Hearts and Hooves Day Announcement
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Because this is the only time of year we’re always here, we’re on for our Annual Hearts and Hooves Day Event. This year, Mistress Marevelous has decided that she and Radiance will be taking questions all day in order to protect Radiance from the Curse that has plagued her every year prior. Radiance never ends the day able to walk on her own, and now Marevelous is paranoid about it; she put the others on hero duty and it is her personal mission to keep Radiance standicapable until midnight.
To help her, keep them entertained! Ask them for advice, ask them about themselves, about their thus far invincible relationship; the good, the bad, the mundane, the funny, their favorite and least favorite things. They will need it.
Our ask box is here. We appreciate any help we can get saving Radiance from herself.
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plumsworld · 5 years
Akadémia Dolgozók Fóruma (FB)
Kedves Kollégák, kedves érdeklődők, a tudomány függetlenségéért aggódók!
Csütörtökön ismét utcára vonulunk.
Az ITM és az MTA március 8-án szándéknyilatkozatot kötött, amely tartalmazza, hogy az MTA vezetése tudomásul veszi, hogy a kutatóhálózatot a kormány az Akadémiáról leválasztva kívánja működtetni. Tudomásul veszi, de nem ért vele egyet.
hiszen az Akadémia vezetése osztja a dolgozók azon álláspontját, hogy a nyugodt és autonóm kutatómunka feltételeit a kutatóhálózat abban az esetben tudja a legjobban garantálni, ha az az Akadémia szakmai felügyelete alatt marad.
Az elfogadott szándéknyilatkozat további pontjai is aggályosak, így azok alapján semmiféle garancia nem zárja ki azt, hogy akár már az új struktúra felállásának másnapján az új irányító testület a kutatóhálózat feldarabolásába kezdjen, mint ahogyan nem tartalmaz garanciákat a dolgozók, kutatók egzisztenciája vonatkozásában sem. Továbbra sem ismerjük az azt alátámasztó érveket, hogy miért van szükség átszervezésre. Nem tisztázott, hogy ettől az átszervezéstől miért lesz jobb, hatékonyabb a kutatómunka, hiszen évek telhetnek el, mire az új rendszer beáll.
Nem beszélve arról, hogy a kormányzati beavatkozás korrumpálhatja a kutatóhálózat nemzetközi presztízsét, elnehezítheti a bekapcsolódást a nemzetközi tudományos vérkeringésbe: azoknál a projekteknél (pl. H2020 ill. H Europe) ahol az intézményi kiválóság is döntő szempont a pályázat elbírálása során, nem valószínű, hogy egy, a
magyar kormány által penetrált kutatóhálózatnak megítélnek majd bármiféle komolyabb támogatást, különösen nem mint konzorciumvezetőnek. Ahol pedig felmerülünk mint konzorciumi partnerek, ott is egy kétséges hírnevű kutatóhálózatnak riasztó hatása lehet. A kutatók 40%-a oktat, esetükben megeshet, hogy ha a nemzetközi partner ragaszkodik a kutatóhoz, mert elismert szakember, akkor majd azt kéri, hogy a másik, egyetemi affiliációjával vegyen részt a projektben;
Az MTA "brand" alá történő szervezés pedig vázolt formájában nem jelent megnyugtató minőségi garanciát, ha ahhoz nem társul az MTA szakmai felügyelete. Semmi nem zárja ki, hogy a már ma is létező, állami támogatásból élő kutatóintézeteket (pl. Veritas, MAKI, Alapjogokért Központ...) bevonjanak az új kutatóhálózatba, majd a "párhuzamosságok kiküszöbölése érdekében" a valós intézeteket, pl. történettudományi, jogtudományi, megszüntessék, vagy ezekbe beolvasszák.
Láthatjuk tehát, hogy a szándéknyilatkozat a valós problémát nem rendezi, a kutatóhálózat kivégzésének réme még ma is a fejünk fölött lebeg. Az Elnök úr és az MTA tárgyalódelegációja által jegyzett, egy hete a dolgozóknak eljuttatott levélből nyilvánvaló, hogy ez a nyilatkozat az ITM egyoldalú diktátuma. Ez a zsarolásos technika, amit a minisztérium alkalmaz, méltatlan Magyarország történelmi fontosságú nemzeti intézményével, és különösen az MTA vezetésével szemben.
Ezért hívunk utcára mindenkit. Mindenkit, aki szeretne egy valóban a nemzetközi standardok alapján működő, független kutatóhálózatban dolgozni. Mindenkit, akinek számít a kutatómunka szabadsága.
A tárgyalások hamarosan új szakaszba lépnek, amikor már nem elvi kérdésekről, hanem delegációs szabályokról és a megbízatási mandátum időtartamáról lesz majd szó.
A március 21-i elnökségi ülés időpontja tehát az egyik utolsó olyan alkalom, amikor az átfogó elvi kérdés, vagyis a kutatóhálózat kiszervezésének kérdésében tudunk érdemben fontosat mondani, a folyamatokat valós időben befolyásolni.
Találkozzunk tehát március 21-én csütörtökön 14.00-kor az MTA Széchenyi téri székháza előtt, hogy onnan közösen meneteljünk a Lánchídon át az ITM székhelyéhez.
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evoldir · 2 years
Fwd: Postdoc: LeMansU.ComparativeGenomics
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Postdoc: LeMansU.ComparativeGenomics > Date: 16 January 2022 at 06:09:55 GMT > To: [email protected] > > > *Context: *A post-doctoral researcher position is open at Le Mans > University (France) and University Laval (Qu�bec, Canada). It is > to be filled as soon as possible for a period of one year. This > contract is in support of the European H2020 project "GHaNA" > (_https://ift.tt/322iyd0), which aims at exploring > the diversity of diatoms from the genus/Haslea/and its blue marennine-like > pigments. > > The postdoctoral research project aims at analyzing omic data (genomes > and transcriptomes) from different strains and species of the > genus/Haslea/, already generated in the partner laboratories. The > exploitation of these data will have important outputs at both > fundamental and application levels (for instance in blue biotechnology). > > > *Problematic and objectives: *Diatoms from the genus /Haslea > /are//marine, mostly benthic or epiphytic organisms. The type species of > the genus, /H. ostrearia /(Gaillon) Simonsen, produces the very specific > blue pigment marennine, responsible for the greening of marine > invertebrates, especially bivalves. So far, the genus > /Haslea/encompasses /ca/. 40 taxa as listed in /AlgaeBase/(Guiry & Guiry > 2021) distributed all over the world, mostly in temperate, waters, but > also tropical as well as polar species. Less than 20% of these species > produce marennine-like blue pigments. Therefore, /Haslea/is a good model > for exploring evolutionarily relevant ecological adaptations of diatoms > in general, as well as adaptation with polar and temperate > distributions. Currently, six /Haslea/species, including two arctic > ones, have been sequenced by both laboratories, some of them using a > combination of long and short reads (ONT and Illumina). These sequencing > efforts have revealed relatively small genomes, from 60 to 100Mb, with > probable high density gene content and high level of repeats. The aim of > this project is to exploit all available genomic data of /Haslea > /species in order to comprehend adaptation in different benthic and > pseudo-benthic environments, in particular between temperate and polar > regions. This will have important outputs both for fundamental research > (diatom genome evolution, specific biosynthesis pathways) and biotech > applications (strain selection, added value and bioactive compounds). > > > *Candidate profile: *The candidate must have a bioinformatic background > oriented in omic data analyses�: genome assembly using long and short > reads, annotation, comparative genomics (pan genome, polymorphism, > selection). Knowledge in ecology and molecular evolution are > appreciated. The candidate must be familiar with UNIX environment and > different languages (Bash, Python). Moreover, he/she must be rigorous, > autonomous and curious. > > > *Contact : * > > French coordinators are Dr. Myriam Badawi and Pr. Jean-Luc Mouget from > the laboratory of Interactions of Organisms, Stress, Health and > Environment (BIOSSE, former MMS EA 2160, Le Mans). Canadian coordinator > is Pr. Connie Lovejoy from the Institute of Integrative Biology and > System (IBIS, Laval, Qu�bec). > > > Please send resume and letter to: > > [email protected]_ > > [email protected]_ > > [email protected]_ > > > mbadawi > via IFTTT
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adalidda · 3 years
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Illustration Photo: ESIF's control room (credits: Dennis Schroeder / NREL / Flickr Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d’Utilisation Commerciale - Pas de Modification 2.0 Générique (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0))
Call for SMEs to develop and/or extend different components of the PLATOON reference architecture
The EU-funded H2020 project PLATOON aims to digitalise the energy sector, enabling thus higher levels of operational excellence with the adoption of disrupting technologies.
PLATOON will deploy distributed edge processing and data analytics technologies for optimized real-time energy system management in a simple way for the energy domain expert. The data governance among the different stakeholders for multi-party data exchange, coordination and cooperation in the energy value chain will be guaranteed via IDS based connectors. The project will develop and use the PLATOON reference architecture, which is COSMAG-compliant, for building and deploying scalable and replicable energy management solutions, contributing thus to increased renewable energy consumption, smart grids management, increased energy efficiency and optimised energy asset management, addressing the needs of various stakeholders along the value chain of the energy sector.
The project will be validated in 7 pilots in 5 countries that provide real Energy Big Data cases. PLATOON will facilitate the technology transfer into the market by a well-established tendering process via Open Calls.
PLATOON is a project with a total budget of €9,998,445 with €2M dedicated to cascade funding where each project can receive up to €150K.
For the 1st PLATOON Open Call, we will be selecting 6 SMEs to develop and/or extend different components of the PLATOON reference architecture and data analytics tools to be implemented and validated by PLATOON’s 7 large scale pilots that focus on increased renewable energy consumption, smart grids management, increased energy efficiency and optimised energy asset management.
What’s in it for participants?
The selected proposals will be invited to join the Technology Transfer Programme 1 (TTP1). The selected SMEs will benefit from their participation in the PLATOON TTP1 in a number of ways, namely by:
Securing a position within PLATOON’s marketplace as a market driver (see Annex III); Deploying across numerous end-users that are already compliant to the PLATOON ecosystem and Fast-tracking their solution through extensive technical and business networks in the energy domain provided by the PLATOON project. The maximum amount per bottom-up project is up to 150,000€ equity-free funding.
Who are we looking for?
SMEs with experience in at least one of the below experimentation areas:
Digital Interoperability (APIs and Data models); Data Analytics applications in energy (such as Energy usage optimisation, Predictive maintenance, Demand forecast, etc.); Data governance, security, privacy and sovereignty and Edge computing (S/H). What are we looking for?
We are looking for SMEs interested in developing and/or extending different components of the PLATOON reference architecture to be implemented and validated in PLATOON’s large-scale pilots.
There are two types of challenges being funded by this call:
Ready-Made Challenge
Open source IDS Connector on Edge; Tool for automatic deployment of containerised applications in a Cloud or on premise environment; Secure Multi party computation; PLATOON compliant data management and interoperability solution; PLATOON Photovoltaic forecasters; Tool for scanning maintenance logs. Free-Choice Challenge
Participants are free to propose their own challenge and solve it based on the project information provided in the applicant guide regarding project objective, reference architecture, components we are already developing and the available pilots. In this sense, transversal solutions applicable to more than one pilot are preferred.
Application Deadline: March 4, 2021 at 5PM (CET)
Check more https://adalidda.com/posts/zRvaLdWL5v3YD9gha/call-for-smes-to-develop-and-or-extend-different-components
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chemicalschina · 4 years
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都柏林三一学院的科学家通过对色素进行化学改造,像微型金星捕蝇器一样,创造了一套新的生物传感器。这些传感器能够检测和捕获诸如污染物之类的特定分子,并且很快将具有许多重要的环境,医疗和安全应用。 卟啉是一种独特的深色颜料,也被称为“生命色素”,是这项突破性创新的关键。 卟啉一词源自希腊语porphura,意思是紫色,第一章详细介绍了卟啉的医学化学史,可追溯到希罗多德(Herodotus)时代(约公元484年至425年)。此故事自那时以来一直在发展,并且是Mathias O. Senge教授在Trinity工作的核心。 这些传感器就像金星捕蝇器。如果您将分子弯曲变形,它们就像金星捕蝇器的开阔叶子,如果您向里看,则会有短而僵硬的毛发作为触发器。当任何事物与这些毛发相互作用时,叶子的两个裂片就会闭合。” — KarolisNorvaiša 在活生物体中,卟啉在代谢中起着重要作用,最突出的例子是血红素(负责运输氧气的红细胞色素)和叶绿素(负责收集光并促进光合作用的绿色植物色素)。 在自然界中,这些分子的活性形式在其核心中包含多种金属,这产生了一组独特的特性。 Trinity的研究人员在有机化学主席Mathias O. Senge教授的指导下,选择了一种破坏性方法来研究无金属版本的卟啉。他们的工作创造了全新的分子受体范围。 通过迫使卟啉分子从里到外变成马鞍形,他们能够利用该系统以前无法访问的核心。然后,通过在活性中心附近引入官能团,它们能够捕获小分子(例如医药或农业污染物,例如焦磷酸盐和硫酸盐),然后将其保留在受体样腔中。 卟啉是强色化合物,因此当捕获目标分子时,会导致颜色急剧变化。这表明了卟啉作为生物传感器的价值,因为很清楚何时成功捕获了靶标。 KarolisNorvaiša,爱尔兰研究委员会资助的博士学位。 Trinity的研究人员和该研究的第一作者说: 这些传感器就像金星捕蝇器。如果您将分子弯曲变形,它们就像金星捕蝇器的开阔叶子,如果您向里看,则会有短而僵硬的毛发作为触发器。当任何事物与这些毛发相互作用时,叶子的两个裂片就会闭合。” “然后,卟啉的外围基团选择性地将合适的靶分子固定在其核心内的适当位置,从而形成一个功能性和选择性的结合袋,就像金星捕蝇器的手指状突起将不幸的靶标昆虫保留在内部一样。” 该发现最近发表在国际领先的期刊Angewandte Chemie International Edition的印刷版本中,并作为热点论文发表。它也被选作期刊的封面插图。 这项工作突出了整个欧洲范围内名为INITIO的H2020 FET-OPEN项目的开始,该项目旨在检测和去除污染物。这项工作是由爱尔兰科学基金会提供的初始资金以及慕尼黑工业大学Senge教授获得的August-Wilhelm Scheer客座教授奖而实现的。 “了解卟啉核心之间的相互作用是基于人工卟啉的酶样催化剂的重要里程碑。我们将缓慢但肯定地达到能够利用卟啉-底物界面的全部潜力来去除污染物,监测环境状态,处理安全威胁并提供医疗诊断的地步。” 参考文献:KarolisNorvaiša,Keith J. Flanagan博士,DáireGibbons教授和Mathias O. Senge博士于8月14日发表的“具有可转换的N-H⋅⋅⋅X型结合模式的卟啉作为受体的构象再造” 2019年,Angewandte Chemie国际版。 DOI:10.1002 / anie.201907929
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eureauwaternews · 6 years
EurEau newsletter - edition 21
January 2018
  EurEau news
EurEau meetings with stakeholders We met with ETRMA (the European rubber and tyres association) and the Baltic Sea Centre to discuss microplastics pollution, the European SME Agency on ICT4Water and with EUROCITIES on the EU water legislation.
  EU news
Drinking Water Directive: Commission publishes proposal
The European Commission published its proposal for the revised Drinking Water Directive (DWD). As expected, the revision covers five key areas: quality parameters, the risk-based approach, construction products in contact with drinking water, information to consumers and access to drinking water for all.
Our press release.
  Water Framework Directive: Commission publishes documents
The final version of CIS Guidance Document on WFD Article 4(7) (Exemptions to the Environmental Objectives) is available here.
  Microplastics: Commission publishes Plastics Strategy
In mid-January, the Commission published the communication ‘A European Strategy for Plastics in a Circular Economy’ . The key goal is to reduce plastic waste and improve recyclability. One chapter refers to microplastics. It calls for microplastics monitoring in tap water, a number of control at source measures and hints at the possibility for extended producer responsibility mechanisms.
The European Parliament will prepare an own initiative report on this topic.
  Microplastics: Commission moves to ban intentionally added particles
As announced in the Plastics Strategy, the Commission requested the ECHA to prepare a restriction proposal targeting intentionally added plastic particles in products for both professional and consumer use, such as paints and detergents. The restriction would also apply to the use of oxo-degradable plastics.
  Communication on EU actions to improve environmental compliance and governance
This Communication presented an Action Plan to increase compliance with EU environmental law and improve environmental governance. Read it here.
Directive on the Reuse of Public Sector Information: Commission plans to extended scope
On 23 January, EurEau and several of our members attended a stakeholder consultation meeting on the revision of the Directive on the Reuse of Public Sector Information.
The Commission will publish its proposal at the end of April 2018. Today, its scope is limited to organisations offering public services and being governed by public law. The revision may lead to the inclusion of all forms of organisational structures, as long as public services are offered.
  Pesticides approval: European Parliament to investigate procedures
If approved at next month’s plenary, the European Parliament will set up a special committee to investigate failings and possible conflicts of interest in the EU regulatory process for pesticides. This is a direct consequence of the controversy accompanying the extension of the glyphosate authorisation.
  Public consultation – Construction Products
The European Commission launched a public consultation on the functioning and future of the Construction Products Regulation (CPR). We will prepare a response before the 16 April 2018 deadline.
   Public consultations – EU Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF)
With a view to preparing the negotiations on the EU’s next MFF starting in 2021, the Commission has launched  a number of consultations including on the EU’s cohesion policy, research and innovation, security and strategic infrastructure. We will prepare responses.
 European Court of Justice ruling on challenging environmental decisions
A new ruling of the European Court of Justice concerns the right of NGO’s to challenge certain environmental decisions, for examples permits for water use under Art 4 of the Water Framework Directive and national laws of the Member States. See case c- 664/15 for more.
The ruling means that the role of NGO’s becomes more important in any permit procedures and procedures in drafting programmes of measures and the river basin management plans under Art. 11 and 13 of the WFD. The ruling might strengthen the protection of water resources as exemptions may become more difficult to acquire. Now it is even more important for water service providers to engage in the drafting of plans under Art. 11 and 13 of the WFD.
  Critical infrastructures: Workshop on Water Safety and Water Security
This workshop will be hosted by DG HOME in close association with ERNCIP (
European Reference Network for Critical Infrastructure Protection) and DG ENV on 8 March in Brussels. The event will focus on:
·         Water Safety Plans (DWD) and water quality (WFD), water infrastructures
·         Water security-related standardisation in particular cybersecurity
·         FP7 and H2020 projects
·         Policy to policy panel  (Commission, Member States)
·         Policy to research & innovation panel
·         Interactions with practitioners panel.
The EurEau ExCom appointed Miquel Paraira Faus (Aigues de Barcelona, AEAS, E) as our  representative at ERNCIP.
  Fertiliser Regulation
The Council of the European Union (national ministers) met and adopted their position for the triologue last December. It is important that all our members contact their ministries in charge to push for the articles we obtained in the European Parliament Report to be maintained in the final text.
At the same time, we developed a common position to make the proposal suitable for the market and encourage recycling of phosphorus with the ESPP and its members. You can find it  here.
  Urban Agenda 2030 on the Circular Economy
EurEau met with the city of Prato in Italy and a representative of the Agency for Waste Management for the city of Olso. They are coordinating the working group on Circular Economy for the Urban Agenda 2030. We discussed the possibility of including recommendations related to resource recovery in the water sector to contribute to the achievement of the circular economy objectives under the urban agenda. This discussion will continue to find a suitable way for EurEau to contribute.
  Pharmaceuticals in the Environment: Commission prepares strategy
The Commission will publish its long-awaited strategic approach to tackling pharmaceuticals in the environment in May 2018. The strategy will not formally announce new legislation but rather hint at what the next Commission might decide to do.
At the targeted stakeholder consultation meeting of 13 January, EurEau promoted a holistic approach focussing on source control measures and implementing the principle of extended producer responsibility. Those principles also received a good attention at an event in the European Parliament on pharmaceuticals in the environment and antimicrobial resistance hosted by MEP Annie Schreijer-Pierik on 30 January.
Background paper to the Commission public consultation here.
EurEau’s response to the public consultation.
  News from our members
Water UK launched a campaign to help fight plastic waste. Water companies will join forces with the Refill campaign to create a national network of high street retailers, coffee shops, businesses and local authorities offering new refill stations for the public to top-up their water bottles for free in every major city and town in England by 2021. Read more…
Our Swedish member Svenskt Vatten worked with H&M (Hennes & Mauritz) to print anon-flushability label several of its products (e.g. cotton buds, wet wipes etc).
  Other events20-21 February – Dr Claudia Castel-Exner will speak at the joint European Commission/OECD workshop on ‘Pathways to policy change on water in agriculture’
18-23 March - World Water Forum (Brasilia)
11-12 June– third Third European Sustainable Phosphorus Conference, Helsinki. Deadline for proposing presentations on sustainable phosphorus policy or management actions, or of business or action success stories, for ESPC3 is 28th February. More information is here
26-31 August - World Water Week on the theme ‘Water, ecosystems and human development’
16-21 September - IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition 2018, Tokyo
 You can see a list of events happening around Europe here.
Your colleagues can subscribe to this newsletter by emailing Caroline.
You can keep up with all the EurEau news via our website, our blog on the EU and on our Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter feeds. For more events, visit our calendar.
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Discord: My wife and I want a nice meal together but we have two kids and none of our friends can look after and my wife's mom is busy so what do we do?
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Mistress Marevelous: No offense, but don’t you have reality bending powers? Why don’t you just make a babyproof dimension or manifest a nanny or something?
Radiance: Maybe they’ve had bad experiences with past conjured childcare. There’s bound to be a lonely teenager somewhere available to babysit. Maybe your friends are busy, but one of them might have a referral for you. Maybe a niece or nephew or a sitter they’ve used in the past?
Oh! I don’t know if you have it, but if you’re in Maretropolis there’s this childcare agency that has an arrangement with a bunch of local restaurants. So if you call ahead you can request a specific sitter for the restaurant you want to eat at, but there’s a staffed children’s room at each of them. It’s supposed to be for things like if you have a lunch meeting or a job interview or a date, and there’s a fixed price for the room and the children’s food, so they can order whatever they want off the kid’s menu without you and it won’t cost you if they order like ten extra cookies and a chocolate shake for their friends.
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Marevelous: Kind of sounds like someone just remembered a time they got ten extra cookies and a shake for a friend.
Radiance: They had so many good cookies. The babysitter referral thing is more likely to work out for them though. They don’t even have to ask for a babysitter, just someone who’s good with babies or might have a very young sibling. Chances are if they have a sibling they’re already stuck at home babysitting anyway, adding a couple of babies they get paid for can’t hurt. I wasn’t even a babysitter but my aunt mentioned I was good with babies to a sleep deprived mom, and I still get asked to watch fussy babies.
Marevelous: Fussy is kind of your specialty.
Radiance: HA! You would know, fussypants!
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(P.S. A gift from Hum Drum and Zapp, it was to be your reward.)
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Hearts and Hooves Day resolution
As of midnight, Radiance succumbed to the curse. She could not walk by the end of Hearts and Hooves day. Chiefly, because she was asleep, but also because at that particular point in time Mistress Marevelous’s hoof would have been decreasing circulation to one of her hind legs had she been awake.
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But before that happened, our last ask got Mistress Marevelous very, very sappy, and Radiance tapped that sap for several hours, ultimately gathering the material she needed to create this:
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There were several other slide proposals made, but they got tired of making slides and don’t have time to write a book.
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So, what's your ideal date like?
Radiance: I don’t know. I don’t really put expectations on them, I just want to see her. We do have a Bad Date insurance policy though. They aren’t allowed to be over until we’re both asleep. Even if an outing goes really badly, usually by the time we get home and go to sleep we’ve done something else that’s more fun or had a conversation that makes it better. I like the bad dates just as much as the good ones, so the only ideal is that it brings us a little closer together.
Marevelous: Yeah?
Radiance: Mmhmm.
Marevelous: Well, I keep thinking about going to the garden, and we dance and it’s not because I want to dance, but because you’re so happy you aren’t afraid to, and you lean on me everywhere we walk, and we end up going to this ivy covered old shop and you talk to the plates and spinning wheels and jewelry display and we make up stories about people in framed pictures and when we get home you sing for me and I brush out your hair and we cuddle and you fall asleep first and I watch you for a little bit and put on the sleep muzzle so I can’t suck you black and blue in my sleep, and THEN we do it again when we’re like really old and we get deja vu but can’t figure out why because we’ve done so much stuff like that, but I learned from my mistakes and we do it again, but even better.
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Radiance: You know, you’re weirdly obsessed with us as an elderly couple.
Marevelous: Well, that’s the goal, right? Stay together for as long as we can. As long as we can could be a long time if we don’t die doing something stupid while we’re young and fighting evil. Ideally, we’re going on a weirdly nostalgic date when we’re eighty and we’ve somehow managed to not completely ruin your joints.
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Radiance: Oh, Dearest, my joints are doomed.
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I don't have a Heart's and Hooves day ask, so to Hum Drum I give this task. This hug I have from me to him, from him to all. Hugs so big from one so small. ~From the Bombastic Bag Pony.
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Hum Drum: I solemnly accept this duty. 
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Hearts and Hooves Day Masterpost
This year we posted our event announcement a little late
Hum Drum took on an important mission
We talked date night childcare
Marevelous got real sappy
Radiance did not beat the curse, but did co-write a dating guide and go to sleep at a decent hour. She woke up very sore, but very happy.
This blog gained 4 followers(!) We’re now two short of 150, an exciting milestone.
We’re going to play some catch up the next few weeks, thank you for making this blog what it is.
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evoldir · 5 years
Graduate position: WageningenU.2.ComparativeGenomics
WageningenU.ComparativeGenomicsFish Dear All, I would like to draw your attention to an exciting PhD project on comparative genomics of fish, at Wageningen University, The Netherlands. (text and link to apply available online: http://bit.ly/2TT91ez) We are looking for an enthusiastic PhD candidate, with a clear interest in one or more of the following research fields: epigenomics/genomics, bioinformatics, health and immunology, and comparative biology. The PhD will be employed at a newly funded H2020 project AQUA-FAANG, aiming to support the global Functional Annotation of ANimal Genomes (FAANG) consortium, with a focus on domesticated fish species. How are traits of animals encoded in their genomes, and how is that code triggered to become active? To help answer those questions, AQUA-FAANG aims to generate a wealth of functional genomic (e.g. expression) and epigenomic (e.g. chromatin structure) data from six fish species, including Atlantic salmon, sea bass, and common carp, for different organs and developmental stages. Special emphasis lies on fish health, as this is a major concern for economic loss and animal welfare in aquaculture. Cells and tissues involved in immune response can be easily studied, and easily triggered, and therefore serve as a good biological ‘model trait’. Since there are so many economically important fish species, a comparative genomic approach will be applied to identify common themes in the functional genomics of fish health, such as how immune responses are regulated across species. Special emphasis will lie on the role of whole genome duplications, that have occurred several times throughout the evolution of the bony fishes. All candidates should meet the following requirements: A Master’s degree in a relevant biological field (genomics/epigenomics, bioinformatics, computational biology, comparative biology, immunology, or evolutionary biology), or in a quantitative field (statistics, data analytics). The candidate should have: - A proven affinity for computational analysis (e.g. experience with Python, R, Linux). - A strong interest in functional genomic and comparative/evolutionary biological analysis - A strong interest in fundamental and applied research. - Be creative and innovative.Good organisational and (written and spoken) communication - skills in English, as well as a proven ability to collaborate with others. - Willingness to travel internationally, to attend international project meetings and conferences and visit other institutes. We offer you a challenging job for a period of 4 years at an international leading organization. The position is available within Wageningen University & Researchat the Aquaculture and Fisheries group, and Animal Breeding and Genomics group, both at Wageningen Campus. The organization has good and flexible employment conditions, including good education and training facilities for PhD students. Employment basis: Appointment for 38 hours per week for a period of 1.5 years with extension of 2.5 years after successful evaluation.. The gross salary is in according to the Collective Labour Agreement of Wageningen University and first year salary is € 2.266,-per month rising to € 2.879,- in the fourth year. Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from: Dr Hendrik-Jan Megens ([email protected]) +31317482469 or prof. Geert Wiegertjes ([email protected]) +31317482732. For further information about working at Wageningen University & Research, take a look at http://bit.ly/2eEtAce Closing date for applications: 08-02-2019​ - H-J Megens, PhD, - Assistant Professor - Animal Breeding & Genomics, - Wageningen University, - Wageningen, The Netherlands - LinkedIn: http://bit.ly/2TX6Bfc - Google Scholar: http://bit.ly/2DesjFI -- via Gmail
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evoldir · 6 years
Graduate position: MarburgU.EvolutionaryPlantEcol
*PhD position in Evolutionary Plant Ecology on local adaptation of Southern beech* We are looking for a highly motivated PhD student to work on local adaptation of Southern beech (/Nothofagus pumilio/) along the latitudinal and elevational gradients of the Andes in Patagonia, Argentina. The project will combine genomic and dendroecological data in association studies flanked by the analysis of gene flow and population structure in Southern beech. Field work involves the collection of /Nothofagus/ samples for genetic analyses and the extraction of tree cores and is planned for 02/2019 – 03/2019 and 02/2020 – 03/2020. Further longer term stays are anticipated at the INTA lab in Bariloche. Lab analyses include NextGen sequencing of at least 800 candidate genes in 500 individuals, genotyping with microsatellites, and the measurement of annual increment from tree cores. The project is closely linked to the H2020 project GenTree (http://bit.ly/2okVDmc) and will include comparative data analyses with European tree species currently under study there. *What we offer* The project is funded by the German Research Council (DFG) and is carried out in close collaboration among researchers from the Faculty of Biology of the Philipps University Marburg, Germany and from INTA Bariloche, Argentina. Working place will be in Marburg, field work and parts of the lab work will be carried out in Bariloche.Marburg is a vibrant and tradition-rich university uniting ground-breaking research with excellent support for young scholars and researchers. Biodiversity and climate research are among the core research fields at the Philipps-Universität Marburg offers a charming setting with a medieval historical city center and vivid student life. The position will open on January 15^th , 2019 for three years. The salary is payed according to a public service position (65% of a TV-H E13 position) which equals a gross salary of about 2400 €. From this, tax allowance, health insurance, social security etc. are withdrawn automatically, and the PhD students receives a net salary of ~ 1500 € (for an unmarried person without children) in the first year. In the second and third year this increases to 2650 € and ~ 1700 € respectively). PhD students will have the opportunity to enroll in courses offered by the Marburg Research Academy (MARA), the International Office, the Higher Education Didactics Office, and the Human Resources Development Office, and can participate in summer schools offered by EvolTree & GenTree. *What we expect* The successful applicant will hold an MSc-degree or equivalent (a degree with a standard period of study of at least 8 semesters) in Biology, Forestry, Geography or a related relevant discipline. The working language in the project is English. The ability to communicate and collaborate in an international team is required, as is the ability to work independently under physically and mentally demanding field conditions. As this dendrogenetic study lies at the crossroad of dendroecology and association genomics, a broad interest in these topics and the willingness for extensive literature surveys is required. We expect good knowledge in data handling and statistics. Prior experience in any of the fields of population genetics, dendroecology, bioinformatics, as well as in field work is beneficial. The capability to interpret scientific results and very good writing skills should be documented by a very good thesis or previous publications. *For science related questions, please contact* Dr. Katrin Heer ([email protected]) Dr. Lars Opgenoorth ([email protected]) Dr. Paula Marchelli ([email protected]) Dr. Alejandro Martínez Meier ([email protected]). *Further information* Marburg Research Academy (MARA) http://bit.ly/2xv3bYd Doctoral Regulations at Philipps University Marburg http://bit.ly/2MPOgg0 *How to apply* Send your application (including a motivation letter, CV, certificates and contact details of at least two references) mentioning the registration number fb17-0031-wmz-2018 as a sin-gle PDF to the Faculty of Biology of the Philipps-University of Marburg, to Galina Bauer, [email protected] ; deadline 26th October 2018. Please consult the official announcement that includes all legal terms under the following link: http://bit.ly/2xwZ65z ** via Gmail
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