#Gastric Sleeve Redo
trenetralaya · 6 months
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Gastric Sleeve Revision in USA
Introduction: Considering gastric sleeve revision in the USA? Look no further than Beliteweight Hospital, a renowned medical facility committed to helping individuals achieve their weight loss goals through safe and effective procedures. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the benefits of gastric sleeve revision and why Beliteweight Hospital is the ideal choice for your journey towards a healthier and happier life.
Why Choose Gastric Sleeve Revision? Gastric sleeve revision surgery becomes necessary in certain cases where individuals experience complications or inadequate weight loss following their initial gastric sleeve procedure. Whether you're dealing with issues like weight regain, stretching of the stomach, or other concerns, revision surgery can provide a solution to help you get back on track.
Benefits of Gastric Sleeve Revision at Beliteweight Hospital:
Expertise and Experience: Beliteweight Hospital boasts a team of experienced surgeons specializing in weight loss procedures, ensuring that you receive top-notch care from professionals who understand the complexities of gastric sleeve revision.
State-of-the-Art Facilities: Our hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, providing a comfortable and safe environment for your revision surgery. We prioritize patient safety and well-being throughout the entire process.
Customized Treatment Plans: At Beliteweight Hospital, we understand that each patient is unique. Our expert medical team will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs, ensuring the best possible outcomes.
Comprehensive Aftercare: Post-surgery, our dedicated medical staff will provide comprehensive aftercare support to ensure a smooth recovery. We are committed to guiding you through every step of the process, from surgery to rehabilitation.
Proven Success: Beliteweight Hospital has a track record of success in helping individuals achieve their weight loss goals through gastric sleeve revision. Our satisfied patients stand as a testament to the effectiveness of our procedures and the quality of care we provide.
Conclusion: If you're considering gastric sleeve revision in the USA, choose Beliteweight Hospital for a transformative experience. Our commitment to excellence, experienced medical team, and state-of-the-art facilities make us the ideal partner on your journey to lasting weight loss success. Take the first step towards a healthier you by scheduling a consultation with our expert team at Beliteweight Hospital today.
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obesity-reduction · 2 months
Navigating the Path of Revisional Surgery: Renewed Hope for Bariatric Patients with Dr. Shahsnak Shah
In the intricate journey of battling obesity, bariatric surgery often emerges as a beacon of hope, offering a transformative path toward healthier living. However, for some individuals, the road to sustained weight loss may encounter unexpected twists and turns. In such cases, revisional surgery, or redo surgery, emerges as a pivotal opportunity for renewed hope and enhanced outcomes.
Understanding Revisional Surgery
Revisional bariatric surgery encompasses a range of procedures undertaken following primary weight loss surgery. The reasons for revisional surgery vary, but commonly include inadequate weight loss or weight regain over time. For instance, in cases where the results of primary lap-band surgery fall short or the band is poorly tolerated, removal of the band coupled with simultaneous gastric bypass or gastric sleeve surgery may be performed.
Despite the challenges, it's important to recognize that the majority of weight loss surgery patients experience significant benefits, including sustainable weight loss, improved control of chronic illnesses, and enhanced quality of life. Surgery remains a vital and effective treatment option for morbid obesity, offering hope and care to those who might otherwise face limited alternatives.
The Complex Nature of Revisional Surgery
Revisional procedures are inherently complex, requiring surgical precision, nuanced understanding of anatomy, and careful consideration of individual patient factors. At our practice, led by the esteemed Dr. Shashank Shah, we perform 40-50 revision bariatric surgeries annually, with most being safely conducted laparoscopically, even after prior open surgery. Dr. Shah brings not only exceptional surgical skills but also a compassionate approach to patient care, ensuring that each individual receives personalized attention and support throughout their journey.
Each case demands meticulous evaluation, including a detailed history of weight loss progress, eating patterns, and any adverse outcomes following the primary procedure. Before embarking on revisional surgery, additional investigative measures such as upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and radiography are employed to formulate a comprehensive treatment plan. It's essential to manage expectations, as weight loss following revision surgery is typically slower and more modest compared to primary procedures. A loss of around 50% of excess weight is often considered satisfactory in these cases.
Identifying Factors Influencing Surgical Outcomes
Understanding the factors contributing to suboptimal surgical outcomes is crucial in guiding the decision-making process for revisional surgery. These factors can be categorized as patient-related, surgeon-related, or procedure-related.
Patient-related factors encompass variations in biological response to surgery, lifestyle adherence post-surgery, and the influence of medications on appetite and metabolism. Addressing these factors may involve lifestyle modifications, medication adjustments, or substance abuse counseling to optimize outcomes.
Surgeon-related factors acknowledge the potential for technical errors in the primary procedure, which may manifest months or years later as weight regain or complications. Dr. Shah's expertise ensures that every aspect of the surgical process is meticulously executed, minimizing the risk of complications and maximizing the likelihood of successful outcomes.
Procedure-related considerations acknowledge the inherent limitations of certain weight loss procedures over time. Dr. Shah's comprehensive understanding of evolving surgical techniques and advancements allows for proactive intervention and improved long-term outcomes.
A Journey Towards Renewed Hope
In conclusion, revisional bariatric surgery represents a journey towards renewed hope for individuals facing challenges in their weight loss journey. With Dr. Shahank Shah at the helm, patients can rest assured that they are in expert hands, guided by a surgeon who combines exceptional skill with unwavering compassion. Each revisional surgery is a testament to resilience, collaboration, and the unwavering commitment to transforming lives for the better.
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kokoswlstory · 5 years
Hi! I’m Koko!
I am 29 and I am having the Gastric Sleeve on 9/4/2019. I have been overweight basically all of my life. I haven’t been under 200lbs since probably middle school at least. If not before then.
I currently weigh in at 5ft 8in and 319lbs as of my appointment today. I will start on my liquid diet on 8/21, I have a nutritionist class on 9/3 and then I’ll spend the night and go to my surgery the next day. 
I have a lot of hopes for this. I want to be able to find clothes that fit. I want to be able to feel confident. But it’s even more than what people assume. I want to fit into a restaurant booth without having to move the table or deal with it digging into my stomach. I want to be able to slide past people without awkwardly bumping them. I want my hips and knees and back and ankles not to hurt from carrying around all the weight. I want the migraines to stop. I want to stop feeling like I’m smothering when I lie on my back at night.
I just want to change.
In the past 10 years or so I have tried a few different times at dieting. I did with friends for a while and that had a great result, honestly. I lost around 30lbs and got down to about 250 which was great from 280, but of course, school ended, we stopped hanging out, the working out together stopped, and I fell off course. I went on a diet again at my job where I had a gym. Lost 40lbs that time. But my job was sedentary. No matter how much I work out before work, it wasn’t enough. I plateaued. Then I gained it back again. Then Adipex. 
First off. Adipex/Phentermine and Bipolar are NOT A GOOD MATCH. I was pulling up the floor trying to redo the floors myself. I was making spreadsheets of grocery costs at four different grocery stores in town. I wasn’t eating! That’s sure! But I wasn’t sleeping either. I lost 50lbs. I had to stop for my mental health. I gained it all back. 
So here we are. A month an a half away and I’ll be going under for my first surgery EVER. I’m nervous. I’m excited. I’m terrified. 
Wish me luck!
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Bariatric surgery is the collective term for different types of weight-loss surgeries. This surgical method of weight loss can also be performed through your navel, making it a surgery with no visible scars. At Dr. Muffi’s Digestive Health Institute all types of primary and redo bariatric procedures such as Laparoscopic Banded Gastric Bypass, Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy etc.
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Bariatric surgery is the collective term for different types of weight-loss surgeries. This surgical method of weight loss can also be performed through your navel, making it a surgery with no visible scars. At Dr. Muffi’s Digestive Health Institute all types of primary and redo bariatric procedures such as Laparoscopic Banded Gastric Bypass, Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy etc.
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