#Florah answers
ase-trollplays · 1 month
florah, it doesn't have to be your favorite but is there a quote, poem, or turn of phrase that's stuck with you?
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It's n✿t really a g✿✿d ✿r uplifting qu✿te, s✿ s✿rry in advance f✿r bringing d✿wn the m✿✿d. Y✿u were pr✿bably expecting s✿mething enc✿uraging ✿r happy.
“Learning is a gift. Even when pain is y✿ur teacher.”
I feel like that qu✿te basically sums up my wh✿le life. All the things I've learned a✿ut myself and ab✿ut life, I learned because I was hurt.
I learned t✿ take what pe✿ple sh✿w y✿u as wh✿ they are instead ✿f f✿cusing ✿n the pers✿n y✿u think they c✿uld be. I learned that being t✿✿ c✿mpassi✿nate and trusting will get y✿u taken advantage ✿f if y✿u're careless. I learned that being a g✿✿d pers✿n d✿esn't mean life will reward y✿u f✿r it. I learned that the w✿rld ✿wes y✿u n✿thing at all, and if y✿u want things t✿ change y✿u have t✿ d✿ it y✿urself.
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But m✿st imp✿rtantly, I learned that when y✿u're c✿nstantly kn✿cked d✿wn by life, it's ✿kay t✿ let ✿thers help y✿u back up if y✿u can't help y✿urself, and y✿u d✿n't have t✿ stay d✿wn.
... ✿h my g✿d, I did it again. I really am spending t✿✿ much time with Tant✿r.
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cloudbattrolls · 6 months
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“Hm. I haven’t heard from Florah lately…I should go check on him. I hope he’s all right.”
Luckily, you have things laid out in your cavern so that it’s easy for you to notify your staff and visit one of your three outside children without disrupting Kaningård’s routine.
But you worry about your son-daughter even so. It’s not like her to not answer you.
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1, 2, and 4 timelines for hera
1. the timeline in which they live an ideal life, had no opportunities taken from them, were subjected to nothing terrible, where they grew up to fulfil their full potential.
Honestly this one’s difficult to answer, because this would basically be her current timeline. At worst, she kind of lost her way and wound up pissing off Aelynn, but ultimately that was probably for the best since it resulted in a lot of growth she wouldn’t have otherwise gotten. She needed to get her ass handed to her.
2. the timeline in which they never met who would become the most influential or important person in their life, or that person was taken from them before they were capable of forming memories.
Considering that person would have been Sevenn...She likely would never have stopped her mutant-hunting ways. There are a lot of routes she could’ve gone if she never met him- Calming down herself as she got older, or following Sarina’s footsteps, or something in between where she’d just kind of stagnate. Or be conscripted and become cannon fodder.
4. the timeline in which they knew beforehand of something they would have prevented if given the chance.
She wouldn’t have attacked Rennra or Florah, for sure. (Instead she probably would’ve beat up her past self and told her to get a fucking grip.)
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ase-trollplays · 1 month
Florah, what are three things you're grateful for?
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I'm uh... grateful f✿r a l✿t ✿f things, actually.
I'm grateful f✿r all the friends I have wh✿ checked ✿n me and stayed with me after Karima was killed. If n✿t f✿r them, I w✿uldn't still be alive. They gave me the strength t✿ keep living even th✿ugh I l✿st the m✿st imp✿rtant pers✿n and relati✿nship in my life, and I was c✿mpletely shattered and miserable. I ✿we them everything.
I'm grateful f✿r Feriya f✿r giving me an✿ther reas✿n t✿ live. She helps me calm d✿wn when I'm anxi✿us, and she d✿esn't let me is✿late when I'm depressed. M✿st imp✿rtantly, she keeps me c✿mpany. Sure, I have Snelly, but it's n✿t the same, y✿u kn✿w? Heheheh, it's alm✿st like she's a m✿irail.
I'm even grateful f✿r Maer✿n, if y✿u can believe that. She was the first pers✿n t✿ find me when I was still basically catat✿nic and dead ✿n my feet, and she was actually really kind and patient. We hated each ✿ther's guts, but she still helped and t✿✿k care ✿f me until Tuuya, Cac✿ph, and Pr✿xus t✿✿k ✿ver. I d✿n't think I can hate her anym✿re, h✿nestly. I mean, h✿w d✿ I keep hating her after she basically saved my life, s✿me✿ne she d✿esn't even like, f✿r abs✿lutely n✿ benefits? She hasn't used what she did f✿r me t✿ make me indebted t✿ her ✿r s✿mething. She did what she did, then went ab✿ut her business like it was n✿ big deal.
✿h geez, I'm talking way t✿✿ much n✿w. I've been spending t✿✿ much time ar✿und Tant✿r.
>> You don't voice it since it would be more than three things, but you're thankful for Proxus as well. She brings a level of peace that you thought only your moirail could do, maybe more since she understands the rainbow drinker stuff since she's one, too.
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ase-trollplays · 6 months
"florah? 2lip? are you here? i heard 2ya was staying with you since something happened? is that right?"
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Yeah, I'm here.
>> Barely.
The literal w✿rst thing happened. I... I d✿n't feel anything anym✿re. It's been weeks n✿w, and I'm just c✿mpletely numb.
F✿r the first time in a c✿uple ✿f sweeps, I feel like I d✿n't want t✿ be alive anym✿re.
>> You refuse to give into the suicide ideation. Karima worked so hard to keep you alive and make you want to stay alive. You're not going to make all that effort for nothing.
>> However, you've relapsed back into self-harming, primarily when Tuuya is out getting blood for you otherwise they'll intervene. You just heal yourself and wash and put away the knife before they come back.
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ase-trollplays · 23 days
florah, when you look in a mirror do you like what you see?
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It's kinda funny. If y✿u asked me this a perigee ag✿, I w✿uld have said n✿. I g✿ back and f✿rth ✿n whether ✿r n✿t I like what I see.
Right n✿w, I... I d✿n't hate it. I d✿n't like it much either, th✿ugh. I can t✿lerate it, which is better than n✿t liking it at all.
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ase-trollplays · 24 days
Hey, Florah, how do you feel about Proxus? Is she your best friend aside from Cacoph?
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I, uhh... I dunn✿?
>> You take a moment to think and mull over the question.
Heh... Y-yeah, I guess she is. I didn't even realize she w✿rked her way that cl✿se t✿ me until I really th✿ught ab✿ut it. She's practically a life supp✿rt f✿r me like Tuuya and Cac✿ph. I l✿ve her just like I l✿ve them.
>> "Maybe more," you almost say.
She's the ✿nly ✿ne fr✿m Tuuya's class I still talk t✿. She kinda didn't give me a ch✿ice. She was set ✿n being friends even th✿ugh I was really av✿idant and shy and anxi✿us. I'm really glad f✿r that. She's just s✿... I d✿n't kn✿w?? I just feel better when she's ar✿und.
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ase-trollplays · 5 months
-> It seems a couple of potted plants appeared at Florah's front door. Where did they come from? Who knows! -> The potted flowers seem to be a mix of little white jasmines, chamomiles and chrysanthemums!
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What the... ?
>> Who left these here? It couldn't have been Cacoph or Proxus. They would have given them to you in person instead of leaving them for you to find. Maybe Maeron left them. She seems like the type to just leave you a gift and dip. You know she hates seeing you this deep in the trenches of depression.
>> Whatever the case, you take them into the warmth of your hive and place them in the greenhouse with the other plants. You could use more things to take care of.
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ase-trollplays · 6 months
Florah, do you ever look back at the good times with Allmah before everything went wrong? I mean, she said outright while 100% unable to lie that she cared about you back then. In another lifetime, one where she wasn't cursed to die, maybe things could have stayed good.
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... Y✿u kn✿w, when the C✿ndesce sets her sights ✿n a new planet, she d✿esn't g✿ in with ship cann✿ns, battali✿ns, and war machines blazing. She pers✿nally visits and speaks with the leaders. She sh✿wers them with res✿urces, g✿✿d will, and pr✿mises ✿f peaceful c✿llab✿rati✿n. By the time she leaves, they're pretty much in l✿ve with her.
Then she either vi✿lently enslaves and c✿l✿nizes the planet ✿r destr✿ys it ✿utright and m✿ves ✿nt✿ the next planet s✿ she can d✿ it again.
D✿ y✿u think any ✿f th✿se aliens l✿✿k back ✿n the g✿✿d times they had with her bef✿re everything went wr✿ng and muse ab✿ut h✿w maybe in an✿ther lifetime she c✿uld have been their friend f✿r real? D✿ y✿u think they have any lingering f✿ndness f✿r her because she was nice t✿ them in the past? D✿ y✿u think it matters if she genuinely cared even th✿ugh she destr✿yed their lives?
Fuck y✿u. I h✿pe y✿u die sl✿w and al✿ne.
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ase-trollplays · 5 months
Florah, how do you feel about Proxus? What helped you get along with him when you two met?
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Pr✿xus is a really g✿✿d friend. She just has a way ab✿ut her. Everything she says and d✿es makes me feel like things are ✿kay.
I guess what helped us get al✿ng is she went ✿ut ✿f her way t✿ talk t✿ me and hang ✿ut. She's the ✿nly pers✿n fr✿m class I still talk t✿ ✿ther than Tuuya. It's nice t✿ have an✿ther friend wh✿ gets it.
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ase-trollplays · 6 months
"are you going 2 class 2morrow? let me know if you want me 2 pick you up 283"
>> Florah does not answer or budge from his spot.
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ase-trollplays · 11 months
Hey Florah, I heard you have a new magic teacher! Nyxtra, right?
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Uhh, kinda? I haven't actually ✿fficially met her yet. I'm a little afraid t✿. I always mess up when I meet new pe✿ple. I d✿n't want t✿ make a bad impressi✿n ✿r s✿mething.
>> You still haven't followed up with the therapist you looked up after that dream you had. Most of the things you did -- the first therapist and Tuuya's class -- were because Maeron forced you. Now she's backing off, and Karima is too gentle with you to strongarm you into doing something you're not sure about.
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ase-trollplays · 2 years
Why is Florah wearing Cacoph's clothes
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I had t✿ thr✿w ✿ut my dress. The bl✿✿dstains were t✿✿ ✿ld, and they w✿uldn't wash ✿ut. I d✿n't have any ✿f my ✿ther cl✿thes, s✿ Cac✿ph is lending me s✿me ✿f his.
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ase-trollplays · 1 month
Florah, if you were reincarnated, what would you want to be in your next life?
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H✿nestly, I d✿n't care what I am. Whether I'm a tr✿ll again, ✿r a lusus, ✿r a bug, all I want is t✿ be happy, healthy, safe, and t✿ live a full life. As l✿ng as I have all th✿se things, it d✿esn't matter.
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ase-trollplays · 3 months
You know Florah, Proxus could probably help if you got a reptile. She LOVES reptiles
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I'm sure she has better thing t✿ d✿. A-and I'm n✿t even sure I'm g✿ing t✿ actually get it! I'm just thinking ab✿ut it. I pr✿bably w✿n't even buy it.
>> However, the prospect of having yet another thing to bond with Proxus over is tempting on its own. It would be the perfect excuse to spend more time with her, and it would be good for the gecko to have a reptile expert on hand. It could be a bonding experience for you both.
>> But that's such a selfish reason to take in and be responsible for a life.
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ase-trollplays · 3 months
if youre able to afford it and can provide proper care, why not make a new friend florah?
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I dunn✿. I mean, Feriya already needs a l✿t ✿t attenti✿n, and I want t✿ keep an eye ✿n Snelly because she's been sleeping f✿r ✿ver a perigee.
>> Tuuya told you it's normal and nothing to worry about, but you're still paranoid.
>> You've already started reading up on how to care for a leopard gecko and making notes of where a potential enclosure could go. But you're not 100% sure you're going to buy it yet.
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