#Garou is self explanatory!
eisenartworks · 2 years
Me, reading opm: heehee funny parody seinen :)
Also me: if I think about the characters their experiences and their world a bit deeper I'll start throwing up
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fischotterkunst · 8 months
Tempest Text translations from S1 episodes 1-5, excluding the outro cause. yeah that's beyond my capability. BUT there are some neat bits here! apologies in advance if i get anything wrong insofar as the Japanese translations go - my understanding of Japanese is extremely limited so i am relying heavily on Google Translate for help there.
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This is scrolling text that repeats to read "Koyuu Gukiru wo Kakutoku shimashita Garou", in effect meaning "Obtained Unique Skill [of] Direwolf" (Tensura uses "garou" for the direwolves rather than "okami"; "garou" meaning "hungry wolf" and also being French for "werewolf")
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The text on the sides is cropped repeats of the bottom text: Akumanimi wo sasageyo. My translation efforts led me to believe this read "Give Your Life to the Devil" which. is doubtful. so I had to consult a buddy who has MUCH more knowledge of Japanese than I do and she said, "sagase is imperative for "look for" so it's more like "look for the devil", but also it might be a pun since "ma" is the same character in the "magisteel cluster" we see. The devil is in the details?"
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This one is self-explanatory xD
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"Kaiseki taisyou" = "Object Analysis"
there was also some text that as far as i can tell was a keysmash since it didn't work out to Japanese OR English:
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so if anyone can make any sense of that please lmk XD
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the-nysh · 2 years
If Garou joins the HA, Amai Mask would lose his mind, I am sure...
And a part of me would kill to see those 2 interact.
I am still kind of pissed than Amai Mask wanted to kill Garou that badly, like seriously, not even the others nobody heroes wanted that, they were just getting out their frustation and past humiliation in him, they never said anything about killing.
How do you imagine things going with the rest of the class S than Garou did not fight (in contrast of the webcomic)?
With Sweet Mask, his black & white no-tolerance policy is understandable knowing what he is, and the extreme edge he's been living on where he cannot afford any leeway, pardons, or lapses in control, because it's reflective of the mental battle he's having within himself, so I'm not angry with him (and knew he had his role to fulfill.) :'3 However, many other heroes in the wc were on board with Garou's execution, finding reasons to 'justify' enacting it and all, while the ones in the manga either stood by as bystanders, or gleefully joined in a petty/vindictive mob of payback that called their 'good' behavior as heroes into question - cause Tareo could not stand by and called them all out for their unheroic behavior (good for him~) with King on pacifist support to emphasize how shameful they were. Cause 'good' heroes need to be above indulging in this type of impulsive, 'feel good' backstabbing violence, or they're no better than petty thugs or at worst, the inhumane monsters (oho..SM) themselves.
So naturally, SM will likely resist and still be vehemently opposed to Garou joining (unless...SM's identity is exposed and thus removes him as the 'barrier' from entering S Class), but as for what the rest of S Class will think of Garou??
I'm actually going to laugh if the manga's 'Garou vs S Class' is going to be a post-arc held competition/tournament to determine his placement among them! x'D So let's go down the list.
Blast: future Garou fought him and learned his portal powers + gravity techniques, but for all current Garou knows, Blast is the one credited for defeating him with the 'Zero Punch' out of nowhere. As for Blast himself, unknown how he'll come into the picture again.
Tatsumaki: was knocked out and never interacted with Garou. In the wc she had reason to fight him thinking he'd hurt her sister, but not here. This time manga Tatsu probably won't care about Garou (esp if she’s focused on Psykos in the post-arc), plus she knows she's the boss anyway.
Bang: self-explanatory. He's already on board supporting him and setting things up to make Garou his replacement following his hero retirement.
Atomic Samurai: ooh this is interesting. Cause he and none of his disciples fought Garou to build a grudge against him. (Aww, missed opportunity for Garou to ‘catch’/parry the Sun Blade~) Plus he respects and trusts Bang. So he’ll either be in support of Bang’s judgement OR he’ll want to gauge Garou’s strength (aka his worthiness as Bang’s replacement) with the ‘apple test.’ If AS doesn’t leave on a post-arc journey in search of the Moon Blade, then either he or his disciples could show interest in fighting/training with Garou, with respect to Bang.  
Child Emperor: ohhh...unsure here. In the wc he was in support of Garou’s execution, but here he stayed out and (aside being knocked out by radiation in the future) never interacted with him. So unless CE still insists on putting up a fight (or if he still leaves for the Neo Heroes with his own reasons), Garou probably won’t be that thrilled to face a child either. 
Bofoi (Metal Knight): lul....he showed up at the VERY END on cleanup and healing duty to treat everyone’s radiation poisoning with magitech. Not bad! But he honestly still has other urgent targets on his paranoia radar to bother with Garou, so he’ll likely stay out to focus on his own, more pressing problems as usual.
King: what a nice guy! :’D He stepped up as a hero in support of Tareo to save Garou, while Garou had previously saved him vs the cadres (as King’s literal Ultimate Wave Motion Cannon.) So King has no reason to oppose Garou...but IF there’s a hero competition requiring some fighting, then King could react like ‘oshit’ as his new reason to want to train himself among dojos. 
Zombieman: hmmm...he’ll probably have more reason to want to investigate ‘god’ as a detective than do any fighting. Unless his ever-healing body is used as target-practice to hone techniques, there’s not much for Garou to gain by fighting him either.
Drive Knight: LMAO he peaced out early and has more dirt to uncover on Bofoi and Blast than to honestly give af about Garou.
Pig God: he’s a nice guy and dependable hero too. Unless Evil Natural Ocean is still out there for him to ‘eat,’ he probably won’t have much problem with Garou. 
Darkshine: ah. He DID directly fight Garou who broke his confidence + heroic spirit (along with all his other ptsd from suffering at the hands of the cadres.) Poor guy. He honestly won’t be in any shape to want to fight, and will probably (retire hero work) want to focus on training/body building instead. (In the wc, this is his reason for leaving for the Neo Heroes to help train others at their facilities.) He IS a nice guy at heart and even welcomed Garou to train at the HA’s facilities...but yeah. I don’t think Darkshine will be in the mood to oppose Garou again. 
Watchdog Man: so Garou did fight him way back, but unless the city he guards is in direct danger, he probably won’t have much reason to care (or remember) much about Garou either way.
Flash: aha! He already picked a fight with Garou vs Platinum. So naturally when it comes to Flash’s pride, he probably won’t give up the opportunity to challenge Garou again. The ironic thing however - that Flash might not even realize, is how he was defeated by Platinum, but Garou ‘avenged’ Flash by defeating Platinum in turn. x’D
Genos: ohhh...how unfortunate. Because Genos has future memories, he’ll have that much strong reason and ‘evidence’ to distrust and oppose Garou. (At the cost of everyone else thinking he’s fanatical to downright ‘mad’/insane for having such wild claims.) So depending on how it’s presented to the audience, Genos could appear like he’s in support of Sweet Mask. D: BUT if Saitama calms & convinces Genos otherwise, Genos will support him, so that’s another story.
Metal Bat: ah good, no problem. Cause while he’s fought and interacted with Garou, he’s also seen some of his better sides + heroic potential to be ok with Garou, and pointedly did not agree with Sweet Mask (ayy). So Garou won’t be Mb’s reason to join the Neos (if he still does, cause he might not this time.) But aside consoling Zenko Mb’s still a friendly meathead bro enough to want a competitive rematch with him, anytime.
Tank Top Master: while the Master himself is a reasonable man, it’s his...tank top army that’s another story. Him saving face and managing their grudge/dissent with Garou will be one of his most pressing problems.
PPP: hmmm...cause Garou already effortlessly defeated him while unconscious, he could still believe Garou’s dangerous. Unknown if he’ll want to fight Garou again, but if he does, he won’t be that much of a challenge to Garou either way.
So we have....team support Bang, open-minded to Garou: 
Bang + Bomb (self-explanatory)
Sitch (HA staff already on board)
Atomic Samurai (friendly fighting - ok)
Metal Bat (friendly fighting - ok)
Along with the support heroes (Mizuki, Needle Star, Shadow Ring, Food Tub, One-Shotter, Gearsper) and staff (Sekingar) Garou saved in the helicopter from Sage Centipede. Suiryu may be open-minded vs the wc too.
Team no-show, probably won’t care either way or give af about Garou:
Drive Knight
Watchdog Man
Team neutral/undecided (might not fight him):
Child Emperor
Pig God
Team who’ll fight Garou competitively either way:
Team who’ll have strong reason to oppose/distrust Garou:
Sweet Mask
Genos (conflicted but will remain team Saitama)
Tank Top Master (to placate his angry followers)
Darkshine (defeated; too demoralized to fight)
PPP (defeated; may not want to fight him again)
Along with the other heroes Garou hurt who’ll still have beef on him (Blue Fire, Loin Cloth, Red Nose, Death Gatling’s group, etc) Golden Ball might, but Spring Mustachio is a gentleman who’ll worry more about his melted master instead.
So once Sweet Mask is gone....it honestly leaves more top heroes who’re probably open-minded (or who won’t care either way) to Garou, vs those who’ll oppose him with hanging problems. But there’s plenty of interesting/mixed opinions it could go either way.
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sems-diarie · 3 years
Who do you ship YOUR moots with 💀
this is so long lmao!!
@lovetsumie ─♡─ deku.
self explanatory; she’s the only one who’d treat ‘im right. butter is the perfect mix of a bully and a sweetheart, and izu would fall so fast, it’d make him dizzy.
@melanimed ─♡─ deku.
the knight in shining armor and the princess. classical shonen hero x fem lead trope. the two of you just instinctively, naturally fall into each other. the couple everyone knows is a couple/the friends that are so obviously into eachother, everyone expects to become a couple.
@lilgothbabiee ─♡─ kuroo.
she’s the ditzy bimbo who makes lunch n brings it to her rich husband on his break and he’s the rich husband who pats her head and thanks her with a new credit card—could i make it anymore obvious? <3
@unclegarou ─♡─ garou.
it’s the way he would try to scare you off and you’d just roll your eyes LMAO. doesn’t matter where he goes, who gets his ass beat by, he keeps coming home to you <3
@colossalnova ─♡─ bertholdt ❤️ LMFAOOOO JK
nova ─♡─ jean.
nova & jean would be a menace to fucking society, please lock them away. arguing everytime you see them. either that, or shoving their tongues in each other’s mouths.
@kuroosusagichan ─♡─ yuuji.
the himbo and the bimbo. emitting chaotically happy, flowers sprouting from their heads energy. always holding hands. he ritually kisses her forehead after walking her home <3 and she pretends to be hurt when he teases her but she loves being bullied & yuuji knows <3
@bakugoustanaccount ─♡─ megumi.
i just- the vibes are matching. imagine the way the two of you would LOOK together? two baddies in a relationship? the power you’d have?
@tediursula-art ─♡─ deku.
i feel like you’d terrify him LMAO. long walks in the dead of night. sharing a pizza straight from the box, no plates. words of affirmation.
@anxietyplusultra ─♡─ aizawa.
back massages, lazy kisses, intense gazes. always reaching for him, and feeling extremely giddy when he reaches back.
@ihatebnha ─♡─ bakugou!
please he’d be so soft for you no matter what. ambushes you when he’s had a hard time at work, won’t let you cook alone, hums when you wash his hair for ‘im. he’s whipped. you’ve got him pussy whipped.
@waitforitillwritemywayout ─♡─ sakusa.
the vibes are cliqueing. he’s mean but you adore that, don’t you? anyways. charcoal, big ass height difference, tilting your head up to look at him. being scared to ask to hold his hand ‘cause you think he’ll say no and then he says something oddly psychic like “are we gonna hold hands, or what?”
@koutaroufuckinbokuto ─♡─ kirishima.
you are such a bad bitch you would literally leave him frothing at the mouth. he’d be so eager to earn your approval, your attention, your kisses, allat.
@atsutsuki ─♡─ atsumu.
going to in n out at 3 AM. sharing milkshakes. jealousy, then hurt/comfort. atsumu sluts you out—shiny rings, pretty shoes, shimmery dresses.
@nate-writes ─♡─ iida.
you’re so soft, and iida is attentive to that.
@tetsou ─♡─ gojo.
and he would terrorize you. waking you up in the dead of night to take a little dick, bringing you food from his souvenir shop explorations.
@saetyrn9 ─♡─ hinata.
the energy ball and his serene other half. late night drives (picking him up from practice). sweaty, excited hugs that squeeze the air out of you & lift you up! clumsy kisses. promise rings.
@bnhatrashh ─♡─ bakugou.
equally rambunctious!! always butting heads, truly horrible at being in love with each other. he knits you a scarf and feels a twinge of pride in him every time you wear it. holding pinkies 🥺 autumn leaves and kissing in the middle of sidewalks. he’s always a little surprised when you kiss him, too.
@marviess ─♡─ levi.
i hate when mommy and daddy fight 🙄 the two of you are always arguing, except when you don’t have enough energy to. giving very much, we sit in content silence and enjoy the simple comfort of the other’s prensence. this includes phone calls. rocky hills, adventure, reconciliation.
@ukeishin ─♡─ hajime 🥺
wants you to wear his jerseys. asks before he kisses you. he makes you nervous and it shows when you just blabber and sputter about random things—but hajime listens to ‘em all. rubs his thumb across the back of your hand.
@kingtamakimurder ─♡─ levi.
it’s so funny because you’d think shan would be the simp, but actually, it’s levi. thinks about you until he’s red in the face and commits the sound of your voice to memory. always next to you when in a room together.
@wak4tosh1 ─♡─ ushiwaka.
size kink galore. he’s buying you new purses every week, even if he doesn’t know it sometimes. thalia pulls him out of his shell and whaddya know, ushijima can make jokes.
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unclegarou · 4 years
Welcome back! I hope you are fine! I think that this will take time, but I'd love to read your version of the NSFW Alfabeth of our human monster. P. S. Your blog is the greatest! 💋
I'm doing well, thank you for asking! I think this has been done already but since you want my version 🥺🥺🥺 here it is. ❤️ Thank you for requesting! I hope you enjoy!
Garou, NSFW Alphabet
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
— Considering the fact that he's so rough and messy doing sex, you'd think he’d try to help clean up once it's over, but no. He won't even let his partner walk away from the bed, he's just ready to cuddle and fall asleep.
B = Body Part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
— Garou really appreciates a juicy pair of thighs, he loves to squeeze and grip them when things are getting intimate.
— Also likes his s/o’s lips too, especially when they put on lip gloss or lip stick. It’s the first thing that’ll catch his attention.
— For his own body, Garou is most proud of his abs and muscles. He's trained hard to keep his body in shape and has no shame in showing it off.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
— It's so thicc and creamy. If his s/o tried to swallow after a blow job, it’d just drip down their chin and get all over the floor. It's a mess, honestly.
D = Dirty Secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
— When Garou isn't fully satisfied after a night of hero hunting, he'll return to his hideout and masturbate to release that extra adrenaline and excitement.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
— Don't let his cocky attitude fool you, Garou has little experience, but he can make it seem like he knows what he's doing. The truth is, he's paying attention to detail and going with the flow. He's a fast learner, it won't take him long to figure out how things work.
F = Favorite Position (this goes without saying)
— There’s so many, but his absolute favorite is taking them on his lap. Everything is up close and bouncing right in front of him. Easy access to their lips, neck, and chest. He can keep a firm hold on their ass to stay in control too.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
— He’s mostly serious, but if his s/o is moaning really loud and trembling, he'll smirk and let out a little chuckle. This guy can't help it, he gets all cheeky when his ego is stroked.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
— Garou might do a little trimming here and there but he prefers to grow it out and keep that “manly” look.
— Yes, it's a white bush down there.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
— Garou can be rough and passionate at the same time?? He might be putting his s/o through multiple rounds but he's also staring into their eyes with devotion and love. It's literally so enticing and hot.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
— Garou has a hard time staying quiet while jerking off. He’s so damn focused on imagining his s/o stroking him up and down that he’ll get too caught up in the moment. There’s a lot of grunts and heavy breathing going on.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
— Praise kink! He likes to be complimented on his body/skill. It’s not a necessity or anything but he'll really appreciate it. Something simple like “Wow, you’re so big.”, will have him over the moon lmao.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
— It really doesn't matter. The bed will do just fine. Location is the last thing on his mind, he's mainly focused on his s/o.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
— Being bold and direct. It catches him by surprise whenever his partner is doing the dirty talking and feeling up his thigh. It's the quickest way to give him a boner.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
— Garou refuses to be restrained. Handcuffs, ties, and blindfolds are not his type of thing. It just makes him uncomfortable and brings back memories. (his former bullies would hold him down a lot.)
— He also wouldn’t hurt his s/o. No blood play, pain play, or anything that could harm them.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
— He prefers to receive.
— As far as his skill in giving oral, it is freaking phenomenal. He knows exactly how to use those long, slender fingers. 100/10
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
— Fast and rough, but that doesn't mean he can't be sensual. If his s/o asks him to slow down, he will.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
— Garou doesn't mind a good quickie but it's not something he’d want to do often. He has way too much energy to be playing around for 10 or 15 minutes. He’ll want another round later on.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
— Hell yeah. There's no way Garou can turn down a challenge. He's always willing to do some wild shit. Even if he might’ve not enjoyed it, you can't say he didn't try.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
— His stamina is off the charts. He can go as many rounds as his s/o can handle.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
— Garou thinks whatever a toy can do, he can do better. But if his s/o is really into that kind of thing, he'll try out a few.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
— We all know Garou loves to tease. However, it won’t last for too long because he’ll get turned on, and it kind of backfires.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
— Garou isn’t the quiet type, he’s not ashamed of letting out a few groans, especially towards the end when he’s nearing his orgasm.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
— Garou likes to wrap his hand around his s/o’s neck, but very gently. It really brings out his dominant side, and he'll kiss them while he does it.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
already answered here!
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
— Pretty moderate. He might think about it but he isn’t constantly craving for it. Whenever he s/o suggest it, he’s ready.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
— Garou cannot fall asleep if his s/o isn’t in his arms. Doesn’t matter if he’s super sweaty and hot, he needs to hold them.
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metalbatandzenko · 4 years
What kind of social media presence do you think the OPM characters would have?
Oh my god I love this.
Blast: Has a verified instagram. Has never posted. Does not follow anyone. Still has like. 3.2M followers.
Tatsumaki: Has a public twitter and a secret pinterest. Her twitter is mostly the occasional selfie or update on monsters she’s fighting. She will occasionally talk shit about the Hero Association on her public twitter. She has 14.7M followers. They love the drama. Her pinterest is a lot of aesthetic pictures, quotes and romantic movie scenes.
Fubuki: Has an instagram that is immaculately curated. It’s very clean looking. She posts thirst traps to her stories, and people lose their minds. She just cracked 1M followers.
Bang: Surprisingly adept at Youtube. Uploads weekly guided meditation videos, and has a few basic self-defense videos. He’s got 800k subscribers, and a pretty active online fanbase. The go grandpa jokes are rampant.
Bomb: One of his disciples got him a snapchat, and now he snapchats nonstop. He also has an instagram, but he has it on private, and treats it like a normal person’s instagram. He still has 20k followers though. Makes regular appearances on Bang’s channel. He often acts as Bang’s sparring partner for self defense videos.
Atomic Samurai: FACEBOOK. He’s like a mix of those wine moms who post minion memes nonstop and your uncle who won’t stop posting memes that make you kind of wince because they’re like. Lowkey offensive. People keep Ok Boomering him. He’s mad because he’s not that old.
Iaian: Has a tumblr where he posts poetry/lit analysis. He’s surprisingly popular and has one of the larger lit analysis accounts, and occasionally gets into beef with other accounts. It’s hilarious. No one knows it’s him though. His account has 37k followers.
Okamaitachi: An INFLUENCER. Has an Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter and a Youtube, and knows how to use them all. Super curated (main) instagram feed. Posts regularly to her story. Probably has like. 1.8M followers. Her tumblr is pretty standard. She’s anonymous on there, and her account is pretty small. Her twitter is mainly her tweeting about stupid shit the disciples/Kamikaze do, and occasionally promoting her Youtube channel. She’s got 900k followers. Her youtube channel is a makeup/fashion channel. She’s got her go to look and style, but she’s super versatile. She’s even gotten the other disciples and Kami to come on for a lot of her videos. She just hit 1M subscribers.
Bushidrill: Doesn’t have social media, are you kidding me? Dude’s probably got the OPM equivalent of a Nokia let’s be real kjhgkjdf
Child Emperor: Has a science youtube channel where he explains different scientific phenomenons, and shows DIY experiments. He’s got 8M followers. He also has a twitter and is just a complete ray of sunshine on it. His feed is entirely fun facts and questions about people’s favorite color, book recommendations, etc. He’s got 11M followers on it.
Metal Knight: Spends all his time on Reddit. This one is self explanatory.
King: Also spends time on Reddit, but isn’t like, a jerk about it. He has a tumblr dedicated to gaming and anime. No one knows it’s him. He has like. 72 followers. He’s also popular as a twitch streamer, though he wears a mask to hide his identity. He’s in like their top 2% of creators.
Zombieman: Got a twitter because Child Emperor asked him to. He only follows about half of the S Class (and Mumen Rider) on Twitter because he’s petty and wants to start drama so he can feel something. Never tweets, just retweets Child Emperor and occasionally tweets making fun of Amai Mask. Posts the occasional thrust trap which CE finds mortifying. Still has 5.2M followers.
Drive Knight: Zero social media. The Hero Association has enough information on him as is, thank you very much.
Pig God: He’s a really popular twitch streamer! Him and King actually collaborate sometimes, though PG doesn’t know it’s King. He also has an instagram where he posts solely pictures of pigeons. No one knows why. 
Superalloy Darkshine: Has a fitness instagram, youtube account, and twitter. But he’s like the positive guy! His instagram is full of encouragement, body positivity/self love, and affordable small changes to implement to do things like up Omega 3 intake. He’s got 2.4M followers on ig. His twitter is similar, but he’ll occasionally tweet things like “Was feeling down today. Then I remembered how much I’ve improved since yesterday! Never give up! Every day you are a new person!”. He’s good and soft. His twitter has 4.3M followers. His youtube is just as upbeat. He’s got workout videos ranging from beginner to advanced, and has a lot on explaining how to build up strength and endurance, or modify fitness excercises to be easier or more challenging. He’s got 1.2M subscribers. Recently got into tiktok, but he hasn’t gotten the hang of it yet.
WDM: Has a instagram. Posts the same pic every day. Still has 1.3M followers. Also has a twitter bot that just posts variations of “woof boof” every day. He still has 887k followers there.
Flashy Flash: Has a twitter and instagram. He mostly goes on twitter to vague people, but will occasionally post an obvious thirst trap. He’s got 7.3M followers. His instagram is pretty curated, but it’s solely pictures of him looking super glamorous. He has 800k followers on there.
Speed of Sound Sonic: Has an anonymous twitter he uses to badger Genos. He’d badger Saitama, but Saitama doesn’t have any social media. Genos just thinks he’s another creep and blocks him. He also has a pinterest where he pins pictures of black clothing and MCR lyrics.
Genos: Has a twitter and instagram, though his instagram is private. He shares “wisdom” on twitter. People think he’s shitposting. He’s not. He has 9.8M followers from trying to spread sensei’s wisdom.
Saitama: Does not have any social media. Occasionally shows up in the background of one of Genos’ rare photos on twitter.
Metal Bat: A Tiktok star. Him and Zenko make dancing videos and skits, and they get over a million plays every time. He started a youtube channel back when he was 14, but just started posting vlogs, sibling challenges, and prank videos to it again. He’s up to 2.3M subscribers. His twitter is a combo of him publicly beefing with the Hero Association and celebrities, and him just. Fucking tweeting out random shit like “do you think geese can actually read minds and we just don’t know it because we don’t speak goose” at 3am. He’s got 7.9M followers. No one knows if he’s serious or not.
Tank Top Master: Has a joint account on twitter with all his bros. The TankTopArmy twitter has 2.1M followers. He also has a youtube that’s pretty similar to Superalloy, and they often collab. He’s at 1.1M subscribers on there.
Puri Puri Prisoner: Has a tumblr. He got really popular on tumblr, but then someone made a calloutpost about him and exposed him as PPP, and he lost a ton of followers. He’s still got 21k followers though.
Garou: Is on his 7th twitter account bc he keeps getting suspended. Uses his twitter to harass the heroes. Also tweets out his hot take on things like controversial food combinations to stir the pot. He’s managed to regain 700k of his original 2.2M followers on this 7th account, but he’ll probably get suspended again before he makes it all the way back.
Amai Mask: Has a twitter and instagram because it is part of his contract. His manager has access to both and manages his ig, which has 47.2M followers. He manages his twitter and occasionally vagues the S Class heroes, but his manager deletes the tweets. But screenshots are forever, and Amai’s got 38M followers on twitter to see his tweets.
Mumen Rider: Has a tumblr and twitter. His tumblr is super popular. It’s like the suggestion/nice message tumblrs. It’s all positivity and kind words, and focuses a lot on self care. He’s got 16k followers on tumblr. His twitter is very similar. There is #MumenNation on twitter. He’s got 4.6M followers, including the majority of the S Class. Even Amai Mask follows him. He’s just a nice guy.
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sebastianshaw · 4 years
@themusespace- So I did World of Darkness versions for Rhia, and a shorter one for Catwoman! I’ve had it going little by little for awhile and finally got it done tonight! Under the cut for length:
RHIA So, you brought up Gangrel as a choice for Rhia and that’s a good one. Since you’ve already got that, I’ll cover some other options---Toreador, Brujah, and Banu Haqim. Toreador because, well, you can find a reason that a Torrie would Embrace ANYONE, really. Maybe hippie chic was really in one year and they selected Rhia as their new Bohemian muse, or any number of possibilities, really. In any case, I see as a Toreador who takes a less conventional route with what she finds artistic and beautiful, finding more aesthetic glory in the natural world than man’s creation. Perhaps she’s stuck in an ever-fruitless quest to try to capture said beauty in some form, going from one artistic medium to the next--painting, sculpture, even music---to try to convey in creativity what she finds in nature, or maybe she’s content to merely be enraptured by the natural world as it is without trying to emulate it. Either way, she’s surely at a great risk for getting caught in the sunrise! The Brujah option is because they’re as passionate as the Toreador, but with an emphasis that’s typically on freedom, justice, and rebellion. Theoretically, a Brujah can be passionate about anything (or nothing and just a rebel without a cause) so long as they’re radicals about it, but I find they’re most often pushing back against the status quo rather than zealously enforcing it, and that seems to have Rhia vibes to be. So if her style is more than skin-deep, I could see her having been Embraced by a Brujah who appreciated such views. If you wanted to go darker, there is, finally, the Banu Haqim aka the Assamites. I know it seems an odd pick but hear me out. I had NO interest in these guys for the longest time because I just knew them as the assassins of the vampire world. That was it, just “they kill people real good and really like diablerie” and that was just not interesting to me. Being able to be the best guy at murder/fighting/power/etc whatever in the room has never been an interesting character trait for me, and I figured they were just for RPers who wanted a heavy combat focus and to be the Most Badass for bragging points, so I was just...meh about them and regularly forgot that they existed.  Then, recently, I learned a bit more about them. The Children of Haqim are the judges of Kindred society, meting out punishments to vampires who deserve it, and more than that, are often asked by other vampires to act as impartial judges due to their unaligned nature. They have a great passion for justice, and are drawn to feed from those deserving punishment. This passion takes the form of the Clan Compulsion of Judgment, compelling them to punish anyone seen to transgress against their personal creed, taking their blood as just vengeance for the crime. Whether that person is friend or foe, they have to struggle against this urge greatly if they wish not to act on it. And they’re far more dangerous to other vampires than to humans---one of their laws is to protect mortals from vampires (though it is still acceptable to use them as a food source) and to treat humans with honor (though again, feeding is okay), and their clan flaw is an addiction to the blood of other vampires. This addiction, coupled with their laws about humans and their compulsion to punish those who transgress their codes of justice, makes it hard for them to fit into vampire society at large, but in recent nights, they’re become one of the Camarilla clans. Also in recent nights, they’ve started Embracing women and people who are not of Middle Eastern origin, which previously they did not. Speaking of who they Embrace, Assamites typically try to Embrace someone who will be "useful" to the clan as a whole. This most often means someone who be willing to fight and die for the clan's (or at least their sire's) goals. However, during the long period that the clan labored under the Tremere blood curse, people may also have been Embraced for knowledge in a specific (often obscure) area. Typically this had something to do with sorcery or medical research involving blood, but may also have included more obscure areas of research as well. Assamites typically choose people with somewhat obsessive personalities for the Embrace. As they are typically involved with either hunting down miscreants or conducting obscure research, they tend to be highly motivated individuals. This often results in Assamites picking individuals who are fanatically devoted to a cause, religion, theory, or activity. The various caste flaws and the training they undergo after the Embrace tends to accentuate this even more. Thus Assamites can be said to select childer that will be eager to chase down their prey no matter how long it takes or how far they must go. That prey may be a physical target, an obscure piece of knowledge, or even pursuing the perfection of an art form. So if Rhia is particularly driven regarding something that could be of interest to the Assamites/Banu Haqim, then that combined with a sense of justice and honor, if she could become devout and ruthless enough to kill for it, could make her a candidate for an Embrace. It would not be my first pick for her, but it’s a possibility if you wanted to go darker and edgier.  In addition to the Warrior caste that most people are familiar with, there is also the Sorcerer and Vizier castes, who play a greater focus on mental attributes. Viziers and Sorcerers are less focused on the physical skills of their childer, and thus more likely to Embrace women. The number of women Embraced waxed and waned based on the overall attitude towards educating women. In periods where women were rarely taught to read or write they naturally took fewer women. However, even in periods where few people were educated, a Vizier might take someone for their skill with art or social acumen, even if they were a total illiterate. Similarly, a Sorcerer might Embrace someone who showed some innate knack for magic, even if they could not write their own name. As for what they do, Sorcerers are pretty self-explanatory, being practioners of the clan’s version of Blood Magic.  Originally this magic was based off ancient Mesopotamian priestly rituals and the Persian cult of Mithras, but modern Sorcerers now incorporate the ecstatic Hindu devotion to Kali and Shiva, Chinese feng shui, and Islamic alchemy and astrology as well. Sorcerers usually need to send themselves into some sort of altered state of consciousness in order to focus their magics. This may involve consuming drugs, whirling themselves into a trance, ritually wounding themselves, or even more stranger methods. The Viziers are the scholars of the clan and are rather like the Toreadors, lusting after  knowledge or artistic perfection instead of magic, pursuing their chosen lore or art with the tenacity of a pit bull. While the Toreadors sink into hypnotized contemplation, the Viziers frenzy with their creative compulsion. So if either of those sound up Rhia’s alley---I don’t know if there’s a particular art or subject she’s passionate about, or if she’s magically inclined, but she seems like the type of person who COULD be--these seem likelier options than the Warrior caste. I would still go with Gangrel or Toreador first for her, and also they’re easier to understand, have less special hierarchy and history and other shit to keep up, etc.  Her tribe as a Garou (werewolf) is easy---Children of Gaia, one of my favorites, OR the Fianna.  The Children of Gaia are the most peaceful of the Garou, and work for understanding between the tribes in hopes of defeating the Wyrm through a unified front. Defending Gaia is far too important to lose sight of in constant skirmishes over differences! During the War of Rage, when other Garou were trying to wipe out all the non-wolf Changing Breeds, the Children of Gaia tried to stop their brethren from this and initially refused to fight their fellow Fera (wereanimals) and even accepted refugees who came to them seeking shelter. However, when the Fera started exploiting this by sending in agents who were in fact there to slaughter their would-be protectors, some Children of Gaia joined the other Garou in masacring the other Changing Breeds. Similiarly, when Europeans began to colonize the New World and the European Garou learned of the “Pure Tribes” in the Americas, the Children of Gaia advocated for an alliance with them, rather than mimicking the human colonizers by taking what these American Garou had from them or attacking them. They’ve also worked to try to ensure that the attrocities of WWI and WWII never repeat, and have historically been advocates of causes in the human world  such as free speech, civil rights, and women's rights, which reflects how their own culture as werewolves is FAR more egalitarian than almost any other tribe except perhaps the Bone Gnawers.  One major example of this egalitarianism is that the Children treat their metis well and in fact will take in the metis from other tribes who don’t want them. A metis is offspring of two Garou. It’s part of The Litany---which is Garou law---that Garou shall not mate with Garou, and instead must take their mates from among humans or wolves and hope that one of the offspring will be a Garou. The reason is because while the offspring of two werewolves will indeed always be a werewolf, they will also always be sterile, deformed, and stuck in Crinos form (wolfman/hybrid form) until they achieve their First Change (usually around puberty) and thus must be raised in secret away from human eyes. Metis, as living proof that two Garou have broken the Litany, are often looked down and shunned in other Packs, and have to struggle to prove their worth. The Children, however, believe that the child should not be judged for the sins of their parents, and will raise the metis of other tribes as their own. It’s also very common for Black Furies, who are all female, to give their male children to the Children of Gaia. Hence how they stay all female! As a note, having a lot of baby metis around also helps them discourage Garou/Garou matings--- any pup who's been looking too longingly at a packmate (same or opposite sex, it doesn't matter) often finds themselves babysitting a whirling, shrieking ball of claws and fur to teach them just what they’re in for if they give in to such incestuous (as it is seen in their culture) desires.  While the Children’s values are based around peace, mercy, and unity above all else, this doesn’t make them pushovers as some think. They may be pacifists, but they’re still werewolves, and they still have the Wyrm to fight, so they’re not absolute paficists, they’re WARRIOR pacifists. And when their Rage is roused, it is just as terrifying as that of any other Garou---perhaps more so because they keep it so pent up. A lot of people think that hippie werewolves are a stupid concept, but I disagree---real wolves aren’t inherently violent creatures and, like the Children, are only going to fuck up something, whether it’s prey or an intruder, if it’s a necessary thing. And SOMEBODY needs to provide a softer counterbalance to the numerous other extremely war-like tribes. The Fianna are a tribe of Celtic origins. Some come from Spain or France or the Balkans, but they’re most associated with places like Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. And there are plenty in the USA, having come there with Irish immigrants during the Great Potato Famine. The Fianna believe themselves to have originated from the union of a passionate Gaillard (I’ll explain what those are after I talk about the Fianna) and Danu, an aspect of Gaia which they see as the mother to both the Fianna and the Tuatha de Danaan, and they celebrate many Celtic Pagan religious holidays such as Beltane. They aided their Irish Kin against Cromwell, and many supported and even aided the IRA.  The Fianna are known as great partiers and great warriors both. They’re one of the most extroverted tribes, rarely turning down an invitation to let their hair down and indulge in their favorite pleasures. Creativity through music or craft is encouraged and prized among the Fianna, and they have created some of the most beautiful and fantastic treasures of the Garou. The Fianna are also hopeless romantics, always falling for humans and their fellow Garou alike. The latter creates metis, of course, but ironically the Fianna are particularly hard on metis as they view their deformed bodies to be a sign that their spirits are also twisted. The Fianna desire to live life freely, but that includes the desire to be free of flaws, and thus they reject those that are different or “flawed” like the poor metis. I’m not saying Rhia would have to think like that---especially since I see her a Lost Cub, which I’ll get too soon too---but that’s just their general culture.    So, each Garou has an Auspice. It’s what their role is, and defines a lot of who they are. Their Auspice is determined by the moon phase they were born under. So like the zodiac, but objectively very real. I think Rhia would be either a Theurge or a Galliard. Theurges were born under a crescent moon, and are the shamans and mystics of the Garou. All werewolves are part spirit and part flesh, but the Theurge in particular are attuned to the Umbra (spirit world) and have many Gifts and Rituals that only they can do, as well as being able to craft fetishes (as in magical objects and talismans, not sexual kinks) They emphasize wisdom, and in a battle, they are more likely to serve as support compared to other Garou, but it is worth noting that even the coolest, calmest Theurges are still Garou, and burn with Rage deep within. The Galliards, also called Moon Dancers, were born when the moon is gibbous, and they are the bards and lore-keepers of the Garou, serving as their keepers of oral history and performance artists. Besides acting as lorekeepers, historians, and prophets, they are also depended upon to act as a source of inspiration in times of desperate need, or for celebration in those rare and wonderful times of fortune. Given her being a bit of a rebel, from what I clean, she might also be a Ragabash. Ragabash are born under the new moon, and their role is to be a trickster and the questioner of the old ways, the wise fools who play the contrarian, always asking “but why is it this way?” and questioning tradition to ensure that it can still stand up as useful and just in the current times. act as a voice of dissent or devil's advocate with far less fear of punishment than the Garou of other Auspices. In a society as traditional and conservative as that of the Garou Nation, a free-thinking individual with the right to speak his or her mind is absolutely important, whether to encourage change or to reaffirm the current position through the challenges he or she provides. They have the least amount of Rage and thus are often cooler-headed than their packmates, but unlike the mystic Theurges, they show this by being playful, playing pranks not to be nuisance (though many are thought of as such) but impart lessons. Those of the new moon are often skilled scouts or assassins, as the "hidden moon" is associated with stealth and secrecy, and use this to help their packmates find their quarry, or to elude their pursuers. They may also use humor to lighten the mood or break up arguments, often acting as an "omega" to turn hostilities toward themselves. I think Rhia works well as a Homid and Lost Cub. A Homid is a Garou born in human form to a human mother or a Garou mother in her human form (as opposed to a Lupus, born in wolf form to a wolf mother or a Garou mother in her wolf form) and will grow up as human until their First Change. So, how is it that a human (or wolf) has a Garou child? Either one parent was a Garou, or one of their parents was a Kinfolk. Kinfolk are humans or wolves who have Garou blood. They are the USUAL result when a Garou has a child with a human or a wolf; they only get a Garou if they’re luckily. So like, maybe one Garou out of a litter or one Garou out of all the kids they have, if even that. The rest? Kinfolk. And the Kinfolk’s children (or pups) will be Kinfolk too, and so will their children, and so on. Most Garou keep careful track of their Kin, since mating with a Kinfolk produces a higher chance of a Garou child, but all too often, the family lines get lost, and you can get a bloodline of Kinfolk with no idea they’re Kinfolk, and then randomly one of their kids gets born a Garou, and they will also not know this until their First Chance. These are called Lost Cubs. So I could see Rhia as such, either a Lost Cub born to a family that has long forgotten a werewolf is a real thing, hence getting raised by her very strictly religious Grandmother.  ( You’ll notice I keep referring to Rage with a capital R. Rage  mystical wellspring of primal anger granted to the Garou and some of the other Changing Breeds by Luna, the moon spirit.  It allows them to move at great speed, shrug off mighty wounds, and change forms quickly, as well as powers some of their Gifts, which are basically like magic spells or extra abilities. A Garou without Rage cannot change shapes. But it’s a double-edged sword, as they also must beware their Rage overaking them in Frenzy, a violent and bloodthirsty uncontrollable outburst.) Finally, for her type as another Fera (Changing Breed, other wereanimals) I’d go with the Pumonca, the cougar Bastet (werecats) of the Americas. Most are Native American, but that’s a general trend, not a rule at all. The Pumonca, also called Stormwalkers,  are restless wanderers and guardians of the land, constantly on the move to protect their sacred home. They spend their entire lives traveling from place to place, looking for signs of Wyrm taint in the spaces in between. It is their task to meander, to take their time, and to notice the world around them. However, this is only restricted to the Americas, because no Pumonca would ever leave her continent---and it fact, they CAN’T. Each Bastet has three Yava, three secrets about their type, which can often be used against them by anyone who learns it. The Yava of the werepumas are: -A Pumonca is one with her land; if she leaves it for more than a full moon cycle, she will die. -The essence of poisoned land (toxic waste, radiation, sewage) is deadly to a puma. Immerse him in its toxins and he will quickly perish. -All beasts fear the puma. No horse will bear her, no dog will follow her. The great cats are her Kin and they befriend her, but no other animal can approach without terror. Due to their history with the Wars of Rage, in which the Garou tried to wipe out all non-wolf wereanimals,  many modern Pumonca are bitter, confused, and angry, and most are looking for a way to serve Gaia that lets them keep their pride and dignity intact. The lucky ones forge ties with other groups, but most just wander aimlessly, fighting the Banes of the Wyrm however they can so long as no one wounds their pride too terribly. Pumonca have a penchant for spreading stories and lore wherever they go. In the past, these were typically tales of great deeds, whether of Garou or Pumonca or anyone else who tickled their fancy that were shared at the camp fires with those who where interested. Nowadays, however, these stories are often bitter tales, because of the aforementioned history, and their anger can make them difficult for some to work with. As independent nomads, they have no organization as a group either. I can see Rhia as a wanderer with a sad ancestral history who is just trying to do her best with what she has left and also take in all the beauty and wonder that the continent has to offer. 
CATWOMAN So, my first thought for her is Ravnos, and that’s unfortunate because the Ravnos have some very problematic origins that I can’t get past. The Ravnos are tricksters, traveling hucksters and charalatans who specialize in deception and theft, with their clan’s trademark discipline being Chimerstry , the creation of illusions. Their clan weakness is that every Ravnos is a criminal, every one has some kind of vice they can’t resist when the opportunity is presented, which could be being a jewel thief for Catwoman. Since being a thief is Catwoman’s primary trait, the sole consistent thing across all her incarnations, of course she should be a member of the clan who is all about thievery. The reason I say the Ravnos are problematic is that they’re also meant to be of Roma origin. So, yeah, White Wolf based an entire clan on all the shittiest stereotypes about Roma people as being thieves and criminals. I think that later editions have fixed them---the company sincerely has been trying to clean up the shitty stuff of previous decades, from what I understand---and cut the Roma association entirely from them, at least I hope they have, but the Ravnos beginning as walking racial stereotypes just personally leaves such a bad taste in my mouth I personally avoid them altogether. But just because I would never make one, does not mean it doesn’t fit Selina, it absolutely does. Especially since one of their other clan disciplines is Animalism, which lets her keep the cat theme too, she could have a whole army of kitty accomplices doing her bidding! And that is pretty cool, I can’t deny. If I were going to find an alternative to being a Ravnos for her, I think a Toreador would be a wonderful fit. Anything can be an art, including thievery, and Selina’s particular brand of cat burglary is DEFINITELY an art. Like she’s not a common thief, she goes after extremely valuable, extremely well-protected gems and jewelry, often with a feline theme, there’s beauty in what she targets and artfulness in how she manages to do it---which is always with STYLE. Her obsession with jewels and cats both work for a Toreador who admires beautiful things, and her graceful, acrobatic style works well with the Toreador discipline of Celerity, which grants a vampire supernatural speed and reflexes; heck, even just the lowest level gives her something appropriately called “Cat’s Grace”  that lets her  automatically keep her balance. And being a Toreador could also be why her on again off again romance with Batman, her attraction to the dangerous Dark Knight despite being on opposite sides of the law, etc. That kind of dramatic, conflicted love story sounds like total Torrie bait to me. She logically should be SOME kind of Bastet, I just can’t specifically think of what!
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anonymousedward · 6 years
What about D, J, and Y for mumen/garou?
D: Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) - 
Garou really REALLY likes when Mumen bosses him around in bed, pulls his hair, leaves marks, etc. He goes out of his way to hide it because he thinks it’s emasculating.
Mumen’s secret is that he already KNOWS Garou’s into it and goes out of his way to pretend he doesn’t know so Garou doesn’t feel less than manly.
J: Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon) - 
Mumen is a little more adventurous when it comes to pleasuring himself - he uses fingers, toys, fancy lube, whatever strikes his fancy.
Garou sticks to a quick jerk off session in the shower - furtive and guilty when he’s fantasizing; quick and short when he just wants to get off so he can release some tension or fall asleep quickly. 
Y: Yearning (How high is their sex drive?) - 
Garou’s actually varies - if he’s interested in someone, it skyrockets. On average, he usually masturbates maybe once a day, every other day. 
Mumen’s is more consistent - daily. Though he can be ‘inspired’ to get off more than once a day... with the right incentive. 
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radicalgh0st · 6 years
Camp Camp Monster au
so i know just about everyone has their own monster au but uh i wanted to make one of my own!
i’m kinda nerdy about mythology and folklore so i had a lot of fun looking up different creatures to make my au unique!
long put under cut because i also have notes on what creature the characters are and why i chose them!
First, all characters related to Camp Campbell are Hybrid (or crossbreed), and the camp is basically a refuge for monsters, albeit in different ways for each character. I can go into that in another post. Also, as I started making this post I realized I missed Kevin and Miss Priss, but otherwise I have just about every character, excluding (most of) the townspeople.
David - Werewolf/Vampire Hybrid
I know werewolf is a pretty common choice for David, and that’s because it’s cute. Originally David was a Werewolf/Werecat Hybrid, but then I thought it’d be funny for him to be half Vampire because it’d conflict with his love for being out in the sun. 
Gwen - Witch Faun
Witch!Gwen was always going to be a thing, then I read a fic where she was some kind of Faun and loved that idea. I can link to the fic when I find it, but I’m gonna finish this long post first.
Cameron - Trickster
I didn’t know what to have Cameron as for the longest time because I felt that nothing fit well enough. I also wasn’t sure what his role would be, and I still don’t. However, having Cameron as a Trickster just seems like a good fit considering all the shit he gets up to.
Jasper - (Ghost) Werecat/Werewolf
So, of course Jasper is going to be a Ghost, and I always had him as some sort of Were-creature. First, he was just a Werewolf who eventually turned into a Ghost, but when I changed David’s type I felt that Jasper could take on his original idea.
Also, originally Jasper wasn’t going to have a real role in the au, but god if I don’t love the boy enough to actually keep him around.
Quartermaster - Homunculus
So, yeah, having the Quartermaster as a Undead seemed pretty fitting, and I couldn’t think of anything else. Then, while still researching I decided some kind of artificial life fit pretty well, especially with my headcanons for the QM in canon.
Max - Human
Yes, Max is the outlier in all of Camp Campbell. Max is the only Human. The idea here is that Max’s parents didn’t care enough about what camp they were sending him to that they accidentally ended up sending him to a camp that was secretly for monsters.
Neil - Harpy/Ziz
Neil with feathers just has ideas to it that I like. With his anxiety it gives way for crazy molting and giving him something to pull at. His mother is a Harpy, and his father is a Ziz. The Ziz is a creature from Jewish mythology that is described as a griffon-like bird; in the mythology it’s described as having a wingspan large enough to cover the sun, but Neil’s wings are nothing like that due to his Harpy side.
Nikki - Rougarou/Dryad
So...Werewolf!Nikki is a favorite, but I didn’t want to go that obvious...and went with a different version of the same thing. A simple explanation is that Rougarous are Werewolves from Cajun folklore, the name taken from loup-garou, which is the French word for a a Werewolf. I got Dryad from a fic as well, I think it’s the same one that had Faun!Gwen but I could be remembering wrong; it also ties in with her history in the Flower Scouts.
Dolph - Alp/Brownie
I always knew I wanted Dolph to be something like Brownie. Why? Because I think the idea of him being a household spirit is cute, I don’t know why but I just do. An Alp, is a night demon that is often likened to a Vampire; and its also some kind of Elf, which is just another kind of household spirit.
Nerris - Elf/Human
Kind of obvious, and I couldn’t think of anything that would fit her more. Her mother is an Elf, and her father is a Human.
Nurf - Minotaur/Dragon
Minotaur!Nurf just fits, so does Dragon!Nurf. I like the idea of an angry Nurf preparing to charge while snorting fire out of his nose.
Ered - Selkie/Vampire
I haven’t figured out how Ered’s dads fit in, but I always wanted her to be a Selkie. I love Selkies, I don’t know why, I just do, and I feel like it’s a good fit for her. I went through other ideas for the second kind, but ultimately decided on Vampire. I realize I have quite a few blood-suckers in this.
Preston - Satyr/Human
Okay so I know a popular choice for Preston is Unicorn, but I never understood why. Satyrs are always connected to fertility and sexual desire, yes, but they’re also featured in ancient Greek theatre. There used to an entire genre of Satyr plays, but now there is only one complete play remaining.
Harrison - Wizard
Also pretty self explanatory. In this au, a Wizard is a human from non-magical origins who is either born with magic or gains magic in life (as opposed to a Witch, who are distantly related to fairies and demons). I can get into the difference between Witches and Wizards some other time.
Space Kid - Changeling
I had a lot of trouble with Space Kid. I know a lot of people put him as an alien, and I get that, but I personally feel like it doesn’t fit him. I originally wanted him to be a creature that could never get to space, just to make his obsession with it more meaningful, but then the fact that his character is related to a real life person showed some complications. I thought about having him also present as a Wizard, but then got the idea of him being a Changeling (which also brought in some angsty ideas for my boy).
Gregg - Dwarf/Bigfoot
I didn’t know what to do with the older counselors, which led to this. Basically I chose this just for laughs. He’s half of one of the smallest creatures in folklore, and half of a cryptid that’s known for being large.
Darla - Adlet/Melusine
Somehow, I actually put thought into Darla, as opposed to my joking around with Gregg. First I was going to have her be some kind of Yokai, but then that had so many options that I felt didn’t work. I’ve seen her portrayed as a mermaid, and while I like that, I feel that mermaids are kind of tricky to use.
An Adlet is a race of creatures in Inuit mythology from Greenland. Adlets are basically people with human bodies and dog legs, the lower part being canine and upper part being human.
The Melusine is a water spirit from fresh water that’s much like a Mermaid. From waist up, the Melusine is a woman, but from waist below she is a serpent or fish. Sometimes the Melusine is depicted with having wings or two tails, or even both. The Melusine has also been called a Fairy.
Sasha - Dryad
Originally Sasha was a Nymph, but I wanted to give her a bit more. I wanted at least one of the Flower Scouts to be a Dryad, same as Nikki, and that just ended up going to Sasha.
Erin - Samodiva
Also fitting in with the Flower Scouts, a Samodiva is a Slavic nature spirit related to woodland fairies or nymphs.
Tabii - Pixie
Originally Tabii was going to be a more specific kind of nature spirit, but I ended up choosing Pixie for her due to her behavior. Pixies are mischievous and childlike, which I feel fits Tabii.
Pikeman - Rå, Bergsrå
God Pikeman was difficult at first, mostly because I was trying too hard and had a more difficult idea for the Woodscouts.
Don’t be confused with the Egyptian God Ra (note the little diacritic ring). A Rå is a spirit in Norse mythology that protects a certain land. There are different kinds of Rå: Skogsrå, Huldra, Sjörå, Havsrå, and Bergsrå. Skogrså and Huldra are connected to the forest but they’re female, Sjörå and Havsrå are freshwater and saltwater respectively, and Bergsrå are connected to mountains. I couldn’t have Pikeman be a Skogrså or Huldra, and it wouldn’t make sense to have his landform be water, so I decided on Bergsrå, which also ended up matching with Petrol, albeit unintentionally.
Jermy - Swamp Creature
I...don’t really have much to say here. I’m still not even fully happy with my decision, but I can’t be bothered much more than this.
Snake - Tiyanak
Originally I was going to make another joke by matching Snake with a Multo (the spirit of a dead person looking for justice) for a voice actor joke. I don’t remember why I changed it, but at this point I don’t want to think too hard on the Woodscouts.
A Tiyanak is a demon from Philippine mythology that is formed from the soul of an unbaptized, dead baby.
Petrol - Troll
I settled on Troll pretty fast, compared to the other Woodscouts at least, and it ended up matching with Pikeman unintentionally; Bergsrå live in mountains either with their relatives or with trolls.
Daniel - Demon
Self explanatory. I’ll probably have him be a specific kind of Demon once I flesh out the different kinds a bit more.
Jen - Demon
Also self explanatory. If I end up making Daniel a specific kind of Demon, Jen will probably end up being the same.
Bonquisha - Satyress
A Satyress is basically the female version of a Satyr. I chose this mostly due to the shirts Bonquisha wears, and lack of better ideas.
Katie (Waitress) - Faun
Okay, I don’t know why, but when I was making this list this just came out and I just can’t bring myself to change it so yeah. Katie is the waitress from the Bonquisha episode, and Katie is just the name that came to me. I feel like she’d be a cute little faun with all those freckles.
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pinkfina · 7 years
Is your character forgiving or do they hold a grudge? Do you have an example? - shani
Uum... both. XD Will I ever give you a straight answer? Nope. Commence the wall of explanatory text.For the most part, Shani is pretty lighthearted. It comes with her personality and with her role as a Ragabash. However, she is still very much a teenager. We all know that girl keeps the receipts, and oh boy will she pull them out. It's been an interesting challenge to play her because I have to keep reminding myself that she's sixteen. She's in that natural stage of uncertainty. She's takes things personally when she shouldn't. She's self conscious. She's not looking 3 years or 5 years down the line. Her life plan was to join the circus. She harbors secrets. She lies.So, yeah, she holds some grudges. Examples:1. Being a Garou. Yeah, Shani's got a grudge on reality. Garou life has its perks, and she is all for those. But it took away her friends, her hobbies, her chance at a normal life. It's challenged her faith and her personal values. She can't make the Hajj, can't graduate highschool with her friends. She didn't get to go to prom, dammit. She fixates on that event because it was the most important upcoming event in her life. She's operating on a milestone mentality, and Gaia is messing it all up.2. *motions to Set, motions to Silent Striders, motions to vampires, motions to Shani* I think you see where I'm goin' with this one.3. Okay the first Garou dude the pack met. Standing Rock. He was sipping some coffee. Shani asked if he wanted more coffee. He asked if she would "take this seriously". Sir, you made a grievous error that day. Coffee drinking is a part of the habits and traditions of many Arab peoples, and one that Shani's grandmother kept alive in Shani's home. Tita taught little Shani how to prepare Arabic coffee and that it is respectful, hospitable, and necessary to always offer elders coffee. Shani's only really prepared Arabic coffee in her home and mostly for her grandmother, who passed away. Her offer to Standing Rock was rooted in respect, so his response hit her the wrong way and pretty hard. Every time Shani sees him there is that little reminder in the back of her head: "I offered you coffee... 😡" Enjoy the rest of your Arabic coffee-less life, Mr Standing Rock.Yet Shani is a forgiving person when forgiveness is sought. If someone has learned their lesson and acknowledges their actions, she isn't going to hold on to resentments. You apologize, and she'll smile brightly and be back to her bubbly self within seconds, as if she were never wronged at all.
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unclegarou · 4 years
ur last story was so good😩 u rlly single handedly feeding us garou hoes lol. i was gonna ask for some hcs of his kinks/fetishes pls 😳tyy
I'm so glad you liked it🥺🥺 Thank you for requesting, Garou is a man with a lot of kinks so get ready anon 😈
Garou’s Kinks / Fetishes (HC’s)
Begging: Trust me, Garou is no fool, he knows exactly what your body is craving for, but he rather hear you say it out loud instead. He'll act oblivious to your needs until you're pleading and whining for it.
Dom/Sub Play: Generally, Garou is a major dom in bed, there's no doubt about it. But it's amusing when you try reversing the roles sometimes. He'll play along and let you have your way, but 5 minutes into riding him and he's already ready to get back on top. It's not even worth it lmao.
Discipline: If you manage to piss him off somehow, he won't touch you for days. No hugs, no kisses, cuddles, or even a passing glance. He'll wait till your desperate for his attention before giving you what you want, and very roughly might I add.
Fucking By A Mirror: Pretty self explanatory. It's the perfect way to see all of your flustered expressions, and he’ll make sure you're keeping eye contact while he's fucking you from behind.
Lingerie : It's an instant boner whenever he sees you wearing anything provocative, especially if it’s hidden under a robe or shirt and then seductively revealed later on. As long as it's not too many clips and strings for the removal process, he loves it. The brighter colors like red and pink are cool but he prefers the black, lacy sets. Body worship comes into play during these times too.
Dirty Talk: We all saw this one coming (no pun intended), Garou can make you wet just by his words alone. He does it without even trying, I swear its just natural for him.
This one might be a little iffy but possibly a degradation kink?? It's rare but I honestly wouldn't put it past him, he might slip up and call you his little slut/whore, most likely just caught up in the moment.
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aforrestofstuff · 4 years
Miss Tornado would totally torture sims of her co workers though
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Thanks anons! ❤️ Here’s a handy dandy chart for all of your S-Class (plus Sonic and Garou) sim-related needs:
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I feel like most of them are pretty self explanatory but I’m gonna add a few things anyway:
Genos would treat his sims nicely because he made a house of just him and Saitama (with Kuseno in another household on the other side of the city) and he would feel awful if anything happened to his sims.
Puri-Puri Prisoner would treat his sims nicely because all he’d want to do is get them to date other sims and have big, wonderful families.
Metal Bat is on the halfway point because as much as he would love to torture his sims all the time, Zenko watches him play occasionally and that’s when treats them nicely to set a good example.
Superalloy Darkshine would just make his sims into bodybuilders. That’s it. He’d cry if any of them died because he’s spent hours on end making them perfect.
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metalbatandzenko · 4 years
...so I made a fancast for some of the OPM characters
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Actors’ names and an explanation under the cut. 
Genos: Wang Yibo-I feel like this one’s self explanatory.
Saitama: Ryan Higa/John Harlan Kim-both are goofy and kind of unassuming
Fubuki: Miki Hamano/Chloe Bailey-Listen. Miki Hamano is so pretty. She recently starred in The Weeknd’s Blinding Lights music video. Chloe’s gorgeous. I feel like Chloe x Halle have an air of grace/elegance to them that would work well for the Psychic sisters.
Tatsumaki: Leah Lewis/Halle Bailey-Leah was recently Ellie Chu in The Half of It. Halle is actually the younger sister, but she’d make a great Tatsu imo!
Amai Mask: Manny Jacinto-The idea of Manny Jacinto playing a murderous pop idol/model is top tier. He also kind of looks like webcomic Amai imo.)
Garou: Xiao Zhan-I recently found out about him through Untamed (which I still need to get around to watching). His character in that seems to have extremely chaotic energy that works for Garou.
Zombieman: Dev Patel/Manish Dayal-This one is solely for me. They’re both gorgeous and they’ve got a kind of mellow energy that I think works well for Zombieman.
Child Emperor: Ian Chen-He’s baby.
Flashy Flash: Nils Kuiper Verberne-He’s a model and MUA that I’ve been following the work of for a while. He’s elegant as all hell and his hair is to die for.
Metal Bat: Donny Pangilinan-He looks young (which for MB is important bc he’s 17), and he’s expressive which is important bc...MB sure does contort his face.
Zenko: Ella Jay Basco-I adore her. 
King: Aldis Hodge-Ok hear me out. Aldis Hodge 100% looks like someone people would assume is a badass based solely on his looks. But my first introduction to him was Alec Hardison from Leverage, who was a nerd extraordinaire. He does a great job playing sweet characters that are also the only person in the room with a reasonable fear of death.
Atomic Samurai: Daniel Dae Kim/Ian Anthony Dale-They both look like they could kick my ass.
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metalbatandzenko · 4 years
“Dude, you’re like, an asshole.”
Aka which of the characters are assholes and which ones aren’t. 
Judged on my completely unbiased scale of which characters I find intolerable and which ones I have a soft spot for, so take this with a grain of salt as canon.
Disclaimer: This is a joke list and very few of these are thoughtful placements.
Minor Assholes.
Kind of a variable category. Mostly characters who are assholes in the sense of like. Being terrible people, but at least they like, have morals and shit. There’s a lot of variation here.
Sonic-Already a hot take. Listen. Maybe he does murder sometimes but like. He’s somehow less intolerable than the major dipshits below. And at least he has like, morals and shit. You think Metal Knight has that? No way.
Garou-Once again, suuuper not objective. He’s 100% an asshole, but he’s got a pretty strict moral code and lines he would not cross, and his end goal is good. I do wonder how he was planning on becoming a symbol of fear without killing anyone though. Like I’d say he’s an “ends will justify the means” kind of guy but like...his plan was to scare people into banding together and killing him and...not killing anyone himself? I’m confused and he is too. Anyways he’s somehow less of an asshole than some of the other characters.
Atomic Samurai-He’s arrogant, but he’s not a bad person. I love clowning on this man with strict morals and a massive ego.
Flashy Flash-Kinda a mix of Sonic and Atomic Samurai. Like he’s a dick, but boy is it fun to watch him call people out (looking at you Death Gatling). I do think his moral compass is more fucked up than Sonics is though. Does that make me dumb? Has Sonic’s ass rotted my brain? Idk I can’t speak to the webcomic bc I know we get more of his and Sonic’s backstory there but ik vaguely about the Ninja Village.
Watchdog Man-He makes everyone sit at a professional meeting with him while in his fursuit. He eats like a dog. Subjecting people to your fursona 24/7 is rude, man.
Major Assholes.
You know when Sonic “I-assassinate-people-and-play-bodyguard-for-the-dregs-of-society” One Punch Man and Garou are minor assholes, we’ve got some heavy hitters down the line.
Metal Knight-This one is self-explanatory. Fuck this guy. 
Drive Knight-A wise man once said “he’s the kind of guy who’ll send you an NSFW link at work then report you for clicking on it.”
Amai Mask-Listen, [webcomic spoiler] or not, he’s an asshole. I don’t care that he’s sad, man. He’s still a dick.
Puri Puri Prisoner-We all know why.
Blast-This bitch really just fucking noped out of hero work bc he does it for fun. How many people have died bc this blank faced fuck decided he’d rather go take a vacation to OPM!Six Flags instead of idk, helping people?
Not an Asshole.
Mumen Rider-Does not have a mean bone in his body. We all know he is the king of good samaritans.
Tank Top Master-Almost put him in minor asshole bc of Tank Top Tiger and Black Hole, but the rest of the group seems chill. He’s a genuinely kind guy.
King-Kind of dickish for hiding him being a fraud but he’s good.
Pig God-Minds his business. Gentle. Seems to genuinely care about Child Emperor’s safety/concerns.
Child Emperor-He’s baby.
Bang-His advice can sound a bit like a fake deep quote from pinterest, but he means well and he’s not hurting anyone. 
Bomb-Just a supportive bro.
An Asshole, but Has a Good Heart
Tatsumaki-I cannot defend Tatsumaki’s behavior, but I love her and she clearly cares about civilians’ safety. She’s an asshole but she’s doing her best.
Fubuki-Beneath that social climbing, she’s got a good heart too. She just lets her self-doubt control her and ends up being an asshole to others because of it. I mean, she tried to kill or at least seriously maim Saitama.
Genos-He’s mean as fuck to anyone who isn’t Saitama or Dr. Kuseno. And it’s not just because he has a hard time reading social cues, he like. chooses to be rude to Fubuki, and stuff like that. He genuinely cares about doing what’s right though, he’s got a lot of compassion for the defenseless.
Not an Asshole, just Grumpy.
Saitama-Stays in his lane. Does right by people for the sake of doing good. Just wants to get a good deal.
Zombieman-He just wants to take a nap, but this annoying fucking idol won’t shut his trap. So if a few sharp insults come out every once in a while, can you really blame him?
Metal Bat-Full of rage and love for his little sister. Has a lot of bravado and an ego, but will throw all that away to make Zenko happy. Rescues cats in his free time. Apparently is a pacifist despite his entire fighting strategy being braining monsters with a baseball bat.
The Narrative Surrounding This Character Makes Me Uncomfortable and Their Actions Qualify Them as an Asshole But the Narrative Doesn’t Acknowledge That.
Superalloy Darkshine-They really should have changed his backstory.
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unclegarou · 4 years
Hi! Glad you're open. Can I request D,F, and W for Garou, please? Thanks and good luck with school!
Thank you! ❤️ I already did the whole alphabet for Garou here! I thought of something new for these letters tho.
Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Garou accidentally caught you masturbating before, but he didn’t say anything, he just watched. 🌚
Favourite Position (This goes without saying.)
Any position that shows how strong he is. It’s not uncommon for him to leave bruises on your hips and thighs from how tightly he’s gripping onto your skin.
Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
I already mentioned this before but Garou would really enjoy a lap dance.
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metalbatandzenko · 4 years
OPM Characters Ranked based on if they can sing:
Characters that are good singers:
Amai Mask-this is canon unfortunately.
Metal Bat-the boy is raising a little girl seemingly by himself. You can’t tell me he can’t sing one hell of a lullaby, or tear up a Britney song.
Bang-suprising, given he’s tone deaf, but he’s actually a good singer.
Fubuki-a hidden talent of hers. Tatsumaki told her singing wouldn’t get her anywhere, so she doesn’t sing publicly, though she does hum when she’s getting ready.
Zombieman-technically, the way he sings and the amount he smokes should have destroyed his voice eons ago. His diaphragm support is ass. But he’s got that super healing that keeps him in the clear.
Superalloy Darkshine-sings opera, and sings it well.
Characters that can carry a tune:
King-he mostly sings anime themes.
Watchdog Man-he doesn’t sing too often (he’s a man of few words to begin with) but when he does, he usually mumbles his way through the song.
Garou-actually a pretty good singer and would be higher, but will beat your ass if you snitch. If he knows people are around, he’s intentionally sing badly.
Flashy Flash-little known fact about him: he used to sing duets with Speed-o-Sound Sonic when they’d hang out in the ninja village.
Pig God-he’s got great tone, but he doesn’t sing often bc people make fun of him.
Child Emperor-he’s baby.
Characters that cannot sing:
Speed-o-Sound Sonic-yeah, he might have sang duets with Flashy Flash and sounded halfway decent, but that’s because Flashy Flash was singing loudly.
Mumen Rider-cannot carry a tune to save his life, but who is going to tell him that, what are you, heartless?
Bomb-has no sense of rhythm, sings ahead of or behind the song.
Genos-can and will sing it wrong and will be loud about it. People are too scared of him to say anything though.
Tank Top Master-is aware he can’t sing, and does not sing.
Drive Knight-Sounds like he’s singing through a fan. 
Characters that legally should not be allowed to sing:
Tatsumaki-has it in her head that she is god’s gift to singing. Sounds like a dying cat. You will be thrown into a wall if you say anything about it.
Atomic Samurai-isn’t a bad singer, but someone called him old (Saitama) so now he insists on singing nothing but Sekai ni Hitotsu Dake no Hana because it’s an “old man song”
Charanko-this one is self explanatory.
Saitama-has zero sense of rhythm and cannot carry a tune to save his life. Champion at karaoke, especially when drunk.
Puri-Puri Prisoner-gets really into songs. Accidentally destroyed a karaoke bar once.
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