#Gravadöring recept
askwhatsforlunch · 2 years
Gravadöring (Cured Trout)
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My little Midsommar celebration might be a solitary affair (this year!), but I’m still enjoying my favourite Swedish treats, like this beautifully pink and delicately tasty Gravadöring!
Ingredients (a small fillet):
1/3 cup coarse sea salt
1/3 cup caster sugar
1 teaspoon pink peppercorns
4 sprigs Garden Dill
1 (130-gram/4.5-ounce) fresh trout fillet
In a small bowl, combine coarse sea salt and caster sugar, stirring well to mix.
Roughly crush pink peppercorns with a pestle in a mortar, and stir into the salt and sugar mixture.
Finally, finely chop Garden Dill, and stir into the mixture as well, until well-combined.
Unwrap a large portion of cling film, without cutting it. Arrange about a third of the dill salt and sugar mixture onto it, and sit trout fillet halve, skin-side down firmly onto it. Top with remaining two thrids of the Dill curing mixture, fold cling film over and wrap tightly. Place in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours, up to 48 hours.
The next day, remove cure, and wash trout fillet under cold water. It now has taken a deeper pink hue, and the flesh is harder to the the touch. Pat trout dry with paper towels.
Serve Gravadöring with Senap och Dillsås, and Rye Bread or toasted Brioche and a glass of Citron och Dillsnaps!
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