoulders, partly out of startle.
“Mando, what are you doing?” Fiora’s voice at tremble..
“I don’t know... this is stronger than me. You’re doing something to me.” Mando’s hands are caressing her soft, supple skin at her sides.. his helmet covered head touches her forehead.. labored breathes coming through the modulator.. 
“Aren’t you? I have to hold you, feel you.. I crave you, Fi. Pretty baby. You feel incredible”.. In that moment, the man with the name behind the beskar, Din Djarin wanted to throw all caution to the stars and ravish the beautiful woman in his arms.. However, restraint was necessary for now.. he had mission to finish. Fiora and Mikka were counting and depending on him..
Fiora squeezes him tighter not caring about the beskar pressing uncomfortably against her skin, she was alive with the feeling of him.. goosebumps and chills all over. 
“Mmmm, I’m not doing anything.. but I can’t deny that I was envious of that orchid. I was secretly hoping you’d hold me first.” Her voice breathy and soft trying to contain herself.. “Is that right? Hm, it’s not often that a Mandalorian acts foolishly” Mando could see that she can hardly contain herself, she giggled at his answer.
Fiora swallows before she utters her next words.. “Put your hands on me, Mando”... a sensual moan laced in the sentence.
His hands already on her waist, carefully Mando’s gloved finger tips find the hem of her tan colored blouse and slowly raises it up just about an inch until his finally in contact with her deliciously warm skin. Caressing softly, he silently curses himself for not removing the gloves when he could.. but the yummy warmth he could feel from Fiora definitely suffice. 
Up and down caressing motions cause Fiora’s eyes to drift close, lost in the feel of his touch. The idea of his hands touching her with gloves caused her mouth to water.. “Oh... Mando. Sweet Stars” Hot panted breathes mingle between the two modulated and all.. Mando can’t resist as he brings his hands higher, the blouse moving with him.. untl he flutters his fingers all over her abdomen, slightly teasing the underside of her breast, delicious arousal bringing them to life..
Fiora gasp at the light intrusion, not being so far from becoming a puddle on the ground..
“Fi, I want you... it’s too much.  kandosii'la “.. Mando’s voice is strained, his resistance breaking..
Just when Mando is about throw it all to hell and bare Fiora completely to him.. Mikka’s nearing foot steps break the spell.. Mando and Fiora break apart instantly, both flustered and breathless.. Fiora adjust her clothing, trying to calm herself.. 
Mando, across from her by a few feet is trying to tame the alpha male wanting to roar.. along with trying to keep his manhood at bay. Deep, paused breathes, modulated and frustrated..
“Dank Farrik”.. This was going to be one sleepless night for The Mandalorian.
(Author’s note - Kandosii’la: Stunning, amazing)
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The Arrival..
Fiora, still in Mando’s arms swallows carefully.. the shock still swimming through her. She leers down at him through heavy, heady eyes, not wanting this moment to end. “Haha, I’m perfectly fine.. you’re the one who’s a bit on edge it seems. Did you plan this upon arrival?” It’s more a dare than a question.. Mando tilts his head to the side, chuckling. He decided to humor the beautiful woman in his arms, pressed lusciously against his armor covered body. Although, Fiora has no idea what she’s done. 
“Sadly no, but I did tell you to be careful what you wished for with a Mandalorian.. didn’t I? Toying with us isn’t always the right choice.. However, with you.. I don’t mind” The powerful bounty hunter had a deeper rasp to his voice although it was coming through his modulator, Fiora smirked.. she could  tell he was trying contain himself. 
Before she could answer him, Fiora feels him loosen her hips from his waist. Slowly he sets her back down on the floor her body brushing his armor softly, she gasp softly, as if it wasn’t enough that her body was deliciously aroused and alive.. the touch of the cool beskar teasing her closer to a tremble...
Mando was still holding her, she still hand her delicate hands on his forearms.. the notion of delight and heaven still swirling around her even though she’s on solid ground.
“Mmm, you did say that. I apologize if I kept distracting you from our objective. On the other hand, I don’t apologize for the fact that whatever I’m feeling isn’t going away.. especially when I have you close”.. For the first time since they’d met, Mando had heard Fiora sound as if she’s being careful. As though, if she were to be more astute with her emotions he might not like it.
Clearing his through, Mando steps away unwillingly releasing her.. He picks up their bags and steps down the ramp.. He turns back toward Fiora, who’s watching him.. “The sun will be setting soon if we don’t get going, and we still have to see your friend.. let’s go” With a conversation left unfinished, Fiora sighs and follows close behind.
An hour later our travelers were sitting in a small cantina.. Fi was enjoying a light soup with bread, Mando decided to wait until he had his privacy to eat. “So, where exactly is Mikka located?” 
Fiora takes a sip of her drink before answering.. “Just a few blocks from here, You’ll find a hut surrounded by flowers and plants. Be prepared she’s very motherly.”
“I don’t mind, Peli herself is like the aunt I never had. Greef is a confidant, when he’s not looking to score quickly.. and Grogu, he was special.” Fiora smiled softly while listening to him.. it’s amazing. A being meant to be as stoic as statue has a bigger heart then she can imagine.. “Well, you haven’t anything yet. Hmm, mm.. I can’t wait to see how this plays out.” She giggles at the though of Mikka’s reaction, previously Mikka had crossed paths with Mandalorians before.. some not so pleasant. However, this particular situation is far from normal. 
Now finished, Fiora grabs her things from the floor of the cantina.. Mando lefts some credits on the table and both stepped outside to head on to find Mikka’s hut.
Sure enough, a brisk trek later Mando and Fiora were standing in front of a stone hut with jagged, pointed edges popping up everywhere giving the effect that it had been carved out of a wall. Apart from that, beautiful plants were everywhere by either side of the entry way.. the edge decorated with vines.
“Here we are. Let me make our arrival known.” Fiora sighed. She walks up to the door, Mando right behind her.
Fiora pulls back the drape like door, peeks her head inside and calls out for her friend...
“Mikka” She calls
“Who is it?” An elderly, yet feisty voice replies
Fiora laughs.. “Come over to the door and find out”..
Clattering of dishes and water being shut off can be heard. Suddenly, coming around the corner of the small foyer toward the door, An average stature woman, silver hair braided, mid back.. creamy complexion, covered with lines and wrinkles, amber colored eyes, tinted with pearl luminescence.. was in complete shocked..
“My girl Fi!!!” Sheer joy erupts from Mikka as she rushes to hug Friora very tightly..
“Mikka!!! I can’t believe I’m here!” Fiora squeezes her right back, both women pull back with beaming smiles on there faces. 
“Look at you! You’re absolutely gorgeous! How are you?” Mikka is almost breathless with happiness..
Fiora shrugs with a smile.. “I’m okay.. I wish I could say better. Sadly, I bring bad news with my visit.” 
The older woman crosses her arms with a paused but fearful look on her face..
“Kygen is back... and you’re in danger.” 
Suddenly, a voice replies.. “Don’t worry, it’ll be over soon”.. Both women turn toward the door as Mando steps inside. 
A while later the trio was sitting at the table, Mando and Fiora filled Mikka in on what’s going on. However, by the end of the conversation.. Mikka didn’t really look surprised, which bothered Fiora. 
“Mikka, we need to come up with a plan.. I can’t let Kygen get close to you.” The older woman gives an empty laugh.. “Fi, sweetheart.. what can we do? Kygen is wild, rabid beast and needs to be locked in a cage. I’m so happy you want to help, and to top things off a mandalorian sets foot back on this planet.. it’s been years”. Sighing Mikka looks directly at Mando.. “How do I know you’re not hear just to collect a bounty and leave?” 
Mando gives her an answer to seal the fate of this entire journey..
“Collecting bounties and catching galactic scum is one thing, protecting life is another.. and I’ve learned the value of both. Given my own past with this filthy leech, I’d be happy to see his head roll.... Just tell how you both want to approach this and I’ll take from there. This is the way.”  
Mikka and Fiora both smiled at the handsome warrior. Fiora lights the fire.. “Let’s get started”...
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Getting Familiar...
Already the first night of the trip is almost over, it was a mostly quiet journey is as Mando was very deep in concentration. While Fiora would take naps on and off.. although, sleep didn’t come very easily while being terrified for Mikka and wondering how this was going to end..
On a positive side, Fiora considered herself blessed that Mando provided such a feeling of security.. she didn’t even tremble or feel panicked. Well, at least... fear wasn’t what is causing her emotions to stir in many ways.
Over the past few hours, Observing the powerful but determined bounty was like watching something beautiful consumer her sense of sight. The way he moved, like a feline that’s a predator hunting to survive... His voice, although the modulator in his helmet altered it.. It still might as well be velvet ribbons wrapping itself around her body, warming her through and through.
Powerful beskar covers every inch of his body.. However, heat floods her veins at the notion of guessing just how much muscle is underneath the armor and how strong his embrace would feel. Especially, in the heat of passion. 
A short while after taking a break to eat and drink, Mando decided to take a minute from flying.. switching controls so the ship floated on it’s own. He softly clears his throat, taking Fiora out of her thoughts.. She looks up at him and smiles..
“How are you enjoying the trip so far?” Mando decided to start the conversation off simply..
Fiora giggles, not expecting that to start the conversation.. “I’m doing perfectly fine, and it’s actually quite soothing being this far out in the galaxy.” She replies..
A soft chuckle rises from Mando’s chest, not very many apart from Grogu ever actually would say that they enjoyed traveling with him.. However, it feel good that she was comfortable with him..
“I’m glad to hear it, I know there’s not much to go by here”.. he said gesturing to ship... “But at least I’m doing something right with providing you an escape, within the skies and the stars”... 
“And protection.. remember?” Fiora smiles with sassiness..
“How could I forget? Thank you for reminding me.” The bounty laughs softly. Fiora felt butterflies flutter all through her whenever she heard the sweet sound.. Especially since he’s very subtlety flirting. 
“So, when was the last time you traveled to Naboo?” He asked, curiosity laced in his voice, he wanted to know more about what lead up to this situation..
“About two years ago, Mikka was already working on plans for the green house.. her Orchid seed collection had grown greatly. At the time there was no Kygen and his madness.. just bringing beauty and nourishment to Naboo, it was beautiful” The soft sound of bliss in her voice..
Mando is drawn to her happy reminiscing, it had been a while since he’d seen anything like that, he found it refreshing. 
“It sounds like a wonderful time for life in the galaxy. However, look at how the tables have turned.. I’m taking you to Naboo on an emergency passage, your friend is in danger and it turns out that both you and I have had bad experiences with the same galactic scum.. How do you feel about that?” Mando is smirking from behind his helmet..
Fiora smiles softly, standing up from her seat.. taking a few steps in front of Mando.. she feels brave enough to place a hand in the center of his beskar clad chest, she replies with honey in her voice..
“At first I thought, how did I end up on ship run by a Mandalorian in a situation like this? Now, I could be more blessed by the stars that this incredible warrior crossed my path and my safety is in his hands. You make me feel like a lucky girl, Mando.” She replies, teasing but truthful. It took Mando a few seconds to swallow as he absorbed her praise. Her hand teasingly moving down his chest didn’t go unnoticed.. The handsome bounty hunter started to breathe a bit heavy.. 
Fiora smirked as she could feel his chest move up and down with labored breathing, even under the metal...
“Fi, you shouldn’t be doing this”... his voice his strained but hot..
Fiora chuckles in reply, bring her face closer to his.. her breast, supple and full pressing against the armor.. “Do what? Don’t tell me the big and bad Mandalorian can’t handle a little female heat”... Fiora’s voice is now a sultry tune..
“Don’t try to find out what I can or can’t handle, Fi.. I could be dangerous.” Mando’s voice is not only teasing... but a warning..
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Racing Against the Odds
Mando tilts his head to the side, of course he doesn’t want to prolong or think twice about saying yes.. but he had to wonder how he was going to balance finishing the tasks he had left to do that he had promised Greef, then he had plan...
Clearing his throat, a gentle hand on Fiora’s shoulder.. he replies.. “First of all, I need you to take it easy.. you’re trembling. Deep breath and I need you to let the fear leave your eyes”... She nodded, taking a minute to close her eyes.. and a few deep breathes, opening her eyes again, looking directly into Mando’s though the helmet was there, her instinct pointed them out to her.
“You’re right, I’m so sorry. I’m just beyond terrified... if.. if anything happens to Mikka, I don’t know what I’d do.. She’s my best friend.” Mando softly squeezes her shoulder in comfort, he hears her voice breaking slightly, he sees her eyes close to stop the tears that were forming. 
“Nothing will happen to her, you have my word. Not just as a Mandalorian but as a friend.” Mando tilts her gaze from the ground towards him with one finger under her chin, Fiora softly draws in a breath not expecting the intimate gesture.. “This is the Way. I promise, Fi” 
Fiora smiles knowing he meant every word, nodding once silently thanking him. She watches Mando step away from her for a minute to go and check his ship one last time.. Fiora turns to Peli, watching everything with a smirk on her face...
Fiora giggles.. “What? something wrong?” Peli shakes her head chuckling... “No, not at all...  I just wish you could see your face with him, it’s like you shine” Fiora laughs softly, rolling her eyes at the older woman’s insinuation. “Oh please, I don’t know what you’re looking at”... Fiora could feel her cheeks coming to life with heat, dying it only made it more difficult but she wasn’t going to give Peli the satisfaction just yet...
Before Peli could open her mouth to talk, Mando returns out of the ship.. walking back towards both women stopping a few feet in front of them..
“Okay, here’s the plan. I have two more bounty’s to deliver tonight and my destination’s are a bit far off. Here’s how I have it worked out.. I’m going to finish these two.. then for my next two, I’m going to have a friend take care of them for me.. all I have to do is send a transmission to Greef tonight, have him send my friend the information and it’ll be all set. Only then, can I take you to Naboo in the morning.. is that acceptable?” Mando’s modulated voice left nothing empty.. 
Fiora brightened as she took in his words, replying instantly.. “Yes, yes, absolutely. Oh.. thank you so much”. Her smile reached her eyes as she steps up to Mando,  wrapping him in a hug.. briefly shocked, Mando relaxes and hugs her back, his hands wrapped around her mid back.. careful not to hurt her with the beskar.
Before they let go of each other, she hears him whisper... “My pleasure”. Slight goosebumps erupt all through her..
Fiora steps back to where she was standing, Mando seals the plan with these parting words... “Two things, make sure you pack what you need.. the trip is long, be ready to go when I arrive.” Fiora nods once “Understood” She says..
“Secondly, Peli.. I’m going to leave you with my friends credentials.. just in case he stops in to refuel or needs a repair, I don’t want you to think I’m sending riffraff here.” Peli laughs in reply, “ No problem, my friend. Just promise me you’ll keep her safe” She points to Fiora.. Mando nods once.. “I made a promise, didn’t I?”
Peli nods with confidence and a wink.. 
With that, Mando says his final farewell and boards the ship.. the ladies step back as it fires up and watch it lift off.. Fiora sighs with mental exhaustion, giving Peli one last goodbye.. She heads home to prepare for her mission.. Unbeknownst to her, the was about to bite off much more then she could chew.. especially in regards to Mando, who was slowly intertwining himself in her heart.
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Fates Design...
Both thugs go quiet at the sound of the Bounty Hunter’s voice.. Fiora still fighting, the one holding her tight defiantly talks back. “Stay out of this Mandalorian, we just want to have fun and she’s not bring nice.” Mando throws the other bandit to the floor, and apparently not so tough scurries away in fear.. “It seems like the lady doesn’t want to play nice, and she’s right. You are being a bit too inappropriate.. So, I’m giving you two options.. You can let her go, and I’ll let you leave you leave with no injuries. Or, I can make sure you leave screaming in pain, with no way of healing.. especially if I freeze you in carbonite. What’s it going to be?” 
In those few seconds, Fiora had to soak in Mando’s presence.. The first thing she noticed about the warrior is that he meant what he said and his threats were absolutely not empty. Also, his voice.. although modulated because his helmet it was like a silk blanket was wrapping itself around her, in the most protective way possible.. In the next passing beat, Fiora feels herself being flung forward aggressively toward Mando, he’s lightening fast and catches her before the beskar could cause her discomfort.. hands landing at the center of her waist, while Fiora finds her balance grabbing on to his forearms.. a bit shaken, catching her breath, and for the for time, looks Mando in the eye.. despite the visor of his helmet..
“Thank you, thank you so much.” The flustered young girl didn’t have much more she could say, which Mando noticed from behind his visor.. even though the occasion didn’t call for it, he couldn’t help but find her nervousness in his presence despite her fear endearing.. “Are you hurt?” Mando ask softly, Fiora shakes her head no..
Still holding Fiora protectively, Mando looks over her shoulder at the unpleasant being who had his hands on her.. Giving him final and warning words.. “Get out of here, and if I catch you back here again.. there won’t be a warning” Mando takes a chilling tone in his voice, taking one hand from Fiora’s waist and laying on his blaster.. just in case.. With a final grunt of anger, knocking a customer’s drink off the bar on purpose, the beastly creature leaves..
A beat or two later Fiora breathes a sigh of relief, straightens her posture and steps back a bit from Mando, taking him in from helmet  to toe.. he’s most certainly a sight to behold. She knew Mandalorians were powerful, but Mando was something unique..  She lets out a breath with a chuckle and properly thanks her savior.. “I have no idea how else to show my gratitude, I would hate for anything to have happened to you because of that monster.. but you were sharp. Again, I thank you.”
Mando reveals a soft chuckle from under his helmet, a bit taken a back with the idea that she was worried for him.. “While you worry for me, my only concern was you.. however, you’re very kind. Also, the fact that you’re safe is thanks enough. Apart from ridding the galaxy of scum like that, part of my responsibility is to protect, which I take especially seriously”
Fiora smiled hearing him talk, the care and consideration in his tone was evident.. as if he’d experienced such a task before. He has a very large heart, she can feel it.
Mando slightly tilted his head looking at Fiora “Dank Ferrik, she’s stunning.. her smile shines brighter the the stars of Naboo, why anyone would want to hurt her I have no clue.. then again, beast are everywhere in the galaxy” He thinks to himself..  her melodic voice breaks his thoughts before he could keep going on.. “Well, regardless.. you showed up that the right time and you’re obviously the best at what you, because from what I just saw.. people respect you but fear you at the same time. You’re a surprising one, Mandalorian.” Her voice laced with sweetness and zeal...
Mando straightens up and takes two steps towards her, “If people would stop doing bad things they would have nothing to fear, but.. you can’t change how people operate. Also, please.. it’s Mando, that’s what everyone calls me.” 
Fiora giggles, liking his open way with conversation.. “Mando, hm.. I like it. Where are my manners? I’m Fiora, everyone calls me Fi for short” She didn’t shake his hand because she had a feeling that it wasn’t his style.. However, it was refreshing to her. Mando liked her name, very pretty. Especially the way it sounded.. he had feeling it meant something special. 
The handsome bounty hunter replies, “Fiora, that’s pretty.. it’s nice to meet you, Fi. Well, I guess I should let you get back to your customers.. lord knows you’ve probably got catching up to do before you go home” Mando says with a slight hesitance to end their talk..
The fascinated girl sighs, “Yes, sadly you are correct. I wish we would’ve crossed paths under different terms.” She laughs softly..
“Fi, sweetie.. we need help back here”.. The voice of her boss rings out behind her.. Mando sees her eyes roll and smiles at her frustration.. 
“Good night, Fi.. You think we’ll see each other again”? Mando asked, a soft smile in his voice.. 
For the first time in years, the sweetest pink blushes caresses Fiora’s cheeks.. slightly looking away from mando... Mando doesn’t miss it, his helmet tilting sideways softly.. liking the effect he causing her.. after a few seconds, he hears her reply.. A flirty, playful tone weaving itself in her voice.. “If you stop by for a drink and not for a rescue, then yes.. absolutely” She gives him a final wink before walking back to the bar.
As he watches her lovely retreating figure, while heading back to his table.. He couldn’t shake the effect her smile had on him.. the sweet softness of her voice.. and her alluring beauty veiled by shyness. Mando sits down and the realization hits him that this was absolutely not the last time he and Fiora would cross paths..
2 Hours later and Fiora is finally home, exhausted from the events of the day.. and mentally off balance because a warrior and hero changed everything in one instance.. Mando hadn’t left her thoughts for one second, in complete awe of him and his presence.. unlike any Mandalorian she’d previously encountered. She smiled, her cheeks growing warm.. he certainly is a delectable sight.. his voice beckons the senses, and she couldn’t refuse the urge to guess how much man lay hidden under the beskar... She giggles out loud, a fluttering sensation all through her body.. “Get grip Fi, you won’t be seeing him again for a while. Curse you for being right, Peli”.. As she’s picking up her hair to cool off the back of her neck with a pink ribbon, she’s on her way to her garden to check on her onyx orchids... Just as she’s about to open her back door... A deep, menacing voice freezes her on the spot... “Where’s my onyx powder, girlie?”   
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Getting Familiar (Pt 2)
Fiora smiled softly realizing that Mando was trying to protect her... She found it sweet, endearing, and very much attractive. However, now was her chance to prove to him that she could very much handle her own and was in complete control of her own decisions..
“Awww, Mando.. we’re both adults and I’m very well aware of what I’m getting into”. Her voice is honey flowing through his veins, although Mando couldn’t shake the feeling the she was daring him..
“As a matter of fact, all I need is a chance to prove it you”.. The threshold has officially been crossed, as Fiora put one leg directly in-between Mando’s slightly  slight open stance.. his posture still relaxed, though his arms were trembling.. resisting with every fiber of his being not to touch her. Leaning back slightly on her other leg, Fiora takes the bounty hunter’s crossed arms, gently opens them and puts them on her waist...
Mando takes in a sharp breath.. shocked at her boldness. However, fighting her was the furthest thing from his mind. Hell, he wanted this from the moment he had her close to him at the tavern... to deny it he might as well be made of stone..
Fiora decided to finally break his resolve for him.. “Go ahead.. touch me. Feel me”... Her breathless whisper almost couldn’t be heard... As his hands lay on her waist, Mando could feel the warmth of her supple, soft skin through his gloves.. Bravery becomes implusive as he squeezes her tighter against him, mushed from chest to waist. Fiora of course didn’t mind, as a matter of fact she moaned in delight. To bring the intimate moment to completion, she wraps her arms around his beskar protected shoulders, her hands intertwined at the back of his neck.
Breathing was deep and controlled, but still palpable between these two souls who’ve been brought together by danger and necessity. Although the situation could turn fatal if neither of them played their cards right.. Fiora and especially Mando was one for savoring the quite and peaceful moments. The powerful bounty hunter was lost to delirium as his hands had earned the privilege  touching her beautiful body, lord knows very few women had been in his life that permitted him such a luscious pleasure. He started to leave his mark on her slowly caressing her sides and waist, powerful battle worn, gloved hands moving gently over her shoulder blades, slightly squeezing... the young woman in his arms gasped quietly, her eyes closed in bliss.
Mando’s hands come up to the side of her neck, where he swore he could feel her pulse racing. Fiora no longer able to resist the heated contact of his touch, her head comes forward to softly let her forehead touch Mando’s helmet.. soon Mando’s hands drift to the center of her throat, finally staying still..
Needed to speak what he’s feeling, Mando lays it all out with a whispered tone.. “Tell me something, has anyone told you that you’re a temptation not even the greatest of warriors can resist?... By the stars, I swear to you... I’m constantly at war with myself, trying to distinguish the urge to take you, devour you, and quench my thirst until I can’t breathe.. you’re everything, Fi”... Mando seals fate..
Fiora is taken back, but a fluttering sensation is swimming all through her... His words carry not only desire but promise..  This wasn’t the only moment meant to happen between them..
“Be still my heart.... Mando... I”... 
The sensual spell is broken between the both of them suddenly as Mando’s tracking system goes off, signaling their getting close to Naboo.. Mando sighs, forcing himself to let go of Fiora, heading to his seat... while Fiora is left there standing still.. her heart hanging on, waiting for the next moment to free itself.
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Fates Design (Pt 2)
Still frozen, one hand on the back door.. Fiora closes her eyes and lets out a slow breath. Slowly, she turns around to face her intruder.. “Hello, Kygen.. to what do I owe the unexpected but unwanted visit?” Fiora is still as a statue, hands on her hips. Kygen Winnex was a classic galaxy lone shark and hustler, his specialty was exporting illegal goods to his fellow thugs on other planets.. while keeping his own operation well stocked, and running like a well oiled machine.. no matter what the cost.
In this particular instance, one of his favorite items is onyx orchid petal powder. Now, decent beings in the galaxy would use it for what it’s intended.. healing the sick and injured, Kygen, however.. was a filthy and disgusting breed. He liked using the powder for more ominous and deadly purposes.. given his arrival at her home tonight, Fiora guessed it was running short on supply..
The electric blue, yellow eyed creature in street garb chuckled at her, still lounging against the wall.. Kygen always liked Fiora’s fire. “Oh.. come on now Fi, don’t be like that” He says in a thick drawl.. “It’s Fiora to you, Kygen.” Fiora interrupts him.. “Now, what do you want?” Kygen’s expression turns serious before replying “Like I said, I want my onyx powder.. I’m a bit low”... She replies.. “Well, unfortunately you showed up at the worst moment.. my current crop is still growing as you can see and if you remember, the last batch of petals I had, I made you a supply of powder.. or have you lost your memory?” Fiora bit back with a sharp tone, already getting angry...
Before she could blink her eyes, Kygen rushed toward her at lightening speed.. slamming both hands against the wall behind her, caging her in on either side of her head.. her body pressed to the wall. Hot breath on her face, his voice full of poison... “Don’t you get STUPID with me, girlie! I have you in my grasp and I could crush you if I wanted to. I could care less what you gave me, I want more, and it’s your responsibility to get it. Now in case YOU have forgotten our little contract, let me remind you”.. Fiora is trembling but looking him directly in the eye, her father always taught her that not looking your enemy in the eye means you show them fear and weakness.. and Fiora was not weak by any means.. Kygen continued to talk as she held it together...
“You get me my product, however long it takes.. as long as it’s not a whole century.. and when you do your job like good girl, nothing will happen to that little friend of yours on Naboo who supplies you with your seeds, right?” He says slowly, as if to make sure she soaks in the words.. Fiora’s eyes go wide and her blood runs as cold as hoth, one of her very best friends, Mikka.. lives on Naboo and she owns a Onyx Orchid green house garden, and every other month she sends Fiora seeds to plant her garden at home. As of the current situation, she’s Kygen’s next target if Fiora doesn’t cooperate. So, unfortunately Fiora is a very, very dangerous place..
The shaken young girl, takes a deep breath.. “You’re right, but please, please.. don’t hurt Mikka. She has nothing to do with this”.. Fiora says softly, voice breaking.. 
Kygen slowly grabs her jaw, holding her still.. squeezing, Fiora squinting in pain.. “Well, that’s all on you. I’m short on patience, and almost done being civil. Either get it all done in a timely manner, or your friends body will be left at your door. Are we clear?” 
Fiora spits out her reply, “You’ll have you’re stuff, and when you’ve finished.. I’m going to relishing every second of seeing life leave that vessel you call a body.” She yanks her jaw from his hand, and with all of her rage shoves the gross thug away from her.. Kygen topples back, seeing fire and anger simmering in her eyes..  With finality she speaks her goodbye “Get out of my house.” 
Kygen laughs an empty, humorless laugh.. turning away and heading towards her front her.. a few minor seconds later, Fiora hears it open and slam shut loudly. She flinches, putting her face in both hands sobbing angrily.. but she couldn’t fall apart now.. 
She composes herself, wiping her face.. let’s out a huffed breath. She knew exactly what to do next..
Meanwhile, in Peli’s hanger..
“Thanks again for everything, I think I’m good to go.” Mando says standing by the ramp of the crest. 
“No problem, my friend.. don’t be gone to long.” She winks at him with a smile. Mando nods his head once. 
Just as Mando was about to board his ship, he hears Peli’s transmission machine go off.. he stops and freezes..
“Peli, Peli, it’s Fi.. whatever you do, don’t let Mando leave”.. 
Peli’s eyes go wide in shock.. 
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Racing Against the Odds (Pt 2)
By the following morning, Fiora is finished with her breakfast.. after cleaning up and leaving her kitchen all set, She grabs her bags and heads out of the door. On the way to Peli’s hanger, everything from the previous night is still sinking in... it’s incredible how her life had taken such a turn so fast, but in the best way possible. She had always wondered where the break from the ordinary.. smiling, she realizes she finally got it.
Finally arriving at Peli’s hanger, sure enough the first thing she sees is Mando’s ship, ramp lowered.. Looking at Peli’s office window, she waves hello, the older woman returns a smile and wink. Fiora gets closer to the razor crest, peeking around the corner inside, she calls out to her protector.. “Mando?” A reply from inside.. “Come on up, set your things down”... She walks up the ramp, taking a look inside. A classic, but impressive. Compact space, but still enough room to move. Nodding in approval, she sets her things down in front of the passenger seat, behind Mando’s pilot seat.
“Very good, all ready to go”.. Fiora turns to find Mando directly behind her, she smiles brightly. “We’ll be taking off soon, go ahead and get comfortable” Nodding in agreement.. “I’m ready whenever you are”. She confirms. Mando nods once and steps away to set the final details with Peli in stone.
“So you already have all of the details and coordinates you need. If there’s any issues or problems, send me a transmission, don’t wait”. Concern and protection weaving itself in Mando’s voice.. he can’t tolerate the idea of anything happening to Fiora or her. It already was too marked by being close to losing Grogu to the enemy. 
Peli smiles and touches his arm caringly, giving him look of security.. “I’ll be just fine, my friend. It’s all under control. You just be the hero and take care of this mess for my friend in there. Please, keep her safe.” Mando let’s out a soft modulated chuckle in reply, “I made a promise, and plan on keeping it. This is The Way.”
Peli nods and gives his bicep a squeeze in goodbye. She heads back to her office. Mando sighs and turns back to the ramp of the ship, boarding and pressing the close button behind him. He climbs the ladder to the controls and seating area, once off.. walking towards his seat, he lays out the blueprint for Fiora, turning his seat to find her sitting quietly.. her beautiful shape draping the chair, legs crossed at the knee. Her delicate fair skin peeking through the slits of the ankle length tan skirt, ankle high laced boots, her soft curves calling out to him. A matching elbow sleeve length tunic, short on her toned stomach but not much.. her beautiful face pensive. Mando thinks silently “She’s the envy of every star in this galaxy, just to touch her.. just once.. But can control myself?” 
Coming out of his thoughts his clears his throat, she looks up at him when she hears him... “Is everything alright?” Her voice soft with concern.. 
Mando straightens his posture in the seat, and begins to talk..
“Fine. It looks like it’s time to to fly, I just hope you mind such a simple mode of transportation. it should take no more then two days, unless we run into trouble.” 
Fiora giggles at him.. “It’s problem at all, I just need to reach Mikka. Also, if you mind, I brought food. bread and fruit. I hope that’s okay.” Her sweetness is so overwhelming, Mando can almost taste it..
The handsome bounty hunter tilts his concealed head to the side, a smile in his voice.. “It’s perfectly fine, sounds delicious. .. You.. you, look lovely”. The modulated voice is slightly strained, as if he had a hard time finding the words, Fiora looking across from him, found it adorable. 
Fiora feels her her cheeks grow warm and she nibbles on her lip... Her voice reaches a sassy timber.. “Why thank you. Are all Mandalorian’s as handsome as you?” Mando’s eyes go wide from behind his visor, a smirk on his lips..
“Haha, unfortunately.. that’s a secret”. Mando silently tells her she’ll never find out, a subtle playfulness in his answer.
Suddenly, Firora returns him a smile.. but not any smile. The most sensual smile he had ever seen... The next sentence is whisper.. “I’m sure I’ll find out”. She replies slowly..
Mando can feel heat warming his blood and radiating within his suit.. This woman is everything and more that could want or desire, but her sensuality was to much.. especially since it was effortless for her. It all flowed naturally and Mando couldn’t resist that in a woman.. unbeknownst to him, this was going to be the longest flight of his life.
Mando clears his throat once more, breathing deep.. “Alright.. let’s go”. turning back towards the controls, he fires up the ship then gently the vessel lifts toward the midday sky..
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The Inevitable..
Mando is a wave of emotions as he tries to center himself after the intimate moment with the beautiful young woman on board his ship... Fiora is definitely, deliberately, and deliciously getting under his skin.  Her luscious and supple body pressed against the lifeless chill of his armor, giving herself to just the feel of his touch, arousal and heat vibrating all through her. Not to mention, almost completely straddling his thigh.. her bold move just to be closer to him, her voice a sensuous whisper... What in the hell is he supposed to do with himself when all he wants to do is take her, bare her body to him.. and indulge in her, every inch. Until she’s begging him to go further?..
For now, things are going to have to cool down.. as he’s checking their location and how much longer before they arrive. 
“Is everything okay?” Fiora asked. Still hazy from their moment, Fiora couldn’t wait until they were without interruptions, her need for the handsome warrior now evolving into a hunger.
Mando clears his throat though the modulator.. “Fine, we’ll officially be entering Naboo’s atmosphere within another hour.. the sensors on the ship were just picking up interference.” 
He turns back to her in his seat.. looking up and down at her form... through his visor he could see temperature levels in her body going down, her breathing slowing down... He chuckled silently, it’s been a while since he’d witnessed his effect on a woman. “You should take a seat and strap in.. it could get bumpy. Also,... don’t worry. We’ll be alone soon.. we have a lot to talk about” Mando promised..
Fiora wasn’t surprised he could sense what she was feeling.. it as she told them during their conversation, all she needed was a chance to prove that she knew what she was dealing with...
Before she took her seat, she takes the few short steps toward him.. bending down towards his helmet clad head and whispered.. “I can’t wait”... She seals her anticipation with a soft kiss on his head.. Before she walks away to go sit down, Mando squeezes her wrist in return, her hand being on the side of his head..
Finally seated and strapped in, releasing a sigh of content. Fiora couldn’t get her thoughts together, not that she could really devise a plan.. seeing as with Mando, planning was out of the question... but boy, did she have a lot to lay out on the table.
“So, what was your plan exactly? For us to end up on the floor together?” Mirth and smirk is laced in Mando’s modulated voice... 
Giggling can be heard bubbling from Fiora’s chest.. “No, too uncomfortable.. For everything I want to explore with you apart from this attraction, a ship won’t suffice.” 
“Explore, huh?” So you want more the just my hands on you?” Mando replies wickedly... Fiora behind him thanking every single star he couldn’t see the blush blooming from her chest to her cheeks...
Laughter blooms from Fiora while trying keep composed... “Oh Mando, let’s put it this way.. you’d better be thankful I can’t take that armor off. However, I will find a way to take as many bites out of you as I can.” She smiles nibbling her bottom lip, being able to taste him already...
“Be careful what you wish for with a Mandalorian, baby... hold on tight”...
A long hour later..
The Razor Crest landed in one of Naboo’s many ports.. the sun was vibrant and warm, the sky was a brilliant blue. Mando sighed, taking in the beautiful visual.. Nature is one of the many few things he wished he could appreciate more.
“Do you have everything?” Fiora heard him behind her as she finished gathering her bags to go down the ramp of the ship..
“Yep, all set”... are you?” 
“Not Quite”... Mando replies. Before Fiora could turn around to answer him.. Mando suddenly grips her waist, whipping her around to face him.. and just as fast with his powerful, beskar clad arms.. picks her up, she quickly wraps her arms around his shoulders and legs around his waist.. Mando somewhat gently traps her against the wall.. holding her by her thighs and back.
Her shocked breaths come in pants.. her eyes wide but excited.. “Oh god... Mando”... Touching her forehead to his visor.. Suddenly, she softly moans and her eyes flutter shut as she feels his manhood softly grind against her heated nether regions...
The powerful bounty hunter’s breathing is heavy but controlled, little effort comes with holding her seeing as she’s very light.. Mando could see a glittering sheer of sweat kiss her skin.. while Fiora noticed condensation on his armor.. 
Smirking underneath his helmet.. Mando gives her a taste of her own little game.. which he was still willing to play.. 
“What’s wrong, baby? Still not comfortable?” And with that, The Mandalorian has just revealed his wicked side, smirking in all of his glory...
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Questions in The Dark..
Mando, Fiora, and Mikka chat near the door way of the hut shortly before departing, the weary wanderers needed to find shelter before the next sunrise. 
“Mikka, I promise everything is gonna be fine. Are you sure you can have the next batch of power ready? Fiora couldn’t help but be afraid, this was a serious situation and lives were walking a fine line.. Mikka squeezes Fiora in a warm and comforting hug.. 
“Fi, my dear girl.. you forget who I am. I’ll have his next batch ready before you know it.. we just have to put together an idea to trap him and put him under lock and key”.. Mando suddenly interrupts the older woman.. “I’ll be leading him away from Naboo and back to Navarow in order to do that, my friend Karga will help me with the rest”.. A smirk can be heard weaving itself through Mando’s voice, already anticipating his chance to break out the carbonite.
A melodic laugh leaves Mikka’s throat for the first time since the entire day came to pass.. Fiora’s shoulder’s relax as she feels a bit more tension release itself from the atmosphere, but the need to stop worrying was still very far out of reach.. 
“Mando, my friend.. I have every bit of confidence in you, like I said.. you keep my girl safe, we’ll call it more then even.” Mikka winks in his direction. 
Nodding once in silent reply, both he hand Fiora bid their final farewells to the older woman.. finally departing for the evening, seeing as they still needed a place to stay until the next morning. Not mention, much still needed to be accomplished to end the madness of Kygen.
About another hour later, Mando found a small and simple motel.. not a rat hole by any means. Come to think of it, as Mando looked around the garden and courtyard, gazing up at an angle toward the other empty balcony’s and dark windows... It would seem that he and Fiora are the only travelers there out of probably 5 percent that already occupied the location.. Hopefully, danger wasn’t lurking in any corner.
Shortly after finding a room and checking in, Mando sighs to release the tension from his shoulders. He and Fiora were concealed, at least for the moment. 
Fiora observes the room, one bed for two in the middle for two, spacious but not too large, a bathroom with room freshen up properly, a small sitting area by the window with a beautiful but modest view of the planet outskirts. She nodded with contentment thinking to herself.. “This’ll do”.  Picking up her bags, Fiora walks over to the closet and puts everything away, Mando’s voice gets her attention..
“I know it isn’t much, but I needed to get us off the streets. The bed is yours.. I’ll take the floor.”
Fiora turns to face him taking a few steps closer smiling.. “Mando, don’t say that. I don’t mind you sharing the bed with me. Besides, your body must be exhausted, you need sleep.”  Fiora couldn’t help but be intrigued and also very enticed by the idea of this mysterious, powerful warrior sleeping next to her. His strong arms wrapping her up protectively as slept.  She suddenly feels heat caress her cheeks, the idea becoming more delicious by the minute .. 
“Trust me, Fi I’ll be fine. Why are you blushing?” Din Djarin is smiling underneath the helmet, he didn’t want to even guess what just went through Fiora’s mind as they were trying to settle on their sleeping arrangement. The powerful warriors’ feelings for Fiora were already very prominent and on the surface, even so .. he couldn’t bring himself to move that quickly with her. Fiora was precious so time with her was precious.
Fiora looks away giggling realizing she’d been caught in her reverie. “Nothing, just thinking, let’s retire for the night. We’ve got a lot to work through.”
Mando nods once, a smirk in his voice .. “Okay, let’s sleep”
A while later...
Fiora was changing into her nightgown, lilac silk a few inches past her knees. Sighing in quiet pleasure, her senses aroused knowing that her object of desire was hidden a few feet away while got ready for bed. Oh stars, ever since we crossed paths it’s been a challenge, having to restrain herself constantly from just grabbing this beskar clad vision and following her screaming heart.. However, she knew much better. 
Content with everything, she steps out of the bathroom. As grabs the pillows and pulls back the tan colored blankets and white sheets, she calls Mando back in .. “You can come back in now”.. She hears Mando’s footsteps but he doesn’t come back to the bed.
“Mando?” Mando clears his throat before replying .. “You go ahead and lie down, I’m just taking a moment”. Fiora nods and lies down, tucking herself under the sheets and adjusting her positioning until comfortable. As she laid in bed, she thought about the way Mando just answered her... His voice sounded different, not modulated. Suddenly it hits her, her eyes go wide ... He wasn’t wearing his helmet! Oh my... How handsome he must be. 
Fiora’s body suddenly starts to tremble, a soft tingling sensation across her skin.. All of a sudden, she couldn’t stop herself from gently caressing her body, beginning at her neck. Starting to lose herself, her eyes drifting close. Her imagination turns her hands into Mando’s.. rough battle worn palms drifting over her curves, her lines, heat blossoming everywhere.. slowly he’s teasing, caressing her soft, full breast through her night gown. Soft moans emanating from her throat..
While lost in pleasure Din watching her in a very shadow corner of the room. He feels his armor turn into a furnace as heat courses through him, he swallows as his mouth waters.. She looks gorgeous, the temptation driving him crazy, his voice returns in a whisper.. “Fi, what are doing?” Strain in his words.
Fiora gasp out loud in startle, her eyes shoot open. “Mando”. Suddenly, Din’s voice gets a little rough but still quiet as he walks towards the bed.. “Close your eyes, and do not open them”... Din is at the side of the bed, he sees her eyes are closed.
Slowly, he sits beside her. Caging her in at the side of her head with both arms.. Fiora can feel the matress and pillow sink deeper, Din is leaning toward her.. he takes in her beautiful face, supple pink mouth, her adorable nose. Without anymore doubts, hesitations silenced Din Djarin her mandalorian leans futher forward and seals his lips with her own in a soft kiss. At first Fiora freezes but then relaxes as she kisses him right back. The sensation of his lips a dream as she lets her hands graze his cheek and drift through his hair. All resistance has faltered, their hearts have conqured.
(To be Continued)
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Life in the Galaxy... (Preview)
Fiora was just you’re average woman if you were to try and piece her together, her parents have been gone for a while and she had no siblings.. Yes of course, you can try and glamorize a quiet life on Navarro working in a tavern all you want.. but, it��s futile. Now, however... everything changed and all because a certain Mandalorian walked into the tavern.. and unbeknownst to her, turned her life upside down.
“It’s incredible, one minute I’m living a quiet existence.. the next, I’m on an unprecedented journey through the galaxy with a Mandalorian, how did I even get here?” Fiora ask herself, little did she know.. the answers weren’t so difficult to find, and one of them is the the form of a powerful bounty hunter wearing beskar armor...
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