innytoes · 2 years
Another! 63, Reggie ship(s) of your choice
Why are all my friends so pretty?
Look, it was kind of Flynn's fault Reggie was in this mess, so it was only fair that she stay and babysit his loopy ass while the rest of their friends went clubbing. She should have known better than to ask the walking disaster to help her get down the shoes she'd accidentally tossed out her window and into a tree trying to scare off the horny pigeons in her window sill. She should have waited for like, Julie. Or Bobby. Or Alex. Even Luke would have probably been better, honestly.
Instead, Reggie had climbed the tree, rescued her shoes, and promptly fallen out and broken his leg. The hospital had given him some pretty strong painkillers that he'd immediately handed over to Alex, afraid of taking to many. Now, Flynn was In Charge Of The Drugs, with a very strict schedule posted on the fridge. He’d taken his pill just before she got here, so he wasn’t due another one for four hours.
"Are you sure you're okay with this?" Alex asked, tugging at the crop top Willie insisted he wear. His cheekbones had been highlighted to hell and back by Carrie. She had opted to stay in with Flynn and Reggie for the night, but had thrown herself into playing hair and makeup for the people going out, which was the best part anyway, according to her. Alex looked radiant.
"Of course," she said reassuringly. "Me and Reggie have a whole evening of watching shows about cute dogs planned, isn't that right, Reg?" Reggie blinked at his name, startled out of where he was staring at Alex, and gave a thumbs up.
"Okay," Alex said, before letting himself be distracted by Willie, who pulled him into a kiss. Man, whatever lipstick Carrie had used on Willie was good. Not a smudge out of place. The dreamy look on Reggie's face was back. Oh, interesting. She was one hundred per cent going to bring this up to Carrie later.
Speaking of, she came out of one of the bedrooms, brandishing a lip gloss at her cousin, who slapped at her to keep her away. “I’m not wearing lip gloss, Carrie,”  he snapped. “Or that mesh top.” He was wearing his usual black-shirt-red-suspenders outfit, with some nice stompy boots, and his hair artfully mussed. But Flynn had to admit, the mesh top would probably look hot.
“Who’s going to want to kiss your gross chapped lips, then?” Carrie shot back. “Reggie, tell him he’s not getting any if he doesn’t listen to me.”
Reggie blinked, looking Bobby up and down. The guy scowled, crossing his arms defensively. “You look really pretty, Bobby,” Reggie said instead, the traitor. An uncharacteristic smile broke out over Bobby’s face, and he leaned over the couch to ruffle Reggie’s hair.
“Thanks, buddy,” he said, before going to the kitchen to pre-game some shots.
“That doesn’t count, he’s stoned off his gourd,” Carrie muttered mutinously. Still, she settled down when Julie let her do her make-up. She and Luke were also dressed to the nines, and Flynn was kind of regretting volunteering for Reggie-sitting duty now, except for how it was totally her responsibility. They pressed a kiss to Reggie’s forehead and cheek, before the gang all headed out the door in a flurry of chaos.
Reggie watched them go, waving and smiling, before flopping down on the couch, his head landing in Flynn’s lap, propping his cast up on the squishy arm of the sofa. “Why are all my friends so pretty?” he whined, pressing his hands to his face.
“You mean Alex?” Flynn asked. She gave Carrie a Look, and her girlfriend settled in on the chair near the sofa, crossing her legs and looking intrigued.
“And Willie,” Reggie moaned. “And Bobby.” He paused, peeking through his fingers up at her. “You and Carrie are also pretty but I respect your opinion that boys are gross and have cooties.”
“The word is... you know what, you’re right,” Carrie said. “Boys are gross and have cooties. Especially Bobby. I’m disappointed in you, Reginald.”
“I knoooow,” Reggie whined, only dropping his hands when Flynn started petting his hair. “Alex and Willie are totally happy together, and I’m already dating Luke and Julie. It’s so selfish of me to want more.”
Flynn blinked, sharing a look with Carrie. Apparently stoned Reggie was a very, very honest Reggie, and this was more than they’d bargained for with a bit of light teasing. Shockingly, it was Carrie who stepped up, even though she hated ‘mushy feeling stuff’ most of the time.
“Do you think Julie’s selfish? She’s dating you and Luke and Flynn.”
“What? No!” Reggie said quickly, offended. He tried to glare at Carrie from his place with his head in Flynn’s lap, but mostly just managed to squint and pout. “Julie’s special, she has a big heart.”
“So do you, sunshine,” Flynn said, booping Reggie’s nose. He tried to boop hers in return, but he missed her face by a mile, dropping his hand back on his chest and pouting until she started stroking his hair again. “Julie and Luke won’t be upset if you want to date someone else.” He seemed to mull it over. Or maybe he just saw an interesting spot on the ceiling. Apparently Julie had gone grocery shopping earlier this week and had found him an hour later, exactly where she left him, stroking one of her fluffy pillows.
“Besides, Bobby’s had a crush on you since he was fifteen,” Carrie said casually, inspecting her fingernails.
Reggie shot up. “Really?”
“That explains so much,” Flynn said. Like how Reggie was the only one who could get piggyback rides from Bobby. He just dropped everyone else. And how Bobby always made sure to sneak in Reggie’s favourite snacks when they went to the movies. And how Reggie was the only one who was able to coax out a smile out of him when he was in one of his Grumpy Cat moods.
“Where’s my phone, I need to text Bobby,” Reggie said, flailing around the couch cushions until Flynn desperately pulled him back to lay down before he fell off the couch and re-broke his leg.
“No texting while stoned,” Carrie said sternly. Reggie pouted, but stopped flailing.
“Besides, maybe talk to Luke and Julie first,” Flynn suggested. He still had another two days on these meds, which would give him plenty of time to bumble through a Serious Conversation. Maybe she’d give Jules a heads up, though, just in case the high dosage of painkillers seriously addled what Reggie was trying to say. She didn’t have time for any sitcom levels of misunderstanding here. She and Carrie may live for The Drama, but only other people’s drama. Not their people’s.
“Myeah,” Reggie said, already flagging after his bout of energy. Flynn smiled, stroking his hair out of his eyes, and he settled back down, melting into her. It didn’t even take half an episode of Puppy Palace for him to fall asleep. And if she and Carrie spent the next hour gossiping and taking bets on how many people Reggie ended up dating, well, that was one of the joys of being in a polycule like theirs, wasn’t it?
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ldntommo · 2 years
Questions Tag Game
Tagged by @imsupposedtobewritting (thank you rae 🖤)
Name: alexina (or just alex)
Star Sign: aries
Height: 5'4
Time: 17:59 pm
Birthday: april 12th
Favorithe band/artist: all time favorite is guns n roses. but also halsey, louis tomlinson, twenty one pilots. i literally listen to every genre
Last Movie: the batman (2022). shocking news i don't really watch movies and this is the only batman movie i have ever seen
Last Show: shameless
When did I create this blog: too long ago, like 10 years ago or so. i had another blog before this too so have been here quite a while
What I post: reblog stuff, mostly 911 and shameless right now. blabber about anything and everything. sometimes i post about bipolar as i'm unfortunately living with it
Last thing I googled: how much is 165 cm in feet lmao
Other blogs: no you'll never know!!! i last updated it when i was 19 and i'm 27 now and embarrassed
Do I get asks: not really no
Following: 223. a lot of those inactive 1d blogs i followed like 5 years ago (won't unfollow bc those are my beloved mutuals i hope will one day be active again 🥺)
Average hours of sleep: i have a really fucked up sleeping schedule so can't really say what's the average
Instruments: used to play guitar but please don't give me one lmao i probably have no idea how to handle one anymore
What I'm wearing: croptop and sweatpants. i'm a basic bitch ok
Dream job: bro i don't dream of working. a trophy wife
Dream trip: italy or mexico. can't decide between these two
Nationality: suomiperkele (finnish) 🇫🇮🇫🇮
Favorite Songs: no i can't, there's too many. one of them is halsey's new one "so good"
Last book I've read: it was work related so nobody really cares. i know i didn't
Top 3 fictional universes I'd like to live in: 911, tvd (to flirt with katherine), spn
Tagging: anyone who wants to do it 🖤🖤 i love to read these but am too lazy to tag anyone rn
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Drabble: Alex sexually harassing and taking advantage of Stella at a heavily public con with hypnosis.
Alex was excited for the con as soon as Stella told her about it, and her desire to cosplay. Alex "helped" Stella pick their costumes, Alex would go as Medusa, and Stella as a genderbent Free. Stella, the seamstress of the two, worked hard on the cosplays, taking notes from Alex about how to change the costumes. Slowly, Stella's shirt became a prison stripe crop top, her pants becoming effectively a loin cloth. Alex also added a muzzle to Stella's outfit, and a collar, since Medusa was supposed to be in charge, after all. The changes were introduced slowly enough that, until the day of the Con came, Stella didn't notice anything amiss.
"I can't go out in this, I'll get kicked out," she complained. Alex, reassuring hand, stroked her hair. "No, everyone's dressed up like this for the con. Besides, after you hooked up with the teacher, don't you feel more liberated?" she offered, giving Stella the muzzle to strap to her face. Stella didn't notice, until she put it on, that there was a gag inside of it that she couldn't avoid putting in her mouth... and Alex had just sealed the muzzle shut, Stella couldn't unlock it without the key in Alex's purse. "Remember, if you feel uncomfortable today, just use the safeword," she reminded Stella, smirking once Stella wasn't looking at her face.
At the con, Stella's succubus aura kept others from paying too much attention to her slutty dress, just like Alex knew it would. They saw her, and even could appreciate how sexy she was, but it never entered their minds that Stella was dressed inappropriately.
"Oh, we need to go to the panel, after all, we don't want to slip up, and miss what we came for," she said. Stella hurried to take off her panties, as the hypnotic suggestion told her to do, while Alex tugged on her leash.
In the panel, Alex teased Stella more and more, fondling her breasts, flipping her loin cloth up to show off her bare pussy, and just having a blast. Stella, mortified, just froze and let Alex do everything she wanted, ashamed at herself for how horny the violations made her feel.
Walking out of the panel, Stella had her croptop pulled back to show off her large breasts, not even realizing that she was flashing everyone at the Con, she was in such a daze. That, was when Alex made her move. "Nake Snake," she whispered in Stella's ear, causing her to drop, her mind growing blank. Stella was still in there, and could feel everything happening, but could do nothing, couldn't move or cry out, she was a dumb doll now. Alex rubbed herself up and down Stella, sucking on her breasts, (were they getting firmer?), rubbing her pussy, turning the loincloth to the side, to show off Stella's wet holes. Alex unlocked the muzzle from Stella's head, pulling the gag out, and forced her to her knees. "Howl, my little wolf, howl like the bitch in heat you are," she grinned, and Stella agreed, howling and whimpering. Her mind was a tumult of sensation, but she couldn't stop, nor did she think she wanted to. Alex stripped Stella completely naked and led her around on all fours.
Now that Stella was primed and ready for use, her aura shifted, and people wanted her. Many congoers came over and asked to use the puppy, either just a little bit of relief from her mouth, or a rough fuck in either of her two holes. Alex told them the price, and they paid. Stella, deep in her brain, lost track of time and fucks, found herself enjoying everything more and more, and by the time that she was brought back to herself, the hypnosis finally worn off, she didn't stop, just begged for another cock, another pussy.
Finally, the con ended for the day, Stella blowing the bus driver on the way back to school. It was all she could do to keep herself sitting still without masturbating from the loads of cum filling her up, in both holes.
In the shower at home, Stella scrubbed herself clean, having finally come to her senses about what had happened, but as the water washed her off, she found herself wondering if it had even happened. As the cum drained out of her, so did the memories of the day, until all that she had were vague recollections of how good it would feel to be used like a toy, to be filled again and again... and those dreams had been going on since she'd fucked her teacher. Still, the con had been fun... at least she thinks it had been. Still, she can't wait to go back next year.
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sundrenched-smilez · 5 years
trans pride asks: 2, 6, 11, 12, 17, 24, 32
2. what does your name mean (either literally, or to you personally)
so!! in bee and puppycat, there’s a charcter named cas, and she’s rly cool and i love her hair. so i wanted to also go by cass, but wanted a unique name, so for longform i chose cassette!!! i forget what gave me that idea, but i love it so much and it’s so me, and retro, and i love it. it means the world to me to finally have a name that suits me and feels good n natural c: 
6. what’s something you’re most looking forward to in your transition (or something that was your favorite part of transitioning)?
havin boobs baybee!!!! ive always wanted the n now i Have Some n im v happy :~)) i want bigger ones, like just enough to have cleavage, but i’m sure ill get there eventually
also my skin is suuuuper soft now, it’s amazing
11. if you’re on hrt, what changes suprised you the most?
im lactose intolerant now?? idk if thats bc of hrt or not, but i wasn’t when i started. i dont think. 
better orgasms but still not as good as id like!!
12. what gives you the most gender euphoria?
being seen as  vry/completely androgynous, like ppl just cant tell??? my gender, n i love confusing them. >:33 like even other queer folks have had trouble telling, n it gives me Such Power. it’s rly amusing n pleasing
17. who’s your favorite trans character? or do you have any characters you headcanon as trans?
alex fierro from the magnus chase series!! she always blurts out whenever her pronouns change, and it’s rly lovely and not like, forced? she’s just unabashedly her
24. any trans role models?
not any real ppl unfortunately. alex fierro is good, idk any like, trans folk that i look up to, off the top of my head? mb u in some aspects tbh? ur rly rad, seem like u live a good life, and ur fun, sweet, great to be around <3 <3 not to gush, but also to gush a bit
32. which gender roles or cis beliefs do you find most ridiculous?
that women don’t know anything, it’s so dumb. i also dont get straight relationships or straight men. gender reveal parties/gender reveal junk in general. like ppl r literally making u pay hundreds (presumably) to know which roles ur gonna assign 2 yr baby, i hate it!!! 
gender = hair thing? like ive gotten misgendered one way, n then they looked up n was like “oh sorry maam, i didn’t see your hair” like what???
that or ill b wearing like a croptop and cutoff shorts that r dangerously close 2 showcasing my pretty lil ass to the world, n have a bra on to accentuate my boobs, and ppl STILL think im a guy, like wtf wtf r they on,,, cmon,,, 
cis ppl frustrate me so much,,, grumble grumble
ilu tysm for the distraction!!! also pls msg me abt pirates of the caribbean, i wanna watch them n ik ur the Prime Person to screem w abt those movies bc u love em
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