#hera ic
goddesstrolls · 5 months
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"everyone on 1nsta keeps te||1ng me 1 s#-H->ou|d cosp|ay kar|ac#-H-> from baldur's gate. norma||y 1 wou|dn't g1ve a fuck but 1t'd make one of my fr1ends #-H->appy s1nce #-H->e's a #-H->uge D&D nerd."
"anyone know t#-H->e best way to go about t#-H->at? s#-H->ou|d 1 |earn more about #-H->er or anyt#-H->1ng? 1'm way out of my dept#-H-> #-H->ere."
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bastsoldtrollblog · 2 years
The Hunt
Hera came to an abrupt halt, worn boots scuffing on the packed earth beneath her feet.
She paused, scanning the trees ahead as far as she could see. Satisfied at what she saw, or rather what she didn’t, she began to move again, her pace steady and quick but quiet.
She diverged from the path, sidling through the undergrowth with learned precision. Hera had taken this exact route enough times to make a tiny footpath of her own.
As she neared her destination, she slowed. Moving quieter, slower, ducking lower to the ground. The high undergrowth helped considerably, but her giant fucking horns were a problem with this sometimes. When she was younger she used to weave branches into them, but she couldn’t be assed to do that now.
By the time she reached her destination she was creeping along, silent but quick. Just beyond the undergrowth now was a clearing with a large pool. Distantly, she could hear the trickle of water from a brook bubbling into the pool, and the shuffling of her target at the water’s edge.
She carefully peeked through a gap in the undergrowth, spying her mark.
A troll knelt at the edge of the pool, washing fresh vegetables in the cool water. Each vegetable, they paused to set it in a basket waiting beside them, and then resumed washing the next.
They had made one tiny slip-up several weeks prior, having tripped and skinned their hands on the pavement at a farmer’s market in the nearby town.
An error that was about to prove fatal.
For when they tripped, they revealed a smidge of their unnatural, mutant blood. A nearby shop owner saw. Whispers got around, and reached Hera’s ears when she asked for any information on local hemoanons or mutants.
They were cautious. They hadn’t gone to the town since then. But it wasn’t hard to find out the one hemoanon in town lived off in the woods, and then following their matesprit to their hive was even easier. They had just parted ways with their matesprit, having met them for a while at the edge of the woods before both went their separate ways.
There was the risk that this mutant’s matesprit would hear that a big muscular rustblood was asking about hemoanons and mutants, of course. But Hera would be far away by then. She lived nowhere near here and had no intent to ever come back.
Besides, she liked the challenge a little revenge brought.
Silently, Hera slid her bow from her back and slowly pulled an arrow from her quiver. She nocked the arrow and shifted her posture to get her feet fully under her. Carefully, smoothly, she straightened, pulling back the bowstring at the same time.
Neither her nor her arrow made a single sound. The arrow pierced her target clear through the back of the head and they collapsed face-first into the water.
Hera pushed forward through the undergrowth. The mutant’s bright red blood was steadily seeping into the clear water. Hera placed a boot on the nape of their neck and wrenched her arrow out, and idly rinsed it in the water.
She straightened, inspected her arrow, and tucked it back into her quiver, taking a look at her mark while she did.
She felt a flicker of smug satisfaction that it was just so easy. Of course, she wasn’t out of hot water yet, but that was the price she paid to take these marks. To have the honor of following in her ancestor’s footsteps.
It wasn’t like they were living it up, anyway. What sort of life was it to live, hunted, hated, hidden? She was doing them a favor, really. The system would never change, at least not in their lifetime, nor in Hera’s.
Hera turned and left, opting to cut straight through the woods rather than take the path. She wasn’t going to deign to rob them too, she didn’t want a fucking mutant’s money or food.
She wasn’t going to stop by the town, either. They hadn’t seen her for a week and a half and they weren’t going to see her again.
As far as Hera was concerned, it was another job well done.
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"I seldom cahoot"
babe wake up biblically accurate Hades just dropped
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Hera: children you have not found the love of your life if you didn’t find them in the trash!
*Sabine and Ezra both look at Kanan*
Kanan: why do you assume that I was in the trash?!
Leia: no she’s got a point
Ezra: does this mean I can space Kallus cuz Zeb didn’t find him in the trash!
Kallus: Bridger I swear
Zeb: kid….Kallus was the trash
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anstarwar · 2 years
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Howzer: You sure your parents let you have this for dinner?
Hera: Uh huh, oh yeah. All the time.
In which Eleni and Cham had an emergency meeting out of town and left Howzer in charge of Hera for the first time
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mytho-nerd · 11 months
Apollo: if you had to choose between me or Hermes who would it be?
Hera: Hermes. Not even close.
Hestia: aww you can’t choose between your kids!
Hera: they’re not my kids.
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commsroom · 11 months
if hera could eat, i think she'd be completely prepared for indulgence, but she would ultimately prefer subtler / more natural flavors. like, hera is getting pistachio rosewater ice cream while eiffel is creating ungodly sugar concoctions out of the most brightly colored artificial flavors known to man. minkowski - needless to say, a big fan of ice cream! - is a healthy eater through rigorous discipline, but in her heart of hearts, she does want, like. dark chocolate cherry with cake bits in it. minkowski earnestly believes in the concept of a "cheat day" and marks them on her calendar. which is a real "how do you live like this" moment for eiffel, on multiple levels.
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virgosvoid · 20 days
happy mother’s day
to some of my favorite milfs ꨄ
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withlovefromolympus · 2 years
Ares: aye Heph wanna hear a joke??
Hephaestus: why are you asking me whether or not I can clearly hear you??
Ares: MOMMM! Heph just called me a joke!!
Hera: Hephaestus! That isn’t very nice
Hephaestus: why? you should be proud that Ares is a joke…he’s the biggest one you’ve ever made
Zeus: he’s not my son. you made him yourself. you deal with him.
Hephaestus, smirking: I am unbeatable
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consider-da-lilies · 1 year
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“We’re all here for one purpose, and that’s to propel you to the top. Are we clear?” —Ahsoka Tano
A snippet sneak peak for Chapter 4 coming later this week 👀❄️
I finally got the coaches’ designs done! I tried to take inspiration from their og designs and man was that fun! Hope they live up to expectations 😆
The first 3 chapters for Dual Edge are posted! Updates every Saturday~
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fellowlifeform · 9 days
Soo.. Sincere I am out here adressing the gods as ice cream flavours, here's my takes on every god in Olympus.
Hestia: classic chocolate, give or take
Demeter: cookie dough
Hera: lemon, or maybe just milk
Hades: Licorice, or oreo
Poseidon: blue angel
Zeus: vanilla
Ares: coffee
Athena: mango (it sorta reminds me of her weirdly) tho wallnut also works
Aphrodite: strawberry
Hephaestus: nougat
Apollo: melon
Artemis: Pistachio
Hermes: u are one minty Mf (not with chocolate chip, just mint)
Dionysus: grape or cherry yoghurt
Too scared to tag any god tho :(
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goddesstrolls · 28 days
Herali, if Nyphas was tied to some train tracks, and you could divert the train with a lever to save their life but it would run over five separate trolls you don’t know, would you pull the lever?
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>> You think about it for a moment.
"1 t#-H->1nk 1 cou|d stop t#-H->e tra1n. but assum1ng 1 don't #-H->ave t1me to try or w#-H->atever, yea#-H->, du#-H->, 1'd k1|| t#-H->e randos."
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bastsoldtrollblog · 2 years
Hera walked up to Nyphas’ hive, half-sunk as it was in a nearby muddy pond, and spotted the familiar shape of the bronzeblood’s worn hat lying in the mud outside.
It wasn’t just his hat, she realized as she walked closer. She saw his coat, then his horns and the rest of him, and realized he was just lying face-down in mud that was several inches deep.
She came to a halt in front of him and crouched. Watching him for several moments to assure he was still moving and uninjured. She knew he was, but she had to be sure.
“Can you breathe in there?” She asked, finally.
A grubby hand popped up out of the mud in a thumbs-up.
Hera reached out to take Nyphas by the collar, pulling him out of the thick mud with a schlup of suction from his soaked clothes.
“Hi, Hera.” Through the mud caking Nyphas’ face she could only just make out his smile. “It’s very nice outside tonight.”
“I can tell,” Hera said, allowing Nyphas to move to kneel and releasing his collar. “I brought meat.”
“What kind?” Nyphas began the process of wiping some of the mud off his front and his face, mostly only succeeding in smearing it everywhere.
“I won’t tell you ‘til you’ve showered.” Hera said, straightening and moving to head into Nyphas’ hive on her own.
“Boo,” Nyphas replied, following her but pausing at the door to kick more mud off his shoes and self.
The large entrance room of Nyphas’ hive was broken, the floor cracked and uneven, sagging slowly towards the pond with each passing sweep. The pond itself sat nearly level with the window and, when it rained, overflowed into the hive. This resulted in some of the pond finding itself trapped in Nyphas’ hive, muddy water full of tadpoles, small fish, and even some plants that had managed to root themselves somewhere. Nyphas had successfully cultivated lilypads, and as Hera passed a frog leapt off of one such pad and dove underwater.
She trotted through, pausing to remove her shoes at the doorway into the next room and continuing on barefoot. Past that first room, the rest of the hive was relatively clean.
“I’m gonna go shower,” Nyphas announced as Hera went down the hall to the kitchen.
“‘Kay. I’ll be here.” She replied, glancing over her shoulder to see Nyphas heading the other way down the hall to the bathroom. He’d taken off his shoes as well, and had the ends of his pants and coat bunched up in his hands to avoid getting too much mud everywhere.
Hera trotted into the kitchen and made a beeline for the fridge. The kitchen was, by and large, spotless- Nyphas did a deep-cleaning at least every week, and the only mess at the moment was a bit of loose dirt from some fresh vegetables deposited on the counter by the sink.
Hera spent a minute putting away the meat she’d brought, putting some in the fridge and the rest in the freezer. She’d already packaged and marked everything for him.
From there she turned to start washing the vegetables in the sink, until she heard a distant sound through the running water.
She turned off the tap and paused to listen, confirming: Nyphas was wailing her name from the bathroom across the hive.
Rolling her eyes but a smirk still finding its way onto her face, Hera headed back down the hall, allowing her step to fall heavy so he knew she was coming. She could hear the water running.
He was still mid-wail as she opened the door. She waited for him to finish before speaking. “I’m here, what do you want?”
Hera heard him taking a deep breath, and then- “Heeeerrraaaaaaaaa-”
“....” She raised her brows. He was safely behind the shower curtain and she couldn’t see more than a foggy outline.
“-Can you grab me a clean towel?”
“No.” Hera shut the door, and backtracked to the hallway closet, fetching a stack of towels and returning to the bathroom with them. She let herself in once more and plopped them down on a shelf. Nyphas’ dirty clothes had been dumped into the large industrial sink, and Hera turned on the water to begin rinsing them off.
“Thank you.” Nyphas said meekly from behind the shower curtain.
A few minutes of silence as they both washed, and Hera piped up. “You’ve looked into hot water heaters, right?”
“I’d have to redo the plumbing and move the heater. It’s all sunk.”
Hera clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth. “You got sick last sweep from freezing your ass off in here. You should at least have hot water.”
“You know you should move. The ceiling might collapse.”
“The ceiling’s fine. It’s just the front room, and I already cut all the electricity from there.”
“It’s just the front room, and the hot water, and the electricity in the rest of the hive, and the mosquitos in the summer, and the ice in the winter-”
Nyphas blew a dissatisfied raspberry. Hera lifted up his relatively clean jacket and hung it over the shower curtain rod, which groaned under the weight of the sodden leather.
“Just hang it on your horns to dry,” Nyphas said.
“And get myself soaked? No thank you.”
Nyphas blew another raspberry in response, and shut off the water. As Hera grabbed a towel and passed it to him over the shower curtain, Nyphas recalled the meat she brought. “Oh yeah, what kind of meat did you bring?”
“Ooh, I haven’t had boar before.”
“It won’t be as bad as the bear I brought last time, promise.”
“Yeah.” She could hear Nyphas sticking his tongue out and grimacing in disgust at the memory of her last kill she’d shared with him. “You can have the vegetables in the kitchen.”
“Thanks.” Hera smiled at him through the shower curtain.
“...Oh, yeah.” Nyphas said suddenly, as though realizing something.
“Hera, can you grab me some clean clothes?”
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alicentswife1 · 15 days
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✦❘༻༺❘✦ Cersei Lannister as Hera the Goddess of marriage, family, childbirth and women.
I couldn’t help myself. So I made another one with Cersei because she’s so complex and to give her just one goddess would’ve been wrong (I will probably do this with multiple others too). I think I also prefer this one given the fact that Hera was very motherly but also very jealous. ‘Hera was known for being faithful herself, but she is often described as a jealous, vengeful goddess, particularly towards Zeus and his many lovers and bastard offspring.’ Which fits pretty well? Cersei loves her children. And she definitely has that soft side to her, buried underneath but it’s there. I also see Hera despising Zeus for his unfaithfulness, as does Cersei, she hates Robert. She longs to be like her father which is her biggest curse. (Hera could also fit Alicent and Rhaenyra)?
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rebelresolve · 8 months
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"You'll have to forgive me if I find that a bit unbelievable."
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muiltifandomnerd · 5 hours
Daenerys Parallels with the Elder Olympians
Daenerys and Zeus: They are both the youngest and ‘strongest’ of their sibling. They surpass their mad and insane fathers and seek to restore order and justice. They are the rulers of the skies and are often driven by their romantic endeavors.
Daenerys and Hera: They are the youngest and most beautiful of their siblings. They are queens who dealt with bad marriages. They are both protectors of women but have devastating tempers. They are also very family oriented.
Daenerys and Demeter: They are mothers who have lost their kids. They attended to the earth and are often underestimated by their enemies. Their will influence the world but are both compassionate people. They will be very brutal to people who cross them and are very maternal.
Daenerys and Poseidon: Daenerys also have the sea motif because she does fantasize of traveling though ships and boats. They are very rebellious towards the natural order. Both are very changeable and can be very destructive. They love so fiercely to the point that it could drive them mad. Daenerys and Poseidon are both freedom seekers at heart. They are the parents of monsters
Daenerys and Hades: They are the most competent and intelligent of their siblings. They rule over their subjects with a firm and gentle hand and have monsters who served them. They are the richest of their enemies and usually run their own kingdom. They are both tender hearted as well, but also justice seekers. They run punishments towards the wicked, so they are also feared.
Daenerys and Hestia: They have a fire motif and seek to bring their family together. They can’t have biological children and still ‘virgins’. They are dutiful and modest. They are both the oldest and youngest of the their family dynasty.
@hamliet @asongofstarkandtargaryen @ariamariastark1 @ladyaryawolf @alicentswife1
Other Daenerys and Greek Mythology Stan’s, please continue this
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