For your WIP thing, can I ask about Hugs for MK? I think he might need them.
Okay, so I know this WIP game was from like, three months ago but like I've been wanting to answer this since you sent it... thee months ago... HGJKALSDFAW ANYWAYS LEMME BE SELF INDULGENT AND ANSWER IT ANYWAYS
Hugs for Mk is basically just a fic based off the art I did, and it's exactly what it sounds like: the boy gets some dang hugs. Gets a chapter with p much each character and it's about the first time he got a hug from them. It's the gosh darn softest thing I've ever written in my life and I'm finally JUMPING AT THE CHANCE TO SHARE A LITTLE EVEN IF IT'S A LITTLE LATE HGJLKDMFAWEF
I have been scrolling through this fic for ten minutes IT'S SO HARD TO CHOOSE JUST ONE BIT TO SHARE HGLAKDSMFOWEF
On the eleventh try Mk somehow managed to avoid letting his character meet their end, and they… won.
Mei shrieked, and Mk’s shocked gape stretched into an ecstatic grin.
“We did it!” Mei shouted, and Mk yelled a cheer along with her. She nearly tackled him, flinging her arms around him around him tight enough that it was hard to breathe, and she smooshed her face right into his, rubbing their cheeks together, practically smothering him with her embrace, and he loved every second of it.
She pulled back with a start, much too soon, looking a little flustered and apologizing for some reason, but Mk couldn’t stop smiling, breathless and happy and a little red from not being able to breathe properly. His headband was askew and he was sure his hair was a mess now, his jacket even more rumpled than before, and he pulled her back into a hug, before she could keep apologizing.
She made a surprised sound, but then she was laughing, and he was laughing, and she hugged him just as tightly as before, except this time his arms weren’t pinned to his sides so he could hug her back, which he did, smiling so big his cheeks started to hurt.
Mei finally pulled back, grinning, somehow even brighter than before.
It was Mk’s favourite hug ever.
She stopped by the noodle shop a lot more after that, with many more hugs, and Mk had a best friend.
Thanks for the ask and sorry it took a while hglak;sdfmawef <3
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