#GuitarCIA 吉他情报局
fyeahcindie · 1 year
This is a fabulous duet and arrangement!  =D
Waa Wei 魏如萱 and Leah Dou 竇靖童 covering 范曉萱 Mavis Fan's classic tune from her 2001 Lounge Diva (絕世名伶) album.
Leah Links: SoundCloud,  weibo,  YouTube,  Spotify,  KKBOX,  Instagram,  窦靖童 Leah Dou (fan fb?)
Waa Links: Instagram,  Spotify,  YouTube,  forgoodmusic YouTube,  添翼音樂 TEAM EAR MUSIC YT playlist,  weibo
This is the song that made me love Mavis Fan, her arrangement was more traditionally jazzy:
Mavis Links:  Vegetarian Fish (Official),  Spotify,  vegetarianfishstudio Instagram,  Mavis Fan 范曉萱 & 100% (fb)
Let’s hear another cover of this tune, I think the male guitarist is 东篱 and the singer is 张蛋蛋 from the band 女巫乐队 Witches:
I found this clip on the GuitarCIA 吉他情报局 channel.  Lots of covers there, and I think part of the channel’s mission is to promote some of the gear they use? (I’m not sure about that, just my guess -- I’ve noticed they are better about listing the gear than they are about naming the musicians, LOL.)  Anyway, I’ve watched 3 other clips of 张蛋蛋 at that channel, all lovely.
There is one excellent song to hear at 女巫乐队 Witches douban. Sung in English.  They are a 4-piece all-girl rock band from 重庆 Chongqing, China, formed in 2017. I’ll try to find a clip to embed, but no luck so far. 
张蛋蛋 is not listed as their singer. tiger-Gtr/Voc, 张蛋蛋-Gtr, 冬梅-Bass,  coco-Drums.  This is all the info I have so far, but please go check out that song!
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fyeahcindie · 11 months
Some sweet fingerstyle playing in this cover of the song Time Travel by Japanese guitarist 岸部眞明 Masaaki Kishibe. The girl is credited as 毛豆, but I think that's a nickname? This channel (GuitarCIA 吉他情报局) is not great at providing links, full names, etc., and they don't accept comments, so I can't even ask, lol.
We featured a different cover from this channel not long ago, the singer/guitarist 张蛋蛋 from the 重庆 Chongqing band 女巫乐队 Witches covering a 范曉萱 Mavis Fan song. Really nice, go check it out!
Let's hear 张蛋蛋 playing the Faye Wong 王菲 song 等等 Wait a Moment, this is beautiful:
林夕 (Albert Lueng)-Lyrics, Tanya Chua 蔡健雅-Music
Let's hear the original version from 2001:
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