#Halford John Mackinder
mycstilleblog · 1 year
"FREIHEUT. Handbuch für den Tiger in dir" von Monika Donner. Rezension
Viele Menschen wähnen sich als durchaus in Freiheit lebend. „Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit“ tönt es im „Lied der Deutschen“. Wie frei aber sind wir wirklich? Setzten wir uns einmal ruhig hin und ließen es uns einmal genau durch den Kopf gehen, stellten wir – wären wir ehrlich zu uns – mehr und mehr fest, dass es mit unserer Freiheit soweit nicht her ist. Erinnern wir uns doch nur an die…
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aurevoirmonty · 10 months
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"À la suite de la construction du chemin de fer transsibérien sous l’énergique impulsion du Ministre Witte, émerge une idéologie pragmatique et autar­cique, l’“eurasisme” qui veut se mettre au service de l’espace russe, que ce­lui-ci soit dirigé par un Tsar ou par un Vojd (Chef) soviétique. Les idéologues “eurasiens” sont Troubetzkoï, Savitski et Vernadsky. Pour eux, la Russie n’est pas un élément oriental de l’Europe mais un continent en soi, qui occupe le centre des terres émergées que le géopoliticien britannique Halford John Mackinder appelait la Terre du Milieu."
Robert Steuckers, Le Crapouillot, 1994
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All of us so-called geopolitical analysts owe a debt to Halford John Mackinder. His 1904 paper, “The Geographical Pivot of History” is the basis for nearly all strategic thinking in today’s policy rooms, think tanks, and military academies of the West.
We’ve all heard the first three rules of Mackinder:
Who rules Eastern Europe commands the Heartland Who rules the Heartland commands the World Island Who rules the World Island commands the world
Because of the dominance of Mackinder’s ideas and the policies erected to support it, the world has been subjected to endless conflict over his conception of the “World Island,” which is basically Eurasia.
And that’s why there can be no losing for the West in Ukraine. To the Mackinderists at the top of the power structures in London, Washington D.C. and Brussels, losing Ukraine means losing the entire world, because they have this very-outdated view of world geography.
Mackinder-ism in today’s world is a tautology, reducing to: We have to control the Heartland because we can’t lose the Heartland.
In this singular quest to win the Heartland the West has bankrupted itself — economically, morally, and most importantly, spiritually. This has led to a political crisis gnawing at the center of western society.
Alastair Crooke’s latest piece sums up the situation perfectly, “The EU Is Over-Invested in the Ukrainian War-Project.“
But it isn’t just the EU that has done this. So has the UK. So too the US.
The cost/benefit analysis of continuing the Ukraine project has reached the tipping point. The problem now is too many in power, like European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen, still believe they have room to maneuver in a conflict looking increasingly stuck in the geopolitical mud of the Donbass.
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tomluongo · 1 year
No Truce With the Heartland
All of us so-called geopolitical analysts owe a debt to Halford John Mackinder. His 1904 paper, “The Geographical Pivot of History” is the basis for nearly all strategic thinking in today’s policy rooms, think tanks, and military academies of the West. We’ve all heard the first three rules of Mackinder: Who rules Eastern Europe commands the HeartlandWho rules the Heartland commands the World…
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stuartbramhall · 1 year
Railway of Resistance: A grand project to connect Iran, Iraq, Syria
By Mohamad Hasan Sweidan Sir Halford John Mackinder, one of Britain’s most prominent theorists in the field of geopolitics, discusses the significance of land connectivity between nations in his 1904 essay called The Geographical Pivot of History. Besides introducing his notable Heartland Theory, Mackinder argued that advancements in transportation technology, such as the development of…
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thesecrettimes · 1 year
An Important Player of South Asian Geopolitics, named Bangladesh.
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The country is also a vital geopolitical ally to India, in that it has the potential to facilitate greater integration between Northeast India and Mainland India. Not only that, due to its open access to the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh have become significant to both China and the USA. Previously Bangladesh’s importance in South Asian geopolitics was largely defined by Sino-Indian rivalry and the Indo-Pak conflict; as India, Pakistan and China all are in the close proximity of Bangladesh. But in the post cold war era, China’s growing ambition in the South Asian region and the Bay of Bengal has changed the equation of geopolitics for Bangladesh. China followed the combined theories of geopolitics for its expansion. The "Sea Power" theory raised by Alfred Thayer Mahan from the USA believed those who controlled the sea would control the world; the "Heartland" theory raised by Halford John Mackinder from Britain believed those who controlled Eurasia would control the world; while the "Rim Land" theory raised by Nicholas John Spykman from the U.S. believed those who controlled the rim land would control the world. To control the Eurasia, rimland and heartland, China needed to expand its connectivity with the outer world. But due to the rivalry with India, the opportunity of connectivity narrowed down and there came the geopolitical importance of Bangladesh. Geo-Strategic Importance for India Bangladesh is very important to India militarily. Because China can easily close the Siliguri Corridor in Sino-Indian military conflict. Through which India maintains communication with its eastern states. In this situation, India's only option will be to use the territory of Bangladesh to protect its relations with the eastern states. That is why it is very important for India to have friendly relations with Bangladesh, which is necessary for its security. India is now proposing connectivity of its northeastern part to China via the Chittagong port of Bangladesh, which will also boost further regional integration by complementing the BCIM and the Bangladesh-Bhutan-India-Nepal (BBIN) corridors. India now aims to allow “limited Chinese investment” for boosting connectivity and trade in the northeast by using the BBIN sub-regional hub. This paradigm shift in Indian policies toward the BRI is being considered as the potential for a fresh beginning of India-China regional cooperation centering on Bangladesh, where a critical Bangladeshi port will work as the connecting hub. Connecting India’s Northeastern States with Indian Mainland Chicken’s Neck or Siliguri Corridor created the importance of Bangladesh for India. This corridor is one of the most geographical compulsions for India. This narrow corridor separated the whole North Eastern region from the Indian Mainland. Bangladesh creates a broader nexus between the Indian mainland and the North Eastern region. Because Agartala is 1,650km from Kolkata and 2,637km from New Delhi through Shillong and Guwahati. The journey between Agartala and Kolkata via Bangladesh, on the other hand, is only about 550km. Furthermore, the average distance between Bangladesh's major cities and northeast India is 20km to 300km. As a result, Bangladesh is always considered crucial for the North-Eastern region's connectivity with mainland India by rail, road, and river routes. Bangladesh played a major role and has immense potential for the development of Indian northeastern states. And among those states, Tripura and Assam are the prominent ones. Not only that, The northeast region of India is one of the most vulnerable areas in terms of security. The northeastern states are almost detached from the Indian mainland. The terrorists and separatists take the advantage of the "Chicken's Neck" and carried out their insurgent movements in these states. Bangladesh, in turn, has been always by India's side in combating the situation  China and the USA’s fight over the Indian Ocean The Indian Ocean is a key trading route for China’s energy supplies and routes, making it also the theatre of vulnerabilities. Out of the 10, the route to nine of its suppliers is through the Indian Ocean region. Securing these critical Sea Lines of Communications (SLOCs) is a key priority for China. And to contain Chinese ascension thhe USA has the similar amount of interst in the India Ocean region. Bay of Bengal is one of the most important areas of the Indian Ocean Region. Due to its open access to the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh have become significant to both China and the USA. Towards the sea, Bangladesh maintains three—Chattogram, Mongla and Payra—out of the 12 ports in the Bay of Bengal. Bangladesh is a prime candidate to partner with China in the hypothesised "String of Pearls" strategy and the formation of the "Maritime Silk Road." The land dimensions of the BRI consist of several interconnected corridors spanning the entire Eurasian continent. Bangladesh is centrally situated along the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar (BCIM) Economic Corridor. Bangladesh also occupies a strategic position along the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road with its bustling port of Chittagong as a major maritime hub through the Indian Ocean. Since the inception of the BRI, China with its vast financial clout has launched special initiatives to boost its ties with Bangladesh by pouring billions of dollars into infrastructure projects. China considers Bangladesh one of the gateways for the Maritime Silk Road (one of the segments of the BRI) that allows China access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Therefore, China showed a keen interest in building a deep-sea port at Sonadia in Bangladesh China's Western rivals, along with India, are quite aware of this possibility, and have already initiated steps towards building greater ties with Bangladesh. It is also this possibility that has changed Bangladesh's status from decades of geopolitical irrelevance to a key player in shaping the future of Asia. Moreover, as the Indo-Pacific trade route is one of the major concerns, the Western powers and their Pacific allies also became worried. China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and its rapid spread worldwide have also increased China’s presence both in this region and beyond. As a result, the geopolitical attention of almost all major powers quickly shifted to the Indo-Pacific region. The US and its European allies started to increase their engagement in this region, and its Indo-Pacific allies such as India, Japan and Australia also started to join in this engagement. Quickly, they inked agreements and pacts to contain China. The revival of Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QUAD) between the USA, India, Japan and Australia, the AUKUS pact between the USA, the UK and Australia, and the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) are the major agreements inked by the west and its Indo-Pacific allies to contain Chinese presence in this region. Apart from these initiatives, the European Union and other major powers also clarified their stance on the issues. The USA also increased its presence in the region after Biden’s ascension to the presidency, centering its policy on democracy and human rights. Such diverse interests and the nature of South Asian politics are making the scenario more challenging for Bangladesh. While many consider the balancing between QUAD and China, it has to balance between three great powers, India, China and the USA. Since the Ukraine crisis, Russia is also emerging as a power to consider in this region as it is ‘energy giant’ and also has a keen interest in this region. Gradually, Russia’s stake in these geopolitics is also increasing. Overall, Bangladesh's location, population, economic potential and regional stability make it a significant player in South Asia and a potential hub for regional connectivity and trade. The country's geo-political importance is likely to continue to grow in the coming years, as it continues to develop its economy and promote regional integration and stability. Read the full article
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thesheel · 2 years
For Russian president Vladamir Putin, capturing Kyiv and making a regime change was the only visible opinion at the start of the war. However, it is now widely believed that the war has entered into a stalemate which is surely a win for both the United States and Ukraine. In the times of asymmetrical warfare when the Russian and Ukrainian forces had no apparent competition, and the downfall of the government in Kyiv seemed inevitable, Ukrainians have managed to pose an appreciable amount of resistance against the military might of an autocratic country that can cross any length to achieve its foreign policy ambitions. Ukraine is the Powermaker of the Whole Europe In any geographical region, there is always one country that has the capability to control the politics of that region. According to Halford John Mackinder, who was an English geographer of the early 1900s, anyone controlling the region of Eastern Europe would have controlled the whole world. This region was surrounded by the global powers of Russia and Germany. Back then, the status of Germany was unparalleled as the country used to dictate the whole world. Similarly, Russian communism was at its peak as it tried to expand the same in the region. Thus the said region of Eastern Europe was composed of modern-day Ukraine. And this is no surprise as Ukraine is enriched with natural resources like oil, coal, and grain. When the Soviet Union broke into pieces, Ukraine was the second largest and the equally powerful country just beyond modern-day Russia. Had Ukraine decided not to give up its nuclear arsenals to Russia, it would have been the third most nuclear-populated country just beyond America and Russia now. Many perceived that Mackinder's argument was outdated in today's world, and the geographical importance of the country was overestimated. However, more than 100 years down the line of the thesis, it seems that Mackinder's theory is turning out to be true. When he made this prediction, the actual contest to control modern-day Ukraine was between Russia and Germany. Now only one thing has changed, i.e. Germany is being replaced by the whole west in general. In fact, Germany was working in collaboration with Russia to get its gas pipeline which is currently in stalemate due to western sanctions on Russia. Ukraine is the epicenter of global attention once again The power gap seems to emerge in the same powerhouse of Europe even after the Russian invasion. As the war enters the stalemate, the establishment in Ukraine sees a glimpse of hope in the recent developments in the country. The videos of the downed Russian tanks and abandoned vehicles are getting viral on social media. The only threat which remains for the western world in general and Ukraine, in particular, is the will of Putin to go nuclear. Recent talks about a limited nuclear assault should Russia lose the war is alarming to the extent that it would undo all the proceedings which happened since the war started. Final Thoughts The egoistic problem of Putin is also alarming for the fact that as he sees himself going in the dead-end tunnel, he is miscalculating things. Recently Russia revealed that it used a hypersonic missile against Ukraine for the first time since the start of the conflict. This has told the world Russia is incrementally moving toward the nuclear conflict, which seems to be the only way out for Russia. The measures of Russia to bomb the civilian population of Ukraine are also alarming as this seems to be one of the ways with which Russia could push the world to catalyze negotiations. One of the reasons why the Soviet Union collapsed was the economic strain that it faced after draining the resources in Afghanistan. The same is happening in Ukraine as well, as Russia's economy was already under sanctions, and now it is just putting its resources into the war, which would put Russia back in the position of the early 1990s.  
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tokoutsavaki · 2 years
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rivage-seulm · 2 years
Why Is the U.S. so Interested in Ukraine? The Conflict’s Long and Deep Conceptual Roots
Why Is the U.S. so Interested in Ukraine? The Conflict’s Long and Deep Conceptual Roots
Why is the United States so interested in Ukraine more than 7000 miles away? The answer to that question goes to the conceptual taproot of the conflict. It lies much deeper than is commonly perceived and is connected with U.S. ambitions (like Nazi Germany’s) to control the entire world. The details are supplied in the April 2022 edition of Monthly Review (Vol. 73, No. 11) in the journal’s “Notes…
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disillusioned41 · 3 years
ON CONTACT with Chris Hedges Sep 23, 2021
Anti-Capitalist Chronicles, Part 1
On the show, the first in a two-part interview, Chris Hedges discusses with Professor David Harvey the reconfiguration of global capitalism, the contradictions of neoliberalism, the financialization of power, the commodification of spectacle, Rate Versus Mass of Surplus Value, and other issues fundamental to economic literary. 
David Harvey , Distinguished Professor of Anthropology at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, is a leading theorist in the field of urban studies. Library Journal calls Professor Harvey “one of the most influential geographers of the later twentieth century.” Professor Harvey earned his Ph.D. from Cambridge University and was formerly professor of geography at Johns Hopkins, a Miliband Fellow at the London School of Economics, and Halford Mackinder Professor of Geography at Oxford. He is a prolific author, including his books Rebel Cities: From the Right to the City to the Urban Revolution; A Companion to Marx’s Capital; Social Justice and the City and his classic, A Brief History of Neoliberalism. You can hear him on David Harvey’s Anti-Capitalist Chronicles, a bimonthly podcast that looks at capitalism through a Marxist lens. He also gives a series of lectures called Reading Marx's Capital with David Harvey on his web site DavidHarvey.org, which if you have not read volumes I and II of Marx’s Capital is an invaluable way to match your reading with insightful commentary on this classic work. His latest book is The Anti-Capitalist Chronicles.
ON CONTACT with Chris Hedges Sep 25, 2021
The Anti-Capitalist Chronicles, Part 2
On the show, the second in a two-part interview, Chris Hedges discusses with Professor David Harvey,  the social, political, and economic consequences of Neo-liberalism and globalization, exploring alienation, the rise of authoritarianism, the significance of China in the world economy, the geopolitics of capitalism, carbon dioxide emissions and climate change and our collective response. 
In our previous show we discussed central themes raised in The Anti-Capitalist Chronicles by Professor David Harvey, who is Distinguished Professor of Anthropology at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. Library Journal calls Professor Harvey “one of the most influential geographers of the later twentieth century.” Professor Harvey earned his Ph.D. from Cambridge University and was formerly professor of geography at Johns Hopkins, a Miliband Fellow at the London School of Economics, and Halford Mackinder Professor of Geography at Oxford. You can hear him on David Harvey’s Anti-Capitalist Chronicles, a bimonthly podcast that looks at capitalism through a Marxist lens. He also gives a series of lectures called Reading Marx's Capital with David Harvey on his web site DavidHarvey.org, which if you have not read volumes I and II of Marx’s Capital is an invaluable way to match your reading with insightful commentary on this classic work.
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nebris · 6 years
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The Geographical Pivot of History
The geographical pivot of history (also known as the heartland theory or simply the pivot of history) is a geostrategic theory that was first proposed by Halford John Mackinder in 1904.[1]The Geographical Pivot of History was an article submitted by Mackinder in 1904 to the Royal Geographical Society that advanced his heartland theory.[2][3]  In this article, Mackinder extended the scope of geopolitical analysis to encompass the entire globe. 
The World-Island and the Heartland
According to Mackinder, the Earth's land surface was divisible into:
The World-Island, comprising the interlinked continents of Europe, Asia, and Africa. This was the largest, most populous, and richest of all possible land combinations.
The offshore islands, including the British Isles and the islands of Japan.
The outlying islands, including the continents of North America, South America, and Australia.
The Heartland lay at the centre of the world island, stretching from the Volga to the Yangtze and from the Himalayas to the Arctic. Mackinder's Heartland was the area then ruled by the Russian Empire and after that by the Soviet Union, minus the Kamchatka Peninsula region, which is located in the easternmost part of Russia, near the Aleutian Islands and Kurile islands.
Strategic importance of Eastern Europe
Later, in 1919, Mackinder summarised his theory as:
"Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland; who rules the Heartland commands the World-Island; who rules the World-Island commands the world." (Mackinder,
Democratic Ideals and Reality
, p. 150)
Any power which controlled the World-Island would control well over 50% of the world's resources. The Heartland's size and central position made it the key to controlling the World-Island.
The vital question was how to secure control for the Heartland. This question may seem pointless, since in 1904 the Russian Empire had ruled most of the area from the Volga to Eastern Siberia for centuries. But throughout the nineteenth century:
The West European powers had combined, usually successfully, in the Great Game to prevent Russian expansion.
The Russian Empire was huge but socially, politically and technologically backward—i.e., inferior in "virility, equipment and organization".
Mackinder held that effective political domination of the Heartland by a single power had been unattainable in the past because:
The Heartland was protected from sea power by ice to the north and mountains and deserts to the south.
Previous land invasions from east to west and vice versa were unsuccessful because lack of efficient transportation made it impossible to assure a continual stream of men and supplies.
He outlined the following ways in which the Heartland might become a springboard for global domination in the twentieth century (Sempa, 2000):
Successful invasion of Russia by a West European nation (most probably Germany). Mackinder believed that the introduction of the railroad had removed the Heartland's invulnerability to land invasion. As Eurasia began to be covered by an extensive network of railroads, there was an excellent chance that a powerful continental nation could extend its political control over the Eastern European gateway to the Eurasian landmass. In Mackinder's words, "Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland."
A Russo-German alliance. Before 1917 both countries were ruled by autocrats (the Tsar and the Kaiser), and both could have been attracted to an alliance against the democratic powers of Western Europe (the US was isolationist regarding European affairs, until it became a participant of World War I in 1917). Germany would have contributed to such an alliance its formidable army and its large and growing sea power.
Conquest of Russia by a Sino-Japanese empire (see below).
The combined empire's large East Asian coastline would also provide the potential for it to become a major sea power. Mackinder's "Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland ..." does not cover this scenario, probably because the previous 2 scenarios were seen as the major risks of the nineteenth century and the early 1900s.
One of Mackinder's personal objectives was to warn Britain that its traditional reliance on sea power would become a weakness as improved land transport opened up the Heartland for invasion and / or industrialisation (Sempa, 2000).
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mycstilleblog · 4 years
Jörg Kronauer referierte zum Thema: "Machtkampf gegen Russland". Fazit: Wir müssen die Aggression des Westens stoppen
Jörg Kronauer referierte zum Thema: “Machtkampf gegen Russland”. Fazit: Wir müssen die Aggression des Westens stoppen
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Gesehen 2015 in Dortmund. Foto: Claus-Dieter Stille
Deutschland und Russland. Sollen sie zueinander nicht kommen? Weil eine enge Verbindung erheblichen Potential hätte? Schauen wir zurück:
Zweimal hat Deutschland gegen Russland, respektive die Sowjetunion Krieg geführt – mit furchtbaren Folgen für ganz Europa. Seit geraumer Zeit rüstet die Bundesrepublik erneut gegen den östlichen Nachbarn auf…
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cnbnews · 6 years
作者:九评编辑部 共产党的幽灵并没有随着东欧共产党的解体而消失
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魔鬼在统治着我们的世界 (1) 魔鬼在统治着我们的世界 (2) 魔鬼在统治着我们的世界 (3) 魔鬼在统治着我们的世界 (4) 魔鬼在统治着我们的世界 (5) 魔鬼在统治着我们的世界 (6) 魔鬼在统治着我们的世界 (7) 魔鬼在统治着我们的世界 (8) 魔鬼在统治着我们的世界 (9) 魔鬼在统治着我们的世界 (10) 魔鬼在统治着我们的世界 (11) 魔鬼在统治着我们的世界 (12) 魔鬼在统治着我们的世界 (13) 魔鬼在统治着我们的世界 (14) 魔鬼在统治着我们的世界(15) 魔鬼在统治着我们的世界(16) 魔鬼在统治着我们的世界(17) 魔鬼在统治着我们的世界(18) 魔鬼在统治着我们的世界(19) 魔鬼在统治着我们的世界(20) 魔鬼在统治着我们的世界(21):文化篇 魔鬼在统治着我们的世界(22):恐怖主义 魔鬼在统治着我们的世界(23):环保运动(上) 魔鬼在统治着我们的世界(24):环保主义(下) 魔鬼在统治着我们的世界(25):全球化
第十八章 魔鬼安排下中共的全球野心(上) 目录
前言 1. 中共野心是取��美国,称霸世界 1)中共称霸世界的野心一以贯之 2)欲称霸世界,必打败美国 3)全方位渗透和围堵美国 4)长期煽动仇美情绪,为战争作舆论和心理准备 5)放弃韬光养晦,对美国高调“亮剑” 2. 中共称霸全球战略 1)“一带一路”──以全球化的名义扩张版图 (1)“一带一路”登台 (2)“一带一路”的全球扩张 2)“大周边外交”战略圈──把美国挤出亚太 (1)澳洲是西方薄弱环节 (2)中共觊觎太平洋岛国之战略价值 (3)中亚五国:用债务陷阱掌控和掠夺资源 (4)打造支点国家,不顾道德抢占资源 3)对欧洲分而治之,分化欧美同盟 4)殖民非洲──输出“中国模式” 5)进军拉丁美洲──在美国后院挖墙角 6)中共的军事野心
1. 中共野心是取代美国,称霸世界
美国著名中国问题专家白邦瑞(Michael Pillsbury)在《2049百年马拉松:中国称霸全球的秘密战略》中分析,中共有一个长期的战略计划,那就是在中共建政100年时,颠覆美国主导的世界经济、政治秩序,称霸世界。在中共国防大学制作的电视片《较量无声》中,明确表达了与美国较量的野心:中共在实现其主导世界的“伟业”的过程,“必然始终伴随与美国霸权体系的磨合与斗争,这是一场不以人的意志为转移的世纪较量。”[2]
中共的全球战略布局围绕着对美战略展开。宾夕法尼亚大学教授、中国问题专家林蔚(Arthur Waldron)2004年在国会参议院的一次听证会上陈述:中国军队是当今世界上唯一一个专门对抗美利坚合众国的军队。[3]事实上,不仅在军事方面,中共的大部分外交活动、国际战略都是直接或者间接针对美国的。
2. 中共称霸全球战略
陆地上的“一带”的主体框架目前有六大经济走廊:新亚欧大陆桥、中蒙俄、中国—中亚—西亚、中国—中南半岛、中巴、孟中印缅经济走廊。具体地说,新亚欧大陆桥以从中国到欧洲的铁路运输“中欧班列”(China Railway Express)为依托。海运从中国到欧洲,花费三十多天,而通过铁路只需十多天。中欧班列从2011年开始运行,成为“一带一路”的重要组成部分。中巴经济走廊是中国与巴基斯坦合作的大型工程计划,是一带一路的枢纽和旗舰项目,包括修建一条从新疆喀什到巴基斯坦瓜达尔港的高速公路。瓜达尔港(Gwadar Sea Port)2013年交中方运营,是巴基斯坦通往波斯湾和阿拉伯海的大门,战略位置重要,扼守着承担全球40%原油供应的霍尔木兹海峡通往阿拉伯海的海上通道。
海上“一路”的主体框架是共建一批重要港口和节点城市,争夺海运控制权。对实力较强的国家,采用先参股或合作经营码头建立关系,对相对贫穷的国家则用经营带动其经济,力图取得港口或码头的控制权。仅2013年一年,中国企业就至少获得了17个海外港口或码头的经营权。其中,招商局港口公司通过收购法国Terminal Link港口公司49%的股权,获得了该公司旗下四大洲8个国家15个码头的经营权。[5]中共这些年入股或者收购的港口还包括比利时的安特卫普港口和泽布吕赫码头、埃及的苏伊士运河码头、土耳其的伊斯坦布尔康普特(Kumport)码头、希腊的比雷埃夫斯港、新加坡巴西班让码头、素有“欧洲门户”之称的荷兰最大港口鹿特丹Euromax码头、阿联酋阿布达比的哈里发港二期码头、意大利的利古里亚瓦多港口码头、马六甲海峡的关丹港、非洲的吉布提港、巴拿马运河等等。除了投资,中共还通过一带一路制造的债务陷阱获取战略要地。斯里兰卡因无力偿还中国公司的债务,2017年底签署了一份有效期为99年的租约,正式将具有战略意义的汉班托塔(Hambantota)港移交给中国。
曾任白宫首席策略师的班农对“一带一路”战略有个独特的解读。他认为“一带一路”的大胆之处,就是将麦金德—马汉—斯皮克曼(Mackinder-Mahan-Spykman)三种关于如何统治世界的地缘政治理论整合在一起,组成了一个完整的计划。[7]英国地理学家和历史学家麦金德(Sir Halford John Mackinder)提出谁控制了中心地带(中亚)就控制了世界岛(欧亚);谁控制了世界岛,就能控制世界。美国海军历史学家马汉(Alfred Thayer Mahan)提出控制海权的战略:谁控制了维护全球贸易的海道、要塞和运河就能控制世界。而耶鲁大学教授斯皮克曼(Nicholas John Spykman)则认为,环绕亚洲的海岸线比中心地带(中亚)更为重要,谁控制了海岸线就能控制欧亚;谁控制了欧亚就能控制整个世界。班农的观点反映出西方对中共“一带一路”和中共野心的警惕。
2017年6月,费尔法克斯媒体和澳大利亚广播公司发布了为期五个月的联合调查,以纪录片《权力与影响:中国共产党如何渗透澳大利亚》披露中共在澳洲渗透、控制活动之猖獗,引起全世界关注。[9]六个月后,澳洲工党议员邓森(Sam Dastyari)宣布辞去参议员一职,因其被曝出收受中共红色商人金钱,继而就南海问题发表有利于中共但与其政党乃至政府立场相左的言论。[10]2016年9月澳洲媒体SBS曾刊登文章,披露一个中国富商在澳洲提供政治捐献,直接影响澳洲对华商贸政策。[11]不仅如此,中共媒体机构近年来还与澳大利亚媒体签了协定,同意澳洲媒体分销中共媒体的内容。[12]
实际上,早在2015年,澳洲就把达尔文港租给一家与中共军队有联系的中国公司,租期99年。达尔文港是澳大利亚防卫来自北方的攻击的最重要的军事要塞。当时美国前副国务卿阿米蒂奇(Richard Armitage)表示,这令人感到“震惊”,这个举动令美国感到措手不及。[13]
2017年,澳洲学者汉密尔顿(Clive Hamilton)撰写的《沉默的入侵:中国对澳大利亚的影响》完稿,但是一连有三家澳洲出版商拒绝出版,因为他们怕得罪中共。最后第三家出版商重新考虑出版,此书才得以面世。此事更令澳洲人担心中共对澳洲的影响和操控。[14]
美国国家民主基金会于2017年12月初发表的报告《锐实力:正在上升的威权主义的影响力》(Sharp Power: Rising Authoritarian Influence)指出,中国(共)以利诱和渗透影响和改变澳洲政界与学术界,一个主要目的是削弱美—澳联盟。[15]
类似地,中共的渗透和控制同样延伸至澳洲的另一个国家新西兰,这里仅举数例说明。新西兰坎特伯雷大学(University of Canterbury )中国问题专家安-玛丽?布莱迪(Anne-Marie Brady)教授2017年9月发布报告《魔法武器》(Magic Weapons),以新西兰为例详述中共如何在海外影响渗透,发挥政治影响力。其中披露的内容包括数名新西兰国会现任华裔议员与中共联系密切,以及来自中国的红色富商、华商协会等统战组织的巨额政治献金等。[24]布莱迪教授发布有关中国在新西兰影响渗透的报告后不久,她的大学办公室遭入室盗窃。失窃前,她还收到一封匿名警告信,信中详细列出了对那些没有按照北京官方路线走的人所进行的报复措施,并警告她说:“你就是下一个。”[25]
太平洋海域具有非常重要的战略价值,每一个岛屿都可能成为重要的海上据点。太平洋岛国“岛小海大”,陆域总面积仅53万平方公里,海洋专属经济区面积却高达1900万平方公里,是中国海洋专属经济区面积的6倍还多。中共明确表示,和太平洋岛国发展关系是其战略决策。然而,目前这片海域仍属美国、日本、新西兰、澳大利亚、法国等国的势力范围,中共欲在太平洋上发展海军,拉拢太平洋岛国将是首要任务,继之才能让这些岛国倒向中共,排除美国势力。[27]新西兰教授韩德森(John Henderson)和澳大利亚教授赖利(Benjamin Reilly)指出,中共在南太平洋地区的长期目标,就是要取代美国成为此地区的霸权。[28]中共在美拉尼西亚、密克罗尼西亚和波利尼西亚等群岛注入了大笔投资,援建重要的基础设施项目,鼓励大量游客到访以及开放电子商务平台,其动作规模远远超过美国。澳大利亚作家本?波汉(Ben Bohane)警告,美国正在把太平洋输给中共。[29]
虽然中共未明说要主宰中亚,但事实上,中共如今已经成为该地区最有影响力的角色。总部设在布鲁塞尔的智库“国际危机小组”(International Crisis Group)2013年公布的一份报告指出,中共在中亚的动荡不安中,快速成长为该地区占主导地位的经济角色。北京把中亚视为原材料和能源基地,以及其低廉消费品的市场。中共也向中亚注入数亿美元的援助及投资,名义上是要促进新疆自治区的稳定。[31]
中共的大周边战略实施过程中采用了优先打造“支点国家”(pivotal states),然后以点带面,达到整个区域的战略目标。所谓支点国家,按照中共智库的说法,是具备一定实力、中共有能力和资源来引导其行为、在战略利益上和中共不存在直接冲突、与美国没有紧密利益关系的国家。[43]除了上述的澳大利亚、哈萨克斯坦等之外,这样的支点国家还有中东的伊朗、南亚的缅甸等等。
另一个受到中共青睐的支点国家是其南亚的邻邦缅甸。缅甸有漫长的海岸线,能提供一个通往印度洋的战略性出口。中共把开辟中缅通道视为规避马六甲海峡风险的战略步骤之一。[48]缅甸军政府的恶劣人权记录一直使其受国际社会孤立。缅甸的1988年民主运动以军队镇压收场。第二年,北京的坦克也在天安门广场大开杀戒。两个被国际社会同声谴责的极权政府同病相怜,从此开始密切往来。1989年10月,缅甸的丹瑞大将访问中国,双方达成高达14亿美元的军火交易。[49]上世纪90年代双方又有多次军火交易,中方售缅装备包括战机、巡逻舰、坦克及装甲运兵车、防空炮、火箭等等。[50]中共的军事、政治和经济支持成了苟延残喘的缅甸军政府的生命线。[51]2013年,投资50亿美元、被称为中国第四大油气进口战略通道的中缅油气管道建成,虽遭当地反对,在中共干预和谈判后于2017年投入运行。[52]类似的大型投资还包括密松水电站(目前因当地反对而遭搁置)、莱比塘铜矿。2017年中缅两国双边贸易总额135.4亿美元。中共正计划建立中缅经济走廊,其中包括打造一个中方占股70%、出口印度洋的深水港、[53]缅甸皎漂特区(Kyaukpyu Special Economic Zone)工业园等。[54]
传统欧洲强国、美国的重要盟友英国是中共觊觎的重点之一。2016年9月15日,英国政府正式批准中国与法国财团合资的欣克利角C机组核电项目动工。欣克利角C核电站(Hinkley Point C Nuclear Power Station),是在英格兰的西南部萨默塞特郡筹建的核电站,装机容量3,200兆瓦。该项目遭到含工程师、物理学家、环保人士、中国问题专家、商业分析师等在内的专家的严厉批评,尤其是指其给英国国家安全带来巨大隐患。特雷莎?梅的前幕僚长尼克?提摩西(Nick Timothy)指出,安全专家“担心中国人可以利用他们的角色在电脑系统中建立弱点,这将使他们能够随意关闭英国的能源生产”。[65]英国《卫报》指“这个世界上最昂贵的电厂”是个“可怕的交易”。[66]
与在世界上其它国家一样,中共政府在欧洲扩大影响力的活动无孔不入、多种多样。如收购欧洲高科技公司,控股重要港口,收买退休政要替中共站台,渗透大学、智库、研究所,笼络汉学家替中共唱赞歌等等,不一而足。[67]中共政府的对外宣传工具《中国日报》(China Daily)每月在英国历史悠久的大报《每日电讯报》(The Daily Telegraph)上加入一次插页,登载给中共政权涂脂抹粉的文章。为此中共付给《每日电讯报》的费用高达每年75万英镑。[68]
赞比亚前总统迈克尔?萨塔(Michael Sata)曾在2007年竞选总统时说过,“我们要让中国人走开,让从前的殖民者回来,虽然他们也曾利用我们的资源,但至少他们会很好地照顾我们,他们兴建学校、教我们语言,还带给我们英国文明。西方资本主义还有人类的面目,中国人却只会剥削我们。”[73]中国在赞比亚的影响已经随处可见,从举头可见的中国银行看板,到几乎无处不在的中国人。这使得萨塔不可避免地和中共打交道,得到权力后就马上和中国大使会面,并在2013年访问中国。
中共拉拢第三世界国家可谓不遗余力。中非合作论坛2000年于北京成立,之后几次在关键年份举行的中非论坛,中共领导人都向非洲“大撒币”。2000年成立大会,江泽民宣布免除非洲穷国100亿元人民币的债务;2006年,北京再做峰会主办国,中共不但宣布免除所有非洲邦交穷国截至2005年底的债务,[77]还送出逾百亿美元的基金、信贷、奖学金及各种援建项目;2015年在南非约翰内斯堡,中共宣布将提供600亿美元的资金,同非洲国家合力推行“十大合作计划”。[78] 中共商务部副部长2018年8月28日表示,“对非洲33个最不发达国家,97%的输中产品给予零关税。[79]在2018年9月3日中非合作论坛北京峰会上,中共承诺再向非洲提供600亿美元的无偿援助、无息贷款、专项资金和投资,同时承诺免除“与中共有外交关系”的非洲穷国2018年底到期的政府间未偿还债务。[80]
埃塞俄比亚并不是唯一的例子。2018年,中共中央对外联络部主办的第四届中非青年领导人论坛和中拉政党论坛在广东深圳开幕,其培训目标是领导人和政府官员。华盛顿智库史汀生中心(Stimson Center)中国项目主任孙韵(Yun Sun)表示,这样的政治培训是向发展中国家输出“中国模式”。她说:“他们的这种政治培训有三个目的。第一,是中共的合法性,试图告诉世界中共是如何成功的管理了这个国家以及这样的成功经验是如何可以在别的发展中国家被复制。第二个目的是推介中国的发展经验,就是所谓的‘交流治国理政’经验,虽然没有输出‘革命’,但是确实输出了中国的意识形态方式。第三是加强双边交流。”[84]也就是说,中共把自己的体制作为样板向非洲输出。
中共首先通过外贸和投资扩大在拉美的影响力。根据美国智库布鲁金斯研究所的报告,2000年中国对拉美的贸易只有120亿美金,到2013年已经达到2600亿,增长了20多倍。2008年之前,中国的贷款承诺不超过10亿美元,而在2010年,达到370亿。中国承诺从2005年到2016年间向拉美提供1410亿美元贷款。中国的贷款目前已经超过了来自世界银行(World Bank)和泛美开发银行(Inter-American Develop Bank)的贷款总额。与此同时,中共承诺到2025年将向拉美提供2500亿美元的直接投资,中国与拉美的双边贸易将达到5000亿美元。拉丁美洲是目前中国投资的第二大目的地,仅次于亚洲。
军事上,中共对拉美的渗透正在一步步扩大和深入。中美经济与安全小组的研究员威尔逊(Jordan Wilson)发现,中共对拉美从2000年前的低端军售,发展到后来的高端军售,到2010年达到一亿美元销售额。尤其在2004年之后,中共对拉美军售大幅上升。而这些军售的对象都是具有反美倾向的政权,如委内瑞拉。这个阶段同时伴随着军事训练方面的合作。2015年在北京召开的中阿(阿根廷)双边峰会,其协议内容如果得以实施,将意味着两国的军事合作达到一个新的阶段。这包括先进高端产品的合作生产��协助中共在其境内建立首个南半球宇航器深空测控跟踪站,以及在阿根廷空军部署中国制造的战斗机,总额达到5亿~10亿,超过中共2014年对拉美地区的1.3亿的军售总和。中共与拉美的外交、经济、文化和军事联系迅速发展。中共2015年的军事白皮书要求中共军队积极参与地区和全球的安全合作,以有效的保证中共的海外利益。[87]
近年来,随着中共军力的发展,其野心也越来越张扬。早在2009年就发生美国海军海测船“无懈号”(USS Impeccable)在南中国海进行海测任务时遭中共船只尾随与骚扰;[94]随后在黄海国际水域发生类似事件,美国海洋监测船“胜利号”(USNS Victorious)被中共船只骚扰,在大雾条件下中共船只多次逼近,甚至贴近到双方只有30码间距,造成“胜利号”不得不停止原航向避免相撞。[95]最近的例子发生在2018年9月。美国导弹驱逐舰“迪凯特号”(USS Decatur)在南中国海遭中共军舰进逼,中共军舰在距离美国军舰前方约45码(约41公尺)处从前方横穿,迪凯特号被迫采取技术性闪避。[96]
美国前白宫首席策略师班农(Steve Bannon)曾多次表达这样一个忧虑,即在南中国海问题上,在未来十年内,中美将爆发一场战争。[100]前美军上校、军事评论家塞林认为,“中共现在试图通过与北印度洋的类似强权国家结成同盟,将其国际影响力扩展到南中国海以外。如果被允许完成这一结盟,中共可能处于无懈可击的地位,对全球一半左右的GDP施加权威。”[101]
麻省理工学院政治学教授弗雷沃尔(M. Taylor Fravel)在盘点了中共历史上所解决的领土争端之后指出一个有趣的事实:自1949年以来,中国与邻国发生了23起领土争端。中共解决了其中的17起纠纷;而这17起中的的15起争端,北京在争议领土中作出了显著的让步。但是对于南中国海,从上世纪50年代中共海军极其弱小的时候,就主张对争议区域拥有“无可争辩的”主权,而这种绝对性言论从未出现在其它领土冲突中。[104]
在战术上,中共热衷于“不对称作战能力(asymmetric warfare, asymmetric strategy, asymmetric weapons)”。[113]美国印度洋-太平洋司令部(Indo-Pacific Command)新任指挥官菲力浦?S?大卫森海军上将(Adm. Philip S. Davidson)把中国描述为一个“实力相当的竞争对手”,中国不是靠以武器对武器的火力匹配,而是通过建设关键性的“不对称能力”,包括用反舰导弹和在潜艇战中的能力,来赶超美国。他警告:“不能保证美国在一场与中国的未来冲突中能获胜。”[114]中共靠其研发的东风21D导弹(反舰弹道导弹,针对美军航母)进行类似狙击手模式的对抗。2018年,中共公开展出陆基鹰击-12B超音速反舰导弹,被称为“航母杀手”,它在西太平洋划出了一块半径达550公里的美军航母“死亡禁区”,可以通过采用超低空突防的火力饱和模式打击美军航母战斗群,这些导弹成为中共“反介入/区域拒止”的重要军事手段。
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[96] Barbara Starr, Ryan Browne and Brad Lendon, “Chinese Warship in ‘Unsafe’ Encounter with US Destroyer, amid Rising US-China Tensions,” CNN, October 1, 2018, https://www.cnn.com/2018/10/01/politics/china-us-warship-unsafe-encounter/index.html.
[97] 军事科学院军事战略研究部:《战略学》(北京:军事科学出版社,2013),页47。
[98] 乔良:〈“一带一路”战略要考虑军事力量走出去问题〉,《中国军网》, 2015年4月15日,http://www.81.cn/jmywyl/2015-04/15/content_6443998_5.htm。
[99] Annual Report to Congress: Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China 2018, US Department of Defense, May 16, 2018, https://media.defense.gov/2018/Aug/16/2001955282/-1/-1/1/2018-CHINA-MILITARY-POWER-REPORT.PDF, 46, 47.
[100] Benjamin Haas, “Steve Bannon: ‘We’re Going to War in the South China Sea … No Doubt’,” The Guardian, February 1, 2017, https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/feb/02/steve-bannon-donald-trump-war-south-china-sea-no-doubt.
[101] Lawrence Sellin, “The US Needs a New Plan to Address Chinese Power in Southern Asia,” The Daily Caller, June 5, 2018, https://dailycaller.com/2018/06/05/afghanistan-pakistan-america-china/.
[102] Panos Mourdoukoutas, “China Will Lose The South China Sea Game,” Forbes, July 1, 2018, https://www.forbes.com/sites/panosmourdoukoutas/2018/07/01/china-will-lose-the-south-china-sea-game/#5783cad73575.
[103] Michael Lelyveld, “China Will Lose the South China Sea Game,” Radio Free Asia, December 4, 2017, https://www.rfa.org/english/commentaries/energy_watch/chinas-oil-import-dependence-climbs-as-output-falls-12042017102429.html.
[104] M. Taylor Fravel, “Why Does China Care So Much about the South China Sea? Here Are 5 Reasons,” The Washington Post, July 13, 2016, https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2016/07/13/why-does-china-care-so-much-about-the-south-china-sea-here-are-5-reasons/?utm_term=.4a7b1de04dbd.
[105] 同上。
[106] Brahma Chellaney, “Why the South China Sea Is Critical to Security,” The Japan Times, March 26, 2018, https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2018/03/26/commentary/world-commentary/south-china-sea-critical-security/#.XAnOBBNKiF1.
[107] Scott L. Montgomery, “Oil, History, and the South China Sea: A Dangerous Mix,” Global Policy, August 7, 2018, https://www.globalpolicyjournal.com/blog/07/08/2018/oil-history-and-south-china-sea-dangerous-mix.
[108] Hal Brands, “China’s Master Plan: a Global Military Threat,” The Japan Times, June 12, 2018, https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2018/06/12/commentary/world-commentary/chinas-master-plan-global-military-threat/#.W9JPPBNKj5V.
[109] 林廷辉,〈龙在陌生海域:中国对太平洋岛国外交之困境〉,《国际关系学报》第三十期(2010年7月),https://diplomacy.nccu.edu.tw/download.php?filename=451_b9915791.pdf&dir=archive&title=File,页58。
[110] Annual Report to Congress: Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China 2018, US Department of Defense, May 16, 2018, https://media.defense.gov/2018/Aug/16/2001955282/-1/-1/1/2018-CHINA-MILITARY-POWER-REPORT.PDF.
[111] 黄宇翔:〈中国无人战机惊艳珠海航展亮相假想敌是美国〉,《亚洲周刊》,2018年11月25日, 第32卷 46期,https://www.yzzk.com/cfm/blogger3.cfm?id=1542252826622&author=%E9%BB%83%E5%AE%87%E7%BF%94。
[112] David E. Sanger, “U.S. Blames China’s Military Directly for Cyberattacks,” The New York Times, May 6, 2013, http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/07/world/asia/us-accuses-chinas-military-in-cyberattacks.html?pagewanted=all&_r=1&.
[113] 对此问题白宫国家贸易委员会主任彼得·纳瓦罗在其著作中有深入分析和论述。参见:Peter Navarro, Crouching Tiger: What China’s Militarism Means for the World (New York: Prometheus Books, 2015)。
[114] Steven Lee Myers, “With Ships and Missiles, China Is Ready to Challenge U.S. Navy in Pacific,” The New York Times, August 29, 2018, https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/29/world/asia/china-navy-aircraft-carrier-pacific.html.
[115] 据称出自中共将领迟浩田(1993年-2003年任国防部长)的两篇讲话,〈战争正在向我们走来〉、〈战争离我们不远,它是中华世纪的产婆〉,分别于2003年和2005年出现在互联网上,难以核实其真伪。但评论家普遍认为此言论代表中共真实想法,或故意释放出来试探外界反应,并借此恐吓敌人。参见:三人行:〈评血腥公司的末日疯狂赌〉, 《大纪元新闻网》, http://www.epochtimes.com/gb/5/8/1/n1003911.htm,http://www.epochtimes.com/gb/5/8/2/n1004823.htm;李天笑:〈神要中共亡 必先使其狂〉,《大纪元新闻网》,http://www.epochtimes.com/gb/5/8/17/n1021109.htm。
[116] Jonathan Watts, “Chinese general warns of nuclear risk to US,” The Guardian, July 15 2005, https://www.theguardian.com/world/2005/jul/16/china.jonathanwatts.
[117] 白邦瑞在研读一本中国军事理论著作时惊讶地发现,中国学者在评估国家实力时,军事力量在其中所占比重不足10%。苏联解体后,中共改变其评估体系,纳入了诸如经济、海外投资、技术创新、自然资源等因素。参见 Michael Pillsbury, The Hundred-Year Marathon: China’s Secret Strategy to Replace America as the Global Superpower, Chapter 2。
日本计划提高未来5年军费 中国国产航母或将最后海试
陈奎德: 《零八宪章》: 中国人普遍性身份的宣言
抢出口退潮显疲态 中国进出口增速骤降
猪瘟影响进一步显现 中国经济通缩担忧升温
原文链接:魔鬼在统治着我们的世界(26):全球野心(上) - 中国禁闻
本文标签:中共, 中国, 中国共产党, 习近平, 全球野心, 共产党, 流产, 魔鬼, 魔鬼在统治着我们的世界
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jgmail · 2 years
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José Alsina Calvés
Últimamente estamos asistiendo a una formidable ofensiva ideológica e informativa, alentada por EEUU y los centros de poder globalistas, en contra de la Rusia de Putin. Los medios de comunicación cipayos no paran de repetir, machaconamente, una serie de mantras, donde la Rusia actual aparece como un infierno dictatorial, donde se persigue a los “disidentes”, a los homosexuales y a los inmigrantes. Para los neoliberales de derechas, Rusia sigue siendo comunista. Para los neoliberales de izquierdas, la Rusia de Putin es una especie de reencarnación del “fascismo”.
Sin embargo, esta actitud agresiva de Biden no es nada nuevo. Desde tiempo inmemorial, mucho antes de la Revolución Comunista, el angloimperio se ha enfrentado a Rusia por razones geopolíticas. Inglaterra primero y EEUU después (su sucesor), como potencias talasocráticas, han visto en Rusia un enemigo a abatir, independientemente del régimen político.
La guerra de Crimea fue un conflicto que entre 1853 y 1856 libraron el Imperio ruso y el Reino de Grecia contra una liga formada por el Imperio otomano, Francia, el Reino Unido y el Reino de Cerdeña. La desencadenó la política inglesa, decidida a impedir la influencia de Rusia sobre Europa, ante la posibilidad de que el Imperio otomano se desmoronase, y se disputó fundamentalmente en la península de Crimea, en torno a la base naval de Sebastopol. Se saldó con la derrota de Rusia, que se plasmó en el Tratado de París de 1856.
Desde finales del siglo XVII, el Imperio otomano se hallaba en decadencia y sus estructuras militares, políticas y económicas no fueron capaces de modernizarse. A consecuencia de varios conflictos, había perdido los territorios al norte del mar Negro, entre ellos la península de Crimea, de los que se había adueñado Rusia. Esta deseaba socavar la autoridad otomana y asumir la protección de la abundante minoría de cristianos ortodoxos de las provincias otomanas europeas. Francia y el Reino Unido temían que el Imperio otomano se transformase en vasallo ruso, lo que hubiese trastornado el equilibrio político entre las potencias europeas.
El primer ministro británico lord Palmerston fue un actor decisivo en el desarrollo de esta política antirrusa, que ya seria una constante en la política exterior británica, continuada después en el siglo XX por Halford John Mackinder, uno de los creadores de la ciencia geopolítica, ideólogo del tratado de Versalles y del apoyo inglés a los rusos blancos.
El concepto geopolítico de Heartland fue introducido por Mackinder[1], y ligado a la existencia geográfica de cuencas endorreicas, es decir, grandes cuencas fluviales que desembocan en mares cerrados (Mar Caspio, Mar Negro). Heartland procede del inglés heart (corazón) y land (tierra), siendo quizás "tierra nuclear" o "región cardial" las traducciones castellanas más aproximadas. El Heartland es la suma de una serie de cuencas fluviales contiguas cuyas aguas van a dar a cuerpos acuáticos inaccesibles para la navegación oceánica. Se trata de las cuencas endorreicas de Eurasia Central más la parte de la cuenca del Océano Ártico congelada en la Ruta del Norte con una capa de hielo de entre 1,2 y 2 metros, y por tanto impracticable buena parte del año ―salvo para rompehielos de propulsión atómica (que sólo la Federación Rusa posee) y similares embarcaciones.[2]
La regla de oro de Mackinder podría traducirse como "Quien una a Europa con el corazón de la tierra, dominará el corazón de la tierra y por tanto la Tierra". El Heartland carece de un centro neurálgico claro y puede definirse como un gigantesco y robusto cuerpo en busca de un cerebro. Dado que entre el Heartland y Europa no hay barreras geográficas naturales (cadenas montañosas, desiertos, mares, etc.), la cabeza más viable para el Heartland es claramente Europa, seguida a mucha distancia por China, Irán e India.
La marcha de la humanidad europea hacia el corazón de Asia culminó cuando la cultura griega se introdujo en la mismísima Mongolia: hoy el idioma mongol se escribe con caracteres cirílicos, de herencia greco-bizantina, significando que la caída de Constantinopla en realidad proyectó la influencia bizantina mucho más al Este de lo que los emperadores ortodoxos jamás hubieran podido imaginar. Sin embargo, la tarea de Europa no termina aquí, ya que sólo Europa puede acometer la empresa que convierta al Heartland en el potente espacio cerrado profetizado por Mackinder.
Para poder profundizar en el tema, es necesario familiarizarnos con la cosmogonía mackinderiana, que dividía el planeta en varios dominios geopolíticos claramente definidos.
• La Isla Mundial es la unión de Europa, Asia y África, y lo más parecido que hay en las tierras emergidas a Panthalasa u Océano Universal. Dentro de la Isla Mundial se encuentra Eurasia, la suma de Europa y Asia, que es una realidad tanto más separada de África desde la apertura del canal de Suez en 1869, que permitió que el poder marítimo envolviese a ambos continentes.
• El Heartland no precisa ya de introducción. La teoría mackinderiana parte de la base de que el Heartland es una realidad geográfica en el seno de la Isla Mundial, del mismo modo que la Isla Mundial es una realidad geográfica en el seno del Océano Mundial.
• El Rimland, también llamado Creciente Interior o Marginal, es una enorme franja terrestre que rodea al Heartland y que consta de las cuencas oceánicas anexas al mismo. Pentalasia, los Balcanes, Escandinavia, Alemania, Francia, España y la mayor parte de China e India, se encuentran en el Rimland.
• La Creciente Exterior o Insular es un conjunto de dominios ultramarinos periféricos, separados de la Creciente Interior por desiertos, mares y espacios helados. África subsahariana, las Islas Británicas, las Américas, Japón, Taiwán, Indonesia y Australia se encuentran en la Creciente Exterior.
• El Océano Mediterráneo (Midland Ocean) es el Hearlandt del poder marítimo. Mackinder definía el Océano Mediterráneo como la mitad norte del Atlántico más todos los espacios marítimos tributarios (Báltico, Bahía de Hudson, Mediterráneo, Caribe y Golfo de Méjico). Recordemos que las mayores cuencas fluviales del mundo son las que desembocan en el Atlántico —después vienen las del Ártico y sólo en tercer lugar vienen las cuencas del Pacífico.
Obsérvese que estas ideas geopolíticas han servido de guía en la estrategia y política exterior inglesa. Tanto en Primera como en la Segunda Guerra Mundial la diplomacia británica consiguió impedir una alianza Alemania- Rusia que habría unido Europa con el Heartland. De hecho, Mackinder, lejos de ser un simple intelectual, fue una persona muy comprometida con la diplomacia y la política exterior inglesa. Fue uno de los ideólogos del tratado de Versalles, cuya finalidad era la neutralización política y militar de Alemania. También fue uno de los ideólogos del apoyo inglés a los rusos blancos, en su lucha contra los bolcheviques. La finalidad era fragmentar Rusia en una serie de pequeños estados feudatarios del Imperio Británico, aunque la victoria bolchevique frustró este plan.
Aunque esta guerra civil fue un conflicto interno, la geopolítica y los vínculos contrapuestos con potencias extranjeras jugaron un papel considerable[3]. Combatieron los rojos (bolcheviques) contra los blancos. El bloque bolchevique tenía una clara identidad ideológica, política y geopolítica. Eran marxistas, apostaban por la dictadura del proletariado y geopolíticamente se orientaban hacia Alemania y en contra del Entente (Inglaterra, Francia, EEUU).
En contraste el bloque blanco no era uniforme, ni ideológica ni políticamente. Reunía desde socialistas revolucionarios hasta monárquicos zaristas, pero desde el punto geopolítico tendía a apostar por la alianza con Francia e Inglaterra. Solo pequeños segmentos de este movimiento mantenían una orientación proalemana, como era el caso del líder cosaco Krasnov y el ejército del norte.
Mackinder, el principal ideólogo del apoyo británico a los blancos, estaba convencido de que, debido a la disparidad de este bloque, en caso de victoria, provocaría una segmentación de Rusia en pequeños estados, pues cada general o “señor” de la guerra acabaría en erigirse en fundador de un nuevo estado. La estrategia inglesa para la desmembración de Rusia seguía, paso a paso, a la empleada de Hispanoamérica después de la independencia de España. Allí tuvo éxito y lo que podría haber sido una gran plataforma continental se desmembró en innumerables pequeños estados enfrentados unos con otros.
En Rusia no fue así. La victoria de los bolcheviques frustró las pretensiones inglesas. Mackinder era perfectamente consciente de que, después de esta victoria, la URSS iba a ser una gran potencia, tal como ocurrió.
Después de la II Guerra Mundial, los EEUU toman el relevo a Inglaterra como vanguardia del angloimperio. La Guerra Fría no fue solamente (aunque también) un enfrentamiento entre el liberal-capitalismo, representado por EEUU (y sus aliados/vasallos Inglaterra, Francia y Alemania), y el socialismo marxista o comunismo real, representado por la URSS. El componente geopolítico fue también muy importante.
Los cambios en la URSS empezaron con la ascensión de Gorbachev al cargo de secretario general del PCUS. La situación que encontró no era nada buena. La derrota y humillación en Afganistán planeaba sobre la sociedad soviética. El coche social, económico e ideológico empezaba a pararse. La economía se resentía de los gastos militares y de la ineficacia de la estatalización absoluta. La cosmovisión marxista había perdido todo su atractivo, e incluso los partidos comunistas occidentales se desmarcaban (al menos de cara a la galería) de la URSS y proclamaban su “eurocomunismo”.
Gorbachev debía tomar una posición sobre la estrategia futura de la URSS, y lo hizo adoptando como fundamento las teorías de la convergencia[4] y empezar la aproximación al mundo occidental a través de concesiones unilaterales. Esta política, que recibió el nombre de perestroika, partía de la base de que Occidente debía responder a cada concesión con movimientos análogos a favor de la URSS. Es evidente que no fue así.
La perestroika fue una cadena de pasos dirigida hacia la adopción de la democracia parlamentaria, el mercado, la glasnost (transparencia) y la expansión de las zonas de libertad cívica. Pero en los países del bloque oriental y en la periferia de la misma URSS estos cambios fueron percibidos como manifestaciones de debilidad y concesiones unilaterales a Occidente. Empezaron los movimientos secesionistas en la republicas bálticas, en Georgia y en Armenia.
Después del fracasado intento de golpe de estado de 1991, dirigido por los sectores más conservadores del PCUS, la ascensión de Boris Yeltsin fue imparable. El 8 de diciembre de 1991 se reunió con los presidentes de Bielorrusia y de Ucrania en el bosque de Bialowieza, donde se firmó un acuerdo para la creación de una Comunidad de Estados Independientes, lo que significaba, de facto, el fin de la existencia de la URSS. Sin embargo, a partir de aquí se pone en marcha un proceso que amenaza, no la existencia de la URSS, ya extinta, sino de la propia Rusia.
Parecía que el sueño de Mackinder iba a ser puesto en práctica. Estonia, Letonia, Lituania, Bielorrusia, Ucrania, Moldavia, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaiyán, Yugorrusia y Daguestán inician sus procesos de independencia. La declaración de Yeltsin, realizada en Ufá el 6 de agosto de 1990 pasó a la historia: “Tomad tanta soberanía como podáis engullir”. Las nuevas repúblicas apelaban (¡cómo no¡), al derecho a la autodeterminación de los pueblos. Así, por ejemplo, en la constitución de la republica de Sajá, adoptada el 27 de abril de 1992, se declaraba “Un gobierno soberano, democrático y jurídico, fundada en un derecho del pueblo a la autodeterminación”.
La política nacional de la propia Federación Rusa fue establecida por Ramzán Abdulatipov[5] y por Valery Tishkov[6], los cuales defendían sin tapujos la conversión de la Federación en una confederación, con completa separación de las republicas nacionales.
Especial impacto tuvo el conflicto de Chechenia. Desde 1990, y al abrigo de las tendencias autodestructivas que operaban en Rusia, habían surgido diversos movimientos nacionalistas, destacando el Congreso Nacional del Pueblo Checheno, dirigido por Dzhondar Dudayev, antiguo general de las fuerzas aéreas soviéticas. El 8 de junio de 1991 Dudayev proclamó la independencia de Chechenia, iniciándose un largo conflicto armado, que se complicó con la intervención del fundamentalismo islámico.
Ante todos estos acontecimientos, amplios sectores de la opinión pública rusa comienzan a ser conscientes de que las políticas de Yeltsin llevan a la destrucción de Rusia. A todo ellos hay que sumar un tremendo caos económico, que ha hundido en la miseria a la mayoría de la población, mientras que unos cuantos oligarcas se han enriquecido con las privatizaciones salvajes. En septiembre y octubre de 1993 estalla una revuelta, que tiene como centro el propios Soviet Supremo (el parlamento). El 4 de octubre, unidades militares leales a Yeltsin, acaban con la revuelta, bombardeando el Soviet Supremo.
Las fuerzas políticas que se han unido contra Yeltsin son muy varias: comunistas, nacionalistas y partidarios de la monarquía zarista ortodoxa. Pero todas tiene algo en común: la defensa de la soberanía de Rusia y el Eurasianismo. Esta coalición de fuerzas será la que dará apoyo a la emergencia de Vladimir Putin y al renacimiento de Rusia. Pero este ya es otro tema.
[1] En su obra The Geographical Pivot of History publicada en 1904
[2] Alsina Calvés, J. (2015) Aportaciones a la Cuarta Teoría Política. Tarragona, Ediciones Fides, pp. 110-112.
[3] Dugin, A. (2015) La última guerra de la Isla Mundial. La geopolítica de la Rusia contemporánea. Tarragona, Ediciones Fides, p. 38.
[4] Teorías que emergen entre 1950 y 1960 (Sorokin, Gilbert, Aron) según las cuales, a medida del desarrollo tecnológico, los sistemas capitalistas y socialistas formarían un grupo cada vez más próximo, es decir, tendían a converger.
[5] Presidente de la Cámara de las Nacionalidades
[6] Presidente del Comité Estatal de la Federación Rusa sobre nacionalidades.
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land-of-maps · 7 years
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Halford John Mackinders Geostrategic Heartland theory applied to ww2 (3686×2957)
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allineednow · 7 years
Here's your 'Putin Did It!' Survival Guide...
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This article first appeared in November 2016 on GR.
As the Duran reported, it was only a matter of time before the ‘Putin Did It’ (see The Duran Lexicon for more) line crept back into the news in light of a re-opened FBI investigation, following the discovery more incriminating Hillary Clinton emails. Sure enough, Howard Dean, the guy who ended his own presidential campaign by acting like a crazed hooligan on stage, has said that now the FBI and Putin are on the same side.
This comes days after Putin reassured the world that he really doesn’t want, need or care to meddle in the US election. Of course the usual suspects from the western mainstream media don’t hear Putin because he’s too damn reasonable. It appears that western mainstream media are confounded by Putin’s calm, his consistency, his logic and moreover from the fact that he doesn’t seem too perturbed about the issues that western pundits go hysterical over on a daily basis.
To be able to make life simpler for those who ‘question more’ in the following week,  I’t come up with a list of the varieties of people who say ‘Putin did it’ and why.
This is an group of people who lost their raison d’etre following the Soviet Union's prohibited break-up. Like the members of the CPSU who rallied against the leadership of Gorbachev in 1991, the loss of power equally devastated this wide variety of person. The lack of the USSR meant that they could talk about nuking Moscow in order from Communism; to & lsquo; rsquo & free the people. In an instant they went from being defenders of freedom, to trigger happy weirdos.
But life has recently got a lot better for them. These people go home at night faking the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation isn't  Gennady Zyuganov  however Vladimir Putin. To them the Soviet Union is back and so too is the wonderful crusade against it.
Many of these people couldn’t care less about Hillary Clinton’her crimes against everybody from Bernie Sanders to foreign heads of state and s mails. They’re happy that a mainstream political figure has allowed them to once more feel relevant. The USSR is back, it has to be destroyed by any means necessary and the former Goldwater supporter Hillary Clinton is their type of gal. Put on your cowboy boots…
This group has roots which date back far beyond America’s ascension as a world power. Unlike the previous group, these people are no laughing matter. Where the anti-Soviet cold warriors have a particular Dr. Strangelove worth to them, one which even in 1960s America wasn’t fully taken seriously, the anti-Russian racists have been spreading vile propaganda in the west for centuries.
To these people, Russians are barbaric by design. They are expendable and their country is fit as they see fit to be used by powers. This mindset reached a fevered pitch during the so-called ‘Great Game’ between Britain and Russia from the mid to late 19th century.
The kind of propaganda held that Russians have no education no culture, no civilisation and most importantly,  that Orthodox Christianity is a poor faith vis-à-vis varieties of Western Christianity. This was said in spite of Orthodoxy’s direct connection.
When Sir Halford John Mackinder suggested that Russia should be used as a region that the west must control in order to better dominate the Orient this mindset was later elevated to the realm of pseudoscience. According to these people, rsquo, Russia wasn &;t even worthy of colonising, it was a motorway that ought in order to get to the final destination to be pacified.
These ideas consequently became highly dangerous under the Nazis and were refined. Hitler sought Lebensraum or living space for the German race. To be able to achieve this, so Hitler could use the land to provide resources for the races, mainly Russians, Slavic populations, had to be eliminated.
Their attitudes have a similar origin, although few of those & lsquo; Putin Did It & rsquo; brigade associate themselves with Hitler. It is a deep set mindset whereby those of western European lineage and those of a Western Christian persuasion believe they're implicitly superior to Russians, black people, Jewish people, Orthodox Christians, Arabs, all Asian people and indigenous peoples of the Americas and Oceania.     Russia is the target because unity and of the power of the Russian state. But do not be fooled.   These folks are old fashioned western racists, they’re just more careful about whom they publicly insult these days.
‘Putin isn’t a liberal therefor he MUST be bad’: so goes the mantra of those who speak about Russia in a negative light and blame them for everything from the local health food store running from inedible garbage to the fact that their loser kids failed a recent maths examination.
For them, Russia has a DUTY to be a state, because that’s the way the world should be. There’s a racist element to this thinking. Because they see Russia as a state of ‘white folks,’ they expect Russia to do as European nations do and adopt the post-identity liberal way where to quote the song Lola by The Kinks ‘Girls will be boys and boys will be girls It’s a mixed up muddled up shook up world’.
They're incensed not by Russia’s alleged lack of democracy but because Russia is democratic and actively decide to do things the Russian way instead of the liberal European way. Of course this doesn’t match the story Putin is currently forcing Russians to have what they need in a way that is totally undemocratic.
In the event you’re looking for don, logic’t attempt a conversation with one of these liberals. These people know nothing about Russia, they cannot think anyone who looks vaguely wouldn’t want to be like liberals that are good. It must be a result of ‘oppression’.
The insincerity of the pseudo-compassion is exposed. Most of these people reckon they are pros that are Putin and can tell you composed stories concerning all you will need to know about Putin from his childhood to & lsquo; rig the election & rsquo;.
Less familiar to such people will be the titles, Alexander Yakovlev, Yegor Gaidar and Anatoly Chubais.   These folks are often wilfully ignorant that western bandits such as George Soros acted in collusion with Russian traitors from the 1990s to stave the Russian folks. When they hear that in the liberal 1990s, young men were committing suicide left and right, the elderly were starving and homeless, young women who would have been scientists, teachers, athletes or musicians were forced into prostitution; they just tend to cover their ears. To them, the precious story is more suitable than the fact of what Russia’s experimentation did to the lives of Russians.
So go on, ignore reality, and don’t choke on your gluten free smoothie. Keep calm and remember lsquo, & the problem;Putin did it’.
Unlike the groups, I pity these people. These are the people who were brought up to think ‘the west is the best’. In the west the truth is told by the newspapers and in other areas they're full of lies. Western politicians are honourable men and women who go to improve the lives of their countrymen. There is t and everywhere else there isn & rsquo; free speech. In the west, everybody is honest.
These folks are confounded to lean that powers are as bad or worse than the faraway places they’ve are vastly underdeveloped and backward vis-à-vis the west. These people still believe the myth even though the age of Wikileaks, new media such as  The Duran and RT, social media and an inter-connected world, has made such beliefs increasingly difficult to maintain.
For them, the clichés about ‘truth justice and the American (or French, or British, or Swedish or Dutch) way’ must be clung onto because it makes them feel safe in the world and absolves them of any guilt for voting for war criminals and con-artists.
She does deserve her own category. Seneca said, “Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful”. This quote goes a long way in describing the modus-operandi of Hillary Clinton. She'll say anything to anyone so as to gain some type of advantage that is electoral, economic or general.
I truly think that Hillary Clinton understands that Putin did NOT do it. But she has found a way to simultaneously exploit wicked racists stupid liberals , old Cold Warriors and believers. It was outside her, those of the world and just after Putin and Trump said some vaguely things about one another that Hillary Clinton started blaming Putin for every one of her own ills.
This demonstrates that the ‘Putin did it’ line is a child of opportunism rather than ideology. Had Trump and China's leaders said vaguely things about each other ‘China did it’ might have easily been her mantra.
However, Donald Trump was underestimated by Hillary Clinton. To quote George W. Bush, perhaps she even ‘misunderestimated’ Trump. Where many less independent minded leaders would have buckled under pressure and eventually said, ‘yes Putin is bad, sorry Mrs. Hillary you can spank me now’, Trump stuck to his principles and he should be lauded for it.
Trump has consistently said that although he doesn’t have a relationship with Putin he would like a good one because, collaboration between superpowers is far better than conflict, because a common policy on ISIS is much far better than a hypocritical and confused one and because Putin is a man who inherently controls respect, something which Donald Trump finds rightly admirable.
The moral of the story is, Hillary Clinton can fool a lot of the people a lot of the time but she cannot fool everybody all of the time. Donald Trump’s has made this especially so.
So there you have it. Your ‘Putin Did It’ survival manual. I have a feeling that over the next week it will be useful.
The original source of this article is The Duran
Copyright ©Adam Garrie, The Duran, 2017
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