#Goyische bullshit
tsuyoshikentsu · 5 months
hey goyim:
Posts about Jewish pain are not about you actually
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goatfactsofficial · 5 months
Oh man So fucking done with Goyische bullshit as of today. I'm taking off the kid gloves. I am done being kind or biting my tongue. If people wanna spout horrific nonsense about me and my people, I will not hesitate to tell them exactly what I think of them.
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spale-vosver · 3 months
Fellas, is it "woke" for Christian to try and "reclam" the terms Crusade and holy war?
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gorillawithautism · 3 months
zionist antisemitism makes me want to kill myself 🫶
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neondarklight · 8 months
What some goyische leftists fail to understand is that there are Jewish people who intentionally hide their stance on Israel because they don't want to be caught up in the "are you a good Jew or a bad Jew" bullshit that goyim love to pull. Especially when depending on our answer, you treat us as either a token Jew and a shield to use against accusations of antisemitism, or you treat us as being the embodiment of evil.
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glitteratti · 1 year
not making this post rbable but its like. god it feels so bullshit to be like “stereotyping jewish men as awkward nerds who are more into their games than anything else serves to label them as poor mates/partners” but like. also its true! thats what this serves to do! it’s supposed to feed into a eugenicist idea that sections jewish men off from dating goyische women so that they don’t spread their jewish genes to non jews. i’m not saying it’s always spread knowingly and maliciously, but it still plays into it and it needs to be acknowledged. and not that there’s any shame in being nerdy and awkward and playing ttrpgs, that doesn’t automatically make jewish men weak. we just live in a society that views things that way, and by painting all jewish people/men like that in broad strokes, it plays into it
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merrygejelh · 2 years
Not to be on this exact bullshit again but. Zygons
It’s more complicated than this because I know the entirety of zygons in canon is steeped in xenophobia and racism and I do not trust any white goyische writers with them in any context. However.
As an American Jew from a relatively assimilated family I can’t help but see myself in them. The most concrete remnants of my ancestors I have are the ways they hid and changed after every home they could have had was destroyed. Survival mechanisms are my inheritance. Many voices in my community expect me to have a loyalty to an imperialist nation I’ve never been to and have no direct connection to. Even those politically aligned with my people on some level see us as a threat or an opposing power.
I understand that these parallels are intentional and almost always with malicious intent at best but surely there is a way to write this in a way that centers zygons as not an invading threat or as victims but as People. I kind of hate the generally agreed upon stance that Shapeshifters As Jews Is Always Bad because it’s not without potential, and I definitely hate that I have to tiptoe around the tropes used to vilify us because We Have To Look Good For The Goyim. Maybe I do feel like a shapeshifter. Leave me alone
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root-cosmo · 27 days
Do non-Black people get to decide when accusations of racism are flagrant bullshit? Do non-Muslims get to decide when accusations of racism or islamophobia are flagrant bullshit?
Okay, response to what I said earlier. Ask me yourself instead of anonymously, coward.
Goyische pricks weaponize accusations of antisemitism towards other non-Jews all the damn time, primarily because these accusations can be used as a vehicle for driving forwards their own political agendas. (see: the German Empire using the Dreyfus incident and Russian antisemitism as justifications for imperial ambitions in spite of the ongoing Judenzahlung)
2. Jewish people do get to decide what antisemitism is or what it looks like. What we don't get to do is pretend like there's a single hegemonic Jewish community in total agreement on everything. If you do think this exists, I would like to see what reality you live in.
3. Black and Muslim people around the world have repeatedly told non-Black and non-Muslim people to use their damn brains and to be responsible enough to call out anti-Blackness and Islamophobia when they see it.
Jewish suffering has been and continues to be used by non-Jewish proprietors of empire. Even the term 'antisemitism' exists as a pseudo-scientific classification to differentiate old religious hatred of Jewish people from a 'new' and 'scientific' racialized hatred. I'd rather non-Jews be capable of using their goddamn brains for a minute and differentiate between a state and a people.
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hazel2468 · 2 years
I am getting really, really tired of Christians and culturally Christian people being allowed to designate themselves as the sole arbiters of what religion is, what religion and religious practice looks like, and what other religions and cultures do according to them.
Signed, A Very Tired Jew Who Is DONE With Christians Telling Me What My Own Faith And Culture Means
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tsuyoshikentsu · 1 year
I wish we had a golem.
Just fuckin’ punch all the antisemites with giant clay fists. Fuck ‘em.
This post brought to you by Today’s Goyische Bullshit.
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blackoutchocolate · 5 years
Goy: google says “goy is derogatory”
Me: google also says the plural of rabbi is rabbis so maybe don’t ask google dictionary for words in other languages 🤷‍♀️
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hachama · 6 years
I have minimal faith in the ability of goyim to discuss penile circumcision in a way that does not devolve into antisemitism and mudslinging. What little faith I have evaporates immediately when circumcision is compared to FGM.
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gusgrissom · 4 years
This article is borderline infuriating, tbh. Some interesting points, mostly a rehashing of pretty basic known material on the subject, and then it just?? A ridiculous amount of equivocation and excuses and rationalizing Nazis?
“Von Braun was both a member of the Nazi Party and an officer in Hitler’s elite, and murderous, SS security organization, a position he probably could not turn down without losing his job as chief of the German army’s missile research.” Boo fucking hoo. Oh, he would’ve lost his job if he said no? That sucks and it totally justifies using slave labor and murdering thousands of people! /s
“The children [of the Germans] bristle when their fathers are called Nazis.” Well? They were? They were literal members of the National Socialist German Worker’s Party. Card-carrying!
“It was too much trauma [for Magnus von Braun]. He said he witnessed hangings. He said Germany was in his past. Even if you were a member of the Nazi Party, it doesn’t make you a racist. Not everybody believed all that crap,” Curt von Braun [Magnus’ son, Wernher’s nephew] said. “These were good people.” Fuck this!!!! Holy shit!! It was too much trauma for him? It was too much trauma for Magnus von Braun to witness the mass murder of people under his supervision? I wonder if the thought EVER crossed his stupid fucking Nazi mind that perhaps slavery and torture and death were maybe traumatizing for them to EXPERIENCE as well? If you were a member of the Nazi Party, you were a member of the Nazi Party. Full stop. I understand how difficult it is for family members to reconcile with the evils of the past (I won’t even mention the section of this article on von Braun’s daughter, but that makes me angry too), but motherfucker.
“These were good people.” I can’t get over this part!! These were good people? I count 20,000 slave laborers in the graves of Dora-Mittelbau who might disagree. Not to mention the over six million Jews and seventy five million people across the world who died in WWII and would probably take issue with the idea that the Nazis were “good people” as well. What the hell. This is such garbage.
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prismatic-bell · 4 years
About the post with antisemitic goblins and corvidcore, you understood Cactus-drako's reply wrong, they didn't say anything against what you said, they just asked "what about dragons" and asked a for a substitute, too. I don't know enough about dragon history and if they have an antisemitic picture, too. I would say they do have some roots though, greedy/hoarding, crooked and so on. Again, I know nothing about this topic. Just letting you know about cactus-drako and the missunderstanding.
I’ve already replied with all I have to say to you.
It is not my job to hold gentiles’ hands through figuring out what fictitious creature they want to kin with if a single suggestion wasn’t enough. There were NINE ANTISEMITIC ATTACKS IN NEW YORK CITY ALONE DURING CHANUKKAH THIS YEAR.
Fuck your delicate fee-fees and your dragoncore or whatever. My people are dying while you argue over whether to be a crow or a goddamn dragon.
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scuffed-tarot · 6 years
You among the Nations hear again and again but refuse to understand. You see and see again but are blind to what is clear. You claim to know but have repeatedly shown your minds to be dull. You claim to have received what you know when it was clearly stolen, and swear false oaths which invoke your gods in a lie. May you never receive. May you never hear. May you never see. May you never know.
 - HaPigyon
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skollwolf · 5 years
just had to see with my own two eyes someone claiming that the right way to deal with nazis is to "question their ideas while remaining civil" and that person now owes this tired gay Jew twenty dollars personally
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